flamming_python wrote:Come on Werewolf, we have plenty of American members here too - and they're among the most knowledgable.
flamming_python wrote:
But the main problem is that the protestors in Donetsk and Lugansk, while doing a lot better than last time - have failed to secure the rest of the city - police departments, TV & radio stations, airports, train stations, etc...
Vann7 wrote:flamming_python wrote:
But the main problem is that the protestors in Donetsk and Lugansk, while doing a lot better than last time - have failed to secure the rest of the city - police departments, TV & radio stations, airports, train stations, etc...
This is what angers me most about Ukrainians.. The allow Neo Nazis to remove their democratically elected Government and did ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to counter the protest and defend their land.. and now that they kicked YAkunovych , the still continue doing NOTHING. Ukraine have 45 millions citizens and i find hard to believe that only ~2,000 -~3000 show up on average to protest in the east. and only on weekends,is so fucking stupid , the passiveness of the majority of people in the east. that makes you wonder if they are not worth the sacrifices of Russia doing what they did in Crimea.. IF the Ukranians really believe the next elections will fix things in their country ,with Neo nazis in power ,in a rigged elections.. is fucking unbelievable how passive and careless are Pro Russian ukranians for anything.
If what happens in Ukraine an illegal coup to a democratic government ,happened in any country of Latin America ,you will see millions on the streets protesting. not just a couple of thousands. This is the reason why the Venezuela uprising is failing. USA tried in 2002 to remove chavez ,by a coup using the army.. and MILLIONS and millions of chavez supporters with the help of a loyal police took control back of the country and reversed the military coup. Is so disgusting ,that is an insult. I have seen protest a million times bigger that the ones done in eastern Ukraine ,protest of millions in far smaller countries ,for far less problems that the ones ukraine have.
in closing i don't see ever USA losing control ever of Ukraine ,after they spend so many billions financing a coup. With such pathetic Ukrainians in the eastern and southern regions that prefer that others do the job for them.
We need 50,000 in Donetsk.
25,000 in Lugansk.
75,000 in Kharkov.
MINIMUM amount of people for each of these respective cities - rallying at the squares, occupying the buildings, building barricades, facing down police and militias, heavy equipment sent by the putschists in Kiev to mow down these rebellions.
THEN, maybe, we can talk about Russia doing something to help.
Hannibal Barca wrote:We need 50,000 in Donetsk.
25,000 in Lugansk.
75,000 in Kharkov.
MINIMUM amount of people for each of these respective cities - rallying at the squares, occupying the buildings, building barricades, facing down police and militias, heavy equipment sent by the putschists in Kiev to mow down these rebellions.
THEN, maybe, we can talk about Russia doing something to help.
In two weeks, when they will be completely desperate for not receiving any pensions and salaries.
flamming_python wrote:Rumours of some sort of military units on their way to Donetsk
These are just rumours for the moment, an early report from a 2nd hand source.
flamming_python wrote:
Banderlogs are doing what they want in Hero city Odessa; local population is not doing shit about it. They're just scared, or unconcerned so long as it's not them in the firing line.
Look at this. Odessa. Which held up by itself longer than France & Poland combined in WW2. Now has this scum walking the street and enforcing their own laws, rules, beating up anyone whose look they don't like.
How the hell is this being tolerated? I would've grabbed the flamethrower and roasted these punks the minute I saw these unclean abominations in my city.
arpakola wrote:
. I guess you have the imagination to understand some of them..
see how many green triangle there are around ?
In Crimea, it has been reported, they give Russian passports to the people wanting them. This implies that they are getting a Russian citizenship as well and probably cancellation of their citizenship of Ukraine, because as as far I remember, Ukrainian laws don’t permit having another citizenship. This is probably a pretty routine procedure there now, however a notable case occurred some time ago, as in one of the Crimean villages a man, Yuri, came for his new Russian passport and failed to present his Ukrainian one – as reported by the Sudakonline local Crimean website. When asked where his Ukrainian passport was, the man said he refused to accept Ukrainian citizenship and for twenty three years held his old Soviet passport, and now he came to get a new Russian passport.
Regular wrote:Finally unbiased report from BBC
flamming_python wrote:
We need 50,000 in Donetsk.
25,000 in Lugansk.
75,000 in Kharkov.
MINIMUM amount of people for each of these respective cities - rallying at the squares, occupying the buildings, building barricades, facing down police and militias, heavy equipment sent by the putschists in Kiev to mow down these rebellions.
THEN, maybe, we can talk about Russia doing something to help.
Vann7 wrote:flamming_python wrote:
We need 50,000 in Donetsk.
25,000 in Lugansk.
75,000 in Kharkov.
MINIMUM amount of people for each of these respective cities - rallying at the squares, occupying the buildings, building barricades, facing down police and militias, heavy equipment sent by the putschists in Kiev to mow down these rebellions.
THEN, maybe, we can talk about Russia doing something to help.
Not really thats not even good enough.. Venezuela have only 30millions citizens ,Ukraine have 45 millions ,and Chavez could easily pull 1 million rallies across the entire country in different cities at the same time ...
Ukraine needs no less that 1 million on the streets protesting the new Kiev-NATO junta.
demanding full either full autonomy or independence from Kiev.
200,000 in Donetsk
100,000 in kahrkov
50,000 in lugansk
75,000 in Odessa
And at the same time people moving to the capital of kiev at least 50,000 demanding they to resign.
Even Assad in syria with just 20 millions citizens could pull rallies of 1 million.. Probably the problem is Ukrainians lacks of leadership,
because Yakunovych is a disgrace as leader. someone that could encourage people to fight for their rights and their future. Crimea had leaders from the start that organized. Eastern Ukraine have no leaders.
Violence is not need at all ,or burning buildings ,but people participation resisting police orders and invading Government buildings.
The pathetic activism of Pro Russian factions ,i do not see how they are worthy of any attention. In fact one journalist was interviewing people near kiev about what they think about the protest in kiev.. and he was Pro Russia.. but his aptitude was ,he have better thing to do ,than to protest.. that he better go to work.. Last information i saw , is that Russia have 750,000 Ukrainians that moved to Russia for a job in Russia.. Imagine that.. 750,000? and the money they earn ,they use it to help their family in Ukraine.. perhaps Russia will need to start cutting all jobs they give to Ukrainians ,to stop helping maintain an artificial country like Ukraine that have no history and was created in 1918 by Germany to half Russia empire expansion to the west.. Because thats exactly the reason Ukraine can survive as a nation and not disbanded yet. because Russia but also western Europe/poland , provide millions of jobs to ukrainians ,that the country by its own cannot offer.