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    Russian Army Robots

    Project Canada

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  Project Canada Mon Oct 10, 2016 6:50 am


    Russian Army Robots - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  Guest Fri Oct 14, 2016 10:14 pm

    Russian Army Robots - Page 13 0_f026a_cf5b28c9_orig

    Robotised complex for wounded/dead recovery on the battlefield.

    Russian Army Robots - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  Guest Sat Oct 15, 2016 6:08 pm


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    Russian Army Robots - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Sun Oct 16, 2016 8:33 am

    Project Canada wrote:
    Robots. War without death. Military acceptance

    воин без смерти - I am not a Russian but to me it means soldiers who do not die, not wars without death.

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  A1RMAN Sun Oct 16, 2016 8:41 am

    GunshipDemocracy wrote:
    Project Canada wrote:
    Robots. War without death. Military acceptance

    воин без смерти - I am not a Russian  but to me it means soldiers who do not die, not wars without death.

    Warrior without death.

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Sat Oct 22, 2016 5:47 am

    "Lobaev" presented robot-sniper for urban combat

    At the exhibition "INTERPOLITEX-2016", the company Lobaev Arms for the first time presented to the public light tactical Minirex robot designed for sniping in urban combat.

    The Russian company Lobaev Arms, specializing in the design and manufacture of high-precision sniper rifles, have also developed a robotic sniper, which he presented at the XX International exhibition of means for provision of state security "INTERPOLITEX — 2016".

    As the representative of the company, highly mobile light tactical complex Minirex able to climb ladders and firing from the window openings. It is specially designed under conditions of urban warfare and counter-terrorism operations.
    Russian Army Robots - Page 13 Dsc-1291

    The robot is designed for special units of law enforcement agencies in order to contrayerva and sniper fire, safe for the personnel.

    The complex itself weighs only 35 pounds (plus 10 pounds — remote control and spare batteries) and can manually be transferred by the calculation of two people. One of them acts as operator-driver, second — hand. These functions specifically divided between two people, to reduce the load and increase the efficiency of target detection.

    In anticipation of the goal, the robot can spend up to 30 hours, then he will need to replace the battery.

    Russian Army Robots - Page 13 Dsc-1288

    Special small device 7.62 under the intermediate cartridge semi-leads the fire team operator-arrow watching the target through the 24-fold optical zoom.

    Powered "rifle" of the robot using standard shop machine "Kalashnikov", or from 60-charging drum shop. Effective range of fire is 400 metres away.

    Russian Army Robots - Page 13 Dsc-1297
    Project Canada

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  Project Canada Wed Nov 16, 2016 3:02 am


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    Russian Army Robots - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  Big_Gazza Sat Nov 19, 2016 10:48 pm

    Interesting article in Southfront regarding Russian Army drone developments. Of particular interest is this:

    The most ambitious initiatives include a robotic version of the BMP-3 infantry fighting vehicle named Udar, and the remote control feature built into the Armata family T-14 tanks which enables individual T-14s to be controlled by other T-14s through the provision of high-volume datalinks which give complete access to the sensors, weapons, and controls of the vehicle being controlled.

    Taking this one step further, it's plausible that a dedicated drone-control Armata platform could be developed with exceptional protection and surviveability which could loiter behind the battleline in concealed position and control a number of active combat vehicles. After all, if a T-14 can be operated by crew members in the armoured capsule, they could do the same job remotely in a C&C vehicle. If successful, there is no reason why similar RC tech cannot be applied to the better quality vehicles in Russia's reserve tank forces, assuming such is found to be cost effective.

    For more details:

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  GarryB Sun Nov 20, 2016 4:20 am

    In the armata thread it mentions that each tank vehicle will have its own UAV that operates from a tether and can fly up to 100m in height... such a powerful datalink between vehicles means data from one UAV could be shared between the whole unit of vehicles... which should make the new fire and forget tank launched missiles something very potent.

    The UAVs are supposed to sport thermal sights and radar, so popping up and detecting enemy vehicles and marking them on a map and then passing that map to all the vehicles in the unit and up to HQ should make firing at targets from behind a low hill or some buildings or even some trees very interesting...

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  George1 Tue Nov 22, 2016 11:04 pm

    Russian MoD Releases Video of Guard Robot Test With Grenade Launcher

    Read more:

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  zg18 Sun Dec 04, 2016 5:26 pm

    Combat robot employed by FSB Special forces

    Project Canada

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  Project Canada Sat Dec 10, 2016 8:53 am

    Russian Army Robots - Page 13 15391303_382322432106719_9000524615517634612_o

    Developer of "Fedor" expects to see the robots after the Victory Parade 2021

    Bulk samples of the Russian robot "Fedor" can be demonstrated on Victory Parade on Red Square in five years, said the general director of the NGO "humanoid machines" (robot developer) Alexander Permyakov.

    He said that "Fedor" is not a robot military use, and therefore will not be able to enter the ranks of military, but it can enter into the column EMERCOM of Russia. In addition, he said Permyakov, anthropomorphic robots format is not the most efficient for military purposes.

    "If we talk about the front column of Emergency Situations, the parade" Fedor "need to demonstrate it's advanced technology, which has a very small number of countries, I think that after 2021 it will be possible to wait for the robots in the parade." - Said General Director of "android technology "in an interview with Tass.

    "Fedor" was created by "humanoid machines" and the Foundation for Advanced Studies on the technical task of the Russian Emergencies Ministry. Initially, the robot was known under the code name "Avatar", but he recently got his own name - FEDOR (Final Experimental Demonstration Object Research, final experimental demonstration research facility). In addition to the project "Rescue" in the interest of the Emergencies Ministry, the robot will be able to perform other tasks. So, in 2021 he had become the sole occupant of the new spacecraft "Federation" at the time of its first flight.

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  Book. Wed Dec 14, 2016 1:08 am

    Боевой робот «Соратник» применяется в Сирии
    Russia Fighting Robot the Syria

    В репортаже программы «Вести недели» от 10 декабря 2016 года о работе отрядов сил специальных операций в Сирии показано применение боевого робота «Соратник» производства концерна «Калашников».
    Были ли они точно в Сирии не известно, точное место и время применения не указаны, а связь с Сирией просматривается только в похожем ландшафте и контексте телепередачи.

    The report of the program "Vesti" of 10 December 2016 on the work of groups of special operations forces in Syria shows the use of "Companion" combat robot production Concern "Kalashnikov".


    Russian Army Robots - Page 13 2kVh6

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  Benya Thu Dec 22, 2016 9:36 am

    Nerekhta robotic system to be added to Russian special forces’ inventory

    Russian advanced robotic system Nerekhta will be accepted for service by Russian special forces and scouts, according to the Izvestia daily.

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    The Nerekhta advanced robotic system

    It will be able to destroy heavy armor and fortifications all by itself by driving up close and personal and detonating itself. The mini-robot developed and made by the Degtyaryov Plant in the town of Kovrov features high maneuverability and low observability - it can sneak up on the enemy utterly silently.

    The Nerekhta has been put on the list of promising robotic systems earmarked for entering service with the Russian Armed Forces, a Defense Ministry official close to the subject told the Izvestia newspaper. If the platform proves itself in the trials, it will enter the inventories of the reconnaissance units and special forces.

    According to Degtyaryov Deputy Chief Designer for Robotics Dmitry Fufayev, the Nerekhta is undergoing its in-house tests.

    "The light tracked platform has been used as a mobile target from the outset, but at the military’s request we have tailored it to carry radio-controlled explosive devices," Fufayev explained. "The robot is in the in-house trials, and we continue to improve it."

    The Nerekhta is based on a light chassis with rubber tracks. It looks like a mini-tank, with the turret replaced by a container stuffed with high explosives. The robot is clad in armor protecting it and the high explosives against small-arms fire and fragments.

    Weighing 300 kg and measuring just above 1 m long, the robot can noiselessly haul several hundred kilograms of high explosives at a speed of 11 km/h, propelled by its electric motor.

    The operating principle of the robot’s guidance system is simple enough. Prior to a battle, the battlefield map and the grids of the targets subject to elimination are downloaded in its memory. In battle, commandos only need to push a button on their control console to select a pre-set target. After receiving the radio command, the Nerekhta will move to the target on its own and destroy it.

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    The Nerekhta advanced robotic system

    According to Dmitry Fufayev, the capability was showed during a restricted-access demonstration at the Army 2016 International Military-Technical Forum.

    "In the course of a complex vignette, scouts were riding quadbikes to pinpoint the notional enemy. Nerekhta robotized systems were being used to provide coverage for them," Dmitry Fufayev said. "During the demonstration, each of the platforms used eliminated a simulated enemy armored object by self-detonation. We are going to fit the platform with a manipulator that will make it reusable. The robot will be able to drop the explosive device near the target and return to base. We also will increase the robot’s speed for this purpose."

    According to expert Alexei Khlopotov, a robot exploding on impact with an enemy combat vehicle was developed as far back as the Second World War.

    "Suffice it to say that German self-propelled mine Goliath was used on all fronts in WWII," Alexei Khlopotov noted. "It was a remotely controlled tracked minitank carrying 100 kg of high explosives to destroy tanks, bunched-up manpower and buildings."

    At present, the most promising foreign kamikaze robots are the Israeli-made Rambot and South Korean-developed iRobot FirstLook. They are rather miniature vehicles popular with cops and tailored to deal with terrorists and criminals indoors.

    "Essentially, the foreign kamikaze robots are nothing more than mobile radio-controlled hand grenades," Khlopotov explained. "They are simply thrown into a window and then they deliver a small amount of high explosive to the malefactors hunkering down in the building."

    At the same time, the Nerekhta can destroy main battle tanks and pull down whole buildings, while being rather diminutive and agile, according to the Izvestia newspaper.

    The Nerekhta is a combat robotic system co-developed by the Degtyaryov Plant and Advanced Research Foundation. The tracked platform is fit for reconnaissance, fire, fire adjustment and cargo carriage. The robot was unveiled at the Russian Defense Ministry Innovation Day in 2015.

    The robot mounts 7.62-mm and 12.7-mm machineguns and, according to the source, may well be equipped with a new machinegun to be developed specifically for it. In addition, the Nerekhta has recently received the organic TB-29B unmanned helicopter and SAU-9.0 vehicle and weapon automatic control system

    Source: Arrow

    So this is a "suicide-bot", isn't it? My main problem with this is that if it gets hit, and the hit ends up in a succesful penetration, the robot can explode prematurely.

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  George1 Wed Dec 28, 2016 2:40 pm

    Robots used in Russian Army commanders’ assembly


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    Russian Army Robots - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  PapaDragon Sat Feb 11, 2017 10:28 pm

    Can anyone ID gun on the little one?

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  GarryB Sun Feb 12, 2017 9:52 pm

    It is the GShG-7.62 machine gun... the only platform I have seen with it on previously is the Ka-29 behind a panel in the nose.

    It fires at between 4,500 and about 6,000 rpm and is a 7.62 x 54mm calibre weapon.

    Its main feature is rate of fire, though it does weigh less than 20kgs which makes it pretty light for a gatling gun.

    the four barrel 12.7mm guns of the Hind are 45-60kgs depending on the model.

    AFAIK they are all gas powered and don't need an electric motor to fire.

    Russian Army Robots - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  Guest Sun Feb 12, 2017 11:29 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Can anyone ID gun on the little one?

    Russian Army Robots - Page 13 NntHWDODyq4

    Russian Army Robots - Page 13 P1090305

    9-A-622 pod with same gun


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    Russian Army Robots - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  GarryB Mon Feb 13, 2017 1:25 am

    Ahh, yes... Mil is right...

    It is also featured in that gun pod that is normally fitted with two 7.62mm gatlings and one central 12.7mm gatling.

    It can also be fitted with a single 30mm grenade launcher as an alternative.

    It is not heavily used AFAIK due to the short effective range of the 7.62mm guns... but then I would think the 30mm grenade launcher model would be more heavily used than it seems to be.

    The 23mm twin barrel pod seems to be the most popular but even that is not often carried from what I have seen.

    With the new chin turret on the current production Hinds having a twin 23mm cannon it would be interesting to know if that increases or decreases the use of the cannon pods.

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  TheArmenian Mon Feb 13, 2017 12:47 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Can anyone ID gun on the little one?

    Russian Army Robots - Page 13 NntHWDODyq4


    Good for rats and other pests.
    Project Canada

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  Project Canada Tue Feb 21, 2017 10:20 pm

    The Russian army will receive the latest robot "Companion" in 2017

    The newest robotic platform "Companion", which took place experimental military operation in Syria, it is planned to adopt the Russian Army in 2017, he told  RIA Novosti  on Tuesday during the exhibition of arms IDEX-2017 CEO of the company-developer of the machine - the concern "Kalashnikov" Alexey Krivoruchko.

    For the first time officially, "Companion" was presented at the exhibition of arms "Army 2016".

    "What we have presented to the" Army "was still an experimental model Now we are conducting active work with the Ministry of Defense, finalizing complex and expect to receive the first production car later this year." - Said Krivoruchko.

    Talking about the improvements that we plan to make in the "Companion", the agency said that we are talking in particular about the equipment of the new board machine system and enhanced weapon systems.

    Armoured tracked vehicle "Companion" is designed for exploration and relay of patrolling and protection of areas and important facilities, clearance and obstacle clearing. "Companion" has three control modes, set the weight of not more than 7 tons, it is capable of speeds up to 40 km / h. When the remote control and the line of sight range of action of the machine is up to 10 km.

    Crawler platform can be mounted machine guns of 7.62 mm and 12.7 mm and 30 mm grenade launcher type AH-17A. Combat unit is equipped with a gyroscopic stabilization of weapons and is able to independently detect, track and destroy targets, defining their type. Furthermore, "Companion" is possible to install the eight anti-tank guided missiles "Kornet-EM".

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  PapaDragon Tue Feb 21, 2017 10:44 pm

    Project Canada wrote:

    The Russian army will receive the latest robot "Companion" in 2017

    The newest robotic platform "Companion", which took place experimental military operation in Syria, ...................

    If true this is huge.  thumbsup

    I want videos!!!

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  franco Sun Feb 26, 2017 3:31 pm

    Article concerns the new technology being developed and used in Russian Military operations, mostly robots and UAV's which arguably are the same thing;

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  Benya Sat Mar 25, 2017 10:00 am

    Engineer units of Russian army will receive R-300 robot UGV Unmmaned Ground Vehicles

    Engineer units of the Russian Army Railroad Corps will be fielded with the unique R-300 robotic system. The R-300 developed by machinebuilding corporation Intekhros conducts rescue, repairs pipelines and communication lines and defuses ammunition even at an ambient temperature of -50°C, according to the Izvestia daily.

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    R-300 engineer robotic system (UGV Unmanned Ground Vehicle) at Army-2016 International Military Technical Forum near Moscow, Russia, September 2016.

    The advanced robot is a small all-terrain vehicle fitted with rubber tracks and a special crane-manipulator. The latter’s upper segment, which agility is on a par with that of the human hand, mounts detachable equipment. The manipulator’s unique agility enables the R-300 to perform precise work in confined spaces, i.e. wells of service lines, etc.

    "The R-300 has passed the factory tests, proving its design characteristics," the Intekhros spokesman, Pavel Chernousov, told Izvestia. "Now, we are in talks with the Defense Ministry. A decision has been made to continue our cooperation, and we intend to launch the delivery of our devices to the military."

    According to Chernousov, a scaled-down version of the robot has been acquired by the emergency response center of Russia’s Rosatom Corporation, and the Moscow subway has bought one robot with the tracks replaced with bogies.

    The designation R-300 means that 300 various add-on tools can be attached to the robot’s manipulator. To handle unexploded ordnance (UXO), the R-300 is fitted with a special clamp with sensors controlling the squeeze rate. This lets the robot lift the UXO without crushing it. When earthmoving works are due, the robot is equipped with a digging bucket and an auger. A hydraulic hammer and a breaker are attached when buildings have to be pulled down. The R-300 handles cargo with the use of a hook grab and a claw.

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    The R-300’s manipulator, which measures 6 m fully extended, lifts objects weighing up to 3 tons. The robot itself is compact enough, with its length exceeding 2.5 m a little, its width being 2 m and its weight standing at 4.5 tons. To prevent the system from tipping over while moving heavy objects, it has four supports fixing it in place in a reliable fashion.

    The core of the R-300 is its small-size petrol engine. The solution maximizes the robot’s self-contained operating capability, maintainability and low-temperature operating capability. The batteries of electric motors go flat in cold weather in no time and can break down by swelling during long downtime.

    "The Arctic environment is extremely adverse to not only human health, but infrastructure as well. At -40°C, metals become rather fragile, increasing the probability of failures several-fold," expert Oleg Zheltonozhko tells Izvestia. "Recovery and repair in the Arctic may turn out to be a true ordeal to military maintainers. Robots similar to the R-300 may well offer them several advantages under such conditions. The robot’s physical strength is a far cry from that of man, and a single soldier using a robot will be able to do the job currently requiring a whole unit."

    According to the expert, unlike man, the robot can remain in the cold for a virtually unlimited period, allowing its operators to fix it in several hours by working in shifts without risking frostbite, according to the Izvestia daily.

    Source: Arrow

    Well, this robot is basically a "robotic Swiss Army knife" of the Russian Army. It will find great use alongside the Uran robots of the engineer troops.

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 13 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  George1 Sun Mar 26, 2017 1:35 pm

    Photoreport from the 2nd conference "Robotization of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation"

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