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    A little bit of artworks


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    A little bit of artworks - Page 7 Empty Re: A little bit of artworks

    Post  KomissarBojanchev Thu Feb 12, 2015 2:46 pm

    My ship is made purposefully to look like that since it's fully expected to be fly inside an atmosphere.  In fact one of the most important tactics of the USPR doctrine is to hide inside thick atmospheres, gas giants, and even brown dwarfs  to elude long range sensors. Also in my universe by the 2600s railgun and plasma  projectiles are so powerful that extreme armor slope is required to even have a minor chance of a nonpenetrating hit, hence the sleekness of my design. My frigate has over 70000mm effective RHA on the main hull and wings, and around 20000-30000mm armor on the engines,  and is capable of withstanding the temperatures of the corona of a yellow star. It can also withstand a direct nonpenetrating hit of a 70 megaton explosion.

    Anyway do you guys like it?

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    A little bit of artworks - Page 7 Empty Re: A little bit of artworks

    Post  flamming_python Thu Feb 12, 2015 11:01 pm

    KomissarBojanchev wrote:My ship is made purposefully to look like that since it's fully expected to be fly inside an atmosphere.  In fact one of the most important tactics of the USPR doctrine is to hide inside thick atmospheres, gas giants, and even brown dwarfs  to elude long range sensors. Also in my universe by the 2600s railgun and plasma  projectiles are so powerful that extreme armor slope is required to even have a minor chance of a nonpenetrating hit, hence the sleekness of my design. My frigate has over 70000mm effective RHA on the main hull and wings, and around 20000-30000mm armor on the engines,  and is capable of withstanding the temperatures of the corona of a yellow star. It can also withstand a direct nonpenetrating hit of a 70 megaton explosion.

    Anyway do you guys like it?

    A sleek, aerodynamic shape certainly help in terms of minimising resistance within the thick atmospheres of gaseos planets and brown dwarfs.

    I'm divided as to whether aerodynamic control surfaces are neccessary. Ultimately I think they're not, unless these frigates are really expected to spend at least half of their time in atmospheres and gas concentrations.

    On the one hand they will help economise energy in atmospheres.

    On the other hand they are likely to be small and will thus only give a significant when travelling at considerable speed due to the size of that ship. When you're travelling at high speeds in atmospheres lift will be largely irrelevant, a lot more is going to depend on your initial velocity and your boosters and engines, thrust vectoring; aerodynamic surfaces will just be used to make corrections and to stabilize, like they are in space shuttles, but in the future thrust vectoring and booster technology will likely develop to the point that actual control surfaces will become superflous.

    Other than that good design. Looks like an extended Klingon Bird of Prey, mixed in with elements of the design of another ship that I can't seem to put my finger on right now.

    You should make a submarine class too.. or subsolar rather; a ship that can withstand the extreme heat of the other levels of a star, at least for a certain period of time. Mixed in with all that extreme amount of heat and radiation, it would be very hard to detect until it emerges..

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    A little bit of artworks - Page 7 Empty Re: A little bit of artworks

    Post  collegeboy16 Fri Feb 13, 2015 1:28 pm

    KomissarBojanchev wrote:My ship is made purposefully to look like that since it's fully expected to be fly inside an atmosphere.  In fact one of the most important tactics of the USPR doctrine is to hide inside thick atmospheres, gas giants, and even brown dwarfs  to elude long range sensors. Also in my universe by the 2600s railgun and plasma  projectiles are so powerful that extreme armor slope is required to even have a minor chance of a nonpenetrating hit, hence the sleekness of my design. My frigate has over 70000mm effective RHA on the main hull and wings, and around 20000-30000mm armor on the engines,  and is capable of withstanding the temperatures of the corona of a yellow star. It can also withstand a direct nonpenetrating hit of a 70 megaton explosion.

    Anyway do you guys like it?
    yeah... no- except that its operating in the age of warp portals- the enemy would just dispatch hundreds if not tens of thousands of drones armed only with the most sophisticated target detection and tracking tech of the time, skulk around in deepspace under cover of the best stealth measures and report back any target via ansible- no way of intercepting that. then any enemy warship is then obliterated by portals suddenly opening all around them and even inside! while enemy railgun and plasma fire goes out the portals. its like battleship in age of AC- no actually age of satellite guided missile alpha strikes from subs and battlecruisers.

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    A little bit of artworks - Page 7 Empty Re: A little bit of artworks

    Post  KomissarBojanchev Fri Feb 13, 2015 2:12 pm

    collegeboy16 wrote:
    KomissarBojanchev wrote:My ship is made purposefully to look like that since it's fully expected to be fly inside an atmosphere.  In fact one of the most important tactics of the USPR doctrine is to hide inside thick atmospheres, gas giants, and even brown dwarfs  to elude long range sensors. Also in my universe by the 2600s railgun and plasma  projectiles are so powerful that extreme armor slope is required to even have a minor chance of a nonpenetrating hit, hence the sleekness of my design. My frigate has over 70000mm effective RHA on the main hull and wings, and around 20000-30000mm armor on the engines,  and is capable of withstanding the temperatures of the corona of a yellow star. It can also withstand a direct nonpenetrating hit of a 70 megaton explosion.

    Anyway do you guys like it?
    yeah... no- except that its operating in the age of warp portals- the enemy would just dispatch hundreds if not tens of thousands of drones armed only with the most sophisticated target detection and tracking tech of the time, skulk around in deepspace under cover of the best stealth measures and report back any target via ansible- no way of intercepting that. then any enemy warship is then obliterated by portals suddenly opening all around them and even inside! while enemy railgun and plasma fire goes out the portals. its like battleship in age of AC- no actually age of satellite guided missile alpha strikes from subs and battlecruisers.

    Drones will never be able to replace everything. They are only meant to be a force multiplier and cheap expendable tools.Your drones with their highly advanced sensors and stealth(something extremely difficult in space)would be anything but cost effective, let alone hundreds of them. Since objects in space are very easily detectible(even with today's technology a space shuttle with it's engines on can be detected from the nearest star) a ship could easily stay away from your swarm, also since drones can't carry powerful engines due to their small size(my frigate needs to around several times all the energy produced by the whole present world a day every minute).
    Even if the ship is detected by your sensors they would only show it's location from a few hours or minutes ago due to the signals only traveling at the speed of light. By the time they return to the emmiter the target ship will have long since radically changed it's location

    Your drones can easily be destroyed once detected by repeated EMP torpedos and gamma ray discharges from the detonations of my frigate's antimatter cannon.

    It would be impossible to position warp points with your accuracy and they would be easily detected a few hours before anything exits out. The warp points themselves would need a few minutes to form due to the massive amount of energy required(equal to the mass of jupiter). Meanwhile you can either escape or face the incoming projectiles with your shields and CIWS.

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    A little bit of artworks - Page 7 Empty Re: A little bit of artworks

    Post  higurashihougi Fri Feb 13, 2015 2:58 pm

    Actually drones is nothing new. The Cruise missiles are actually some sort of drones. They are suicide bombing drones Very Happy

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    A little bit of artworks - Page 7 Empty Re: A little bit of artworks

    Post  KomissarBojanchev Fri Feb 13, 2015 3:06 pm

    flamming_python wrote:
    KomissarBojanchev wrote:My ship is made purposefully to look like that since it's fully expected to be fly inside an atmosphere.  In fact one of the most important tactics of the USPR doctrine is to hide inside thick atmospheres, gas giants, and even brown dwarfs  to elude long range sensors. Also in my universe by the 2600s railgun and plasma  projectiles are so powerful that extreme armor slope is required to even have a minor chance of a nonpenetrating hit, hence the sleekness of my design. My frigate has over 70000mm effective RHA on the main hull and wings, and around 20000-30000mm armor on the engines,  and is capable of withstanding the temperatures of the corona of a yellow star. It can also withstand a direct nonpenetrating hit of a 70 megaton explosion.

    Anyway do you guys like it?

    A sleek, aerodynamic shape certainly help in terms of minimising resistance within the thick atmospheres of gaseos planets and brown dwarfs.

    I'm divided as to whether aerodynamic control surfaces are neccessary. Ultimately I think they're not, unless these frigates are really expected to spend at least half of their time in atmospheres and gas concentrations.

    On the one hand they will help economise energy in atmospheres.

    On the other hand they are likely to be small and will thus only give a significant when travelling at considerable speed due to the size of that ship. When you're travelling at high speeds in atmospheres lift will be largely irrelevant, a lot more is going to depend on your initial velocity and your boosters and engines, thrust vectoring; aerodynamic surfaces will just be used to make corrections and to stabilize, like they are in space shuttles, but in the future thrust vectoring and booster technology will likely develop to the point that actual control surfaces will become superflous.

    Other than that good design. Looks like an extended Klingon Bird of Prey, mixed in with elements of the design of another ship that I can't seem to put  my finger on right now.

    You should make a submarine class too.. or subsolar rather; a ship that can withstand the extreme heat of the other levels of a star, at least for a certain period of time. Mixed in with all that extreme amount of heat and radiation, it would be very hard to detect until it emerges..
    My ship doesn't have any control surfaces, only 3D thrust vectored fusion engine cells, as well as many thrusters. Actually lift isn't the main purpose for it's  wings but extra storage space for reactors and CIWS.

    Your right, my design  does have a little influence from the klingon cruiser, as well as from the Su-47, but everything else is my idea.

    Anyway this is the most modern ship of the USPR's main enemy, the libertarian,right wing oligarchic Alliance of Free Systems(AFS) which has a social darwinist ideals, with a corporatist economy owned by an AI  enhanced elite.
    It's main nationalities are anglosaxon, east european, japanese and korean.

    This is one of their most powerful ships

    ASS Durandal CA-301 Mjolnir class heavy cruiser
    A little bit of artworks - Page 7 20150211

    Length-1,7 km
    width- 500m
    crew- 890
    it has 3 fusion engines and 4 cross configuration(this ship has some influence from USPR design) antimatter pulse boosters
    speed- 20% speed of light
            31% (with antimatter boost)
    twin internal alcubierre rings enable it to travel at 20 times the speed of light but with a very fast drive charge time
    can create warp points

    range- 6700 light years

    2x2 Mk. 290 203mm heavy meson particle beam cannon- fires at 30 shots per minute, and has high shield and armor penetrating potential. The beam travels at around 85% c and can cut apart a frigate sized ship ina single shot(given the beam hits entirely)
    4x1 Mk. 26 155mm medium turbolasers- can fire also in ultraviolet frequencies given there's enough power. . Has great dmage potential, but the beam needs to stay in contact with the target for at least 3 seconds(even longer the farther the target is away). Smoke screens and reflective particle shielding(used extensively by the USPR) also make it practically useless, giving it situational usage.
    6x1 Star ordnance QF 5,5' (133mm) railguns. Fire at 70 rpm. Standard issue on larger AFS ships. Can use thruster guided shells, but they have worse performance to those the USPR uses. The longer the projectiles fly the faster they go making them more dangerous in long range interplanetary combat.
    800 Mk. 8 guied interplanetary torpedos- an antimatter charge propels them out of the tubes, making them leave at around 45% c. They use kinetic force to penetrate their target, and once they do, a  few dozen MT nuclear warhead detonates causing catastrophic internal damage to the target. Can also be equipped with ECM hardware
    450 alcubierre drive equipped ISM- 93 Starbolt  interstellar cruise torpedos- although slower and less powerful rthan the USPR ones, these can maneuver during FTL  and require less time to charge( USPR torpedos need to wait for their ship to create a warp point into which they're fired in) and are much lighter and cheaper. Combined with there small mass and large power transfer into their alcubierre drive they cruise at around 170 times the speed of light witha range of 550 light years. They hit their target at around 60% c. Can be tipped with a 500 gram antimatter warhead.

    190000mm effective RHA
    extendable spaced nanite armor adding 40000mm RHA
    Mk. 78B schiltron VI twin rotary railgun CIWS
    Mk. 280A thureos rapid fire particle beam CIWS
    Various ECM drones and internal systems
    self repairing armor
    nanite swarm shields

    Unlike the USPR frigate the Durandal has no lift and has to rely on all material superconductor repulsors in atmospheric flight. It also relie mostly on many small fixed thrusters and only a few 2D vectored large ones.
    Unlike the USPR frigate this cruiser cannot partially use lift in atmospheric

    Last edited by KomissarBojanchev on Sun Mar 08, 2015 12:39 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    A little bit of artworks - Page 7 Empty Re: A little bit of artworks

    Post  collegeboy16 Fri Feb 13, 2015 3:23 pm

    KomissarBojanchev wrote:

    Drones will never be able to replace everything. They are only meant to be a force multiplier and cheap  expendable tools.Your drones with their  highly advanced sensors and stealth(something extremely difficult in space)would be anything but cost effective, let alone hundreds of them. Since objects in space are very easily detectible(even with today's technology a space shuttle with it's engines on can be detected from the nearest star) a ship could easily stay away from your swarm, also since drones can't carry powerful engines due to their small size(my frigate needs to around several times all the energy produced by the whole present world a day  every minute).
    its actually easy to stealthify a drone in space- more so if you are only using passive sensors, just make them look like some rock- any attempt at discriminating it from a real rock would involve EM waves like x-rays, when they emit they are dead. and if you are traveling at significant fractions of the speed of light and concentrating vast amounts of energy in one point that would be very noisy ripple in the fabric of space and time that could be detected by gravitic sensors.
    KomissarBojanchev wrote:
    Even if the ship is detected by your sensors they would only show it's location from a few hours or minutes ago due to the signals only traveling at the speed of light. By the time they return to the emmiter the target ship will have long since radically changed it's location
    dont know if there is speed limit to space and time "fabric" dunno maybe that is the around this problem
    KomissarBojanchev wrote:
    Your drones can easily be destroyed once detected by repeated EMP torpedos and gamma ray discharges from the detonations of my frigate's antimatter cannon.
    well congrats, you just destroyed a measly drone- here is your prize: a full scale battlegroup appearing out of nowhere, but better yet, just massive amounts of antimatter torpedos.
    KomissarBojanchev wrote:
    It would be impossible to  position warp points with your accuracy and they would be easily detected a few hours before anything exits out. The warp points themselves would need a few minutes to form due to the massive amount of energy required(equal to the mass of jupiter). Meanwhile you can either escape or face the incoming projectiles with your shields and CIWS.
    what takes a few minutes for a warp portal maker powered by a frigate's reactors would take only a very tiny fraction of that time for the power grid of a whole planet. and the answer for inaccuracy is mass fire- pepper the area with portals, surely something will open near the target if enough portals are opened.


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    A little bit of artworks - Page 7 Empty Re: A little bit of artworks

    Post  collegeboy16 Fri Feb 13, 2015 3:37 pm

    btw, i suggest meson-based weaponry. basically a particle accelerator creates neutral kind of mesons via collision of electrons and positrons, these particles are special in that they act like are entirely ethereal to any matter, and could pass through tens of thousands of km of armor with no issue. then they decay into a burst of photons and neutrinos- with enough of them in a single spot the accumulated photon energy could reach nuke weapon scale. time them so that they decay inside the enemy ship and boom! instant spaceship confetti.

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    A little bit of artworks - Page 7 Empty Re: A little bit of artworks

    Post  KomissarBojanchev Fri Feb 13, 2015 5:36 pm

    collegeboy16 wrote:

    its actually easy to stealthify a drone in space- more so if you are only using passive sensors, just make them look like some rock- any attempt at discriminating it from a real rock would involve EM waves like x-rays, when they emit they are dead. and if you are traveling at significant fractions of the speed of light and concentrating vast amounts of energy in one point that would be very noisy ripple in the fabric of space and time that could be detected by gravitic sensors.

    So you're describing a sensor net, not moving, fighting drones. These cannot be installed in every single star system, and even of they were, they would only give limited information due to only using passive sensors. Even if they would look like a rock material scanners would soon identify them. And what about detection when they're transmitting sensor data? Even if they were using quantum entanglement comunication their electronics would still make emissions no matter how insulated, although you can try to mask them as background noise. Still once they're detectedl, a wide EMP pulse will disable all of them in a  few seconds. A network spanning hundreds of millions of kilometers destroyed ,and only for some vague data. Even with the massive resources of the factions by then, it's still not very efficient.
    Nevertheless you sensornets would have a good purpose of being an early warning system and giving necessary data to guide interstellar cruise torpedos.  

    what takes a few minutes for a warp portal maker powered by a frigate's reactors would take only a very tiny fraction of that time for the power grid of a whole planet. and the answer for inaccuracy is mass fire- pepper the area with portals, surely something will open near the target if enough portals are opened.

    What you're suggesting  would require the energy of possiblly a few dozen blue giants. Even with a power transpher of an entire dyson sphere(there are very few in my universe and all of them are around red drawrves and even then  most of them are only partially built due to the sheer amount of resources required to build them) only a few warp points(they're not portals, it still takes quite a lot of time to cross one) would be able to form, utterly evadable even if a hundred railgun shells went through(also difficult since the spacetime fold is quite narrow and designed only for the ship creating it to pass through). You underestimate the vastness of space. It's very difficult to hit a target even from direct fire, as it requires to incredibly meticulous firing solutions only achievable through neuronicly accelerated brains with AI assistance and even then a miss is likely unless the projectile is guided, but that opens up other problems. ECMs and EMPs could fry the AI controlling the shell, and excessive maneuvering causes deceleration , making it easier to be hit by CIWS. At least in direct engagements the ship that fires the guided projectile could also disable the enemy's ECM suite, but a projectile fired from another star system is all on it's own and very large insulation is the only means for it to keep controlling itself. Large interstellar  torpedos are the only projectiles large enough to have  sufficient insulation and individual shielding.

    BTW all energy beam weapons would be useless in interstellar nonvisual combat due to not being guided, requiring constant corrections due to needing to be in contact with the target for an extended period of time and would require to much energy to be used as a barrage.

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    A little bit of artworks - Page 7 Empty Re: A little bit of artworks

    Post  collegeboy16 Sat Feb 14, 2015 5:01 am

    KomissarBojanchev wrote:

    So you're describing a sensor net, not moving, fighting drones. These cannot be installed in every single star system, and even of they were, they would only give limited information due to only using passive sensors. Even if they would look like a rock material scanners would soon identify them. And what about detection when they're transmitting sensor data? Even if they were using quantum entanglement comunication their electronics would still make emissions no matter how insulated, although you can try to mask them as background noise. Still once they're detectedl, a wide EMP pulse will disable all of them in a  few seconds. A network spanning hundreds of millions of kilometers destroyed ,and only for some vague data. Even with the massive resources of the factions by then, it's still not very efficient.
    Nevertheless you sensornets would have a good purpose of being an early warning system and giving necessary data to guide interstellar cruise torpedos.  

    well, i would expect such drones to be really cheap and easy to manufacture - the tech is already there, if you can use the equivalent of necrodermis for armor then i can expect gray goos also exist. launch those mothers into an asteroid belt and boom- instant solar system wide constellation.

    if thats not enough- one can also create warp prisms- the very best of sensor tech melded with the best ai and computer tech, plus the finest ftl comms and propulsion systems, and protected by robust shielding fed by mini warp points inside it. backed by several solar systems worth of computing power and real physical power- they would act like space mig-31s, racing towards any threat as they are detected, while this happens other warp prisms and other sensor drones are warped into field, you can avoid one but how about 10, 100?

    also EMP is overrated- faraday cage that biotch, there problem solved. not like gravitic sensors need em waves to detect stuff.

    KomissarBojanchev wrote:
    What you're suggesting  would require the energy of possiblly a few dozen blue giants. Even with a power transpher of an entire dyson sphere(there are very few in my universe and all of them are around red drawrves and even then  most of them are only partially built due to the sheer amount of resources required to build them) only a few warp points(they're not portals, it still takes quite a lot of time to cross one) would be able to form, utterly evadable even if a hundred railgun shells went through(also difficult since the spacetime fold is quite narrow and designed only for the ship creating it to pass through). You underestimate the vastness of space. It's very difficult to hit a target even from direct fire, as it requires to incredibly meticulous firing solutions only achievable through neuronicly accelerated brains with AI assistance and even then a miss is likely unless the projectile is guided, but that opens up other problems. ECMs and EMPs could fry the AI controlling the shell, and excessive maneuvering causes deceleration , making it easier to be hit by CIWS. At least in direct engagements the ship that fires the guided projectile could also disable the enemy's ECM suite, but a projectile fired from another star system is all on it's own and very large insulation is the only means for it to keep controlling itself. Large interstellar  torpedos are the only projectiles large enough to have  sufficient insulation and individual shielding.
    well, that sure explains why my ideas are a bit iffy for this universe. nevertheless, i think you are looking at it too much with old-school warfare tinted glasses. as soon as warp point/portal tech is made viable i dont doubt it will be the subject of vast amounts of investment, material and effort wise to make it achieve moore's law speed of development asap. really its like a nuke in that right, because suddenly the vastness of space can no longer protect any warship, and there is now bound to be firepower overmatch everytime you go against a warship without the same warp tech.
    KomissarBojanchev wrote:
    BTW all energy beam weapons would be useless in interstellar nonvisual combat due to not being guided, requiring constant corrections due to needing to be in contact with the target for an extended period of time and would require to much energy to be used as a barrage.
    well you can use them ghost beams as ciws- place them deep within a planet's core, harness the heat there for energy.

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    A little bit of artworks - Page 7 Empty Re: A little bit of artworks

    Post  higurashihougi Sun Feb 15, 2015 1:21 pm

    A little bit of artworks - Page 7 Higura13

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    Post  higurashihougi Mon Feb 16, 2015 3:25 pm

    A little bit of artworks - Page 7 Higura11

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    Post  KomissarBojanchev Wed Feb 25, 2015 7:08 pm

    And now for one of the most modern capital ships of the USPR, the Kirov class cruiser, by 2947 17 ships of the class had been built, the first one completed in 2940.

    Project 12776 Svarog battlecruiser

    A little bit of artworks - Page 7 20150213
    length: 2,330 meters
    width- 585m

    crew: 1170
    propulsion: 5x main fusion engines+ 2x auxilliary outboard mounted ones and 4x antimatter pulse engines. Each AM engine pulse uses up 2,6 grams of antimatter and that's the maximum amount of AM that can be in the engines at one time for safety reasons.
    speed: 20,4% speed of light(32,7% with antimatter boost)
    numerous heavy fusion maneuvering thrusters
    alcubierre drive ring capable of 27 times the speed of light
    class IV spacefolding  warp drive capable of forming spacetime funnels between 2 points of a maximum distance of 202 light years

    range: 6760 light years

    4x 203mm 5-AK-1 antimatter pulse plasma cannon ROF: 12 shots per minute with an exit speed of 87% speed of light. No known ship is theoretically able to withstand more than 9-10 direct hits from these monsters, but firing too much of them uses up precious antimatter also used as a compact energy source  for creating warp points. They have a maximum range of 7,3 million km.

    4x2 180mm 42-UK universal graviton accelerated mass drivers/ gluon cannons with 45 RPM with a max range of 8,5 million km. The kinetic rounds have a speed of 54% light speed while the gluon bolts are at 87%.Is  capable of using guided rounds(up to 40 of them per salvo).
    Actually EM propulsion are no longer in use since the 29th century since the previously mythical graviton that was discovered in 2414 but was given practical use in the late 2700s. Graviton accelerators use much less energy and can give far better ROF and slightly better kinetic performance.

    48x K-600  Bulava interstellar warp travelling torpedoes with an exit speed of 50%c but can constantly accelerate given it doesn't maneuver too much. Can be equipped with Fusion(400-510 MT) , 750 gram antimatter, or vaccuum bomb warhead.

    The vaccuum bomb was a top secret new weapon created by the USPR as an "intermediate" WMD. When it detonates using a large concentration of gravitons a temporary singularity is created which pulls anything within a few tens of thousands of km witha force of a dozen million tons, making it impossible to escape with any know relativistic ship propulsion system if you're within it's pull radius. FTL drives are also impossible to activate due to the created gravity well. Once in the event horizon the enemy ship(s) are utterly pulverised. Once the singularity has consumed it's mass limit(can be adjusted, it's usually a few million tons in order to accomodate an entire fleet)
    it suddenly explodes like the big bang and whatever it is consumed is released in one massive pulse. Since the discharged debris is travelling at a significant fraction of the speed of light, they can be very unhealthy for nearby ships that survived the initial pull. The mass limit ensures it doesn't cause the excessive planet- erasing damage of antimatter bombs making an ideal fleet killer weapon without causing too much collateral damage. Being less detectable by gravitic sensors and having zero gamma ray discharge are also some of it's advanatages

    160x cassette-mounted  8L435 Viyuga heavy interplanetary torpedos travelling at around 63%c. Can also be equipped with vaccuum bomb warheads. Range: 130 million km
    80x 2U24 light interplanetary torpedos carrying a very powerful single shot turbolaser pulse cannon. Once it detonates the explosive battery activates the laser. range: 40 million km. An antimatter booster gradually accelerates it to 45-60%c
    CADS-22 "Vyaz" twin 37mm rotary railgun CIWS with 8000 combined RPM. Cuopled with 45mm twin plasma autocannons firing at 7000 rpm each.

    POKS-600 plasma pulse emmitter CIWS.

    reflective smoke launchers to thwart laser beams

    heavy multilayer plasma and particle shielding

    This battlecruiser's armor can withstand a direct 260 megaton hit, and over 500 megatons with shielding.

    Last edited by KomissarBojanchev on Tue Mar 31, 2015 6:57 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  VladimirSahin Thu Feb 26, 2015 12:14 am

    Shocked Don't let NASA get hold of this design Very Happy

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    Post  KomissarBojanchev Sun Mar 08, 2015 12:54 am

    I made some concepts for the far future  firearms in my sci fi universe.

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    1. Frontline semiauto fusion plasma Union of Socialist Planetary Republics(USPR)  rifle   PAM-33(Plasmenniy Avtomat Mironova 2733)

    This plasma rifle fire projectile made of a stream of ionised gas(I'm not very good at chemistry, I don't know which one would be suitable  a traveling at 19000-26000 m/s depending on atmosphere density witha constant temperature of 5-7 million degrees, enough to burn through almost all personell armor of all Allians of Free Systems(AFS) troops, given reverse ion fields or nanite shielding don't dissipate the stream. This makes -plasma weapons essentially the HEAT equivalents  of the future but iwth one major difference.

    It's gas projectiles don't destabilize from air resistance as much as kinetic ones, thus making it more suitable for longer range shooting. That makes them also more accurate due to higher velocity also.
    The plasma stream is made coherent through future picotechnological atomic engineering and don't dissipate until around 4-7km

    Has a stock mounted fusion power cell and a gas canister. Has different power settings. Can take small bursts with recharge time of a fraction of a second to a single massive blast which knocks out the power cell making it nonreusable.Can be overcharged by wireless energy or combat suit reactor energy transfers. Has different firing modes like incendiary, EMP, fusion blast, or AP stream.

    2. A concept for a Gluon/Plasma/Gauss USPR sniper rifle of the late 29th century. Has both a long range observation scope capable of seeing around10-22km and Holographic targeting sight(the weapons sights are secondary, used in case enemy EW disrupts the combat suit Targeting HUD). Has stock mounted fusion power cell and a composite Gas/ Kinetic projectile magazine.
    Range: 11,5km(plasma/gluon), 9-9,4km(Kinetic)

    3. 2941 USPR  Saladze SRS Kinetic/Laser Marksman rifle . The kinetic projectile magazine is now held in the grip.

    4. a concept for a 29-30th full/semi automaticcentury Gluon/Neutron/ Graviton Mass Driver main battle rifle. Since by then technology exists to create gluons and enutrons from the surounding elements there is no dedicated magazine for them. Instead you either have a choice for putting an extra fusion cell(gluon and neutron pulses take a massive amount of energy) or replace it with a high capacity kinetic ammo clip is sustained automatic fire is called for.

    5.Alliance of Free systems AFS Clark Arsenal Incorporated  IPU-4D plasma beam gun. 2728 model
    Fires a sustained plasma beam unlike the USPR gas projectile approuch that when fired continuously causes massive penetrating potential and has significant cutting power. It Uses up a lot of energy unfortunately and requires a disciplined aim(not a problem in the future, the skill for exemplary accuracy and aiming is directly uploaded into soldier's minds, and propensity for anxiety and panic are completely suppressed with zero side effects). Still generally effective at higher than medium range if the 28th century battlefield(3,5-6,5km)  but is useless at higher ranges and thus cannot be converted into a marksman variant like the USPR plasma rifles. The AFS compensates with this lack of range with dedicated hunter-killer sniper squads and constant fire support from atmospheric landing ships.
    The gas canister is loaded  onto the frontal underside while the fusion cell is on the stock.

    6. A concept for a  29-30th century civilian/militia/ secondary weapon, a graviton mass driver only SMG. Has smaller(but not useless) range  compared to the main battle rifles of the era. Has also a smaller kinetic impact damage, but compensates witha high rate of fire(750-850 rpm). Extremely simple, it lacks any kind of firing adjustment features or interfaces. It's not  mandatorily required to have a dedicated infantry combat suit to use unlike some of the more sophisticated weapons of the time. Has a small power cell, not giving a lot of sustained fire potential but can be easily hooked up with an external power source or energy transfer. The ammo clip is made for maximum ergonomics and is very quickly replaced(even more so with a hand mounted autoloader.Used mostly by USPR astronauts and vehicle drivers as a backup weapon.

    1 and 4 I got some influence from the VSS vintorez, while 6 is from the Sudaev PPS-43.

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    Post  collegeboy16 Sun Mar 08, 2015 10:30 am

    did you mention id lock? because we all know small arms of the future should have id locks Razz other than that these are ok- tho aesthetic wise they should be a bit more beefier(more material to dissipate heat), and since they would be used by either augmented humans or exosuited ones.

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    Post  higurashihougi Mon Mar 09, 2015 3:04 am

    Russo-Japanese Soviet Romantic Cool

    A little bit of artworks - Page 7 Higura15
    Morpheus Eberhardt
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    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Wed Mar 11, 2015 9:01 am

    Excellent thread.

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    Post  higurashihougi Mon Mar 30, 2015 8:31 am

    Very Happy Very Happy

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    Post  max steel Mon Mar 30, 2015 2:49 pm

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    Post  max steel Mon Mar 30, 2015 2:50 pm

    ARTWORK FROM PC Twisted Evil

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    Post  KomissarBojanchev Tue Mar 31, 2015 7:34 pm

    Another 30th century USPR ship : Proekt 10554 Krechyet

    Provorniy class 5th generation destroyer flotilla leader
    A little bit of artworks - Page 7 20150310

    width- 600m

    propulsion: 1x single main fusion engine plus 2x secondary ones on each boom
    2x antimatter boom mounted engines
    numerous heavy fusion maneuvering thrusters
    internal alcubierre drive ring capable of 27 times the speed of light
    class III spacefolding warp drive capable of forming spacetime funnels between 2 points of a maximum distance of 181 light years

    speed: 22%c fusion only, 33,98% with antimatter

    range:2990 light years

    2x1 6-AK-1 152mm antimatter pulse plasma cannon ROF: 15 shots per minute exit speed: 87%c. Although having lesser power than the one on the Kirov class, it's still very big for it's size making it one of the most powerful destroyers ever built by all current interstellar races. range: 4,7 million km

    4x2 130mm 9-UK universal graviton accelerated mass drivers/ gluon plasma cannons with 70 rpm.
    kinetic round speed:59%c
    gluon plasma bolt velocity: 87%c
    Although dwarfing the firepower of antimatter cannons, the conventional cannon set provides adequate ability in combatting other destroyers and also some light cruisers.
    range: 6,8 million km

    32x K-470 Qiam(iranian for uprising) interstellar warp travelling torpedoes with an exit speed of 52%c .Can be equipped with Fusion(200-360 MT) , 450 gram antimatter, or vaccuum bomb warhead.
    range: 390 light years

    90x cassette-mounted 8L413 Vodopad heavy interplanetary torpedos travelling at around 59%c. Can also be equipped with vaccuum bomb warheads. Range: 94 million km
    90x 2U24 light interplanetary torpedos carrying a very powerful single shot turbolaser or gluon plasma pulse cannon. An antimatter booster gradually accelerates it to 45-60%c

    CADS-23 Klen(slightly smaller modified version of Vyaz) twin 30mm rotary railgun CIWS with 8500 combined RPM. Cuopled with 37mm twin plasma autocannons firing at 7000 rpm each.

    POKS-600 single 37 mm 4 barelled rotor plasma pulse emmitter CIWS

    3x1 4Sh14 rapid fire ultraviolet pulse laser useful for frying the computer systems on enemy ships or rapid armor piercing fire at medium range. Unlike the Allience turbolasers this one doesn't rely on a single constant cutting beam making it far easier to aim and versatile but deals much less damage. Also has limited CIWS capability
    ROF: 120-200 shots per minute
    range:4 million km

    reflective smoke launchers to thwart laser beams

    heavy multilayer plasma and particle shielding

    This destroyer's armor is excellent for it's class, the main hull being able to withstand a direct hit of power up to 180 megatons and up to 340 MT with sheilding. Unfortunately the twin antimatter engine booms have increased vulnerability due to being easier to hit due to their placement and much lower armor, the large distance of them from the main hull partially compensates.


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    Post  higurashihougi Sun Apr 26, 2015 11:45 am

    A little bit of artworks - Page 7 Higura10

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    Post  higurashihougi Sat May 02, 2015 8:50 am

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    Post  higurashihougi Sun May 10, 2015 3:00 pm

    A little bit of artworks - Page 7 Uuuuuu11

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