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    Tutorial on Quoting. Very Important you read this...


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    Tutorial on Quoting. Very Important you read this... Empty Tutorial on Quoting. Very Important you read this...

    Post  GarryB Mon Feb 19, 2018 4:12 am

    There is an existing rule about quoting something you are replying to, and it basically states that you should only requote the part you are replying to... DO NOT requote an entire post just to reply to part of it.

    To quote a part of someone elses post the easiest way I have found is to start by simply right clicking on the reply button on that page and choosing the open in another tab option. This opens a new tab that you can type your reply into.

    If you click back to the tab with the original thread you are replying to you can then highlight the piece of text you want to reply to and press the control key and the letter c... this will copy the text into clipboard memory. You can then click on the tab with your reply page on and across the top of the reply area is a large number of icons that are tools you can use. Place your mouse arrow over each one to see what they are called... in this case the one you are after is the one that looks like a speech bubble... when you place your mouse arrow over it the word 'Quote' appears... click that button and a dialog box appears that gives you the option to type in the Authors name (the name of the person you are quoting.

    If you just click on insert then it will put in the text area the HTML code to generate a quote.

    HTML code works like brackets... you need an open and a closed bracket for it to work.

    Here is an example of what not to do:

    miketheterrible wrote:
    zorobabel wrote:
    miketheterrible wrote:
    zorobabel wrote:14 Wagner PMCs were killed in the DeZ attack:

    no.  No they weren't.  Pravda was tabloid in the past, still is now.

    I can see dozens of fake news from Reuters and alike all talking about unnamed sources indicating this or that.

    Its all bullshit, with no facts to back it up.  Its rather getting tiring how stupid many of you are in believing this crap.  Its even more funny how easily respectable news papers have now become nothing more than tabloids in the last couple of years.

    Goes to show that people are really stupid in general.
    Pravda is a tabloid?

    Was during the 80's in SU, is now. Nothing but garbage.  Want media that's honest in Russia? Tass and Ria. and vesti are also pretty straight forward.

    This is what the code looks like... note the multiple quote names at the start?

    Tutorial on Quoting. Very Important you read this... Untitl10

    If you want to quote someone just type the word quote at the start of the quote and /quote at the end and put both the start and end words (quote) in square brackets... ie [ ], which on most keyboards are next to the enter key.

    If you have problems with this PM me.

    Over the next day or two people breaking this rule will get warnings, but after a bit they will become temporary bans.

    Enforcement of this rule is well overdue and should greatly reduce the size of many peoples posts.

    To repeat if you want to quote a comment or even a paragraph... just highlight it by clicking and dragging with your mouse and press control and C to copy. Then type the open square bracket and then the word quote and then the closed square bracket and then press control and the letter V to paste the quote. Finally if you just type the square bracket and the / key and then the word quote and the closed square bracket and then press enter and type out your reply everything will be fine.

    Posts : 39672
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    Location : New Zealand

    Tutorial on Quoting. Very Important you read this... Empty Re: Tutorial on Quoting. Very Important you read this...

    Post  GarryB Sat Dec 03, 2022 3:58 am

    Just a reminder that the quote code in html works like brackets in maths. and nested brackets work the same as nested quotes.

    Note if I use the correct brackets they wont show up in this post so instead of the square brackets you should be using I will use the shift key and make them curly brackets so you can see them.

    When you make the html code remember to use the square brackets and not the curly brackets.

    Test it out by using the quote button above the text area, if you put someones username or anything actually in the author text box their name or that word will be added to the quote like this:

    Hello forum

    {quote]Hello forum{/quote}

    will create:

    Hello forum

    Using the quote with me as the author you get:

    GarryB wrote:Hello forum

    Which looks like this:

    {quote="GarryB"}Hello forum{/quote}

    So open bracket (the word quote in square brackets), the content of the quote, and the the close bracket( a / symbol followed by the word quote in square brackets )

    Manually doing it it does not make sense to quote multiple people, while using the automatic quote button it was too easy to quote an entire conversation, which is why that has been disabled.

    Posts : 39672
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    Join date : 2010-03-30
    Location : New Zealand

    Tutorial on Quoting. Very Important you read this... Empty Re: Tutorial on Quoting. Very Important you read this...

    Post  GarryB Sun Jan 14, 2024 7:43 am

    Can you post a 101 on how to delete a previous reply from a post you are quoting ? It's easy to F up and delete the wrong quote code and then it's all f'd up

    You mean like this one?

    Remember if you are posting a quote by quoting an entire post it would probably be easier to simply type @ and then the member name instead to show who you are talking to rather than quote the entire conversation.

    I do agree it can be tricky because if you delete parts of quote sometimes the number of brackets is not even which can completely mess the formatting.

    If in doubt instead of clicking on send click on preview.

    Brackets are nested outwards so if everyone was quoting everyone else but no one said anything the last posts would look like this:

    For example if I take post number 444 on this thread it looks like this on the page when posted:

    Backman wrote:
    Big_Gazza wrote:
    franco wrote:
    Kiko wrote:@Manov. Murió Gonzalo Lira. Gonzalo Lira is dead.


    Collapsed lung and pneumonia, Ukrop prison authorities ignored his condition, US gov ignored his plight...  

    Very sad. But Gonzalo had some concerning vibes about him over the last 2 years. He was so resigned to his fate. Its almost like he wanted it to happen.

    I heard that he was worth 18 million dollars. What a waste of a life. He didn't have to work but ended up like this

    But when you use the quote button you will see:

    {quote="Backman"}{quote="Big_Gazza"}{quote="franco"}{quote="Kiko"}@Manov. Murió Gonzalo Lira. Gonzalo Lira is dead.{/quote}




    Collapsed lung and pneumonia, Ukrop prison authorities ignored his condition, US gov ignored his plight...  {/quote}

    Very sad. But Gonzalo had some concerning vibes about him over the last 2 years. He was so resigned to his fate. Its almost like he wanted it to happen.

    I heard that he was worth 18 million dollars. What a waste of a life. He didn't have to work but ended up like this{/quote}

    Which looks complicated but if I remove the content from each post and simplify it it looks like this:




    2 {/quote}

    Which is just a set of nested tables the quote person corresponds to their quoted text of the same number.

    So to trim everything except the last quote which you are replying to you select between the brackets between the quote 1 and quote 2 and you drag and select down to the last bracket after the number 2 quoted text so you are left with


    Remember the brackets are the square brackets but if I use square brackets here you wont be able to see them so I use the shift key when pressing the bracket buttons to get the curly brackets.

    This will be added to the tutorial link above so it is easier to find.

    BTW the most common reason quotes fail is the number of open quotes does not equal the number of close quotes. An open quote is {quote} or {b} or{u} while the respective close quote is {/quote} or {/b} or {/u} for quoting text or making text bold or making text underlined respectively. Other times it can be a simple spelling mistake. For me, I type out my brackets rather than using the buttons so if often I will misspell quote as qutoe or something like that. Use the preview function and move through the nested brackets to find where they go wrong. BTW if nobody posts conversations then nested quotes should at worst include two quotes to change to one quote. If you are changing three quotes to one quote then someone posted a conversation and was naughty...

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