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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe


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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe Empty The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Vann7 Sat Jan 03, 2015 12:08 am

    The Jewish Elite   the disintegration of CHristian civilization.  

    Whether you believe in christianity or not.. whether God exist or not.. is irrelevant..
    But Christianity is a major obstacle for Jewish Elite world domination. It is because is the only moral teaching
    that can help to create UNITY between nations . And the Jewish elite does not want unity.. they want divisions..
    in the entire world.. and provoking violence and divisions is their main weapon to take control of nations and its banking industry.

    You can see the signs of their war against Christianity.. in...
    1)The massive migration of Muslins into Europe..
    2)The massive attacks on Christianity.. on their movies and media..
    3)the promotion of same gay marriage..
    4)Femmen attacks on christianity
    6)Promote Multiculturalism by force.
    7)Gay life promotion to children.

    They want to export the Saudi Arabian project into Europe.. where people is 100% controlled by the state
    by a religion.. that regardless if true or fake.. Islam is very powerful for controlling society ad turn them into slaves.. Christianity in the other hand (with the exception of the radical religions) can teach people to control themselves and teach unity.  

    So this is why you see a Mass migration of Muslins in Europe and Sharia Law already supported in UK and other
    European nations.. The Jewish elite use their money to flood Europe with Muslin. in an effort to disintegrate
    Christianity. .and create divisions . and so far they have been quite successful in nearly removing Christianity
    from the Europe.

    So there are several ways the jewish elite are pushing  to control the world..
    1)controlling completely the banking industry in one
    2)disintegrating christianity is the other
    3)Now controlling the food in the world  (montosanto agenda)
    4) Controlling the world energy resources (middle east)
    5) breaking Russia in many parts to control its resources

    The following links and videos will show you evidence of how the Jewish neocon Elite is
    behind of the massive migration of muslins into Europe.. and how they attack christianity..
    Not because they believe God exist.. but because its core values that teach people right for freedom
    and teach unity.

    Not surprisingly the jews hates Marine le penn.. because she wants France to return to its
    christian values and to stop the muslin migration into europe.. Believe it or not.. Jewish elite
    are using $billions and billions in fueling muslins into Europe.. using their own money.

    Let an Israeli christian explain you.. the jewish elite agenda..

    So whether you are atheist or not.. europeans should defend christianity otherwise
    Islam will come to replace it.. and thats when you will be doomed.. and lose
    all your freedoms and become another religious sharia law state..

    The jewish neoliberal elite is very simple..  Get completely opposite factions to live under the same land
    and later provoke each side to fight each other.. trying to impose their view of their future on each other..
    Europeans should be worried to know that most of the terrorist foreigners fighting in Syria today comes
    from Europe..and many return to the same place they came..but with a pleasure for blood and violence.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Sat Jan 03, 2015 1:09 am; edited 2 times in total

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  NationalRus Sat Jan 03, 2015 12:27 am

    left liberal marxist jews would support all the 6 points listed

    conservative right wing jews are allys to russia and with christianity against wahabism
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Hannibal Barca Sat Jan 03, 2015 1:20 am

    Jewish is an ideology by itself. There are no Marxist Jews. Never were any either. And there are no capitalist as well. They just infiltrate into the popular governing systems to promote their agendas. And they always have it both ways. They also infiltrated to NAZI Germany up to the very top. NAZI Jews were one of the most elite bodies of Wehrmacht. Even Hitler was a Jew! Of course after Germany failed to conquer the world they found a great exodus story like the rats they are Laughing Twisted Evil

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  NationalRus Sat Jan 03, 2015 3:10 am

    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe Giphy

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  NickM Sat Jan 03, 2015 5:50 am

    Hannibal Barca wrote:Even Hitler was a Jew!

    Nope! Hitler was not a Jew. He was a Christian like us and was duly baptized.

    Vann7 wrote:The Jewish elite use their money to flood Europe with Muslin. in an effort to disintegrate
    Christianity. .and create divisions

    But Christianity has survived the onslaught of despicable religions like Judaism, Hindooism and Islam for centuries and yet survived.

    What Christian states in the West need to do is to impose a total ban on the entry of people from Africa and Asia into their country. This will keep these scumbag Jews, Hindoos and Muslims at bay.

    NationalRus wrote:conservative right wing jews are allys to russia and with christianity against wahabism

    No they are NOT. Russia today has completely been run over by Muslim and Hindoo immigrants from Asia. Putin and his cronies are trying to hide this fact.

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Hisroyalhighness Sat Jan 03, 2015 8:09 pm

    .....What is going on in this thread? Shocked

    I don't remember this place having this many conspiracy theorists.

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  GarryB Sun Jan 04, 2015 8:42 am

    The Hillary Clintons of this world need to be able to lie to get the job done in the 21st Century... that was their criticism of the wikileaks debacle... why not immediately think the worst if they admit that most of the time they tell lies.

    they need to read the story of the boy who cried wolf a million times and think about what they are doing.

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Kyo Sun Jan 04, 2015 9:42 am

    I have wondered for a long time now why is it that Russia doesn't come with greater intensity to the support of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority, including defense cooperation. Is it because Russia has also a powerful Jewish pro-Israeli lobby within its community (same as in the US) and the Russian government is afraid of its reaction in case os a closer military cooperation with the Palestinians? Why is it that Russia doesn't adopt a harsher stance at Israel and its genocide against Palestine?

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  NationalRus Sun Jan 04, 2015 5:01 pm

    Kyo wrote:I have wondered for a long time now why is it that Russia doesn't come with greater intensity to the support of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority, including defense cooperation. Is it because Russia has also a powerful Jewish pro-Israeli lobby within its community (same as in the US) and the Russian government is afraid of its reaction in case os a closer military cooperation with the Palestinians? Why is it that Russia doesn't adopt a harsher stance at Israel and its genocide against Palestine?

    go kill yourself

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Werewolf Sun Jan 04, 2015 5:05 pm

    NationalRus wrote:
    Kyo wrote:I have wondered for a long time now why is it that Russia doesn't come with greater intensity to the support of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority, including defense cooperation. Is it because Russia has also a powerful Jewish pro-Israeli lobby within its community (same as in the US) and the Russian government is afraid of its reaction in case os a closer military cooperation with the Palestinians? Why is it that Russia doesn't adopt a harsher stance at Israel and its genocide against Palestine?

    go kill yourself

    Maybe you should live up to your words and do the same. Calling one side terrorists while the others are terrorists by true nature of how their "country" became a country, that is advanced hypocrisy and actually that is fascism.

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  NationalRus Sun Jan 04, 2015 5:19 pm

    i would rather volunter for idf and kill some of the fucks myself.
    and so my country should devolope relations with tribal jihadists in some shithole, what an advise to give, i applaude you, i would lol1
    you seem to love suni arabs really well, they are truhly great allys, very reliable, very developed, a strognhold of rationalism, scientific research and brotherly realtions with christians on equal basis, the sunni arab world is truhly a pice of cherry pie no comparison to the tribal assbackwards freedom hating christian killing israeli devils lol1

    i will print myself a t-shirt with the slogan : "Israel, fucking Arabs since 1948" thumbsup

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Kyo Sun Jan 04, 2015 5:28 pm

    Werewolf wrote:
    NationalRus wrote:
    Kyo wrote:I have wondered for a long time now why is it that Russia doesn't come with greater intensity to the support of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority, including defense cooperation. Is it because Russia has also a powerful Jewish pro-Israeli lobby within its community (same as in the US) and the Russian government is afraid of its reaction in case os a closer military cooperation with the Palestinians? Why is it that Russia doesn't adopt a harsher stance at Israel and its genocide against Palestine?

    go kill yourself

    Maybe you should live up to your words and do the same. Calling one side terrorists while the others are terrorists by true nature of how their "country" became a country, that is advanced hypocrisy and actually that is fascism.

    Actually, what the Jewish state is after is their own up-to-date 'lebensraum'.

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  NationalRus Sun Jan 04, 2015 5:39 pm

    anyway internal problem like we russians like to say, figour it out on your own its not our buisness.

    also israel after the second time the repelled a invasion against them could have forced all palastinians out to egypt from gaza and to jordan from west bank and said "they invaded us we won, tough luck buddy"
    but they didnt.... maybe they should have? a lot problems would be less now, no anoying conflict for jerusalem and the wall, all would have been israeli territoy with no arabs but no no they gave it back... actaully how foolish of them.

    i mean we (russia) didnt have become the largest country on earth becouse we liked diplomacy, picked flowers and shoke hands. no our tzars went for lebensraum.
    so i only judge israel by ther foolishnes to give back west bank and gaza, imagening peter the grate giving back finland to sweden after we just concuqered it out of "humanitarian issues" hahahahahaha lol1

    oh and they also gave back more territory then israel was in size... remember?..... sinai

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Werewolf Sun Jan 04, 2015 5:55 pm

    Kyo wrote:
    Werewolf wrote:
    NationalRus wrote:
    Kyo wrote:I have wondered for a long time now why is it that Russia doesn't come with greater intensity to the support of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority, including defense cooperation. Is it because Russia has also a powerful Jewish pro-Israeli lobby within its community (same as in the US) and the Russian government is afraid of its reaction in case os a closer military cooperation with the Palestinians? Why is it that Russia doesn't adopt a harsher stance at Israel and its genocide against Palestine?

    go kill yourself

    Maybe you should live up to your words and do the same. Calling one side terrorists while the others are terrorists by true nature of how their "country" became a country, that is advanced hypocrisy and actually that is fascism.

    Actually, what the Jewish state is after is their own up-to-date 'lebensraum'.

    General Plan Ost is what the jews do in ME.

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  NickM Mon Jan 05, 2015 5:16 am

    NationalRus wrote:
    i mean we (russia) didnt have become the largest country on earth becouse we liked diplomacy, picked flowers and shoke hands. no our tzars went for lebensraum.

    That was yesterday. Today things are different. What % of Russia consists of local Russians(Slavs)?

    Most of Moscow & Petersbeurg have been taken over by Muslims, Hindoos and Africans

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  TR1 Mon Jan 05, 2015 5:34 am

    Hisroyalhighness wrote:.....What is going on in this thread? Shocked

    I don't remember this place having this many conspiracy theorists.

    For some reason this forum draws in some real pieces of work.

    And they all seem to blab the same idiocy...jews are a constant fixture.

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Regular Mon Jan 05, 2015 9:24 am

    NickM wrote:
    NationalRus wrote:
    i mean we (russia) didnt have become the largest country on earth becouse we liked diplomacy, picked flowers and shoke hands. no our tzars went for lebensraum.

    That was yesterday. Today things are different. What % of Russia consists of local Russians(Slavs)?

    Most of Moscow & Petersbeurg have been taken over by Muslims, Hindoos and Africans
    Aren't You talking about London? Piter is 90 percent white 10 percent finnish. pirat

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  NickM Mon Jan 05, 2015 10:18 am

    Regular wrote:Aren't You talking about London? Piter is 90 percent white 10 percent finnish. pirat

    UK in general and London in particular has been overrun by Hindoos, Muslims and Blacks.No wonder the crime rate is so high in London.

    And Moscow and St.Petersburg are following the footsteps of London.

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Regular Mon Jan 05, 2015 1:55 pm

    NickM wrote:
    Regular wrote:Aren't You talking about London? Piter is 90 percent white 10 percent finnish. pirat

    UK in general and London in particular has been overrun by Hindoos, Muslims and Blacks.No wonder the crime rate is so high in London.

    And Moscow and St.Petersburg are following the footsteps of London.
    Been in London last month. On the street whites are minority(visually) even in Westminster.  Mostly whites were hipsters sitting in starbucks or visiting museums Very Happy IDK, London to me looks like overpriced shithole. 10 ago it wasn't even the same.
    Birmingham and Belfast IMHO looks 1000x better. Plus they are cheaper and people are more polite so You get better service.
    Belfast in some way reminds me of eastern european city, but it's way more tidier.

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  flamming_python Mon Jan 05, 2015 4:11 pm

    Hisroyalhighness wrote:.....What is going on in this thread? Shocked

    I don't remember this place having this many conspiracy theorists.

    Then you clearly haven't been here long enough :L

    It's always about killing either Jews or Muslims with these people. Sometimes Americans, Balts, and whoever else too. Too much hate really.

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Vann7 Tue Jan 06, 2015 12:44 am

    Kyo wrote:I have wondered for a long time now why is it that Russia doesn't come with greater intensity to the support of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority, including defense cooperation. Is it because Russia has also a powerful Jewish pro-Israeli lobby within its community (same as in the US) and the Russian government is afraid of its reaction in case os a closer military cooperation with the Palestinians? Why is it that Russia doesn't adopt a harsher stance at Israel and its genocide against Palestine?

    Because Hamas is a terrorist organization.. their leaders  backtabbed Assad and joined the islamic zionist revolution in Syria. Not all palestinians are like hamas.. however.. Aside that there are many jews in Russia.. and i think one republic is controlled by them in the far east. Putin however support Hezbolah.. which is a shia paramilitary group..
    that support christians..and are helping Syria in their fight against Obama sponsored terrorist.

    Russia help politically palestinians..and with their media..trying to raise awareness of what happens there.. but thats the most they can do. Giving weapons to them will be silly.. because Israel will know it.. and Israel can retaliate by arming Ukraine ARmy.

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  NationalRus Tue Jan 06, 2015 2:58 am

    TR1 wrote:
    Hisroyalhighness wrote:.....What is going on in this thread? Shocked

    I don't remember this place having this many conspiracy theorists.

    For some reason this forum draws in some real pieces of work.

    And they all seem to blab the same idiocy...jews are a constant fixture.

    well the freedom of speech here was always a fresh air breeze Very Happy . no mather your views if communist of fascist and everything in beetwen you could at least make your point.
    in my 5 years here by now i think nobody was banned that i remmeber for expressing his opinion

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  flamming_python Tue Jan 06, 2015 3:15 am

    Vann7 wrote:
    Kyo wrote:I have wondered for a long time now why is it that Russia doesn't come with greater intensity to the support of Hamas and the Palestinian Authority, including defense cooperation. Is it because Russia has also a powerful Jewish pro-Israeli lobby within its community (same as in the US) and the Russian government is afraid of its reaction in case os a closer military cooperation with the Palestinians? Why is it that Russia doesn't adopt a harsher stance at Israel and its genocide against Palestine?

    Because Hamas is a terrorist organization.. their leaders  backtabbed Assad and joined the islamic zionist revolution in Syria. Not all palestinians are like hamas.. however.. Aside that there are many jews in Russia.. and i think one republic is controlled by them in the far east. Putin however support Hezbolah.. which is a shia paramilitary group..
    that support christians..and are helping Syria in their fight against Obama sponsored terrorist.

    Hizbullah are just more of the same terrorists really. They certainly had no qualms about blowing up a minibus of innocent people in Bulgaria.

    But having said that - there are several examples of past terrorist groups that made the transition to legitimate political parties; particularly in Europe. The IRA, Eta, PLO and the KLA which now got what it wanted and has no reason for terrorist activity anymore.

    I think the potential for that with Hizbullah is definately there, and Israel should try and accept Russia's actions from that angle - Russia can benefit Israel by engaging Hizbullah.

    Russia help politically palestinians..and with their media..trying to raise awareness of what happens there.. but thats the most they can do. Giving weapons to them will be silly.. because Israel will know it.. and Israel can retaliate by arming Ukraine ARmy.

    Give weapons to the Ukrainians so that they could be captured by the rebels? Very Happy
    Na, there's really not much Israel can do here against Russia. Ukraine's arsenal, as worn-out as it is, is among the least of their problems. And if Russia goes in the Ukraine army will evaporate pretty sharpish no matter how well-equipped.

    But Russia has interests in Israel and has invested a lot of political capital into cultivating relations with it. Why jeopardize this over Hamas? They basically have nothing to offer Russia.

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  flamming_python Tue Jan 06, 2015 3:26 am

    NationalRus wrote:
    TR1 wrote:
    Hisroyalhighness wrote:.....What is going on in this thread? Shocked

    I don't remember this place having this many conspiracy theorists.

    For some reason this forum draws in some real pieces of work.

    And they all seem to blab the same idiocy...jews are a constant fixture.

    well the freedom of speech here was always a fresh air breeze  Very Happy . no mather your views if communist of fascist and everything in beetwen you could at least make your point.
    in my 5 years here by now i think nobody was banned that i remmeber for expressing his opinion

    The problem is that few forums actually think like that; most do ban their members for making outrageous statements, while the forums that don't - end up attracting all these same rejects and bottom-feeders.
    By and large these people are here to rant, vent and retort; they're not interested in other people's views. While it's true that discussion and open debate can cure ignorance - that's only true for the people who're actually interested in learning something.

    As for views, by all means think what you wish. No-one judges anyone on the internet for their views. Just for being a serial-retard and putting it all into writing, again and again and again.

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    The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe Empty Re: The Jewish Neocon Elite agenda for Russia and Europe

    Post  Regular Tue Jan 06, 2015 3:53 am

    NationalRus wrote:
    TR1 wrote:
    Hisroyalhighness wrote:.....What is going on in this thread? Shocked

    I don't remember this place having this many conspiracy theorists.

    For some reason this forum draws in some real pieces of work.

    And they all seem to blab the same idiocy...jews are a constant fixture.

    well the freedom of speech here was always a fresh air breeze  Very Happy . no mather your views if communist of fascist and everything in beetwen you could at least make your point.
    in my 5 years here by now i think nobody was banned that i remmeber for expressing his opinion
    And in I was banned for criticized Israel in one incident involving civilian deaths. When I stated I actually support them in grand scale. Neutral

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