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    French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front


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    French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front Empty French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front

    Post  GarryB Fri Apr 15, 2011 5:14 am

    The next general election in France will be quite interesting considering the low popularity of Sarkosy and what the opposition are saying...

    France to ditch NATO, embrace Russia if National Front comes to power

    The ultra-right National Front will pull France out of NATO and forge
    a privileged partnership with Russia if it wins next year's
    presidential election, its leader Marine Le Pen said on Wednesday.
    "I believe that France's interests are in Europe, but in Great
    Europe, especially including its partnership with Russia," she said
    during a party congress.
    A privileged partnership with Russia is necessitated by "obvious
    civilization and geostrategic factors" as well as France's "energy
    security interests."
    She also pledged to revise the country's relations with the United
    States and pull France out of NATO, saying that the National Front has
    from day one been opposed to NATO membership.
    Marine Le Pen said on Friday France would also dump the euro and impose heavy levies on imports to boost French industry.
    Marine Le Pen replaced her father Jean-Marie Le Pen as party leader
    this year. According to some polls, she could score an outright victory
    over President Nicolas Sarkozy in the April 2012 vote.
    PARIS, April 13 (RIA Novosti)
    Interesting, but if they get in will they follow through?France was always really only partly in NATO and liked its independance... will a France leaving NATO and the Euro currency effect NATO and the EU in a good way or a bad way?It was my understanding that France and Germany are fairly important to the Euro.Imposing tarriffs on imports is against the WTO rules, though most countries still do it... will they leave the WTO too?Will other European countries follow?

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    French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front Empty Re: French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front

    Post  Admin Fri Apr 15, 2011 5:40 am

    She is talking pretty stupid... if Nicolean can get Gaddafi out, I think he wins.

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    French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front Empty Re: French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front

    Post  GarryB Fri Apr 15, 2011 11:45 am

    And if he can't?

    Nothing French farmers like more than stopping trucks containing meat imported into France and burning them.

    There will be a lot of support for high import tariffs.

    Will be interesting to watch.

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    French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front Empty Re: French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front

    Post  NationalRus Fri May 13, 2011 4:49 pm

    i cross my fingers for the national front

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    French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front Empty Re: French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front

    Post  Admin Sat May 14, 2011 12:05 pm

    Nicoleon has gotten a 4% bump in approval since his Libya invasion, if he can get Gaddafi out it should bump him in the lead.

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    French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front Empty Re: French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front

    Post  GarryB Sun May 15, 2011 3:47 am

    Nicoleon has gotten a 4% bump in approval since his Libya invasion, if he can get Gaddafi out it should bump him in the lead.

    And Obama got a bump in approval rating when he revealed the US had gotten Osama, but I don't think that will last either.

    If Gaddafi is smart (and he has lasted 40 odd years in power so he is not an idiot) he can stay away from all military targets and survive.

    The west has greatly exaggerated the ability and size and performance of the rebels and if this stretches out for very long you can expect EU countries getting tired of spending money on this conflict.

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    French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front Empty French Politics Thread:

    Post  nemrod Sun May 25, 2014 10:56 pm

    Front National for the first time of its history is leading an election. Moreover, this party is the only one that is russian-friendly, on contrary to the other political movements that are all US-Nato friendly.
    We will see next the aftermaths.

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    French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front Empty Re: French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front

    Post  TR1 Sun May 25, 2014 11:06 pm

    Le Pen is also a huge twat.

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    French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front Empty Re: French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front

    Post  macedonian Mon May 26, 2014 9:34 am

    TR1 wrote:Le Pen is also a huge twat*.

    She should be in good company in the European Parliament than.

    *An epithet that can be ascribed to many politicians.

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    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front Empty Re: French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front

    Post  Hannibal Barca Mon May 26, 2014 9:40 am

    Yeah the results of the European elections were HUGE. For the first time real pro Russian or Russian friendly parties won in Europe! and other have a sizable representation.
    This is almost as major as for Remninbi to become the reserve currency! Soon more to follow in this direction.

    And to make myself clear, this is probably the greatest victory against US hegemony since 1945. It's implications might be bigger than the Vietnam war and analogous with the Sino-Russian
    broke up in the early 70s, on the opposite direction of course. Moscow MUST follow up doing the right (pun intented  Laughing ) steps here.
    As Sa'iqa

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    French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front Empty Re: French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front

    Post  As Sa'iqa Mon May 26, 2014 10:04 am

    Hannibal, can you outline the main reasons behind your pro-Russian stance?

    In Poland the elections were probably won by Prawo i Sprawiedliwość (Law and Justice) party.
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front Empty Re: French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front

    Post  Hannibal Barca Mon May 26, 2014 12:39 pm

    As Sa'iqa wrote:Hannibal, can you outline the main reasons behind your pro-Russian stance?

    I know you are a troller but I will give you an honest reply because you are still quite young and since you insist to be here...I might not be completely in vain.

    As a man:
    Because I have slept with much more Slavic+Romanian girls than Greek let alone Western European

    As a businessman:
    Because I wonna milk this 17 million square miles cow and an other 3 billion people markets connected to Eurasia via Russia

    As a Orthodox Christian:
    -Because I am fing Orthodox

    -Because being fing Orthodox I share the same values, the same culture, the same history, the same art and more

    As a Greek:
    -Because I made this bunch of thugs a nation and an empire and I want to see them succeed

    -Because I was fu@ed by West, I want to turn East and work with my eternal colleagues against my eternal enemies

    -Because I cannot stand being in a "coalition" with my worst enemy

    As a political being:
    Cause I believe in nationalism like China and Russia and not in globalization or zionistation and such crap

    As a human being:
    Because I grew sick with the anglosaxon crimes against humanity

    As a adventurer:
    Because I want some adrenaline, bored too often and too easy

    As a soldier:
    Because, if needed, I will gladly prove who is the better man...

    You want more?

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    French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front Empty Re: French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front

    Post  nemrod Mon May 26, 2014 5:34 pm

    TR1 wrote:Le Pen is also a huge twat.

    Well, you seem to know him very closely to assert such thing. I born in France, since 47 years, what i can assert that all what we were taught about almost every things, especially regarding F.N. were pure lies. However, I cannot say that this party won't follow Goldman Sachs's diktat once elected.

    Hannibal Barca wrote:Yeah the results of the European elections were HUGE. For the first time real pro Russian or Russian friendly parties won in Europe! and other have a sizable representation.
    I don't know for ther other parties in Europe, the only party that I know better is F.N. I know that if he electe, he would -I don't say sure-, but he would soften his stance vis a vis Russia.

    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front Empty Re: French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front

    Post  Hannibal Barca Mon May 26, 2014 5:54 pm

    nemrod wrote:
    TR1 wrote:Le Pen is also a huge twat.

    Well, you seem to know him very closely to assert such thing. I born in France, since 47 years, what i can assert that all what we were taught about almost every things, especially regarding F.N. were pure lies. However, I cannot say that this party won't follow Goldman Sachs's diktat once elected.

    Hannibal Barca wrote:Yeah the results of the European elections were HUGE. For the first time real pro Russian or Russian friendly parties won in Europe! and other have a sizable representation.
    I don't know for ther other parties in Europe, the only party that I know better is F.N. I know that if he electe, he would -I don't say sure-, but he would soften his stance vis a vis Russia.

    Jean Lepen is a genius. Mari is just the daughter of Jean. She is photogenic, likeable and bright image  but not a visionary.
    She took a more conservative and more sterilized stance to get to the general public  and this is precisely what her genius father knew when he selected her.
    She is just the mediator because French society is not yet ready to adopt a full fledged nationalism and as a mediator she is a damn good I have to say.
    Problem is Jean must live for a while, if he dies now his "front" will collapse under the pressure of the decadent society.

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    French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front Empty Re: French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front

    Post  nemrod Mon May 26, 2014 9:55 pm

    Hannibal Barca wrote:
    Problem is Jean must live for a while, if he dies now his "front" will collapse under the pressure of the decadent society.

    I used to heard this argument for at least 40 years. If the father dies, then...No FN. This is the usual false zionist argument.
    The Front National is not simple basic movement, it is nationalist movement with true deep roots inside the french society, and history. The Front National could not die easily. Moreover, this movement is near Vladimir Putin's movement. Front National became to grow because the french elites began givinng up the french soveregnity and implemented mondialism, ultra-liberalism. It won't be obvious if the Front National will disparear in a forseabable futur.

    PS: Do you speak french ?
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front Empty Re: French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front

    Post  Hannibal Barca Mon May 26, 2014 10:25 pm

    The movement no cannot die but the party can because like you I don't trust Marie all that much.
    Already started doing one mistake after the other. I already see that will not collaborate with UKIP because she is too nationalist.
    But then she will not intent to work with parties like Golden Dawn or British National Front or Italian Lega Nord cause she is not so much nationalist after all....
    This is moronic, it's a lose lose situation. Either you manage to merge or you fail.
    Americunts managed to merge south korea with japan and greece with turkey and germany with france.... can't be that fing difficult to merge Jobbik with the Dutch nationalists...
    Time will tell, but she is untrustworthy although likeable and  a lieutenant must watch her upclose.

    PS No I don't though I am up and coming in Geneva cause I work there sometimes.
    As Sa'iqa

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    French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front Empty Re: French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front

    Post  As Sa'iqa Tue May 27, 2014 3:57 pm

    Well... When they counted votes from Warsaw, it turned out that in fact Platforma Obuwatelska (Civic Platform) won, albeit by a very slight margin, about 1%.

    What I would like to see in Europarlament is "nationalism" of a pan-European kind, not a petty national one.

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    French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front Empty Re: French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front

    Post  macedonian Tue May 27, 2014 5:09 pm

    As Sa'iqa wrote:...What I would like to see in Europarlament is "nationalism" of a pan-European kind, not a petty national one.

    You'd have to point out exactly what is "European nationality" than.
    I mean I'm European by geography, but am not European by nationality, so I wouldn't fit in there.
    Then again, Macedonia is not in the EU, so would "European Nationality" apply exclusively to EU member nations?
    Not to Norway, Russia, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Ukraine, Belarus or Switzerland than?
    How is it defined than, this pan-European "nationalism"? What does the very idea mean?
    As Sa'iqa

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    French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front Empty Re: French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front

    Post  As Sa'iqa Tue May 27, 2014 5:26 pm

    Stressing common roots, culture, history, values etc. basically replacing vatious nationalities with a single, European one. Modern day nationalism is pretty much an invention of 19th century, before then Europe was more cosmopolitical and things such as what language you speak held far less importance than they did afterwards.

    Such an approach works well in China. China is as vast as Europe and people from Beijing can't understand people from Guangzhou. Yet despite such huge differences in language and (to a large degree) culture, people there associate themselves strongly with the general Chinese nation.

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    French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front Empty French politics

    Post  George1 Wed Nov 26, 2014 4:53 pm

    Sarkozy: France should keep its word in Mistral deal with Russia

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    French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front Empty Re: French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front

    Post  Werewolf Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:26 pm

    There should be a fine from russian side against France for playing games.
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front Empty Re: French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front

    Post  Hannibal Barca Wed Nov 26, 2014 5:55 pm

    No reason to panic. France is the one and only big Catholic country where Russia has good support politically. Socialists are allied with the Jews, hopeless, and conservatives are marionettes of the WASP's for decades  but wherever there is a nationalist movement Russia has strongholds .

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    French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front Empty Re: French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front

    Post  nemrod Tue Jan 06, 2015 9:42 pm

    In fact most of you speculated about France's politic trend.
    The reality, France disapeared since the great president Jacques Chirac, and great foreign minister Dominique de Villepin left the power around 2006. Since that date, France completly disapeared. Nowadays near all french leaders are Israel-US compliants. Worse France is becoming a simple puppet in Israel-US hands. Most of its leaders come from great anglo-saxon schools.
    Nowadays there is no chance for France to escape from this awfull situation, even though it jeopartizes its own interrests, and imperiling its own future. The only solution is if Army to take the power by a coup.

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    French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front Empty Re: French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front

    Post  George1 Tue Jan 06, 2015 9:52 pm

    nemrod wrote:In fact most of you speculated about France's politic trend.
    The reality, France disapeared since the great president Jacques Chirac, and great foreign minister Dominique de Villepin left the power around 2006. Since that date, France completly disapeared. Nowadays near all french leaders are Israel-US compliants. Worse France is becoming a simple puppet in Israel-US hands. Most of its leaders come from great anglo-saxon schools.
    Nowadays there is no chance for France to escape from this awfull situation, even though it jeopartizes its own interrests, and imperiling its own future. The only solution is if Army to take the power by a coup.

    i think it was the same even in Chirac era, remember NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, stance on Kossovo issue

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    French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front Empty Re: French Politics/Elections and the pro-russian National Front

    Post  nemrod Tue Jan 06, 2015 10:17 pm

    George1 wrote:
    i think it was the same even in Chirac era, remember NATO bombing of Yugoslavia, stance on Kossovo issue

    If, indeed Chirac was president during that date, at first he was strongly opposed, nevertheless, he was powerless, as the "Gauche Pluriel" was unfortunetly in power. Jospin was prime minister -and is always- strong israeli-US friend, -and completly compliant- did what he could to engage France among US.
    Do not forget in that time, the games were more than complicated, at first, unfortunetly for the world, US was the only superpower in the world, China in that time was far to be the quarter of the Great Britain's economy, if not less, and at least 1/tenth of US economy. Russia was in decline and in collapse economic situation, moreover Yeltsin's administration betrayed Yougoslavia. Furthermore, Milosevic was far to be a fanatic resistant, he did what it is possible to end the conflict relying in US promises. In my view, he was the prime to betray Yougoslavia.
    Chirac -powerless- was one of the rare leader in the world who did what it is possible to save Yougoslavia.

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