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    Russian EMP weapons


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    Russian EMP weapons Empty Russian EMP weapons

    Post  Admin Thu Aug 06, 2009 7:43 pm

    Russian scientists have created a super-weapons that bring down the electronics

    Russian scientists have created a device the size of a small suitcase that can instantly put out of action all the electronic components of weapons systems the enemy, told RIA Novosti in an interview with a member of the Council under the President of Russian Federation for Science and High Technology academician Vladimir Fortov.

    - What principles form the basis for super-weapons?

    "Currently, all systems are equipped with weapons radioelectronic components. If you have a powerful and compact source of radio emission - a powerful, in our opinion, this is one gigawatt (GW), the entire electronics of the enemy at a time can be inferred from the order. But there is in the arsenal, and device, switch off the electronic equipment for a short time - 20 minutes, for example, during a special operations ", - said the academician.

    - What are the dimensions of the device?

    We have created a device the size of a small briefcase and has a capacity of one GW. For comparison: GW of energy - these are two queues "DneproGES" or a Chernobyl reactor. There are developments on the sources of radiation, covering one kilometer away, there is - in the 200 meters ", - said Vladimir Fortov.

    - The device works only on the electronics of the enemy?

    Unfortunately, to be locally derived from the damaged equipment is not only the enemy, but all electronic devices civilians. But when the war has already begun - more important than victory.

    - How long can work this miracle-weapon?

    "Approximately one second - more is not required to fully bring out all the electronic components of the enemy, including radar, night vision, electronic sights, mobile communications, as well as receivers of satellite navigation GPS. At a distance, you can stop the tanks, shoot down the course fighter aircraft, disrupt radio-personnel mines ", - concluded academician.

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    Russian EMP weapons Empty Re: Russian EMP weapons

    Post  sepheronx Thu Aug 06, 2009 9:58 pm

    EMP tech has been around for a long time. Heck, the Russians have an EMP warhead for the Iskander as it is. But this is a step in the direction of new electronic warfare. As US is becoming more and more dependent on Satellites and UAV's, more Russian technology like this will become popular and can render an airforce/navy useless for a couple of minutes, and that couple of minutes is enough to make a lot of damage.

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    Russian EMP weapons Empty Re: Russian EMP weapons

    Post  Stealthflanker Thu Aug 06, 2009 11:25 pm

    this is interesting...
    i'm wondering how it will work and what it will look alike.. as far as i know typical EMP device uses Explosive powered pumped flux generator or EM Wave generating Vircator ... i wonder if russians have found a new method in generating EMP's

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    Russian EMP weapons Empty Re: Russian EMP weapons

    Post  Admin Fri Aug 07, 2009 12:30 am

    sepheronx wrote:EMP tech has been around for a long time. Heck, the Russians have an EMP warhead for the Iskander as it is. But this is a step in the direction of new electronic warfare. As US is becoming more and more dependent on Satellites and UAV's, more Russian technology like this will become popular and can render an airforce/navy useless for a couple of minutes, and that couple of minutes is enough to make a lot of damage.

    Can you imagine what would happen if you let this loose near a command centre, or a series of them? The US has become so complacent about EMP possibility, none of their equipment in the last 15 years has been hardened. It would be devestating if you had somebody within 1 click of the target. How can you protect that radius at all your nodes?

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    Russian EMP weapons Empty Re: Russian EMP weapons

    Post  Admin Fri Aug 07, 2009 12:32 am

    Stealthflanker wrote:this is interesting...
    i'm wondering how it will work and what it will look alike.. as far as i know typical EMP device uses Explosive powered pumped flux generator or EM Wave generating Vircator ... i wonder if russians have found a new method in generating EMP's

    It will be a EMP generator fitted into a suitcase. You infiltrate your agent within 1km and boom. Down goes the target and everything within sight. It is ingenious and so easy to carry out.

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    Russian EMP weapons Empty Re: Russian EMP weapons

    Post  Vladislav Fri Aug 07, 2009 1:34 am

    Truly our scientists are reinventing their genius. This device will cripple our enemies without a shot.

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    Russian EMP weapons Empty Re: Russian EMP weapons

    Post  Admin Fri Aug 07, 2009 11:35 am

    Vladislav wrote:Truly our scientists are reinventing their genius. This device will cripple our enemies without a shot.

    It isn't big enough to do all that. Very Happy

    What it will do is take sabotage to a whole new level and make the job of FSB that much easier.

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    Russian EMP weapons Empty Re: Russian EMP weapons

    Post  Stealthflanker Sat Aug 08, 2009 9:40 am

    i want to carry this thing in wall st and blow it there Cool , i'm wondering it's effect :d

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    Russian EMP weapons Empty Re: Russian EMP weapons

    Post  Admin Sat Aug 08, 2009 2:39 pm

    Stealthflanker wrote:i want to carry this thing in wall st and blow it there Cool , i'm wondering it's effect :d

    There are two NYI locations you would have to take out...

    Headquarters & Data Center 1
    100 William St., 21st Floor


    Data Center 2
    25 Broadway

    If you take out these two sites, Wall Street would be wiped clean.

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    Russian EMP weapons Empty Re: Russian EMP weapons

    Post  IronsightSniper Sun Nov 28, 2010 8:11 pm

    Hey, no Neutral

    In any case, I may have missed the range of this brief case EMP, I think that 200m/1km figure was for comparison, so, what would the range of this briefcase be?

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    Russian EMP weapons Empty Re: Russian EMP weapons

    Post  GarryB Mon Nov 29, 2010 5:35 am

    I wonder if you can get more effect if you had mains power you could plug this thing into or if it has a fixed power supply.

    I have read about some of these devices being powered by an explosive charge, but also of small pistol sized devices that were directional that could be used to disable a single car or laptop.

    It wouldn't effect data on optical disks but any hard drives storing information magnetically will be in serious trouble.

    All those USB drives everyone keeps everything on these days will also be in trouble.

    Imagine a truck sized system with a directional beam able to fry all those fancy electronics in the F-35 and F-22... Even the JASSMs won't go boom if their electronic fuses fail... Twisted Evil Twisted Evil Twisted Evil

    I remember in the early 1990s some Swedish source for the information about a pistol sized direction EMP device for stopping cars.

    Being directional was vital otherwise it would effect your car too.

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    Russian EMP weapons Empty Re: Russian EMP weapons

    Post  Hoof Fri Jan 07, 2011 3:55 am

    I'm pretty sure EMP forever disables electronics, unless you replace all the microcircuits... if you would explode something about size of briefcase on elevated area (lets say a top of a skyscraper) it will take out a good area of a city...just imagine, what effect this would have on enemy... paralyzed communication, fried radios, destroyed data links and servers... also all the vehicles (cars, tanks, apcs) unable to move... all of the fancy night vision and thermal scopes not working... sounds like a great force neutralizer...

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    Russian EMP weapons Empty Russia EMP weapons..

    Post  Vann7 Mon Sep 29, 2014 12:51 pm

    Interesting report.. shows about new EMP weapons that the Russian army already have in service or soon will have.

    Russian EMP weapons A699bc3dd320286090d50f414b03b77c_article

    Russian EMP weapons 63c88cb21184837b9aebe29f910c1326_article630bw

    google translate..

    Basically says that since 2001 ,with the technology Ránez-E ,Russia have been marketing in expo of military hardware electromagnetic weapons.. says that US use electromagnetic energy have been for use in rail gun ,while Russia focus is on using electromagnetic energy directly on its enemies.. and that Russia use of the technology is much more complex/advanced technologically to how the west use the EM force. Says for example that you could turn off a tank with the gun ,and they will not be able to use it.. (wondering if can you fire the gun with tank off? )
    Also says that it can turn off airplanes in the air .. but not the distance.. maybe is for drones.. says the system
    have been improved since then.  The article says Russia have EMP ballistic missiles and EMP Cruise missiles. already in service..

    What is really impressive is that the article says radioelectronic mobile vehicles that Russia have can hide an
    area of 300km from enemy Radars.  Shocked

    The second photo i think is for Radio electric counter attacks. The article says radioelectric mobile vehicles can jam ,interrupt any kind of communications between enemy missiles and the source that guide it..(already saw this in action on a youtube video.. where a drone even though was near its operator.. lost contact with the controlled and fall on ground). also they can be very useful to block communications of remote controlled road side bombs from its operator. the article also says that Russian warships are equipped with this counter electronic weapons too.  So if for example an anti-ship missile is launched against any of their warships.. the missile will lose its communication with its Operator .

    The article says 300km.. which looks insane.. too crazy to be true.. seems a typo.. but even if for example
    it was only 30km.. still will be impressive.. because it will shot down any foreign drone without firing at it and it will also totally Ruin the precision of NATO best artillery .because the GPS .will be blocked and interrupted. [u]So any weapon that any nation have have that depends on GPS and Fly parallel to the ground ,will be jammed/Interrupted its communications and totally miss big time..

    So NATO equipment that will be affected.. by Russia electronic jammers and EMP weapons..
    1) Tomahawks cruise missiles
    2) Attack or Spy Drones
    3) GPS Artillery
    4) Air to Ground weapons that depend on GPS..

    IF the 300km number is remotely true.. that will be OP (overpowered) Because it could basically hide
    thousands of air defenses and artillery from its Real Position from Enemy radars.. And the only way the enemy will know where to bomb will be flying directly with planes over their targets at visual distance which will be suicide to do that with manpads and well defended airspace.  This is because Drones will not be able to maintain communication with its operators as soon enter the radioelectric counter attack field.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Mon Sep 29, 2014 1:48 pm; edited 5 times in total
    Mike E
    Mike E

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    Russian EMP weapons Empty Re: Russian EMP weapons

    Post  Mike E Mon Sep 29, 2014 1:01 pm

    Here is the translation;

    "Based weapons technology electromagnetic pulses are one of the most advanced for any army. While each power develops its variants, Russia sets its sights on nonviolent measures to neutralize 

    By the time an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) is inherently a military tool, not as it has much 'civil' use yet: it could be used to launch missiles or turn off any electronic system, explains the Russian military website 'Warfiles' . A pulse comprises a sharp high-energy emission intensity, which disrupts radio or any electronic component makes it unusable, ie all drivers. 

    Two ways: attack or prevent attacks 

    The advanced powers seek to convert the magnetic pulse at some completed system capable of integrating into various military strategies. For example, USA chose to adapt the technology for a cannon. The result, the famous 'Rail Cannon', is considered a possible weapon of American warships in the near future. 
    Russia, meanwhile, opted for the direct effect of pulse: the neutralization of all electronic equipment. Although more complicated technologically, offers a variety of tactical applications and would be more humane because it presupposes neutralize the enemy without attacking him directly. For example, a tank crew 'off' simply could not use their arms or move the vehicle: the last thing would be to surrender. 

    Russian EMP weapons: from the first steps towards active duty 

    The first Russian EMP weapon was presented in 2001 at a fair in Malaysia. Complex was treated Ránez-E, like a vehicle of communication, which actually generated pulses of energy directed against a flight and able to 'extinguish' targets. Despite generate much interest, received a lot of critical remarks, that Russian engineers solved in the following varieties. 

    Now the Russian army carried out the development of a number of weapons of various types of PEM, including ballistic and cruise missiles with electromagnetic warheads already have prototypes for testing. 

    In addition, several vehicles are already in service, for example a mobile radio electronic warfare complex capable of hiding a circle of up to 300 kilometers of surface surveillance radars. Russian ships are equipped with radio-electronic systems protection against guided missiles and disruption of data received by the enemy radars. Finally, there are complex for infantry to prevent the signs of detonation explosive devices if operated through radio waves or signals disrupt navigation systems and apuntación. 

    Along with anti-aircraft complexes and nuclear deterrence forces, weapons of PEM constitute a pillar of weapons of defense of the Russian Army."

    Sounds interesting, but it makes me wonder if EMP protected chips will be completely resistant...

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    Russian EMP weapons Empty Re: Russian EMP weapons

    Post  Asf Mon Sep 29, 2014 3:12 pm

    EMP protected chips

    They won't be capable of being fully EMP-resistant. Until the time of fully optical computers.

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    Russian EMP weapons Empty Re: Russian EMP weapons

    Post  Werewolf Mon Sep 29, 2014 8:39 pm

    I'm sorry but this are not EMP weapons they are just jammers.

    An EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse/Paralysis) can only be called EMP when you have direct effect on the Earth's magnetic field in a large area. For this you would need high gamma ray radiation in a very short time equal to a nuclear weapon. Since all electronics on earth are directly influenced by strong magnetic fields an EMP aims that the earth's magnetic field changes for a short time its direction from north to south pole and makes electronic devices impossible to use. You can do that with an artifical electromagnet and a lightbulb, by using the EM and move it along the wire away from the lightbulb or side ways, you will recognize that the current gets effected and the lightbulb produces less light or gets very weak or starts to flickering.

    No gamma rays to effect earths magnetic field, no EMP.

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    Russian EMP weapons Empty Re: Russian EMP weapons

    Post  Asf Mon Sep 29, 2014 8:45 pm

    An EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse/Paralysis) can only be called EMP when you have direct effect on the Earth's magnetic field in a large area

     For this you would need high gamma ray radiation

    You have blown my mind. In what university this theory is taught?

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    Russian EMP weapons Empty Re: Russian EMP weapons

    Post  Werewolf Mon Sep 29, 2014 9:14 pm

    Asf wrote:
    An EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse/Paralysis) can only be called EMP when you have direct effect on the Earth's magnetic field in a large area

     For this you would need high gamma ray radiation

    You have blown my mind. In what university this theory is taught?

    An EMP paralisys the electromangetic current and makes it incapable to use electronic devices because they can not keep up a static current.
    A high noisy ECM jammers give a static frequency field and overlay frequencies and tries to "block" them, that does not make them inoperable due no existing current, which they always have.
    Real EMP weapons can not only effect one side and avoid paralysing own equipment. True EMP's are like Grenades they will not only kill enemy standing next to it but also kill own soldiers, regarding who threw it.


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    Russian EMP weapons Empty Re: Russian EMP weapons

    Post  Vann7 Mon Sep 29, 2014 9:39 pm

    Werewolf wrote:
    Asf wrote:
    An EMP (Electro Magnetic Pulse/Paralysis) can only be called EMP when you have direct effect on the Earth's magnetic field in a large area

     For this you would need high gamma ray radiation

    You have blown my mind. In what university this theory is taught?

    An EMP paralisys the electromangetic current and makes it incapable to use electronic devices because they can not keep up a static current.
    A high noisy ECM jammers give a static frequency field and overlay frequencies and tries to "block" them, that does not make them inoperable due no existing current, which they always have.
    Real EMP weapons can not only effect one side and avoid paralysing own equipment. True EMP's are like Grenades they will not only kill enemy standing next to it but also kill own soldiers, regarding who threw it.

    and electromagnetic pulse attack (EMP gun) doesn't need to be a nuke.. thats a major scale one to cover an entire nation ,you can build a civilian one as a toy for fun buying parts in  Radio Shack in minutes. The report clearly indicate that the EMP can turn off a tank . it is an EMP gun.

    here is a home made EMP Gun..

    and here is an industrial one.. being tested by US department of defense..

    Apparently Russia is much more advanced in EMP guns that US and can achieve a very powerful attack
    with far less hardware ,to the point to be mounted on cruise missiles.

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    Russian EMP weapons Empty Re: Russian EMP weapons

    Post  Asf Mon Sep 29, 2014 9:44 pm

    This is an article about massive EM pulse created as a side effect of a nuclear explotion. It has no relation to radiation of the blast itself or natural magnetic field of the Earth. It's just one of the side effects of an explosion which can be the nuke's damaging factor.
    And a nuclear blast isn't the only sourse of EM fields, you know. EM fields (or pulses) can be created by special generators e.g. antenna-like things as shown on a picture, like any other EM wave, say, radio, or with rumored "blast EM generators"

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    Russian EMP weapons Empty Re: Russian EMP weapons

    Post  Asf Mon Sep 29, 2014 9:48 pm

    Real EMP weapons can not only effect one side and avoid paralysing own equipment. 

    Generally speaking, you right. Like a grenade, for example. What's why you shouldn't use those weapon in a close proxomoty of your own troops. Like a grenade, you know. Not to speak EMP can be directed (even a blast can, see 'claymore' mine) onto an enemy

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    Russian EMP weapons Empty Re: Russian EMP weapons

    Post  Stealthflanker Tue Sep 30, 2014 2:12 am

    EMP damage stuff by either thermal damage from accumulation of heat from the immense power received by the electronic equipment OR Voltage damage that will destroy delicate semi-conductor equipment because their intolerance toward voltage that exceeded their "breakdown voltage" threshold.

    Nuclear explosion is one mechanism, other however is by use of high powered radiowave/microwave radiation, focused at target. Key technology is device to generate high pulsed power, this has been achieved by the explosively driven flux compression generator, vircator, super reltron tube, relativistic magnetron OR like Russian way the Ranets-E and American way by the Vigilant Eagle system. Those later two are basically high pulsed power emitter using conventional high power tubes or TR modules to emit lethal radiation to enemy target.

    Anyway abover article did mention a little about Ranets system.

    Mike E
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    Russian EMP weapons Empty Re: Russian EMP weapons

    Post  Mike E Tue Sep 30, 2014 3:13 am

    Asf wrote:
    EMP protected chips

    They won't be capable of being fully EMP-resistant. Until the time of fully optical computers.
    They can still be very resistant... There are separate technologies that can protect chips from EMP etc.

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    Russian EMP weapons Empty Re: Russian EMP weapons

    Post  GarryB Tue Sep 30, 2014 1:37 pm

    EMP is what it says it is... an electric/magnetic pulse that can be directed.

    Its effect on humans is almost zero unless you have a pacemaker for your heart.

    On electronics it can generate a current in any wire.

    Not usually a problem for fences, and for most electrical grids the enormous surge in power is solved by the circuit breakers.

    In a computer chip however... especially the new ones that are 22NM the capacity to take large voltages is pathetic and such chips are often burned out fairly easily by EM pulse.

    Various solutions exist to protect items including faraday cages and other related technologies that will also protect you from lightning or for people in helicopters working on live overhead power cables.

    there are lots of little tricks like that to absorb or divert or insulate chips from external EM sources... they don't need to be pulses... I am sure the older people among us remember early TVs getting herringbone interference when the neighbour started using his new electric hedge clippers or whatever that weren't properly shielded and broadcast electrical noise when they were being used.

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    Russian EMP weapons Empty Re: Russian EMP weapons

    Post  Mindstorm Fri Oct 03, 2014 5:33 am

    Recent article on the subject:

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