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    A little bit of artworks


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    A little bit of artworks - Page 6 Empty Re: A little bit of artworks

    Post  GarryB Tue Nov 18, 2014 10:25 am

    Fire support indeed. And now, with those fire support ships gone, you can notice a serious lack of amphibious support capability, which could only be partly replaced by monitor type vessels (aka buyan).

    For the Russian Navy the amphibious fire support will likely come from Ka-52s, but I also suspect that twin barrel 152mm guns on larger ships will offer potential for fire support in terms of range and accuracy making up for lighter shell weight of the older guns.

    You aren't expecting modern battleships, battlecruisers to only have 16inch batteries and bofors AA, are you?

    Modern cruisers will likely to be too large and heavy to operate close enough to shore to offer direct fire gun support. Work on EM cats for their carriers could result in EM launched shells mounted on smaller vessels... the problem of course is that cruise missiles cost more but have substantially greater range... no gun will be effective to 2,500km. For targets less than 100km distant however a powerful gun whatever means it uses to project the payload to the target would be the most cost effective, and more importantly would be able to deliver continuously day after day in any weather without breaking the bank.

    We also have to remember to differentiate between railguns and electro-magnetic guns, because the Ru Navy may very go with the electro-magnetic gun with no rail (that would increase the durability, reliability and longevity compared to a 'railed' gun) powered by explosively generated batteries that fire projectiles beyond Mach 6-7 (like U.S. guns) in to the Mach 43-44 range.

    Indeed the future potential is there... the thing is that with improvements in accuracy the massive weight of the 16 inch shells was useful but they were big calibre weapons mainly to penetrate enemy battleships and to have maximum range, whereas these new weapons are for targets on a modern battlefield that may not be armoured at all but might be 50km inland.

    Range and accuracy become rather more critical though payload is still important.

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    Post  higurashihougi Sun Dec 14, 2014 12:13 pm

    WWIII is coming Twisted Evil Choose your side Twisted Evil

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    Post  flamming_python Sun Dec 14, 2014 3:00 pm

    higurashihougi wrote:Armaments: TKB-0xx bullpup rifle (wakizashi style bayonet); 1 katana
    Armour: neosteel bulletproof vest & helmet (not shown the helmet)

    A little bit of artworks - Page 6 Higura10

    That long hair is against Russian military regulations, I'm afraid you're gonna have to cut it Exclamation

    higurashihougi wrote:WWIII is coming Twisted Evil Choose your side Twisted Evil

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    Haha nice!

    And pretty accurate I must say too; if we were to convert today's world, military powers and their relative strengths & weaknesses into a C&C: Generals game Twisted Evil

    Couple suggestions though. 'Headquarters' should be the Taliban (having taken over all Pakistan & Afghanistan and made incursions into India), while the 'Cobra cell' should be the North African Muslim Brotherhood

    Also the Koreans & Phillipinos might not be so enthusiastic about taking part in a Pacific Front with a Rising Sun as its banner pirat

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    Post  higurashihougi Sun Dec 14, 2014 4:11 pm

    flamming_python wrote:Also the Koreans & Phillipinos might not be so enthusiastic about taking part in a Pacific Front with a Rising Sun as its banner pirat

    The Koreans and Phillipinos can use the Setting Sun if they want to Twisted Evil

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    Post  KomissarBojanchev Mon Dec 15, 2014 8:52 pm

    I had some teething problems with my USB cable but I'm finally back with a new batch drawn a month and a half ago

    First comes the Budyonii class heavy cruiser. It's a heavier version of the Kirov cruiser after with increased main and secondary armament. It's design has some influence from the italian Zara class heavy cruiser, but unlike the Kirovs its hull is much stronger in order to deal with the weather of the northern seas. Although having a lesser calibre than their counterparts in the navies of the western colonial empires, they're have far higher velocity, there more AP power, rate of fire and accuracy gained from modified german fire control systems. It has a higher than average mine carrying capacity than it's equivalents due to doctrinal considerations. Together with its advanced indiginious battery radar, heavy long range AA guns, and high speed this is one of the most fomidable cruisers of the RKKF of the 30s and 40s, and its more than enough to discourage any  imperialistic capitalist seaborne invasion onto the USSR. In conclusion this ships fullfills adequately the soviet doctrine of green water(arctic and pacific) and littoral(baltic and black sea) combat of the 30s.
    A little bit of artworks - Page 6 20141110
    4x3 MK-3-180 180mm cannons
    4x2 B-54 100mm AA guns
    around 10-16(according to modernisations) single mounted 37mm 70-K AA guns
    6x2 37mm AA guns
    4x2 533mm torpedoes tubes with 2 reloads per tube
    470 mines
    armor: 160mm belt
    130mm main  turrets
    25mm 100mm turrets
    250mm bridge
    speed: 36kn for 10 hours
    aircraft: 2x Beriev KOR-2 seaplanes
    Second, my view of the perfect design for a current tank
    A little bit of artworks - Page 6 20141111
    It has compartamentalised autolaoder, weighs 57 tons, has 1500hp diesel engine enabling it to reach 65 km/h offraid and 80km/h onroad, a 35 degree frontal hull and 60 degree frontal turret slope.. It's APSFDS shells have rocket propellant.
    It of course also has relikt ERA.
    You can see the rest on the picture

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    Post  KomissarBojanchev Mon Dec 15, 2014 9:03 pm

    Mike E wrote:Also, GarryB.... I'm not suggesting that battleships should make a return, just that they aren't as obsolete as most people like to believe... The US could actually return the USS Iowa without much of attention, they've done it before. All they need to do is upgrade the propulsion/technology-related systems, and modernize the rest of the vessel... Add a few Mk 48 cells and it would be fine.

    Russia is better off working on the Kirov's when it comes to larger warships, as they are doing right now...
    Today battleships would only be highly useful in littoral and amphibious combat. But today that much size is unneccesary to give it the same firepower. I personally have the idea of creating an armored littoral(but not unseaworthy) frigate sized ship that fires 305mm smerch rockets that have the same damage and more range than a 16 inch shell, and also more warhead type options(not mention guided ones too). The rockets are fired from reloadable Tornado launcher cassettes..

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    Post  higurashihougi Tue Dec 16, 2014 11:09 am

    @Komissar: In anti-ship naval combat, the main player is not big guns, but the suicide UAVs, or something we called "cruise missile".

    That means this is the battle of missile cruisers like Slava, or flying missile cruisers like Tu-xx or Su-24/30/34. Which launch a valley of suicide unmanned UAV like P-500, P-800 or Kh-xx to crush enemy navy.

    So in your design of a warship which is expected to be the ace of naval battle, I believe that you should pay more investment in electronics system, electronic warfares, and advanced type of anti-ship cruise missiles.

    Traditional battleships and aircraft carriers are used for support role. For example offshore bombardment, or being the extended arm of the air force toward the sea.


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    Post  higurashihougi Wed Dec 17, 2014 2:13 pm

    Need to clarify that this is not my works, but...

    According to Vietnamese history book, China PR was created by superheroes Twisted Evil

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    Hope that Type55 is not angry about that. tongue

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    Post  higurashihougi Wed Jan 07, 2015 8:18 am

    The Big Three, female version

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    Post  collegeboy16 Wed Jan 07, 2015 12:26 pm

    higurashihougi wrote:WWIII is coming Twisted Evil Choose your side Twisted Evil

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    i propose a switchup for excellent propaganda with novel techs in the brics and west side.

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    Post  higurashihougi Wed Jan 07, 2015 3:33 pm

    collegeboy16 wrote:i propose a switchup for excellent propaganda with novel techs in the brics and west side.

    I understand what you mean Cool Cool

    The problem is that, western oligarchs who own the media do not want the people to know the truth. Rolling Eyes

    So that's why we have Red Alert xxx with the same stupid storyline.

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    Post  higurashihougi Sun Jan 11, 2015 10:24 am

    The Big Three, female version.

    A little bit of artworks - Page 6 Higura10

    Female I. V. Stalin

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    A little bit of artworks - Page 6 Empty Re: A little bit of artworks

    Post  AlfaT8 Sun Jan 11, 2015 3:30 pm

    collegeboy16 wrote:
    higurashihougi wrote:WWIII is coming Twisted Evil Choose your side Twisted Evil

    A little bit of artworks - Page 6 Untitledtotal_by_higurashihougi-d89sn14
    i propose a switchup for excellent propaganda with novel techs in the brics and west side.
    Agreed, and i must also ask what do they mean by "elaborate defenses", last i checked:
    1) The Patriot is still a joke
    2) There are still no western equivalents to Russia's or China's TOR, BUK, Tunguska and much less Pantsir ADS
    3) U.S missile shield also proved to be a joke:
    4) Western Cruise/AShM missiles are also lacking
    5) And if i remember correctly, even during the Cold war, NATOs plan for defense against the Soviets, was to park there tanks outside the range of the Soviet tanks and potshot them all while slowly puling back to stay outside there range, problem was this plan was tried and tested by the French against the German Blitzkrieg, didn't work out to well for the French and this is to say nothing of the supposed range of the Russian tanks.

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    Post  higurashihougi Mon Jan 12, 2015 8:59 am

    AlfaT8 wrote:Agreed, and i must also ask what do they mean by "elaborate defenses", last i checked:
    1) The Patriot is still a joke
    2) There are still no western equivalents to Russia's or China's TOR, BUK, Tunguska and much less Pantsir ADS
    3) U.S missile shield also proved to be a joke:
    4) Western Cruise/AShM missiles are also lacking
    5) And if i remember correctly, even during the Cold war, NATOs plan for defense against the Soviets, was to park there tanks outside the range of the Soviet tanks and potshot them all while slowly puling back to stay outside there range, problem was this plan was tried and tested by the French against the German Blitzkrieg, didn't work out to well for the French and this is to say nothing of the supposed range of the Russian tanks.

    My answer is that: reality is very different from artworks and games. Very Happy

    In games, all factions are 100% balanced. And in games, propaganda agents of White House tried best to broadcast the image of "evil Russia".

    What I draw in the picture is just to make the factions be balanced. And of course I know in reality, many U.S. weapons are just a bunch of bullshit.

    No need to look at complicated, high-tech weapons. Just look at M16 and AK-47. We can really see that the U.S. army is using the most stupid assault rifle in the world.

    Even Stoner and Armalite had already rejected the design of M16, but for several reason the White House's propaganda machine is still saying the old lies.
    Mike E
    Mike E

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    Post  Mike E Mon Jan 12, 2015 10:03 pm

    But, but, but... Stalin with no beard? (Cries in the distance). Nice drawing btw, I'll post an Armata drawing of mine when I can get to it.

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    A little bit of artworks - Page 6 Empty Re: A little bit of artworks

    Post  AlfaT8 Tue Jan 13, 2015 12:05 am

    higurashihougi wrote:
    My answer is that: reality is very different from artworks and games. Very Happy
    True, but still.... Neutral
    In games, all factions are 100% balanced. And in games, propaganda agents of White House tried best to broadcast the image of "evil Russia".
    "100% balanced", you must be joking, perhaps in some games, but not the big Triple A titles MW3 for example, showed the Russians relying on (of all things) jamming for air-defense, there no TORs, no BUKs, no Tungusks hell not even Iglas, these were the supposed Russian ADS in the game:
    A little bit of artworks - Page 6 Mw310
    The hell were those??
    Anyway, evil Russia thing has been going on for a while now.

    What I draw in the picture is just to make the factions be balanced. And of course I know in reality, many U.S. weapons are just a bunch of bullshit.
    Yea, but i suggest it be removed, like collegeboy suggest that propaganda swap.

    No need to look at complicated, high-tech weapons. Just look at M16 and AK-47. We can really see that the U.S. army is using the most stupid assault rifle in the world.
    Either of them are bit to simplistic of a view for me, i prefer viewing the field as a whole.

    Even Stoner and Armalite had already rejected the design of M16, but for several reason the White House's propaganda machine is still saying the old lies.
    Well of course, the U.S/NATO couldn't hope the beat off a Soviet assault, so to keep the people calm they had to build up an "image" of invincibility, saying that there weaponry was "The Best" while the Soviets were crud, this was of course a fallacy, but because of the event in the Middle-east, due to the decrepit export/monkey knockoffs that the Soviet/Pacts exported along with the ignorance of Middle-eastern commanders, the "image" of "The Best" became "The Truth" for the West at least.

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    Post  higurashihougi Tue Jan 13, 2015 6:23 am

    AlfaT8 wrote:Yea, but i suggest it be removed, like collegeboy suggest that propaganda swap.

    By "propaganda" I means something similar to Chinese faction in CnC Generals. Some sorts of supporting units/structures which have the ability to increase the status and morale of nearby units. Or some sort of ability to significantly boost the status of units in short time.

    I don't know in English, but in Vietnamese, propaganda (宣傳 - tuyên truyền) can be a good thing. For example propaganda to support healthy life, to fight against AIDS, fight a against social issues... In a limited certain number case, propaganda is understood as an excessive type and "education".

    AlfaT8 wrote:Either of them are bit to simplistic of a view for me, i prefer viewing the field as a whole.

    The problem is that assault rifle is serving as the standard firearms for infantry, and M16 is the most notable example of failure, lobbyist, propaganda, and corruption in the U.S. Army.

    M16 is the most humilitaing defeat of U.S. weapon industry because amongst U.S. allies, almost no one use that stupid design.

    The EU, Japan, S. Korea,... either copy SVT/FN FAL/AR-18, or copy AK (SIG SG 5xx, FN FNC, Valmer, AR 70/90...), or design their own weapons (G3 and G11). No one want to use the stupid design of M16.

    They accept the 7-lug Colt bolt, they accept the 5.56 weakling catridge, but they strongly reject the design and action mechanism of M16.

    On the wake of the harsh truth of Afghanistan and Iraq, when both the U.S. army and the puppet goverment rejected the M16 and used AK-47 instead, the U.S. had to bought whatever AKs left from the former Eastern Europe, and it is said that 70000 AKs from Russia were bought to equip the puppet goverment.

    Meanwhile M16 is still a failure product, a premature baby of Colt, for ever and ever it can only crowd in fear in front of the presence of SVT and AK.

    @Mike E, F-15,...: I am sincerely sorry about my harsh words against M16.
    Mike E
    Mike E

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    Post  Mike E Tue Jan 13, 2015 9:15 am

    I take no offense from your opinion on the AR-15... IMHO it has its flaws, but to compensate, it has its own advantages as well. The only real part of the rifle design that I like is the fact that Eugene Stoner designed it... He made many great rifles during his prime.

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    A little bit of artworks - Page 6 Empty Re: A little bit of artworks

    Post  flamming_python Tue Jan 13, 2015 10:51 am

    Don't see anything wrong with the AR-15/M-16 series. They were designed for European warfare let's not forget, for defensive warfare you might even say, and not for running around in the deserts or jungles with as much.

    So for the former purpose they are very adequate rifles. I guess they thought of them as like the rifles of old, but with automatic fire.

    AK-series on the other hand, puts more of the 'assault' into 'assault rifle'.

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    Post  Werewolf Tue Jan 13, 2015 11:41 am

    flamming_python wrote:Don't see anything wrong with the AR-15/M-16 series. They were designed for European warfare let's not forget, for defensive warfare you might even say, and not for running around in the deserts or jungles with as much.

    So for the former purpose they are very adequate rifles. I guess they thought of them as like the rifles of old, but with automatic fire.

    AK-series on the other hand, puts more of the 'assault' into 'assault rifle'.

    But are constantly used in hot, rough and dirty climates and environments and not a single time for defensive purposes in any european country.

    The design itself is well to put it mildly bottom of quality which is mainly a reliability issue and for a reason such designs are avoided by most gun manufactorers and the calibre is also not really effective. If i have the option i would always avoid having to use M16/M4 (AR-15) and would even rather go old-school with G3,FAL, AK-47. I've handled M-16A2 and so far i can only say one positive thing about it, it feels nice in hands but from quality of the weapon itself, handling, mechanism, design and serving with it, i would not want to have it anywhere else but on a clean shooting range, it is just by no standards a military rifle, it is and it feels like a civilian purposed rifle.

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    Post  collegeboy16 Tue Jan 13, 2015 6:22 pm

    AlfaT8 wrote:
    "100% balanced", you must be joking, perhaps in some games, but not the big Triple A titles MW3 for example, showed the Russians relying on (of all things) jamming for air-defense, there no TORs, no BUKs, no Tungusks hell not even Iglas, these were the supposed Russian ADS in the game:
    The hell were those??
    Anyway, evil Russia thing has been going on for a while now.
    Id say they are enough of a balance for chronosphere tech. the russians had in the MW series. I mean a naval attack group complete with oscar 2s just shows up in NY harbor with little to no warning.

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    Post  GarryB Wed Jan 14, 2015 4:25 am

    The main problem I have with my M4 is that it feels like it is designed to fit someones hands... which means you can only hold it one way really and the someones hands it is designed to fit are not mine, so it never feels quite as comfortable as it should... unless I spend a thousand bucks on custom grips designed for my hands.

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    Post  higurashihougi Wed Feb 04, 2015 11:10 am

    My little STAVKA Cool

    Wheelchair: I. V. Stalin Cool

    Far right: G. K. Jukov Cool

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    Post  KomissarBojanchev Thu Feb 12, 2015 6:20 am

    I'm making my own sci fi universe which is about the intersteller future of humanity and clash of values, economies, classes, and ways of evolving.

    USPR(Union of socialist planetary republics)- A partially AI controlled central economy democratic socialist state where various anticapitalist parties(stalinists, maoists, leninists, marxists, even anarchocommunists and bakuninists) each have a small influence on the policy and together fight against the capitalist "spreading of democracy and human rights".
    Slavic, african, hispanic, south eurpoean, indian and chinese are the main populations in the different planet colonies.

    here is one of their nwest frigates built in 2942

    Project 14889 "Zefir"

    Nezamozhnik-class heavy frigate

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    length- 945m wdth-330m

    is atmospheric capable due to control surfaces and aerodynamic form as well as repulsors in the wings.
    range-5600 light years
    propulsion- antimatter powred alcubierre drive ring inside the hull capable of going 20 times light speed, spacefolding warp drive capable of creating a portal anywhere

    for relativistic speeds it has 3 fusion engines and 4 antimatter pulse boosters for combat speed

    speed w/out boosters- 19% speed of light
    with boosters- 31% speed of light

    2x 152mm antimatter pulse cannons which make this ship very destructive for it's size firing at 12 rpm

    4x2 100mm universal EM kinetic/ gluonic/ plasma cannons firing at 90 rpm

    8x disruptor laser emmiters- They focus more on frying the more delicate parts of the enemy ship and focus more on ROF rather than damage. They also have limited CIWS capability

    48x interstellar railgun torpedos- travel at 50-60%c  but a warp portal is created by the ship making them capable of hitting ships orbiting other stars.

    100x interplanetary torpedos- use an antimatter booster to propel them to 40-50% c

    rotary railgun/ plasma pulse CIWS

    multilayer plasma and particle shielding

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    Post  higurashihougi Thu Feb 12, 2015 6:42 am

    @Komissar: actually since the outerspace have no air, no friction, and negliglibe gravity... therefore a spacecraft does not really need wings or other aerodynamic characteristics Very Happy

    In fact a space interceptor specialize for outerspace combat may be looks like this Very Happy

    A little bit of artworks - Page 6 PixarBall

    Of course aerodynamicity is neccessary for space VDV troopers when they assault a certain planet from the outerspace Very Happy but then we need to take into account the density of the atmosphere and the gravity force of the planet drunken drunken study study

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