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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe


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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 8 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  TR1 Sat Apr 18, 2015 1:16 am

    Suleyman was asked if he thinks Putin discriminates among the religions of who he has "buisness dealings" with:

    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 8 Suleyman_Abusaidovich_Kerimov_1

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 8 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Vann7 Sat Apr 18, 2015 10:56 am

    TR1 wrote:
    flamming_python wrote:BTW, Boris Berizovsky 'round about that time or a little later, converted to Russian Orthodoxy and gave up his Israeli citizenship.

    I guess that made it good and OK now. He was no longer an evil blood-sucking Zionist Jew anymore; so his continued influence over Russian politics should have been welcomed.. Rolling Eyes

    Putin saving Russia from Jewish Oligarchs?

    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 8 180420_1

    I never said all Jews.. but Zionist jews .. is quite different.  The real Jews (religious) orthodox
    stay away of politics..  Zionist usually are atheist  ,but can pick any religion only for
    public relations.. but they believe in nothing.. and only worship their inflated egos.

    There can be Jews that even though support zionism.. they prefer to remain passive and just
    focus in their business and respect Russian laws.. and not conspire .. But in case of any major
    unrest in the nation or civil war.. they are the most likely ones to backstab Russia and sell it to the west. Putin is well know to want to keep his enemies closer and influence them with business...  ie.. Russia and TUrkey pipeline is a perfect example of this.. or Russia and US cooperation in space.  

    Russia major enemies are the 5th column ,pro western crap.. and usually they are
    Zionist jews , but could be zionist atheist . in any case they all end request citizenship with  Israel or end somehow by "coincidence" in Israel..

    Another rat.. that was part of the 7 bankers who controlled Russia before Putin ,and were selling it to the west.. . jewish billionaire..  Mikhail Khodorkovsky

    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 8 48873ebf-023d-4804-897f-f8c6b599fc54

    Khodorkovsky travels to Israel to meet former Yukos partners

    Israel is a zionist state.. and Zionist parties are the majority there. Zionism movement in alliance with Neocons are the biggest enemy of Russia...and Israel is one of the favorite places for them to flee by coincidence but also US and UK ,whenever they are caught in corruption .
    Putin do  business with Netanyahu ,just to keep some open channels with dangerous enemies.. but i don't think for a second he trust in that madman.


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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 8 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  flamming_python Sat Apr 18, 2015 6:32 pm

    Khodor turned into a Russian nationalist last time I checked; upon his release from the slammer he was talking about he would volunteer to fight for Russian land in the Caucasus if a war started there lol!

    While he was in prison he was always talking about social equality, disparity of wealth in the country, people power, etc...

    And of course before his sudden incarceration he was as pro-Western as any liberast cheers

    These people are really summit. Bet he has one of those smiles that go from ear to ear as he rubs his hands in glee over all the fools that follow him.
    Probably the same when someone accuses him of being a Zionist or pro-Israeli.

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 8 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Cyberspec Sun Apr 19, 2015 1:31 am

    I still can't understand the rationale behind the release of Khodorkovski

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 8 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  higurashihougi Sun Apr 19, 2015 9:44 am

    Cyberspec wrote:I still can't understand the rationale behind the release of Khodorkovski

    Killing him or jailing him only makes Khodorkovski become am "matyr" and that is a good tool for Western propaganda.

    Releasing him, let him woof woof bow wow, but prevents him from getting any actual power. After a time, his doggy pigness nature will be exposed, and nobody will listen to him anymore.

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 8 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  flamming_python Sun Apr 19, 2015 11:44 am

    Cyberspec wrote:I still can't understand the rationale behind the release of Khodorkovski

    He was let out only about half a year before his term was up anyway. Keeping him in prison for those extra 6 months would serve no purpose; so he might as well be put to good use as the piece de resistance of a general amnesty publicity-stunt.

    What's the alternative anyway - make up some new charges and keep him in prison?
    While all the other thieving oligarchs continue to live the life of luxury in Moscow, London and the French Rivierra and all without ever having served a day in Russia's penetentiary system?

    As far as I'm concerned he made his mistakes in life and served his penance for it; a lot more than you can say of half the Russian Duma and much of its political and economic elite.

    So let the man go and do what he wants now, he's not exactly a factor in Russian politics nowadays anyway.

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 8 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Cyberspec Sun Apr 19, 2015 11:54 am

    AFAIK, he almost immediately broke the terms of his release and has gone back to his old "hobby"....he should've at least been barred from travelling abroad.

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 8 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  flamming_python Sun Apr 19, 2015 11:57 am

    Cyberspec wrote:AFAIK, he almost immediately broke the terms of his release and has gone back to his old "hobby"....he should've at least been barred from travelling abroad.

    What terms and what hobby has he gone back to?

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 8 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Cyberspec Sun Apr 19, 2015 1:42 pm

    Not to get involved in political activity

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 8 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Werewolf Sun Apr 19, 2015 4:02 pm

    Khordokovsky this disgusting criminal after he was set free did not only fled the country soon after that he was spotted in Ukraine at some "demos" that clearly shows this subhuman can't stay out of problems and be the problem himself.

    He is a shill and does not serve for russia, you only fool yourself if you believe that, he has double citizenship and is not and never was a russian not by mindset not by feeling not by blood, a spoiled parasite that is acting, murdering and thiefing from russians.

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 8 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  flamming_python Sun Apr 19, 2015 6:36 pm

    Cyberspec wrote:Not to get involved in political activity

    Any proof of such a deal?

    In any case - he reall isn't - at least not in Russia. He's left Russia's political scene for good, and perhaps the country too. He's not running for the Duma, he's not holding meetings with Navalny and Kasparov, I sincerely doubt he's funnelling any money into the opposition from abroad and if he is than he is certainly a fool and deserves to lose that money and accomplish nothing with it.

    What he does in Germany, Ukraine, Great Britain, Israel, etc... what buildings he visits, what interviews he gives, what NGOs he co-operates with, what political views he proffesses, what he says, what he does - it's all his business really. It's not of any concern or importance to Russia, he's a political nobody engaged in some activism of no importance abroad.

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 8 Empty The Anglo-zionist Agenda for Europe: Part 2

    Post  Vann7 Mon Nov 23, 2015 12:38 pm

    Im going to quote an old post

    early in 2015.. and   Confirms what i was saying.

    Lets summarize what is happening in the world...

    1) The AngloJewishZionistElite wants to rule the planet.
    That is to control the world economy ,Its military and police and all its politics but also its religion. They want one world dictatorship. With them the only voice.
    2) But Russia interfere with their ambitions and they cannot fight RUssia directly.
    3)And another problem they face ,something that scare them a lot if a major union between
     Europe and Russia. Such alliance can truly replace United States and UK and Israel control of the western world  through banking industry and politics.
    4) So what they do to defeat Russia?
    5) They totally make Europe as incompatible as possible with Christian Orthodox majority Russia ,totally changing Europe Culture ,traditions ,Christian roots. .etc.  
    6)So what they do ,to turn Europe into a nation that cannot mix with Russia?
      US through their control of Europe financial system, pressure their Policies
    to.. support Gay rights , To embrace islam and Sharia law and to flood Europe with Muslins .
    This is to turn Europe into a Muslin Continent and later get this continent to Fight Russia to convert it to Islam.  

    So effectively ladies and gentleman , US imperialism ,The neocon elite and Israeli lobbies are
    nothing less than   Trying to create a major war ,and major violence between Europe and Russia. that is create a Religious war.. between Christians vs Muslins. This is very convenient because by instigating an Islamic revolution on Europe ... It could encourage the near 20 millions of muslins in Russia to do the same.   and began to provoke a major civil war in Russia in all muslin zones.. that is their goal. They also as a bonus trying to provoke a war of Russia with Ultra right win so called nazis in Ukraine. and other parts of Europe.

    If in the pass the anglozionist powers used the capitalism ideology to create an alliance and fight against Communism.  Now that RUssia no longer Communist.. they cant use that they use now Islam vs christianity.

    Islam is a religious dictatorship is Fascism..and the Anglozionist elite , understand how useful
    can be Islam to rule the world. they share common interest. the muslins only care about Islam ruling the world.. While Anglozionist wants to control the money ,and the weapons and the leaders of them. ie.. the real power.  So Religious muslin leaders control billions of citizens with their religion ,and US-UK and Israel controls those nations by just controlling the leaders.

    In other words US -UK and Israel wants to repeat the Saudi Arabia success in the entire world.
    A society that is ruled by terror and violence and that is forced to be busy the entire day with
    their Muslin rituals. That is they Neocons and Jews elite wants are using Islam to promote Ignorance. Good thing is there is major resistance now in Europe to this plans.. and even UK is showing signs of not being too enthusiastic about receiving muslins.. and the resistance is only increasing. And is no surprise that US major puppet allies are allowed to not receive a single refugee. like Poland or baltics states.  Muslin refugees then will later be used as a time bomb to instigate violence and civil the European countries not aligned with US/Israel one world government.

    Another thing people need to understand is that Islam is not a religion of peace.. like they claim.
    is a religion of manipulation or control of society.. ie.. Submission. If you are muslin you need to submit to what your religious muslin cleric tells you and if you dissobey you can be punished or
    Tortured .  Islam is the most dangerous religion in the world.. is a spiritual dictatorship..
    Islam is Fascism hidden under a religious mask. and US and ISrael with the help of the Arab world are trying to spread Islam to the entire world.  Muslins want to convert the entire world
    to Islam.. this is a global goal of all of them.. including so called moderates muslins nations like IRAN. and This what the americans and Israelis offer to the middle east to all fanatical nations in middle east and africa, the ability to convert Europe to Islam.. in change for helping US and Israel to destroy all their enemies..  Effectively there is a major alliance between Anglozionism and ISLAM.   Versus any nation that oppose western world hegemony..

    had Russia was a 100% muslin nation like IRAN for example with sharial law but independent of Americans.. then Muslins will be the ones demonized and Christianity and traditional moral values promoted instead.  US policies are simply to promote in the world.. the OPPOSITE of what is Russia politics and culture.

    Must see video.. specially for Germans and Europeans.. With the US financing the invasion
    of muslins to Europe.

    and things people need to know about ISLAM.. carefully hidden by the muslin charlatans

    Believe it or not Islam promotes muslins to LIE to non muslins to get them in their
    fanatic ideology.

    It will be better to be satanic or atheist than to be a muslin.. at least with the first two you will
    still have a brain to think and take independent decisions and evaluate if their belief works or not for them and if not change,many atheist or satanics convert later to Christianity or Budism ,but in many muslins countries ,since religion is integrated with politics.. millions of muslins are brainwashed from childhood to not think and only obey what they are told. So this is why you cannot discuss anything with them.  And they will lie to your face without blinking an eye to turn your ideology.  I once met on internet a muslin after i critizized islam.. and i accepted the debate in youtube.. it happens that the first minute of the discussion he start with a big lie.. he told that Islam was just the union of all world religion..lol1   And he was trying to fool me the son of a bitch.. and  he didn't knew i know enough of other religions.. for example Budism have no GOD..  lol1  and Christianity does not deal with Politics and material world..while Islam is exactly the opposite of Christianity. deals with politics and material world A LOT. clothing you use,what you eat.. how womens cover face.. etc..  So claiming that Islam is all religions in one.. was a Pathetic Lie of him.. trying to convince me that Islam was the real religion of God. lol1   Then later he start telling lies of how Muhamed was the second comming of jesus that he promised... because muhammed on the book he wrote says so..  Rolling Eyes  i was going to vomit after that and simply ended the conversation.  No

    And what i learned after the discussion with that muslins to convince you to join their religion will transform into actors and Charlatans , who will try to try to brainwash you ,and use nice words.. speak about peace while lying in your face..  IRAN which is so popular for "opposing the satanic west " and "supporting" Russia ,it also have an agenda and seeks to impose its version of islam in the entire world..and every one to worship their ayatolah crazy leader. IRAN have its vision on Russia to turn it into another Islamic fanatical brainwashed state.

    So there is an alliance of western Satanist anglozionist elite with Islam.. they trick muslins into
    thinking they are allies..and they are now doing it with IRAN..the so called nuclear program agreement ,it seeks to lure IRAN into help them isolate Russia. and what the west is doing is fighting Russia to the last muslin in the world. To become the only Power in the planet.

    here watch how the Son of the funder of hamas.. a popular militant palestinian group
    which IRAN fully support.. this is what IRAN government and the ayatolah will not like muslins
    to know. A former Hamas palestinian member..speaking the truth about Islam. after he awakened of the trap ,and then converted to christianity.

    In summary it is my belief that anglozionist western ELite.. will turn Europe into another AFrica and middle east with the sectarian violence and and wars.. and this muslins they pressure Europe to take ,will be used as a tool to blackmail Europe with violence and unrest if they join and economic and military alliance with Russia.

    So it is my prediction that the more the US empire and Israel collapse the more violent
    will be the unrest in Europe.  and possibly we will see another Christian Crusade in Europe
    to kick the muslins from there.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Mon Nov 23, 2015 1:54 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 8 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Mon Nov 23, 2015 1:49 pm

    There is no reason for Americans to cause religious wars in Europe. A strong Europe would be much more of an ally for the US than a weak and war-torn Europe and US would easily lose 1/3 of its GDP if European economy collapsed and imports/exports stopped.

    Ok, imagine US really decides to cause a religious war in Europe. How would they do that? For 1 Muslims there are 5 non-Muslims and Muslims are not concentrated in specific areas of the country but rather spread out in major cities. European armies are still pretty good even if small and defeating Bundeswehr for example would require hundreds of thousands of men and that army would require thousands of tonnes of supplies PER DAY... supplies that would havet o be delivered into dozens of different places deep inside the country... attempt to organize insurgency on such scale would be readily detectable by every third world intelligence agency but let's just skip that. Of course this is not enough - the whole mess would mean that Europe is forever lost to US interests - and will rather turn to Russia for miilitary assistance or develop more indigenous military equipment - and millions of Muslims would be either deproted or killed. Think about it again  -the US would risk losing one quarter to one third of it's GDP and spend further hundreds of bilions billions of $ on an operation that may prove to be total failure... and for what reason? To destroy Russia?

    US is a superpower but it does not have supernatural powers

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 8 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Vann7 Mon Nov 23, 2015 1:58 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:There is no reason for Americans to cause religious wars in Europe. A strong Europe would be much more of an ally for the US than a weak and war-torn Europe and US would easily lose 1/3 of its GDP if European economy collapsed and imports/exports stopped.

    Ok, imagine US really decides to cause a religious war in Europe. How would they do that? For 1 Muslims there are 5 non-Muslims and Muslims are not concentrated in specific areas of the country but rather spread out in major cities. European armies are still pretty good even if small and defeating Bundeswehr for example would require hundreds of thousands of men and that army would require thousands of tonnes of supplies PER DAY... supplies that would havet o be delivered into dozens of different places deep inside the country... attempt to organize insurgency on such scale would be readily detectable by every third world intelligence agency but let's just skip that. Of course this is not enough - the whole mess would mean that Europe is forever lost to US interests - and will rather turn to Russia for miilitary assistance or develop more indigenous military equipment - and millions of Muslims would be either deproted or killed. Think about it again  -the US would risk losing one quarter to one third of it's GDP and spend further hundreds of bilions billions of $ on an operation that may prove to be total failure... and for what reason? To destroy Russia?

    US is a superpower but it does not have supernatural powers

    it will be really bad if US lose Europe economy.. but it will be MUCH WORSE if Europe
    leave NATO and makes a strong economic and military alliance with Russia . Because they
    apparently have plans to do an organized collapse of their economy and replace it with another currency.. perhaps virtual one..and continue with their thievery. US still have the most popular
    companies in technology in the world and their products will be most wanted in the the rest of the world.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 8 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Mon Nov 23, 2015 2:10 pm

    The way to destroy Europe you described is extremely clumsy - if the plan of invading USSR was called Operation Unthinkable, yours should be called Operation Unthinkably Unthinkable. That's how realistic it is.

    Rather than spending hundreds of billions fo $ on a plan that has 1% chance of success and 99% probablity of being a total backfire (the largest backfire in US history and probably in all history of politics) - wouldn't it be better to do something else? Maybe spend 1/10 of that money on suppoting pro-Us political parties in Europe, bribing parliamentarians? Or simply redeploy half of US Army to Europe and make Euro armies subservient to US by attaching their units to US command?

    Your plan reminds me of one guy from America who saiid invasion of Iraq was completely fucked up and it should have been conducted by M113s (which he calls "Gavin") delivered to Iraqi cities via C130s landing on rivers. Laughing

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 8 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Vann7 Mon Nov 23, 2015 8:29 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:The way to destroy Europe you described is extremely clumsy - if the plan of invading USSR was called Operation Unthinkable, yours should be called Operation Unthinkably Unthinkable. That's how realistic it is.

    Rather than spending hundreds of billions fo $ on a plan that has 1% chance of success and 99% probablity of being a total backfire (the largest backfire in US history and probably in all history of politics) - wouldn't it be better to do something else? Maybe spend 1/10 of that money on suppoting pro-Us political parties in Europe, bribing parliamentarians? Or simply redeploy half of US Army to Europe and make Euro armies subservient to US by attaching their units to US command?

    Your plan reminds me of one guy from America who saiid invasion of Iraq was completely fucked up and it should have been conducted by M113s (which he calls "Gavin") delivered to Iraqi cities via C130s landing on rivers. Laughing

    The destruction of Europe is not of the continent or its economy..  
    The destruction anglozionist elite will do is on its independence and culture.
    The Neocons zionist elite wants control...and control and more control. If they notice
    they losing control of europe.. as it is happening now.. ie.. France and Germany opposing
    US policies.. they go and send the muslins then to create violence and create divisions.. etc.
    Its called controlled CHAOS.  So if france and Germany and most of Europe continues to oppose
    US /Israel policies.. they will be Islamized and why they want to do this?  Because they can control Islam.  simple as that. They can make any muslin wet in their pants with the offer to turn the entire world completely into Islam..and replace christianity.. This is what their Fake Prophet muhammed calls.. the entire world to be turned into Islam..and if US/Israel helps them..they will become allies.. that is Anglozionism + Muslins.   Is all about creating an anglozionist world Empire.  They don't care about any religion ,but power. and only uses Muslins
    that they can easily control as weapons to weapons their enemies.

    Now comes the best part..
    THis is why the yemen war will last for a decade or more.. because it will be on the interest of Russia to defeat Saudi Arabia ,which is the major incubator of terrorism and radical Islam. So very likely Russia will take control of the entire middle east to stop terrorism and stop Islam and promote SECULAR Govenment and Christianity.

    So effectively right now , right in this moment , there is a war against Christianity by the
    alliance of Anglozionist elite and sunni muslins and now comes the most interesting part..
    that they are now trying to recruit SHIAS too.. by recruiting IRAN..  But an alliance between Sunnis and Shia cannot happen before Assad  and IRAQ and the Ayatolah of IRAN destroyed first and removed the influence of Russia.

    So US imperialism wants the world to be muslin..and under their control..
    IRan wants the world to be muslin ...but under Shia version and under their control .
    Turkey want the world to be muslins but under Sunni version and under their control.
    Russia wants the world to be Orthodox and or Secular and with their own independence.

    So each country US and Russia offers something than IRAN and sunni muslins wants.
    US offers Islam world to muslins nations. Russia offers every nation sovereignty and independence.

    So there are mutual interest between IRAN + USA..and Russia + IRAN.  What makes probably IRAN to not be allied with Americans when they both wants a world ruled by Islam..for different Israel and their attack on palestinians.

    So US and Israel will destroy European culture completely and turn the place into a muslin nation if they lift the sanctions on Russia and start an economic alliance with them. Europe could easily replace US economy under extreme situation that both split ,with a developed orthodox Russia and developed Asia and developed latin america. and they could also help reverse the damage that US and Israel have done in the world by spreading radical islam in the world.

    So my prediction for the future.. based on the political games happening now..
    are.. (if Turkey/Israel continues trying to destroy Syria and supporting terrorism)

    1)Saudi Arabia/Qatar destroyed by Russia and with help of IRAN.. it cannot be allowed to continue to exist. Same with non secular nations in middle east. and they all turned into democratic secular nations.
    2)a major split between Russia and IRAN. once Saudi arabia and qatar destroyed. and the war in Syria ends
    3)And israel isolated and under sanctions. and society split. and forced to accept a 2 state solution.
    4)Russia supporting kurds and destroying Turkey.. a reverse of the Syrian proxy war.  lol1
    5)And if a major alliance form between most Europe and Russia,i can see Russia leading
    a crusade in the world like the old times of Russia empire to destroy Islam.  Shocked

    The Russian Empire vs Ottoman Empire wars.. was precisely that.. war between Christianity and Islam to kick muslins from Europe. It was Russia who clean Europe from most of its invading
    muslins .

    The destruction of islam will come not by killing every muslin..but instead by removing any non secular islamic government from power and replacing it with a full democracy with full freedoms of expression for all.

    So effectively there is a war of religion in the world. PRO Christian world vs non secular Islam and anglozionism. And if Donald trump gets elected.and it is true..and no fake  his support for putin and do not change his views when president. i can see this happening more faster than fast. since he hates muslins.. lol1

    So it will be interesting to see with popcorn and all that an alliance of Americans and Russia to defeat Islaminc dictatorships.. including IRAN and saudi Arabia and replace those government with true secular and true democratic nations.. that will end terrorism..  People can say all they want about invading nations being illegal.. etc.. but if it is done to save that country from its own autodestruction as middle east and africa doing.. then it will be like Russians says a holy war.

    All islam needs to be destroyed for society to evolve. and the US dreams for solo Imperialism and Israel influence defeated because in order to take control of the world ,they are burning it all in flames by financing radicals extremist . You see most of the violence in France and Germany.. and terrorist attacks.. but almost nothing in all other European nations friendly to US empire.. coincidence? not. Anlozionist Neocon elite are using
    Islam as a weapon to blackmail nations ,overthrow governments and weaken their enemies.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 8 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Thu Nov 26, 2015 2:55 pm

    Rethink your fantasies, boy.

    You constantly talk of "Anglo-Zionists". Do you truly believe Jews are so overwhelmingly united?

    A cursory look at Israeli political scene reveals that Jews are not some monolithic bloc but a mix of various groups quarreling with each other... more and more. Jews in America are essentially a different nation.

    And you talk of absolute unity between Anglos and Jews? Hmm...

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 8 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  higurashihougi Thu Nov 26, 2015 3:10 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Rethink your fantasies, boy.

    You constantly talk of "Anglo-Zionists". Do you truly believe Jews are so overwhelmingly united?

    A cursory look at Israeli political scene reveals that Jews are not some monolithic bloc but a mix of various groups quarreling with each other... more and more. Jews in America are essentially a different nation.

    And you talk of absolute unity between Anglos and Jews? Hmm...

    A normal Jew is vastly different from a Zionist. Surely, not all Jews are Zionists and there are both good and bad Jews.

    And of course a normal AngloSaxon is vastly different from an imperialist.

    So I believe the better name would be Imperial Zionists.

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 8 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Werewolf Thu Nov 26, 2015 3:36 pm

    Well not all nazis are bad either just because they believe of themselfs as superior race and of others as inferior that need to be exterminated...
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 8 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Thu Nov 26, 2015 3:44 pm

    A false analogy. Jews never claimed they were choosen to exterminate other peoples. They were "choosen" to rule over the Land of Israel, an arid, non-significant piece of land in the Levant.

    And Jews are not just a religious group but also a nationality. So you may be an atheist or even a Buddhist by religion but you still remain Jewish by nationality. Jewish population is not limited to Ultraorthodox Jews. Rolling Eyes

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 8 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Werewolf Thu Nov 26, 2015 3:55 pm

    Jews state in their religion that goyims are inferior and are subject to all atrocities and genocide. Yes jews are no different to nazis 100% identical ideology.
    Walther von Oldenburg
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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 8 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Thu Nov 26, 2015 4:06 pm

    Rolling Eyes What a Face If Jews were like Nazis, Palestinians would no longer exist today. They would all be killed. But they weren't. Rather, they maintain a relatively bearable lifestyle at least to the degree that they are not dying of hunger (unlike Jews in ghettos during ww2) and have access to basic necessities of life, including electricity from Israel. They are not treated equaly to Jews but they are far from German-occupied parts of USSR with 50% mortality rate in 4 years. Rolling Eyes

    Israeli Druzes have status similar to Jews and have produced several high ranking officers, including a commander of Golani brigade.

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 8 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Werewolf Thu Nov 26, 2015 4:51 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Rolling Eyes What a Face If Jews were like Nazis, Palestinians would no longer exist today. They would all be killed. But they weren't. Rather, they maintain a relatively bearable lifestyle at least to the degree that they are not dying of hunger (unlike Jews in ghettos during ww2) and have access to basic necessities of life, including electricity from Israel. They are not treated equaly to Jews but they are far from German-occupied parts of USSR with 50% mortality rate in 4 years. Rolling Eyes

    Israeli Druzes have status similar to Jews and have produced several high ranking officers, including a commander of Golani brigade.

    So Nazis were Nazis but still the jews are around...

    Jews are nazis they are exterminating palestinians like a fucking jew said. The genocide is not a question of brutality but a question of pace. A slow genocide is not considered genocide for many not because it is no genocide but because people do not have a sense of it if something happens slowly just like frogs which you can cook. The genocide of germans is a fact, conditions are put financially, destruction of culture, traditions, nationality, art and aesthetic, destruction of essential basics and stability, the controlled actions of immigration of races and religions that are impossible to assymilate and all can be seen in the birth rate and death rate which is the evidence that this genocide is factual.

    The genocide is a calculated one of slow nature to make it appear like there is no genocide. They destroy their homes with bulldozers and air strikes while cynically calling Hamas is using all civilians at the same time as human shields, while the jews are the ones that are prone for it, they are destroying hospitals, cutting of people in their own cities by hundreds over hundreds of checkpoints and checkpoints always are closed when there is a palestinian injured, they put unbearable conditions on palestinians so they do not can or want to raise children in such an open air concentration camp. It is a genuine genocide.

    You don't need to hide it i know you are one of that disgusting jews don't need to waste my time to play your stupid game just to fool the others, i and you know it. The very own prohibition for jews to assymilate with anyone and the illegal state called Israel composed of Khazar jews from so many different countries shows the collective mindset that was raised and culltivated due the very rule of no assymilation shows exactly that the jews are highly organized, the political involved jews are highly organized while the average jew is just as subject to indoctrination against his will as the average goyim.

    You and your alter ego do not need to play hide and seek with me you are just so straight forward that it is just a vile smile when you say things that are so obvious while trying to hide what we both already know.
    Walther von Oldenburg
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    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Thu Nov 26, 2015 4:59 pm

    Rolling Eyes What a Face There is no genocide of Palestinians, not even a slow one, because their share as % of Israeli population is not decreasing. It is increasing. Certainly by 2050 and as early as 2030 jews will be a minority in Israel if current trends continue - and all signs in heaven and earth show thatt they will.

    After the 1948 war about 700,000 Palestinians were expelled from Israel and their descendants live in Jordan, Lebanon and Syria. This was not a genocide but ethnocc leaansing.

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    Post  higurashihougi Fri Nov 27, 2015 10:23 am

    Werewolf wrote:Well not all nazis are bad either just because they believe of themselfs as superior race and of others as inferior that need to be exterminated...

    Wrong comparison. Do all German people believe in Nazism ?

    It seems like I. V. Stalin had a Jew friend named Mekhlis... and I really doubt that whether Soviet Jews really believe that they are superior than Russians...

    The religious text teaches that Jews are superior, but whether the Jews themselves believe in these rubbish claims is a different story. For example Einstein did not believe.

    I want to say Zionists and Jews are two very different things. I am anti-Zionism but I am not anti-Jew.

    Racial discrimination against any kinds of races and ethnic groups should be avoided as much as possible. By discriminating the Jews, you are making the same crime as the Zionists.

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