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Military Forum for Russian and Global Defence Issues

Walther von Oldenburg
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    Post  flamming_python Wed Apr 22, 2015 11:15 pm

    macedonian wrote:Y'all have Cap'n Caz to blame for the sudden popularity of this forum, ever since he posted the link over at, people have been coming in droves here.

    Hmm can u post a link to his link?

    Wanna see what they're saying 'bout us

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    Post  macedonian Wed Apr 22, 2015 11:21 pm

    By all means:

    Cap'n Caz's Link
    He just replied to someone asking where to find Russian pics, now that is closing, and Caz posted this forum first.
    Ever since people have been joining here.

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    Post  macedonian Wed Apr 22, 2015 11:28 pm

    Could someone get Khathi to join? I quite enjoy his/hers posts. Very informative.

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    Post  mack8 Wed Apr 22, 2015 11:36 pm

    Following the link, found this... not sure if that's a joke or not, but bleak future for this place if that would actually happen Rolling Eyes

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    Post  Rodinazombie Wed Apr 22, 2015 11:41 pm

    DanilaMP wrote:
    Strizh wrote:Hey guys could somebody pls repost all the pictures and videos still posted on these days? As it would give us a big advantage that the people could start migrating from to Cause it still looks a little bit deserted here. It's a crucial time!

    Im trying to get some "educated" and decent posters over here, such as DasVivo, Vorph, Popeye, hopefully they will consider, and hopefully some of them will join, to be honest they are great posters, open minded, but I have to say that the fun on was to being able to argue with someone with a totally opposite view and that way learn new info or views or reinforce your views with great arguments, I just hope that this forum will not be a wholly "we love Russia, its the best" type of a forum, but an open discussion forum with mods being fare on both sides and not like, where any pro-RF/China/India stance would get you banned or suspended on most occasions.

    Would be nice to get some of those guys over here, dasvivo i have a lot of respect for, he has his side that he favours but he is fair and puts across a well balanced argument, he usually says what im thinking but with much more eloquence.

    Ill be sending a few pms over there to some of the good guys to try and reel them in.
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    Post  Guest Wed Apr 22, 2015 11:53 pm

    I hope Artjohm and Lokos somehow make it here from time to time, these two were insanely knowledgeable and interesting.

    It's sad for, even tho the moderation was heavily biased, the site was a gold mine and a monumental time-sink (in a good way).

    btw Hi everyone, I'm member SniperRu (and lurked there since 2004), good to see familiar 'faces' here. Looks like this is our new home.

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    Post  macedonian Wed Apr 22, 2015 11:58 pm

    Why can't you guys just use your old nicks...and that we know who's opinion we're reading...
    Welcome SniperRu I enjoyed your posts at
    Mike E
    Mike E

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    Post  Mike E Thu Apr 23, 2015 1:29 am

    flamming_python wrote:I'm afraid it is; but the good news is is that opposite views won't be banned by the mods or anything like that, all views are welcome here - albeit in practise it does tend to be very one-sided as most people with other views and without a high-enough interest in Russia to tough it out - are scared-off by the crackpots and excessive stronkers here.
    That's not entirely true. As a Russia-covering forum, it is obvious a bias-slant will exist to some extent. Any extremely-biased person here is given flak, thereby preventing a RUSSIA STRONK (or the alternative) atmosphere. For the most part, problems here have been person and not topic or viewpoint related. 

    A person should be banned for any rule violation, w/o including the relevance of their viewpoint. 

    First section ^^ 

    TBH I sound "stronk" not because of a like of Russia, but a dislike of my birthplace. (more like intolerance) 

     - I'm just waiting for the day a pro-Westerner that comes here actually makes sense and doesn't rely on arguing.

    And some advice for those coming from MP: avoid the Ukraine section for the sake of your sanity and opinion of this forum.

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    Post  kvs Thu Apr 23, 2015 2:19 am

    A circle jerk of self-affirmation is not worthwhile. But the problem is that the NATO narrative is so skewed that anything that
    counterbalances sounds like apologia for Russia and/or Putin.

    MP net could have been a great venue if it was not run by a bunch of totalitarian wannabe idiots. One has to ask the question
    as to why it was decided to close it. The "nest" of Russian-sympathetic people must have gotten too big and hard to remove
    via "moderation" since it would look even more absurd than it was. Yeah, that sounds like tinfoil hat nuttery, but the timing
    is just weird. By all objective metrics NATO is going through a paranoia mode. The focus on "Russian trolls" and "Russian state
    media penetration" to "disrupt the western narratives" strikes me like a good motive to clamp down on venues like MP net that
    allow the western public to see information that is censored by their mainstream media. No MSM spew can compete with the
    analysis you can find in blogs and web fora.


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    Post  Regular Thu Apr 23, 2015 4:57 am

    For me it's sad no matter what.
    I never been active member in Posted few pics back in 2008 or so when I used to serve. But that was it and I was advised not to by my colleague who got in trouble after he flooded then not very popular social networks with pictures. My standard of English was and still is insufficient to have any meaningful discussion(not that You would find it in or have a good banter. When I actually tried to get into it, I had to create second account. It took ages. And it only took me a few months or two to get banned because of few uneasy questions in one o them IDF threads. And as people here noticed I have nothing against jews.
    Funny enough I remember Snoshi, guy who was jewish russophobe was free to write shit about Russia as much as he wanted, but when he revealed that he was anti-american too then he was banned straight away.

    I only came to to check today's pictures and check Russian Photos thread. Was following it almost daily for 5 years or so.
    I found this forum by googling GazB as he was gone from Wanted to see if there is English language forum about Russia. Just did this for the craic and it brought me here.

    I still miss some members like Ash, Artjomh, Cpt Morgan, lokos and etc.

    I'm happy to say that I actually have a friend who I met on
    I can only hope quality that quality of this forum will go up.


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    Post  TR1 Thu Apr 23, 2015 7:13 am

    Ahahahaha, does anyone remember that retard Flamer84 from

    That pathological Romanian?

    Well, get ready to die:

    "It really doesn't look like much,as usual from Russia,much hype over nothing.It would be a progress indeed if it can match a Leo 2A4 or an M1,but it's doubtful. "

    "No need to get angry over an opinion.Yes,it looks like an over hyped T72 to me,just like the T90.Most likely it will be an easy target for true modern MBT's such as the M2,2A6(7)'s or Leclercs. "

    I knew the guy was a retard before, but now I am convinced the problems are fundamentally more severe.
    Cpt Caz
    Cpt Caz

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    Post  Cpt Caz Thu Apr 23, 2015 8:21 am

    macedonian wrote:Y'all have Cap'n Caz to blame for the sudden popularity of this forum, ever since he posted the link over at, people have been coming in droves here.

    Heh, it was actually Drane that first linked this place and recommended everybody move here. I was just answering a posters question about possible alternatives to the Russian Photos thread. Smile

    TR1 wrote:Ahahahaha, does anyone remember that retard Flamer84 from

    That pathological Romanian?

    Well, get ready to die:

    "It really doesn't look like much,as usual from Russia,much hype over nothing.It would be a progress indeed if it can match a Leo 2A4 or an M1,but it's doubtful. "

    "No need to get angry over an opinion.Yes,it looks like an over hyped T72 to me,just like the T90.Most likely it will be an easy target for true modern MBT's such as the M2,2A6(7)'s or Leclercs. "

    I knew the guy was a retard before, but now I am convinced the problems are fundamentally more severe.

    Honestly, I've suspected for a while that Flamer1, theSTOPsign, and Jitter are just troll accounts for one of the other members, sort of like your troll account Diabetus. They barely even try to hide it.

    Last edited by Cpt Caz on Thu Apr 23, 2015 11:42 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Clarification. Looked like I was calling TR1 a troll.)

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    Post  collegeboy16 Thu Apr 23, 2015 9:05 am

    gonna miss the photos thread there- btw anyone has backup? torrent it please angel

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    Post  Werewolf Thu Apr 23, 2015 9:38 am

    I really hope mods and Vlad ban here double accounts so people don't even mess up this forum with troll accounts and that is a request.

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    Post  KoTeMoRe Thu Apr 23, 2015 10:25 am

    mack8 wrote:Following the link, found this... not sure if that's a joke or not, but bleak future for this place if that would actually happen  Rolling Eyes

    Nope because what tipped the scale in was the Moderation bias. When guys would make a VERY informative and logically bombproof argument your OPFOR would simply allude the poster was commie, liberal, Russian what ever. Report the man and hop, your argument would get magically out of "Forum Regulations".

    Here we're into sanity regulation. We all know Russia isn't perfect. To that extent that unlike we have a lot of issues cornered. Corruption, Transitioning economy, lower standarts of bullshit when it comes to foreign affairs etc. I'm yet to hear a Russian that isn't cynical about the situation at home. And I'm yet to hear an American that doesn't think his opinion isn't the center of Universe.

    It is this very deep difference I found as an inbuilt feature in Eastern Europeans that makes me think this Forum should be quite good.

    The problem starts with the fact that unlike what is claimed in, Russians in general doesn't have an inferiority complex. Rather the contrary is true, people who've gone out of the Russian orbit utterly dislike to be reminded that they haven't changed at all.

    TR1 wrote:Ahahahaha, does anyone remember that retard Flamer84 from

    That pathological Romanian?

    Well, get ready to die:

    "It really doesn't look like much,as usual from Russia,much hype over nothing.It would be a progress indeed if it can match a Leo 2A4 or an M1,but it's doubtful. "

    "No need to get angry over an opinion.Yes,it looks like an over hyped T72 to me,just like the T90.Most likely it will be an easy target for true modern MBT's such as the M2,2A6(7)'s or Leclercs. "

    I knew the guy was a retard before, but now I am convinced the problems are fundamentally more severe.


    I bet the TR 85 beats that. respekt :green:

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    Post  GarryB Thu Apr 23, 2015 1:24 pm

    And I'm yet to hear an American that doesn't think his opinion isn't the center of Universe.

    there are several Americans on this forum I have a lot of respect for... Mike E is just one... Zivo, and of course Sean (SOC).

    On every site there are the contributors and the analysts... on this site george1 and Austin are two good examples of the former... to make this site a valid alternative to Russian photos thread then we need people like Vitaly etc to contribute to a photos and videos thread... of course that just means more work for me so I am conflicted.... Twisted Evil

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    Post  KoTeMoRe Thu Apr 23, 2015 1:35 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    And I'm yet to hear an American that doesn't think his opinion isn't the center of Universe.

    there are several Americans on this forum I have a lot of respect for... Mike E is just one... Zivo, and of course Sean (SOC).

    On every site there are the contributors and the analysts... on this site george1 and Austin are two good examples of the former... to make this site a valid alternative to Russian photos thread then we need people like Vitaly etc to contribute to a photos and videos thread... of course that just means more work for me so I am conflicted....   Twisted Evil

    I'm sorry my and professional experience took the better of me. As I amply expanded in during my stint at the EU we had VERY big issues with the US "delegations" and the cohort of numb nuts that would follow them. The worst part would be the journalists and the bigwigs.

    I have had a very stern conversation with the staff of James Baker during his visit in Tirana in 1991. With US idiots calling me all kind of names behind my back, until I addressed them in immaculate English during the security briefing for his motorcade. That kind of atmosphere was the norm in as well.

    If I offended anyone, please accept my apologies.


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    Post  TheArmenian Thu Apr 23, 2015 4:15 pm

    In my opinion, we need to get as many Russian speaking contributors as possible. Such as Khathi, Void, Artjom and Vitaly (Dzaga-Dzaga) and many others.

    Maybe some of you guys should contact them on by pm and encourage them to come aboard.

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    Post  Werewolf Thu Apr 23, 2015 4:42 pm

    What is with Hyde?

    Don't know any over there but the last nickname i got an impression that actually is not biased.

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    Post  KoTeMoRe Thu Apr 23, 2015 4:48 pm

    Werewolf wrote:What is with Hyde?

    Don't know any over there but the last nickname i got an impression that actually is not biased.

    There is nothing wrong with being a crazed out Serbian paranoidal maniac ;-). We actually need his rants on Italian automotive industry and crappy German overpricing.

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    Post  sepheronx Thu Apr 23, 2015 5:09 pm

    I really like Hyde and Khathi. My conversations in tech with KVS reminds me of my convos with Khathi in same format.

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    Post  KomissarBojanchev Thu Apr 23, 2015 6:11 pm

    I've looked around a few times. Now I haven't read much due to the sheer massiveness of the threads but from what I saw most of the discussion rather cultured and neutral with many russian posters taking part and hardly any genuine NATOstronk idiots, and this is mainly around the general discussion threads, the photos threads don't have much debate from what I saw. Forgive me but unfortunately I haven't managed to see so far blatant antirussian propaganda discussions there or mods taking action. I haven't seen any "russia murders gays" or "russia threatens to invade europe" threads so far. Is because because I haven't delved in enough or the forum yet?

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    Post  Werewolf Thu Apr 23, 2015 6:26 pm

    KomissarBojanchev wrote:I've looked around a few times. Now I haven't read much due to the sheer massiveness of the threads but from what I saw most of the discussion rather cultured  and neutral with many russian posters taking part and hardly any genuine NATOstronk idiots, and this is mainly around the general discussion threads, the photos threads don't have much debate from what I saw. Forgive me but unfortunately I haven't managed to see so far blatant antirussian propaganda discussions there or mods taking action. I haven't seen any "russia murders gays" or "russia threatens to invade europe" threads so far.  Is because because I haven't delved in enough or the forum yet?

    Well then you haven't been paying attention there. All the russians or in russian military interested people had to take shelter in the russian military pictures thread because there was a witch hunt for russians that even dared to say anything that is not US stronkkk or would show putin and russia in a good or at least neutral way.

    I was there for exact 3 days, two posts for Attack Helicopters, no one replied there and then i saw a thread something about Dictator Putin and Russia with bollocks talk about Tzar Putin that is a dictator and a criminal and then i just asked if Putin is a criminal and dictator for Georgian war which the US in proxy with georgia has started, then what are out western leaders that are attacking bananarepublics around the globe and in the end Europe gets a Peace Nobel Price same as Massmurder Obama who signs each thursday several lists with dozens of people which Drones can kill in souvereign states which the US and NATO violates on daily basis.

    And that was a ban. They just do not like to see anyone pointing out facts.
    You should read the registration rules, you are not allowed to speak or mention TONKIN the well known False Flag by US, with several other false flags and political and historical facts, just right out banned to speak about. Screw mp net it was a shithole.

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    Post  KoTeMoRe Thu Apr 23, 2015 6:57 pm

    KomissarBojanchev wrote:I've looked around a few times. Now I haven't read much due to the sheer massiveness of the threads but from what I saw most of the discussion rather cultured  and neutral with many russian posters taking part and hardly any genuine NATOstronk idiots, and this is mainly around the general discussion threads, the photos threads don't have much debate from what I saw. Forgive me but unfortunately I haven't managed to see so far blatant antirussian propaganda discussions there or mods taking action. I haven't seen any "russia murders gays" or "russia threatens to invade europe" threads so far.  Is because because I haven't delved in enough or the forum yet?
    In exactly 6 days I'll show you.

    Any search page to the Politics, OffTop & Humour, sometimes General Discussion, sometimes History would end up with at least a couple of Rasha iz Mordurr, Putin haz botox, Rashan eat babies. Gomosex Verbotten in Rasha.

    I'm sorry for the childish remarks but really, I'm not even exagerating. Furthermore since the Ukraine idiocy, the forum just let the inner Russophobia out.
    You had pro-trolls just vomiting BS and mods doing jacksquat. Some more educated, longterm Polish idiots even posted a Ruszka Kurwa Hooligan video in the Ukraine thread, no single **** was given by the moderation crew.

    But having intelligent posters explaining how Ukraine was a cesspool of corruption, no matter the "sides", no no, bans right and left. And the worst is that while intelligent posters were being banned, non-Russian fanatics were let alone. A guy like Monarchist who was a shame, is still member of Just suspended...

    Anyway enough with this, it isn't good for my blood pressure.

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    Post  Khepesh Thu Apr 23, 2015 10:23 pm

    As this seems a thread to bitch and get red in the face, here is my thoughts. To me the worst thing that happened there was the hysterical reaction to MH17. I was suspended on 18 July for an offtopic. It wasn't, I was simply clarifying the timeline of messages on rebel sources and who said what and who they were not, like the VK fan page for Strelkov and icorpus which were used as "evidence" of official claiming of taking down MH17. This was not liked, so the ban. But I noticed that the mod who banned me had made a post on another thread a few minutes before saying he was going to cull the Ukraine thread, and then banned not just me but several others, for no reason. I lurked for a few days to see what would happen and saw that XJ120 and one other whose name I forget, had clearly been given permission to wreck the thread to drown out any posts about MH17 that did not fit their contorted world view. That was pathetic and they lost all credibility with me because of that. After two weeks ban I then lasted about four days before another suspention, apparent "flame baiting". Then when Minsk 1 happend I stopped posting. Came back in early January and was suspended for my first post for almost four months, again no real reason. What also made me sick was some posters who seemed pro Novorossiya but who were licking mods butts and I suspect also spanning the report button on their so called "allies" to gain favor, cowards.

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