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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West


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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West - Page 3 Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  Firebird Fri May 16, 2014 6:11 pm

    I've been meaning to put up a longer post, but unfortunately I'm pressed for time currently.

    Anyway, on this topic of homosexual extremism..
    The 1st pt is that most people in the West are actually sickened by whats going on.
    The upper class of England have actually traditionally had a homo.. or rather BI-sexual side.
    It probably dates back to the adoption of Classical Greek learning, where Ancient Greece had elder, powerful males helping younger ones in their career. Ofcourse modern Orthodox Greece takes a different view towards homosexuality.

    Anyway, the homosexuality of the English upper class its actually very secretive. The foreign secretary, I know for a fact, is a secret pillow biter, in a sham marriage, who was ordered to marry by his bosses. Doubtless there are many more. And I suspect its a blackmail threat thats causing them to kowtow to the sexual extremists.

    The whole thing is an illusion. Nowadays some wacko can wear a dress and a beard and preach to little kids about "sexual freedom". But its all to mask the fact that economic and other freedoms are disappearing.

    Effeminacy and homosexual actvity personally repulse me. And its even worse when its being promoted to kids. But we cant ban homosexuality, and I dont see the pt of cameras in everyone's bedrooms to "police" against it.

    What really incenses me is
    i)the promotion to kids
    ii)the hypocricy.

    On (ii) if someone says "oh I love having sex in a bath of custard with a goat", you'd tell him 1stly "u are a fucking pervert" and on any other stuff, you'd say "look, I dont want to know and I certainly dont want u promoting it to kids".

    But homosexuals DEMAND that their view should be aired, but the normal majority CANNOT be allowed their view. This is sinister and warped. Homosexuality is a paraphilia, it is a sexual preference. In truth, I believe homosexuals are attracted to their actions because they seem them as "naughty", "rebellious" and "shocking". Perhaps they like this because the West used to consider any sex to be "naughty". Either way, I notice how they lurch from one "kink" as they say, to another. Again the word "kink" is a propagandist term for "perversion".

    This extremism will go on and on and on. Kids are being seduced into it. More and more sexually dysfunctional activity is being promoted as the norm... by clearly dsyfunctional people.

    There are laws in place against exposing the truth. The truth that this sexually extremist bhevious is caused by childhood abuse or trauma. Its caused by pollution/dioxins etc. And its caused by the fact some people get off on shocking others. Why do homosexuals love this "ageplay" shit, "sadomasochism" and rent"boys" not "rentmen"? Why are there so many instances of homosexual males (not really females) acting inappropriately towards kids?

    We allow homosexuals to do what they do. They have the same rights as us. But they want much, much more than us. And they want to take away our rights.

    Ultimately its a form of unholy alliance. The Establishment wants an illusion of freedom, and something to harrass places like Russia over.

    Next we will be seeing sadomashist homosexuals, zoophiles, incesters, paedophiles ALL demanding "lifestyle rights". They'll claim oppression etc etc. And the "right" to get up to all that in the street/promote it to kids.

    But the whole thing is smoke and mirrors. Its a shame some cant see it. And its a shame we cant have an open debate in many countries.

    Anyway, as an aside, I am friends with some bisexual girls, some of whom actually live together. The pt is, they keep it to themselves. They dotn act like men, they dont promote it to kids. They dont go on sicko, indecent parades. They dont demand "adoption rights"
    They dont yell "discrimination" at every opportunity. Perhaps many male homosexuals and those "butch" lesbian wackos could learn a bit from them.

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West - Page 3 Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  TR1 Fri May 16, 2014 11:27 pm

    mack8 wrote:
    I smell a bit of a hypocrisy here TR1, how are kids 'consenting adults'...we WERE talking about sexual propaganda towards MINORS, weren't we?!

    Are you as concerned for REAL issues that affects a person's growth like all these violent and criminal behaviour supporting video games, this american hip-hop rubbish again inciting to violence, movies shoved down our throats full of  bloodbaths and glorifying death, an example of this TRUE disease  being the images nonchalantly posted recently of peoples with their brains blown off, or burned to death?! Or perhaps your religion tells you gay-hating crowd it's all ok to let that happen, but letting peoples live their lives, oh dear no! The supranatural beardy guy living on a cloud and shooting lightnings from his a*** said so! *facepalms*

    No, being gay is not a disease- i am astonished to see europeans thinking in such incredibly backward terms, i was even called being a gay myself by some "educated" co-nationals of mine for supporting the gays peoples right to peaceful existence, even if that is absolutely NOT my cup of tea by light years. But some simply cannot grasp the concept that one does not need to be gay to realize that they are peoples just like you and i, only very slightly different in one insignificant -in the grand scheme of things- aspect. Sadly, i guess trying to convince this certain section of society to stop hating the gay people it's like trying to convince them that the beardy supranatural guy living on a cloud  to doesn't exist. Yeah right...

    Anyway, i think this is more of a social discussion rather than military, so imho it probably be better suited in a social section of the forum, rather that a military one?

    Wow, someone else here gets it!

    I am shocked!

    +1 for you Mack. This thread otherwise makes my ass hurt- no pun intended.

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West - Page 3 Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  Vann7 Sat May 17, 2014 12:41 am

    Neocons and Jewish Bank elite promotion of Gays community rights ,have nothing to do with the
    rights of anyone.. simply their goal is to turn the European Union culture so opposite to Russia ,to make it impossible for
    Both to be allies anytime. That is because the day the EU and Russia becomes allies it will be the end of NATO. and the End
    of US/Neocons empire.   So if Russia for example was a very Pro Gays society since the collapse of Soviet Union and promoted
    Gay marriage and all that.. Then US and Neocons will be instead promoting Christianity and traditional family values.  
    The west use as weapon , anything that is seen with a negative eyes in majority or great part of Russians society.
    That is Gays , Radical Islam ,Nazis etc. Also there is a problem with blacks ,because Russia is overwhelming white society ,but here
    the Russia government is try to change this.. Because is not against Christian values.

    Here is a recent protest in France today.. what kind of values the NeoCons are promoting..

    Homosexuality: weapon of the West - Page 3 15

    This is a continuation of the beardy lady who "won" Eurovision, And his very high interest to do a Tour in Russia.  Is more of the same Pussy Riots campaign ,that the girls are used ,simply to attack Russian traditional family values and christianity. So its not about "human rights" or anything.. Simply US and Neocons Elite are seeking to change society in such way in Europe To make it impossible for Russia to ever have an alliance with them. US is at war simply in a soft war against Russia and that includes any thing of what they consider important..
    means Neocons is at war with Christianity , Traditional Family values ,and the rights for life ,and supporting Nazis in secret with the total silence of jews elite. Simply because what is bad for Russia is good for the Jewish Elite plans for one world government co-ruled by them.
    US jewish elite does not support pedhophilia or sexual abuse of children because that will be very hard to justify for them ,at least for most of the society.

    Also the legalization of Drugs in US and EU also could be used as a weapon ,because they Illegal in Russia ,however the problem with that is that the government makes billions selling drugs ,and legalizing them will mean the end of that profitable business . So there is resistance.

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West - Page 3 Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  flamming_python Sat May 17, 2014 2:25 am

    I agree there is too much backwardness on this forum. Much too much.

    Anti-semitism, calling homosexuality a disease, etc...

    Take the scientific, logic approach people - it's always the correct one
    Being gay is not a disease, it's just a fact for some people - nothing inherently wrong with it either (just as there's nothing wrong with it being a natural turn off to people who are wired the heterosexual way).

    I think pedophilia is much the same, it's also not a disease, some people are just wired that way. It's a difficult question to resolve; IMO it's just like homosexuality or what I think homosexuality is like anyway, in the sense that its part environmental and part hard-wired and in different people the proportions of these factors would be different - i.e. for some it would be more of a learnt behaviour/inclination than an innate one, while for others it will be more powerful and just literally they can't get attracted to anyone other than kids.
    These people must exercise self-control and resist temptations to commit any horrible crimes, they should get help and counseling and it should be possible to snap a good amount of them out of it given some more research into this issue and human psychology.
    But of course actual child rapists should be sent to get butt-raped in the slammer for all eternity.

    But as for homosexuality, there's no need to 'cure' anyone of it or anything like that. It's harmless really. And I don't mind if people are open about it, have gay bars, gay clubs for like-minded people and so on.

    Only thing that alarms me is how it's encroaching on everyone else's lifestyles, that's to say - those of us who aren't gay - and is being artificially promoted everywhere by politicians and celebrities, as part of a wider effort to re-engineer society in the West, also including other minority sexual lobby groups like radical feminists and so on; whose views represent a tiny proportion of the total population but are being championed by Hollywood blockbusters, media, etc...

    This I don't like. And I don't need it, not here where I live. When I have kids I wouldn't want them to grow up in such a society either.. It's bad enough that it's taking over the West, what used to be a far more comfortable place to live in for me where people's social views better matched my own conservative, patriarchal ones.

    Actually Western and Russian (Eastern European Orthodox I should say really) cultures/societies are drifting pretty rapidly apart.
    In the West they demonize Russia about how homophobic it is and about how gays are beaten in the streets, etc... when in reality the vast majority of people here have no problem with them, you have gay bars and so on and only some Nazi thugs have attacked gay people and rarely at that, and of course industries such as fashion and so on are full of them here in the same way as in Europe or America.

    In Russia the gayness of Western societies has become a running joke all over social networks, forums, blogs, etc... constant publications about the latest gender-twisting outrage that European politicians have thought up of (that proposal in France to have boys come into school in skirts for a day for example), and our own state-media joins in with special reports, documentaries about such kooky countries like the Netherlands where the gay agenda is all the rage and concerts, kid's events, etc... are all being hosted into order to promote the 'normalness' of a homosexual lifestyle.
    Now of course while these individual events are all true, and they are part of a trend, the overall picture that is being painted is warped and exaggerated; in reality living in the West you'll rarely come across things like this and thankfully they remain even now as the exception rather than the rule.

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West - Page 3 Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sat May 17, 2014 7:46 am

    arpakola wrote:Homosexuality: weapon of the West - Page 3 S6voKTVCcNQ

    Homosexuality: weapon of the West - Page 3 FWc5d-cj_jE

    I swear this post is hilarious, of course Obama doesn't approve of your message:

    Homosexuality: weapon of the West - Page 3 BntN5E5IQAIpInO

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West - Page 3 Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  Regular Sat May 17, 2014 10:52 am

    I have never been gay hater. I simply didn't care. It's aggressive gay propaganda that puts us against them. Live and let live I've said. Gays became very vocal and self righteous and media tries to shove their agenda down your troat or an arse.. there is no compromise, either you gay lover or a bigot.
    When being GAY became something to be proud of, a higher value, then all this LGBT crap started affect me. It makes me furious when an arse fiddler gets respect for having courage telling that it is banging his own kind. We have firemen, medics, soldiers who don't get such credit for doing something that doesn't involve fucking. Imho, Europe lost it's values.

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West - Page 3 Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  Flyingdutchman Sat May 17, 2014 11:55 am

    Come on man this Thread doesnt make sense.

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West - Page 3 Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  Intrigado Sat May 17, 2014 8:33 pm

    flamming_python wrote:

    Actually Western and Russian (Eastern European Orthodox I should say really) cultures/societies are drifting pretty rapidly apart.

    That remembers me of Huntingdon's ideas and the line he drew on the map of Europe, incidentally dividing Ukraine in two parts. Could it be that the whole issue concerning gay rights and means used to promote them is nothing more than a tool used to highlight the difference between the West's openness and the East's backwardness? That the European civilizations are incompatible? Is there someone who really wants to divide Europe according to Huntingdon's "vision"?

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West - Page 3 Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  Werewolf Sat May 17, 2014 9:12 pm

    I will give my 2 cents into this discussion.

    As i started to write this post i already thought how i have to start it with "I want to clearify that i have nothing against homosexuells". But the problem already starts right there, we are already so conditioned into this homosexuel acceptance that we start our senteces with content that verbally forces us to take distance of having another point of you of homosexuells then only being 100% accepting.

    Nobody is affected by people who are not accepting Homosexuality and still those people are publicly shamed of being bigot or haters. I don't speak of people who actually have criminal thoughts in mind to harm homosexuals or anything like that i only mean those with an own opinion. We are not effected by gays sexual preference as those gays are not effected by people who do not accept homosexuality but still only one of this group is shamed in media on a massive scale.

    I'm not effected by anyone who sleeps with his own gender and that's why i don't give a flying f*** about who you bang or not, what bugs me is that this LGBT lobbies force it not only in public or some news here and there but also force this in movies since past 20-30 years.

    For example Gays have their parades where they are publicly almost nude and sometimes completley naked especially those trannies can walk on gay parades naked with penis out and tits blank and among those are walking gay parents with their minors next to naked men and women and no one in media is shaming them for this pedophilia and gay propaganda towards children who can't even think for themselfs. I could post those exact pictures but it is not only forbidden but also completley untasteful. The problem is if you make Heterosexual parade of kinky stuff like SM scene and a normal couple is walking with their minors naked next to lets say those leather clothed, gagged, and bondaged naked women and men then those parents would immidiatley have the child welfare on their back, for good reason, but not when gays do this on gay parades.

    To make this more clear that those LGBT lobbies have not only a massive scale of influence in western world ad increasingly in eastern more family oriented countries, those so called LGBT lobbies are not mainly driven by Homosexuals and trannies, they are politically driven by governments and their big corporations who run those countries policies.

    This was a big claim from me might say the one or the other of you, but i can prove it.

    What today happens in my country germany is beyond proof that not only LGBT groups but governments are involved in this gay propaganda.

    Ok i will tell you what i speak off. Since end of 2012 there is a new sex education program for german schools, this programm implies for example a leaflet that asks the children about their sexual preferences. About 3 month ago there was a video on youtube by one of those parents which runs this new sex education programm as tests in some schools who opposed this homosexual propaganda, and this video was taken down by the "user" "Balds wirds besser DEU" which means "Soon you get better DEU" which is the german LGBT group on youtube, that has falsly claimed ownership of this video while this was a male parent sitting in his garden and reading those questions on the leaflet his kid brought home.

    There are questions asked as such:

    - How do you know that your heterosual preference is normal and how do you justify it?
    - Do you believe that your heterosexual preference is not fabrication of the archaic family traditions?
    - How do you know that you are in your are born into the wrong gender?
    - How do you know that you like the other gender if you have not tried it out with your own gender?
    - Do you sometimes suppress thoughts and dreams about kissing or making love to your own gender?
    - How do you justify do having such thoughts and dreams and why do you supress them?
    - Do you feel like not being female or male?

    And for good there are still some teachers speaking out against this, currently only a few schools run this gay propaganda sex ed but they are forcing it to national standard sex education as the new norm.

    And the proof that this new sex ed. is not only LGBT groups driven, our green party, liberal party run such campaigns aswell and fully supporting this new sex ed. For example our green party is completley insane, they tried to push new law forward since late 70's that allows pedophilia, that children of such young 6 years should be allowed to have sex with adults.

    The switzerland have passed a law that the term mother or father are now banned and officially in all documents and formally the term "Parent" is only allowed to be used "not to discrimate" trannies. Also they passed the law of the 3rd Gender along with this formally law. Today in Switzerland officially there are more then female or male gender and the massive propaganda that Transsexuals are something normal is pushed forward.

    This is not a trend, this is not some minor happenings, this is a massive scale propaganda war against traditional families. Here in germany some russian officials of the family minster came to have a discussion about family tradition with the german non MSM magazine Compact, that values traditional families. Not a single word on this meeting was spoken against gays or anything that could be understood negativley towards gays, but here in this video you can see the reactions of LGBT driven groups against russian politcal officials. Those "protestors" kicked and beaten russian officials while the police were standing around and were not trying to assure the protection of politicians which should be assured by hosted country according to international laws.

    After they managed to get inside the building under beatings and kicks, those LGBT "leftwing" kept interuppting the meeting with repeated riots outside the building and beatings against the walls.

    Start the video from 1:10:28 (in russian with german subtitles)

    You can guess 3 times which lobby was responsible for this "protests". The jewish lobby in germany, which is the biggest lobby in entire europe, that's why you see so many Israeli flags around.

    For grumbler of you who still think this is just some minor happenings. You all know american TV hollywood and so on.

    Since over 3 decades you can see in television how gays which do not even form 0.5% of any countries population are forced and pushed forward with propaganda into the theatre of attraction. You see so many movies and tv series that are shaming always those who are not in full support of gays, even those are shamed who don't give a crap about what your sexual preference is to be some bigots or old archaic farts that are backward.

    But this gay proganda is not the only thing that is driven since decades in hollywood and tv shows which make the majority of western countries influence.
    You also see in movies the constant bombordement of children being pain the ass, they destroy your hopes,dreams and future and they don't add anything positive to your life, and the Single lifestyle is propagandized, that you can do everything you want, sleep with everyone you want, that you have no responsibilities and all who live this lifestyle are modern,healthy,happy and overall better people. Children in movies regardless of, horror,action,comedy or any kind of movie genre portrait as a liability to the surrounded people.

    You might ask why this propaganda then?

    Since over 70 years we are told that the humanity is overpopulated that when we reach 10 bln people we will hunger to death, that the resources will be devoured by humankind and that lot of this bullcrap.

    Lets point out some of this propaganda crap.
    For example i remember that very well here in germany was a politcal mass propaganda driven that by the year 2005 all oil will be vanished from earth, this propaganda started in 1970's, so there were laws passed to further propagandize this bullshit, that all germans are not allowed to drive on sundays at all, this is very rememberable by children since you could see pictures of kids playing football on the "autobahn". on sundays. Since the early years of 2000 there is also this propaganda driven especially in europe which is ridiculous that on one day they say when we reach 10 bln people humanity will not have enough foot to survive and on the other day they say we are producing more then the double of food we can actually can consume. The later point is true.

    Every single year Europe alone produces 56% more food then can be consumed, people throw more then half their food away every single year in europe. This 56% food values 247 tones of food every year. For the US this is even more ridiculous amount of food.

    Here a statistics on page 5.

    Europes consumption and waste per capita kg/year

    Figure 2 shows that the per capita food loss in Europe and North-America is 280-300 kg/year.

    Europe and US alone have such a high production of food and waste that they could not only feed the entire planed if they wanted, they have so many food that goes to waste that could be used to start a genocide on African continent and in 10 years, decrease the population on African continent due massive obessity and the causing deaths by heart attacks. And the sad part is this is not meant as joke, that is the sad truth about our western world and the waste of food while over 1.5 bln can't even have one meal a day.

    I will come back to the point i made, that this propaganda has the goal to depopulate humanity by all measures possible, it does not matter to them how, but as passive as possible, the humankind is a frog, and it doesn't realize if the water is increasing its temperature slow but stady to the boiling point.

    For example you should by now all have heared of the Guide stone in Georgia that is created in the style of stonehenge. This guide stone was created by an anonymous donator in 2008/09 which says in 8 languages, that Humanity should be maintained under 500.000 people. The word maintained, means artificially maintained, since we are already wide over 500.000 people. It also has some points that are to far open for interpretations and are not what they may appear to be meaning.

    But this Gay propaganda,anti family propaganda,overpopulation propaganda are not the only politcal driven propagandas that are measures to depopulation.

    The Pharmecy industry which is one of the most powerful industries on the planned that has yearly income higher then most countries even then industry nations that goes into trillions USD.
    Since birth you get vaccines, sometimes especially here in germany, you get vaccines that are just even officially "prototypes". Since 2004 we have yearly dead by swine,bird or whatever flue by roughly 500-600, every year counted from 2004, but out of the sudden this media propaganda war started that here in germany and most europe, that the swine flue bird flue or BSE are killing humans increasingly, they reported over weeks that daily, "today again someone died on swine flue" this propaganda kept on going for weeks and this fearmongering has fierced into the mark of lot of people and they started to believe they are all infected and some hospitals collapsed under the flood of people. On the swine flue over 210 bln USD were made in Germany in one single year by giving vaccines to people which were even officially said to be "prototypes" and after that year it stopped, like magic, no more media reporting of dead here and there. They never mentioned how many have died in total the years before, the people were propagandized to believe this is the new plague that will kill humanity if you don't get this new vaccine. Today there are some few, but still indepentend studies that show the increasing of weakening immunity systems in the human body caused by some vaccines, but of course the Pharmecy industry overfloods the scientific magazines with their own financed and often suppossed "intependend" researches and studies that they creat only high quality products with a minimum of side effects which are only of minor concern.

    But there is even a more vile and more aggressive depopulation acts by Pharmecies and Governments especially in Africa. There is this Propaganda of "immunize women" from the NGO "Immunization Action Coalition" an american finanzed NGO that not only acts in US and EU, but mainly on African continent. In past years everyone should have seen those adds and spots to raise the awarness of womens breast cancer and cervical cancer. This NGO which is not only for "cancer" but overall vaccines for women of all kind, under this US and EU compaign of raising money for vaccines for african women, to be less prone to get infected with disease spread bacterias over insects.
    This american financed NGO has sterilized 400.000 women, they are now not capable to get pregnant. Some of those vaccines were suppossed to be against tetanus. Some of those vaccines had mercury in it, which is since the late 1960's removed from western used vaccines, which caused the birth controll poly.

    Also UNICEF has a part of the birth control due the use of vaccines in African countries.

    You don't get reports in MSM when another shoot out or school massacre happened, that those people were on some serious medications, never. The Batman shooting in denver, the "amok of aurora" this guy was on medications that caused psychotic disorders. You hear blaming video games for it, not that people are on medications. A lot of amoks on schools were part of medications that were aiming for psychotic "stabilisation", this is ofcourse not the point they were going to kill people, social pressure and hardship for kids is the biggest reason, but being on medication has also some part in it.

    The further point of measurements is we eating more and more poisoned food, in the US for intance there is no need to label GMO food as GMO food, the food lobby made sure of it and influenced the politicians not need to label it. Here in Germany 88% of people said we don't want GMO food in germany, and in the EU decision if GMO food should be sold and GMO corn should be planted, our government based on the 88% was committed by law to pass this decision by germans to the EU commission, but our traitor politicians were silent on the commission so the Commission aggreed to it, from now on GMO corn can be planted on german soil, regardless of Spains,Netherlands,Polands or any others EU country decision, wind does not give a flying f**k about borders over the years all EU countries will have GMO corn on their soil. I already posted the Monsanto GMO food tests on rats and what they can cause.

    Homosexuality: weapon of the West - Page 3 Gmo_rat

    So what does all this propagandas of gays,pharmecies,anti-family and pro single lifestyle cause?

    Since the 50s here in germany the birth rate decreases to less then 50% compared to the time before.

    This Gay propaganda is the same bullshit as this Feminism, which we today more and more understand and thankfully refuse. FYI, Feminism was not invented by females, it was invented by one banker, Rockefeller. The plan was: All men were working so he made money due taxes by only 50% of his countries population, so he propagandized the emancipation of women, and propagandized that working is something liberal, that makes all women free from the "financial slavery" of men. Today lot of women work, and he earns the money of both genders and only 50%. Which helped also to depopulation, since working women try to focus their lifes till late 40s into their carreer and children are something that would be counterproductive in this regard.

    This gay propaganda is not just movies for adults, not at all this gay propaganda is forced into cartoons and animes and kids shows. The goal is to grow the perception of labeling everything is normal, regardless of gay,pedophile or zoophile in kids minds, that everything they see, regardless of gay,pedophile or zoophilia that there is more to it. You all have heared of the kids show "Teletubbies". This show is a fabrication of the company Ragdoll productions BBC with a big homosexual agenda, to try to influence kids to become homosexual. The article to that and his confession you can read here. Tinkywinkdie, a male character, purple, colour of homosexual pride, with a ladies bag in his hand, and with a triangle shaped antenna on his head also gay pride symbol, the show was already banned in few countries like poland.

    PRopaganda of Single Lifestyle which goes hand in hand with the Pornographic propaganda so people get oversexualized and more prone to associate Sex with pleasure and kinky stuff and less and less with reproduction, it also raises the social bar of perception how sex should be, since kids have such easy access to pornos and now raised about sex education from pornos and not from a healthy attitude to sex.

    -causes younger generations to be single, to see the other gender only for sexual pleasure not for a long term relationship or family

    Homosexual PRopaganda which goes along with Propaganda for zoophilia and pedophilia.

    - Here in germany for example the green party goes for pedophilia and some lobbies legalized for few years Zoophilia untill it was made illegal again for, good.
    This propaganda is not used for you and me, it is used for the next generations to grow the perception of different perversions as being normal, it starts with homosexuality and goes further with transsexuals. I am not calling homosexuality a perversion, but transsexuality, but those propagandizers use Homosexuality to propagandize everything else to the point of acceptance including zoophilia which worked already here in germany for few years and still is propagandized.

    Pharmecy industries and their propaganda as a savior and solution for everything, more passive depopulation and money making system by harming the human immunity system which makes us more prone to everything, so they can give us more and more medications for big money and the aggressive propaganda for women vaccines that are nothing but birthcontrol in the 3rd world countries who are sitting on natural ore resources.

    This is more serious than some of you believe, some even have the backfire phenomenon, to refuse everything regardless of fact proven or not, so they can live in their ignorant life where everything is just "coincedence" or something stupid created by some stupid politician.

    What humanity has learned from history is that if you want to rule a country, don't sit on the thrown, be the man behind the throne, or like in the story "The wizard of Oz". The quote is "Don't mind the person behind the curtain".

    If something happens people are known to react against those people they faces know, and sitting on the throne, or today being president PM or chancelor, is not the most wise decision to make, be the lobby, be the big companies and tell those countries what to do.

    "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes it's laws" — Mayer Amschel Bauer Rothschild
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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West - Page 3 Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  As Sa'iqa Sat May 17, 2014 10:04 pm

    I would not get too deep into that tinfoil stuff.

    Better just stick to more conservative interpretation - that LGBT propaganda is just a brainchild of the Institute for Social Research, informally called The Frankfurt School.

    One of the things I admire the most about the old (pre-PC) Europe is the empowerment of the individual - belief that individuals can produce valuable ideas which in turn lead to greater progress. The aforementioned guys simply couldn't wrap their heads around it so they decided that it would be good (for them) to chip that freedom away from the individual by promoting the idea that voicing one's own opinion is disrespectful of others - hence laws must be enacted in order to "protect" these petite, oppressed people.

    There is hope, though. Human patience has it's limits. People all around EU are getting more and more pissed off about the stupid policies of their governments and sooner or later they are going to explode. Then the entire PC-liberal movement will cripple like a castle made of sand. The only thing that needs to be done is directing the masses so that their hatred does not transform into violence but into something more positive. Geert Wilders is doing exactly this in Netherlands.

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West - Page 3 Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  Werewolf Sat May 17, 2014 10:20 pm

    The tinfoil head stuff is to believe that this shit is all just coincedence and has absolutley nothing to do with big corporations money.

    Such massive scale propaganda in MSM can not be done by some gays that want attention, such gay propaganda over decades can only be financed by big investors and only companies and governments have the money.

    These are facts.
    As Sa'iqa

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West - Page 3 Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  As Sa'iqa Sat May 17, 2014 11:00 pm

    The governments are not appointed by aliens. They are a reflection of the political circles existing in specific place and time. Rising rto power is not that hard. If you have a few supporters and some money, you can take over your city. Taking over the country is the same thing, just on a bigger scale. The gays are actually the LAST people to try it. Most gays don't want to have anything to do with their more vocal compatriots.

    After Hitler came to power, the Marxists from Frankfurt School (who pioneered PC, including that bizarre sex education you're talking about) fled from Germany to the US (as most of them were Jews). There they gained prominence. First - since the time of FDR US administration was heavily infiltrated by communist sympathizers, second - the masses of students protesting during the 1960s needed an ideology and they found one. Later on these students became academics and politicians, therefore continuing the heritage of their gurus. That pathetic carnage carries on up to this day.

    Changing a nation is like changing a single human. If you want someone to obey you, you can do this by force. That person will even obey you as long as your gun is aimed at him. However, as soon as you divert your attention, he will not hesitate to strike you. So it's better to do what cults do - indoctrinate. Similarly, the best strategy to destroy the fabric of society (family, individualism) is through ptogananda - one that is so subtle that it's hard to even notice that it exists.

    This topic should be moved to a different section of the forum. It certainly does not belong here.

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West - Page 3 Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  Vann7 Sun May 18, 2014 12:55 am

    just in case..
    I have nothing against Gays either, i dont care what people do in their private lives or if they want to marry another man.
    What just explaining to not be fooled by the US and major NATO allies and NeoCon elite and their interest in supporting Gays.
    Is all about Russia.. is everything about Russia.. and it have nothing ,absolutely NOTHING to do with freedom or democracy or
    Human rights. The Fact that NATO welcomes Saudi Arabia and other gulf states Dictatorship and repression against womens and Gays and their execution and that helps to maintain them in power them.. should be proof.. that is just propaganda used against Russia.

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West - Page 3 Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  medo Sun May 18, 2014 7:35 pm

    This is excellent theme as homosexuality in this case is not used for for any help to homosexuals as such. This homosexual war against Russia and Monsanto GME propaganda have far bigger evil behind, than what people think. It is about elitists NWO, where they want to make ordinary people for their slaves under full control of elites. They don't care for people. They want to reduce the number of humankind for billions of people in short period of time. Some effort will do mother Nature alone with natural disasters, but all other will be done with wars, famine, illness etc. But not only that, they want to have people under full control. With Monsanto GME seed, they want to make a large part of people ill and infertile, that they will die sooner and don't have children, so the number of people will be reduced. Also you could not use this seed for another years, but you have to buy it again from Monsanto seed banks, so you will be dependent on food from them, that you will not go in rebellion against them. Also they propagate homosexuality, because same sex partners could not have kids, but could only adopt or get from laboratories, what also mean full control from elites. They could not change older adults, but could brainwash young and small children, that is why propaganda to minors is important to them. They will more like to see kids to have same sex relationships and crossdressing, than having traditional relationships, because they could have their own children without elite control. Russia here is now a real defender of a free World against a big evil behind the scene. They want to have limited number of people on the World under full control to work for them as slaves.

    When talk about homosexuality and LGBT, I would like to say, that transsexualism should be excluded from this and their question should be solved independently as transsexualism is not sexuality. Sexuality is a question of relation of one person to another person, while transsexuality is a question of personal identity and a relation of a person to himself. Transsexualism happened, when person is born unsynchronized as this person have a body of one gender and brains of another. Personality is in brains and all acceptances and relations happened in brains and brains for now could not be changed, so those people could only change their bodies to be what they are. Fact is, that male and female brains are of different and medicine for sure could scan brains and see the gender of brains. Transsexuals need help from society and laws that they could solve their identity and to accept them who they are, that they could live normal life.

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West - Page 3 Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  Behrooz Sat Jul 05, 2014 11:46 pm

    It is the ZOG that is against Russia and the rest of the good people of the world.

    They don't criticize the Sauds only because of their Jewish bloodline.

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West - Page 3 Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  medo Sat Nov 08, 2014 10:36 am

    Interesting Russian documentary about homosexual agenda. It is not only a weapon to destroy Russia and all those, who are against the West, but a tool of satanist elites to enslave and destroy humankind. Western countries fall very deep into homosexual indoctrination, specially for children. Homosexual couples could not have children, so elites will create children to them and those new people will be zombies, slaves for elites, which will not be able to rebel against them. We could only pray, that this madness will fail.

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West - Page 3 Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  Firebird Sat Nov 08, 2014 12:35 pm

    Medo, I haven't wathed the video yet. BUt I certainly agree with a lot of the comments.

    Sexuality is firstly a tool of oppression. I think that the overly-materialist system is linked to sexuality. Men are convinced that the wealthier they are, they more they are likely to obtain an attractive female. And likewise females are convinced this is the key issue. This happens from a very early age.

    Promoting homosexuality has other advantages to any "elite". Ofcourse homosexuals can't have kids, and yes it brings in this "lab baby" monstrosity. In England, its like a mafia of homosexuals in various fields. A youth, or child even, is abused by an elder, and in return given opportunities for career development. The victim of the abuse is hardwired to "enjoy" abuse, and repeats the cycle later in life. Ofcourse being a homosexual child abuser, the perpetrator can be blackmailed by others too. This is very prevalent in British politics and entertainment.

    There are other aspects to homosexuality. They are often very submissive and even enjoy being told what to do. They are convinced "rebellion" is wearing ridiculous clothes, rather than putting an end to poverty or whatever. THis is why the British music industry focussed on fag antics rather than politics -

    The other aspect is those sickos at the "Frankfurt School". THey've devised a whole politics of oppression and bizarreness, whilst marketing it as "permissive and liberal". Ofcourse it is the exact OPPOSITE of liberal in that free speech means jail when one even considers the acts of homosexuals brainwashing kids etc.

    I don't think we've even BEGUN to see the sick shit that faggots (open or covert ones) have planned for people. All sorts of shit will be promoted as "normal". My suspicioun is that a "submissive society" will be promoted, thereby the population will become more obedient. Females will become more male and males will be more female. Real gross shit. In school and work, I remember seeing masculinised females order some (ie stupid) males about. It was like the males enjoyed it. Perhaps this is the blueprint for some future control orientated society?

    Finally, I'm sure that its both brainwashing AND companies like Monsanto that are behind the increase in faggotry and effeminancy in males/masculinisation of males. You can how Western fertility rates have plummeted thro pre birth dioxin poisoning, pharmaceuticals in the water supply etc. Ofcourse homosexuals are ill, mentally AND physically. But ofcourse, govts aren't gonna drop their friends like Monsanto and Unilever in the shit are they!!

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West - Page 3 Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  medo Sat Nov 08, 2014 1:20 pm

    It would be interesting to read from people, who have more experiences with this madness. I read somewhere, that Monsanto GMS food is actually biological weapon, which will increase heavy illnesses in population like cancer and that its main task is to make people non fertile. It was also said, this Monsanto GMS seed are non fertile and you could not use the seed from a plant for a new grow, but you have to buy new seed from Monsanto. This is actually a plan for global hunger. Combining with gay agenda, we could only imagine, what hell on Earth this will bring. I wonder, why people in the West are so silent against this madness.

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West - Page 3 Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  TR1 Sat Nov 08, 2014 8:59 pm

    medo wrote:

    Interesting Russian documentary about homosexual agenda. It is not only a weapon to destroy Russia and all those, who are against the West, but a tool of satanist elites to enslave and destroy humankind. Western countries fall very deep into homosexual indoctrination, specially for children. Homosexual couples could not have children, so elites will create children to them and those new people will be zombies, slaves for elites, which will not be able to rebel against them. We could only pray, that this madness will fail.
    I laughed so hard I died and went to hell.

    You guys have the same attitude towards gays as American fundamentalists. Should join forces!

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West - Page 3 Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  medo Sat Nov 08, 2014 9:40 pm

    TR1 wrote:
    medo wrote:

    Interesting Russian documentary about homosexual agenda. It is not only a weapon to destroy Russia and all those, who are against the West, but a tool of satanist elites to enslave and destroy humankind. Western countries fall very deep into homosexual indoctrination, specially for children. Homosexual couples could not have children, so elites will create children to them and those new people will be zombies, slaves for elites, which will not be able to rebel against them. We could only pray, that this madness will fail.
    I laughed so hard I died and went to hell.

    You guys have the same attitude towards gays as American fundamentalists. Should join forces!

    It's not about attitude toward gays per se, it's about homosexual agenda prepared and financed by elites. It's not the same thing. This is not about freedom and human rights, it's about slavery and death. The West is bringing slavery and death. This is the evil force behind.

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West - Page 3 Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  KomissarBojanchev Sat Nov 08, 2014 11:38 pm

    Your allegations of homosexual indoctrination would be true only if there was absolute biological proof that it can be done. I don't know which is true: if homosexualism has an inborn genetic cause or straight people can be brainwashed into becoming gay. If the latter is false then your entire argument collapses.

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West - Page 3 Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  Werewolf Sun Nov 09, 2014 11:31 am

    KomissarBojanchev wrote:Your allegations of homosexual indoctrination would be true only if there was absolute biological  proof that it can be done. I don't know which is true: if homosexualism has an inborn genetic cause or straight people can be brainwashed into becoming gay. If the latter is false then your entire argument collapses.

    This propaganda is for one cause to undermine heterosexuals who have any differing opinion and if anyone does not aggree 100% with this Christoper Street Day Gays in leather on a leash taken for a walk like a dog, but you still have to respect gays despite they are showing themselfs in such submissive positions.

    There is no free speech if dare to say anything unsupportive towards homosexuality or this stupid lobbies you will lose your job, period. Gays make not even 0.1-0.5% of the world population and a still those lobbies (not all gay themselfs) are so aggressivley acting in lobbies like they are some big group of several hundred millions.

    Mark my word this same political lobbiests which are not gay themselfs are making this, the goal is to undermine values of a society, it is not aboung gay or non gay, this is just tool they use to indoctrinate people that there is someone oppressed (homosexuals) and they use a "victim" and give him disgusting attributes but in a slow rate like this Gayparades where people walk submissive like slaves on a leash and those perversions that only belong in closed rooms for pairs, are used to have a almost "pawlovs reflex" acceptance along with homosexuals because you have accept them like they are with all their sexual preferences and toys.

    The big part of the agenda is that any heterosexual gets the idea that genders are interchangeable, that you can choose who you are which is today the new thing in sex education classes for minors in Germany. They are asking the childrens such crap like "How can you be sure that you like girls and not boys", "Why do you think you are a boy and is that not a construct created by your parents to be a boy, but maybe you are a girl".

    This is a sick propaganda that is driven by NON GAYS lobbies that are trying to destroy societies and the values countries and nations have uphold.

    The human mind is very influencive and the younger you are before you have developed even a scense of sexuality or sexual preferences, this young minds can be to some degree brainwashed. This process just started a very short term of years back ago, so the consequences we will see in 20-30 years.

    Fact is, in Sex ed classes kids now get such questions that if they are sure that they are in their right bodies and not the opposite gender (Unnormal to even think such think)
    Fact is you get sued by fucking feminazi, gay lobbies if you use the word Father or Mother in Austria, they changed it official to Parent, no more mother no more father.
    Fact is you see in kids movies/shows always sexual innuendos, sexual/homosexual "morality" or everyone who does not aggree 100% always gets bullied around as a bigot despite not doing much.

    In germany parents get jailed if they take out their child from sex educational classes, those classes get today shown pornography which is by law forbbiden to show to minors with two years jail, but not anymore for "teachers".

    This propaganda of EU Sex educational comes from the USPAID and Zionazi agendas NGO WHO (World Health Organisation) the same NGO that blackmails all EU countries to pure Sodium floride into the drinking water, those sodium floride is toxic and german scientists have found out this sodium floride lowers the IQ which includes everyone. This sodium floride is a part of Sarin gas it is absolutley toxic and does not belong remotley to any organism on this planet.

    Here the Sex ed Agenda officially by WHO

    In germany 4 year olds will get sex education along with sexual preferences, homosexuality, sex praxis/kamasutra positioning for fucking 4 year olds.

    There is an open Agenda for homosexuality and sexual education towards minors, it is absolutley open.

    There is an agenda, research the new sex education in EU and you will puke all day long.

    In the german part of EU Sex ed agenda it says Teachers in kindergardens have to encourage kids for doctor games and mother and father games (sexual games), so they can "explore" the body of another human.

    That is pedophilia and grooming absolutley nothing else but that.

    An open Agenda.
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West - Page 3 Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  Hannibal Barca Sun Nov 09, 2014 11:47 am

    Excellent post once again!

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West - Page 3 Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  medo Sun Nov 09, 2014 12:09 pm

    Their target for indoctrination are children, because they could not change adults. Children are in process of development, brains as well and in this time they are more open for indoctrination. If we add here junk food (genetically modified), we could only imagine, what influence will have this junk food in deviations from normal development of children.

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    Homosexuality: weapon of the West - Page 3 Empty Re: Homosexuality: weapon of the West

    Post  Flyingdutchman Sun Nov 09, 2014 3:48 pm

    Werewolf wrote:
    KomissarBojanchev wrote:Your allegations of homosexual indoctrination would be true only if there was absolute biological  proof that it can be done. I don't know which is true: if homosexualism has an inborn genetic cause or straight people can be brainwashed into becoming gay. If the latter is false then your entire argument collapses.

    This propaganda is for one cause to undermine heterosexuals who have any differing opinion and if anyone does not aggree 100% with this Christoper Street Day Gays in leather on a leash taken for a walk like a dog, but you still have to respect gays despite they are showing themselfs in such submissive positions.

    There is no free speech if dare to say anything unsupportive towards homosexuality or this stupid lobbies you will lose your job, period. Gays make not even 0.1-0.5% of the world population and a still those lobbies (not all gay themselfs) are so aggressivley acting in lobbies like they are some big group of several hundred millions.

    Mark my word this same political lobbiests which are not gay themselfs are making this, the goal is to undermine values of a society, it is not aboung gay or non gay, this is just tool they use to indoctrinate people that there is someone oppressed (homosexuals) and they use a "victim" and give him disgusting attributes but in a slow rate like this Gayparades where people walk submissive like slaves on a leash and those perversions that only belong in closed rooms for pairs, are used to have a almost "pawlovs reflex" acceptance along with homosexuals because you have accept them like they are with all their sexual preferences and toys.

    The big part of the agenda is that any heterosexual gets the idea that genders are interchangeable, that you can choose who you are which is today the new thing in sex education classes for minors in Germany. They are asking the childrens such crap like "How can you be sure that you like girls and not boys", "Why do you think you are a boy and is that not a construct created by your parents to be a boy, but maybe you are a girl".

    This is a sick propaganda that is driven by NON GAYS lobbies that are trying to destroy societies and the values countries and nations have uphold.

    The human mind is very influencive and the younger you are before you have developed even a scense of sexuality or sexual preferences, this young minds can be to some degree brainwashed. This process just started a very short term of years back ago, so the consequences we will see in 20-30 years.

    Fact is, in Sex ed classes kids now get such questions that if they are sure that they are in their right bodies and not the opposite gender (Unnormal to even think such think)
    Fact is you get sued by fucking feminazi, gay lobbies if you use the word Father or Mother in Austria, they changed it official to Parent, no more mother no more father.
    Fact is you see in kids movies/shows always sexual innuendos, sexual/homosexual "morality" or everyone who does not aggree 100% always gets bullied around as a bigot despite not doing much.

    In germany parents get jailed if they take out their child from sex educational classes, those classes get today shown pornography which is by law forbbiden to show to minors with two years jail, but not anymore for "teachers".

    This propaganda of EU Sex educational comes from the USPAID and Zionazi agendas  NGO WHO (World Health Organisation) the same NGO that blackmails all EU countries to pure Sodium floride into the drinking water, those sodium floride is toxic and german scientists have found out this sodium floride lowers the IQ which includes everyone. This sodium floride is a part of Sarin gas it is absolutley toxic and does not belong remotley to any organism on this planet.

    Here the Sex ed Agenda officially by WHO

    In germany 4 year olds will get sex education along with sexual preferences, homosexuality, sex praxis/kamasutra positioning for fucking 4 year olds.

    There is an open Agenda for homosexuality and sexual education towards minors, it is absolutley open.

    There is an agenda, research the new sex education in EU and you will puke all day long.

    In the german part of EU Sex ed agenda it says Teachers in kindergardens have to encourage kids for doctor games and mother and father games (sexual games), so they can "explore" the body of another human.

    That is pedophilia and grooming absolutley nothing else but that.

    An open Agenda.

    What the fuck?!

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