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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West


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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West Empty Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  arpakola Mon May 12, 2014 5:32 pm

    Homosexuality: weapon of the West S6voKTVCcNQ

    Homosexuality: weapon of the West FWc5d-cj_jE
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  Hannibal Barca Mon May 12, 2014 5:42 pm

    arpakola wrote:Homosexuality: weapon of the West S6voKTVCcNQ

    Homosexuality: weapon of the West FWc5d-cj_jE

     Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing  ludicrous

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  magnumcromagnon Mon May 12, 2014 5:59 pm

    Hannibal Barca wrote:
    arpakola wrote:Homosexuality: weapon of the West S6voKTVCcNQ

    Homosexuality: weapon of the West FWc5d-cj_jE

     Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing  ludicrous

    I'm perplexed, what's the context of this?
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  Hannibal Barca Mon May 12, 2014 6:03 pm

    This transsexual low life spoke openly against Putin personally for Ukraine and for the supposed suppression of gays.
    One more NWO emetic tool of propaganda. How predictable! They can take the middle finger, they like it after all.
    As Sa'iqa

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  As Sa'iqa Mon May 12, 2014 6:08 pm

    Hannibal Barca wrote:One more NWO emetic tool of propaganda.
    Homosexuality: weapon of the West B22f15d1_tin-foil-hat-e1303319730252

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  Airbornewolf Mon May 12, 2014 6:46 pm

    Hannibal Barca wrote:This transsexual low life spoke openly against Putin personally for Ukraine and for the supposed  suppression of gays.
    One more NWO emetic tool of propaganda. How predictable! They can take the middle finger, they like it after all.

    usually im a "live and let live" kind of guy and am not judging others way of living if it does not bother me.

    but, this "it" is a joke. who takes someone's word seriously that obviously has serious identity issues themselves?. "girl with beard"...i really do not blame Russia for thinking its just some circus freak and laughing at the EU. and it would have been fine with me....but Nooo, in its 5 minutes of fame it had to open its mouth on politics. and then play the victim on twitter when Russia makes fun of it.

    and im really not anti-gay or anything, if they leave me alone i see no reason to meddle with them. but this whole Western obsession with promoting gay rights to the sickening extreme is rubbing me the wrong way for a while.

    Homosexuality: weapon of the West 10334310

    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  Hannibal Barca Mon May 12, 2014 8:53 pm

    It's even worse. I grew suspicious with the inexplicable success such people have again and again lately. I gather intelligence, that's my hobby. I know more or less what can be done.
    No way this trans was voted first in Greece, something is fishy here, VERY fishy. And believe me I am not into this conspiracy stuff, not at all..

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  KomissarBojanchev Mon May 12, 2014 9:02 pm

    I laughed my ass off when the russophobic western neocons were all around complaining how gay rights were " destroying family values" and the other crap, yet when they heard of the news that russia banned sticking your sexuality into society's face, they suddenly started acting like the biggest rainbow toting concious gay defending cocksuckers out there...

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  Airbornewolf Mon May 12, 2014 9:44 pm

    its no suprise the gay-issue is merely a political propaganda and destabilisation tool for the west like Hannibal said.

    like i said im no gay basher, but i understand from Russia's cultural viewpoint that gay parades just do not work there. and the west needs to shut up and respect the simple fact other cultures got their own way of living. with their own set of morals and standards where no foreign power has the right to meddle with. Russia understands that after the sovjet union-era and respects foreign nations are different. unlike the Western NATO and politics that act like an elephant in a glass house attacking everything that does not suit them.

    meanwhile, Europe economic industry has no interrest in blocking Russia.

    and Czech's put questionmarks with NATO's intentions...

    but also, within my own former army the millitary is very devided over ukraine and Russia. the "new" generation that recently joined or little service years are pro-U.S. while the older veterans that went to iraq and Afghanistan mostly defend Russia's opinions and severely distrust the U.S. often reffering to Afghanistan and Iraq and U.S misconducts and war crimes they personally witnessed. saying they will not be used again for this.

    this "devision" must run not only in my army, its present in other army's to certain degree's. i heard from a Slovakian soldier they pretty much switched from "slightly pro-EU" to "americans are going to bring war to our country if we do not keep them out". and now the Czech's are following suit with pretty much the same "no NATO forces in our country".

    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  Hannibal Barca Mon May 12, 2014 10:04 pm

    Airbornewolf wrote:its no suprise the gay-issue is merely a political propaganda and destabilisation tool for the west like Hannibal said.

    like i said im no gay basher, but i understand from Russia's cultural viewpoint that gay parades just do not work there. and the west needs to shut up and respect the simple fact other cultures got their own way of living. with their own set of morals and standards where no foreign power has the right to meddle with. Russia understands that after the sovjet union-era and respects foreign nations are different. unlike the Western NATO and politics that act like an elephant in a glass house attacking everything that does not suit them.  

    meanwhile, Europe economic industry has no interrest in blocking Russia.

    and Czech's put questionmarks with NATO's intentions...

    but also, within my own former army the millitary is very devided over ukraine and Russia. the "new" generation that recently joined or little service years are pro-U.S. while the older veterans that went to iraq and Afghanistan mostly defend Russia's opinions and severely distrust the U.S.  often reffering to Afghanistan and Iraq and U.S misconducts and war crimes they personally witnessed. saying they will not be used again for this.

    this "devision" must run not only in my army, its present in other army's to certain degree's. i heard from a Slovakian soldier they pretty much switched from "slightly pro-EU" to "americans are going to bring war to our country if we do not keep them out". and now the Czech's are following suit with pretty much the same "no NATO forces in our country".

    So fucking true mate! I mean seriously I don't know if the people of Europe realize what existential threat they put themselves into by accepting US occupy forces in their countries.
    Back in the early days this meant at least money now not only they don;t have any money to offer and stay for free but they also involve actively in stoping profitable deals with Eastern countries and undercover operations to control the political situation in the countries they evolve. Huge huge danger for no reason and some countries (Baltic, Romania, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Poland, Georgia) already fall to this trap with no return. They won everything they wanted in 1991 EVERYTHING. Without a single dispute, they even took Russia's land and huge Russian minorities for free and they spoil everything by turning against Russia. I have yet to see a more stupid policy in human history. I mean they haven't fight for anything like the Balkans to defeat Ottoman rule THEY TOOK IT ABSOLUTELY PEACEFULLY in first place. If Russia wanted nobody would have been free in first place...

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  Vann7 Tue May 13, 2014 1:22 am

    Hannibal Barca wrote:It's even worse. I grew suspicious with the inexplicable success such people have again and again lately. I gather intelligence, that's my hobby. I know more or less what can be done.
    No way this trans was voted first in Greece, something is fishy here, VERY fishy. And believe me I am not into this conspiracy stuff, not at all..

    It will be more easier to Understand United States ,its foreign Policy ,by looking at Russian laws.
    All US foreign policy but also many of its internal one its always oriented to later tell the European Union to follow suit and then use as a tool to create negative propaganda against Russia. In other words US foreign policy is aimed at the isolation and disbanding of Russia.
    This have been always its policy and it didn't changed with the collapse of Soviet Union ,it only accelerated. NATO expanded more and invaded more after the soviet union collapse.

    Neocons full agenda ,their overtime job is the creation of a world empire lead by the white house with
    NATO becoming the police of the world with military bases in all planet.
    Since Russia is their major obstacle ,since they promote Independence of nations ,the aim of the American-Jewish
    Neocons policy and laws is carefully planned to ...

    1)Create Unrest in Russia
    2)Divide greatly its society
    3)Create a negative image world wide of Russia
    4)Damage its Tourism  (why the Sochi negativity in the west.. so people do not go there or a toothpaste bomb will explode)
    5)Stop Russia influence in Europe
    6)Isolate Russia economically  
    7)Containment of its Army with many military bases at their borders.

    So for example if NATO deploy Patriot missiles at Mariupol ,then they could always monitor and have a control
    of Russia Airspace in Crimea airspace and Rostov on Don . It will be a disaster for Russia airspace security in the black sea.

    So if for example US and Europe promote gay rights ,they will use that ,to demonize Russia anti-Gay laws.. as they doing know.

    So if for example Russia promote Christianity (to counter their muslins problem and its growing influence) ,the US promote Islam
    and then force is EU puppets to do the same..

    If Russia for example promoted Islam and was a very solid Muslin stable NATION like IRAN for example. Then NEOcons policy will reverse
    and instead push for Christianity. LOL  Is all about Russia about containment of Russia and breaking its society unity.

    That said the Gay community are not really aware how they are used ,because US really dont care about them. You can easily see that
    by How US and its EU allies says nothing ,and remain totally silen about Saudi Arabia ,Qatar and most of the middle east ,where they have military bases ,how gays are killed there just for being gays. And how freedom of expression and media freedom is never an issue for NATO when it comes to their allies.

    The NATO Muslin Policy in Europe ,that they are welcoming them in huge numbers,is aimed to train terrorist ,NATO secret armies and later under their payroll and later to send them to Fight in Russia. If they disobey they and their families are threated to be exported to their nations. The Support of NATO neonazis not only in Ukraine but also all europe ,is like an alternative version ,because Muslins cannot fight in christian oriented thinking nations and gain support there.. Muslins can only fight in muslins regions ,like middle east ,africa and Dagestan . NATO proxy armies for Europe are the neonazis ,and their aim is always the same to stop any Russia influence in europe.In their failed Syria war , ~30% of the mercenaries came from Europe and transported by NATO planes to Turkey. and then smuggled to Syria.

    So as you see all US laws ,and foreign policy is aimed to make Russia as much as possible incompatible with Europe . but also damage its economy as much as possible by removing from power any Government friendly to Russia. and repeat another Soviet Union like collapse but this time in Russia..That is because US NEOcons cannot allow Russia to have a strong economy that could allow them to expand their world influence and  the day Europe and Russia become allies ,it will be the end of US empire. NATO will disband and no longer US will be able to maintain a military base in Europe ,since will be asked to remove it ,and without Europe support it will be impossible for US to ever start a war alone. And the worse part for them ,is their american banks and its currency will no longer become an standard ,accelerating its collapse.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Tue May 13, 2014 2:03 am; edited 2 times in total

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  mack8 Tue May 13, 2014 2:29 am

    Neocons full agenda ,their overtime job is the creation of a world empire lead by the white house with
    NATO becoming the police of the world with military bases in all planet.
    Since Russia is their major obstacle ,since they promote Independence of nations ,the aim of the American-Jewish
    Neocons policy and laws is carefully planned to ...

    1)Create Unrest in Russia
    2)Divide greatly its society
    3)Create a negative image world wide of Russia
    4)Damage its Tourism  (why the Sochi negativity in the west.. so people do not go there or a toothpaste bomb will explode)
    5)Stop Russia influence in Europe
    6)Isolate Russia economically  
    7)Containment of its Army with many military bases at their borders.

    Russia and China i might say. So, how can we, the world, stop that, realistically speaking, baring in mind the hideously extensive propaganda apparatus of the US in action in Europe, ME, Asia and other world regions (well, practically all), the corrupt vassals that betray without any second thoughts their own countries and peoples at their service, and their grotesque behind the scenes  war against anything -like truth- that challenges and questions their plans? How can we stop that from happening?

    On another note, may i again ask respectfully the posters here to stop posting graphic images without any warning, some of us do not have that kind of stomac, and it's simply not right to show death like this, we can't allow ourselves to become insensitive to it (like say the extremist groups that we see in "action" these days- we should not be animals like them)

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  TR1 Tue May 13, 2014 5:31 am

    Hannibal Barca wrote:This transsexual low life spoke openly against Putin personally for Ukraine and for the supposed  suppression of gays.
    One more NWO emetic tool of propaganda. How predictable! They can take the middle finger, they like it after all.

    Wouldn't be a problem if our Duma did not vote for retardedly pointless anti-gay laws.

    It is like the morons WANT more bad PR for Russia.

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  Regular Tue May 13, 2014 6:03 am

    Hannibal Barca wrote:It's even worse. I grew suspicious with the inexplicable success such people have again and again lately. I gather intelligence, that's my hobby. I know more or less what can be done.
    No way this trans was voted first in Greece, something is fishy here, VERY fishy. And believe me I am not into this conspiracy stuff, not at all..
    x2 same in Lithuania. How the fuck he got TEN points in such homophobic country is beyond me... And it puzzles my countrymen too. Pederastic propaganda..

    Last edited by Regular on Tue May 13, 2014 6:07 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  Regular Tue May 13, 2014 6:05 am

    TR1 wrote:
    Hannibal Barca wrote:This transsexual low life spoke openly against Putin personally for Ukraine and for the supposed  suppression of gays.
    One more NWO emetic tool of propaganda. How predictable! They can take the middle finger, they like it after all.

    Wouldn't be a problem if our Duma did not vote for retardedly pointless anti-gay laws.

    It is like the morons WANT more bad PR for Russia.
    But it is seen as good PR in some countries. I think Russian gov decided not to give crap about good PR.

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  magnumcromagnon Tue May 13, 2014 6:17 am

    TR1 wrote:
    Hannibal Barca wrote:This transsexual low life spoke openly against Putin personally for Ukraine and for the supposed  suppression of gays.
    One more NWO emetic tool of propaganda. How predictable! They can take the middle finger, they like it after all.

    Wouldn't be a problem if our Duma did not vote for retardedly pointless anti-gay laws.

    It is like the morons WANT more bad PR for Russia.

    But keep in mind that the American Govt. is the world leader in sanctimonious hypocrisy, just recently a Gay Saudi Diplomat begged for asylum which the Obama administration denied him asylum until public pressure from his electoral base forced Obama to grant him asylum. Obama was crying all-kinds of foul about Gay Rights in Russia, but he wasn't all that enthusiastic about saving a Gay Saudi diplomat from being publicly executed by way of decapitation which was well within his power, which proves that he (Obama) ranks the US-Saudi Petrol dollar gambit several notches higher than gay rights. It's safe-to-say that Barack Obama is a two-faced charlatan:

    Asseri had been convinced that Obama's stated commitment to gay rights would trump politics and keep him safe in the United States.
    "When President Obama ran in 2008 I supported him. I cried for him, I encouraged my American friends to vote for him. Now I can't stand to watch him on TV," he says. "I'm angry. He said he supports the rights of gay people, so why is this happening to me?"

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  macedonian Tue May 13, 2014 6:42 am

    TR1 wrote:Wouldn't be a problem if our Duma did not vote for retardedly pointless anti-gay laws.
    It is like the morons WANT more bad PR for Russia.

    TR1 you got kids?
    Well I do, and I wish our idiot MPs would vote a similar law here. Make themselves useful for a change.

    And I'm not gay-basher by any means, I do find the act itself disgusting (if I may be honest here) but I know and socialize with few gay man. I suspect they know how I feel, and that's why the subject never comes up in a conversation.

    But: Gay Parades?! WTF?!
    We don't have straight parades (which would also have no meaning) so why should we have gay parades? Why should they rub their sexuality in everyone's face?
    It's perverse to show your sexuality in the open, especially when young kids are present. I think if anything, Russia's laws on the matter are more ADVANCED not backward. It's not criminal to be gay in Russia as far as I know. What they've outlawed is PROPAGANDA towards minors. And that's good.

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  TR1 Tue May 13, 2014 6:57 am

    Oh come on.

    No straight parades is an awful rebuttal.

    There is a history (and continues) to this day, of both systemic and informal bias against gays. If it did not exist, they would not have parades. Pretending it does not exist does not make it so. Gays have been a marginalized group.

    Look, I lived in San Francisco for some time - some would say gay capital of the world. Somehow I never managed to stumble on a gay pride parade, nor did they invade my living space.

    You don't want to see it: DON'T GO TO THE PARADE.  
    In both public and private life gay people (both young and old) have faced suppression. If having a parade makes them feel better about that mental stress, so be it.

    What propaganda ffs? Is letting kids know there are gays propaganda? Is letting gay young adults know there is nothing morally wrong about what they are, a bad thing?
    Guess what: this law isn't going to make TEH GAYS go away. They will continue to be among straight people. Knowlege does not convert people into being gays.

    This law is just another example of how retardedly backwards Russia is in some ways. Disgraceful and embarrassing for me, personally.
    It has NOTHING to do with "protecting children". It has a lot to do with the outdated, unscientific, and all around ignorant knowledge Russians have about gays. Duma is just playing to the crowd.

    What's next, ban all sexual education in schools?
    Yeah that works out great!

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  TR1 Tue May 13, 2014 7:04 am

    macedonian wrote:

    And I'm not gay-basher by any means, I do find the act itself disgusting (if I may be honest here) but I know and socialize with few gay man. I suspect they know how I feel, and that's why the subject never comes up in a conversation.


    I find the thought of most straight couples having sex to be disgusting, to be completely frank. What can I say, I am a picky person.
    It does not effect in any way the way I socialize with them of course- why would it? Some straight couples do some kinky shit in the bedroom I would rather not know about, it simply does not concern me.

    The issue is when personal preference becomes law. Idiotic, useless, pointless law.
    Also it is a terrible precedent.
    We gonna start banning other, unpopular things as "propaganda"?
    Well, the process has already started in Russia, so we know where it is heading.


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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  macedonian Tue May 13, 2014 8:59 am

    I have a hard time following your reasoning on this TR1.

    We agree that different people have different tastes, what's fine and peachy for one is disgusting to the other.
    So why should ANYONE be he/she/it straight, gay or queer, force their views on anyone else? I'm afraid the argument that a sexual minority has seen "both systemic and informal bias against" them (as you put it) and thus should be NOW given the right to parade its sexuality is lost on me. I just don't approve of ANYONE forcing their views on anyone else. This is very un-PC of me in today's world, I know. Hell, go ahead and call me ignorant, just remember that what I stand for is 'live and let live'...and don't force your views on 'the other'.

    I understand that you find many of the stuff that straight couples do IN PRIVATE repulsing. I really do. That's why that should stay PRIVATE. Why is it than that a minority can have their sexuality paraded out in THE OPEN?! To be more equal? That's just an Orwellian type of 'equality' if you ask me.

    And your "The issue is when personal preference becomes law. Idiotic, useless, pointless law." looks like a communique that came straight out of the State Department. Might as well quote Jen Psaki...I'll stay civil and call it Fact twisting rather than call it a straight-out lie. I repeat - there is NO LAW that concerns one's sexual orientation, the law in question is against PROPAGANDIZING your sexual orientations to minors. I agree with that law in full, and still call the law ADVANCED rather than backward.

    And this:
    TR1 wrote:You don't want to see it: DON'T GO TO THE PARADE.
    Is on par with saying: 'You don't like rape: DON'T WITNESS IT THAN.
    Now, I'm against violence against someone because of their different sexual orientation. And stopping gay parades reduces the threat of violence against gays, if you ask me. I too have spend some time in San Francisco, and I personally saw violence against gays there. I saw two black people in a car run over a gay couple...and I disapprove of that.

    TR1 wrote:You don't want to see it: DON'T GO TO THE PARADE.
    Doesn't work. I live pretty central here in Skopje (that 'd be Down Town for you Americans here) and any gay parade will pass right down my window. And screw that, I don't want my kids to see that sh*t. I wouldn't want them to see a straight fuckfest either. I JUST.DON'T.WANT.TO.BE.EXPOSED.TO.ANYONEs.SEXUALITY! Period. Why is that too hard to understand?!

    TR1 wrote:What propaganda ffs? Is letting kids know there are gays propaganda?
    Kids start talking about, and discovering sexuality at a certain age. Teaching kids about sexuality prior to that age will result in trauma.
    Especially if they don't have it explained to them, but see it with their eyes BEFORE they are ready. I don't want someone else teaching my kids what's sexuality or have someone else decide when is the proper time to teach them! I want my kids discovering their sexuality on their own, in their own time, and not having it forced on them. Is that too much to ask?! We're talking democracy here, right? What about my kids' rights? Can't they be sheltered from the nastiness of the world, and live their childhood before they start discovering the ugly world of the adults?!

    I'll stop here. I don't want to go into what I believe homosexuality really is, because it's bound to piss you off even I'll stay silent on the matter.

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  TR1 Tue May 13, 2014 9:22 am

    Nobody is covering kids with gay propaganda though, especially not in Russia. That is why this is idiocy that is harmful to actually gay kids, who are left to traditional norms being the only "option".
    It is psychologically harmful to millions of children.
    I am not advocating for gay porn to be shown to children- the Duma would have you thinking they are protecting Russian kids from basically this. It is a joke.

    I guess what you are talking about gay parades is the extreme- parades with very lewd acts- hey no argument from me there. Establish a standard, enforce it for gays or anyone.
    Most gay parades I have seen are not full of people having sex- even if the outfits are a bit shocking.

    But really- even if they bend it a bit (with attire choice or, uh, very intense displays of personal affection), so what? Like I said, the parades are a result of historic and current marginalization and harm.
    Let them have their parades. If homophobia is truly gone (obviously, it is far from so), the parades will fizzle out for the most part within a generation or two. Us straight people can live with it. Big deal.

    If a gay pride parade is coming by your window and people are actually screwing at it, you would be well within reason to complain about it.
    I think 99% of gays would not find it offensive that you don't want kids seeing that.

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  macedonian Tue May 13, 2014 9:41 am

    TR1 wrote:Nobody is covering kids with gay propaganda though, especially not in Russia. That is why this is idiocy that is harmful to actually gay kids, who are left to traditional norms being the only "option".
    It is psychologically harmful to millions of children.
    I am not advocating for gay porn to be shown to children- the Duma would have you thinking they are protecting Russian kids from basically this. It is a joke.
    Come on man, just off the top of my head I can remember that Dolce&Gabbana and Levi's gay commercials. And having to switch off the TV in a hurry when they came on so my kids could not to see that stuff. No, I'm afraid Russia is right here.

    TR1 wrote:I guess what you are talking about gay parades is the extreme- parades with very lewd acts- hey no argument from me there. Establish a standard, enforce it for gays or anyone. Most gay parades I have seen are not full of people having sex- even if the outfits are a bit shocking.

    But really- even if they bend it a bit (with attire choice or, uh, very intense displays of personal affection), so what? Like I said, the parades are a result of historic and current marginalization and harm.
    Let them have their parades. If homophobia is truly gone (obviously, it is far from so), the parades will fizzle out for the most part within a generation or two. Us straight people can live with it. Big deal.
    Where do you draw the line though?
    Who's to say what's allowed and what isn't? If you ask many gay people - they'd say anything goes. Ask other gay people, they might be more reasonable.
    Best way is to NOT parade ANYONE's sexuality. No matter if they are a minority or majority. Fight for your rights like anyone else - have a lobby group in Parliament, have MPs sympathetic to your cause vote in anti-discrimination laws. Don't parade your stuff for anyone to see. It's just not right. Especially if it bothers the majority. What the hell do you expect after enraging the majority? Inclusiveness? No, reason and logic say you should expect more violence.

    TR1 wrote:If a gay pride parade is coming by your window and people are actually screwing at it, you would be well within reason to complain about it.
    I think 99% of gays would not find it offensive that you don't want kids seeing that.
    Sure, I'll be well within my rights, problem is - it'll be TOO LATE after my kids are exposed to it.
    Sorry, but I'm not ready to put my kids through that traumatic experience, just so that someone else can have their exhibitionist kicks.

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  GarryB Tue May 13, 2014 11:46 am

    Wouldn't be a problem if our Duma did not vote for retardedly pointless anti-gay laws.

    It is like the morons WANT more bad PR for Russia.

    If you want retarded pointless laws look to mother britain.... have you ever heard of an asbos law?

    I can't remember the exact wording of the acronym, but it is basically an anti social behaviour law. That is right... it makes illegal any behaviour that is not illegal, but is deemed anti social. In theory a 10,000 person riot in London with 100 police to stop them and those 10,000 hooligans could have those police arrested for not overturning cars and setting them on fire and breaking shop windows... Hilarious.

    The law is about promoting alternative sexual lifestyles to children... Children should be taught about sex and sexuality but they don't need the Karma Sutra with pictures given to them... and all the homo and lezzo variants and appendicies that go with it.

    I actually support Gay Marriage and gay rights... I just don't think they need a parade. Women got the vote her in New Zealand over a century ago they don't have a parade to celebrate that either.

    But it is seen as good PR in some countries. I think Russian gov decided not to give crap about good PR.

    Politicians in New Zealand are always justifying new laws by claiming they are already in use in this or that country... I would rather see them develop laws for us based on our values and beliefs.

    I respect the Russians for putting their own children above what is trendy or expected by the liberal west... whether they are right or wrong is irrelevant.

    And I'm not gay-basher by any means, I do find the act itself disgusting (if I may be honest here) but I know and socialize with few gay man. I suspect they know how I feel, and that's why the subject never comes up in a conversation.

    I know several gay and lesbian people and the subject still doesn't come up between us.

    Some seem to think gay and lesbian people must just be uncontrolable sex addicts that choose same sex relationships in desperation to have sex more often... especially male homosexuals because males appear to want sex more often than women.

    That doesn't seem to be true in my experience... some of my gay friends are very sexually frustrated.

    The idea that somehow a gay person is more likely to molest a child seems silly to me, though I am sure there are both gay and straight child molesters out there.

    Russia's laws on the matter are more ADVANCED not backward. It's not criminal to be gay in Russia as far as I know. What they've outlawed is PROPAGANDA towards minors. And that's good.


    They can come out of the closet, but there is no need to put them up on a stage.

    And magnumcromagnon raises a good point... if the west is so desperate to save Russian gays why doesn't it start by saving Saudi gays... and I don't mean one.... I mean them all by demanding all the countries of the middle east change their actually anti gay laws? Why do they want to interfere in Russia but not in the Middle East?

    The fact is that this is just another whip to beat Russia with... they could care less about gay rights.

    There is a history (and continues) to this day, of both systemic and informal bias against gays. If it did not exist, they would not have parades. Pretending it does not exist does not make it so. Gays have been a marginalized group.

    There is a history and it continues to this day of both systemic and informal bias against retarded people, against short people, against female people, against people with amputations, against people who are not so smart, against people who simply don't look very attractive or lack social skills or have a speach impediment... how many fucking parades are we going to have? Smile

    You don't want to see it: DON'T GO TO THE PARADE.

    I would suggest the parade is to put it in your face... to get on the news.

    If they want to celebrate then hire a hall and have a party... don't block the street all day and walk around half naked.

    That is why this is idiocy that is harmful to actually gay kids, who are left to traditional norms being the only "option".

    Gay kids? Why would you want gay people talking to your children about their feelings towards people of the same gender?

    They can't do anything about their feelings till they are teenagers anyway... I didn't understand very much when I was a kid because when you are a kid you should not be thinking about sex and sexuality... or are you claiming gay kids have the right to have sex... because they certainly don't in the west.
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  Hannibal Barca Tue May 13, 2014 12:04 pm

    TR1 wrote:
    Hannibal Barca wrote:This transsexual low life spoke openly against Putin personally for Ukraine and for the supposed  suppression of gays.
    One more NWO emetic tool of propaganda. How predictable! They can take the middle finger, they like it after all.

    Wouldn't be a problem if our Duma did not vote for retardedly pointless anti-gay laws.

    It is like the morons WANT more bad PR for Russia.

    You need to finally learn that there is no such thing like bad PR! Bad guys take the best chicks.

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  etaepsilonk Tue May 13, 2014 12:06 pm

    Jesus Christ, I come to learn about UA, and this is what I get?  Neutral 

    And I truly don't understand that fuss about that bearded ladyman. The whole eurovision is a queer event anyway, what is so surprising that queers are winning it? I mean, Dima Bilan also won, didn't he?  Wink


    Ukrainian CEC has registered 1.13 thousand international observers

    Ukraine's Central Election Commission (CEC) has registered a 1.13 thousand official observers who will be representing international organizations and foreign states in the presidential election to occur on May 25 th, announces UNIAN.

    On Monday, the pro-Russian separatists in the Donetsk and Luhansk stated that these regions of the Ukrainian presidential election will not take place.

    Earlier, Russia's Vladimir Čiurovas CEC told reporters that his agency did not receive a call to monitor the Ukrainian presidential elections.

    Last edited by etaepsilonk on Tue May 13, 2014 12:33 pm; edited 2 times in total

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