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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Flagship Victory
    Flagship Victory

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 18 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  Flagship Victory Sun May 24, 2015 11:00 pm

    It's terrible what the people of Donbas are going through. This genocide. This economic blockade. The least Putin could do is not stopping NAF from going on an offensive. At this point, the people of Donbas have to wait until Putin is voted out of office in 2018. The next Russian president, be it Mironov or Zhirinovsky or anyone else for that matter will surely give support to the people of Donbas. Stand firm and stand strong. Bright days are ahead. cheers

    Putin vows tough response if Maidan defaults.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 18 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  VladimirSahin Sun May 24, 2015 11:21 pm

    Putin is waiting for something but I don't know what. If I was Putin, I would just invade Ukraine... I mean the EU and US is already acting like Russia is in a war with them, So why not do it for real? Show the world that Russia doesn't #$*% around. 2 offensives, One from Kursk, One from Belgorod encircle Kiev from East and South-west, And then just demand they surrender.
    Russian Patriot
    Russian Patriot

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 18 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  Russian Patriot Sun May 24, 2015 11:22 pm

    VladimirSahin wrote:Putin is waiting for something but I don't know what. If I was Putin, I would just invade Ukraine... I mean the EU and US is already acting like Russia is in a war with them, So why not do it for real? Show the world that Russia doesn't #$*% around.  2 offensives, One from Kursk, One from Belgorod encircle Kiev from East and South-west, And then just demand they surrender.
    This is exactly what NATO wants
    Russian Patriot
    Russian Patriot

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 18 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  Russian Patriot Sun May 24, 2015 11:23 pm

    Flagship Victory wrote:It's terrible what the people of Donbas are going through. This genocide. This economic blockade. The least Putin could do is not stopping NAF from going on an offensive. At this point, the people of Donbas have to wait until Putin is voted out of office in 2018. The next Russian president, be it Mironov or Zhirinovsky or anyone else for that matter will surely give support to the people of Donbas. Stand firm and stand strong. Bright days are ahead. cheers

    Putin vows tough response if Maidan defaults.

    Check pm please - Mod

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 18 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  VladimirSahin Sun May 24, 2015 11:33 pm

    Russian Patriot wrote:
    VladimirSahin wrote:Putin is waiting for something but I don't know what. If I was Putin, I would just invade Ukraine... I mean the EU and US is already acting like Russia is in a war with them, So why not do it for real? Show the world that Russia doesn't #$*% around.  2 offensives, One from Kursk, One from Belgorod encircle Kiev from East and South-west, And then just demand they surrender.
    This  is  exactly  what  NATO wants

    True, But I wouldn't let them think that they can do what they did to Arabs to us. Murders millions of people in Arab countries, If they will try it on either Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Serbia I think the problem must be eradicated. Its enough what they did to Muslims, Arabs, Africans, And even Native Americans. This must be stopped, They have murdered so much peoples if I were to list it here it would make this reply very longer. They are murderers cold blooded, Sure I know there are Atheists on this forum, But being raised as a Orthodox kid, I know god will burn them in hell if not in this world. And end rage. Talking about NATO and European countries btw not just Poroshenko as his leaders are from NATO and basically zionist dogs.
    Russian Patriot
    Russian Patriot

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 18 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  Russian Patriot Sun May 24, 2015 11:40 pm

    VladimirSahin wrote:
    Russian Patriot wrote:
    VladimirSahin wrote:Putin is waiting for something but I don't know what. If I was Putin, I would just invade Ukraine... I mean the EU and US is already acting like Russia is in a war with them, So why not do it for real? Show the world that Russia doesn't #$*% around.  2 offensives, One from Kursk, One from Belgorod encircle Kiev from East and South-west, And then just demand they surrender.
    This  is  exactly  what  NATO wants

    True, But I wouldn't let them think that they can do what they did to Arabs to us. Murders millions of people in Arab countries, If they will try it on either Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Serbia I think the problem must be eradicated. Its enough what they did to Muslims, Arabs, Africans, And even Native Americans. This must be stopped, They have murdered so much peoples if I were to list it here it would make this reply very longer. They are murderers cold blooded, Sure I know there are Atheists on this forum, But being raised as a Orthodox kid, I know god will burn them in hell if not in this world. And end rage. Talking about NATO and European countries btw not just Poroshenko as his leaders are from NATO and basically zionist dogs.

    If Russia is attacked,,DNR and LNR supply will be cut unfortunately.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 18 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  Vann7 Mon May 25, 2015 12:03 am

    Flagship Victory wrote:It's terrible what the people of Donbas are going through. This genocide. This economic blockade. The least Putin could do is not stopping NAF from going on an offensive. At this point, the people of Donbas have to wait until Putin is voted out of office in 2018. The next Russian president, be it Mironov or Zhirinovsky or anyone else for that matter will surely give support to the people of Donbas. Stand firm and stand strong. Bright days are ahead. cheers

    Putin vows tough response if Maidan defaults.

    And Donbass rightly have a reason to feel abandoned.. Because they ,just like you ,do not understand the magnitude of the problem. Do not understand that Russia do not have the capabilities to end the war in Ukraine without European Support.  Russia can win all the battles..
    just like American did in Vietnam war..but could them stop the violence and conflict .. No..  

    And this is what you don't see.. That kiev and Washinton DC Wants Russia to invade
    , the have been provoking Russia to invade ukraine for a full year ,this is why Russian territory was bombed and you see Poroshenko praise for former Nazis colaborators..
    to later exhaust Russia army with a very long guerrilla/resistance war.. Russian Duma Russian parliament already have said this.. that Kiev is Desperate for provoking Russia to invade... That way they will not only not have to NOT pay their debts to Russia ,but will receive major support from NATO to continue exhausting Russian Army into a very long Afgan style war. with NATO weapons coming more and more from all NATO states.. in essence
    Russia will be provoke into a low level war with more nations , Poland ,then baltic states , then Canada.. and US supplying weapons to all of them.. Turkey too..

    This does not even discuss the million of people unrest that will happen in Russia asking Putin to leave power to stop the war..  This neither include the danger of Ukraine nuclear reactors.. what if the Right sector detonate them to damage with the radiation Crimea and donetsk and Russia?

    The war will not end with Russian tanks in kiev ,because the Right sector and the millions of Euromaidans who started the revolution will continue to exist in kiev and funded from abroad by NATO. So Russia will have to deal with Yakunovych unrest but through many pro EuroAssociation cities , to stop their invasion.

    What do kiev knows ,that you don't know is the question? Why kiev provoke so much Russia
    into invade Ukraine..that even bombed Russia territory last year under the pretext that it was
    the rebels that did it. ?

    Without Europe help ,Russia cannot end the proxy war in Ukraine of US against Russia.
    If Russia economy collapse ,while invading another nation ,you dont think the Chechens will
    once again want to start another war to liberate all caucasus?

    Im glad Putin understand ,the major trap that is Ukraine.. Is another Soviet/AFgan war.. but instead of Talibans ,they will be fighting neonazis..and in the end ,once their economy collapse they will have to leave Ukraine ,and the Nuland Nazis with the help of USA will take control again of Kiev..  and reverse all the gains Russia made with the invasion.. This happened in AFganistan to the soviets and happened to the Americans in Vietnam.. it was a wasted war. they won all military battles but lost the war..

    A nation economy is what holds the loyalty of people.. If Russia go bankrupt again.. Russia risk
    experiencing unrest of millions in cities ,specially if the army is in Ukraine and thousands soldiers killed every month.. What you don't see .. is that the entire Ukraine conflict is nothing
    more than an economic war against Russia. US ,neither anyone in NATO believe kiev can win
    Russia in the battlefield ,not even with their help... The goal of Americans and their kiev puppets is to Isolate Russia from Europe completely.. end Gazprom business there.. and provoke a revolution in Russia ,after they manage to destroy Russia economy completely.

    What collapsed the soviet union was not foreign armies.. but the collapse of Russia economy.
    Russia can lose territory without Americans firing a single shot.. look at the cold war.. they lost Ukraine .. and baltic states and nearly lose chechenia.. and this is what you don't see.
    And this is what the Americans wants.. another soviet style collapse ,using ukraine as the new
    afganistan. If instead of invading ,Russia keep a low profile ,and send mercenaries instead and volunteers ,they will not have at least the problems of Unrest in all Russian cities which is
    the real goal of US congress.. to divide Russian society against Putin.. and people like you sound more and more like disinformation agents of the west.. When you see Kiev government controlled media agreeing with you.. that Putin is the problem.. is when you should be concerned.. that perhaps you are wrong.

    As i told before eventually Russia will be forced to invade sooner or later if things stay the same way for end of year.. But it will be a limited invasion ,and probably low profile too.. just precision strikes from distance to give a little good help Donetsk and lugansk..but not too much
    help that later they commit the to try to move with tanks to kiev. You need people support
    for that.. and Russia do not have it yet.. there still many ukrainians probably half the country
    that see Russia as the problem..and not kiev..

    Last edited by Vann7 on Mon May 25, 2015 12:17 am; edited 1 time in total
    Flagship Victory
    Flagship Victory

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 18 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  Flagship Victory Mon May 25, 2015 12:05 am

    Russian Patriot wrote:
    VladimirSahin wrote:Putin is waiting for something but I don't know what. If I was Putin, I would just invade Ukraine... I mean the EU and US is already acting like Russia is in a war with them, So why not do it for real? Show the world that Russia doesn't #$*% around.  2 offensives, One from Kursk, One from Belgorod encircle Kiev from East and South-west, And then just demand they surrender.
    This  is  exactly  what  NATO wants

    Then give NATO a bloody nose. The Washington Treaty is all about the US. The US is the head, all the others, Germany, France, they will never fight America's battles. If the US wants to fight, then give it a bloody nose and make it regret ever funding Maidan in the first place. That's what I say. cheers

    There's a good Chinese saying. Qi ruan pa ying. The bully bullies the soft, scared of the hard. That's why Maidan dares to fight in Donbas, does not dare to touch Crimea. cheers The tougher Russia acts, the more scared those bullies are. The softer Russia acts, the tougher those bullies act. When Russia imposed a 1 year food import ban on the EU, the EU got put in its place and stopped imposing one sanction after another on Russia.
    max steel
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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 18 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  max steel Mon May 25, 2015 12:16 am

    You've got to be f-ing kidding me


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 18 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  PapaDragon Mon May 25, 2015 12:17 am

    VladimirSahin wrote:........................................................
    True, But I wouldn't let them think that they can do what they did to Arabs to us. Murders millions of people in Arab countries, If they will try it on either Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Serbia I think the problem must be eradicated. Its enough what they did to Muslims, Arabs, Africans, And even Native Americans. This must be stopped, They have murdered so much peoples if I were to list it here it would make this reply very longer. They are murderers cold blooded, Sure I know there are Atheists on this forum, But being raised as a Orthodox kid, I know god will burn them in hell if not in this world. And end rage. Talking about NATO and European countries btw not just Poroshenko as his leaders are from NATO and basically zionist dogs.

    They already tried and done it in Serbia, google it junior.

    Real world does not function the way you imagine it. Money brings victory, idealism brings defeat. Soviets were full of ideals but short on cash. I don't need to remind you how that ended up.

    Politics and war are dirty business and sticking to empty idealism and being impatient is perfect way to screw both up.

    Also, about your last sentence: I hope you are not referring to actual members of the Jewish people. If you are then please read following article before you answer just so you could see where I'm going with this:

    Flagship Victory
    Flagship Victory

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 18 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  Flagship Victory Mon May 25, 2015 12:18 am

    max steel wrote:You've got to be f-ing kidding me


    The Chinese have a good saying. Qi ruan pa ying. The bully bullies the soft, scared of the hard. If Russia acts soft, the bully will act tough. If Russia acts tough, the bully will stop bullying.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 18 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  VladimirSahin Mon May 25, 2015 12:25 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    VladimirSahin wrote:........................................................
    True, But I wouldn't let them think that they can do what they did to Arabs to us. Murders millions of people in Arab countries, If they will try it on either Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Serbia I think the problem must be eradicated. Its enough what they did to Muslims, Arabs, Africans, And even Native Americans. This must be stopped, They have murdered so much peoples if I were to list it here it would make this reply very longer. They are murderers cold blooded, Sure I know there are Atheists on this forum, But being raised as a Orthodox kid, I know god will burn them in hell if not in this world. And end rage. Talking about NATO and European countries btw not just Poroshenko as his leaders are from NATO and basically zionist dogs.

    They already tried and done it in Serbia, google it junior.  

    Real world does not function the way you imagine it. Money brings victory, idealism brings defeat. Soviets were full of ideals but short on cash. I don't need to remind you how that ended up.

    Politics and war are dirty business and sticking to empty idealism and being impatient is perfect way to screw both up.

    Also, about your last sentence: I hope you are not referring to actual members of the Jewish people. If you are then please read following article before you answer just so you could see where I'm going with this:

    My english is not great so apologies for the zionist, What I meant was *fascism* So apologies to any offended Jews. I actually am studying English and I dont know meaning of some terms or simply mix them. Embarassed

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 18 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  PapaDragon Mon May 25, 2015 12:31 am

    VladimirSahin wrote:....................

    My english is not great so apologies for the zionist, What I meant was *fascism* So apologies to any offended Jews. I actually am studying English and I dont know meaning of some terms or simply mix them. Embarassed

    It's OK.

    Fascist or Banksters would be most accurate description of people who are in charge of the world today. Greed knows no religion or race.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 18 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  gregoire Mon May 25, 2015 12:32 am

    Joining the discussion about Russia invading without quoting.

    If Russia invades the Ukraine the shit will hit the fan real good. The war will not be contained to the Ukraine only. Anyone with a little knowledge of strategie knows this. Anyone knowing the balance in this world also knows the west needs a big war for a reset in their favor. Time is ticking and it is Russia holding the clock. Besides Russia is already fighting many wars on many fronts. These may not be on your radar perse but they are equally as important. There is the fight for Syria, Iraq, the partnering with Iran, the tempering of israel and the saudis, the big partnership with as many eastern countries as possible, the internal economics towards self sufficiency, the fight with the money people outside of Russia, the fight with the people who want president Putin dead (this one is as real as it can get), the fight to not have the war on the west's terms, the constant and relentless propaganda. Guess what, they're doing pretty good considering. No, invading ukraine would inflate the balloon, a very unwise move.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 18 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  Vann7 Mon May 25, 2015 12:36 am

    PapaDragon wrote:

    Real world does not function the way you imagine it. Money brings victory, idealism brings defeat. Soviets were full of ideals but short on cash. I don't need to remind you how that ended up.

    Politics and war are dirty business and sticking to empty idealism and being impatient is perfect way to screw both up.

    This is exactly what im trying to explain them.. Laughing
    But they don't listen.. Ukraine is an economic trap against Russia..
    People needs to meditate thinking carefully in that.. is an economic war ..
    The US government and and its rusophobic allies seek simply to create another COLD War
    where Russia is completely Isolated from Europe and as many other countries as possible.
    Collapse its economy very fast ,by forcing them to invade other nations and disband later Russia
    through unrest in cities either because of the casualties in the war and because no Jobs and poor quality of life.

    Putin is a major pain in the ass to the west ,because he fully understand western games...
    and he is very patient . So is difficult to Isolate Russia today ,in comparison to the soviet union.
    Is all about money money money.. and money money money..  If Russia manage to project
    prosperity ,and strengh and stability ,and nation modernization it can win all Ukraine without firing a single shot. the crimean way.  Had Russia was very poor and bankrupt and with lot
    of Unrest.. Crimea will NOT have asked Russia for anexation instead will become independent.

    As long as Donetsk and Lugansk Hold their positions and Russia maintains a low profile, the economic warfare is reversed against the west.. American Economy is being farmed in Ukraine
    they are wasting a lot of money in kiev.. and they will abandon ukraine if they notice Russia
    will not invade and that all their investments will be wasted ,because Russia will stay away of the conflict as much as possible.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Mon May 25, 2015 12:47 am; edited 1 time in total

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 18 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  flamming_python Mon May 25, 2015 12:41 am

    VladimirSahin wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:
    VladimirSahin wrote:........................................................
    True, But I wouldn't let them think that they can do what they did to Arabs to us. Murders millions of people in Arab countries, If they will try it on either Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Serbia I think the problem must be eradicated. Its enough what they did to Muslims, Arabs, Africans, And even Native Americans. This must be stopped, They have murdered so much peoples if I were to list it here it would make this reply very longer. They are murderers cold blooded, Sure I know there are Atheists on this forum, But being raised as a Orthodox kid, I know god will burn them in hell if not in this world. And end rage. Talking about NATO and European countries btw not just Poroshenko as his leaders are from NATO and basically zionist dogs.

    They already tried and done it in Serbia, google it junior.  

    Real world does not function the way you imagine it. Money brings victory, idealism brings defeat. Soviets were full of ideals but short on cash. I don't need to remind you how that ended up.

    Politics and war are dirty business and sticking to empty idealism and being impatient is perfect way to screw both up.

    Also, about your last sentence: I hope you are not referring to actual members of the Jewish people. If you are then please read following article before you answer just so you could see where I'm going with this:

    My english is not great so apologies for the zionist, What I meant was *fascism* So apologies to any offended Jews. I actually am studying English and I dont know meaning of some terms or simply mix them. Embarassed

    It's called a freudian slip pirat

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 18 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  Rodinazombie Mon May 25, 2015 12:45 am

    ^^^^ spot on

    I think a lot of us talk about invading ukraine simply because we want this war to stop, we want the ukies to be beaten once and for all, but when you look at the particulars, you realise only a madman would carry out a real invasion of ukraine. It would play right into the hands of kiev and the west' so why fall into that trap?

    Ukraine wants russia to invade, and to use that as a way to drain russia, the best way to oppose this is simply doing exactly the same to ukraine. Prop donbass up and supply them enough to ensure that kiev cant win. Couple that with hitting them over the head with an illovaysk sized hammer every now and then to ensure kiev signs on russias peace terms, and eventually the ukries will be drained financially, militarily, society will fracture even further and the regime will lose its grip. At that point game will be won. All without a single shot fired in anger by russia 'officially'.

    The west and ukraine can see that this is precisely the route events are taking, hence the constant provocations and propaganda.

    The sad fact is that a lot of people are going to suffer in the meantime, and thats why i still think that putin should be taking a harder line with kiev. He can still be more forceful with kiev, without deviating from his plan, in my opinion.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 18 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  gregoire Mon May 25, 2015 12:47 am

    Not all zionist are jews, not all jews are zionists. Lately many people understand this.

    I have to add this.
    Russia is draining the US's monetary sources, luring away possible partners. Believe it or not but Russia's "inaction" is the biggest weapon, that along with it's ability to strike deals with anyone. Novorossiya's time will come. For now patience is needed, and patience is growing Russia's power like a sledgehammer.

    Last edited by gregoire on Mon May 25, 2015 12:51 am; edited 1 time in total

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 18 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  VladimirSahin Mon May 25, 2015 12:47 am

    flamming_python wrote:
    It's called a freudian slip pirat

    Very Happy

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 18 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  Vann7 Mon May 25, 2015 12:59 am

    Rodinazombie wrote:^^^^ spot on

    I think a lot of us talk about invading ukraine simply because we want this war to stop, we want the ukies to be beaten once and for all, but when you look at the particulars, you realise only a madman would carry out a real invasion of ukraine. It would play right into the hands of kiev and the west' so why fall into that trap?

    Ukraine wants russia to invade, and to use that as a way to drain russia, the best way to oppose this is simply doing exactly the same to ukraine. Prop donbass up and supply them enough to ensure that kiev cant win. Couple that with hitting them over the head with an illovaysk sized hammer every now and then to ensure kiev signs on russias peace terms, and eventually the ukries will be drained financially, militarily, society will fracture even further and the regime will lose its grip. At that point game will be won. All without a single shot fired in anger by russia 'officially'.

    The west and ukraine can see that this is precisely the route events are taking, hence the constant provocations and propaganda.

    The sad fact is that a lot of people are going to suffer in the meantime,  and thats why i still think that putin should be taking a harder line with kiev. He can still be more forceful with kiev, without deviating from his plan, in my opinion.

    Indeed..  Russia needs to evacuate all civilians from donetsk and Lugansk..and keep flooding
    Eastern Ukraine with anti fascist mercenaries from all europe.. let the US Elites know that
    Ukraine will be their vietnam war and not the other way.. Very Happy

    If American government become convinced that Russia will not invade.. they will ditch Ukraine and move along and try with another country.. but the clock is ticking for the west because Russia continue promoting an alternative world order without Americans leading it. With an alternative Internet ,Alternative Financial Industry and the end of US dollar as the standard.
    Russia is aiming at US economy ,to cut for once its unfair control of world economy and make
    the world more balanced and more equal..and everyone interest respected.

    I also do want the Kiev fascist volunteers to be wiped and not a single one left alive..
    but Russia can do that with Mercenaries and volunteers and maintaining a low profile..
    to not allow the west to play their games..

    Last edited by Vann7 on Mon May 25, 2015 1:07 am; edited 1 time in total

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 18 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  sepheronx Mon May 25, 2015 1:05 am

    Vann7 wrote:
    Rodinazombie wrote:^^^^ spot on

    I think a lot of us talk about invading ukraine simply because we want this war to stop, we want the ukies to be beaten once and for all, but when you look at the particulars, you realise only a madman would carry out a real invasion of ukraine. It would play right into the hands of kiev and the west' so why fall into that trap?

    Ukraine wants russia to invade, and to use that as a way to drain russia, the best way to oppose this is simply doing exactly the same to ukraine. Prop donbass up and supply them enough to ensure that kiev cant win. Couple that with hitting them over the head with an illovaysk sized hammer every now and then to ensure kiev signs on russias peace terms, and eventually the ukries will be drained financially, militarily, society will fracture even further and the regime will lose its grip. At that point game will be won. All without a single shot fired in anger by russia 'officially'.

    The west and ukraine can see that this is precisely the route events are taking, hence the constant provocations and propaganda.

    The sad fact is that a lot of people are going to suffer in the meantime,  and thats why i still think that putin should be taking a harder line with kiev. He can still be more forceful with kiev, without deviating from his plan, in my opinion.

    Indeed..  Russia needs to evacuate all civilians from donetsk and Lugansk..and keep flooding
    Eastern Ukraine with anti fascist mercenaries from all europe.. let the US Elites know that
    Ukraine will be their vietnam war and not the other way.. Very Happy

    If American government become convinced that Russia will not invade.. they will ditch Ukraine and move along and try with another country.. but the clock is ticking for the west because Russia continue promoting an alternative world order without Americans leading it. With an alternative Internet ,Alternative Financial Industry and the end of US dollar as the standard.
    Russia is aiming at US economy ,to cut for once its unfair control of world economy and make
    the world more balanced and more equal..and everyone interest respected.

    I say you are correct Vann. RT alone has proven that Russian alternative media has worked, as it just recently opened up to China now, with millions of views, and topped billions of views total, and Sputnik has spread really quickly to other nations as well. They are growing in popularity, regardless what US and EU has tried. Add in, after reading how in Russia they have quietly started to introduce Ruble credit to companies/agencies in the country, that no longer foreign money will be needed for investments, and that they can do it at their own discretion. Add that China stated something big will happen in October, so my guess is that they will release their gold storage numbers and state that they are going back to gold standard, which could be the case. Or an international currency (which is even better imo).

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 18 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  Big_Gazza Mon May 25, 2015 1:08 am

    flamming_python wrote:
    VladimirSahin wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:
    VladimirSahin wrote:........................................................
    True, But I wouldn't let them think that they can do what they did to Arabs to us. Murders millions of people in Arab countries, If they will try it on either Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Serbia I think the problem must be eradicated. Its enough what they did to Muslims, Arabs, Africans, And even Native Americans. This must be stopped, They have murdered so much peoples if I were to list it here it would make this reply very longer. They are murderers cold blooded, Sure I know there are Atheists on this forum, But being raised as a Orthodox kid, I know god will burn them in hell if not in this world. And end rage. Talking about NATO and European countries btw not just Poroshenko as his leaders are from NATO and basically zionist dogs.

    They already tried and done it in Serbia, google it junior.  

    Real world does not function the way you imagine it. Money brings victory, idealism brings defeat. Soviets were full of ideals but short on cash. I don't need to remind you how that ended up.

    Politics and war are dirty business and sticking to empty idealism and being impatient is perfect way to screw both up.

    Also, about your last sentence: I hope you are not referring to actual members of the Jewish people. If you are then please read following article before you answer just so you could see where I'm going with this:

    My english is not great so apologies for the zionist, What I meant was *fascism* So apologies to any offended Jews. I actually am studying English and I dont know meaning of some terms or simply mix them. Embarassed

    It's called a freudian slip pirat

    FFS can we not call a spade a spade? How can anyone seriously claim that Zionists are not a corrupting influence on the global corridors of power, and exert a tremendous and mostly malign influence? One only has to look at the US politicians (both Demoncrat and Rethuglican) behaving like a troop of trained monkeys when High Lord Netanyahoo of the Chosenites comes to Washington to deliver a sermon to his loyal Goyim slaves. The grovelling obeisance demonstrated by these elected representatives of the Uh'Murican public towards a man who leads a militaristic racist apartheid nation is truly sickening.

    I'm fed up of Jews getting a free pass to indulge in lies, deceit and outright subversion in pursuit of their racist dream of an ethnically pure Jewish state and the deliberate destruction of the Palestinian arab people and their identity. I'm just as fed up of non-Jews defending them and throwing up a smoke screen with crys of "anti-semitism" when people of conscience can no longer tolerate the lies and bullshit. The persecution of Jews by the long-dead Nazi regime is NOT RELEVANT to the geo-politics of today. Modern Jews and the state of Israel cannot use these old crimes as a justification for their present day subversion.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 18 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  Vann7 Mon May 25, 2015 1:21 am

    sepheronx wrote:
    I say you are correct Vann.  RT alone has proven that Russian alternative media has worked, as it just recently opened up to China now, with millions of views, and topped billions of views total, and Sputnik has spread really quickly to other nations as well.  They are growing in popularity, regardless what US and EU has tried.  Add in, after reading how in Russia they have quietly started to introduce Ruble credit to companies/agencies in the country, that no longer foreign money will be needed for investments, and that they can do it at their own discretion.  Add that China stated something big will happen in October, so my guess is that they will release their gold storage numbers and state that they are going back to gold standard, which could be the case.  Or an international currency (which is even better imo).

    Indeed Russia have proven you can take territory without firing a single shot.. its required
    however that you do it at the right time.. when vast majority of people request it.. that time will come for donetsk and Lugansk when a major revolution start against kiev and all cities demand
    their independence and creation of a new state... thats when Russia can invade to repeat the
    Crimean scenario.. only when they aware their support for invading is very strong..  

    That time will come when Kiev economy collapse completely and everyone lose their jobs..
    and only American NGOS ,Politicians financed by the west and prostitutes remain the only
    way in Ukraine to survive.  I already posted before an interview were even Euromaidan protesters from all parts of Ukraine are defecting to Russia..because they feel betrayed
    by kiev.. and europe does not wants them.. so they have no choice to move to Russia .
    Naturally Russia will keep an eye on them.. Wink  to spot any potential spy.. but is fact remain
    money can buy loyalty and Family needs and food weights more than any nation flag and
    any patriotic song.

    So people have to be aware of all that.. Kiev junta is really desperate ,to get Russia
    to invade them.. because that way ,they can use the invasion of Russia to unite Ukrainians
    against Russia and not against them.. Wink

    So essentially Putin says no thanks.. we will never fight against our Ukrainians friends ..
    and leave kiev with a frozen conflict and do not help kiev to deviate their people anger
    against Russia. Fact is You never invade a nation ,when the mood of its society is of revolution
    against their own government.  Wink  This is why Kiev is trying all sort of tricks to provoke Russia
    to invade.. in hopes to unite the nation again.. and allow kiev maintain control of the country
    thanks to Russian invasion . Wink

    Last edited by Vann7 on Mon May 25, 2015 1:41 am; edited 2 times in total
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    Post  Russian Patriot Mon May 25, 2015 1:24 am

    Big_Gazza wrote:
    flamming_python wrote:
    VladimirSahin wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:
    VladimirSahin wrote:........................................................
    True, But I wouldn't let them think that they can do what they did to Arabs to us. Murders millions of people in Arab countries, If they will try it on either Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Serbia I think the problem must be eradicated. Its enough what they did to Muslims, Arabs, Africans, And even Native Americans. This must be stopped, They have murdered so much peoples if I were to list it here it would make this reply very longer. They are murderers cold blooded, Sure I know there are Atheists on this forum, But being raised as a Orthodox kid, I know god will burn them in hell if not in this world. And end rage. Talking about NATO and European countries btw not just Poroshenko as his leaders are from NATO and basically zionist dogs.

    They already tried and done it in Serbia, google it junior.  

    Real world does not function the way you imagine it. Money brings victory, idealism brings defeat. Soviets were full of ideals but short on cash. I don't need to remind you how that ended up.

    Politics and war are dirty business and sticking to empty idealism and being impatient is perfect way to screw both up.

    Also, about your last sentence: I hope you are not referring to actual members of the Jewish people. If you are then please read following article before you answer just so you could see where I'm going with this:

    My english is not great so apologies for the zionist, What I meant was *fascism* So apologies to any offended Jews. I actually am studying English and I dont know meaning of some terms or simply mix them. Embarassed

    It's called a freudian slip pirat

    FFS can we not call a spade a spade?  How can anyone seriously claim that Zionists are not a corrupting influence on the global corridors of power, and exert a tremendous and mostly malign influence?  One only has to look at the US politicians (both Demoncrat and Rethuglican) behaving like a troop of trained monkeys when High Lord Netanyahoo of the Chosenites comes to Washington to deliver a sermon to his loyal Goyim slaves.  The grovelling obeisance demonstrated by these elected representatives of the Uh'Murican public towards a man who leads a militaristic racist apartheid nation is truly sickening.

    I'm fed up of Jews getting a free pass to indulge in lies, deceit and outright subversion in pursuit of their racist dream of an ethnically pure Jewish state and the deliberate destruction of the Palestinian arab people and their identity.  I'm just as fed up of non-Jews defending them and throwing up a smoke screen with crys of "anti-semitism" when people of conscience can no longer tolerate the lies and bullshit.  The persecution of Jews by the long-dead Nazi regime is NOT RELEVANT to the geo-politics of today. Modern Jews and the state of Israel cannot use these old crimes as a justification for their present day subversion.

    It actually is since the long dead Nazi is not dead , financing Azov , IDAR with money and ideals. The West give asylum to many And just evolved the idealogy
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    Post  Cowboy's daughter Mon May 25, 2015 2:06 am

    S-300 train with 5 vehicles reported in village near Mariupol - completly unverified as to time and place

    (Is this what was moved from Odessa?) (& is the Kiev side? or ??)

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