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    Israel Politics and News Thread

    As Sa'iqa

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    Israel Politics and News Thread Empty Israel Politics and News Thread

    Post  As Sa'iqa Sat Jan 11, 2014 10:02 pm

    One of the greatest military commanders of the 20th century and a man who contributed a lot not only to his own state but also to the whole Western World, died today, aged 85.

    Rest in peace, Arik

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    Post  Werewolf Sat Jan 11, 2014 10:07 pm

    Rest in Peace?

    This cowardly bastard and massmurder should have died slowly in pain, a glory day that such evil scum died.

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    Post  TR1 Sat Jan 11, 2014 10:10 pm

    Eh. Never liked that Zionist fanatic.

    Very competent commander though.

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    Israel Politics and News Thread Empty un-report israel regular contact syria rebels including-isis.

    Post  ahmedfire Tue Feb 03, 2015 11:00 pm

    A report submitted to the United Nations Security Council by UN observers in the Golan Heights over the past 18 months shows that Israeli Defence Forces (IDF) have been in regular contact with Syrian rebels, including Islamic State (ISIS) militants.

    Citing the UN report, Haaretz noted that there have been several instances detailed in the report that shows close ties between Syrian armed rebels and Israeli army.

    According to the UN report, a person wounded on 15 September "was taken by armed members of the opposition across the ceasefire line, where he was transferred to a civilian ambulance escorted by an IDF vehicle."

    Moreover, from 9-19 November, the "UNDOF observed at least 10 wounded persons being transferred by armed members of the opposition from the Bravo side across the ceasefire line to IDF."

    As per the details released by the Israel's health ministry, so far some 1,000 Syrians have been treated in four Israeli hospitals. Besides the civilians, some are members of the secular Free Syrian Army rebel group.

    Israel initially had maintained that it was treating only civilians. However, reports claimed that earlier last month members of Israel's Druze minority protested the hospitalisation of wounded Syrian fighters from the al-Qaeda-linked al-Nusra Front in Israel.

    A statement issued by a group of Druze activists accused the Israeli government of supporting radical Sunni factions such as the Islamic State (ISIS).

    Replying to a question by i24News on whether Israel has given medical assistance to members of al-Nusra and Daesh (the Arabic acronym for the Islamic State (ISIS), a Israeli military spokesman's office said: "In the past two years the Israel Defence Forces have been engaged in humanitarian, life-saving aid to wounded Syrians, irrespective of their identity."

    The UN report also laid out instances where in Israeli army was seen interacting with armed rebels. In one incident, the report claimed that the IDF gave some boxes to the Syrian armed rebels.

    UN Report: Israel in Regular Contact with Syrian Rebels including ISIS

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    Post  henriksoder Sun Apr 12, 2015 10:59 am

    The world is guilty Israel and their people their existence and the world should destablize Israel and work for a peaceful development in Israel and their neighboors. UN should investigate whether the West Bank belong to Israel and whether the world is guilty the Israel people their territory and if the palestina's allow it in a referendum, should the West Bank be annexed by Israel and Israel should therefore work for a less stronger military in order to protect their borders and work for jews existence across the world.

    Israel should control their borders at the Meditertanena Sea and work for a strongly army and air force enough for a peaceful development in Israel and across their borders, and also work for Israel's interest in the world and Israel's peoples existence and contributing to the humanity.
    max steel
    max steel

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    Post  max steel Sat Aug 08, 2015 2:35 am

    israels internal demographics disaster

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    Post  George1 Mon Oct 19, 2015 10:39 pm

    Israeli Cabinet Pressures Netanyahu to Stop Jerusalem Wall Project

    The Israeli Cabinet opposes the erection of a barrier in East Jerusalem that was previously ordered by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Ynetnews reported.

    Last month, Prime Minister Netanyahu ordered to erect a wall between the Armon Hanatziv and Jabel Mukaber neighborhoods of East Jerusalem. But members of the security cabinet pressured the prime minister to stop the project following their meeting on Sunday night, the source said.

    "The wall erected in front of the houses of Armon Hanatziv divides Jerusalem and represents an achievement and a reward for terrorism. It also will not bring security and should be removed immediately," Transportation Minister Yisrael Katz said.

    Several other high-ranking ministers also supported the words of the transportation minister, adding that the wall gives the impression of Jerusalem being divided.

    The decision to erect the wall was made last month following an increase in cases of Molotov cocktails and stones being thrown at the police. The Jerusalem municipality together with the police mapped out points of friction where the barrier would be installed. It was decided to erect a 300-meter long wall between the Arab and Jewish neighborhoods.

    Jerusalem is experiencing a surge in attacks in the Jabel Mukaber neighborhood.

    Three Israelis were killed and over 20 were injured in shooting and stabbing attacks in Jerusalem last week.

    Netanyahu said Israel would use "all means" available to end Palestinian violence and that new security measures were planned. He warned Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas that he would hold him responsible if incitement led to more unrest after nearly two weeks of violence.

    Read more:

    Israel Politics and News Thread Empty Re: Israel Politics and News Thread

    Post  Guest Mon May 30, 2016 2:40 pm

    "Russia President Vladimir Putin has approved an Israeli request to return a tank captured by Syria during the Battle of Sultan Yacoub, during the 1982 First Lebanon War. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu raised the issue during his meeting with Putin in the Kremlin last month, following a request by Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Gadi Eisenkot, the Prime Minister’s Office said in a statement Sunday.

    Israel Politics and News Thread Idf310

    Considered one of Israel’s worst failures in the First Lebanon War, 30 Israeli soldiers were killed and another three went missing in the two-day battle against Syrian forces in the Bekaa Valley. The Magach-3 tank, along with Zvi Feldman, Yehuda Katz and Zachary Baumel — all listed as missing in action — were captured by Syrian forces during the June 11 battle.

    Several eyewitnesses at the time testified to seeing the three Israeli soldiers paraded alive through the streets of Damascus on top of the tank. Though there were indications in 1993, 2000, and possibly 2005 that at least one of the three soldiers was still alive, the reported sightings were never confirmed.

    The Syrians delivered the tank to the Russian army, which currently has it on display at the Moscow Military Museum. In a recorded video message on Sunday, Netanyahu thanked Putin for the “humanitarian gesture,” saying that in lieu of a grave, the tank served as an important symbol for the families of the MIA soldiers.

    Israel Politics and News Thread Idf210

    “I want to thank Russian President Vladimir Putin for responding to my request and the chief of staff’s request to return to Israel the tank from Sultan Yacoub,” the prime minister said. “We are continuing to work in a number of ways to determine the fate of Zvi Feldman, Yehuda Katz and Zachary Baumel. We will not rest until we know what happened to them,” Netanyahu said. Deputy Defense Minister Eli Ben Dahan, himself a veteran of the 1982 war, also praised Putin’s gesture.

    Israel Politics and News Thread Idf10

    “I was deeply moved to hear the tank would be returned,” he said. “This takes me back 34 years. I just hope that with the tank’s return, we can also find out more information on the missing soldiers.” The statement from the Prime Minister’s Office said the families of the MIA soldiers had been notified of the tank’s return."



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    Post  Guest Sat Jun 11, 2016 3:54 pm


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    Post  George1 Wed Sep 28, 2016 2:48 pm

    Former Israeli President Shimon Peres dies at 93


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    Post  KiloGolf Wed Jan 04, 2017 1:27 pm

    Looks like the Obama administration has adopted a mildly but steadily anti-Israel policy recently.
    Netanyahu is rightfully pissed off right now.


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    Post  KiloGolf Wed Jan 04, 2017 4:43 pm

    Amanpour joins the show tongue


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    Post  George1 Mon Jan 15, 2018 12:37 pm

    Israel continues to remain silent about the oil pipeline Eilat-Ashkelon

    According to the French bulletin "TTU" in the material "Israël maintiple secret sur le pipeline EAPC", the cover of mystery is shrouded in the oil pipeline between Iran and Israel, which existed during the reign of the Shah of Iran. The International Affairs Commission of the Israeli Parliament extended for another five years the ban on the publication of any information on this structure, which is officially called Eilat-Ashkelon Pipeline Co. (EAPC) under the threat of accusation of disclosure of state secrets, which is punishable for up to 15 years.

    Israel Politics and News Thread 5133614_original

    This object was a direct consequence of the agreement concluded between Israel and Iran in 1968. It was supposed to transport Iranian oil to the Mediterranean Sea through the territory of Israel. The governments of the two countries established a joint company Eilat-Ashkelon Pipeline Co. (EAPC) with equal shares in the capital at the time when Egypt began blocking the passage of ships to the Israeli ports through the Suez Canal. The company built an oil pipeline from the port of Eilat on the Red Sea, to the port of Ashkelon on the Mediterranean Sea in order to bypass the canal. Iranian oil came by sea to Eilat, from where it was transported via the oil pipeline to Ashkelon for loading on tankers on the Mediterranean coast.

    The oil pipeline was intended to supply oil to Israel, as well as its supply to Europe. Very close ties between the military and special services of the two countries were broken off as a result of the 1979 Islamic revolution. Israel refused to pay Iran a penalty for stopping the operation of the pipeline. Since then, both sides have been unceasingly litigating in international courts, the price of the matter is several billion dollars. EARS was established for a period of 49 years and its activities were formally discontinued in March 2017.

    In return, the Israeli side decided to create a new company Europe Asia Pipeline Co. (with the same abbreviation EAPC), which was founded in September 2017. Israeli officials believe that this change will not result in financial obligations towards Iran. In recent years, the company has significantly diversified its activities. The oil pipeline was modernized in order to carry out reverse supplies of crude oil from the Black and Caspian Seas to Asia via the terminal in the Red Sea.

    Europe Asia Pipeline has 350 employees. Since its inception, it enjoys a special status. Her accounts and activities are not subject to Israeli state control bodies that control all state-owned companies. Another feature is the fact that it does not pay income tax.

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    Israel Politics and News Thread Empty Israel and its elections

    Post  JohninMK Thu May 30, 2019 5:07 pm

    As of Midnight local time, Netanyahu failed to form a coalition government. New elections will take place.

    New York Times, May 29, 2019:  "JERUSALEM — Seven weeks after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu declared “a night of tremendous victory” in Israel’s election, his failure to form a government by midnight Wednesday has turned into a stunning debacle for him and thrust Israel into a new election.

    "Israelis will return to the ballot box in about three months, the first time in the country’s history that it has been forced to hold a new national election because of a failure to form a government after the previous one....

    "Mr. Rivlin [Reuven Rivlin, President of Israel] said he could offer another member of Parliament the chance to form a government or he could tell the speaker of Parliament that efforts to form a coalition had failed and that there would be no alternative to calling new elections."

    The Likud Party 's hard choice of having President Rivlin ask another Party -- probably the Blue and White Ticket -- to form a new government or going for a new election, had a significant role in achieving the Knesset (Parliamentary) vote going for a new election.  That buys Netanyahu some time.

    Remember, Mr. Netanyahu is facing corruption charges, far more specific than the issues roiling the United States after the Mueller investigation.  

    Questions to consider and watch as the new election approaches:

    *  Did the Likud Party make a deal with smaller right wing parties to throw their votes and therefore the election to Likud in April 2019?  The Likud had 35 seats, the Blue and White had 35 seats.  Bloc-vote trading  may be perfectly legal under Israeli political law, but it does make one wonder.

    *Will the Likud make other deals with smaller right wing parties to make sure that Likud and Netanyahu get more, or at least equal seats, to Blue and White in the upcoming election?

    *Watch Avigdor Lieberman, head of  Yisrael Beiteinu, identified by the New York Times and others as an "ultranationalist" party.   He was the "kingmaker" who refused to joined the coalition on Wednesday in advance of the legal deadline.

    Rather than face the situation where President Rivlin chose another bloc -- the Blue and White ticket -- to form a government, the Likud introduced "its own bill to disperse the Parliament before the president could act," says the Times.

    Keep your eyes on the ball -- when the new elections come along, watch the smaller right wing parties and what they do, especially the actions of Naftali Bennett's Jewish Home.

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    Israel Politics and News Thread Empty Israeli politics: Is Netanyahu going to jail?

    Post  JohninMK Wed Jan 29, 2020 12:05 pm

    This case now looks to be moving forward.

    Israeli Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit has filed an indictment with the Jerusalem District Court against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for corruption.

    This comes after Netanyahu announced today, Tuesday, the withdrawal of the parliamentary immunity request that he had presented to the Knesset a month ago. A parliamentary committee was set to be formed to discuss Netanyahu’s immunity request and was likely to reject it, but his withdrawal of the request enabled the Attorney General to file the indictment.

    As per the indictment, Netanyahu is charged with bribery, fraud, and breach of trust in three separate cases.

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    Post  JohninMK Sun Mar 08, 2020 4:31 pm

    Netty is now walking the plank. He has been deserted by his allies and on the 17th March will take his first steps on that plank. This is not the destiny that he and his US allies thought he deserved. Complacanct and greed led him here.

    Have posted all as its quite good background and they use an ad blocked detector.

    JERUSALEM—An elated Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin “Bibi” Netanyahu roared, “This is the biggest victory of my life!”—but that was Monday. By Thursday, his voice hoarse, a tired Netanyahu growled, “We won’t let them steal the election!” In the words of Netanyahu’s centrist rival and Israel’s probable next prime minister, Benny Gantz, “Someone here celebrated too early.” Then came a remarkable cascade of bad news for Netanyahu, Israel’s longest serving prime minister, and its first to be indicted while in office.

    Avigdor Lieberman, his onetime defense minister and now a fearsome nemesis, announced his support for a law proposed by Gantz, a former army chief of staff, which would bar an indicted legislator from being appointed to form the government. Such a law would eliminate any route to immediate political survival for Netanyahu, whose trial in three separate cases of bribery, fraud, and breach of trust is scheduled to open in Jerusalem District Court on March 17.

    In an almost never seen instance of Israeli multi-partisanship that Israeli media call “the anti-Bibi coalition,” this law enjoys the support of 62 members of the 120-member Knesset, from the majority-Arab Joint List through the left-wing Labor Party, and now, unto Lieberman, a hardline secular right-winger. Further, Lieberman, who holds seven potentially king-making Knesset seats, announced that he would recommend Israel’s President Reuven Rivlin choose Gantz to form the next government.

    It is the third election in under a year in which Netanyahu—and Gantz—have failed to secure an operating majority of the Knesset, but for Netanyahu the stakes are higher. Alon Pinkas, Israel’s former consul general in New York and adviser to former prime minister Ehud Barak, noted in an interview with The Daily Beast, that, “For the third time in one year, Netanyahu pushed for an election with one goal in mind: getting a 61-seat majority to grant him an immunity from prosecution over three severe indictments he is facing. For the third time he failed.” Netanyahu “could not form a government in April 2019, September 2019 and he cannot and will not form a government following the March 2020 election,” said Pinkas. “Cut the electorate however you want, in all three instances a [slim] majority sent a resounding ‘no’ to his anti-democratic, anti-legal, it’s-all-about-me message.”

    And Netanyahu was about to receive another blow. Late Thursday, Moshe Yaalon, another former army chief of staff and the most hardline rightist in the Gantz centrist coalition, agreed to support a minority government led by Gantz, with the support of the Joint List, the Arab-majority party that leaped from 13 Knesset seats to 15 even as Netanyahu intensified his attack on Arab citizens, who form 21 percent of Israel’s population. “Gantz is joining forces with terror supporters!” Netanyahu declared in a meeting of his coalition members. “Gantz's move undermines the foundations of Israeli democracy and subverts the will of the voter. We’ll stand strong against it.” Joint List chairman Ayman Odeh, 45, a Haifa attorney and one of the election's biggest winners, replied, “Netanyahu wouldn't recognize what democracy is.” “Pack your things, Bibi,” Odeh tweeted. “You're going home."

    As the situation unfolded Thursday night, Netanyahu asked his attorney general to “immediately” open a criminal investigation into alleged Lieberman electoral shenanigans a decade ago. Lieberman responded with a press release: seven laughing/crying emojis and not a single word.

    By dawn on Friday, an increasingly cornered Netanyahu was accusing Supreme Court Justice Neal Hendel, who chairs Israel’s electoral commission, the body responsible for counting the votes, of criminal malfeasance. Netanyahu promised to petition the supreme court to investigate Hendel’s political affiliations. The commission condemned any implication of impropriety, and Gantz posted that “counting all the votes, including those of citizens under quarantine due to fears of the coronavirus, is the basis of a democratic country, and one must respect the results and the voters’ choice—and no less the work of the Electoral Commission.”

    Former Chief of Staff Yaalon noted darkly that “Netanyahu is refusing to respect the results of the election. His incitement could lead to a political assassination.” Acknowledging Netanyahu’s “cult following of around 20 or 30 seats that thinks he’s a god-send and indispensable national treasure,” Pinkas said, “a majority thinks perhaps it’s time to go.”

    How did this happen?

    Relying on exit polls, Monday’s Netanyahu believed that counting his own party’s votes and those of his coalition partners, he had secured 60 out of the Israeli parliament’s 120 seats, and would find a way to squeak by on a narrow majority. One route appeared to be poaching wavering opposition legislators. In a television interview on Tuesday, Netanyahu spokesman Yonatan Orich foresaw that “the establishment of a government is a matter of a few days.” “We’ve already spoken with four to six opposition Knesset members,” he said. But the targeted legislators each denied any chance of their possible defection. “Nonsense. It won’t happen,” tweeted Omer Yankelevich, a young rising star in Gantz’s Blue and White, whom Netanyahu’s Likud party threatened to blackmail by releasing videos of her that were of a “personal nature.”

    As Netanyahu increasingly catered in recent years to the demands of religious-right-wing coalition partners who squeezed him for funding and favorable policies in exchange for their support, his base has shrunk from a once loose, big-tent alliance of conservative voters to a smaller clique of true believers.

    The Nation-State Law, which he passed in July 2018 to satisfy the ultra-right-wingers in his cabinet, may have lost him the election. The law has no practical effect, but by declaring that only Jews in Israel have “the right to exercise national self-determination,” and by downgrading Arabic from an official language to one with an undefined “special status,” Netanyahu alienated the last traditional rule-of-law Likud voters while kicking out of the tent conservative Arabs and the Druze, a minority group that traditionally supported the Likud.

    Druze voters who once gave the party over 90 percent of their ballots have switched en masse to Gantz, whose first campaign promise was to amend the law. Fewer than 10 percent of Druze votes went to Netanyahu on Monday. “The Druze vote should be seen as a protest against the Likud and against the right, who betrayed them with the Nation-State Law,” said Amal Asad, a retired Israeli army general and leader of the protest movement against the law told The Daily Beast. “With the cameras rolling, the Blue and White leadership promised us they would fix it. That is what the Druze voted for.”

    Meanwhile, votes were being counted. Over two and a half days, the Likud’s coalition slipped from an high of 60 seats to 59 to 58, where it hovered for a day before the pollsters’ disbelieving eyes. Odeh said his party gained 20,000 new ballots from leftwing Jewish voters "disgusted” by the right-wing establishment.

    A generation of Israelis has known no other prime minister than Netanyahu, who has been in office for close to 12 years. As Israel’s political arena appeared to veer close to the danger zone, Gantz felt he had to reassure Israelis that “there will be no civil war.”

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    Post  JohninMK Wed Mar 11, 2020 10:51 pm

    Looks like the trial will start next week as planned.

    An ‘Israeli’ court in the occupied Palestine rejected Tuesday, acting Zionist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's request to postpone his corruption trial by 45 days.

    Netanyahu will be required to be present in court next week for his first hearing on March 17 after the court found that the prime minister's lawyers' arguments did not justify postponing the hearing, according to The Times of ‘Israel’.

    The embattled Netanyahu is currently fighting for his political career; facing criminal charges of bribery, fraud and breach of public trust, as well as falling short of the 61 mandates required to form a government following the recent March 2 elections.

    The first hearing will take place next Tuesday at the court and will consist of a formal reading of charges against Netanyahu.

    Attorney General Avichai Mandelblit on Monday expressed opposition to the postponement of the trial, saying that the dispute over the investigative documents will be resolved in the coming days.

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    Post  ahmedfire Thu May 14, 2020 8:59 pm

    Israel Condemns Egyptian TV Show Predicting Its Destruction

    The dystopian series set in the future predicts 'the war to liberate Jerusalem,' and shows a holographic map of a divided U.S.

    Israel's Foreign Ministry on Sunday condemned a new Egyptian TV drama set in the year 2120 that predicts Israel's destruction as well as the breakup of the United States.

    The Foreign Ministry statement said the series “is completely unacceptable especially because the two states have had a peace treaty for the past 41 years.”

    Egypt and Israel have worked closely on security issues since the 1979 treaty, especially near their shared border in the Sinai Peninsula, in a shared effort against Islamic militants. However, public opinion in Egypt has remained largely against normalized relations with Israel.

    The Egyptian series “El-Nehaya” — Arabic for “The End” — is about a computer engineer living in a dystopian future dominated by cyborg clones. It's one of the many dramas and soap operas that air each night during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which began last week.

    In the first episode, a teacher tells a class of students about “the war to liberate Jerusalem," which he says occurred less that 100 years after Israel's founding in 1948. The teacher says Jews in Israel “ran away and returned to their countries of origin” in Europe. He made no mention of what happened to Jews in Israel whose families came from other Middle Eastern countries — roughly half the Jewish population.

    A holographic map of a divided U.S. is also shown, with the teacher saying that “America was the central supporter of the Zionist state.”

    There was no immediate comment from the Egyptian government.

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    Post  magnumcromagnon Thu May 14, 2020 11:52 pm

    ahmedfire wrote:

    Israel Condemns Egyptian TV Show Predicting Its Destruction

    The dystopian series set in the future predicts 'the war to liberate Jerusalem,' and shows a holographic map of a divided U.S.

    Israel's Foreign Ministry on Sunday condemned a new Egyptian TV drama set in the year 2120 that predicts Israel's destruction as well as the breakup of the United States.

    The Foreign Ministry statement said the series “is completely unacceptable especially because the two states have had a peace treaty for the past 41 years.”

    Egypt and Israel have worked closely on security issues since the 1979 treaty, especially near their shared border in the Sinai Peninsula, in a shared effort against Islamic militants. However, public opinion in Egypt has remained largely against normalized relations with Israel.

    The Egyptian series “El-Nehaya” — Arabic for “The End” — is about a computer engineer living in a dystopian future dominated by cyborg clones. It's one of the many dramas and soap operas that air each night during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which began last week.

    In the first episode, a teacher tells a class of students about “the war to liberate Jerusalem," which he says occurred less that 100 years after Israel's founding in 1948. The teacher says Jews in Israel “ran away and returned to their countries of origin” in Europe. He made no mention of what happened to Jews in Israel whose families came from other Middle Eastern countries — roughly half the Jewish population.

    A holographic map of a divided U.S. is also shown, with the teacher saying that “America was the central supporter of the Zionist state.”

    There was no immediate comment from the Egyptian government.

    Israeli sanctimonious hypocrites! Their quackademics openly create and display maps of a completely Balkanized (obviously from civil war) Middle East based on Ethnographic lines in their spare time, so why are they crying about this?

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    Post  GarryB Fri May 15, 2020 4:45 am

    Don't remember any complaints about the last human city deep underground in the Matrix series being called Zion... or is that OK...

    Very selective about what they like and do not like.

    Besides don't the Jews have beliefs about armageddon or something... so even they don't expect Israel to last forever...

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    Post  ahmedfire Fri May 15, 2020 1:02 pm

    Israeli sanctimonious hypocrites! Their quackademics openly create and display maps of a completely Balkanized (obviously from civil war) Middle East based on Ethnographic lines in their spare time, so why are they crying about this?

    They always like to play the role of victim to get more support from the west . On the other side they believe in "The Greater Israel " to expand Israel from the Nile to the Euphrates ,they called it also " From the brook of Egypt to the Euphrates ".

    Comprising all of modern-day Israel, the Palestinian Territories, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, and Iraq, as well as Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, U.A.E, Oman, Yemen, most of Turkey, and land east of the Nile river.

    Besides don't the Jews have beliefs about armageddon or something... so even they don't expect Israel to last forever...

    I read one recent theory, postulates that Russian and Arab armies will form an alliance, invading Israel from the west and south, while the Chinese army will invade from the east; meanwhile, Western nations, led by the Antichrist, will fight back the invasion Rolling Eyes


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    Israel Politics and News Thread Empty Re: Israel Politics and News Thread

    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri May 15, 2020 4:33 pm

    ahmedfire wrote:
    Israeli sanctimonious hypocrites! Their quackademics openly create and display maps of a completely Balkanized (obviously from civil war) Middle East based on Ethnographic lines in their spare time, so why are they crying about this?

    I read one recent theory, postulates that Russian and Arab armies will form an alliance, invading Israel from the west and south, while the Chinese army will invade from the east; meanwhile, Western nations, led by the Antichrist, will fight back the invasion  Rolling Eyes

    I think that's related to the story of Gog and Magog. Christian Fundamentalists in America publicly masturbate to the idea of Israel's destruction (even routinely citing 6 million death toll) so they can be taken by the rapture in to paradise (Heaven), but because they generally support Israeli warmongering they never seem to get any anger from the Israeli's. Rolling Eyes

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    Post  kvs Fri May 15, 2020 5:33 pm

    Hasidic Jews used to not believe in the modern state of Israel. The Messiah must come before the nation of Israel can be
    rebuilt. So the secular Zionist project was not very popular initially. I think the Holocaust gave modern Israel the political
    raison d'etre and "justified" Zionism. But the creation of this state on Palestinian lands resulted in the ethnic cleansing of
    Palestinians that is ongoing.

    I find it interesting how western political narratives can accept a 2000 year gap between the old and new Israel, i.e.
    that Jews who did not live for 2000 years on the territory of old Israel have a territorial right to it, but when it comes to
    the 1939 "partition of Poland by Stalin and Hitler" the fact that land grabbed by Poland in 1920 was returned rightfully
    to the USSR is totally ignored and instead the BS narrative that Hitler and Stalin split Poland 50/50 as spoils is pushed
    ad nauseam.

    The same goes for Crimea. As if the Russian majority in Crimea has no rights, but Kiev which obtained Crimea in 1991
    through annexation enabled by various shenanigans during the period of the USSR has full rights. Unlike Jews, this
    Russian majority never left Crimea between 1917 and 1990. In fact, the whole of Novorossiya has self-determination
    rights too if we are to be fair.


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    Israel Politics and News Thread Empty Cold War II

    Post  kvs Sun May 17, 2020 4:32 pm

    This death is highly suspicious.

    Looks like China left the reservation and its partnership with Russia is making NATzO and its fellow travelers (e.g. Israel)
    desperate. So it is not surprising that dirty tricks and tactics are being deployed. The precious west cannot abide
    by fair competition. Its congenital xenophobia compels it to try to rule the world.


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    Israel Politics and News Thread Empty Re: Israel Politics and News Thread

    Post  JohninMK Thu Jul 09, 2020 4:43 pm

    A very good analysis of the issues around the decline of the US in the ME, their potential annexing of the West bank and the strategic implications of same.

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