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    North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence


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    North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence Empty North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence

    Post  Jelena Tue Aug 18, 2009 10:15 am

    Massive clashes between Macedonians and Albanians in Skopje

    Skopje - Several persons were injured Sunday in violent clashes in the center of the Macedonian capital of Skopje between Slavic Macedonians and ethnic Albanians. A number of vehicles and store windows were damaged by stones and metal pipes in the fray.

    The clashes were triggered by more than 100 Macedonian fans of the local FC Vardar, broadcasters in the city reported. The vandals beat up Albanian ethnics who quickly organized their own defence.

    Focus of the violence was the bridge between the city center and an Albanian neighbourhood.

    Only the vigorous intervention by units of the special riot police avoided further blood-letting, reports said. Arrests were made, and order was restored by late in the evening.,massive-clashes-between-macedonians-and-albanians-in-skopje.html

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    North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence Empty DPA walks out of Macedonian Parliament

    Post  Jelena Tue Aug 18, 2009 10:17 am

    DPA walks out of Macedonian Parliament

    Skopje / 17/08/09 / 15:43
    The Democratic Party of Albanians announced Monday afternoon they will no longer take part in the activities of the parliament.

    DPA’s deputy Imer Aliu said that the Parliament ignores the political will of the Albanians, citing as examples disregarding of the Law on Amnesty. He added that the Institute for Cultural and Spiritual Heritage of the Albanians is disrespectful of their national dignity.

    “As of today, the parliamentary group of DPA is no longer taking part in the activities of the parliament,” Aliu said. /end/ nv

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    North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence Empty Re: North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence

    Post  Admin Tue Aug 18, 2009 7:43 pm

    Good, now maybe schiptars will go home to Albania.

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    North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence Empty Re: North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence

    Post  Admin Tue Aug 18, 2009 7:44 pm

    Are these schiptars even citizens or refugees?

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    North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence Empty Re: North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence

    Post  Jelena Tue Aug 18, 2009 9:20 pm

    Vladimir79 wrote:Are these schiptars even citizens or refugees?

    Most of them are citizens, if not all. Couldn't find some reliable data, just 2002 census.

    Ethnic groups (based on 2002 census) Totally 2,022,547

    Macedonians: 1,297,981 or 65.17%.
    Albanians: 509,083 or 25.17%
    Turks: 77,959 or 3.85%
    Roma: 53,879 or 2.66%
    Serbs:5,939 or 1.78%


    The process of industrialization and urbanization after the WWII that caused the population growth to decrease involved the Macedonians to a greater extent than the Muslims. Rates of increase were very high among rural Muslims: Turks and Torbesh are 2.5 times those of the Macedonian majority, while Albanians and Roma have 3 times as high. This has resulted in a significant demographic change as the Albanian population part has swelled from 8% after WWII to 25% in the 1990s. This has caused an increase in political tension and ultimately after a brief conflict forced the country to undertake reforms that decentralized the government. ..."

    North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence 618px-Albanians_in_macedonia2002_03


    Demographic history:

    1961 census
    # Macedonians = 900,685 (71.2%)
    # Albanians = 183,108 (13%)

    1971 census
    # Macedonians = 1,142,375 (69.3%)
    # Albanians = 279,871 (17%)

    # Macedonians = 1,279,323 (67%)
    # Albanians = 377,208 (19.8%)

    # Macedonians = 1,328,187 (65.3%)
    # Albanians = 441,987 (21.73%)

    1994 census
    # Macedonians = 1,288,330 (66.5%)
    # Albanians = 442,914 (22.86%)

    # Macedonians: 1,297,981 (64.17%)
    # Albanians: 509,083 (25.17%)


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    North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence Empty Re: North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence

    Post  Admin Tue Aug 18, 2009 11:03 pm

    Schiptars are spreading like weeds. Just look at Greece.

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    North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence Empty Re: North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence

    Post  Jelena Wed Aug 19, 2009 12:08 am

    Vladimir79 wrote:Schiptars are spreading like weeds. Just look at Greece.

    Vladimir, do you have some information on them in Greece? I think that since 1990 at least 300.000+ albos moved into Greece.

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    North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence Empty Re: North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence

    Post  Admin Wed Aug 19, 2009 12:22 am

    I think it is up to half million now. Greeks are pissed, clashing like they are in Macedonia.

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    North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence Empty Re: North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence

    Post  Turk1 Sun Aug 23, 2009 1:22 am

    Albanians are reclaiming the Balkans, Islam is spreading and so peace will be brought to the region.

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    North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence Empty Re: North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence

    Post  Jelena Sun Aug 23, 2009 1:40 am

    Turk1 wrote:Albanians are reclaiming the Balkans, Islam is spreading and so peace will be brought to the region.

    If you take a look at the history, albanians were not super friendly towards Turks but accepted Islam for small, personal interest Smile .
    BTW, you're the only Turk I have met on the internet having this opinion Exclamation You're trying to enter EU ( I hope you're aware of the main obstacles) and at the same time gloating on "Islam spreading". What will be at the end of a day?

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    North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence Empty Re: North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence

    Post  Turk1 Sun Aug 23, 2009 1:42 am

    Jelena wrote:
    If you take a look at the history, albanians were not super friendly towards Turks but accepted Islam for small, personal interest Smile .
    BTW, you're the only Turk I have met on the internet having this opinion Exclamation You're trying to enter EU ( I hope you're aware of the main obstacles) and at the same time gloating on "Islam spreading". What will be at the end of a day?

    Albanians accepted Islam because they were faithful to the empire. If I am only Turk you have met who sees spread of Islam as good thing, you must not meet many. Turk majority don't want anything to do with EU.

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    North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence Empty Re: North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence

    Post  Jelena Sun Aug 23, 2009 2:13 am

    Turk1 wrote:
    Jelena wrote:
    If you take a look at the history, albanians were not super friendly towards Turks but accepted Islam for small, personal interest Smile .
    BTW, you're the only Turk I have met on the internet having this opinion Exclamation You're trying to enter EU ( I hope you're aware of the main obstacles) and at the same time gloating on "Islam spreading". What will be at the end of a day?

    Albanians accepted Islam because they were faithful to the empire.
    You need to read a lot on Turko-Albanian relationship during Ottoman Empire (Ottoman occupation, Islam in albania, League of Prizren etc.)

    If I am only Turk you have met who sees spread of Islam as good thing, you must not meet many. Turk majority don't want anything to do with EU.
    At the end of the day, there is just so many Muslims and by pushing your religion on other people you can just provoke anger as it's already seen in some European countries! Maybe Turks I have met are more realistic-not dreamers like your self!

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    North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence Empty Kumanovo attack

    Post  whir Mon May 11, 2015 2:32 am

    TvFesta Kumanove wrote:exclusive footage

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    Location : Skopje, Macedonia - Скопје, Македонија

    North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence Empty Re: North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence

    Post  macedonian Mon May 11, 2015 2:02 pm

    Eight of our guys lost their lives these past two days.
    May God rest their souls.

    North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence 11257010

    Бог да ги прости.
    Вечная память!

    Kosovo fighters launched deadly attack in Macedonia, officials say

    UPI wrote:KUMANOVO, Macedonia, May 11 (UPI) -- A deadly attack in the Republic of Macedonia Saturday is being blamed on five militant leaders from Kosovo in the latest ethnic clashes there, officials said.
    More than a dozen gunmen and eight security officers were killed in the assault in the northern town of Kumanovo -- near the Serbia-Kosovo border, Macedonia's foreign ministry said Saturday.
    Investigators said the five identified fighters were members of the now defunct Kosovo Liberation Army (UCK) -- an ethnic Albanian rebel group.
    By the end of the attack, about 30 terrorists were apprehended and nearly 40 police officers were wounded, officials said.
    The five suspected leaders of the armed group were identified as Sami Ukshini, Beg Rizaj, Dem Shehu, Muhamet Krasniqi and Mirsad Ndrecaj, BBC News reported Saturday.

    Link >>

    Last edited by macedonian on Mon May 11, 2015 2:30 pm; edited 3 times in total

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    Location : Skopje, Macedonia - Скопје, Македонија

    North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence Empty Re: North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence

    Post  macedonian Mon May 11, 2015 2:20 pm

    BTW, our oh-so-competent Interior Ministry held a pathetic press-conference and stated that the op was a success (I REALLY OBJECT BECAUSE OF THE RATIO OF TERRORISTS VS POLICEMAN DEATHS [14-8]).
    They've also stated that this terrorist group was the worst in the Balkans, and has been active in the south of Serbia, Macedonia, and lately in Syria and Iraq (as part of IS/ISIL). Not sure what to make of it, but having gotten rid of them is definitely a big success!

    Having to watch videos of the local Albanian population booing the police convoy going back to the barracks after the operation, and calling them MURDERERS for using "non-proportionate" force leaves a bitter taste in the mouth. This will not be the end of this...

    I expect things will escalate when the rest of the local Albanian crew now fighting in Syria and Iraq heads back.
    Or when the Americans give 'em orders to go full retard once again.

    There's talk here that this is the result of our politicos turning to Russia, and joining Turk Stream.
    We'll see what happens next.

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    Location : Skopje, Macedonia - Скопје, Македонија

    North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence Empty Re: North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence

    Post  macedonian Mon May 11, 2015 3:05 pm

    Leave it to the Germans to make sense of it all...
    Note the absence of the word "Terrorist"...

    More than 20 killed in operation against Albanians in Macedonia

    DPA wrote:By Thomas Brey, dpa
    Belgrade (dpa) - At least 22 people are dead in northern Macedonia after a a police action against armed ethnic Albanians, the Macedonian government said Sunday.
    At least eight police officers were killed and 37 injured in the two-day operation in Kumanovo that killed 14 armed ethnic Albanians, said Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski.
    Some 30 people were arrested and the death toll could continue to rise, the Interior Ministry said.
    NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg in Brussels called for Macedonia's leadership to restore calm.
    Fighting in the ethnic Albanian town of Kumanovo, 40 kilometres north-east of the capital Skopje, has now subsided and the town is under police lockdown, Interior Ministry spokesman Ivo Kotevski said.
    Kotevski said clashes started Saturday when police advanced against what he described as "well-armed terrorists" that had penetrated Macedonia "from a neighbouring country."
    The group, which had as many as 70 men, had hidden in the region with support from local Albanians and planned attacks on public facilities and a military base, he said.
    In response to the violence, Stoltenberg calling for "everyone to exercise restraint and avoid any further escalation, in the interest of the country and the whole region."
    "It is important that all political and community leaders work together to restore calm and conduct a transparent investigation to establish what happened," he said.

    Continued >>

    BTW, Kumanovo is not an ethnic Albanian town, the majority is Macedonian there.

    I think the Germans are again helping the UCK (Kosovo Liberation Army) like they did in the conflict with Serbia, and later Macedonia.
    It was the BND, and NOT the CIA that operated the training camps for the UCK/KLA. Funny enough, the Nazis also collaborated with the local Albanian population during's history repeating itself.

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    North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence Empty Re: North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence

    Post  flamming_python Mon May 11, 2015 4:59 pm

    RIP to the dead.

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    North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence Empty Re: North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence

    Post  macedonian Mon May 11, 2015 6:09 pm

    flamming_python wrote:RIP to the dead.

    Yeah, thanks FP, one of them is a friend of a friend.

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    North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence Empty Re: North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence

    Post  KoTeMoRe Mon May 11, 2015 7:17 pm

    Very absurd actions from the usual suspects. A failed state will always produce such absurd situations and incite such attacks. Kosovo is the epitome of of The Pandora's Box. Well done NATO. More shit in the Balkan, less peace, less security, more paranoïa. Stability, the American way.

    Sorry for the loss, Mac.

    Yeah well the Albanian sources are saying that at least two of the head honchos are directly from KS. Nothing local.

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    North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence Empty Re: North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence

    Post  macedonian Mon May 11, 2015 7:33 pm

    KoTeMoRe wrote:Very absurd actions from the usual suspects. A failed state will always produce such absurd situations and incite such attacks. Kosovo is the epitome of of The Pandora's Box. Well done NATO. More shit in the Balkan, less peace, less security, more paranoïa. Stability, the American way.

    Sorry for the loss, Mac.

    Yeah well the Albanian sources are saying that at least two of the head honchos are directly from KS. Nothing local.

    Thanks mate.
    Not at all sure just what's going on...The Germans and the Americans are now saying (through the usual NGOs and AgitProp in Macedonian media) that any instability could spread through the Balkans...
    As you said, seems absurd...but only for the Balkan players and proxies. The Americans might well profit from this...IF that's what's behind this whole mess.
    Some commentators in the Macedonian and Serbian media are bluntly blaming the Americans, who (as they say) ordered this as a warning of what might happen if Macedonia joined Turkish Stream...which is already a done deal - since we've already joined it... It would take a bloody all-out civil war to put a stop to that, and I don't think the people here are ready to swallow that right now.
    Stranger things have happened though, so I'm not holding my breath. As I said: We'll see what the future holds, so far nothing seems to make sense other than what those commentators suggested.

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    Location : Skopje, Macedonia - Скопје, Македонија

    North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence Empty Re: North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence

    Post  macedonian Mon May 11, 2015 8:14 pm

    Macedonia Mourns Eight Police Killed In Gunbattle

    AgitProp wrote:Macedonia is observing a second day of national mourning on May 11 for eight police officers killed during a weekend battle against gunmen in the northern town of Kumanovo. Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov said 14 suspected gunmen also were killed in the battle, which began early on May 9 in the town near the borders with Kosovo and Serbia. In a nationwide television address late on May 10, Ivanov said police had “prevented coordinated terrorist attacks at different locations in the country that would cause serious destabilization, chaos, and fear.” He said the gunmen were “extremists and criminals with remarkable military training and skills.”
    RFE/RL >>
    The only ones mentioning "Terrorism" are "our" Govt. people. The westerners call them "armed people" or "gunmen".
    Wonder why than, the Charlie Hebdo attack was called "terrorism" and not merely an "attack by armed people" by members of the public that disagreed with the paper's views?!


    Demining starts in Macedonia after weekend clashes leave 22 dead

    DPA wrote:By Boris Babic, dpa
    Belgrade (dpa) - Macedonian authorities were clearing explosion debris and demining the town of Kumanovo on Monday after 22 people were killed in a government operation against an armed group branded by police as terrorists infiltrating the country.The eruption of violence over the weekend raised tensions in the landlocked Balkan country and throughout the region, which was ravaged by ethnic violence throughout the 1990s.
    Local media reported sporadic explosions attributed to demining in the ethnic Albanian town, where a two-day raid on the weekend left 14 alleged gunmen and eight police officers dead and 37 injured.
    Houses were damaged in the fighting, and authorities fear that further unexploded ordnance and booby-traps are hidden in the area.
    Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski told reporters Sunday that the terrorist group infiltrated Macedonia intending to kill thousands and destabilize the country.
    While officials said that the group was comprised of ethnic Albanians from neighbouring Kosovo, Gruevski insisted that their compatriots in Kumanovo had not supported the gunmen.
    "This is not a Macedonian-Albanian conflict, because that would be harmful to both Macedonians and Albanians in the region," he said.
    DPA German Press Agency >>
    DPA keeps pushing this "ethnic Albanian town" thing, though Kumanovo's majority is Macedonian.
    After what's going on in Ukraine, nothing will surprise me let them push their line, and let me tell you - NOW I'm glad that wondering through Berlin looking for a traditional GERMAN restaurant was such a big effort. Lots of Turkish joints though...Can't have that schnitzel - but try our new national dish - the kebab!

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    North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence Empty Re: North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence

    Post  KoTeMoRe Mon May 11, 2015 8:27 pm

    Color me surprized...not.

    So far complete blackout from Kosovo, only "civilian" victims tralala. Furthermore our own guys have been put in alert because of unspecified risk. IE this isn't "our people". More mafia wars between Kosovo mob ltd, spilling over. Last year these fvcks caused about 15 deaths when they fired on an Albanian borderguard patrols four times in the winter. Off course unspecified and swept under the rug.

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    Location : Skopje, Macedonia - Скопје, Македонија

    North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence Empty Re: North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence

    Post  macedonian Mon May 11, 2015 8:31 pm

    Seems Comedy Central is on today...
    Our President calls for NATO and the EU integration to calm things down!!! Yeah, why the hell not - let me just call this robber to cancel this robbery, that should do it!

    Anadolu Turkish wrote:
    In a televised address, Gjorge Ivanov said: "Police have prevented coordinated terrorist attacks at different locations in the country that would cause serious destabilization, chaos and fear."
    "The members of the group are extremists and criminals with remarkable military training and skills. That's why we have paid such a high price with the loss of lives."
    Eight police officers and 14 militants were killed in clashes that began early Saturday when police intercepted an armed group near Kumanovo, 40 kilometers (25 miles) north of capital Skopje.
    Ivanov, who cut short a visit to Russia on Saturday, pledged that those involved would “pay dearly” and called for political unity in Macedonia, where the government and the opposition have been at loggerheads amid accusations that each is attempting to destabilize the country in a bid to secure power.
    The president renewed his call for EU and NATO integration to provide stability in the former Yugoslav republic.


    The rest >> (in case anyone needs a laugh/cry)

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    Location : Skopje, Macedonia - Скопје, Македонија

    North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence Empty Re: North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence

    Post  macedonian Mon May 11, 2015 8:41 pm

    KoTeMoRe wrote:Color me surprized...not.

    So far complete blackout from Kosovo, only "civilian" victims tralala. Furthermore our own guys have been put in alert because of unspecified risk. IE this isn't "our people". More mafia wars between Kosovo mob ltd, spilling over. Last year these fvcks caused about 15 deaths when they fired on an Albanian borderguard patrols four times in the winter. Off course unspecified and swept under the rug.

    You said it best mate!
    That mafia is still strong and many criminal elements only too wiling for cooperation among the Serbian and Macedonian mafia, while selling "patriotism" to the THAT'S true opium for the masses!

    The heightened "alert because of unspecified risk" thing is strange though. Obviously not for Macedonia, but our media is claiming Serbia, Bulgaria, Albania, and Kosovo are all on this unspecified heightened alert. Not sure if true, and something indeed going on, or just adding to the hysteria for the fcuk of it.

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    North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence Empty Re: North Macedonia inter-ethnic violence

    Post  KoTeMoRe Mon May 11, 2015 8:48 pm

    macedonian wrote:
    KoTeMoRe wrote:Color me surprized...not.

    So far complete blackout from Kosovo, only "civilian" victims tralala. Furthermore our own guys have been put in alert because of unspecified risk. IE this isn't "our people". More mafia wars between Kosovo mob ltd, spilling over. Last year these fvcks caused about 15 deaths when they fired on an Albanian borderguard patrols four times in the winter. Off course unspecified and swept under the rug.

    You said it best mate!
    That mafia is still strong and many criminal elements only too wiling for cooperation among the Serbian and Macedonian mafia, while selling "patriotism" to the THAT'S true opium for the masses!

    The heightened "alert because of unspecified risk" thing is strange though. Obviously not for Macedonia, but our media is claiming Serbia, Bulgaria, Albania, and Kosovo are all on this unspecified heightened alert. Not sure if true, and something indeed going on, or just adding to the hysteria for the fcuk of it.

    I think this is only a cover up. You know, we are sorry, this aren't our people, we'll help blabla. While concretly there's nothing you can do about Albanophone Kosovars crossing the border directly. Serbia I understand. But us that's laughable. Well same comedy since the 90's.

    I'm sorry the old country isn't contributing to anything else but violence.

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