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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Mike E
    Mike E

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 5 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Mike E Sat Jan 17, 2015 2:24 am

    GarryB wrote:
    Congrats on what I believe to be the longest comment in RMF history...

    That is not even a medium sized post from me...

    Then for the tenth time... Why did we ban T055? He was *only* expressing his opinion, and he wasn't the one to get personal in his discussions... It was myself, and you for that matter. If anything, he was only guilty of inflaming arguments... Hmmmmm.... Wonder who else has done that before?

    I didn't ban him. Vlad banned him.

    He was "getting abused" and yet had the most realistic (and inevitably proven) opinion on the issue. - That is proof in its own right.

    He was getting abused, but if you want me to be harder on banning for that most of the time I would have banned TR-1 as well because the abuse went both ways.

    T055 was a little girl about it cause he was getting ******* by you and me + others when responding. He'd post one thing, we'd get personal on him, and then inevitably he'd get personal... His reward for this? Getting IP banned...

    Interesting... so T055 was a victim and was not trolling. He responded to abuse?

    For **** sake GarryB, he is now saying that Africans and Blacks and Indians and Asians and Jews and Muslims etc have contributed nothing to this forum, and yet you have no problem with this blatant racism?

    If you want to class it with one term it would have to be bigotry because Judiasm and the Islamic religion are not races.

    Do I need to tell you such beliefs are ignorant?

    Do I have to tell you he is wrong and that Africa, India, Asia and also South America and central America are rich with knowledge and talent and skills... beautiful, intelligent, friendly people...

    Do I have to tell you most religions have a bit of dirt on them but generally teach people how to live right and are really just a set of codes and rules to interact with others in a civilised society by.

    It is their misuse by unscrupulous people that gives them their bad name.

    It is obviously an attempt to inflame, nothing more and nothing less.

    It is so obvious and no one reported it and several replied to him... just as he wanted.

    It's hilarious to me that when a guy with a simple pro-Chinese stance joins the site, he is banned, but "oh no" we can't ban a different *racist and offensively so* member just because he has a different opinion... Make no sense what so ever, to me at least.

    I didn't ban him. Things were getting out of control and Vlad made a decision to solve the problem.

    i clearly should have acted earlier, but I tend to be too soft sometimes.
    Well I can see that now! Laughing

    You = Mod, yeah.... you get what I mean.

    There was no reason to have even considered banning TR-1... He, like you and I, was tired of the ridiculous nonsense getting spewed in that thread... By both sides...

    Yeah he had a bit of troll in em', but so did I... 

    Of course not, but blatant, offensive (to members on the forum) racism should not be tolerated, no matter who is posting and what opinions they share/don't share etc. 

    Point being? A troll getting what he wants is no less a troll than one who doesn't. 


    Anyway, as I'm late to responding... Thanks for using responsible (not excessive) action. I hope you understand that I indeed respect your judgement on these matters... And nope, I don't expect to get a reply as this thread has already been trashed...

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 5 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Vann7 Sat Jan 17, 2015 8:14 am

    Anyone ever gets tired of hypocrisy? take a look at how RBTH 5th column media.. go and dedicate
    a full report about the Russian movie Leviathan , the media highly recommends the movie because
    is a Movie that its main story that demonize the Russian government and the RUssian church..
    in other words is a direct attack at Russia as a nation.. because without its government.. that is supported by
    70% to 80% of its citizens and without its church.. that is supported by about the same.. then Russia will not exist.

    THe media explain that you need to see the movie because it received a golden award and many other
    rewards in anglo jewist holywood.  Of course ..any movie that portray Russia government as an Evil entity
    will win rewards in Anglo zionist jewish territory. This is a perfect example how the satanic western elite ,
    is so well organized that can make any movie to win all the titles of the world by Jewish controlled industry.

    Leviathan is an ANTI-PUtin movie...  

    and is also ..

    and Anti Russian Orthodox church

    Puzzy RIot anyone?

    This is basically a movie that condemn everything that is Russia today.. and try to brainwash Russians
    to make them believe Putin is evil and also the church.. to not longer support them.

    and the hypocrisy of how the movie is being sold by the media.. to hook people to see it..
    Looks like being made by pros who understand tactics to brain wash people.. take a look..

    take a look.. at how they try to convince people to go run and watch the movie..  Shocked
    [b] Even for a person not interested in Russian politics [/b] , Leviathan is a powerful drama, even a tragedy in the classical spirit, in which catharsis is reached only through pain and compassion. And Zvyagintsev’s humor, his lyricism, and his epic view on man’s place in nature and the universe are evident to viewers in any country. wrote:

    So right there they are telling you...
    1) It is a really unbiased movie.. and that even people not interested in politics.. will like it..   lol1
    2)that anyone will love it.. because it talks about compassion and pain..   lol1
    3)and that the movie have won many awards.. so it have to be good no? if jewish film industry says so..then it must be true..   lol1
    4)no mention either why an Anti-Putin movie is so popular in anti-PUtin western film industry..
    between WHERE the awards are being the Neoliberals Globalist jewish Industry..

    take a look at it..  5 reasons to watch leaviathan..  lol1

    Why they didn't made a movie of their lovely USA financing of thousands jihadist in world terror organizations ,and criminals in kiev to overthrow government and the suffering of millions not only in Syria but Ukraine?

    Why there is not a movie about the suffering of  millions of palestinians at the hands of Israel ? the only nation
    in the world with an Apartheid state. The most racist state in the world?

    Why no movies win awards about American health companies promoting world depopulation by 90% ?

    Why no movies about American or Israel Corruption win any rewards in the west?  No

    Why no movies about US creation of Alqaeda to fight the soviets decades ago?

    Why no movies in holywood win awards about how NATO split Kosovo  or if there are movies about that after all?

    Why no movies about how US spend american tax dollars ,hundreds of billions $$ through decades , to overthrow hundreds of governments.. ? and how they managed to overthrow them ? that will be very interesting..

    Why no movies about the history of false flags and US false flags?

    Or how about awards to movies about Anglozionist media corruption?   Wink

    take a look at Who according to that media is the "man of the year" in 2014 in RUssia..

    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 5 500px-Mikhail_Khodorkovsky_2013-12-22_3

    Nothing less than the most criminal jewish oligarch in all Russia..  Mikhail Khodorkovsky

    people comments about that trash article.. if you scroll below was..

    Nikolai Burlakoff ·  Top Commenter · Owner at
    A cotnvicted felon, found guilty of tax fraud, is a "moral authority'? Is someone smoking hemp?

    Daniel Spiljar · Stockholm, Sweden
    Khodorkovsky is guilty of far worse crimes than just tax evasion. I usually really like RBTH and share your shock over this article. What happened?

    and a american comment..
    Jonathan Hart ·  Top Commenter
    Navalny rally - Jan 15th in Moscow

    there you see people , in shock how the media they though was good could pull such a junk article..
    the reality is that Russian beyond the headlines is an example of anglozionist Undercover paid media
    probably from the start.. or maybe infiltrated.. later by bribes $$.. to its owners.. that is format ,
    pretends to be impartial and objective by reporting really cool reports about Russian military and Russian cool activities. and the website is really nice looking too.. But when you carefully study it.. its politics article
    hide a knife against the Russian Government and Putin..

    I find pathetic how the west give awards for movies about "Russian Corruption" but zero awards to any movie that speaks about their own corruption and international crimes that surpass anything that any other nation have done..before.

    So again you see here..another example of what?
    another attack by anglo zionist west on  Christianity and another attack on Putin that the only problem the
    west have with him is that he defend Russia sovereignty and independence and Russian interest and do not sold
    the nation.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Sat Jan 17, 2015 10:00 am; edited 10 times in total

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 5 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  GarryB Sat Jan 17, 2015 9:14 am

    You = Mod, yeah.... you get what I mean.

    He was not banned because he was defending China, he got banned because he broke the rules and Vlad had had enough.

    Rule 7 is an important rule for keeping things civil, but I think Vlad banned him because of rule 8.

    There was no reason to have even considered banning TR-1... He, like you and I, was tired of the ridiculous nonsense getting spewed in that thread... By both sides...

    Well the action taken removed one member and solved the problem... taking out any other member from that situation would not have solved the problem.

    Either way I am not going to break rule 8 and criticise the decision of a mod... Twisted Evil

    Yeah he had a bit of troll in em', but so did I...

    And the options would include ban everyone taking part, ban one person... which was done, or banning other people selectively till it stopped. It seems that after one person was removed the problem stopped... are you trying to say now that was the wrong decision.

    I don't like banning people and don't take it lightly, but my job is to keep things orderly and to be honest in that situation I wasn't doing my job because I didn't jump up and down on everyone who needed jumping up and down on... myself included.

    Of course not, but blatant, offensive (to members on the forum) racism should not be tolerated, no matter who is posting and what opinions they share/don't share etc.

    Lets just leave racism or bigotry or other isms out of it... and just deal with offensive stuff without dressing it up with a label. Members can think and say what they like unless it is abusive to others.

    Point being? A troll getting what he wants is no less a troll than one who doesn't.

    If you are not going to report someone for being abusive so you can reply and be abusive back then as a mod I would say you both broke the rules and short term bans become an option.

    I realise in some cultures that is considered grassing or telling teacher, but if you want to deal with things yourselves you can expect to be treated like the naughty children you are acting like.

    Anyway, as I'm late to responding... Thanks for using responsible (not excessive) action. I hope you understand that I indeed respect your judgement on these matters... And nope, I don't expect to get a reply as this thread has already been trashed.

    I really hate mods who just ban on a whim... on I got demerit points for mentioning IEDs and had to explain to the mod responsible that I wasn't being disrespectful and that I know about what a horrible weapon they are.

    Of course now I am glad I no longer post there are it was just repeating over and over because after finally getting one US Strong hero to understand Russia is not the enemy and most of the stereotypes are BS, the next one comes along and claims I am a commie and I should move back to Russia... I really don't miss that.

    regarding the thread.... with that title I didn't hold huge promise.

    Of course Vann often makes good points worth reading and other posters too... even if I don't always agree with how he frames what he says I often agree with him even if I don't always say so.

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 5 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  higurashihougi Sat Jan 17, 2015 11:14 am

    @Vann: I would like to use the word "Zionist" rather than "jew" in this case.

    Because you can see there are many good Jews. Albert Einstein is a Jew.

    Meanwhile, I belive it is relatively safe to consider the Zionists as the most facist, most agressive, most bloodthirsty elements inside the Jew community.

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 5 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Vann7 Sun Jan 18, 2015 12:56 am

    higurashihougi wrote:@Vann: I would like to use the word "Zionist" rather than "jew" in this case.

    Because you can see there are many good Jews. Albert Einstein is a Jew.

    Meanwhile, I belive it is relatively safe to consider the Zionists as the most facist, most agressive, most bloodthirsty elements inside the Jew community.

    Indeed you are correct..
    Thats why i called him criminal jew.. which is the same a zionist jew..
    Im aware of many good jews..  i use the word jew to better explain his background ,ie.. Jewish elite
    usually use their money to buy power and create violence and wars in the world ,so that they can advance
    their Global agendas. According to Brother Nathanel a jew christian born in Israel.. he told that jews in ISrael
    are from childhood educated to believe they are a superior race and that they will dominate the world and that
    they were the Chosen people of God..  this is a really dangerous teaching.. because from CHildhood Israeli
    Jews are educated to see others as inferiors human beings and that it is justified for them to dominate others
    using even force no matter the cost.   This is reason why Christianity is under attack by jews ,because it teach
    everyone is equal and is effective in creating unity between nations.. and this is not in the agenda of jewish elite
    who wants a world divided by wars..

    What im saying is that you cannot just ignore the term jew.. because is a very particular thing that happens with that particular ethnic group. Is an ethnic group that are brainwashed from childhood.. (at least in Israel) and perhaps in US and UK .. to Think they have the right to destroy other nations in order to gain power. And they are teach from childhood to become addicted for the submition and control of others..  So is no surprised why Jews control the media in the west and Holywood and have more positions in politics in powerful nations.. they are addicted to influence and domination of others..  This have a lot to do..with a low self stem , that exist withing them .that makes them believe that they need to proof others that they are superior to anyone else. it probably have to do with the humiliation they suffered with Christian religion.. that completely replaced their religion and took control of most of the world.  So Jews comes with that trait.. distinguishing quality or characteristic, in their culture... that makes them obsessed with power and domination of others. Jews have been brainwashing americans elite to think like them..
    and completely ignore the most basic teaching of christianity that all mens are equal. So indeed Christianity is under
    attack.. and is not because anglozionist powers believe that GOD exist or not.. but because the ideology behind christianity oppose their geopolitical globalist agendas. that says is not good to kill.. and not good to lie and not good to steal and says all mens are equal.

     But again this are not all jews.. All zionist are not jews.. and not all jews all zionist.. so is kind of hard to talk about this without sounding racist.. which im not.. i don't believe in superiority non sense of any race.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Sun Jan 18, 2015 1:18 am; edited 1 time in total

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 5 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  flamming_python Sun Jan 18, 2015 1:14 am

    I know many people from Israel, none of them consider themselves a superior race.

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 5 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Vann7 Sun Jan 18, 2015 1:20 am

    flamming_python wrote:I know many people from Israel, none of them consider themselves a superior race.

    Look a Miko Peled an israel born ,that is palestinian activist.. his father was General of Israel army
    and he also became activist for palestinians when he saw his government was destroying an entire civilization .
    Is not less true however that a significant part of israeli people , if not most of them support their criminal government. Israel never had a government that welcomes palestinians as their equals.

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 5 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  GarryB Sun Jan 18, 2015 9:40 am

    I agree with higurashihougi Vann, I think you should use the term Zionist, because Zionists are the problem... whether they are Jews or not.

    Of course now that Israel exists you can't just unmake it, but if the Israelis can use violence to create the state of israel then Palestine should be a state too, but it is something many Israelies will fight tooth and nail because then they will have to make real concessions and treat the Palestinians with respect and will have obligations under international law.

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 5 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sun Jan 18, 2015 1:11 pm

    flamming_python wrote:I know many people from Israel, none of them consider themselves a superior race.

    You say that, but when will the Israeli's start recognizing that Arab's as a Semitic ethnic group like most anthropologists believe? The fact that they believe that they're the only Semitic race, sounds awfully like racial superiority complex.

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 5 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Werewolf Sun Jan 18, 2015 1:23 pm

    Vann7 wrote:
    higurashihougi wrote:@Vann: I would like to use the word "Zionist" rather than "jew" in this case.

    Because you can see there are many good Jews. Albert Einstein is a Jew.

    Meanwhile, I belive it is relatively safe to consider the Zionists as the most facist, most agressive, most bloodthirsty elements inside the Jew community.

    Indeed you are correct..
    Thats why i called him criminal jew.. which is the same a zionist jew..
    Im aware of many good jews..  i use the word jew to better explain his background ,ie.. Jewish elite
    usually use their money to buy power and create violence and wars in the world ,so that they can advance
    their Global agendas. According to Brother Nathanel a jew christian born in Israel.. he told that jews in ISrael
    are from childhood educated to believe they are a superior race and that they will dominate the world and that
    they were the Chosen people of God
    ..  this is a really dangerous teaching.. because from CHildhood Israeli
    Jews are educated to see others as inferiors human beings and that it is justified for them to dominate others
    using even force no matter the cost.   This is reason why Christianity is under attack by jews ,because it teach
    everyone is equal and is effective in creating unity between nations.. and this is not in the agenda of jewish elite
    who wants a world divided by wars..

    What im saying is that you cannot just ignore the term jew.. because is a very particular thing that happens with that particular ethnic group. Is an ethnic group that are brainwashed from childhood.. (at least in Israel) and perhaps in US and UK .. to Think they have the right to destroy other nations in order to gain power. And they are teach from childhood to become addicted for the submition and control of others..  So is no surprised why Jews control the media in the west and Holywood and have more positions in politics in powerful nations.. they are addicted to influence and domination of others..  This have a lot to do..with a low self stem , that exist withing them .that makes them believe that they need to proof others that they are superior to anyone else. it probably have to do with the humiliation they suffered with Christian religion.. that completely replaced their religion and took control of most of the world.  So Jews comes with that trait.. distinguishing quality or characteristic, in their culture... that makes them obsessed with power and domination of others. Jews have been brainwashing americans elite to think like them..
    and completely ignore the most basic teaching of christianity that all mens are equal.  So indeed Christianity is under
    attack.. and is not because anglozionist powers believe that GOD exist or not.. but because the ideology behind christianity oppose their geopolitical globalist agendas.  that says is not good to kill.. and not good to lie and not good to steal and says all mens are equal.

     But again this are not all jews.. All zionist are not jews.. and not all jews all zionist.. so is kind of hard to talk about this without sounding racist.. which im not.. i don't believe in superiority non sense of any race.

    Yes, and that part with Nathanel who is now Christian he is right, Israel is one of the biggest Theocratic nations, children are all by law are enforced to go to Talmud schools, (ultraorthodox) the Talmud teaches that jews are gods people and every "goyim" non-jew or cattle was created by god as animals to serve the jews, but in human form because nothing else would be good enough as a servent for the jews. Jews and zionists so far in Israel (ultraorthodox) do not distinguish themselfs from each other in more than one simple thing, the ultraorthodox jews believe Israel must be given by god himself to jews and zionists, believe in the same shit talmud but take manner into their own hands, like the Talmud preeches:

    Zohar, Vayshlah 177b

    That the Jewish nation is the only nation selected by God, while all the remaining ones are contemptible and hateful.

    That all property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which consequently is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples. An orthodox Jew is not bound to observe principles of morality towards people of other tribes. He may act contrary to morality, if profitable to himself or to Jews in general.

    This is why zionists do it actively while jews orthodox or ultraorthodox do it in less aggressive manner, but still aggressive.

    Sanhedrin 59a

    To communicate anything to a Goy about our religious relations would be equal to the killing of all Jews, for if the Goyim knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 5 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Vann7 Wed Apr 01, 2015 9:08 am

    In this an amazing coincidence?  

    Italians did a research to understand how FEMEN the Ukrainian Girls nude
    group ,that now is international with office world wide ,get so much money to finance their travels
    in all europe..

    And this is what they found.. about who is the funder of FEMEn..

    Not saying words. lets a pictures speak for itself..

    It is an incredible amazing ,stunning  coincidence?  that who finance FEMEn  is also who finance Pussy Riot?
    and that BOTH groups attack the christian religion ?

    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 5 B4ACPYBIQAAam-8

    and oppose Russian Government Putin and leaders friendly
    to him? It is an incredible coincidence.. that also who fund FEMEN and Pussy RIot is a ...    

    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 5 Jed-Sunden
    Jed Sunden

    in this a coincidence? or do i really hit the nail ,with this Topic about a hidden agenda that exist..
    not only to deRusofy Ukraine ,but to DeCRistianize Europe? to make Russia and Europe
    incompatible?  so that US do not lose its world influence and NATO?   IF Gay Rights support in the west
    really about gay rights? or about the DeCristianization of Europe? and the isolation of Russia ,not only economically
    but culturally and politically? and relgion too incompatible with Russia.. Conchita anyone?
    Islamization of Europe? UK and other Europeans nations allowing shariaw law? Massive Muslin migration to Europe?
    Promoted by USA? Did you know that stadistics says that in Europe ,muslins will become a majority in 2050?  

    Who Could be Behind Femen and Pussy Riot…?

    Will it be a coincidence that both are funded by same bank account?
    Is this is a conspiracy or an incredible amazing coincidence that both groups funded by the same person/same faction and  try to attack Christianity and promote prostitution and any anti christian value and protest against
    Putin ,Russia and its close allies ?  is this a fair question to understand why the coincidence?  

    it is a coincidence that they use their money not only to critizise Russia with Femen and Pussy Riot.. but to kill
    ethnic Russians too in eastern Ukraine funding Right Sector and Aidar battalion?

    It is an incredible coincidence that they support kiev new power..and reject Russia?

    It is another extraordinary coincidence.. that also the same group or factions ask for the arming of ISIS or Alqaeda? and attacking Russian allies in Middle east?

    Im just asking.. it looks like a phenomenon of coincidences.. Pussy RIot and Femen.. funded by same people and both attack the christian religion and Russia.. also a coincidence that American Holywood and western media that is controlled by the same elite faction.. do also use their movies to attack Christianity and Russia.

    TR1 that likes to talk about "Russian media PRopaganda" a lot, should see this..
    how his lovely "freedom media" in the west controls information and public opinion.

    and hollywood and more.

    I do believe , there is good people every country in the world.. and that to generalize factions is foolish..
    there are criminals and good people in every nation.. 100% agree..... but however.. it appears that there are groups
    of organized factions ,specially from the very wealthier class that have some visible agendas for a long time against christianity and  Russia. and that they are organized.  and that use their money for mysterious reasons..
    to cut Russia influence in the world and isolate them from Europe ,and that they are so serious in the will , that they are literary trying to change the European/western culture and rewriting history.

    IF anyone believe im promoting a religion over another ,is seriously missing the point.. Is not a discussionabout the validity or not of Christianity or any other religion ,if it is true or fake or not.. is a discussion of coincidences.. why it appears the same group of wealthy people ,use a lot of their money and time and resources to attack
    christianity and Russia. Why the same faction of elites fear christianity and Russia so much? and try to destroy both.?

    perhaps it is because both promote peace and dialogue ? and the west depends on wars for justifying its Military presence beyond its borders? and for selling more weapons?  and because they want to make it impossible for Russia that is a christian majority nation that conserve largely is christian traditions to become incompatible with Europe that is abandoning its christian values? just wondering why the coincidences. dunno

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 5 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Firebird Thu Apr 02, 2015 9:50 am

    This thread really is an ugly blot on the forum.

    Its clear aim is to discredit and smear pro Russian thought. To read defences of Hitler, holocaust denialism (not just of Jews, but of Russians and others) on a RUSSIAN forum is very disappointing.

    Sane people need to think of its effect. I spoke to friends who are REAL RUSSIAN MILITARY, not bedroom wannabees. Their words were "WTF is this, I thought it was a Russian forum, why the hell is Nazism being promoted here. I won't be joining. Maybe thats why there aren't many |Russians there".

    I wonder what depths it will go to? Perhaps photoshops of Bush and Blair dressed as rabbis?
    TRuly pathetic.

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 5 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Werewolf Thu Apr 02, 2015 11:16 am

    A retarded shame here is when idiots call pro russians Washington bots, without even have read a single comment of that user since over two years, that is indeed retarded, never go full retard.

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 5 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  KomissarBojanchev Thu Apr 02, 2015 11:18 am

    An excellent marxist analysis on the antisemitic nazi capitalist lies about the fed, how it (boringly)works, it's historical lies and how the nature of your beloved anglosaxon capitalism itsself necessitates it's existence.
    Nothing like facts to emasculate the supposedly antiwestern trolls and nuts here. If you want to investigate conspiracies? there's one right before your eyes! It's called capitalism.

    These Federal Reserve conspiracies being debunked in the video are an American variant on the Antisemitic banking conspiracy so zealosly being vomited here.

    In Europe antipathy toward central banking is openly antisemitic. Central Banks = Jews = Communism. However, the difference being, Euro-Fascists don't advocate the abolition of central banks but rather wish to purge them of foreign, internationalist elements.

    In the Jekyll Island conspiracy theories there's a strong whiff of antisemitism, as in a shady cabal of Jewish bankers meets on some mysterious Island - with the diabolical intention of ensnaring America into debt-slavery and genociding the godly superior anglosaxon race.

    In that sense the Jekyll Island mythos is similar to the Elders of Zion meeting in the Prague Cemetery at Midnight. However, unlike the Protocols Jekyll Island has some basis in fact and isn't as overtly antisemitic.

    Which is not unlike other US Conspiracy theories that take a minor historical event and imbue it with epic significance. The most notable example being   the American obsession with the Bavarian Iluminati, just  like the mythical russian monarchist and nazi obsession with the supposed german aide to lenin.

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 5 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  collegeboy16 Thu Apr 02, 2015 1:02 pm

    Firebird wrote:This thread really is an ugly blot on the forum.

    Its clear aim is to discredit and smear pro Russian thought. To read defences of Hitler, holocaust denialism (not just of Jews, but of Russians and others) on a RUSSIAN forum is very disappointing.

    Sane people need to think of its effect. I spoke to friends who are REAL RUSSIAN MILITARY, not bedroom wannabees. Their words were "WTF is this, I thought it was a Russian forum, why the hell is Nazism being promoted here. I won't be joining. Maybe thats why there aren't many |Russians there".

    I wonder what depths it will go to? Perhaps photoshops of Bush and Blair dressed as rabbis?
    TRuly pathetic.
    yep, you expect threads like this on /pol/. juice here, juice there - censored . at least those threads in /pol/ were fun.

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 5 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Vann7 Fri Apr 03, 2015 4:08 am

    Firebird wrote:This thread really is an ugly blot on the forum.

    Its clear aim is to discredit and smear pro Russian thought. To read defences of Hitler, holocaust denialism (not just of Jews, but of Russians and others) on a RUSSIAN forum is very disappointing.

    Sane people need to think of its effect. I spoke to friends who are REAL RUSSIAN MILITARY, not bedroom wannabees. Their words were "WTF is this, I thought it was a Russian forum, why the hell is Nazism being promoted here. I won't be joining. Maybe thats why there aren't many |Russians there".

    I wonder what depths it will go to? Perhaps photoshops of Bush and Blair dressed as rabbis?
    TRuly pathetic.

    yes and you always attack my person.. whenever i post valid question for people to investigate..
    im asking about Why the coincidence of the same Faction of People being interested in discrediting Russia and Christianity . ?

    But then you wants to derail the attention of the questions to my person,and  go accusing me of "promoting Nazism" or suggesting i ever said Hitler was a good guy.. completely distorting anything i said.. in short more classic Dishonest post from yours again.

    If you don't like it.. just move to another topic and don't read it.. but i think is important that people know How the same factions elite again and again seems to have agenda against Christianity and Russia.. the evidence is really compelling. and you are clearly butt hurt about it.  I don't care about religions ,today they are used all of them for manipulating society ,neither care or labeling leaders as good guys or bad guys..I only care about FACTS!!  and i posted there videos that shows FACTS who owns western media and what they are doing ..who owns anti-christian ,anti-Russia so called activist groups like Femen and pussy riot.. that go as far and do rock concerts inside a church.. ( a clear sign of religious hate for christians)  and wondering why the coincidences?

     There should be a connection why the anti Christian+Anti-Russian+ pro Gay agenda .. is all pushed by the same elite faction of people through its owned media...  It an incredible stunning coincidence?  or it is an agenda they have?

    And here @ firebird..
    A jewish american hollocaust historian investigator..about the so called Hollocaust.
    that researched everything and visited the so called gas chambers and he conclude
    it was a fraud..

    Brother NAthaneal.. a born jewish and israeli citizen also says it deserve a revision..
    because the solid evidence CONTRADICT the official story.

    Ironically anyone who contradict the official story is called names ,"promoting Nazism"
    and in sent to jail in germany , so much for freedom of expression. Why the hollocaust Is not allowed to even discuss it.. why is that? what is the fear? That everyone discover they were duped ?  and that germany Nazi government never had a policy for genocide of civilians
    using Gas Chambers?  and that people who died was consequence of the allied bombings
    that destroyed germany civilian industry too , not just military and made it very difficult
    for even them to feed themselves?

    here a catholic christian Priest.. who personally visited and investigated
    the so called Gas Chambers .. he also says the program to execute jews through
    Gas chambers never happened. ie.. a fraud.

    Does that means they are "anti-semitic" or "hitlers supporters" No..
    it means they are HONEST.. not charlatans .. Who likes to label people as nazis
    because what they believe ,based of their investigation does not go in line with the official story.

    If we were to follow the official story in everything ,in the majority of world media it will be
    that Russia shot down the  Malasyan plane in Ukraine and that Russia is worse than Ebola and that America is a pillar of democracy ,that NATO liberated and gave Freedom to Lybia and that Obama sponsor "freedom Fighters" in Syria.  Laughing  Thats all the bullshit they promote and thats what it will be written on history books in the west.  for future generations to read.

    yes im sure  others massacres happened in world war 2.. like the dresden massacre bombing of Germany civilian cities by American-British forces..killing 200,000 german civilians,women and children, like the bombing of england by germany with rockets , or their invasion of soviet union that killed millions directly of fire or because of the sinking of civilian ships by soviets . everyone commited warcrimes not just hitler. Americans even used chemical weapons in the war on a mass scale in europe.. and 2 atomic bombs.. against 2 civilians full populated cities in japan.. that qualify for me as a mass genocide. and a complete white wash anyone who complain about hitler but not about americans or British destructive role in the war. who were the ones who provoke the war and now provoking another war..again. and the Gas Chambers were a 100% fabrication..

    Fortunately ,for me i like to question and investigate everything and not believe things
    just because everyone repeats them.. for ever.. thats the way Science works.. with Evidence
    and Facts and looking what both sides of any story says to compare..usually the one with the bullshit ,is the one with the more simpler story..

    Last edited by Vann7 on Fri Apr 03, 2015 7:09 am; edited 11 times in total

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 5 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Vann7 Fri Apr 03, 2015 4:18 am

    KomissarBojanchev wrote:An excellent marxist analysis on the antisemitic nazi capitalist lies about the fed, how it (boringly)works, it's historical lies and how the nature of your beloved anglosaxon capitalism itsself necessitates it's existence.
    Nothing like facts to emasculate the supposedly antiwestern trolls and nuts here. If you want to investigate conspiracies? there's one right before your eyes! It's called capitalism.

    These Federal Reserve conspiracies being debunked in the video are an American variant on the Antisemitic banking conspiracy so zealosly being vomited here.

    In Europe antipathy toward central banking is openly antisemitic. Central Banks = Jews = Communism. However, the difference being, Euro-Fascists don't advocate the abolition of central banks but rather wish to purge them of foreign, internationalist elements.

    In the Jekyll Island conspiracy theories there's a strong whiff of antisemitism, as in a shady cabal of Jewish bankers meets on some mysterious Island - with the diabolical intention of ensnaring America into debt-slavery and genociding the godly superior anglosaxon race.

    In that sense the Jekyll Island mythos is similar to the Elders of Zion meeting in the Prague Cemetery at Midnight. However, unlike the Protocols Jekyll Island has some basis in fact and isn't as overtly antisemitic.

    Which is not unlike other US Conspiracy theories that take a minor historical event and imbue it with epic significance. The most notable example being   the American obsession with the Bavarian Iluminati, just  like the mythical russian monarchist and nazi obsession with the supposed german aide to lenin.

    I have not touched the banking industry ..because i know nothing about that.. who really controls it.. but how about the media? can you debunk what i posted about who controls western media and their anti Russian + Anti Christianity + Pro gay Agenda?  Im afraid you can't. No   But surprise me.. go ahead..

    And again ,not promoting any religion.. ideally it will be better a world without them..if people learned to live at peace since they do more damage than anything.. but unfortunately they are needed to counter the dangerous ideologies like the ones promoted in Middle east ,that have the entire zone at war.   It seems like there is agenda of manipulation of society through media.and against Russia and against Christianity.. and this same factions goes the other way ,when it comes to promoting Islam migration to Europe ,sharia law as UK already have zones, (to decristianize it?) and promoting anything in Europe and the west that is most Russian citizens
    do not like or re-present them.

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 5 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Firebird Sat Apr 04, 2015 11:15 am

    GarryB wrote:I agree with higurashihougi Vann, I think you should use the term Zionist, because Zionists are the problem... whether they are Jews or not.

    No Garry. SOME so called "Zionists" (a word used by conspiracy lunatics) are A problem. Just like some so called Christians, SOME Russians and some people of every sodding group on the planet. There's a Western elite, which is mostly Christian. To have a thread title "Jewish elite" simply panders to the crackpots.

    And Zionism was a movement of many decades ago. Which actually had supporters amongst numerous religions including Islam and Christianity. It was NOT aimed at some conspiracy theory style "global elite domination".

    You're not Russian, you're not of Russian decent. You might know about Russian weapons, but I don't think you understand much at all about Russian values.

    To see a defence of Nazism, holocaust denial and all that filth on a Russian forum is just astounding. I'm mentioning this to you because you are a mod, and apparently have an interest in  what Russia is about.

    This thread is like having an African American forum and letting someone post a title "Why nig nogs are so lazy".

    As I've said before, if certain sections were cleared of the rubbish, you'd see quality posters. People who aren't repulsed by the crap thats written defending Hitler etc. You think a St Petersburger would post here after reading the crap "Hitler only did whats normal". You realise how many St Petersburgers were starved to death by the Germans? Have you ever read about the crimes committed on Russian children in occupied territories?  Have you ever read about how the Germans considered the Slavs a race to be used as labour and then killed, just like the Jews?

    One of my Russian ex military friends just shook his head in disbelief on reading this."THey honestly think they'll attract Russians with this crap being written?" were the words.

    If this is going to be the tone of the forum, the frankly, me and a fair few others will want to swerve it. And leave it to the nuts, in Germany, America or wherever it is. I think there should be more concern for Russian values and a bit less concern for some American troll who gets booted for arguing over the subtleties of the Pak Fa radar bands.

    There's a word for holocaust denialists, defenders of Hitler, defenders of the mass murderers of Russians. They're scum. And thats something that can't be disputed.

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 5 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Vann7 Sun Apr 05, 2015 9:27 am

    Firebird wrote:
    GarryB wrote:I agree with higurashihougi Vann, I think you should use the term Zionist, because Zionists are the problem... whether they are Jews or not.

    No Garry. SOME so called "Zionists" (a word used by conspiracy lunatics) are A problem. Just like some so called Christians, SOME  Russians and some people of every sodding group on the planet. There's a Western elite, which is mostly Christian. To have a thread title "Jewish elite" simply panders to the crackpots.

    And Zionism was a movement of many decades ago. Which actually had supporters amongst numerous religions including Islam and Christianity. It was NOT aimed at some conspiracy theory style "global elite domination".

    You're not Russian, you're not of Russian decent. You might know about Russian weapons, but I don't think you understand much at all about Russian values.

    To see a defence of Nazism, holocaust denial and all that filth on a Russian forum is just astounding. I'm mentioning this to you because you are a mod, and apparently have an interest in  what Russia is about.

    This thread is like having an African American forum and letting someone post a title "Why nig nogs are so lazy".

    As I've said before, if certain sections were cleared of the rubbish, you'd see quality posters. People who aren't repulsed by the crap thats written defending Hitler etc. You think a St Petersburger would post here after reading the crap "Hitler only did whats normal". You realise how many St Petersburgers were starved to death by the Germans? Have you ever read about the crimes committed on Russian children in occupied territories?  Have you ever read about how the Germans considered the Slavs a race to be used as labour and then killed, just like the Jews?

    One of my Russian ex military friends just shook his head in disbelief on reading this."THey honestly think they'll attract Russians with this crap being written?" were the words.

    If this is going to be the tone of the forum, the frankly, me and a fair few others will want to swerve it. And leave it to the nuts, in Germany, America or wherever it is. I think there should be more concern for Russian values and a bit less concern for some American troll who gets booted for arguing over the subtleties of the Pak Fa radar bands.

    There's a word for holocaust denialists, defenders of Hitler, defenders of the mass murderers of Russians. They're scum. And thats something that can't be disputed.

    Dude you are indeed of denial.. i have provided you solid evidence there.. not opinions
    but real evidence , not based on faith but REAL Investigations.. about the impossibility of
    Gas Chambers . it never happened.. People died consequences of the war ,ie bombing and
    lack of food. but not because of a program aimed to poison anyone.  No

    And you are probably the first in the planet  to deny that Zionist movement exist.. when there are Zionist parties in Israel.. that don't deny it.. Laughing

    Category:Zionist political parties in Israel

    There are even political parties that recruit zionist..

    Zionist Union - The Zionist Union (Hebrew: המחנה הציוני‎, translit. HaMaḥane HaẒioni, lit. the Zionist Camp) is a centre-left political alliance in Israel. It was established in December 2014 by the Israeli Labor Party and Hatnuah to create a joint electoral list to contest the 20th Knesset elections with the hope of unseating Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

    So its not "conspiracies" but facts...I don't need to be Russian to discuss world politics ,
    and Russian values are absolutely not- being discussed here..But about an agenda against Christianity and how the coincidences same groups/factions always show up behind them.
    i posted above ,real videos with real people and with evidence.. This is not based in your Mickey mouse imaginary friends,opinions but on facts.  IF all you have as "Arguments" is calling me a "nazi supporter" then it clearly shows your have NOTHING to defend your position.   Im a supporter of the truth and nothing else. ^^


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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 5 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  KomissarBojanchev Sun Apr 05, 2015 12:30 pm

    Christian "values" are just religious bigotry. There is nothing to be proud of in them and they and the church should absolutely not be endorsed. If anything the russian orthodox church shouldn't recieve a single kopek from the govcernment or the people. That way the useless fat mitropolits and patriarchs wont be able to live in princly mansions, wear rollexes and have a fleet of mercedeses financed by gullible bigoted zealots believing in goatfucker created mythology and obsolote social morals.

    Russia should go full on trotskyist on the church oligarchie's social grip, Lenin was to soft on them.

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 5 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Werewolf Sun Apr 05, 2015 7:10 pm

    KomissarBojanchev wrote:Christian "values" are just religious bigotry. There is nothing to be proud of in them and they and the church should absolutely not be endorsed. If anything the russian orthodox church shouldn't recieve a single kopek from the govcernment or the people. That way the useless fat mitropolits and patriarchs wont be able to live in princly mansions, wear rollexes and have a fleet of mercedeses financed by gullible bigoted zealots believing in goatfucker created mythology and obsolote social morals.

    Russia should go full on trotskyist on the church oligarchie's social grip, Lenin  was to soft on them.

    Lenin and your fucking trotzky jews both massacred millions with the Red Terror and Cheka, it was necessary that a Stalin came along and fought the scum bolshewics and i am glad he killed thos bolschewics in millions, which were genociding russians. Either you are completley shit in history or you one of those nutheads that advocates genocide, which you actually did in your comment, the advocation of genocide exactly what it is.

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    Post  kvs Sun Apr 05, 2015 7:50 pm

    I used to drink the Kooldaid that Stalin was a monster and responsible for 60 million deaths through gulags and famines.

    Then I bought a clue. Stalin's performance during WWII was nothing to be sneezed at. He personally signed off on the
    development and adoption of key weapons systems. The west loves to lie and lie about "human wave" tactics used
    by the Soviets even though those were only by China after WWII was over. We have the Poles all buthurt that Stalin
    "stabbed them in the back" during the Warsaw uprising even though the anti-Soviet and anti-Russian Polish resistance
    did not coordinate with the Russian Army whatsoever and Soviet forces were tied up and could not just willy
    nilly assist the Poles. Then we have the Katyn lie. It is true that Soviet forces sent of thousands of Polish army men
    to POW camps but it is a fact that it was the Nazis that killed them. The Russia hating west has selectively interpreted
    the internment orders as "sent to their death" orders and has systematically ignored physical evidence (dug up by a
    Polish-Ukrainian forensics team) that puts specific victims in the wrong location. Gorbie the comprador "admitted"
    guilt where there was none.

    The Katyn hoax is part of the cacophony of blood libel hate propaganda directed at Russia for centuries from the west.
    During WWII, only 20% of German POWs in Soviet captivity died (revisionist cry that it was 33%). Mostly thanks to
    starvation during 1942 when the whole of the USSR was starving. By contrast, over 90% of Soviet POWs died at the
    hands of the Nazis. The Nazis were engaged in ethnic extermination and deliberately created conditions for Soviet POWs
    to die. Auschwitz was built by Soviet POWs and they were the first through the ovens. Millions of Soviet POWs died
    from exposure and starvation in open camps. If the USSR could shelter German POWs, then the Nazis could have damned
    well done the same. And don't give me the shit about how many more Soviet POWs there were. There were almost 3 million
    German POWs in the USSR.

    Trotsky is painted as some sort of dissident. He was a butcher. Millions of people died during the civil war and Trotsky
    was there all the way. But somehow the these millions get counted as Stalin's personal responsibility. The number
    misatribution and fluffing achieves orbit with the Holodomor hoax. Supposedly 14 million "Ukrainians" died due to deliberate
    starvation on Stalin's orders. Nothing of the sort happened. There were forced collectivization famines all the way to
    Kazakhstan but in Ukraine they were aggravated by resistance. Farmers burned their crops and killed their livestock rather
    than have it fall into the hands of the state. In addition, all the Nazi loyalists and Bandera lovers in western Ukraine were
    part of Poland during the 1930s and did not see any famine. They are the ones who yelp the most about Holodomor and
    use it as the basis to hate Russian speaking citizens of Ukraine. They have concocted the blood libel that the Donbas was
    depopulated from Ukrainians and settled by Russians. In fact, it was ethnic Russians in the Donbas who lived through the
    famine while their parents and grandparents did not.

    By doing some research you realize that the history of the USSR and Russia is grossly distorted in the west. I do not
    consider books written by Nazi collaborators and apologists on the Holodomor as factual and non-fiction. Yet these
    propaganda pamphlets are the basis of the western view of the events.

    It would have been better if there was no revolution at all. Russia had a larger GDP than the USA in 1905 and was
    growing at 10% per year around the time. It had problems, but so did everyone else. The industrialization attributed
    to the communists is just selective analysis. There is no basis to conclude that no industrialization would have
    occurred between 1920 and 1940. It happened in Germany during this period and would have happened in Russia
    as well. The rise to power of the Communists created a mirror rise of the Nazis. We may not have had WWII
    if there was no revolution.

    When one stands back and looks at the western hysterics, one sees a pattern. All Russian/Soviet leaders who do a
    good job are demonized. Right now Russia is living through the best period of its history. Putin is not engaged in
    social engineering but has reigned in the oligarchs and has introduced vital judiciary and regulatory infrastructure that
    is required for a functioning modern state. (Yeltsin did f*ck all, it was Putin who introduced jury trials and probation
    reform and reduced the prison population by almost 200,000). Yet we see the western haters screeching about
    some tyranny and "political prisoners" such as Khodorkovsky (LOL). Contrast with the coverage of Yeltsin who was
    overseeing the decay and dissolution of the country. The LA Times called him a "palpable humanitarian" while Putin
    is just some "KGB thug". Yeltsin was the real tyrant. People would be sent off to prison camps for stealing a loaf
    of bread because they were starving. It's the definition of iron fisted rule. But "evil tyrant" Putin puts up with vermin
    such as "Pussy Riot" and the slew of 5th column maggots who make up the neo-liberal comprador "opposition" and
    their NATO sycophant media.
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    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Sun Apr 05, 2015 10:04 pm

    Of course Stalin did not kill 60 million people but make no mistake - he was no saint. Gulags did claim several mln of lives during Stalin's rule and largely for nothing - the entire Gulag system was trendemously ineffective ecoonimically.

    But after Stalin all Soviet leaders were OK. They weren't shining example of political genius but they weren't monsters and I don't blame them for making mistakes or for running the country the way they did.

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe - Page 5 Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Werewolf Sun Apr 05, 2015 10:16 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Of course Stalin did not kill 60 million people but make no mistake - he was no saint. Gulags did claim several mln of lives during Stalin's rule and largely for nothing - the entire Gulag system was trendemously ineffective ecoonimically.

    But after Stalin all Soviet leaders were OK. They weren't shining example of political genius but they weren't monsters and I don't blame them for making mistakes or for running the country the way they did.

    The majority of those under Stalin in gulags were those folk men of the red terror, cheka of Trotzky and Lenin along with euthanasy scum and ineffective operatives in military. The 60 mln number is constantly the 0815 propaganda they tell here in the west that Stalin murdered all those which were murdered under Lenin and his Red Terror attributed to Stalin and boasting the numbers to such blatant numbers like 60 mln while Soviet Union ended up having more citizens despite WW2 than the propagated 60 mln kills over Stalins rule.
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    Post  max steel Sun Apr 05, 2015 10:34 pm

    Khazar Jews raped russia . Lenin was one of them .

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