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    Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread


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    Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread

    Post  Intrigado Mon May 05, 2014 10:00 pm

    flamming_python wrote:
    Intrigado wrote:
    mack8 wrote:Yes, i am romanian.

    Is that so? Check quiz: Care sunt cele mai cunoscute versuri din "Doina" lui Eminescu?

    Now, if you are a spineless servile coward, which is very likely, considering that only a spineless bloody coward would perpetrate a smear campaign against a nation, do have a bit of decency and do not present your own shortcomings as being common to the Romanian people. You have no right to slander my people so, next time you feel the need to vent out some frustrations, do find a more dignified manner to do so. Is that understood or should I use simpler words?

    As for the Republic of Moldova, do let them choose for themselves the organization they want to join. Free choice, is that such a foreign concept to you?
    P.S. Sukhoi akhbar...yeah right "falling backwards with laughter" No, meri de-aici....

    He's basically just said the same as what you said in one of your other posts, that Romania is not a sovereign nation or at least not a completely sovereign nation and no-one there is going to reject the US/EU/IMF/etc... and their conditions, troop movements, orders for reforms, etc... the country is ruled by Basescu, he has the EU's interests at mind and sometimes makes some noise about Moldova/Hungary/whatever, and of course playing up the Russian threat in order to deflect just how much little voice Romania actually has in Western structures and the poor state of its economy despite having been part of the EU for a decade.

    Romania would be better served by someone like Orban, it goes w/o saying that Romania won't go far without the EU and Western money, investment, but at least - it can distance itself as far as much politically and reap some of the benefits from China and Russia, while at the same time not cutting its links with the EU and NATO. If Romania mends links with Russia than that will help solve the Transdniestrian issue, and from there - it might be possible to jointly develop Moldova or whatever on the basis of mutual-trust and soveriegnty, avoiding Russian paranoia about NATO/EU trying to expand into Moldova.

    Quite true. But it's one thing to speak about the poor state in which Romania has been brought by a corrupted, imbecile and traitorous political class and another thing altogether to blame the entire people for that. I'm not going to allow that to anyone. As for EU and US, I must say they worked wonders in curing the Romanian people of Russophobia and would deserve to be awarded for that. The crushing hypocrisy displayed by the EU and US when we tried to oust that bloody wrinklebag who calls himself the President of Romania, only that, instead of grabbing pitchforks as the "peaceful" protesters of Kiev did, we went to vote, has aroused an immense amount of anger against both EU and US. It's simmering just below the surface and one day it's going to explode in their faces. I can't wait for that to happen.  Twisted Evil 

    Viktor Orban is playing a dangerous game. He's not subtle enough to do that successfully, in my opinion, and I think Hungary might get off worse for wear due to his playing with fire. Unfortunately, we were about to start mending our relations with Russia when all this mess happened. The PM was preparing to visit Russia this year and genuinely start a real dialogue, once we got clear that the West would like to have our resources and our doctors but our Gypsies are much less likeable. This mess caught us mid-step. Now all kind of idiots started again the old mantra: Bessarabia, northern Bukovina, the gold treasury, 1812, 1940, communism, Russian imperialism...Everything went sideways and the absolute most miserable outcome of this is that the US has exponentially increased the pressure they had put on our politicians. People are outraged to see every kind of US envoy - Nuland and others coming here and ordering about the Parliament and the Government. Not even when Romania was occupied by the Red Army were such things happening. No one dares to do anything simply because the US got control over the judiciary and anyone who's not pro-American enough is labeled as "corrupted oligarch" and eventually sent to jail. If anyone attempts to limit the prosecutors' powers, both Bruxelles and Washington start to scream blue murder. They're doing this to us whereas the Ukrainian Parliament amended on the spot the Penal Code only to free Timoshenko, a convicted criminal!
    I'm telling you, Russia would never be able to be as hypocritical and twisted as those ones!

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    Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread

    Post  flamming_python Mon May 05, 2014 10:31 pm

    Haha, take that Kiev!

    Kishinev, Moldova - 5th May

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    Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread

    Post  mack8 Mon May 05, 2014 10:38 pm

    Intrigado wrote:
    mack8 wrote:Yes, i am romanian.

    Is that so? Check quiz: Care sunt cele mai cunoscute versuri din "Doina" lui Eminescu?

    Now, if you are a spineless servile coward, which is very likely, considering that only a spineless bloody coward would perpetrate a smear campaign against a nation, do have a bit of decency and do not present your own shortcomings as being common to the Romanian people. You have no right to slander my people so, next time you feel the need to vent out some frustrations, do find a more dignified manner to do so. Is that understood or should I use simpler words?

    As for the Republic of Moldova, do let them choose for themselves the organization they want to join. Free choice, is that such a foreign concept to you?
    P.S. Sukhoi akhbar...yeah right "falling backwards with laughter" No, meri de-aici....

    Habar n-am. Si daca nu stiu ce?

    To be honest, didn't wanted to give you any attention, i thought  you were  (though you still might be, i dunno) one of these  russophobe so called "patriots" who jump up and down of joy when the yanks are bringing more troops into your (and MINE too!) country. Funny thing is i got banned from a romanian blog for saying pretty much the same thing as above...truth hurts badly i guess. Whatever, if it make you happy i'll say this: ALL of those who obediently trod along with the other millions of  sheep, all those who lick the boots of the americans, all these hysterical russophobes or xenophobes or racists or homophobes who fill our "lovely" country, all the despicable mobsters and rotten politicians, all these are included in what i said above. Those who are not part of this "illustrious" group, obviously, are not included (but by god they're so few one can have a better chance to find a needle in a haystack!). Unfortunately, the overall image and character of a country is given by the acts and actions of a majority, even if a part does not follow that direction. It's like putting a drop of white in a jar of black, what colour will the jar be once you stir it? Still pretty much black no?  Happy now domnu'  (poate) maramuresean?

    Now since you seem to have this sudden rush of "patriotism", let me explain to you how pathetic and narrow minded is what you just said about EU. It is peoples with this rotten mentality who causes the weak EU we have today and who willingly or not serve those who want a weak EU and want ALL of us european countries as mere vassals to their interests. We are 400 million peoples in a stretch of land  half as SMALL as Russia, and you say we will and should never be united?! On the contrary, this is our future and our hope, and we have far more in common that all these detractors like to believe. This is not the 1940s anymore. Pathetic "patriotism" and ultrantionalism (and also this cancerigen religious crap) is the enemy of european unity (obviously stirred relentlessly from the outside), pitting brits against french or germans, romanians against bulgarians or hungarians and so on. Oh sure, we all have our own national identities and specifics, that should obviously never be stinted, it is what makes us who we are across history, but our future is TOGETHER as a FAMILY. French, british, romanians, moldavians, hungarians, greeks, italians, our future is TOGETHER, we should not hate, deride, discriminate  each other but work TOGETHER as a family for our home, Europe. But i guess this thought of how much we can achieve together, how strong and INDEPENDENT we would be is too scary for some laughable elements caught in a pathetic middle age mentality.

    Oh and no i'm not omitting the russians, obviously the united EU i'm talking and Russia should have only the most cordial and mutually beneficial relations, and in future edging even closer into an euro-asian, and eventually world united entity. THIS is our only hope for the future, white, black, pink, green, yellow or whatever colour our skins are. I hope we will manage to get there and not end wiping each other out.

    As it is now, we are a LOOONG way from that, and right now the main obstacle towards that path is the US neo-empire and the interests serving them, in whatever country they are. They are our enemy, and humanity's enemies now.

    Anyway, i got myself carried away here, apologies for that.

    P.S. Sukhoi akhbar...yeah right "falling backwards with laughter" No, meri de-aici....

    Excuse me? Do you  know where is that "inspired" from? Hint: Motor-Sich.

    Last edited by mack8 on Mon May 05, 2014 10:47 pm; edited 3 times in total

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    Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread

    Post  Intrigado Mon May 05, 2014 10:44 pm

    By the way, last week Victoria Nuland's second in command was here and said that the fight against corruption must be intensified. Guess what the press wrote the following day? No less that Romania has asked the US to place Patriot missiles in the Black Sea region! I really hope this to be another media hoax. Today we heard that NATO is going to start military exercises in southern Bukovina, meaning at the Ukrainian southwestern border. Nobody understands why the training should be conducted there as the US bases are placed near the port of Constanta but people are beginning to be increasingly nervous.

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    Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread

    Post  Intrigado Mon May 05, 2014 11:05 pm

    mack8 wrote:
    Intrigado wrote:
    mack8 wrote:Yes, i am romanian.

    Is that so? Check quiz: Care sunt cele mai cunoscute versuri din "Doina" lui Eminescu?

    Now, if you are a spineless servile coward, which is very likely, considering that only a spineless bloody coward would perpetrate a smear campaign against a nation, do have a bit of decency and do not present your own shortcomings as being common to the Romanian people. You have no right to slander my people so, next time you feel the need to vent out some frustrations, do find a more dignified manner to do so. Is that understood or should I use simpler words?

    As for the Republic of Moldova, do let them choose for themselves the organization they want to join. Free choice, is that such a foreign concept to you?
    P.S. Sukhoi akhbar...yeah right "falling backwards with laughter" No, meri de-aici....

    Habar n-am. Si daca nu stiu ce?

    To be honest, didn't wanted to give you any attention, i thought  you were  (though you still might be, i dunno) one of these  russophobe so called "patriots" who jump up and down of joy when the yanks are bringing more troops into your (and MINE too!) country. Funny thing is i got banned from a romanian blog for saying pretty much the same thing as above...truth hurts badly i guess. Whatever, if it make you happy i'll say this: ALL of those who obediently trod along with the other millions of  sheep, all those who lick the boots of the americans, all these hysterical russophobes or xenophobes or racists or homophobes who fill our "lovely" country, all the despicable mobsters and rotten politicians, all these are included in what i said above. Those who are not part of this "illustrious" group, obviously, are not included (but by god they're so few one can have a better chance to find a needle in a haystack!). Unfortunately, the overall image and character of a country is given by the acts and actions of a majority, even if a part does not follow that direction. It's like putting a drop of white in a jar of black, what colour will the jar be once you stir it? Still pretty much black no?  Happy now domnu'  (poate) maramuresean?

    Now since you seem to have this sudden rush of "patriotism", let me explain to you how pathetic and narrow minded is what you just said about EU. It is peoples with this rotten mentality who causes the weak EU we have today and who willingly or not serve those who want a weak EU and want ALL of us european countries as mere vassals to their interests. We are 400 million peoples in a stretch of land  half as SMALL as Russia, and you say we will and should never be united?! On the contrary, this is our future and our hope, and we have far more in common that all these detractors like to believe. This is not the 1940s anymore. Pathetic "patriotism" and ultrantionalism (and also this cancerigen religious crap) is the enemy of european unity (obviously stirred relentlessly from the outside), pitting brits against french or germans, romanians against bulgarians or hungarians and so on. Oh sure, we all have our own national identities and specifics, that should obviously never be stinted, it is what makes us who we are across history, but our future is TOGETHER as a FAMILY. French, british, romanians, moldavians, hungarians, greeks, italians, our future is TOGETHER, we should not hate, deride, discriminate  each other but work TOGETHER as a family for our home, Europe. But i guess this thought of how much we can achieve together, how strong and INDEPENDENT we would be is too scary for some laughable elements caught in a pathetic middle age mentality.

    Oh and no i'm not omitting the russians, obviously the united EU i'm talking and Russia should have only the most cordial and mutually beneficial relations, and in future edging even closer into an euro-asian, and eventually world united entity. THIS is our only hope for the future, white, black, pink, green, yellow or whatever colour our skins are. I hope we will manage to get there and not end wiping each other out.

    As it is now, we are a LOOONG way from that, and right now the main obstacle towards that path is the US neo-empire and the interests serving them, in whatever country they are. They are our enemy, and humanity's enemies now.

    Anyway, i got myself carried away here, apologies for that.

    I wasn't keen to give you much attention, either. However, you don't get to calumniate MY people and get away with this, just like that. If you don't like living here, you simply leave the country and go to live abroad, if you don't like the people for whatever reasons you may have, feel free to give up Romanian citizenship. But to go on badmouthing an entire nation only because you feel like it is downright vile. I won't stand for this and if you want a catfight over MY country and MY people, you're going to get it. Nu permit nimanui sa arunce si bebelusul odata cu apa din copaie si consider ca am spus tot cu asta. I have a pretty good idea about the forum you were banned from and I've to say that there's an acute lack of working braincells. "We'll take Budjak!", huh?

    As for the EU...for fuck's sake. Do you think that the German imperialism was invented by Hitler? Do you believe that those who ruled until not so long ago huge colonial empires are ready to brotherly embrace their poor Eastern relatives? If so, when do you foresee this happening? After another millennium, perhaps?

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    Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread

    Post  mack8 Mon May 05, 2014 11:16 pm

    Yes well looks like i was indeed wrong about you. Sorry, but as long as i at least still have romanian citizenship, i can "calumniate" the bad and despicable traits that i've seen and experienced first hand over there all i want. The pathetic "patriot" crap doesn't fly with me. Just ignore my posts or whatever. If you want to remain anchored in the derisory middle age mentality i mentioned, and not get your head out of the sand and even dare to look at the future and think how to make it a BETTER future, suit yourself. Oh and have no idea what forum you're talking about, i've never said that (the heck is Budjak anyway?).

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    Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread

    Post  flamming_python Tue May 06, 2014 2:49 am

    Transdniestr, 5th May

    Khatyn - Odessa, we mourn..
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    Eternal memory of the fallen of Odessa, Kramatorsk & Slavyansk
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    Eternal memory of the fallen of Odessa
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    * = Pridnestrovian Moldovan Republic

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    Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread

    Post  George1 Mon Aug 04, 2014 11:11 pm

    Moscow Slams Moldova's Attempts to Push Russian Peacekeepers from Transnistria

    MOSCOW, August 4 (RIA Novosti) - Moscow considers attempts by Moldova's authorities to interfere with the work of the Russian peacekeeping mission in the self-proclaimed republic of Transnistria as "an unfriendly move" that could escalate tensions in the region, the Foreign Ministry said on Monday.

    The ministry said in a statement that Chisinau had recently resumed a propaganda campaig, aimed at forcing the withdrawal of Russian peacekeepers from the region as well as at changing the status of the current trilateral peacekeeping mission, operating in the region under an international mandate.

    “Any actions, aimed at destabilizing the situation in the region, attempts to push the Russian peacekeeping contingent, operating in the region under the auspices of the Joint Control Commission, from Transnistria, will be considered by Russia as unfriendly acts undermining the foundations of the peacekeeping operation…,” the statement said.

    In 1990, the breakaway republic of Transnistria, with a predominantly Russian and Ukrainian population, declared its independence from Moldova in a move, which led to armed hostilities in 1992. Moldova tried to resolve the conflict with the use of military force, but lost all control and influence over the region.

    After the end of violence, the presidents of Russia and Moldova in the presence of Transnistria’s representatives signed an agreement on the Principles of a Peaceful Settlement of the Armed Conflict in the Transnistrian Region of the Republic of Moldova. The deal paved the way for the establishment of a tripartite peacekeeping force. Currently 402 Russian, 492 Transnistrian and 355 Moldovan servicemen, as well as 10 Ukrainian military observers are keeping peace in the conflict zone.

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    Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread

    Post  George1 Tue Aug 12, 2014 11:42 pm

    Transdniestria ready to repel any armed aggression

    TIRASPOL, August 12, 0:42 /ITAR-TASS/. Transdniestria, a breakaway region of Moldova, is ready to repel any armed aggression, the unrecognised republic’s leader Yevgeny Shevchuk said on Monday.

    “Transdniestria’s security forces are ready to repel any armed aggression,” he said and noted “increased information pressure” on the republic, which, in his opinion, is whipping up tensions among people.

    Shevchuk also said that all government agencies were working as usual and the republic was “not preparing to attack its neighbours”.

    Kiev officials earlier accused Transdniestria of preparing subversive groups and conducting reconnaissance in Ukraine.

    In late July, Ukraine’s border guard service started digging a 3.5-m deep moat along the 450-km stretch of the border with Transdniestria to prevent possible invasion and smuggling.

    Transdniestria’s security forces said they had intelligence reports indicating that armed provocations on the border with Ukraine were being prepared. The sides also accused each other of shooting in the border-lying regions.

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    Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread

    Post  T055 Wed Aug 20, 2014 11:39 pm

    George1 wrote:Transdniestria ready to repel any armed aggression

    Transdniestria’s security forces said they had intelligence reports indicating that armed provocations on the border with Ukraine were being prepared. The sides also accused each other of shooting in the border-lying regions.

    This is the area Kiev Junta is going to attack after Donbass has been finished of in total ruin. If not Tiraspol, then Gagauz/Comrat is going down, the hard way.

    Regarding Gagauz, as far as I know, there are no Russian forces there. Or any other self-defense forces there. So if not Tiraspol is going down, then the city of Comrat for sure.


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    Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread

    Post  GustavoHF Thu Aug 21, 2014 12:37 am

    T055 wrote:
    George1 wrote:Transdniestria ready to repel any armed aggression

    Transdniestria’s security forces said they had intelligence reports indicating that armed provocations on the border with Ukraine were being prepared. The sides also accused each other of shooting in the border-lying regions.

    This is the area Kiev Junta is going to attack after Donbass has been finished of in total ruin. If not Tiraspol, then Gagauz/Comrat is going down, the hard way.

    Regarding Gagauz, as far as I know, there are no Russian forces there. Or any other self-defense forces there. So if not Tiraspol is going down, then the city of Comrat for sure.

    Well, that´s a possibility, but in this case I think that the Kiev Junta will give Putin the motivation to act not only in Donbass, but in all the southeast region of Ukraine, including a naval strike in Odessa. And it would be very hard to explain an attack to a country like Moldova that is also a member of the Eastern Partnership. In this case, I think that Ukraine would only acelerate the desintegration of the country.
    Mike E
    Mike E

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    Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread

    Post  Mike E Thu Aug 21, 2014 12:51 am

    GustavoHF wrote:
    T055 wrote:
    George1 wrote:Transdniestria ready to repel any armed aggression

    Transdniestria’s security forces said they had intelligence reports indicating that armed provocations on the border with Ukraine were being prepared. The sides also accused each other of shooting in the border-lying regions.

    This is the area Kiev Junta is going to attack after Donbass has been finished of in total ruin. If not Tiraspol, then Gagauz/Comrat is going down, the hard way.

    Regarding Gagauz, as far as I know, there are no Russian forces there. Or any other self-defense forces there. So if not Tiraspol is going down, then the city of Comrat for sure.

    Well, that´s a possibility, but in this case I think that the Kiev Junta will give Putin the motivation to act not only in Donbass, but in all the southeast region of Ukraine, including a naval strike in Odessa. And it would be very hard to explain an attack to a country like Moldova that is also a member of the Eastern Partnership. In this case, I think that Ukraine would only acelerate the desintegration of the country.


    I doubt Ukraine would even think of invading Transdniestria... For a couple of reasons;

    A) Makes Kiev look even worse, which would screw up their relationship with the West. - It has already been shaken, but this could break it completely.

    B) They are "struggling" in the east of Ukraine already, they probably couldn't wage two battles at one time.

    C) If they invaded, chances are that Moldova would respond military, along with Transdniestria. Moldova has a decently military force, and could push Ukraine back into their own territory. Moldova is also somewhat an ally to Russia, so Russia themselves could send support.

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    Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread

    Post  GustavoHF Thu Aug 21, 2014 3:58 pm

    Mike E wrote:
    GustavoHF wrote:
    T055 wrote:
    George1 wrote:Transdniestria ready to repel any armed aggression

    Transdniestria’s security forces said they had intelligence reports indicating that armed provocations on the border with Ukraine were being prepared. The sides also accused each other of shooting in the border-lying regions.

    This is the area Kiev Junta is going to attack after Donbass has been finished of in total ruin. If not Tiraspol, then Gagauz/Comrat is going down, the hard way.

    Regarding Gagauz, as far as I know, there are no Russian forces there. Or any other self-defense forces there. So if not Tiraspol is going down, then the city of Comrat for sure.

    Well, that´s a possibility, but in this case I think that the Kiev Junta will give Putin the motivation to act not only in Donbass, but in all the southeast region of Ukraine, including a naval strike in Odessa. And it would be very hard to explain an attack to a country like Moldova that is also a member of the Eastern Partnership. In this case, I think that Ukraine would only acelerate the desintegration of the country.


    I doubt Ukraine would even think of invading Transdniestria... For a couple of reasons;

    A) Makes Kiev look even worse, which would screw up their relationship with the West. - It has already been shaken, but this could break it completely.

    B) They are "struggling" in the east of Ukraine already, they probably couldn't wage two battles at one time.

    C) If they invaded, chances are that Moldova would respond military, along with Transdniestria. Moldova has a decently military force, and could push Ukraine back into their own territory. Moldova is also somewhat an ally to Russia, so Russia themselves could send support.

    Yes, I agree with you. And if the Kiev Junta decides to invade Transdniestria, we would have a situation where Russian troops were involved directly in the conflit. So Putin wouldn´t have another choice but to march into Ukraine.
    Mike E
    Mike E

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    Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread

    Post  Mike E Thu Aug 21, 2014 7:07 pm

    Another thing to think about is what Ukraine would even gain from the land of Transnistria... There really isn't a whole lot there!

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    Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread

    Post  flamming_python Thu Aug 21, 2014 8:07 pm

    Moldova is certainly not an ally of Russia and if Kiev were to invade Pridnestrovie - it won't fight against Kiev, it will fight with it as they'd share the exact same allegiances and goals - getting rid of the pro-Russian client state between them.
    Moldova has a pro-EU government right now (albeit a legitimate, elected one which seems to be a rare thing, compared to the amount of 'democractic' governments that were installed by undemocratic revolutions in the ex-USSR), and is very much following Brussels in terms of foreign policy - Merkel's visit there last year was a keystone event.

    As has been mentioned by articles posted in in this very thread, Moldova is in fact stepping up its antagonism towards Russia, which it has so far tread very lightly around despite its pro-EU government. But the extent of this isn't known, it may be that a elephant is being blown out of a fly so to speak. But certainly - they are vocally unenthusiastic about the Russian peacekeeper contingent and have been for quite some time.
    They are also worried about the extremely pro-Russian sentiments in Gagauzia and a few other places in the country, according to kalerab over @ in any case - they've passed a law against seperatism directly aimed at the Gagauzians and have stepped up their security services' activities in the area.

    But I doubt they're going to do anything against Pridnestrovie; Russian peacekeepers and all that - no matter how of a good opportunity it may seem to try and take back Pridnestrovie now; there's no such thing as a 'good opportunity' when it comes to attacking Russian forces - it's pretty much guaranteed to end in pain. And given that the Moldovan government has been pretty rational and has learnt from the mistakes of Saaka, Yushchenko & co. when it comes to cutting-away from the Russian sphere of influence, I doubt they'd go for such a brash move.

    Kiev won't either and not only because of the Russian peacekeepers. It will certainly blockade Pridnestrovie, but it can't spare the forces for any attack whatsoever; no matter how unimpressive the Pridnestrovian military might be - they are dug-in and defending, while Kiev with its less than impressive military capabilities would need to muster 3x the troops of the defenders to stand a decent chance of a successful operation. But every soldier it would send there is one less for the Donbass - where the threat is far more immediate and closer.

    In light of all this, Pridnestrovie's call for mobilization yesterday comes as a bit of a mystery. Is it a display for domestic morale or for potential aggressors? Or what are they expecting exactly? Some action in Gagauzia? Or perhaps...

    Yes, I agree with you. And if the Kiev Junta decides to invade Transdniestria, we would have a situation where Russian troops were involved directly in the conflit. So Putin wouldn´t have another choice but to march into Ukraine.

    Yep this is a potential worry - that Kiev could actually be so suicidal as to seal the doom of its entire armed forces in return for showing Putin as the 'aggressor'. But that would be a stupid idea even by their standards, Western media weren't able to cover up the attack on Russian peacekeepers back in 2008 as the real reason for the outbreak of war, and they won't be able to do so now either.

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    Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread

    Post  magnumcromagnon Thu Aug 21, 2014 8:29 pm

    flamming_python wrote:Moldova is certainly not an ally of Russia and if Kiev were to invade Pridnestrovie - it won't fight against Kiev, it will fight with it as they'd share the exact same allegiances and goals - getting rid of the pro-Russian client state between them.
    Moldova has a pro-EU government right now (albeit a legitimate, elected one which seems to be a rare thing, compared to the amount of 'democractic' governments that were installed by undemocratic revolutions in the ex-USSR), and is very much following Brussels in terms of foreign policy - Merkel's visit there last year was a keystone event.

    Actually the Pro-Eu govt. came in through a color revolution, one of the first pilots of the 'Twitter Revolution', and now with more and more evidence that American based social media sites are hubs for U.S. spying and subversion activity, the U.S. State Dept. even tried to create a Pro-US twitter/social media like site in Cuba to create subversion and stir up political tensions. Color Revolutions include everything from twisting of the media coverage of events, extensive outside funding for subversive 5th column NGO's, falsifying pre-election and post-election polls, to outright sanctions against the current govt. in power that the U.S. State Dept. wants deposed off. The real reason Moldova hasn't acted more hastily anti-Russian is that it's similar to the case of the political leadership of Bulgaria, Serbia, Greece, Macedonia is that the their clearly puppets of the U.S. State Dept. but it's evident that would be political suicide to have a clear-cut anti-Russian mantra.
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    Post  Mike E Thu Aug 21, 2014 10:23 pm

    That is why I added in the "somewhat"... Moldova is a member of CIS and EAEC, so they aren't completely "anti-Russia". As such, I doubt they would side with Ukraine, but, who knows...

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    Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread

    Post  George1 Fri Aug 22, 2014 5:38 pm

    Russia Vows to Preserve Peace in Breakaway Transnistria – Russian Official

    TIRASPOL, August 22 (RIA Novosti) – Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin said Friday Russia would fulfill its obligations to preserve peace in the self-proclaimed republic of Transnistria, a narrow strip of land between Moldova and Ukraine that has been in a conflict with Moldova since the 1990s.

    “Russia will fulfill all its obligations to their full extent and until the end as a guarantor of peace in this land,” Rogozin said at an event near the republic’s capital city Tiraspol commemorating the 70th anniversary of the Soviet attack on Axis forces in Moldova.

    The senior Russian official stressed that Ukraine and Moldova were both seeking to isolate the breakaway republic and have barred its citizens from traveling abroad, but said that Russia would not abandon its nationals living in Transnistria.

    As much as 30 percent of Transnistria’s population is ethnic Russian, with many also having Russian or Ukrainian citizenship.

    In 1990, Transnistria, with a predominantly Russian and Ukrainian population, declared its independence from Moldova in a move that led to armed hostilities in 1992. Moldova tried to resolve the conflict through force, but lost all control and influence over the region.

    After the end of hostilities, the presidents of Russia and Moldova, in the presence of Transnistrian representatives, signed an agreement on the Principles of the Peaceful Settlement of the Armed Conflict in the Transnistrian Region of the Republic of Moldova.

    The deal paved the way for the establishment of a tripartite peacekeeping force. Currently 402 Russian, 492 Transnistrian and 355 Moldovan servicemen, as well as 10 Ukrainian military observers are keeping the peace in the conflict zone.
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    Post  Mike E Fri Aug 22, 2014 7:31 pm

    - There you have it!

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    Post  George1 Wed Sep 17, 2014 1:00 am

    Moscow concerned over Romanian PM’s annexationist statements — Foreign Ministry

    MOSCOW, September 16. /ITAR-TASS/. .Moscow regards as unacceptable Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta’s speculations about eventual annexation of Moldova, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

    Moscow “is concerned over Prime Minister Victor Ponta’s statements regarding the future of the republic of Moldova he made at a meeting with activists of the Social-Democratic Party in Alba-Iulia on September 14,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a commentary.

    “As follows from frank calls by the Romanian presidential candidate for completing a ‘second great unification’ by 2018, certain political quarters in Bucharest are still hatching annexationist plans regarding a sovereign neighbouring country,” the commentary runs.

    Russia regards as “irresponsible and unacceptable the external replications of such statements in the context of the ongoing election campaign in the republic of Moldova.”

    “We expect that the authorities in Chisinau will assess them properly. We also hope that a corresponding reaction from Brussels and the European capitals will follow,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

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    Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread

    Post  Intrigado Wed Sep 17, 2014 10:03 pm

    George1 wrote:Moscow concerned over Romanian PM’s annexationist statements — Foreign Ministry

    MOSCOW, September 16. /ITAR-TASS/. .Moscow regards as unacceptable Romanian Prime Minister Victor Ponta’s speculations about eventual annexation of Moldova, the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

    Moscow “is concerned over Prime Minister Victor Ponta’s statements regarding the future of the republic of Moldova he made at a meeting with activists of the Social-Democratic Party in Alba-Iulia on September 14,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a commentary.

    “As follows from frank calls by the Romanian presidential candidate for completing a ‘second great unification’ by 2018, certain political quarters in Bucharest are still hatching annexationist plans regarding a sovereign neighbouring country,” the commentary runs.

    Russia regards as “irresponsible and unacceptable the external replications of such statements in the context of the ongoing election campaign in the republic of Moldova.”

    “We expect that the authorities in Chisinau will assess them properly. We also hope that a corresponding reaction from Brussels and the European capitals will follow,” the Russian Foreign Ministry said.

    For the love of God. A "second great unification" would also imply annexing territories which currently belong to Bulgaria and Ukraine and none of them felt threatened by that little fool' statements. No one plans to "annex" any territory presently belonging to the republic of Moldova; just to think of it, the pensions and wages for public employees are far lower in Moldova than in Romania, where would we find the money to finance our public expenditures' sudden increase? Does anyone think that EU or the US would be ready to give their taxpayers' hard-earned money to finance this endeavor? Besides, however that may sound, the republic of Moldova is today completely useless to Romania so, beyond statements issued for electoral purposes, nothing would vex us more than to find ourselves again with Bessarabia on our hands.

    I don't believe Lavrov doesn't know all this so I can only wonder why did he stage this show. Is he planning a military intervention in Transnistria using as excuse these highly questionable statements?
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    Post  Mike E Wed Sep 17, 2014 10:21 pm

    I honestly don't get why anyone would even want to annex Transnistria in the first place... They don't have much land, no resources, a terrible economy that would be a pain to recover etc. The only "thing" there is a population of mostly Russians, Ukrainians, and of course Moldovans. The only that would use it strategy is Russia, and I doubt that they are even thinking about an annexation.

     - Russia wouldn't annex as Transnistria wants to join the Federation anyway.

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    Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread

    Post  Intrigado Wed Sep 17, 2014 10:48 pm

    Mike E wrote:I honestly don't get why anyone would even want to annex Transnistria in the first place... They don't have much land, no resources, a terrible economy that would be a pain to recover etc. The only "thing" there is a population of mostly Russians, Ukrainians, and of course Moldovans. The only that would use it strategy is Russia, and I doubt that they are even thinking about an annexation.

    Perish the thought! Just imagine, to lose your only exit to the Danube and the Black Sea which it's said to have a western continental shelf rich in gas and perhaps oil and to get Transnistria in exchange. Nightmarish. That's why I say that Ukraine didn't protest much when it received a string of foreign territories from USSR but guess what, Russia has always oppressed and persecuted them. Really, now?

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    Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread - Page 2 Empty Re: Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread

    Post  Intrigado Wed Sep 17, 2014 11:05 pm

    Mike E wrote:I honestly don't get why anyone would even want to annex Transnistria in the first place...

     - Russia wouldn't annex as Transnistria wants to join the Federation anyway.

    Hell if I know. Rumor goes that Russia would intervene in Transnistria either to pressure the government of Kishinev into accepting the country's federalization or something like that or to discourage it from strengthening ties with the EU or to somehow threaten the Ukrainian region of Odessa. Transnistria could be nothing more than a pawn to be used either again Moldova or Ukraine and the trouble is that no one can guess Vladimir Putin's next move.
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    Post  Mike E Wed Sep 17, 2014 11:21 pm

    Intrigado wrote:
    Mike E wrote:I honestly don't get why anyone would even want to annex Transnistria in the first place...

     - Russia wouldn't annex as Transnistria wants to join the Federation anyway.

    Hell if I know. Rumor goes that Russia would intervene in Transnistria either to pressure the government of Kishinev into accepting the country's federalization or something like that or to discourage it from strengthening ties with the EU or to somehow threaten the Ukrainian region of Odessa. Transnistria could be nothing more than a pawn to be used either again Moldova or Ukraine and the trouble is that no one can guess Vladimir Putin's next move.
    Like I mentioned earlier, Russia wouldn't annex Transnistria but rather have them join the Federation like they want.

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