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    Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread


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    Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread

    Post  Isos Sun Mar 03, 2024 2:25 pm

    Not for now. Putin seems determined to take Ukraine and looking at the western politician's reactions he is not far from it.

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    Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread

    Post  GarryB Sun Mar 03, 2024 6:07 pm

    Russia is in a strong position now and Putin just needs to make it clear to HATO but also the western public that once Russia has dealt with Kiev that they will not attack HATO countries unless those HATO countries attack Russia or threaten Russian interests.

    Threatening Russian interests would include a land and sea blockade of Kaliningrad, and it would also include a colour revolution in Moldova that threatens Transnitria.

    The EU had better be nice to Russia because when it occupies all of the Ukraine then Russia will become a country with territory on the Danube which will give them rights to sail to Serbia and other countries in Europe.

    HATO and the US have a track record with their colour revolutions and I must say... they are terrible at it.

    After watching the Ukraine military getting shredded over the last two years, if the people of Moldova want the same for their young people... well... it is about manning up and doing what is right for your country and getting slaughtered by the Russians because America and the EU told you they are your enemy... they have a choice... and their next generations might love or hate them for the decision they make.

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    Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread

    Post  Firebird Sat Mar 09, 2024 9:41 am

    I wonder what the chances of an anti-GAYTO coup in Moldova are?
    What Russia shouldn't allow is for Moldova (or even parts of it) to join GAYTO or join Romania.
    Russia doesn't need these vermin firing missiles into Transn. or Gaugazia.
    So, I wonder what Russia has planned?

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    Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread

    Post  kvs Sat Mar 09, 2024 10:16 am

    Moldova is like Ukria and will not have a pro-Russian coup. Too many idiots who drink the NATzO uber alles koolaid.

    Micron wants to send NATzO forces to Moldova. Russia needs to make sure it can still secure Transnistria. The borders of Ukria
    and Moldova are total BS concoctions. Ethnic cleansing of Russians from Transnistria cannot be tolerated. NATzO can shove
    its yapping about territorial integrity up its own collective anus. No territorial integrity of Serbia means no territorial integrity
    of any NATzO and allied state. NATzO are not masters of this planet even if they think they are.

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    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Sat Mar 09, 2024 10:44 am

    Once Odessa oblast will have been liberated, the situation in both Transnistria and Gagauzia will be easier to manage.

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    Post  GarryB Sun Mar 10, 2024 1:15 am

    No territorial integrity of Serbia means no territorial integrity
    of any NATzO and allied state.

    Exactly. The west has always been very selective about the referendums it upholds and those they dismiss...

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    Walther von Oldenburg
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    Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Sun Mar 17, 2024 11:51 am

    🇲🇩🚨‼ BREAKING:

    Ministry of State Security of Transnistria: A military unit in Transnistria was attacked by drones.

    There were explosions and fire.

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    Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread

    Post  VARGR198 Sun Mar 17, 2024 1:21 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:🇲🇩🚨‼ BREAKING:

    Ministry of State Security of Transnistria: A military unit in Transnistria was attacked by drones.

    There were explosions and fire.

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    Eugenio Argentina
    Eugenio Argentina

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    Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread

    Post  Eugenio Argentina Sun Mar 17, 2024 4:53 pm

    A military unit in Transnistria was attacked by a kamikaze drone, an explosion and a fire occurred, the press service of the Ministry of State Security of the Pridnestrovian Moldavian Republic (MGB PMR) told RIA Novosti.

    “Today, on the territory of one of the military units of Tiraspol, a fire occurred as a result of an explosion. It has been previously established that the explosion occurred as a result of an attack by a kamikaze drone, the flight of which was recorded from the direction of the Clover Bridge,” the report says.

    There were no casualties as a result of the attack, the MGB specified.


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    Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread

    Post  GarryB Mon Mar 18, 2024 4:14 am

    Ukrainian-backed forces from Moldova have attacked a military base in Tiraspol, the de-facto capital of the Pro-Russian breakaway region of Transnistria, with a kamikaze drone, destroying one helicopter – TASS

    Pretty amazing they had a camera set up and ready and filming in time to film that very attack... almost like it was STAGED.

    Is it just me or do the windows of that Mi-8 already look broken before the drone hits it... a derelict helicopter destroyed by enemy drone to start a conflict... you would think if it was the Ukrainians they would send in a team to steal the helicopter rather than destroy it considering their shortage of weapons and material...

    Useful that the video captured the drone but unfortunate it was not facing a direction where you might be able to see where the drone came from and an indication of perhaps how far it had come...

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    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Wed Mar 20, 2024 6:08 pm

    Post from another forum from a poster from Romania with the forum name of "Recollector."

    I disagree with his claims about "NATO troops inside of Russia." I think these are ethnic Ukrainian fifth columnists.

    "The military activity in Romania, as well as in Poland, are reaching almost war-like deployment of hardware and ammo.

    Tanks, Artillery, Air Defense, other armored vehicles are converging toward the Romanian-Ukrainian border or going to Moldova.

    There is already heavy NATO presence inside Moldova, since last summer, just 40 km away from capital of self-proclaimed Republic of Transnistria. It is mostly troops, not so much hardware.

    I am not 100% sold into this movement to be pre-positioning for NATO official deployment into Ukraine. I believe it is going to be in Moldova. From a political pov, deploying NATO troops into Moldova to attack secure Transnistria, as a military first step before Odessa, is not going to be the same as attacking Russia.

    Militarily, NATO cannot simply go to Odessa, and have their flank exposed to Russian troops in Transnistria. There aren't many Russian forces in Transnitria, but with a general mobilization there, you can get up to 60,000 troops. Even 60,000 troops is not a huge deal, considering that they aren't very well armed, but it will take precious time (and in war, time is extremely important) to secure Transnistria before moving into Odessa.

    However, it doesn't matter if NATO troops attack Transnistria, and claim that is not Russia...they will be in direct combat with Russian Army units in Transnistria.

    In the same time, NATO will deploy to Western Ukraine, and start moving towards the Belarus border with Ukraine, to secure that flank, before moving larger NATO forces that will engage the Russian forces on the current front line.

    Looking at the timetable, I will stress again, that it coincided with my prediction of NATO deploying troops, officially, into Ukraine by the end of April. Probably sooner, by mid-April, because pretty much the entire logistic base is in place, and we're in the hardware last deployment phase (there were many deployments of NATO hardware in the last year), which won't last longer then a month from today.

    So, basically, what we have now, is NATO troops inside Moldova (mainly Romanian and U.S. ones), that will be reinforced with French troops, coming along with the needed hardware (tanks, APCs, AD, arty, etc.), which already built bases that are stocked up with ammo and food), we have NATO troops actively engaging Russian troops INSIDE RUSSIA (US, Polish, French, Romanian, Brits, Georgians), we have a lot of NATO troops, as part of Steadfast Defender, already deployed into Poland and Finland, and dozens of military bases already finished inside Poland, and in construction in Finland (which will be a later front).

    What we are missing, is hardware, and it is now coming, in LARGE NUMBERS in Poland, Romania and Slovakia. As I said, it is the last deployment of hardware, because there were many others before (but on a much smaller scale).

    WW3 already started, on a small scale, but NATO troops, not mercs, are already attacking INSIDE Russia, engaging directly Russian troops on the border areas.

    We're looking at large scale engagements, with heavy use of missile and air strikes inside Russia and Europe, sometime in May-June 2024."


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    Post  GarryB Thu Mar 21, 2024 12:42 am

    WW3 already started, on a small scale, but NATO troops, not mercs, are already attacking INSIDE Russia, engaging directly Russian troops on the border areas.

    If those attempts to enter Russian territory were HATO troops then bring it on because they got their arses handed to them.

    Their performance was pathetic.

    The Taleban would have done better than they did.

    If HATO wants to fight Russians in Transnitria then let them... the local population will be fully hostile to these HATO troops invading their country and those Russian troops could have a lot of fun against those HATO troops.

    Don't think the Russian military would not launch attacks on targets in Moldova to support their troops there... and the huge irony is that HATO troops in Moldova planning on heading to Odessa is all the motivation Russia needs to go even further into Ukrainian territory to secure the place from HATO invasion.

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    Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread

    Post  Scorpius Thu Mar 21, 2024 4:41 am

    GarryB wrote:
    If HATO wants to fight Russians in Transnitria then let them...

    If NATO ever does something like this, it will only lead to the legitimate entry of Transnistria into Russia. And also, perhaps, to the final destruction of Ukraine as a state. The higher the threat level, the more aggressively Russia will respond to this threat.

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    Post  GarryB Thu Mar 21, 2024 5:21 am

    Exactly... when you match your opponents escalation step for step you are giving them control and allowing them to decide what you are doing really.

    If they pull shit like this then it is not about matching them, it is about inflicting serious pain so instead of a further escalation HATO will take a step back and stop this game of who is the dumbest motherfucker... because the morons in the west still think this is a game they are playing on Russia for ego and brownie points.

    They really need to learn to back off or they are losing some fingers.

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    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Thu Mar 21, 2024 8:43 am

    Scorpius wrote:
    GarryB wrote:
    If HATO wants to fight Russians in Transnitria then let them...

    If NATO ever does something like this, it will only lead to the legitimate entry of Transnistria into Russia. And also, perhaps, to the final destruction of Ukraine as a state. The higher the threat level, the more aggressively Russia will respond to this threat.

    Not only, this could give also some questions to the territorial integrity of both Moldavia and Romania.

    Maybe all the area from Romania which is between the Danube and the black sea should be demilitarised and subject to regular russian inspections (after closing all of other NATO bases in the rest of Romania, of course).Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread - Page 16 Screen16

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    Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread

    Post  GarryB Thu Mar 21, 2024 11:01 pm

    Maybe all the area from Romania which is between the Danube and the black sea should be demilitarised and subject to regular russian inspections (after closing all of other NATO bases in the rest of Romania, of course).

    What they should do is have Shoigu have a press meeting with that map on the wall behind him showing those attack plans... you might have to get someone to post on X the image and the implications of that image because the HATO strong guys don't seem very bright... but wouldn't it be fun...

    In fact someone could photoshop it anyway...

    When the west talk about fake news and making up evidence then refer them to the US State department video of their drone flying over the Black Sea that was intercepted by a couple of Flankers... they claimed the Flanker rammed it and damaged the drones propeller and then showed a video with the Flankers approaching the drone and then you see a drone with a damaged propeller... except the drone being intercepted by the Flankers had stripes on its propeller blades and the drone with the damaged propeller blade didn't have any stripes on the blades so the video was obviously from a different event... isn't that the US government giving fake news?

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    Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Thu Mar 21, 2024 11:16 pm

    You ain't getting Romania to demilitarize any part of it's turf or remove NATO bases. I would keep expectations grounded

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    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Fri Mar 22, 2024 12:48 pm

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:You ain't getting Romania to demilitarize any part of it's turf or remove NATO bases. I would keep expectations grounded
    I believe Russia has been quite clear on their expectations of NATO getting back to pre -1989 status.

    If Poland and Romania do not get the message then I will  not be sorry from them when USA drops them like a bad habit to avoid a WWIII and they are left only with the support of the Napoleon wannabe.

    With the difference that, being Micron an ethnic french and not an ethnic Italian like Napoleon (who was half Tuscanian and half Genovese), he will be ready to go back to the ancient french tradition of surrendering after the first difficulty.

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    Post  ali.a.r Fri Mar 22, 2024 4:00 pm

    I'm sorry to butt in, but this was just too ridiculous for me to continue lurking. Russia hasn't managed to fully control the territory of Luhansk and Donetsk regions, not to even mention that they don't even control the actual regional capitals of Kherson and Zaporozhye regions. There is nothing to suggest that Russia will fully liberate its own territories in the 4 new regions anytime soon, let alone some magical offensive towards Odessa. Of course, barring some all-but-impossible amphibious landing, the only way to Odessa is through Nikolaev first. Which is on the other side of the Dneiper.

    So to suggest that the same Russia, which is struggling to fully liberate what it legally considers to be Russian territory in Luhansk, Donetsk, Kherson and Zaporozhye, will somehow boss around a NATO country like Romania is fantasy.

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    Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread

    Post  ALAMO Fri Mar 22, 2024 4:10 pm

    oink ... oink ... oink ...
    troll regime...
    oink ... oink ... oink ...
    Laughing Laughing Laughing

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    Post  GarryB Fri Mar 22, 2024 11:34 pm

    You ain't getting Romania to demilitarize any part of it's turf or remove NATO bases. I would keep expectations grounded

    Trump is a flip flopper... he said he would leave HATO but I rather suspect everyone in the US MIC told him that half their income comes from European countries and HATO countries buying US gear and that trend is only going to increase as alternative 5th gen fighter projects fail and perhaps they start getting F-35 to be less shit by actually fixing it instead of claiming the problems are a feature.

    Next Trump said the US, under his leadership, would not lift a finger to save a HATO member that wasn't spending 2% of GDP or more on defence (read as 2% of your GDP has to be spent on US weapons)...

    Trump might go for the kill and withdraw all US forces from lots of places around the world... Africa, Europe, Central and South America... so he can move them to Asia to face the dragon.

    He might try to get Russia on side to fight China together, but Putin is not that stupid.

    Romania wont need to demilitarise anything... with Russian forces on their border any HATO huge base located on their territory becomes too exposed to a first strike with Iskander and ground launched Zircon and many other weapons likely on the way.

    They will spend lots of money and end up deciding to build it further away from Russian territory...

    I believe Russia has been quite clear on their expectations of NATO getting back to pre -1989 status.

    True, but I can't see HATO actually complying. They might collapse completely or major countries might withdraw... a Le Pen led France might leave HATO completely and when Germany gets someone in charge with more brains that Sgt Shultz they might return to talking about an EU army that is not driven and controlled by the US the way HATO is, that will serve European interests instead of US interests.

    If Poland and Romania do not get the message then I will not be sorry from them when USA drops them like a bad habit to avoid a WWIII and they are left only with the support of the Napoleon wannabe.

    Especially as Moron is likely to be replace by Le Penn or anyone else.

    Russia hasn't managed to fully control the territory of Luhansk and Donetsk regions, not to even mention that they don't even control the actual regional capitals of Kherson and Zaporozhye regions.

    That is true, but no amount of money or ammo or weapons is going to fix the current problems of the Ukraine army... they need trained men and HATO is not going to supply them... but even if they did... they had plenty of men at the start of this conflict and they are gone and they keep going in significant numbers every single day, so adding more men is not going to create a stalemate.

    Calling this conflict a slaughter is an accurate assessment and it is continuing at a pace that means even western experts are saying Kiev won't last till the US elections no matter what they do, no matter what money they get sent.

    Sending them that 60 billion dollars from the US will just mean the US MIC will get 100 billion worth of orders and Kiev will owe them 100 billion dollars because the Democrats are already talking about making it a loan instead of a donation to get republicans to sign off on it.

    There is nothing to suggest that Russia will fully liberate its own territories in the 4 new regions anytime soon, let alone some magical offensive towards Odessa.

    They are making steady progress forward without taking significant losses themselves (not to say they are taking no losses or that any losses are not significant).

    The Russian forces are well equipped and well armed and increasingly well supported by air power and artillery and they have reserves and seem to be getting rotated in and out of combat so they are not worn out and tired.

    They are using tactics that work and are using good equipment that works and they have the ammo they need to get the job done.

    Ukrainian tactics are getting their men killed, their weaponry in some cases is good but against a superior enemy it gets destroyed along with the terrible gear they have been supplied with. They lack ammo and armour and air power and enough artillery to make a difference, and they are getting carved up to the point where the French president would take the risk of sending french soldiers to replace rear area Ukrainian soldiers so those rear area Ukrainian soldiers can be sent to the front line.

    Will those Ukrainian soldiers in the rear accept their new postings to the slaughter chain... will they climb up onto the meat hooks themselves... or will they decide a different course of action.

    Most of the conscripts have not been armed till they get to the front line, but these rear area Ukrainians have probably been there for a while and protect their positions jealously because they can probably make money off the civilian population or selling off military gear to shady characters while remaining relatively safe.

    Being told there are french soldiers coming to replace you and you are going to the Eastern Front to fight the Russians... well when has anyone ever been happy about that?

    If they wanted to fight at the front they could have asked for transfers, but up until now they have not...

    Of course, barring some all-but-impossible amphibious landing, the only way to Odessa is through Nikolaev first. Which is on the other side of the Dneiper.

    The Russians know and are equipped to cross big rivers and I would suspect crossing at multiple places at once will ensure in most places it succeeds because the enemy wont be able to send large stopping forces to all the crossing points... and when they concentrate up to stop the crossing points they can be hit by air power.

    Remember these places they are fighting now have been fought over or occupied and fortified by the Orcs since 2014, but I rather doubt there is a lot of lines of defence behind them.

    Look at how the west and Kiev made fun of the Russian lines of defence... and also how effective they were.

    I don't think Kiev learned the lesson or it knows it can't replicate what the Russians did, so once they break through the Orc forces are going to end up in open hard to defend territory and will either be massacred or they will surrender.

    That is why the French think they might only last a few more months, but then that might be to justify sending in troops so they can secure some resources for France now they have lost Africa.

    So to suggest that the same Russia, which is struggling to fully liberate what it legally considers to be Russian territory in Luhansk, Donetsk, Kherson and Zaporozhye, will somehow boss around a NATO country like Romania is fantasy.

    Of all the HATO countries we really don't hear very much from Romania... I suspect it is rather less about Russia bossing Romania than the US bossing Romania...

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    Post  GarryB Fri Mar 22, 2024 11:38 pm

    Kievs way of fighting Russia is like Americas method of fighting corruption.

    Throw more men or money (respectively) than they can handle... and it is not working in either case...

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    Post  SeigSoloyvov Fri Mar 22, 2024 11:57 pm

    First off no Russia has never in any official capacity demanded NATO go back to pre 1990 and any actual documents have no mention of this.

    This is just some fantasy that was shared online, it never was a thing also never going to be a thing.

    As for Romania again it's not going to do that and Russia will never say that because they know Romania will never ever agree.
    Neither of these things are going to happen so it's better to get off that delusion rather then be surprised when the completely fantasy level demands never happen

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    Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread - Page 16 Empty Re: Moldova and Transnistria Situation Thread

    Post  flamming_python Mon Apr 29, 2024 10:24 am

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:You ain't getting Romania to demilitarize any part of it's turf or remove NATO bases. I would keep expectations grounded

    One step at a time Seig. One step at a time.

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    Post  Werewolf Tue May 07, 2024 11:48 am

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:First off no Russia has never in any official capacity demanded NATO go back to pre 1990 and any actual documents have no mention of this.

    This is just some fantasy that was shared online, it never was a thing also never going to be a thing.

    As for Romania again it's not going to do that and Russia will never say that because they know Romania will never ever agree.
    Neither of these things are going to happen so it's better to get off that delusion rather then be surprised when the completely fantasy level demands never happen

    Never say never. These are vassal states with not national interests that they can follow or actively pursue.
    Romania has as much to say about the fade of Moldova as Moldova itself.
    The fade is decided behind curtains of the current hegemonic USA and Russia.

    NATO will have two members that will leave within the next 5-15 years and at some point Belarus' will have a referendum to join Russia before that happens.
    The days of the USofA were numbered from the beginning based on it's dysfunctional capitalistic setup with a debt that is impossible to be repaid in centuries.

    My guess is that the near future will be a chain of events that will make us all unhappy and benefit like always only elites.

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