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    Russian Agriculture News - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Agriculture News

    Post  Kiko Tue Jul 06, 2021 8:58 am

    The French made a scandal over champagne in Russia by mistake, 06.07.2021.

    French winemakers made a real hysteria because Russia allegedly forbade them to call a drink from Champagne champagne. The French said they would suspend shipments and then start writing “sparkling wine” on the labels, as required by law. In fact, the document is not directed against Champagne products. Moreover, now no Russian winemaker has the right to write the word "champagne" on bottles with his sparkling wine without one important clarification.

    Europeans were unusually excited by the amendments to the Russian law on winemaking signed by the president on July 2. Champagne distributor Moet Hennessy threw a tantrum, who immediately announced that he was suspending shipments of expensive champagne to Russia. The French edition of Le Figaro published the news that, allegedly, according to the new Russian law, champagne from France in Russia will now be called "sparkling wine", and products made in Russia - "champagne". It turns out that Russian oligarchs will now have to travel to France to enjoy their favorite brands of champagne, the French edition is undergoing.

    On Monday, all French winemakers expressed their disappointment. The Union of Champagne Houses of France called the new Russian law on the regulation of the alcohol market "unacceptable". There they allowed the suspension of supplies of French champagne to Russia.

    A little later, even the European Commission criticized the Russian law on winemaking. She declared her disagreement with the approved law and promised to take the necessary steps to protect the rights of European companies. European outrage is caused by the fact that Russia allegedly took away from the French the opportunity to call their wine "champagne", although this name comes from the name of the Champagne region, where the wine was historically harvested and produced. On the other hand, the shares of the Russian company Abrau-Dyurso on the background of news about the suspension of supplies from the EU rose by almost 5% at the Moscow Exchange on Monday.

    The law itself does indeed contain the words: “(“ champagne ”) exclude”, as well as “sparkling wine (champagne) should be replaced with the words“ sparkling wine, including Russian champagne ”. However, the irony is that the new law does not actually prevent French people from calling their sparkling wine champagne. Moreover, in this law, Russia, on the contrary, goes towards the French, who were unhappy with the use of the word "champagne" by Russian producers.

    “The problem is out of hand. Nobody forbids the French to bring their wine to Russia, nobody forbids them from using the inscription "champagne" on the label. We've all spent a lot of time and money discussing a problem that doesn't exist.

    It's just that someone at Moet Hennessy misread the law and raised a wave in an empty glass, ”Leonid Popovich, President of the Union of Winegrowers and Winemakers of Russia, told the VZGLYAD newspaper.

    Indeed, after categorical words about the suspension of supplies, Moet Hennessy reduced the degree of the problem a few days later. They said that they have always complied with local laws in the countries where they supplied their products. And in this case, the company will do the same. Namely, the French will start adding the mention of "sparkling wine" to the label on the back of champagne bottles to comply with amendments to Russian law. How long it will take to replace labels, champagne producers did not say. By such an indirect statement, the French, in fact, hint at their mistake, although they do not admit it directly. The fact is that the name "champagne" on the bottle is indicated on the front label, but the French are not going to change it.

    The expert believes that Moet Hennessy is simply ashamed to admit his mistake. Moreover, according to him, whether or not to write “sparkling wine” on the counter-label is the prerogative of the company itself, it is not at all necessary to do so. What suppliers of sparkling wine to Russia are obliged to do is to certify their products as required by the Russian law on winemaking. However, the amendments adopted on July 2, 2021 are not about that. “The Europeans had to certify their products in accordance with Russian laws yesterday. But they haven’t done it yet, ”says Popovich. That is, the customs calmly allowed imported sparkling wine without this certification.

    What has changed now? From a legislative point of view, nothing. “Perhaps someone threatened the French with a finger and said that the shop was closing, and now it would be necessary to comply with Russian laws,” the source suggests. Moreover, Russian winemakers fulfill these standards, in contrast to European producers. And this is clear discrimination.
    “In fact, on the back of the label, the main thing is to indicate that the product meets the requirements of the national standard - and indicate its number. If Moet Hennessy wants, it can write on the back label the name of the standard - "sparkling wine", and if it does not want to, then it may not write ", explains Popovich.

    What does the amendment of July 2 to the law have to do with it? To a greater extent, they relate to the technical regulation of sparkling wines, and not to what French wine producers should write on the labels.

    “We have one big standard“ sparkling wine ”, all wines, both Russian and European, must meet its requirements. According to the requirements of this standard, Russian champagne will also be produced, with the proviso that the aging of this wine is carried out in bottles according to the classical technology, ”explains Popovich. There are two ways to produce sparkling wine - acratophores and bottled or classic.

    Previously, the standard was called "sparkling wines (champagne)", but now it has been renamed "sparkling wines, including Russian champagne." What does it mean? That the Europeans, and even more so the French, should rejoice at these changes. Europe has long asked not to call champagne champagne, because it is a wine of geographical origin, taking its name from the French region of Champagne. "The French and Europeans as a whole want to destroy Russian producers and“ clean up ”the market. And for this it is necessary to deprive the Russian manufacturer of recognition, that is, to remove from the label the name "champagne", to which the consumer is accustomed. Then our product will "drown" in the offer of sparkling wines. They have been striving for this since the time of Yeltsin, ”says a professor at the base department of trade policy of the PRUE. Plekhanov Vyacheslav Cheglov.

    And so Russia, in fact, went to meet the Europeans in this matter. “The European Union and the French should applaud this law. We have done exactly what has been asked of us for the past thirty years. If earlier all sparkling wine in our country could have been champagne, now only Russian champagne remains, and this is only 10% of all sparkling wine produced in Russia. Therefore, we have the right to wait for applause from the EU, and not make excuses, ”says Popovich.

    At the same time, Russia has found a middle ground. On the one hand, it has clearly made the French winemakers happy - and will no longer call their sparkling wines simply "champagne". On the other hand, she did not deprive herself of the right to use the word "champagne" at all. “We will never give up the word“ champagne ”. This is our right, because we have used this word for 150 years and will continue to use it. Only now it will be called in two words - "Russian champagne", - explains Popovich.

    It is curious that the law on winemaking also applies to cognac. Europeans believe that brandy can be called cognac, which is produced only in a certain area, namely: in the French region of Charente, where the city of the same name is located. Armenia recently abandoned the use of the word "cognac" in favor of a different designation. True, she knocked out a good transition period for herself - as much as 25 years. He will also receive compensation from the EU - three million euros.

    “Armenians are great, they know how to sell themselves. They will receive money and will continue to write the word "cognac" for 25 years. We have taken from the "champagne", refused, and did not take a ruble from France, "says Popovich.

    As for the use of the word "cognac" on Russian products, the situation here is somewhat different.

    In seven years, it will be possible to call Russian cognac cognac only if it is made from grapes grown in Russia, says Popovic.

    That is, for another seven years Russia can carry distillates from Spain, France and Italy for the production of cognac and call this product cognac. But then the shop will close.

    Actually, the essence of the law and the amendments is not at all to close the import of champagne, but to create conditions for investors to invest more money in growing grapes in Russia and producing wine, sums up the President of the Union of Winegrowers and Winemakers of Russia. The innovations will help the development of small and medium-sized businesses in the South and North Caucasian federal districts of Russia, the authors of the bill believe.

    "No agricultural crop provides as many jobs and gross production per unit of land area as grapes. A vineyard with an area of ​​100 hectares creates at least 80 jobs and ensures the receipt of more than 12 million rubles per year from one hectare of cultivated vineyards to budgets and extra-budgetary funds, ”reads the explanatory note to the law.

    Text: Olga Samofalova


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    Russian Agriculture News - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Agriculture News

    Post  flamming_python Tue Jul 06, 2021 12:24 pm

    Sacré bleu!

    I admit it's a pretty retarded law, but the French rising to the bait made it all worth it lol1

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    Post  Kiko Fri Jul 16, 2021 5:26 am

    Rostselmash entered the Scandinavian market, 16.07.2021.

    Russian Agriculture News - Page 17 F_c2RlbGFub3VuYXMucnUvdXBsb2Fkcy8zLzkvMzk2MTYyNjM2MjEwOF9vcmlnLmpwZWc_X19pZD0xNDIzNTU=

    Rostselmash enters a new market. For the first time on the Scandinavian Peninsula, the equipment of one of the largest manufacturers of agricultural machines will be presented. The company has entered into a dealer agreement with Heftway Oy in Finland.

    Now Scandinavian farmers will be able to choose any machine from the Rostselmash product portfolio - these are 24 types of equipment with more than 150 models and their modifications, including grain and forage harvesters, tractors, forage and grain processing equipment, sprayers and others.

    In addition, a new partner, Heftway Oy, will provide farmers with the full range of services from consultations on choosing a model or line to sales and warranty and post-warranty services.

    This is the first exit of Rostselmash to the Scandinavian Peninsula. The agricultural machinery manufacturer is confidently expanding its sales markets. One of the main goals of the company is to make the company's products available to farmers in different countries. In general, the geography of supplies of equipment and spare parts to Rostselmash covers more than 40 countries of the world, from Kazakhstan and Germany to Brazil and South Africa.

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    Post  PapaDragon Mon Jul 26, 2021 6:22 pm

    Russian Agriculture News - Page 17

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    Post  dino00 Mon Jul 26, 2021 6:35 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
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    Looking good

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    Post  Kiko Fri Jul 30, 2021 11:32 am

    Russia increased exports of agricultural products in 2021 by 16%, 30.07.2021.

    Exports of agricultural products from Russia since the beginning of the year as of July 25 amounted to $ 16.379 billion, which is 16% higher than the same date last year, according to the materials of the Federal Center for the Development of Export of Agricultural Products (FGBU "Agroexport") under the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia.

    The first place among the buyers of Russian agricultural products is taken by the European Union with a share of 12.4%; EU countries increased imports by 31.6%, to $ 2.035 billion. China, usually the top importer, came in second, dropping purchases 5.5% to $ 2.001 billion. The share of China in the total volume of supplies of agricultural products from the Russian Federation is 12.2%.

    Exports to Turkey increased by 14.1% and currently amounts to $ 1.914 billion (the share in the total volume is 11.7%). The top 10 importers of Russian agricultural products also include South Korea, Kazakhstan, Egypt, Belarus, Ukraine, Uzbekistan and Norway.

    According to Agroexport, the supply of agricultural products from Russia abroad last year amounted to $ 30.658 billion.

    Export of grain from Russia increased by 15.1% - up to 4.579 billion dollars, fish and seafood - by 4.7%, up to 2.85 billion. Deliveries of fat and oil products increased by 38.4% to $ 3.753 billion. Exports of food and processing industry products increased by 5% - up to 2.186 billion dollars, meat and dairy products - by 25.1%, up to 748 million.

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    Russian Agriculture News - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Agriculture News

    Post  flamming_python Sat Jul 31, 2021 7:53 pm

    The battle against Sosnovsky's hogweed in Russia

    It's really quite something this weed No


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    Post  miketheterrible Sun Aug 01, 2021 12:39 am

    Probably bullshit when it comes from some crappy YouTuber.

    This kind of shit is easy to defeat and Russia isn't a growing agricultural power with yields higher every year for nothing.

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    Post  Azi Sun Aug 01, 2021 6:29 am

    flamming_python wrote:The battle against Sosnovsky's hogweed in Russia

    It's really quite something this weed No

    Hogweed or Germany i know it as Bärenklau (Bear claw)...about 70 species are known of Heracleum and only 1 is really dangerous. Heracleum Mantegazzianum is the most phototoxic of all and is not a threat because it's spreads with the speed of's a threat because it's phototoxic for humans. Another threat is that the bushes grow really high that the sight of car drivers is hindered in curves and the third danger is that the soil is prone to erosion next to rivers.

    The overall threat is complete exaggerated!!! Even the german wikipedia mention that the threat from Heracleum Mantegazzianum is complete exaggerated. So the video is a bit clickbait.
    German Wikipedia - Riesenbärenklau wrote:Der vom Riesen-Bärenklau ausgehende ökologische Schaden wird im Vergleich mit anderen invasiven Neophyten wie beispielsweise der Späten Traubenkirsche oder der Gewöhnlichen Robinie eher überschätzt. Die breite öffentliche Wahrnehmung des Riesen-Bärenklaus als problematischer Neophyt resultiert auch aus seiner Auffälligkeit und aus den Risiken für die menschliche Gesundheit.

    The ecological damage caused by the giant hogweed is rather overestimated in comparison with other invasive neophytes such as the late bird cherry or the common robinia. The broad public perception of the giant hogweed as a problematic neophyte also results from its conspicuousness and from the risks to human health.

    I remember when I was a child of a big Heracleum Mantegazzianum shrub in a park in Frankfurt, near the fair and central train station. And we kids loved to played hide and seek inside the mother warned me that the milk of the plant is dangerous and we took little care....but never ever something happened.

    The only real problem is for killing Heracleum Mantegazzianum you need really a full body protection suite, it's no joke! Or using machines, flamethrowers to kill the plant.

    The natural habitat of the 70 species of Heracleum ranges from China, to Siberia, the Caucasus, Syria down to Africa. Only Heracleum Mantegazzianum originated from Caucasus only.

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    Post  flamming_python Sun Aug 08, 2021 8:42 pm

    Russian startup Welldone backed by domestic investors in burgeoning meat alternative market

    Welldone, a Russian artificial meat startup founded last year, has secured $1.5mn from two local funds as the non-meat market starts to grow.

    By East West Digital News in Moscow August 6, 2021

    Welldone, a Russian artificial meat startup founded last year, has secured $1.5mn from two local funds. These investors are Lever VC, the venture arm of agroindustrial major GrainRus, and Phystech Ventures, a fund launched by top Moscow science institute, reports East-West Digital News (EWDN).

    Forbes Russia heard that Welldone’s valuation could be in the range of $5mn to $7mn.

    According to Russian company register data cited by Forbes Russia, Welldone’s revenue amounted to RUB2.6mn in 2020 with a loss of RUB23.3mn (respectively, $36,000 and $321,000 at the average exchange rate of the year). But company head Alexander Kiselev told Forbes Russia that the company sold 30 tonnes of products in H1 2021, up from just three tonnes in FY 2020.

    Russia’s move to meat alternatives is only beginning – far from the traction these products already generate in the US. However, the trend seems promising: according to a Deloitte Consulting study cited by Forbes Russia, some 47% of Russians aged 16 to 40 years are ready to diversify their protein diet with plant-based meat.

    While US startup Beyond Meat entered the Russian market in 2019 with a high-price positioning, several domestic competitors are now emerging. These include startups Greenwise, neMyaso (‘unMeat’) and 3D Bioprinting Solutions, as well as such established meat factories as Efko, the Naro-Fominsk Meat Processing Plant, and others.
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    Post  Cowboy's daughter Tue Aug 10, 2021 9:24 am

    I've been reading about the wild fires in Siberia, on Facebook, in English, with photos of the firefighters, some women.

    Smoke from Siberia wildfires reaches north pole in historic first
    Occurrence is first since records began and comes as Russian weather officials warn blazes are worsening

    Smoke from raging forest fires in Siberia has reached the north pole for the first time in recorded history, as a Russian monitoring institute warned the blazes were worsening.

    Devastating wildfires have ripped across Siberia with increasing regularity over the past few years, which Russia’s weather officials and environmentalists have linked to climate change and an underfunded forest service.

    UN climate experts on Monday published a report that unequivocally shows global heating is unfolding more quickly than feared and humanity is almost entirely to blame.

    A forest burns outside the village of Byas-Kyuel.
    Fighting Siberia’s wildfires – in pictures
    Read more
    One of Siberia’s hardest-hit regions this year has been Yakutia – Russia’s largest and coldest region that sits atop permafrost – which has had record high temperatures and drought.

    Russia’s weather monitoring institute Rosgidromet said on Monday the situation in the region, also known as Sakha, “continues to deteriorate”. According to Rosgidromet, close to 3.4m hectares (8.4m acres) are burning in the region, including areas that are difficult to access and remote.
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    Post  Cowboy's daughter Tue Aug 10, 2021 9:28 am

    Permafrost is ablaze with hundreds of wildfires in world’s coldest region

    By The Siberian Times reporter13 July 2021

    Lena Pillars, a World Heritage Site, hit by the rampant flames, as calls grow for greater efforts to tackle infernos

    Wildfires on permafrost are ravaging Yakutia - or the Sakha Republic, the largest and coldest entity of the Russian Federation. The scale is mesmerising.

    There are some separate 300 fires, now covering 12,140 square kilometres - but only around half of these are being tackled, because they pose a threat to people.

    The rest are burning unchecked, with some of the world’s most remote wilderness destroyed by uncontrolled fires.

    The savage summer fire season has seen major outbreaks around the Road of Bones, an arterial highway built by victims of repression in the Soviet era between Yakutsk - the regional capital and coldest city in the world - and the port of Magadan.

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    Post  Hole Tue Aug 10, 2021 3:41 pm

    Soon there will be more firefighters/rescuers in the region then inhabitants.

    "Underfunded forest service" - typical western BS. You never here such criticism about wildfires in California.

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    Post  franco Tue Aug 10, 2021 4:26 pm

    242 unmanned combines will start working on Russian fields... May 27, 2020

    The developer of artificial intelligence systems for unmanned vehicles Cognitive Pilot will supply the Russian agricultural and food company Rusagro 242 unmanned combines to work in the fields of Belgorod, Tambov, Kursk and Oryol regions, as well as Primorsky Territory.

    Not so long ago, unmanned vehicles seemed fiction, and now reality is a much more complex technique that does not require the active work of a person in the cockpit. Agriculture, labor-intensive in past eras, in turn, becomes more and more technological and requires less and less human involvement. An unmanned harvester developed by Cognitive Technologies in collaboration with Tomsk scientists was first tested on a field near the village of Karbyshevo in the Tomsk Region just last year.

    The supply of 242 unmanned combines to Russian fields is already called the largest introduction of unmanned systems in the world. At the same time, an unmanned combine harvester does not mean that it will be a completely new machine from wheels to the roof – it is just a robot that can be installed on any model of an existing combine harvester no earlier than 2009-2010.

    Combines with neural networks are able to work in a variety of climatic zones, at the same time their capabilities will be tested and improved there. According to Olga Uskova, president of Cognitive Technologies, in the course of this work a neural library will appear, an archive immediately in different temperature histories, which is important for the further development of unmanned combines.

    “The combiner remains inside the car,” said Olga Uskova in an interview with Sputnik Radio. – But it ceases to deal with management issues. He begins to work as an agricultural engineer. This dramatically improves the quality and quantity of the harvest. The economic effect of such a robot will be 40%. If a person gets tired or in a hurry, he begins to podgazovy, and at high speed the grain spills out. The robot does not allow this, it goes with the correct set speed, does not give the opportunity to violate the regulations and does not give the opportunity to steal on the field. It will not be possible to go left, pour grain into a corner and ask a neighbor to pick it up. Plus this is a serious lengthening of the working day – there is no fatigue, which makes it possible to harvest faster and is an important factor given the vagaries of the weather.

    NOTE: story a year old but the first that I have heard of it. Wonder how it has worked?

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    Post  Scorpius Wed Aug 11, 2021 7:17 am

    franco wrote:[b]
    NOTE: story a year old but the first that I have heard of it. Wonder how it has worked?
    In 2020, more than 160,000 hectares were processed by unmanned systems in Russia, more than 720,000 tons of grain were collected.

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    Post  Kiko Fri Aug 13, 2021 3:29 pm

    Experts explained why the United States misinterprets the forecast of the wheat harvest in Russia, by Olga Samofalova for VZGLYAD. 13.08.2021.

    A sharp decrease in forecasts for the harvest and export of wheat from Russia by the American Ministry of Agriculture can be manipulative, Ibragim Ramazanov, professor of the basic department of trade policy of the PRUE. Plekhanov. Russia is likely to retain its global leadership in wheat exports.

    “Russian producers deliberately made a slight reduction in the area under wheat, increasing the area under other crops. On the other hand, the USDA used outdated data in its August report. Namely, the results of preliminary forecasts of Russian wheat producers under the influence of the threat of loss of the winter wheat crop due to unfavorable weather conditions at the end of 2020 and drought in mid-June 2021 in certain regions of the country, ”says the professor of the basic department of trade policy of the PRUE. Plekhanov Ibragim Ramazanov.

    In fact, the US Department of Agriculture took the old data, although the current sowing campaign figures are very good, and the market already understands that climatic problems will not affect the final results of the gross harvest of grains and wheat in Russia. The Russian Ministry of Agriculture still expects a harvest of 81 million tons of wheat.

    Russian experts agree with him. “This season, we forecast wheat harvest at 81 million tons, wheat exports at 40 million tons. Although the forecast for exports may be lower due to the effect of export duties, ”Dmitry Leonov, deputy chairman of the board of Rusprodsoyuz, told VZGLYAD newspaper.

    “Based on the operational information on wheat harvesting and its yield, I conclude that Russian agricultural producers will be able to harvest about 80 million tons of wheat and retain the first place in export in the world,” Ramazanov agrees.

    The US Department of Agriculture said earlier Friday that Russia would harvest only 72.5 million tonnes in calendar year 2021 versus 85 million tonnes in July. That is, the estimate dropped by as much as 12.5 million tons. And the Americans have reduced the forecast for the export of wheat from Russia from 40 to 35 million tons. The US itself exports 34.5 million tons, while Europe - 35 million tons. That is, Russia risks losing its world leadership in wheat exports, according to the US, "As Russia continues to impose export duties on wheat exports, it is likely to lose market share in favor of the European Union and Ukraine," American analysts say. By the way, the harvest of Ukrainian wheat was increased by 3 million tons - up to 33 million tons.

    It is unlikely that the US Department of Agriculture accidentally makes such a mistake.

    "Any negative information about grain yields contributes to higher prices in the world market, which, in turn, will lead to an increase in demand for more expensive American wheat, the demand for which is falling due to an increase in the production and export of wheat from Russia and Ukraine," explains Ibragim Ramazanov.

    The US Department of Agriculture is an interested participant in the world grain market, so the accuracy and reliability of its forecasts should be treated with caution, the expert said. "It is highly likely that the US Department of Agriculture is trying to manipulate the market reaction to their forecasts to raise grain prices," he concludes.

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    Post  Kiko Thu Aug 19, 2021 4:49 pm

    Russia's exports of milk and dairy products increased by 59%, 19.08.2021.

    From the beginning of the year to August 8, the export of milk and dairy products from Russia amounted to 122.5 thousand tons, which is 59% more than in the same period last year, when 77 thousand tons were sent abroad, the Rosselkhoznadzor reported. The main importers of these goods were Ukraine (31.6 thousand tons), Kazakhstan (28.8 thousand tons), Azerbaijan (15.7 thousand tons), Belarus (10.9 thousand tons), Uzbekistan (3.8 thousand tons).

    The growth driver was milk whey, the export of which increased from 1.9 thousand tons to 8.9 thousand tons. Also, the supply of ice cream increased 2.4 times - from 5.8 thousand tons to 14 thousand tons. yoghurt, kefir added 74% - from 26.8 thousand tons to 46.6 thousand tons. Export of cottage cheese amounted to 1.65 thousand tons, which is 72% more than in the same period last year (962 tons). Shipments abroad of butter increased by 37% - from 1.85 thousand tons to 2.54 thousand tons, milk and unsweetened cream - by 28% from 18.4 thousand tons to 23.7 thousand tons.

    At the same time, the import of milk and dairy products to Russia has decreased, the Rosselkhoznadzor notes. From the beginning of the year to August 8, the import of this category of goods amounted to 537.8 thousand tons, which is 9% less than in the same period of 2020 (633.7 thousand tons). Russia reduced purchases of milk and unsweetened cream by 31% - from 179.8 thousand tons to 123.6 thousand tons.Supplies of milk whey decreased: from 36.1 thousand tons to 28.4 thousand tons (minus 21%) ... Imports of butter fell by 3% - from 81.3 thousand tons to 78.9 thousand tons.

    According to Aleksey Gruzdev, managing partner of Streda Consulting, high export dynamics were predicted at the end of last year: it was already noted that Russian exporters were "gaining strength." According to him, whey was indeed a growth driver due to a rather favorable price environment in the world market in the first half of 2021. Russian whey at that time was quite in demand, and the exporters, rather, were faced with the task of forming sufficient volumes for supplies. Now the situation has already corrected, but nevertheless, according to the results of the year, it is possible to predict the dynamics not worse than the past, when the volume of whey export increased more than three times.

    “The growth in the supply of ice cream is an evolutionary development, its export stably shows a record every year. This year, Russian companies are also likely to export significant volumes of ice cream, as evidenced by the first half of the year - export results show that shipments are on schedule, "Gruzdev commented to Agroinvestor.

    Speaking about the export of dairy products, it should be divided into two areas: the CIS and non-CIS countries, he continues. In the first market, Russian producers are quite strong in whole milk products, cottage cheese, yoghurt , etc. , and are systematically increasing their market share. In addition, the situation is in their favor with Belarus, which is redirecting its export activities towards third countries, thereby weakening its positions in the CIS markets, which our companies are successfully using.

    “Outside the CIS, the main drivers are whey and ice cream, because we are still not doing very well to supply cheese, butter, milk powder, since the domestic Russian market is sufficient for producers,” says Gruzdev. - For example, in terms of ice cream last year, the United States became our second largest export market after Kazakhstan. Opportunities for supplying fresh categories over long distances are limited by shelf life, but nevertheless, companies manage to export their products, for example, to China."

    In addition, in recent years, the Rosselkhoznadzor has gained a good pace of work on opening new markets: almost every month new countries are opening up for Russian dairy products. In particular, in the first half of the year, the rules for deliveries to Singapore, Egypt, Korea, Vietnam and a number of African countries were agreed, Gruzdev concluded.

    Earlier, the general director of Soyuzmolok, Artem Belov, said that in 2020 the volume of export of dairy products in monetary terms increased by 12%, in physical terms - by 20%. In the first half of 2021, growth in monetary and physical terms exceeded 20%. “We are now exporting dairy products for about $ 400 million. For us, this is a good figure, which is 4-5% of the production volume within [the country],” he said during the All-Russian Field Day 2021 exhibition. the world market of dairy products is one of the most capacious and amounts to $ 40 billion, it is growing at a fairly high rate - on average by 2-3% per year. Central Asia, Middle East, Africa, etc.

    In August, large companies also reported an increase in export shipments. For example, the leader in the production of raw milk, EkoNiva, in January-June increased the export of UHT milk by six times both in physical and monetary terms, when compared with the second half of 2020. China remains the main buyer of the company's products. Molvest (one of the leaders in processing) also increased export deliveries in the first half of the year. The group's website says that the export has quadrupled and amounted to 610 tons. At the beginning of this year, Molvest began exporting permeate to China, and last fall, the company began supplying whole milk products to Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia and Uzbekistan. The group is currently negotiating the supply of whole milk products with Singapore, Japan and the United Arab Emirates. Komos Group previously announced the shipment of the third batch of UHT milk and cream under the Selo Zelonoe brand in the USA from its Sarapul-Moloko plant. In early August, this enterprise, as well as the Kazan dairy plant of the group, entered the register of exporters to Singapore, now the dates for the delivery of a pilot batch of products are being discussed. In July, the agricultural holding announced the shipment of the second batch of milk whey from the Glazov-Milk plant to China.

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    Russian Agriculture News - Page 17 Empty Re: Russian Agriculture News

    Post  ALAMO Fri Aug 20, 2021 2:39 am

    Sanction them.
    Those are evil Russkie ice cream, that Putin weaponized.
    And the milk can be canned, and dropped from the aircraft, making those milk bombs.
    Not even mention cooled hard butter!
    How outrageous!
    More sanctions!
    Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing

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    Post  kvs Fri Aug 20, 2021 10:29 am

    Something is really inconsistent on the reporting of Russian agriculture news. Just a few months ago I was hearing that Russia has
    a deficit of dairy production. This in addition to a deficit of beef production. So the former is BS and the latter is likely to be
    as well in the near term.


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    Post  GarryB Sat Aug 21, 2021 12:46 am

    Look at the shift in rhetoric in HATO regarding the Taleban... a shift in policy and an acknowledgement that they have them by the balls and now they are not the enemy, but potential future partners... wonder if that smoke screen will ever be blown in Russias direction... likely to get them on side to attack China or India or someone else...

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    Post  Kiko Mon Aug 30, 2021 5:15 pm

    "Sanctions have been a booster" : these French producers to conquer Russian stalls. Reportage, by Maria Balareva for Sputnik France. 30/08/2021.

    Dry sausages, terrines, but also foie gras and cheeses. The anti-Russian sanctions and as a result the embargo on European products have been a real "booster" for a whole range of French producers who have stepped into the breach, in defiance of the difficulties and for the pleasure of the taste buds of Russian customers.

    Sputnik met with four French artisanal producers who started their own businesses in Russia, at the time when Moscow imposed a food embargo on the European Union and the United States in the face of economic sanctions in 2014.

    It is at the annual gastronomic festival "Syr! Pyr! Myr! (Cheese! Feast! World!) ", in the Moscow region, near Istra, that we crossed them to discuss the peculiarities of the production of French artisanal food on Russian soil.

    "Sanctions were a booster to create our business, a vacuum in which we entered", emphasizes Sébastien Baudson, founder of the brand Baudcisson which produces ham from Paris, sausage or duck breasts smoked with foie gras.

    He explains that he first started the production for his own consumption and for that of his family and friends, because it was no longer possible to "find sausages in Russian stores". It was a year later that he started his own business.

    Another craftsman, Axel Nagy, specialized in terrines and rillettes, notes for his part the transport taxes too high for these products coming from France.

    "That's why it's more profitable to produce them in Russia," he says.

    Adapt to customers' tastes

    Even if today it is "easier and easier to source quality meat" in Russia, knowing that "a lot of work has been done on it", "there are however some ingredients that are difficult to find", nuance Sébastien Baudson.

    "For example, in terms of spices, Espelette pepper, smoked Spanish paprika, these are products that are still difficult to find in Russia, which we have to bring from France or Spain. We have a problem on natural casings, in France, we have a wide choice, here it is much more calibrated and standard", he mentions.

    Another entrepreneur, Martial La Plank, creator of the brand Les Recettes de Grand-mère, also welcomes the net improvement in the quality of meat in Pushkin's country compared to five or six years ago and confides:

    "We change the recipes in relation to the taste of the customers. I had to adapt the taste that is too powerful for customers in Russia, to make it less aggressive.»

    As for Frédéric Piston d'Eaubonne, co-founder of the Grand Laitier cheese factory in the Kaluga region, a hundred kilometers from Moscow, "it was necessary to modify everything "to arrive at" a result about similar " to France, this because of cows and milk that are completely different.

    Russian production is improving

    The French artisans, already acclimatized, some having arrived more than a decade ago, want to highlight the" super organization "of this" fantastic " festival set up by the regional authorities. The exhibitors were mainly Russians who engaged in the production of European food.

    "In recent years, [French] sausages have been coming back to the stalls en masse, but produced in Russia. The quality is better year after year, " says Sébastien.

    He also welcomes the increased "sensitivity to quality" among Russian craftsmen.

    "For example, there are colleagues from Altai or Siberia who produce dry sausage, which is really outstanding too, on cheese it is the same. [ ... ] Clearly, between four years ago and today, it is day and night, people develop their taste.»

    Martial La Planche, who continues the production according to his family's recipes, also shares this opinion regarding the positive impact of the embargo on local producers who "have really started to make products of excellent quality".

    Yandex Translate from French

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    Post  GarryB Tue Aug 31, 2021 3:38 am

    Russia should develop its own food and its own flavours and not need to look to enemy countries to provide such things.

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    Karl Haushofer

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    Post  Karl Haushofer Sat Sep 04, 2021 9:09 am

    This is something new: a positive article about Russia’s agriculture from FT:

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