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Morpheus Eberhardt
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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #3


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #3 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #3

    Post  medo Thu Apr 24, 2014 7:51 pm

    Firebird wrote:
    medo wrote:This is mostly ukrainian internal conflict, not a conflict between Russia and Ukraine as West want to show, so it have to stay inside Ukraine for Ukrainians to deal with it. It must become massive rebellion of southeastern regions against Kiev junta before Russia could more actively involve in it politically at first and than if needed as pacifying force. Massive rebellion will also bring Ukrainian army to make a decision, where they stand in this internal conflict. With their citizens or with junta. Maybe army will than stand with citizens and throw the junta as Egyptian army throw Mursi.

    But its not an internal "Ukraine" matter. What have Nazis got to do with the general popln of the Ukraine? Nothing. Its all American/EU coordinated. Their prize is plundering the Ukraine. And NATO nukes in Donetsk and Lugansk. If the Americans have took over part of the Ukr army, and armed far right loons with masses of weapons and expertise, Russia cant just stand aside.

    Who does it impress by standing aside? No one. America considers RU public enemy numnber one anyway. Russian will NEVER have a better option to sort the mess, once and for all.

    If Russia keeps standing aside, it means the "Russian world" no longer exists.

    True, but rebellion must become massive against Kiev nazi junta. Russia could help Ukrainians, but for US, it will be far bigger defeat, when Ukrainians themselves throw those US supported nazis in jail than if Russians do it. Egypt also change sides after army went with citizens against Mursi. same could happened in Ukraine. It is Kiev junta, who use military force against their own citizens and it seems Kiev doesn't trust army as they send police, SBU special forces and Right sector units against people.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #3 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #3

    Post  Vann7 Thu Apr 24, 2014 8:19 pm

    This new report confirms.. my belief of what Russia can do..

    The Ukrainian forces pro Kiev that stormed several checkpoints ...are stealing food from them..
    yes you heard it right.. food. and there are serious issues of financing those forces.. Russia should
    stop any commercial trade with Kiev in order to Pressure the western junta that they need to negotiate with
    Russia if they want to improve their situation. Once people start to feel hungry they will all come to streets regardless of which side they support and protest the kiev junta to resign. In the end is all about family first and  money.. before the nation. People cannot eat the ukrainian flag so they will understand that they were far better earlier when yakunovych was in power. and will start to realize that their only option is Russia for help. S

    So Russia needs to cut all trading with kiev , only trade in secret with the eastern ukraine. while at the same time send some 300 strong undercover special forces this is veterans already retired from the army ,with Ukranian local defenses like uniforms but well armed with Anti tank missiles and manpads and night vision.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #3 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #3

    Post  arpakola Thu Apr 24, 2014 10:28 pm
    The Ukrainian military forces sent to free Slavyansk from pro-Russian militants are retreating. The corresponding decision was made by the Ukrainian Security Service after the troops failed to fight their way to the town.

    Russia reacted to the offensive by ordering mass war games near the Ukrainian borders. According to Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu, Russia has to respond to the moves made by the authorities in Kyiv.


    Last edited by arpakola on Thu Apr 24, 2014 11:22 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #3 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #3

    Post  Firebird Thu Apr 24, 2014 11:20 pm

    medo wrote:
    Firebird wrote:
    medo wrote:This is mostly ukrainian internal conflict, not a conflict between Russia and Ukraine as West want to show, so it have to stay inside Ukraine for Ukrainians to deal with it. It must become massive rebellion of southeastern regions against Kiev junta before Russia could more actively involve in it politically at first and than if needed as pacifying force. Massive rebellion will also bring Ukrainian army to make a decision, where they stand in this internal conflict. With their citizens or with junta. Maybe army will than stand with citizens and throw the junta as Egyptian army throw Mursi.

    But its not an internal "Ukraine" matter. What have Nazis got to do with the general popln of the Ukraine? Nothing. Its all American/EU coordinated. Their prize is plundering the Ukraine. And NATO nukes in Donetsk and Lugansk. If the Americans have took over part of the Ukr army, and armed far right loons with masses of weapons and expertise, Russia cant just stand aside.

    Who does it impress by standing aside? No one. America considers RU public enemy numnber one anyway. Russian will NEVER have a better option to sort the mess, once and for all.

    If Russia keeps standing aside, it means the "Russian world" no longer exists.

    True, but rebellion must become massive against Kiev nazi junta. Russia could help Ukrainians, but for US, it will be far bigger defeat, when Ukrainians themselves throw those US supported nazis in jail than if Russians do it. Egypt also change sides after army went with citizens against Mursi. same could happened in Ukraine. It is Kiev junta, who use military force against their own citizens and it seems Kiev doesn't trust army as they send police, SBU special forces and Right sector units against people.

    But the Kiev, no LVOV(!) junta is all about force. Their grip will get stronger and stronger, unless someone stands up to them. Economic tyranny is by a "one percent", and so is political.
    The S and East have made more of a protest than the Euromaiden clowns. Look at the number of towns taken over. Way more than Euromaiden.

    Lots of people thought Hitler's demands would get too ridiculous and he would "hang himself". But the other groups couldnt control him. He destroyed them. Right Sector are getting their scum into lots of key positions. And Tymoshenko etc are just a more "respectable" Right Sector.

    Tyrants only understand force. You cant reason with them. If they sense fear or reluctance to fight, they will feed on it.

    There's no pt thinking of "democracy". It has ended in the Ukraine. Its gone. Only Russia can bring it back. And there's no pt thinking of "public relations with the West". Who runs the Western media? A genocidal state called America. One that still hasnt been brought to justice.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #3 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #3

    Post  arpakola Thu Apr 24, 2014 11:23 pm

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #3 - Page 23 QK69FUG

    Helicopters were dropping anti-russian leaflets in Slavyansk and Kramatorsk area.

    In the meantime, some real Bandera's fans from Right Sector under black-red banner captured Kolomiya's regional administration
    The Situation in the Ukraine. #3 - Page 23 Attachment
    ( No one seem to be bothered in Kyiv about it.The Situation in the Ukraine. #3 - Page 23 Attachment

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #3 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #3

    Post  arpakola Thu Apr 24, 2014 11:37 pm

    14-minutes long russian column
    city of Novoshahtinsk in 10 km of Ukrainian border


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #3 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #3

    Post  arpakola Fri Apr 25, 2014 12:08 am

    That’s us in Kramatorsk (my interlocutor shows a photo of armed men near the buildings of Kramatorsk police station)

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #3 - Page 23 Vyat-pic510-510x340-28278

    I was there yesterday. But there were no arms at that time.

    That was not yesterday, that was during our first assault. There was a real shooting. But we had an objective – avoid bloodshed. On the third floor they began to shoot at our guys, so our guys put them down… I mean not killed, but suppressed with fire. They squatted and we came in.

    It sounds terrible. But yesterday in Kramatorsk there were no weapons. Even policemen stood and smoked with your guys. Are they on your side too?

    Well, they have no other options. They are living here, and if, God forbid, any of them were to go against us… pffff! (smile)

    Aren’t you afraid of sanctions from the EU and US sides? If you proclaim the Donetsk Republic, reaction from the West will follow.

    The West is far, Russia is near.

    But, for example, credit cards can be blocked regardless of what’s far and what’s near.

    Not a problem. We have our own bankers to make deals with. That’s a technical question and could be solved with consent of the interested parties. Do you understand? If necessary, we’ll do what we have to do. The main thing is to have common essentials.

    Do you have it?

    Our adversaries like comrade Akhmetov (the biggest oligarch of Donbas region), Taruta (acting governor), and others are trying to break it. They are sending their agents to our men to scatter our backbone from inside. Then everything falls apart, men began to eat each other. But here, in Sloviansk, we don’t allow this to happen. We laid out our hand and said: if you’re with us, good, if you’re against us – well, you understand…

    No, I don’t. What with them?

    The liquidation will occur.


    How do you think?!

    Even among common people, even if it’s just one in a hundred, there can be those who stand for other beliefs! What do you plan to do with them?

    Come on! There are no more than 40 such people here!

    And what, these 40 people should be destroyed?

    There are always apes. People go to the zoo to see them. Let’s say they will be a separate coalition, but we will control them.

    I’ll tell you how operative work is done. You light the lantern and wait for butterflies to come. But if they want to fly away – you have flypaper. Or you can just strike them with swatter.

    You’re saying terrible things.

    Why? That’s the harsh truth of life. Isn’t it more terrible when our guys are tortured, their bellies are ripped open, and later their bodies are found in a river? And I must visit the morgues to see whether they’re ours or not. I see: seems to be ours, but cannot say for sure. And later I’m told that it was Vladimir Rybak from Horlivka. The identification isn’t over yet, so I cannot publish this information, but by all indications, it’s him.

    Translator’s note: Later the identification was finished – one of the two bodies, found in the river, really belongs not to one of the militia, but to Vladimir Rybak, MP of Horlivka and opponent of the rebels. Later, the Security Service of Ukraine published a recording of several phone calls where a man with a voice similar to Ponomariov’s discussed Rybak’s abduction and the need to get rid of the body.

    That’s terrible too. And whose is the other body?

    Seems to be his driver. Did you ever see dead people?

    No. Some harsh man didn’t let me in the morgue, saying it was closed.

    Listen, better film the amenities and landscapes of our city. And leave this mud for someone else. It will be better for you. It’s bad to try earning some financial dividends or fame on such cases. When you’re filming death, you became a participant in it. And when you’re making that death public – it’s even worse. It causes people to panic and that’s what our enemy needs. That is why I forbid everybody…

    OK, stop it. The next question is not about bodies, but about Ukraine’s presidential election, planned for May 25th.

    There won’t be any elections.

    In the Donbas region, or just in Sloviansk?

    Nowhere. Trust me. Nowhere.

    You won’t allow it or someone else won’t? Explain, please.

    We will take all necessary measures to ruin the elections in the southeast region.

    Where’s the border of these measures?

    We can take some prisoner and hang him by the balls. Literally.

    Oh my God, how scary are the things you’re talking about…

    No-no, trust me. I’m kind man, really kind. But sometimes my kindness is seen as a weakness, and this is a mistake. I love my children, my mom…

    Do you have children?

    I have a son, 26 years old. And I will be 49 on the second of May.

    And your wife?

    I’ve been officially divorced since 1995.


    It’s better for me to be alone. By the way, I haven’t only lived in Sloviansk. I last lived in Kyiv for 6 years. Left it three years ago.


    Mom was here alone.

    If it’s not a secret, what was your profession?

    In my youth, I got an education as a builder. Later, when my brother died… He was a member of the realtor union, had many estates in Kyiv, we had a good business center building project… But when he died, everything fell apart.

    I don’t think I can ask it…

    He was knocked down by a car. And after that everything was ruined. The construction market in Kyiv fell with the crisis. I got used to modest living and now I give what I earn to my mother and son. I don’t need much, because many things in my life come without money.

    “We hope Russia will hear us”

    I see the ribbon of Saint George on your jacket. What does it mean to you?

    It’s in memory of my grandfather, the war, our ancestors who gave their lives for our freedom. And because Russia is our ally in our struggle, we have also their flag and their symbols (shows the flag of Russian Federation on his table – Gazeta.Ru) – I’m not shy about it. Let them fear us!

    And what help do you get from Russia?

    Well, that’s good support. Moral support. We still haven’t gotten any barrel or coin from there, to be frank. Still using what we’ve got here, pulling in the help of local businessmen. It’s normal. We understand that war is this kind of business. Many businessmen volunteered to help. Tomorrow I probably will gather all the businessmen of Sloviansk who are eager to help. I already had a talk with bankers, particularly with bankers from Kramatorsk, whom I visited with Whip.

    You mean local Privatbank? (translator’s note: the owner of Privatbank strongly opposes the rebels)

    Yes. Privatbank from Kramatorsk.

    And what is “Whip?”

    The name of a pistol. That’s kind of a guys’ joke.

    In the press conference in Sloviansk you asked Putin to commit peacekeeping forces, to give you weapons and supplies. Now you’re talking about friendly relations and collaboration. What contacts are possible?

    If there will be contacts, there will be contacts. We’re hoping to be heard.

    “Donetsk Republic will use the ruble”

    How are you building coordination with other rebel cities of Donbas?

    It’s already built. It’s personal contacts, acquaintances, friendship, no papers or signings.

    Are there mayors, like you? Some key persons in each point?

    Why do you think all this started in Sloviansk? Because in all of Donetsk Oblast, among all the cities, Sloviansk was the best!

    What do you want to say to the people of Western Ukraine?

    (Long pause) Give up! (Laugh)

    What language will be the state language in Donetsk Republic?


    Without Ukrainian at all?

    Not a problem – some people will talk in it, sing their songs…

    Is Yanukovych still president?

    ***** him…

    What do you plan to do with people who are still loyal to Kyiv and consider themselves part of Ukraine?

    Let them stay, but…


    …let them keep a low profile and behave themselves quietly.

    What do you want to say to Obama, who says that the rebels obey Moscow’s orders?

    Hey, shut your mouth, Obama.

    What currency will be used in the DNR?

    Ruble. Russian ruble.

    Give your prognosis – the situation won’t be stable for long.

    Of course.

    So what will follow? What are the possible means of solving this conflict?

    We will live. Our executive committee is working. What’s the difference between Sloviansk and other towns? We don’t have to tell people what to do next. Everyone knows what to do. They feel it in their guts.

    So you’re thinking that the town can live in this state as long as necessary?

    I’m sorry, but haven’t two weeks already passed since the start of all this? Yes? I’m not counting days, they’re like one long movie for me. There were periods when I slept three hours in five days. I’m sitting in the meeting, they tell me “Don’t sleep!” and I tell them “I see you even with closed eyes.”

    What do you think about the data of some surveys that indicates that people of the Donbas region want to stay in Ukraine?

    Who? I’ve told you about Sloviansk – there are only 40 persons with such views. All the others are hired goons. (silent laugh)

    With which candidate in the Ukraine presidential elections would you like to speak?

    With no one.

    It’s hard for Russian journalists to get to Ukraine now. Do you plan some symmetrical response?

    Here you go – we have already seized one American. We need captives. We need a bargaining chip. Many of our comrades are jailed. They seize them, take them to Kyiv, torture them. We are doing the same. I mean taking them prisoner.

    So you still hold Simon Ostrovsky here? His parents, who called you on Tuesday during the press conference, shouldn’t be waiting for their son right now.

    Let them do what they want. We’re on our territory.

    [Editor's note: at the time of publication, Simon Ostrovsky has been freed.]

    Nelya Shtepa (official mayor of Sloviansk) is among the captives?

    There is a criminal charge against her, she’s accused of separatism. We decided to put her under protection to protect her from arrest. And because her house is situated far from town and we cannot keep our men there, it’s easier to keep her here. She has good conditions, shower, toilet, she is visited by her hairdresser and relatives, and she has warm clothes… Everything is normal.

    I don’t want to offend you but it seems you have combat experience: you lack two fingers on your left hand.

    That was just a violation of safety measures. There is no proof of my participation in any special operations.

    But you’ve said in a press conference that you took part in spec ops.

    Yes, in spec ops of different kinds. So what? There are no traces.

    There is not much information about you at all.

    Thank God!

    The last question: you’ve said what you want to tell Obama. But what do you want to say to Putin?

    Vladimir Vladimirovich, I’m grateful for your moral support. I can’t hear your words, but even at this distance I understand that your soul is with us. We shouldn’t speak long. We’ll manage everything.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #3 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #3

    Post  GarryB Fri Apr 25, 2014 12:22 am

    This explains the convoys of Russian troops just inside Russian territory...

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #3 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #3

    Post  mutantsushi Fri Apr 25, 2014 6:34 am

    Does anybody have more info on what is going in Odessa, Kharkiv, or indeed the rest of the Ukraine outside Donbass?

    I was interested in the news of the regional judges organization trying to organize a meeting at the local law school, stopped by RS thugs.
    (obviously the legal situation of junta and government organs following their orders is a relevant topic for them to address)

    RS thugs from Kiev have also been setting up roadblocks in Odessa, with police not doing much about it.

    They also invaded the prosecutors office and intimdated him, yelling and smashing stuff.

    Alot of these RS thugs are coming from Kiev, but even the junta's local collaborators are complaining,
    because their aggression is counterproductive in terms of legitimizing/normalizing the junta rule.

    Anybody familiar with that "Storm" "special forces" unit raised by the junta, I hadn't heard of it before...?
    I had heard of a new ~12k man force separate from National Guard also being raised, but I don't think it's the same.

    Apparently RS thugs have also taken over a city administration building in Galicia as well...

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #3 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #3

    Post  arpakola Fri Apr 25, 2014 7:09 am

    A Ukrainian soldier guards a roadblock along the highway on April 24, 2014 near Slovyansk, Ukraine. Today Ukrainian forces began to establish roadblocks around the cities of Slovansk and Donetsk, both strongholds of pro-Russian separatists in Eastern Ukraine. The Ukraine government claims 5 separatists were killed during skirmishes with the Ukrainian army in Slovyansk today

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #3 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #3

    Post  Vann7 Fri Apr 25, 2014 7:15 am

    There is a new video that reveals something very sinister and dark that im 100% sure US and its major allies hostiles to Russia ( like Poland ,lithuania ,Romania) are behind it.. that have been investing more than 5 billions US dolars to overthrow Yakunovych and sponsor Rusophobia in Ukraine.. The following Videos not only shows (in the end) how Kiev is financing locals in eastern Ukraine to help create an anti Russian militia made of civilians all the way to Lugansk.. but also how in schools kids are being teach to hate Russians and encourage the killing of them.  Shocked 

    I hope Russia is aware of such evil programs very deep ,and all the way into Ukraine education system.Just pages ago it was posted of US plans to fund schools in Crimea... and you bet their goals was also to promote nacism ,ultra nationalism and Rusophobia.

    Basically the idea of United States is to split Ukraine from Russia ,to made it impossible for them not only to have normal relations with them,but to manipulate the entire society into becoming extremely hostile to Russia. And use Ukrainians that they train to hate Russia as weapons against Russia. For such programs to be effective you need not only schools brainwashing and Rusophobia being learned there.. but also total control of the media in Ukraine. not allow Ukrainians to see any other media that is not specially designed to instigate hostility against Russia based on lies.
    Morpheus Eberhardt
    Morpheus Eberhardt

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #3 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #3

    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Fri Apr 25, 2014 9:11 am

    Russia may remember permission to use army if events turn bad in Ukraine’s southeast

    MOSCOW, April 25 /ITAR-TASS/. In case events take a bad turn in Ukraine’s southeast, Russia will remember the permission to use armed forces in Ukraine given by the Federation Council, the upper house of Russia’s parliament, to President Vladimir Putin, Russia’s ambassador to the United Nations, Vitaly Churkin, said Friday.

    Churkin emphasized that Russia is not seeking that scenario.

    “The key task now is to de-escalate the conflict,” he said.

    The Russian parliament’s upper house authorized the use of Russia’s armed forces in Ukraine “until the situation normalizes” in the country on March 1. Putin said a few days later that “so far, there is no need” to use the Russian armed forces in Ukraine.
    After a coup in Ukraine in February, new people were brought to power in the country amid riots. President Viktor Yanukovich had to leave Ukraine citing security concerns the same month.

    Crimea, where most residents are Russians, refused to recognize the legitimacy of the self-proclaimed Ukrainian leaders and reunified with Russia on March 18 after a referendum two days earlier in which it overwhelmingly voted to secede from Ukraine and join the Russian Federation.

    After Crimea’s incorporation by Russia, protests against the new Kiev authorities erupted in Ukraine’s Russian-speaking southeastern regions, with demonstrators seizing some government buildings and demanding referendums on the country’s federalization.

    Kiev is conducting an antiterrorism operation in Ukraine’s eastern regions. The operation is apparently designed to crush pro-federalization protests. Ukrainian officials said law enforcers and soldiers killed five protesters in a clash in the city of Slavyansk on Thursday.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #3 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #3

    Post  arpakola Fri Apr 25, 2014 9:41 am

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #3 - Page 23 TensionMountsEasternUkraineb59j1NFlycDx_zps4d188f33

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #3 - Page 23 TensionMountsEasternUkrainep4H1JVNxRpkx_zps3775aa1b

    After failing for second time to enter Slaviansk Ukrainian soldiers guard a roadblock along the highway on April 24, 2014 near Slovyansk, Ukraine. Today Ukrainian forces began to establish roadblocks around the cities of Slovansk and Donetsk, both strongholds of pro-Russian separatists in Eastern Ukraine. The Ukraine government claims 5 separatists were killed during skirmishes with the Ukrainian army in Slovyansk today
    The Situation in the Ukraine. #3 - Page 23 14118_main


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    Post  arpakola Fri Apr 25, 2014 10:14 am

    Bombing attack at Ukranian (right sector?)  check point near Oddessa the highway to Pernestrovia

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #3 - Page 23 1398403618-8280-blok-post-timerodua
    The Situation in the Ukraine. #3 - Page 23 1398403635-1242-blok-post-timerodua

    Russia's Foreign minister Sergey Lavrov has lashed out at US Secretary of State John Kerry over his 'prosecutorial' remarks about RT.

    The US in the face of John Kerry accuses us of switching on as they branded ‘Putin’s propaganda machine called RT,’” said Lavrov during the press conference.

    “Well, It’s not civilized to call the media like that,” he said, adding that RT may represent strong competition for America’s CNN and other Western media. According to Lavrov, Western media outlets were confident that they had a complete media monopoly and that there wouldn’t be any competition for them elsewhere in the world.
    However, RT news channel has gathered a large audience among US and European viewers, let alone in Latin America and the Arab World, he added. According to Lavrov, Russia will actively support these independent views of RT, which are an alternative to what Western propaganda tells the world. During a press conference with the State Department on Thursday, Secretary of State John Kerry rounded on RT, lashing out at its Ukraine coverage.
    “The propaganda bullhorn that is the state-sponsored RT program has been deployed to promote – actually, RT network – has been deployed to promote President Putin’s fantasy about what is playing out on the ground,” Kerry said.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #3 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #3

    Post  Cyberspec Fri Apr 25, 2014 12:11 pm

    Sounds like they're pretty frustrated judging by their verbal personal attacks  Smile 


    Second stage of operation announced by the Kiev hunta...a convoy of buses has been spotted near Slavyansk. Apparently they plan to surround the town



    A helicopter has crashed or been shot down (depending on which sources you believe)  at Kramatorsk airfield

    Series of explosions rock Kramatorsk airfield in eastern Ukraine

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #3 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #3

    Post  arpakola Fri Apr 25, 2014 12:15 pm

    Ukranian ΜΙ-8 leld - downed near Kromotorsk air field

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #3 - Page 23 A28cb0e-1.jpg.pagespeed.ce.2IQhWnm0a3

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    Post  Cyberspec Fri Apr 25, 2014 12:41 pm

    It was probably an accident.

    But the Ukr. are saying a sniper shot at the fuel tank and later shot the pilot.

    The mysterious sniper was seen lurking close by... Cool 

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #3 - Page 23 Th_422098976_Put_Sniper_122_571lo

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    Post  arpakola Fri Apr 25, 2014 1:00 pm

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #3 - Page 23 1395126


    [quote]В знак протеста против убийства мирных жителей Славянска народный губернатор Донецкой области Павел Губарев, находящийся в киевском СИЗО, объявил голодовку. Его адвокат Александр Грошнинский в эфире LifeNews озвучил позицию своего подзащитного и рассказал о состоянии его здоровья.

    released,, and deported?

    Last edited by arpakola on Fri Apr 25, 2014 3:38 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #3 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #3

    Post  arpakola Fri Apr 25, 2014 1:21 pm

    В окрестностях Славянска украинские #ВС снова разбросали агитационные листовки

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #3 - Page 23 10170798_738446946177334_2748548411538510449_n

    a litle bit of history

    Signature of the Trilateral Contract
    from left to right:
    Mrs Levkivska, Director General of the State Enterprise Ukroboronleasing, Ukraine
    Mr Petrenko, Director of the State Enterprise Ukroboronservice, Ukraine
    Mr Pliatsuk, Deputy Minister of Defence of Ukraine
    Dr Tudes, NAMSA General Services Programme Manager
    Dr Lytvynchuk, NAMSA Project Supervisor in Ukraine
    Mr Pavlov, Political Specialist, US Embassy in Ukraine
    Mr Vaughan, Second Secretary, US Embassy in Ukraine
    The Situation in the Ukraine. #3 - Page 23 1255blog1340378351
    On 18 April 2012, contracts were signed for the demilitarization of conventional ammunition and Small Arms and Light Weapons (SALW) in the framework of Phase II of the NATO Trust Fund project in Ukraine.
    The ceremony marking the operational start of the project was attended by representatives of Ukraine, the United States (lead nation), NAMSA (executing agent), the contractors and a large delegation from the Ukrainian media.

    Phase II objectives are to destroy 366,000 SALW and 76,000 tonnes of conventional ammunition, including three million PfM anti-personnel landmines.

    In addition to the lead nation (United States), four countries (Germany, Ireland, Switzerland and Turkey) have so far contributed to Phase II. The NATO Maintenance and Supply Agency (NAMSA) will act as executing agent and will implement the project, worth an estimated 25 million euros, over the next three and a half years.

    In total, five Ukrainian State Enterprises will be involved in implementing Phase II of the project: Ukroboronleasing, Ukroboronservice (UOS-DM demilitarization centre), the Shostka State Research Institute for Chemical Products, the Donetsk Governmental Plant for Chemical Products and the "Pavlograd Chemical Plant" research-industrial complex.
    The entire project aims to destroy 133 000 tonnes of ammunition and 1.5 million SALW in four phases.


    Ukraine Sold SAM S-300 Upgraded Radar to Pentagon   -
    24.11.2008 10:55Yuri Veselov
    The Situation in the Ukraine. #3 - Page 23 3q1227513727
    Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces V.Yuschenko made a new curtsy to Washington to confirm once again his adherence to “the Western democratic ideals” and keen interest of Kiev in NATO membership. According to daily Commersant-Ukraine, recently the Pentagon purchased one radar station 36D6M manufactured by Federal Budget-Supported Enterprise Scientific Production Corporation ISKRA in Zaporozhye.

    Information about this deal was received by the newspaper from a source close to State-Owned Company UkrSpetsExport, which General Director Sergey Bondarchuk refrained from any comment and recommended to the daily to send an official inquiry, an answer to which is still pending. Anatoli Kinah (MP, Party of Regions), Member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee for National Security and Defense, sees nothing criminal in possible supply of this radar station to the Pentagon. “Provided it (supply) complies with the national legislation and international law”, he said to Commersant-Ukraine. “If it is so, it means that our military industry is at its best, Ukraine reasonably occupies its high position in the arms market”.

    It is natural, that the deal between UkrSpetsExport and Pentagon could not be effected without personal clearance to it by President V.Yuschenko, because any voluntary transfer of top secret data or arms to any other country may be approved only at the consent or by direct instruction of the head of state. The similar situation took place also with the supply of SAM Osa and Buk hastily removed from the combat duty in the Ukrainian Air Defense Troops on the eve on the war against South Ossetia unleashed by M. Saakashvili. Today all Ukrainian politicians and militaries involved in those deals make do their best to hamper in investigation of the facts and prevent a scandal, which may lead to further escalation of relations with Russia.

    Radar station 36D6M (Tin Shield according to the NATO Code) is a mobile three-dimensional air surveillance radar used in up-to-date computerized air defense control systems and air-defense missile systems to detect low-flying targets protected with active, passive and combined jamming. The radar station performs primary surveillance, identifies nationality, automatically tracks the target, transmits target designation signals to the air-defense missile system command and control center, and in need operates as an independent control center. An instrumented range is 360 km.

    Currently these radar stations are in arsenals of such NATO member-states as Bulgaria, Hungary, Greece and Slovakia. It is noteworthy that radar station 36D6M is a Ukrainian version of a standard surveillance radar of SAM System S-300 supplied earlier by the USSR by the Warsaw Treaty countries.

    The Commersant-Ukraine assumes that the purchase of this radar station by the USA is made to examine in detail all specifications and combat capabilities of SAM System S-300 in view of probable provision of these systems to the Iranian Air Defense. In summer 2008 The Jerusalem Post reported with reference to Croatian Internet Site Necenzurirano that Croatia has already sold several Soviet-made SAM Systems S-300 after the collapse of Yugoslavia. Military experts and developers of new weapon systems in Israel recognize that this radar station is one of the best worldwide.

    Simultaneously it is necessary to take into account the fact that this systems is still in the arsenal of the Russian Air Defense Troops. It is also true that certain elements of S-300 were sold to the Pentagon by B.Yeltsin in the 90s thereafter the same deal was performed between Byelorussia and the USA. Thus, today the Pentagon has all components of SAM System S-300 including its hardware and weapon that enables the United States to develop hardware to protect its aircraft against this SAM. Naturally it will be done under the specious pretext of countering the threat posed by Iran, which leaders by the way repeatedly claimed that this SAM system is not available in the Iranian Army and IRGC.  

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    Post  arpakola Fri Apr 25, 2014 3:36 pm

    the psychological war machine of NATO   works allright..
    The Situation in the Ukraine. #3 - Page 23 5358cdd30bf67

    Border crossing between Ukraine and Russia(Crimea).

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    Post  Vann7 Fri Apr 25, 2014 5:15 pm

    .the Pro Russian denfenses fight have to be done in a way that will not turn world opinion against them. Burning buildings is not good or ,neither killing civilians or kidnapping journalist and not releasing them even if they spies.
    With spies they need to interrupt their free movement.. just temporary detentions and not allow them to enter inside any building or see defense positions. They need to get rid of the few helicopters and jets Ukraine have deployed in the east.while they are stationed. Either sabotage by bribing the soldiers in charge of their protection or with kornets missiles. If they shut down the planes in the air and people die ,it will help in the propaganda of kiev that they fighting terrorist. IF local defenses forces can hold for a full week ,it will allow Russia time for infiltrating hundreds of special forces inside. A simple toy suicide drone filled with very flammable liquid that fly over an airbase at nigh base and explode above the plane will be enough to disable the plane. Many things Russia could do to make it look like local defenses job.  Very Happy

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    Post  arpakola Fri Apr 25, 2014 5:45 pm

    have a look for the proposed by the EU electrical grid and you can easuly see that the East is out any investment and fund from EU perspective
    The division was arleady planed ?? or at least the discrimination against the east is more then obvious

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #3 - Page 23 UATLmap

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #3 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #3

    Post  AlfaT8 Fri Apr 25, 2014 7:37 pm

    Ooh god, been watching BBC and CNN, these guys make me so angry that it makes me want to head to E.Ukraine myself Kalashnikov in hand, uugh. Mad 

    Apparently, the BBC reporter was in some eastern town where something happened, people getting taken away by police and the reporter ask the nearby babushka crying around the police car, what happened and she replied something about the people in Kiev all being fascist, and then the reporter says she been in Kiev for a while and haven't seen any fascist even once.  Shocked Shocked Shocked 

    In the case of CNN, whining about propaganda, when they showed a tape of some guy teaching a kid how his gun worked, and apparently the next rounds of sanctions are "ready to go" like Russia should be scared or something, honestly speaking i don't believe Russia is scared of a president that couldn't even deliver proper health care reforms in his own country among other thing.  Rolling Eyes

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    Post  Vann7 Fri Apr 25, 2014 8:06 pm

    arpakola wrote:
    have a look for the proposed by the EU electrical grid and you can easuly see that the East is out any investment and fund from EU perspective
    The division was arleady planed ?? or at least the discrimination against the east is more then obvious

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #3 - Page 23 UATLmap

    Nice catching..
    While the Crimea thing could be understood.. (depending when the visuals were made)
    Looks pretty much ,the aim of the US/EU.. is to have Russia pay for the electricity bills (and will not be surprised
    of water too) of all eastern regions of ukraine ,while the eastern regions remain under control of Ukraine control paying taxes to them. why? because under such situation ,Russia will be forced to build a power grid with their money to cover the eastern regions. So like i said before US only goals in Ukraine is use them as a weapon to weaken significatively the Russian Economy ,but also their world image..and as a bonus have NATO military bases
    at the border or Russia.  So everything is 100% done with the aim of weakening Russian economy. Is a full scale economic War ,but that also that seeks to isolate Russia in the world and surround them with military bases. NATO fully knows Ukraine stand not a chance to fight Russia ,still forcing them to invade will damage Russia economy and create unrest in their own country. It also will scare potential western investors in RUssia economy.. Wars and business dont mix. And the Jackpot will be to have Millions and millions of Russian refugees leaving Ukraine to Russia (Reason why Kiev allow neonazis to have arms and travel to the east to attack russians..their goal is to terrorize Russians and force them to flee to Russia as refugees), because that will force Russia to carry all of them with their economy. Fortunately for Russia they can move their business to Asia ,and retaliate US and Europe economies too by stopping buying from them and by refusing to accept the dollar and moving to the Yuan or the gold standar that will be a major Blow for US economy.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #3 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #3

    Post  etaepsilonk Fri Apr 25, 2014 8:42 pm

    Some time ago Luhansk people's republic announced the creation of the "official army". Does anyone know what's the status of them as of now?

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