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Military Forum for Russian and Global Defence Issues

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    Post  AbsoluteZero Tue Apr 21, 2015 2:32 pm

    Is it true or April fools? Laughing
    max steel
    max steel

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    Post  max steel Tue Apr 21, 2015 3:44 pm

    Fanboys will flock some where else . Aviationist , pakdef forum etc .

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    Post  Werewolf Tue Apr 21, 2015 3:59 pm

    The rats just escape a sinking ship trying to restore credbility which they never have and a new side won't help when the same washington asslicker rats just flee to the other ship.

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    Post  magnumcromagnon Tue Apr 21, 2015 7:11 pm

    AbsoluteZero wrote:Is it true or April fools? Laughing

    Likely a late April Fools joke, if they did though than they will just flock towards the F-16 forum, and even more bias forum which is saying a lot!

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    Post  Werewolf Tue Apr 21, 2015 8:07 pm

    magnumcromagnon wrote:
    AbsoluteZero wrote:Is it true or April fools? Laughing

    Likely a late April Fools joke, if they did though than they will just flock towards the F-16 forum, and even more bias forum which is saying a lot!

    Those fools created a new side, mp net lost credibility now they try to make a new beginning with a new name but with the same people, just like Blackwater renamed themselfs to Academi.

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    Post  flamming_python Tue Apr 21, 2015 8:47 pm

    So long

    Wasn't without its flaws, but it was a fun ride anyhow.

    Probably not a co-incidence either that they're closing only a few short months after they banned me.. guess it just wasn't the same there w/o me Cool

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    Post  Strizh Tue Apr 21, 2015 10:42 pm

    Shouldn't we move the "Russian Photos" thread to this site?
    I mean it's great to have a single thread for looking through military pictures, it was a major hit at why can't we have it too?

    NO insult, but could we get a new banner for this site? To make it look like a litte bit more professional, would attract a lot of users.
    Take a look at the indiandefence and pakistanidefence forums they are huge but we lack the same kind of "design" here.

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    Post  KoTeMoRe Tue Apr 21, 2015 11:26 pm

    I'm so sad for russian cohort and the marvelous thread there, but not a single FU is given when it comes to the rest of it. It was just a matter of time was going to implode because it had no proper or fair moderation.

    The page was DDosed quite some times, because of the straight out bullcrap it allowed. Who here hasn't had a run in with liar extraordinaire, clueless schizophrenic Hollis and his ominous "but the Cold War."

    That idiot of a kid, with even worse grammar and spelling, has banned some quality folks from there. Including people whose positions I disliked. It's not a mystery why many "elders" just stopped coming, Macs and others simply couldn't bear the idiocy from that man and others. Among other Idiots we have Flagg, guy who predicted the oil price would be at 150 today in late 2013. Same idiot whose ideas on economy are only comparable to some other Austrian's on Jews.

    It was long overdue and the string of issues since Libya only made it clear that was garbage as long as there wasn't open comparison and fact checking.
    The funniest part is that some of the useful idiots there discover shit that was evident for most of the guys from Slovakia and eastwards.

    Not a single tear will be shed in anger. Let die and let TheMess become one.

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    Post  Strizh Tue Apr 21, 2015 11:32 pm

    ^ Hah he banned more than a dozen or even two dozens of my accounts with a total of several thousands of posts. I know most of the users from pretty well starting from 2007.

    It won't attract the Russian users anymore, which is actually good. Because we won't be banned anymore for no reason!
    Let's build a better forum HERE!

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    Post  sepheronx Tue Apr 21, 2015 11:41 pm

    The start of the Ukrainian event did it for me. Left and didnt looked back. Nazi sympathizers and pathological liars. What also pissed me off when Locos was being debated by that diehard capitalist AIG. Guy was numb in the head while Locos has plenty of experience. wonder if locos will make his way here ever?

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    Post  KoTeMoRe Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:01 am

    I don't see Lokos doing that. Primarily because he loves the confrontation. He'd never be challenged on fundamentals here. On the other side, he'd be also sadly needed for all matters over there. I see TheMess becoming a quagmire and some very old members of ( bd popeye said that without pictures he's done with the new "forum").

    The problem is that what made was the overall diversity of sources. We barely survived the Georgian issue without loosing much credibility (bar nutcases like Linedoggie and the rest of the Rassija=Mordor club), but the writing was on the wall, was too much of a Queen's finest Clubhouse to even make a difference between facts and bullshit.

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    Post  Rodinazombie Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:17 am

    Hi all, i just saw this site being talked about on so i thought id give it a whirl.

    Can we have a roll call so i know which comrades from that site are here too?

    Cheers guys.

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    Post  flamming_python Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:20 am

    KoTeMoRe wrote:I don't see Lokos doing that. Primarily because he loves the confrontation. He'd never be challenged on fundamentals here. On the other side, he'd be also sadly needed for all matters over there. I see TheMess becoming a quagmire and some very old members of ( bd popeye said that without pictures he's done with the new "forum").

    Yeah that's what I liked there - your own views won't mature unless they're tested, and you're forced to either defend or re-examine them.

    This site lacks that, although I have been hoping for it to attract a more diverse user-base. One of's competitive advantages is really the sheer amount of news, info and expertise on different Russian and Soviet weapon systems, for the newer ones there're often dedicated threads for them.

    The problem is that what made was the overall diversity of sources. We barely survived the Georgian issue without loosing much credibility (bar nutcases like Linedoggie and the rest of the Rassija=Mordor club), but the writing was on the wall, was too much of a Queen's finest Clubhouse to even make a difference between facts and bullshit.

    Yes and that was important.

    This 'TheMess' site looks like it will become a NATO-fanboy & pals club.
    I'm guessing this forum will see a certain amount of resettlement from the exodus, other sites too.

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    Post  sepheronx Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:25 am

    Linedoggie was abd is the biggest tool. His bravado. I told him he should just get the war started so he could eat a Russian bullet. Didnt fly well. His America Urrah mentality was outright sickening and if you proved him wrong his line of defense was "what war did you serve in" or "you never been there". I told him woth his line of reasoning, he has no right to ridicule Russians or Russia cause he never been there, but his statement is that because he was in Germany, he was closer.

    If resorted to just people like him and AIG, I can see why it failed hard.

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    Post  sepheronx Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:30 am

    Rodinazombie wrote:Hi all, i just saw this site being talked about on so i thought id give it a whirl.

    Can we have a roll call so i know which comrades from that site are here too?

    Cheers guys.

    GarryB and TR1 are also former members.

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    Post  Rodinazombie Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:36 am

    sepheronx wrote:Linedoggie was abd is the biggest tool. His bravado. I told him he should just get the war started so he could eat a Russian bullet. Didnt fly well.  His America Urrah mentality was outright sickening and if you proved him wrong his line of defense was "what war did you serve in" or "you never been there". I told him woth his line of reasoning, he has no right to ridicule Russians or Russia cause he never been there, but his statement is that because he was in Germany, he was closer.

    If resorted to just people like him and AIG, I can see why it failed hard.

    They are accepting people onto the new site who have a. 'Good standing' on, i think we all know what that means. Ive had a quick glance on there and i can see some of the usual clowns have already been accepted on there, the idiots who are all over every russia thread like a rash. Its a shame cus its a great site, but the biased moderation and free passes to anyone who is willing to talk crap about muricas enemies is what really lets it down.

    BTW about aig, i remember a post of his where he spoke about the russian character, it sounded almost word for word like something goebbels said. The fact that such blatant racism didnt attract an instant ban says a lot.

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    Post  KoTeMoRe Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:38 am

    Yeah that's an understatement.

    The new batch of moderators are barely more apt to dialogue than the old one. Gaz, Kiwi, Hellfish are an improvement, however James and Hollis are still there and digrar has gone full retard since the start of the Ukrainian affair.

    That individual accused (and banned) at least two people of being me, while my own second Account Alliyah is still on and not banned.

    This level of nonsense is unacceptable. The other issue rests with the whole Pro-Nato, Pro-West, Pro-GWOT/TWAT spin that the site supposedly has. Most of the time its just a carte blanche to hit on people they can't beat by sensible arguments.

    To the point that the thread that cost me my perma-ban was typically a non-flaming one.

    At the end TheMess will have even more issues because most of the time there aren't many deep sources, like studies and . The Greek Debt threads are symptomatic of that, with non-greeks claiming fantasies.

    All in all, became a pit of all Western stereotypes and the heir site will become even worse.


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    Post  KoTeMoRe Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:45 am

    sepheronx wrote:Linedoggie was abd is the biggest tool. His bravado. I told him he should just get the war started so he could eat a Russian bullet. Didnt fly well.  His America Urrah mentality was outright sickening and if you proved him wrong his line of defense was "what war did you serve in" or "you never been there". I told him woth his line of reasoning, he has no right to ridicule Russians or Russia cause he never been there, but his statement is that because he was in Germany, he was closer.

    If resorted to just people like him and AIG, I can see why it failed hard.

    Linedoggie was a patented agent provocateur with partial (at least) mod blessing. He'd get into bullshit arguments armed only with Wikipedia, he got a good takedown couple of times, only to have his tamer banned in the following day or so. There was a reason why Lokos wouldn't adress that idiot. When Kitsune got banned (i think it was temp) because of Linedoggie claimed he was a nazi supporter, that was too much. I think Hollis got rid of Indiana Jones in the same fashion.

    Best part is when Linedoggie claimed back in the day, the Soviet Union sent free ressources to the 3rd Reich because they were allies etc.

    Anyway, those two inbreds are the reason why ceased to be a worthy place of dicussion.

    Rodinazombie: Lokos reproduced a direct Goebbels quote and matched it with AIG's post. AIG got a suspension. And then was back. This while racism is a perma-ban offence on UA...Nuff Said.

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    Post  Rodinazombie Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:49 am

    KoTeMoRe wrote:Yeah that's an understatement.

    The new batch of moderators are barely more apt to dialogue than the old one. Gaz, Kiwi, Hellfish are an improvement, however James and Hollis are still there and digrar has gone full retard since the start of the Ukrainian affair.

    That individual accused (and banned) at least two people of being me, while my own second Account Alliyah is still on and not banned.

    This level of nonsense is unacceptable. The other issue rests with the whole Pro-Nato, Pro-West, Pro-GWOT/TWAT spin that the site supposedly has. Most of the time its just a carte blanche to hit on people they can't beat by sensible arguments.

    To the point that the thread that cost me my perma-ban was typically a non-flaming one.

    At the end TheMess will have even more issues because most of the time there aren't many deep sources, like studies and . The Greek Debt threads are symptomatic of that, with non-greeks claiming fantasies.

    All in all, became a pit of all Western stereotypes and the heir site will become even worse.

    hah, i got a suspension from digrar simply for posting a thank you to him for cleaning the thread up. To be fair to him, that threat has become more civil since he got on the case, but still, he bans people for no reason and then has the gall to call everyone a bunch of retards, scum or windowlickers. Talk about practicing what you preach.

    Is anyone spreading the word to members about this site? Its not going to be for everyone but im sure a lot of the russian orientated crowd on there would be interested. Would an advertising campaign of private messages be useful?

    Last edited by Rodinazombie on Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:53 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  Strizh Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:51 am

    Rodinazombie wrote:
    KoTeMoRe wrote:Yeah that's an understatement.

    The new batch of moderators are barely more apt to dialogue than the old one. Gaz, Kiwi, Hellfish are an improvement, however James and Hollis are still there and digrar has gone full retard since the start of the Ukrainian affair.

    That individual accused (and banned) at least two people of being me, while my own second Account Alliyah is still on and not banned.

    This level of nonsense is unacceptable. The other issue rests with the whole Pro-Nato, Pro-West, Pro-GWOT/TWAT spin that the site supposedly has. Most of the time its just a carte blanche to hit on people they can't beat by sensible arguments.

    To the point that the thread that cost me my perma-ban was typically a non-flaming one.

    At the end TheMess will have even more issues because most of the time there aren't many deep sources, like studies and . The Greek Debt threads are symptomatic of that, with non-greeks claiming fantasies.

    All in all, became a pit of all Western stereotypes and the heir site will become even worse.

    hah, i got a suspension from digrar simply for posting a thank you to him for cleaning the thread up. To be fair to him, that threat has become more civil since he got on the case, but still, he bans people for no reason and then has the gall to call everyone a bunch of retards, scum or windowlickers. Talk about practicing what you preach.

    Got exactly the same ban! For saying "ok that was fair" without any kind of trolling.

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    Post  mack8 Wed Apr 22, 2015 12:52 am

    Good riddance to those pro-US, pro-war, far right wing, anti-everything-else-in-the-world and -phobes of every kind pieces of s***, the only real attraction were those pictures in one place, but those are mostly collated or lifted from across the web anyway.

    Got banned from there some years ago for daring to post a news article about the "valiant" american troops peeing on dead bodies in Afghanistan, even if it was all over the news. Pathetic losers.

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    Post  KoTeMoRe Wed Apr 22, 2015 1:00 am

    Don't forget, digrar is a bit on the simple side of life. IF he can't directly prove (IP address etc) you're a past banned member, he'll just assume so if your arguments will go against the pride. So I'm laughing a bit and feeling guilty for people said to be me.

    Well enough with the past, time to go to the future.

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    Post  Strizh Wed Apr 22, 2015 1:05 am

    Especially this cowboy mod is such a redneck ... Laughing

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    Post  wilhelm Wed Apr 22, 2015 1:07 am

    The uneven and biased moderating was why I started posting less and less on MP.

    The mod team was extremely lopsided, basically US posters such as LineDoggie and others could troll to their hearts content with not a thing done to them, whilst other non-US posters were banned at the drop of a hat. Regardless of their length of stay and contributions.
    In other words, the entire setup was rather xenophobic, and borderline racist at the end.

    With that type of idiocy as a policy, it's hardly surprising it would eventually die.
    If you were interested in developments from, say Russia or Iran or even China, many of the threads were unreadable due to the trolling allowed by the mods from certain favoured nationalities. Completely ridiculous.

    If the same crew are in charge of the the other site they are trying to get going, well then, what's changed?
    It'll be just as biased, uneven, unfair, and idiotic.

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    Post  TR1 Wed Apr 22, 2015 1:12 am

    Strizh wrote:Shouldn't we move the "Russian Photos" thread to this site?
    I mean it's great to have a single thread for looking through military pictures, it was a major hit at why can't we have it too?

    NO insult, but could we get a new banner for this site? To make it look like a litte bit more professional, would attract a lot of users.
    Take a look at the indiandefence and pakistanidefence forums they are huge but we lack the same kind of "design" here.

    Would be nice to have more good posters and less fringe nutcases that are the majority of the posting here.

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