Ivan the Colorado wrote: Poroshenko's handlers don't want to give Russia an irrefutable reason to come in and ruin all their hard work. But with that said, it isn't the first time Kiev has tried to get Russia actively involved in the conflict. The Ukrops looked poised to invade Krim quite a few times already. With all the political upheaval going on Kiev who knows who is holding the chains anymore, or if Pork and co. decided to stop listening to their handlers.
There will be no attack on Krimu or this berg, not even the orcs are that stupud. Pretty busy this morning, though.
No real time commo with contact in Gorlovka since last evening.
I have never seen anyone in the uke 'national dress' in this berg, not now, not before this mess started. Here we don't damage or destroy cars with Uke stickers on them and we don't toss stones at those houses that still fly the orc flag either. It is their right just as it is their right to argue their cause as much as they want. On the other hand, to actively practice or encourage sedition and treason is a horse of an entirely different color.
We do have a smatter of cars from other areas besides Novorossiya, you can tell where they are from by the car tag prefix, but no more than usual. In descending order of locations by observed numbers, Donetsk Oblast (by far the highest number of machines, over 75% of Uke cars here) Kiev, Lugansk Oblast, Odessa area. All other areas are so rare one has to look them up. Trucks we don't count, most trucks from Ukeland here are in hiding so they are not requisitioned 'for the war', read taken and promptly sold, and there is a substantial herd of them floating around.
There is a growing annoyance with the numbers of 'guests' we have here who are in semipermanent residence. Many will very honestly tell you they are sitting the war out and intend to return home when the war is successfully concluded. The annoyance factor grows a bit every time we bury one of our boys, the growing consensus of opinion is why the heck are so many of the local men up there fighting while so many military age men from up there are sitting comfortably down here.
Last edited by auslander on Thu Aug 13, 2015 6:40 am; edited 1 time in total