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    Tutorial for upvoting and down voting posts


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    Tutorial for upvoting and down voting posts Empty Tutorial for upvoting and down voting posts

    Post  GarryB Wed May 27, 2015 1:07 pm

    Sadly this function has been widely misused and abused in the past.

    If you want a mature adult forum then down voting posters who post negative items will ruin a good forum.

    If you want a forum of like minded yes men where everything is perfect and nothing is wrong then down voting anything negative will help achieve your aim.

    I personally have never given a negative vote to anyone... I only give positive votes and thanks.

    To give a positive vote you just open the correct thread and find the post you want to vote for.

    In the top right corner of the post you will see a small + and a horizontal bar and a small -.

    To vote up click on the +, to vote down the -. If there is a green box or red box then someone has already voted... if there is a green or red box and no + or - then you have already voted for that post.

    In a thread you have created yourself all the posts have a thanks option to thank other members for their contribution to your thread.

    That is all there is to it.

    Please use it wisely and don't punish people for delivering news... good or bad.

    If you get a negative score you will not be able to vote for or against others.

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    Tutorial for upvoting and down voting posts Empty Re: Tutorial for upvoting and down voting posts

    Post  Admin Wed May 27, 2015 8:12 pm

    If the reputation feature is going to be abused, it can be removed.

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    Tutorial for upvoting and down voting posts Empty Re: Tutorial for upvoting and down voting posts

    Post  franco Wed May 27, 2015 10:11 pm

    Thank you gentlemen.

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    Tutorial for upvoting and down voting posts Empty Re: Tutorial for upvoting and down voting posts

    Post  kvs Sun Aug 16, 2020 4:35 am

    We have upvotes associated with user names, but downvotes are anonymous? I suggest that both be tagged and voters should
    "man up" if they are going to vote.


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    Tutorial for upvoting and down voting posts Empty Re: Tutorial for upvoting and down voting posts

    Post  GarryB Sun Aug 16, 2020 1:16 pm

    I just read you post that was down voted and just naturally assumed it was Odin...

    How does everyone else feel about this?

    ie downvoters named as well as upvotes.

    Interesting how few downvotes there have been so far...

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    Tutorial for upvoting and down voting posts Empty Re: Tutorial for upvoting and down voting posts

    Post  LMFS Sun Aug 16, 2020 2:16 pm

    Personal opinion:

    - no point to downvote anyone, unless there is a very blatant trolling / will to attack the forum perceived in the downvoted message
    - named downvotes lend themselves easily to personal involvement in negative dynamics vs. other users perceived as "enemies", as opposed to positive dynamics of naming up-votes.

    Of course, if someone takes the habit of hiding behind anonymity to bother other posters, the rule could be revised...

    Werewolf, magnumcromagnon and JohninMK like this post


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    Tutorial for upvoting and down voting posts Empty Re: Tutorial for upvoting and down voting posts

    Post  GarryB Mon Aug 17, 2020 6:59 am

    If you believe someone is trolling then PM a moderator to discuss it.

    Another option is to simply turn off the option to dislike a post, so have a think about any potential pros and cons their might be...

    I personally like being able to upvote a post... it saves me having to post a reply saying x2, and it is so easy you are more likely to acknowledge agreement than if you had to reply.

    I personally don't see any value in a down vote... if you simply don't agree by replying you can explain why you don't agree... if you think there is something wrong with the post... ie flame baiting then you should not be downvoting... you should be reporting.

    If you don't feel comfortable "telling on another member" or squealing to the cops, then a PM to the member, or a reply would be better and more constructive than just a down vote.

    What do you guys think?

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    Tutorial for upvoting and down voting posts Empty Re: Tutorial for upvoting and down voting posts

    Post  jhelb Mon Aug 17, 2020 7:38 pm

    Those who upvote and those who downvote, should have their forum name/ID displayed.

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    Tutorial for upvoting and down voting posts Empty Re: Tutorial for upvoting and down voting posts

    Post  PapaDragon Tue Aug 18, 2020 2:39 am

    I vote but nothing happens

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    Tutorial for upvoting and down voting posts Empty Re: Tutorial for upvoting and down voting posts

    Post  GarryB Wed Aug 19, 2020 2:52 am

    Sometimes I vote and the number for upvotes increases by one as it should but my name does not appear below the buttons until I reload the page.

    I suspect it might be an issue with javascripting...

    I will take a look at your permissions PD and see if there is something in there...

    You PM was disabled, but there is nothing in the permissions I can see regarding voting except permissions for everyone...

    Might be a javascript problem...

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