Regular Thu Apr 10, 2014 2:01 pm
He is from Sokil, same people we seen before dispersing crowds.
They never act alone, if You capture one rest of them will take action to retrieve their comrade. You can even qualify this as hostage rescue when deadly force is allowed.
By letting himself to be captured I mean that there were no use of firearms. Try to capture someone who has firearm and is proficient to use it. No matter who they are if they are threatening your well being, you have all rights to dispatch them. Aim for the legs if You have right distance or aim at centre of mass if shtf.
Berkut have failed to implement even basic self defence and what happened? Some of them where strangled, knifed, shot and etc.
It's not clear to me who he is. If he is a terrorist, he wouldn't have any comrades.
Terrorist with full battle gear with Sokil written on it? Are you serious?? Infiltration would be their main goal. I would dress as civilian, would wear George ribbon and as you see people there are just regular folks, they would let you in. I could carry firearm no problems, or even ied. Set a tent. Prepare explosives, pipe bombs and only Your imagination can stop you from thinking ways how to do harm.
Ffs I felt shit for even thinking about it.
What do you mean by "they"?
Pro gov forces.
Is it that you want the terrorists to use force, or you are asking why they aren't? The reason the terrorists may be terrified of using force may be because they think if they use force then Russia would go motoring to Poland in 10 hours.
I was asking why they haven't used it yet. Avakov gave green light anyway.
Well for terrorists it would be OK if Poland would be destroyed and Russia and Europe would have ten of thousands dead. Why should they care about Poland or You implying they are Polish? If I was caucasian /Nazi/anarchist terrorist I would love to see Russians dieing in a useless war which would lead to destruction of both US and Russia.