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    Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA)


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    Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA) - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA)

    Post  kvs Sun Dec 03, 2017 5:40 pm

    Svyatoslavich wrote:
    KiloGolf wrote:
    George1 wrote:

     According to available information, currently VC Russia has 26 An-124 aircraft, of which ten are in a flying condition (the RA-82011 will be the eleventh airplane).

    That's pretty low, 11 Condors for a country with size of Russia. Shocked
    An-124 seldom flies. They aren't used even to transport equipment to Syria, preferring the cheaper option of using ships. For transportation inside Russia, or even for exercises with China, the well-developed railway system is the most used.

    The global demand for An-124 services is massive and there is a huge backlog of jobs that would justify new production. Russia had plans to
    restart production in cooperation with Ukraine. But Uncle Scumbag helped install the Nazi regime in Kiev that cut off Ukraine's nose to spite
    Ukraine's face. So Russia is now planning a replacement of the An-124 which will have 50% more cargo capacity and almost twice the range.

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    Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA) - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA)

    Post  Svyatoslavich Sun Dec 03, 2017 8:53 pm

    kvs wrote:
    The global demand for An-124 services is massive and there is a huge backlog of jobs that would justify new production.   Russia had plans to
    restart production in cooperation with Ukraine.   But Uncle Scumbag helped install the Nazi regime in Kiev that cut off Ukraine's nose to spite
    Ukraine's face.   So Russia is now planning a replacement of the An-124 which will have 50% more cargo capacity and almost twice the range.
    True. But I was referring to Russian Air Force An-124, especially to KiloGolf comments that 11 is insufficient. I think that for the military it is enough.

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    Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA) - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA)

    Post  GarryB Sun Dec 03, 2017 10:26 pm

    Well now that they can service them fully themselves it would make sense to get all 26 back into operational use.

    Most importantly what they need to do is to finish the new engine to replace the Ukrainian one the aircraft currently use.

    Fitting them to the An-124s they have in service now should boost performance and also allow for lots of operational experience that can be applied to the new replacement aircraft... the more aircraft they can fit them into the cheaper and more common they will become, so a two engined model in the 80-100 ton class would also be useful too.

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    Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA) - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA)

    Post  eehnie Sun Dec 03, 2017 11:44 pm

    The case of the reserve of An-124 is one of the cases where the aircrafts in the reserve are likely to be recovered for active service again. But still, its use is not a priority.

    At this point, in the refered to auxiliary aircrafts, I think this would be the order in priority of use until to be totally exhausted.


    Exhaustion by use:


    Exhaustion by sale or transfer to other gouvernmental agencies:

    Exhaustion by use:


    Exhaustion by aid to allies, use and more ways:

    Exhaustion by use:

    This priority of use toward the exhaustion by model also marks the priority by model in the recovery for active use of the units that can be recovered:

    L-39: Nothing to recover. There are not units in the reserve.
    An-140: Nothing to recover. There are not units in the reserve.
    An-148/158/178: Nothing to recover. There are not units in the reserve.
    Mi-6/10: Nothing to recover. The process of recovery was finished.
    An-22: Nothing to recover. The process of recovery was finished.

    Foreign to exit: L-410: A decent number of units can be recovered still.
    Transport: An-2: At this point only very few units would be still recoverable from the reserve to return to active service.
    Airliners: Il-18/20/22/24: At this point only very few units would be still recoverable from the reserve to return to active service.
    Trainers: Mi-2: At this point only very few units would be still recoverable from the reserve to return to active service.

    Transport: An-24/26/30/32: A decent number of units can be recovered still. There is not still a full use of the aircraft.
    Airliners: Next Tu-134
    Trainers: Next Yak-52

    Last edited by eehnie on Tue Dec 05, 2017 12:23 pm; edited 3 times in total

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    Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA) - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA)

    Post  Cyberspec Mon Dec 04, 2017 12:57 am

    I don't think 11 is enough. Especially since their strategy is to have a smaller but more mobile army...I guess they'll be refurbishing a few of the mothballed ones slowly

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    Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA) - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA)

    Post  AMCXXL Tue Dec 05, 2017 1:42 am

    Cyberspec wrote:I don't think 11 is enough. Especially since their strategy is to have a smaller but more mobile army...I guess they'll be refurbishing a few of the mothballed ones slowly

    Not 11 , are 12 , since RF-82041 is also in the inventary , it already was modernized in 2013 , received maintenance in 2017 at Ulyanovsk and flying since october.The page of russianplanes is not updated with this plane and also they have  a questionable methodology to count the number of aircraft ("in flight", instead of "in service")  since they count as "in reserve" the aircraft in periodic and ordinary maintenance, although they are part of the regiments and are not in an administrative "reserve" situation, as the airplanes were stored in Sescha for more than 10 years
    With this methodology never any regiment would have its full number of 18 or 24 aircraft , given that there will always be some airplane in planned maintenance (at least 2 or 3 per year)

    Some of you are mistaken about what is and what is the role of Military Transport Aviation (VTA), former 61 Air Army
    All of these aircraft listed avobe are not part of the VTA
    The VTA operates Il-76MD and has a squadron of An-124 for special loads. Also uses, a couple of times per year, about 4-5 An-22 when this is more convenient than using the An-124.

    The VTA is not a transport company and its airplanes are not freighters to carry goods that can be carried by other conventional aircrafts.
    To carry loads and military personnel, the VVS has the 8th Special Purpose Division (8 ADON) based on Chkalovsky (Moscow) , subordinated to central command, that also have Il-76, An-12, An-72 ,An-148 , An-140, Il-62,etc... and for ordinary transportation in each military district it has a conventional transport regiment with An-12 (equivalent to Hércules), An-26, An-72, etc. ...
    In the past years , the An-124 was not in the VTA , it was in the 224 LO , used as military and also civil freighter for hire. Since 2015 An-124 was recovered for the VTA

    The aircraft of the VTA has the main mission to deploy and support the military units, especially the airborne tropos
    Airborne tropos means transported by plane, not necessarily parachuted.
    The airborne troops (VDV), since the USSR , are specially designed and equipped for be transported with heavy aircrafts Il-76MD , and the aircraft Il-76MD were specially designed for that work.
    They have no equivalent in other countries, the Western planes type Hercules , C-135 and now A-400M are much smaller and less capable.
    The Il-76MD aircraft are the cargo mule of the VTA, designed for the transport of vehicles and materials of the VDV (BMP,BTR..)
    A Il-76MD división could carry one brigade of the VDV

    The An-124 aircraft are for special cargoes that the Il-76MD can not carry, such as MBT´s.
    A complete regiment of An-124 would be able to transport one MBT battalion from one side of Russia to the other or to countries in the neighborhood.
    Of course Russia does not need airplanes like the C-17 to transport Toyotas with freedom fighters to the other side of the world

    About the replacement for Il-76MD , the Il-476 or Il-76MD-90A , two airplanes (RF-78653 and RF-78654 ) are already in service with 610º TsBPiPLS at Ivanovo since the end of 2016.
    For 2017 is planned to build 3 more.
    The contract for 39 is for 4 squadrons (36) and 3 for test/instruction units (Ivanovo and pherhaps one for Akhtubinsk)

    Also there are a modernization Il-76MD-M with 41 planes ordered (4 squadrons and 5 for intruction units). First unit , RF-76746 is still in trials,
    In May 2017, the commander of military transport aviation (BTA), Lieutenant-General Vladimir Benediktov, announced that the formation of a new compound - the 18th Military Transport Aviation Division with headquarters in Orenburg, as well as the BTA regiment with the base in Ulyanovsk - was beginning. "This aircraft unit will also receive new aircraft - IL-76MD-90A. Today this is a priority task for us. In 2017, BTA planned to receive three new IL-76MD-90A aircraft. Last year we received two. On the basis of the center for combat training and retraining of flight personnel in Ivanovo is actively training for a new airplane of instructors and teachers, "Benediktov said at the time.

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    Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA) - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA)

    Post  AMCXXL Tue Dec 05, 2017 5:20 am

    eehnie wrote:The case of the reserve of An-124 is one of the cases where the aircrafts in the reserve are likely to be recovered for active service again. But still, its use is not a priority.

    At this point, in the refered to auxiliary aircrafts, I think this would be the order in priority of use until to be totally exhausted.


    Exhaustion by sale or transfer to other gouvernmental agencies:

    Exhaustion by use:


    Exhaustion by use:


    Exhaustion by aid to allies, use and more ways:

    Exhaustion by use:

    This priority of use toward the exhaustion by model also marks the priority by model in the recovery for active use of the units that can be recovered:

    L-39: Nothing to recover. There are not units in the reserve.
    An-140: Nothing to recover. There are not units in the reserve.
    An-148/158/178: Nothing to recover. There are not units in the reserve.
    Mi-6/10: Nothing to recover. The process of recovery was finished.
    An-22: Nothing to recover. The process of recovery was finished.

    Foreign to exit: L-410: A decent number of units can be recovered still.
    Transport: An-2: At this point only very few units would be still recoverable from the reserve to return to active service.
    Airliners: Il-18/20/22/24: At this point only very few units would be still recoverable from the reserve to return to active service.
    Trainers: Mi-2: At this point only very few units would be still recoverable from the reserve to return to active service.

    Transport: An-24/26/30/32: A decent number of units can be recovered still. There is not still a full use of the aircraft.
    Airliners: Next Tu-134
    Trainers: Next Yak-52

    In the VVS:

    Military Transport:
    An-124  (VTA) 14 in reserve, 10 to be modernized and return to service
    An-22 (VTA) To be decomisioned soon
    Il-76MD (VTA) To de replaced by Il-476 (Il-76MD-90A) about 30 in reserve, probably several repaired and retrun to service replacing older units
    An-12  To de replaced by Il-276 . Most of planes in reserve are not serviceable and canibalized  for keep others in service
    An-26  To be replaced for Il-112V . Most of planes in reserve are not serviceable and canibalized for keep others in service

    Il-18 to be decomissioned soon
    An-24RB (one only ´24 still in use in the NAVY)


    Command Post:


    Reconnaissance :
    An-30 To be decomissioned soon
    Tu-214OH  "open skyes"

    L-39 replaced by Yak-130
    Tu-134UBL  (Chelyabisnk training center)
    L-410UVP (Rtishchevo training center). Half a dozed used as "taxi" in transport units

    VVS does not use An-158/178 , An-32 (export) , Il-24 (prototypes of a civil versión)

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    Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA) - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA)

    Post  eehnie Tue Dec 05, 2017 11:54 am

    AMCXXL wrote:
    eehnie wrote:The case of the reserve of An-124 is one of the cases where the aircrafts in the reserve are likely to be recovered for active service again. But still, its use is not a priority.

    At this point, in the refered to auxiliary aircrafts, I think this would be the order in priority of use until to be totally exhausted.


    Exhaustion by use:


    Exhaustion by sale or transfer to other gouvernmental agencies:

    Exhaustion by use:


    Exhaustion by aid to allies, use and more ways:

    Exhaustion by use:

    This priority of use toward the exhaustion by model also marks the priority by model in the recovery for active use of the units that can be recovered:

    L-39: Nothing to recover. There are not units in the reserve.
    An-140: Nothing to recover. There are not units in the reserve.
    An-148/158/178: Nothing to recover. There are not units in the reserve.
    Mi-6/10: Nothing to recover. The process of recovery was finished.
    An-22: Nothing to recover. The process of recovery was finished.

    Foreign to exit: L-410: A decent number of units can be recovered still.
    Transport: An-2: At this point only very few units would be still recoverable from the reserve to return to active service.
    Airliners: Il-18/20/22/24: At this point only very few units would be still recoverable from the reserve to return to active service.
    Trainers: Mi-2: At this point only very few units would be still recoverable from the reserve to return to active service.

    Transport: An-24/26/30/32: A decent number of units can be recovered still. There is not still a full use of the aircraft.
    Airliners: Next Tu-134
    Trainers: Next Yak-52

    In the VVS:

    Military Transport:
    An-124  (VTA) 14 in reserve, 10 to be modernized and return to service
    An-22 (VTA) To be decomisioned soon
    Il-76MD (VTA) To de replaced by Il-476 (Il-76MD-90A) about 30 in reserve, probably several repaired and retrun to service replacing older units
    An-12  To de replaced by Il-276 . Most of planes in reserve are not serviceable and canibalized  for keep others in service
    An-26  To be replaced for Il-112V . Most of planes in reserve are not serviceable and canibalized for keep others in service

    Il-18 to be decomissioned soon
    An-24RB (one only ´24 still in use in the NAVY)


    Command Post:


    Reconnaissance :
    An-30 To be decomissioned soon
    Tu-214OH  "open skyes"

    L-39 replaced by Yak-130
    Tu-134UBL  (Chelyabisnk training center)
    L-410UVP (Rtishchevo training center). Half a dozed used as "taxi" in transport units

    VVS does not use An-158/178 , An-32 (export) , Il-24 (prototypes of a civil versión)

    Surely evident, but note that my previous comment:

    - Included auxiliary aircrafts including helicopters of all the branches of the Russian Armed Forces.
    - Used a designation that wants to include all the variants of every aircraft, used or not in the Russian Armed Forces. It shows a close mechanical relation between variants, that have many spare parts interchangeable. Only excluded the Il-38 that would be mechanically very related to the Il-18/20/22/24 but which main use is for a type of combat role.
    - Used the main role to group the aircrafts.
    - Included only the models closer to disappear in my opinion, that includes foreign models.
    - Recovery of units of the reserve to active service means not upgrade, but would include it.
    - By mistake I included the group of foreign aircrafts in the group of transport instead of airliners. Corrected.

    Different approach, surely based on different sources, but compatible in high degree.

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    Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA) - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA)

    Post  franco Tue Dec 05, 2017 8:47 pm

    There are 15 new L-410, with the last ones arriving in 2015. Plus some old ones used for basic 2 engine training as mentioned.

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    Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA) - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA)

    Post  eehnie Tue Dec 05, 2017 10:45 pm

    According to would be:

    29 active (of which 11 from 2011 to 2013. It seems the order until 15 was not completed after the bankrupcy of the company in early 2015)
    70 reserve

    Between the 70 in the reserve, many are in bad condition, but there is someone recently recovered as we can see in the pictures, and likely can be more. Maybe 10 or 20. Not sure.

    In other cases like the An-2, Il-18/20/22/24 or Mi-2, the number of recoverable units can be around 5 or less. Russia is in almost full use of the last units of these aircrafts.

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    Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA) - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA)

    Post  AMCXXL Wed Dec 06, 2017 3:47 am

    eehnie wrote:According to would be:

    29 active (of which 11 from 2011 to 2013. It seems the order until 15 was not completed after the bankrupcy of the company in early 2015)
    70 reserve

    Between the 70 in the reserve, many are in bad condition, but there is someone recently recovered as we can see in the pictures, and likely can be more. Maybe 10 or 20. Not sure.

    In other cases like the An-2, Il-18/20/22/24 or Mi-2, the number of recoverable units can be around 5 or less. Russia is in almost full use of the last units of these aircrafts.

    The matter with the account in the bottom of the pages of Russianplanes is that are not updated, in some cases, specially for airplanes of little interest since several years.
    Some airplanes classificated as "in fligth" are grounded , sometimes are derrelictic , or there are not a single photo in fligth in 25 years after the breakdown of the USSR.

    Also , the methodology for classificate the airplanes: "in fligth" , "stored", "scrapped" it is not very successful. This is a civil page (there are not list like this of combat aircrafts) and a civil airplane is always flying , because the civil airplanes are bought for win money. When are not flying is beeter to scrap because to pay the rate of te airport for be parked is very expensive.

    However , for the military aircrafy this is not correct, this page use the same situation "in storage" planes in a usual maintenance, that in the case of an An-124 can take several months, planes without use at a specific moment by some reasons but in active status, planes in admnistrative reserve status (several clases of reserve situations: base, depot, plant), planes canibalized and other soviet junk lying on the edges of the runways of many airports

    In the case of L-410 , as is a secundary plane , is better to look the planes one by one.
    Of the 11 planes listed as new for BBC several are mistaken. Have other registration diferent from RuAF. Also some are supposed because there are not photos or confirmation. Other source says 7 of this planes are of MoD but not clear if the VVS or other branch
    Anyway only one of Baltic has the red star in the tail.

    Two seems to work as liasion planes or taxi in Rostov (blue tail numbers) and other two in Ekaterinburg (Urals)
    One could serve as liasion in the Baltic between Levashovo and Gromovo , but in all the photos are the plane are grounded.
    The last plane seems works in Rtishchevo , but is not definitive is have been transfered to VVS from Let Sistems
    The plane with yellow number is not clear if it is of the VVS. The yellow number just changed in 2017 for red so could be based in Vladimir.

    Of the other 17 listed as "in fligth" in Rtishchevo, several have not any photo , others have a photo in or inside the rerair plant , and the most say "7-10 лет назад" or "10-15 лет назад" : no news since 10 years , not saw in fligth in most of cases this decade.
    Rtishchevo has one squadron operational , 12 planes or some more. the other half a hundred based here are grounded for a decade or more

    About RESERVE
    In the military , "active" or "in the structure"  , and "reserve" (1º class,2º class...) are administrative status.
    Russianplanes counts planes visually, by the photos , only as "fligth" or "grounded" , that is a different concept. It is a good but incomplete information.
    An abandoned , derreclictic or canibalized airplane is not "in reserve".
    One plane that not flyes this year (but can do it), because there are a plan for use the airplanes of a regiment to prevent many planes reach the necessary maintenance at the same time, is not "in reserve" , is in the structure of the regiment in "active" status.

    The most of the soviet airplanes have been scrapped in the last 5 or 10 years, and other are going to follow soon.
    The MiG-31´s stored in Khotilovo after receive other modernizated , the airplanes of Yelizovo, the near 50 Su-27S stored in Besovets, the two dozens of Krymsk , will be recycled for get a lot of Kg. by each plane of rare metals included some gold sylver of platimun. Already there are contracts for recycling and scrap these fighters. Perhaps some planes ends as monuments along Russia.

    The main reserve are Lipestk (4020 Aviation Reserve Base) where the planes are preserved correclty for can be retrunred to service.
    Last decade there were more of 250 MiG-23 stored (FACE says 266 in 2003) that were scrappped several years ago. In 2013-4 there were about 100 MiG-29 and 50 MiG-31. These last airplanes have been modernized and now there are about 100 MiG-29 , 15 Su-27 and and also one dozen of MiG-31 waiting for the modernization.

    With Su-24 and other planes (MiG-27 , Su-17..) was the same. In Chebenki (4215 ARB) were scrapped by hundreds.
    Other places as ARZ 514 , ARZ 275 , etc...with planes stored , only uses for parts.
    About the big airplanes, most have been scrapped as the case of ships or nuclear submarines.
    Russianplanes can have it as "stored" for years after the scrapping. With the satellite you can see how many planes are in each base, depot or repair plants , and in the last years hundreds of airplanes have disappeared from the aerodromes.

    With exceptions,(10 An-124, several Il-76), etc ..., the airplanes that now have the RuAF in service are those that will continue operating until the replacement by new ones.

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    Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA) - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA)

    Post  eehnie Wed Dec 06, 2017 6:20 am

    For me the work does is so powerful. Being a database focused initially on civil aircrafts, my wish would be they can complete some day their work also for military aircrafts, because in the cases they have done it I only found advantages. In their main page, we can find bolded in blue, the models where they have completed the work of including all the units, while we have in grey the models where the number of entries have not been completed still, they say "in development".

    The first thing we need to take into account is that they have today an insane number of aircrafts in their data base, likely over 100000. Then it always has some effect about the updating of the data, but they do a reasonable work on it, in my opinion. I can not follow the data for all the aircrafts closely, but in the cases I follow most closely I find a decent level of updating (in the range of several months).

    Also, to make a valoration of the entries they include, it is necessary to say that their main source seems to be in production data. Likely obtained from the factories or from the registration official places. The main data for them, the data that always is present, in every entry for every single aircraft, is what can be called "head number". Later the rest of the data, like the "on board" number, airline, status or pictures seems to be attached to every entry of "head number". Despite to have not entries with "on board" number, pictures or other things, I do not think they have fictious entries. Sure they have some mistake (like the same picture for two aircrafts,...) but their work is outstanding in my view.

    About the updating, they update every entry for every aircraft independently, and they do a continues work. As example in the case of the L-410 we can find entries updated in 2013, in most of the cases of aircrafts out of the game, but also we can find some entries updated on 2017-11-27, including a change of 2017-11-15.

    This is what I would say about them. Except for some single models, or some single aircrafts of my interest, they are able to go ahead me in most of the cases.

    Also for me are interesting your comments and the comments of Franco about the data of the souce and other sources.
    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA) - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA)

    Post  Tsavo Lion Wed Dec 20, 2017 10:33 pm

    An attempt to partially update the IL-76MD fleet was undertaken in 2013, when an agreement was signed between UAC-TS and Aviastar-SP on the delivery of 39 aircraft of the upgraded Il-76MD-90A project until 2020. At the end of 2017, the customer was supplied with five units, of which two units were transferred to the Beriev TANTK for conversion to a prospective aircraft DRLOiU A-100. Another aircraft in the Il-78M-90A version (tanker) was rolled out in November 2017. Currently, Aviastar-SP is implementing the Il-76MD-90A threadless assembly, commissioning of which will theoretically speed up the serial production of aircraft. However, even now we can say that the state contract for the delivery of 39 sides of the renewed heavy military-technical cooperation has been successfully disrupted.
    At the same time, it should be noted that if there are almost a hundred Il-76MD active, the resource of which is enough for another 15-20 years, the breach of the contract execution terms does not lead to negative consequences for BTA Russia.
    Intensification of the serial production of IL-76MD-90A is necessary primarily for the construction of platforms for special versions A-100 and IL-78M-90A.
    The question of the creation and production of a new generation military transport aircraft (IL-106 / PAK TA) is once again postponed to the distant future. ..
    IL-276..In 2023 the first flight is planned. The "new" medium military-technical cooperation will be carried out according to the high-plan scheme with the T-shaped tail. The maximum take-off weight is expected to be 68 tons, and the estimated maximum payload is 20 tons, which it will be able to carry for 2,000 kilometers.
    Cargo cabin in size and design will be unified with IL-76MD, which is confirmed by the words of the head of the SVTS program. The power plant at the first stage will be represented by two PS-90A-76, and in the future a promising motor PD-14M.
    All these characteristics are repeated by KB SV. Ilyushin over the past 15 years and accurately reproduced in the media. However, the question of whether a new medium military transport aircraft will be received by BTA Russia in the next ten years remains open.
    Currently, the Il-112 program is in preparation for rolling out and the first flight. Apparently, the problem with the power plant will be solved until 2020.
    On December 18, the new aviation engine TV7-117ST developed by JSC "Klimov", intended for installation on a light military transport aircraft IL-112V, completed the first stage of flight tests . Judging by the contradictory reports of the leadership of the aircraft industry, the first flight of the car will take place not earlier than in the spring-summer of 2018. The exact timeframe for the start of the serial production of the Il-112 now, probably, no one can call it.

    Russia’s New Aerial Tanker Emerges
    From the baseline Il-76M-90A airlifter, the Il-78M-90A differs in having two additional tanks for fifty metric tons of fuel located inside the cargo compartment. This increases the total fuel capacity to 126 metric tons (277,200 pounds), which is 60 percent of the aircraft’s mtow (210 metric tons/493,000 pounds).
    Refueling is conducted via fuel pods: one under each wing and a third attached to the port side of the rear fuselage. Fighter aircraft can take fuel from all three refueling points, whereas bombers can use only the centerline one. On the ground, the air tanker can feed four aircraft at a time.
    The Il-78M-90A design retains the large cargo ramp in the rear fuselage and equipment for airdropping; and can be converted into a standard airlifter by removing the additional fuel tanks and onboard equipment for refueling. If required, firefighting equipment can be installed.
    In addition to supplying Il-78M-90As to the Russian air force, UAC also hopes to win foreign orders. India has declared its intent to acquire additional Russian air tankers, having reconsidered its earlier selection of the Airbus A330 MRTT. The Indian air force currently operates six Il-78Ms that were the last to come from the old Il-76/78 production line in Tashkent, Uzbekistan. Pakistan and China have opted for Il-78MP conversions of standard Il-76 airlifters done in the Ukraine.

    IAF’s mid-air refuelling fleet to take a hit as numbers fall
    India is expected to float a new global tender for six or more tankers next year to stay prepared to counter China in the eastern sector, the sources said. The purchase could be worth as much as Rs 13,000 crore. [1 crore=10M; 13B INR= $203.19M]

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    Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA) - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA)

    Post  eehnie Fri Dec 29, 2017 11:58 pm

    Data by weight class, updated at the begin of 2018 from and other complementary sources:

    1st Size Cathegory:

    2nd Size Cathegory:
    Active 011 Reserve 015 Production 1984-Today An-124

    3rd Size Cathegory:
    Active 003 Reserve 002 Production 1979-Today Il-86/80/96
    Active 004 Reserve 005 Production 1966-1975 An-22

    4th Size Cathegory:
    Active 152 Reserve 065 Production 1973-Today Il-76/78/A-50
    Active 006 Reserve 003 Production 1966-Today Il-62

    5th Size Cathegory:
    Active 006 Reserve 000 Production 1990-Today Tu-204/214
    Active 018 Reserve 003 Production 1969-Today Tu-154

    6th Size Cathegory:
    Active 000 Reserve 000 Production 2010-Today Su-Superjet100
    Active 035 Reserve 052 Production 1980-Today Mi-26/27
    Active 000 Reserve 000 Production 1976-2003 Yak-42/142:
    Active 065 Reserve 098 Production 1964-1989 Tu-134
    Active 044 Reserve 009 Production 1959-1985 Il-18/20/22/24
    Active 064 Reserve 048 Production 1957-1972 An-10/12

    7th Size Cathegory:
    Active 028 Reserve 019 Production 1985-Today An-72/71/74
    Active 000 Reserve 010 Production 1960-1980 Mi-6/10/22

    8th Size Cathegory:
    Active 000 Reserve 000 Production 2018-Today Mi-38 (would need to reach around 16500 Kg of Maximum Take-Off Weight)
    Active 161 Reserve 260 Production 1962-Today An-24/26/30/32

    9th Size Cathegory:
    Active 099 Reserve 000 Production 2009-Today Yak-130
    Active 138 Reserve 068 Production 1979-Today Ka-27/28/29/31/32

    10th Size Cathegory:
    Active 000 Reserve 000 Production 1993-Today Che-22:

    11th Size Cathegory:
    Active 036 Reserve 000 Production 2013-Today Mi-Ansat
    Active 028 Reserve 029 Production 1966-1993 Mi-2
    Active 036 Reserve 038 Production 1950-1991 An-2

    12th Size Cathegory:
    Active 041 Reserve 000 Production 2004-Today Ka-226

    13th Size Cathegory:
    Active 000 Reserve 000 Production 2018-Today Yak-152
    Active 000 Reserve 000 Production 1996-2008 Il-103:
    Active 000 Reserve 000 Production 1989-Today MAI-890:
    Active 000 Reserve 000 Production 1985-Today Yak-55/54/56:
    Active 000 Reserve 000 Production 1984-Today Su-26/29/31:
    Active 099 Reserve 240 Production 1977-1998 Yak-52

    Including all the most modern Russian and Sovietic successful aircrafts and helicopters with production over 50 units, plus the Mi-38 and the Yak-152, which mass production begins now, are expected to be a success, and have been ordered by the Russian Armed Forces. Included not foreign aircrafts that are likely to disappear soon from the Russian Armed forces (by sale, transfer to other governmental ministries or other way):

    Active 012 Reserve 000 Production 2009-Today An-148/158/178 in the weignt clas of the An-72/74
    Active 009 Reserve 000 Production 1997-Today An-140 in the weight class of the An-24/26/30/32
    Active 029 Reserve 070 Production 1970-2015 L-410 in the weight class of the Che-22
    Active 200 Reserve 000 Production 1977-1998 L-39 in the weight class of the An-2

    Green means production available for Russia. Blue means unlikely to reach the Russian Armed Forces. Purple is related with foreign and local aircrafts likely to disappear soon.

    Between the 6 biggest cathegories aircrafts are dominant. Between the following 6 cathegories the helicopters would be dominant despite to be not present in all the cathegories, taking into account the success of the Mi-26/27 and the Mi-6/10 (bigger than the success of the An-72/71/74, with higher number of units produced). And in the smallest cathegory trainer aircrafts would be dominant. In the future I would expect:

    - Transport aircrafts to be successful in the 2nd to 6th cathegories (since 20 tons payload).
    - Airliner aircrafts to be successful in the 3rd to 6th cathegories (since 95-100 passengers + mid range >5000Km).
    - Helicopters to be successful in the 6th to 12th cathegories (until 20 tons payload).
    - Trainer aircrafts to be successful in the 9th and 13th cathegories.

    The success is uncertain, even unlikely, for the rest of the options. As overall rule, I would avoid to invest on them.

    More explanation about, in the following link:

    According to it, this would be the order of priority for auxiliary aircrafts and helicopters:

    0.- Su-SJ100 (I expect some order from the Russian Armed Forces in the short term).

    1.- Ka-60/62 (in the Che-22 10th size class with around 2.5 tons payload)
    2.- Tu-330 (in the Tu-204/214 5th size class with around 40 tons payload).
    3.- Mi-46/AHL (in the An-72/71/74 7th size class with around 15 tons payload).
    4.- Il-106/PTS Ermak 80 (in the An-22 3rd size class with around 80 tons payload).
    5.- Il-276 (in the An-10/12 6th size class with around 20 tons payload).
    6.- PTS Ermak 160 (in the An-124 2nd size class with around 160 tons payload).
    7.- Tu-304/Frigate Freejet (in the Il-62 4th size class for double configuration: 1 mid passenger capacity + long range, 2 high passenger capacity + mid range).
    8.- New Aircraft (in the Il-76/78 Be-A50 4th size class with around 60 tons payload).
    9.- CRAIC CR929 (in the Il-86/80/96 3rd size class for high passenger capacity + long range).
    10.- Ka-40 Minoga (in the Ka/27/28/29/31/32/35 9th size class with around 5 tons payload).
    11.- New Helicopter (in the Mi-26/27 6th size class with around 20 tons payload.
    12.- MS-21/Yak-242 (in the Tu-204/214 5th size class for mid passenger capacity + mid range).

    Note that the PTS Ermak 240 would come as consecuence of the three sizes philosophy of the PAK-VTA project, but would not be prioritary in my view. The Il-PAK-TA is not in the list because would be for air transport in contested areas.

    The Mi-6/10/22 seems exhausted, pending total decommission.
    I would expect the An-22 to be used until to be totally exhausted in the short-term.
    The An-2 need also a plan for total exhaustion.

    Last edited by eehnie on Tue Sep 18, 2018 6:17 pm; edited 14 times in total

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    Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA) - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA)

    Post  George1 Sat Jan 13, 2018 11:41 am

    Defense Ministry to receive first Il-76MD-M in January


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    Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA) - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA)

    Post  George1 Tue Jan 30, 2018 1:05 pm

    Head of PJSC "Aviation Complex named after. S.V. Ilyushin "Alexey Rogozin on the development of transport aviation (Il-276, Il-112V, IL-76MD-90A, VTA)

    - At what stage is the development of the medium military transport plane Il-276?
    - We have practically agreed the tactical and technical task for this machine, we specially formed a very strong team inside the "Ilyushin" to work on this project. The plane is being created to replace the An-12 fleet, which is operated by the Defense Ministry, and the resource is coming to an end. The timing of the project is limited, above all, the task of maintaining the fleet of aircraft. According to our forecasts, the first flight should be made no later than 2023. Given the availability of timely funding, I think this is an achievable task.
    - It became heavier in connection with the release of India from the project MTA?
    - I would not say that this is the same project. Both aircraft are really unified for a number of solutions, including, for example, the size of the cargo cabin - it is almost equal to the IL-76 dimensions - but much more in these machines is quite significant. We carried out an in-depth analysis of the reserve, which was produced under the AIT project jointly with India, but the Il-276 project is being created on the instructions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. And these are other tasks, slightly different operating conditions; In addition, we are striving to have a new engine on the Il-276 - PD-14. I do not exclude that India will resume its interest, realizing that we have started the development of a more than competitive aircraft. Although the main task, of course, is the replacement of the An-12 in the aerospace forces of the Russian Federation, which means that in the next few years the Defense Ministry will remain our sole customer, taking into account the pace of the An-12 aircraft decommissioning. The AN-12 park will require more than one year to replace.
    - And what is the resource of the ΜTA park?
    - A large volume of aircraft was produced in the interests of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR. In this sense, the problem is not as critical as in the An-12 park. But, nevertheless, the new IL-76MD-90A differs significantly from its predecessor in terms of flight performance, convenience in piloting, in carrying capacity. Therefore, this is not only a replacement of the park, it is an increase in the capabilities of ΜTA.
    - What about the Il-112V project?
    - In the second half of the year we plan to make the first flight of this aircraft, which is being developed to replace the An-26. This car with a rather difficult fate, because its development in the previous form began in 2003 and was suspended twice. Of course, during our work with the resumption of the project in 2014, we substantially reworked all the documentation and replaced the systems. Today, there are already two aircraft in production: one resource-static, one flight-at the final stage of assembly, and in the spring it is planned to put under the current. I hope that in the spring, several more aircraft will be launched.
    - Is there an order already?
    - Deliveries of IL-112 are included in the new SAP. At the same time, we are conducting preliminary negotiations on the large supply of this aircraft to one of the traditional customers of Russian equipment abroad.
    - It was reported that Uzbekistan will participate in the cooperation, does it have the opportunity to do so?
    "We have never interrupted our relations with Tashkent, there is a branch of Ilyushin." We are interested in cooperation with all who are able to be with us in the overall cooperation, and we see this potential with Uzbekistan. However, we make certain requirements to our partners in terms of their level of technological readiness and the ability to work with digital documentation. Of course, there were specialists and infrastructure to organize a full-fledged production, but it's too early to talk about specific projects. Perhaps, the Uzbek partners will act as investors.
    - How do you solve the issue of servicing the An-124-100 Ruslan aircraft?
    - The "Il" has the functions of a developer for these aircraft. Such a decision was made after all the well-known events of 2014, when the state enterprise Antonov actually refused technical support and further cooperation on the An-124 program. These competencies are now on the "Ile", the work is underway to modernize the aircraft using the reserve, which appeared during the program of creating the IL-76MD-90A. I consider it quite possible to develop the Ruslan theme independently, since the resource of the existing sides is still very large, they will be able to be operated at least until 2040. The main task now is to ensure its safe operation and further development.
    - Does the AN-124-100 deal with Aviastar-SP in Ulyanovsk without the help of the Antonov state enterprise?
    - The connections between the enterprises are now broken. But I would like to recall that this aircraft was not developed in Ukraine, but in the Soviet Union. There was a very wide cooperation: central scientific institutes, design offices, enterprises of the whole large country. And the production itself was organized in Ulyanovsk. So you can not consider "Ruslana" Ukrainian development.
    - Is it possible to resume cooperation with Ukraine?
    - In Kiev, many people already understand that the breakdown of relations with Russia has hit Ukrainian enterprises. I can honestly say that we do not shy away from cooperation with Ukrainian partners and are ready for negotiations. But only in case of appropriate decisions at the state level.
    - You said that there is an opportunity to exploit the "Ruslans" until 2040. But what about the engines that were created in Ukraine?
    - The resource of existing engines will suffice. And believe me, Russian industry is able to master the production of engines of this class.
    - The government recently allocated 65 billion rubles. from the budget for the creation of a new super-power engine, which should be used including VTA .
    - It is necessary to understand that PD-35 is not one engine, but a whole family based on one gas generator. The thrust that can be laid in this family is in a fairly wide range, which allows us to consider the installation of one of the modifications of such an installation, including a promising twin-engine version of the IL-96. This issue was worked out. No significant design changes to the aircraft will not be required. Perhaps, PD-35 will also be used on the Russian-Chinese wide-body aircraft CR-929 or, for example, used for the twin-engine IL-76 transport scheme. Any development of aircraft in Russia should take into account the plans for the development of this class of engines. Now we expect from the enterprises of the United Engine-Building Corporation to make concrete decisions on the timing of the development of these engines.
    - At what stage is the development of a promising VTA aviation complex?
    - We are waiting for the decision of the Ministry of Defense of Russia on the need for R & D in the coming years. At the same time, even the basic technical requirements for such an aircraft have not been approved, but, based on existing realities, we understand that two basic requirements will be presented to it ...
    - Carrying capacity?
    - Yes. As a rule, a figure of not less than 80 tons is discussed. And the second - the size of the cargo cabin, allowing to transport both large-sized and oversized equipment. But to start the work you need to understand the customer: on an initiative basis, no company in the world is able to develop and create an aircraft of this class.
    - It will come to replace the An-124-100 and An-22?
    - The niche of the plane is in this class. The need for Ruslan aircraft today is extremely high.
    - The creation of the IL-96-400M rests on payback issues, since four engines require a large fuel consumption.
    - Of course, the engine, which today stands on it, does not belong to the category of the most economical. On the other hand, it meets all the requirements - for safety, noise, and emissions. The increased fuel consumption associated with its operation can be more than offset by other characteristics of the new Il-96 aircraft. Including a very competitive price, which should already spur the interest of Russian and foreign aviation companies. At the same time, our task is not just to develop an aircraft, and then to offer it to the market, we must now listen to potential customers. Such negotiations are under way, and I think they will result in a batch production of the promising IL-96-400M.
    - And what about the An-148, which were created in the VASO?
    - The program actually ends. At the same time, the aircraft is objectively in demand, therefore, it is possible that decisions will be taken on the further fate of this type of vehicles.
    - Do you have design documentation for it?
    - You know perfectly well that the aircraft was developed at the Antonov Design Bureau and, accordingly, the documentation belongs to them. But during the development of production in Voronezh, a significant contribution to the refinement of the An-148 was made by the Russian company, so some reserve for this aircraft can be used in other promising programs.

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    Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA) - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA)

    Post  AMCXXL Tue Jan 30, 2018 8:08 pm

    George1 wrote:
    But I would like to recall that this aircraft (An-124) was not developed in Ukraine, but in the Soviet Union And the production itself was organized in Ulyanovsk. So you can not consider "Ruslana" Ukrainian development..

    Well said. It has to put things in their place

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    Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA) - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA)

    Post  eehnie Tue Jan 30, 2018 10:06 pm

    George1 wrote:Head of PJSC "Aviation Complex named after. S.V. Ilyushin "Alexey Rogozin on the development of transport aviation (Il-276, Il-112V, IL-76MD-90A, VTA)

    - At what stage is the development of the medium military transport plane Il-276?
    - We have practically agreed the tactical and technical task for this machine, we specially formed a very strong team inside the "Ilyushin" to work on this project. The plane is being created to replace the An-12 fleet, which is operated by the Defense Ministry, and the resource is coming to an end. The timing of the project is limited, above all, the task of maintaining the fleet of aircraft. According to our forecasts, the first flight should be made no later than 2023. Given the availability of timely funding, I think this is an achievable task.
    - It became heavier in connection with the release of India from the project MTA?
    - I would not say that this is the same project. Both aircraft are really unified for a number of solutions, including, for example, the size of the cargo cabin - it is almost equal to the IL-76 dimensions - but much more in these machines is quite significant. We carried out an in-depth analysis of the reserve, which was produced under the AIT project jointly with India, but the Il-276 project is being created on the instructions of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. And these are other tasks, slightly different operating conditions; In addition, we are striving to have a new engine on the Il-276 - PD-14. I do not exclude that India will resume its interest, realizing that we have started the development of a more than competitive aircraft. Although the main task, of course, is the replacement of the An-12 in the aerospace forces of the Russian Federation, which means that in the next few years the Defense Ministry will remain our sole customer, taking into account the pace of the An-12 aircraft decommissioning. The AN-12 park will require more than one year to replace.
    - And what is the resource of the ΜTA park?
    - A large volume of aircraft was produced in the interests of the Ministry of Defense of the USSR. In this sense, the problem is not as critical as in the An-12 park. But, nevertheless, the new IL-76MD-90A differs significantly from its predecessor in terms of flight performance, convenience in piloting, in carrying capacity. Therefore, this is not only a replacement of the park, it is an increase in the capabilities of ΜTA.
    - What about the Il-112V project?
    - In the second half of the year we plan to make the first flight of this aircraft, which is being developed to replace the An-26. This car with a rather difficult fate, because its development in the previous form began in 2003 and was suspended twice. Of course, during our work with the resumption of the project in 2014, we substantially reworked all the documentation and replaced the systems. Today, there are already two aircraft in production: one resource-static, one flight-at the final stage of assembly, and in the spring it is planned to put under the current. I hope that in the spring, several more aircraft will be launched.
    - Is there an order already?
    - Deliveries of IL-112 are included in the new SAP. At the same time, we are conducting preliminary negotiations on the large supply of this aircraft to one of the traditional customers of Russian equipment abroad.
    - It was reported that Uzbekistan will participate in the cooperation, does it have the opportunity to do so?
    "We have never interrupted our relations with Tashkent, there is a branch of Ilyushin." We are interested in cooperation with all who are able to be with us in the overall cooperation, and we see this potential with Uzbekistan. However, we make certain requirements to our partners in terms of their level of technological readiness and the ability to work with digital documentation. Of course, there were specialists and infrastructure to organize a full-fledged production, but it's too early to talk about specific projects. Perhaps, the Uzbek partners will act as investors.
    - How do you solve the issue of servicing the An-124-100 Ruslan aircraft?
    - The "Il" has the functions of a developer for these aircraft. Such a decision was made after all the well-known events of 2014, when the state enterprise Antonov actually refused technical support and further cooperation on the An-124 program. These competencies are now on the "Ile", the work is underway to modernize the aircraft using the reserve, which appeared during the program of creating the IL-76MD-90A. I consider it quite possible to develop the Ruslan theme independently, since the resource of the existing sides is still very large, they will be able to be operated at least until 2040. The main task now is to ensure its safe operation and further development.
    - Does the AN-124-100 deal with Aviastar-SP in Ulyanovsk without the help of the Antonov state enterprise?
    - The connections between the enterprises are now broken. But I would like to recall that this aircraft was not developed in Ukraine, but in the Soviet Union. There was a very wide cooperation: central scientific institutes, design offices, enterprises of the whole large country. And the production itself was organized in Ulyanovsk. So you can not consider "Ruslana" Ukrainian development.
    - Is it possible to resume cooperation with Ukraine?
    - In Kiev, many people already understand that the breakdown of relations with Russia has hit Ukrainian enterprises. I can honestly say that we do not shy away from cooperation with Ukrainian partners and are ready for negotiations. But only in case of appropriate decisions at the state level.
    - You said that there is an opportunity to exploit the "Ruslans" until 2040. But what about the engines that were created in Ukraine?
    - The resource of existing engines will suffice. And believe me, Russian industry is able to master the production of engines of this class.
    - The government recently allocated 65 billion rubles. from the budget for the creation of a new super-power engine, which should be used including VTA .
    - It is necessary to understand that PD-35 is not one engine, but a whole family based on one gas generator. The thrust that can be laid in this family is in a fairly wide range, which allows us to consider the installation of one of the modifications of such an installation, including a promising twin-engine version of the IL-96. This issue was worked out. No significant design changes to the aircraft will not be required. Perhaps, PD-35 will also be used on the Russian-Chinese wide-body aircraft CR-929 or, for example, used for the twin-engine IL-76 transport scheme. Any development of aircraft in Russia should take into account the plans for the development of this class of engines. Now we expect from the enterprises of the United Engine-Building Corporation to make concrete decisions on the timing of the development of these engines.
    - At what stage is the development of a promising VTA aviation complex?
    - We are waiting for the decision of the Ministry of Defense of Russia on the need for R & D in the coming years. At the same time, even the basic technical requirements for such an aircraft have not been approved, but, based on existing realities, we understand that two basic requirements will be presented to it ...
    - Carrying capacity?
    - Yes. As a rule, a figure of not less than 80 tons is discussed. And the second - the size of the cargo cabin, allowing to transport both large-sized and oversized equipment. But to start the work you need to understand the customer: on an initiative basis, no company in the world is able to develop and create an aircraft of this class.
    - It will come to replace the An-124-100 and An-22?
    - The niche of the plane is in this class. The need for Ruslan aircraft today is extremely high.
    - The creation of the IL-96-400M rests on payback issues, since four engines require a large fuel consumption.
    - Of course, the engine, which today stands on it, does not belong to the category of the most economical. On the other hand, it meets all the requirements - for safety, noise, and emissions. The increased fuel consumption associated with its operation can be more than offset by other characteristics of the new Il-96 aircraft. Including a very competitive price, which should already spur the interest of Russian and foreign aviation companies. At the same time, our task is not just to develop an aircraft, and then to offer it to the market, we must now listen to potential customers. Such negotiations are under way, and I think they will result in a batch production of the promising IL-96-400M.
    - And what about the An-148, which were created in the VASO?
    - The program actually ends. At the same time, the aircraft is objectively in demand, therefore, it is possible that decisions will be taken on the further fate of this type of vehicles.
    - Do you have design documentation for it?
    - You know perfectly well that the aircraft was developed at the Antonov Design Bureau and, accordingly, the documentation belongs to them. But during the development of production in Voronezh, a significant contribution to the refinement of the An-148 was made by the Russian company, so some reserve for this aircraft can be used in other promising programs.

    Having money to invest and to order aircrafts, but being this limited, it is logical to focus in the projects that really are demanded and have a success assured.

    As example, there is not problem to produce the future Il-276 in 2 factories if one can not afford the demand, or the strategic bomber Tu-160. At same time there is not need to keep artificially the demand of some models in order to keep artificially their production, like in the case of the An-148 and likely in the case of the Il-112.

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    Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA) - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA)

    Post  PapaDragon Sat Feb 10, 2018 5:11 am

    Vintage perfection An-22, I love this airplane, oldie but goodie, epic photo and loads more in link:

    Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA) - Page 10 5217321_original

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    Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA) - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA)

    Post  *BobStanley Mon Feb 26, 2018 7:24 am

    AMCXXL wrote:Il-76MD arriving Ulyanovsk
    The upgraded An-124 was given the honorable name "Oleg Antonov"
    On the same day, the first 9 Il-76 aircraft arrived in Vostochny with the aim of forming here a military transport aviation regiment. The new 235th Air Regiment, which is part of the 18th military transport aviation division, will be deployed in Ulyanovsk.
    "The idea of ​​forming the BTA regiment on Ulyanovsk is connected with the fact that there is a powerful Ulyanovsk plant" Aviastar-SP ", which produces IL-76MD-90A aircraft. Therefore, the task of rearmament for this type of military transport aircraft will be in this local regiment. The same goes for the further development of the An-124 issue. Here in Ulyanovsk these planes were built and undergo a different kind of reconstruction. We plan to perform a number of tasks in Ulyanovsk to ensure
    Orenburg has formed a military transport aviation division.
    The structure included aviation units stationed in the Orenburg, Ulyanovsk, Rostov and Omsk regions
    The aviation fleet includes transport aircraft Il-76, A-12,An-26, An-72 and other aviation equipment.

    The current structure of the Military Transport Aviation (VTA) is:

    61 AIR ARMY VTA (HQ: Tver)

    12 VTAD (HQ:Migalovo-Tver)
    •196 VTAP Migalovo-Tver: Il-76MD (2sq)
    •334 VATP Pskov: Il-76MD (2sq)
    •566 VTAP Sescha (Bryansk oblast): Il-76MD , An-124
    •76 OVTAE Migalovo-Tevr: An-22,An-12,An-26

    18 VTAD (HQ:Orenburg)
    •117 VTAP Orenburg: Il-76MD (2sq), An-12
    •708 VTAP Taganrog (Rostov oblast):Il-76MD (2sq)
    •235 VTAP Ulyanovsk: Il-76MD (1sq) , second sq. Il-476(Il-76MD-90A), 3 first expected this year
    •340 OVTAE Omsk: An-26 , An-72

    610 TsBPiPLS Ivanovo-Severny
    •527 IIVTAP: Il-76M , Il-76MD
    •?? IIVTAE: An-12,An-26,An-72

    144 SRDLOAP Ivanovo-Severny: A-50

    The former structure of 4 regiments (Tver,Pskov,Taganrog,Orenburg) with 3 sq, of 9 Il-76 , totaling 108 Il-76 is changing to 6 regiments of 2sq.
    The 224 LO with 16 Il-76 (4 in each base) seems have been disbanded.Two of this planes have arrived to Ulyanovsk.
    The An-124 , probably will be attached to the divisions in Ulyanovsk and Tver (replacng An-22 in 76 OVTAE) . and 566º disbanded or moved to other place.
    Other regiment was announcd for Penza in next years
    The total Il-76 is about 120-125 including other 5 based in Chkalovsky-Moscow (223 LO/8 ADON)

    What about 8 VTAP from Twer ?

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    Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA) - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA)

    Post  George1 Tue Mar 13, 2018 8:34 am

    The first modernized Il-76MD-M was handed over to the Russian Defense Ministry

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    Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA) - Page 10 Empty Re: Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA)

    Post  George1 Wed Mar 14, 2018 10:37 pm

    The first modernized military transport aircraft IL-76MD-M was transferred to the Russian Air Force

    As reported March 13, 2018 by the Department of Information and Communications of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the specialists of the 153rd military mission of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, stationed in the Aviation Complex. S.V. Ilyushin in the Moscow region of Zhukovsky, carried out the first serial upgraded military transport aircraft Il-76MD-M.

    Russian Transport Aircraft fleet (VTA) - Page 10 5298473_original
    The first sample of the modernized military transport aircraft IL-76MD-M (registration number RF-76746, serial number 0073479374, serial number 60-04). Zhukovsky, a picture of 2016 (c) Ministry of Defense of Russia

    Under the leadership of the military mission, a series of acceptance tests was carried out, and the aircraft was fully transferred to the Air and Space Forces.

    The serial contract provides for the modernization of the existing fleet of Il-76MD military transport aircraft to the Il-76MD-M version.

    The aircraft has undergone a deep modernization, is equipped with the latest on-board electronic equipment, a modern flight control and navigation system that meets all the requirements and flight rules both on Russian and foreign air routes.

    The aircraft was updated with lighting, landing and transport and household equipment, an on-board defense complex and communications equipment. Also, the aircraft is equipped with elements of a "glass cabin". The appointed term of service was extended to 40 years.

    The bmpd comment. Apparently, we are talking about the transfer of the first prototype of the modernized military transport aircraft IL-76MD-M (registration number RF-76746, serial number 0073479374, serial number 60-04, aircraft built in 1987), passed in 2014, 2016 modernization at the technical base of JSC "Aviation Complex. S.V. Ilyushin "in Zhukovsky and made the first flight there on February 28, 2016. Since June 2017 the State joint tests of this side have been conducted.

    The works were carried out within the framework of the state contract concluded in August 2013 by the Russian Ministry of Defense with the JSC "Aviation Complex named after. S.V. Ilyushin "to carry out modernization of the heavy military transport aircraft Il-76MD and the Il-78M refueling aircraft, with the presentation of one prototype.

    The upgraded Il-76MD-M aircraft retains the old D-30KP engines, which are being modified to extend their life. Modernization works should bring the airborne equipment of the aircraft to the level of the equipment of the newly constructed Il-76MD-90A. The total service life of the aircraft is extended by 15 years. According to the requirements of the Ministry of Defense, the cost of upgrading the IL-76MD to the Il-76MD-M version should be only one third of the cost of the new IL-76MD-90A aircraft.

    Earlier it was reported that the Russian Defense Ministry plans to modernize 41 military transport aircraft Il-76MD to the level of IL-76MD-M. In October 2016, the JSC "Aviation Complex. S.V. Ilyushin "was contracted with the Ministry of Defense to upgrade the first three Il-76MD aircraft to the level of Il-76MD-M with delivery before the end of 2018. As it is possible to judge, the first for this contract was delivered on March 13th an experimental aircraft RF-76746, modified to the appearance of "complete configuration".

    Serial modernization work in the future was supposed to be carried out at aviation repair plants or at technical aviation bases of the Military Transport Aviation.

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    Post  eridan Fri Mar 16, 2018 10:53 am

    George1 wrote:

       The upgraded Il-76MD-M aircraft retains the old D-30KP engines, which are being modified to extend their life. Modernization works should bring the airborne equipment of the aircraft to the level of the equipment of the newly constructed Il-76MD-90A. [b]The total service life of the aircraft is extended by 15 years. According to the requirements of the Ministry of Defense, the cost of upgrading the IL-76MD to the Il-76MD-M version should be only one third of the cost of the new IL-76MD-90A aircraft.

    If true, that doesn't sound like a good deal. To pay one third of brand new plane's cost for 15 more years. When lifespan of a new transport plane is easily three times that. So that roughly ends up being similar cost during whole projected lifetime. But on top of that, the modernized ones will still be stuck with lower perfomance - less range and less payload. It's really worse deal than getting new il76 with new engines. I guess the only reason the modernization IS going through is that there's simply no cheap way to increase il76 production further than it is now. So if RuAF wants to upkeep its transport fleet in numbers, modernizing older il76 makes some sense.

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    Post  GarryB Sun Mar 18, 2018 5:09 am

    The thing is that the existing models are already doing a job, so with upgrades they should be able to continue to do those jobs... in fact with the avionics upgrades they should be able to do it easier.

    They will be quicker to get into service and they are already available for the upgrade, so less waiting.

    Having transitional models is a good thing...

    I remember in the 1990s they were talking about upgrading all the Il-76s with the PS-90A engine, which offers better performance, lower fuel burn, longer range, etc etc... except the engines were about 6 million dollars each, while the old engines cost 800,000 each.

    That means each aircraft was going to cost 24 million just to change the engines and save a little fuel... compared with the price of about 3.2 million for the four existing engines... 20 million dollars difference... that is a lot of fuel... and they were already doing their job... they weren't being stretched and needed underwing fuel tanks to extend the flight range...

    Not saying the Il-476 is not worth it, they certainly are a way forward... especially with Il-276s being used to replace the An-12 below them, but upgrading aircraft that still have hours left makes sense if they are Russian... if they were Antonovs and use of them was problematic then get rid of them as soon as possible.

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    Post  kvs Sun Mar 18, 2018 7:25 pm

    I bet that the low by-pass jet engines that were cheaper can drive this aircraft to higher speeds than the proposed fuel savers.
    For a military jet, fuel savings are secondary.

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