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    Political status of Kosovo


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    Political status of Kosovo Empty Political status of Kosovo

    Post  Jelena Sat Aug 15, 2009 5:35 am

    Dalimunthe: Indonesia respects Serbia's integrity

    BELGRADE, Aug 14 (Tanjug) - Indonesian Ambassador to Serbia Muhammad Abduh Dalimunthe said on Friday that Indonesia respects international law and Serbia's integrity and all the steps that Serbia is taking to seek the opinion of the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on the legality of the unilaterally proclaimed independence of Kosovo.

    Speaking for Radio and Television of Serbia RTS, Dalimunthe said every problem must be resolved in a peaceful way, that United Nations (UN) Security Council Resolution 1244 on Kosovo must be honored, and that it is necessary to hear the decision of the ICJ on Kosovo.

    During the two and a half years of his service in Belgrade, the ambassador said, he has realized that there is huge potential for economic cooperation between the two states which should be tapped. Serbia imports from Indonesia products from the area of technology, and Serbia exports to Indonesia articles from the field of the military industry, he pointed out.

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    Political status of Kosovo Empty Re: Political status of Kosovo

    Post  Admin Sat Aug 15, 2009 12:18 pm

    I think that ICJ opinion will determine what those nations sitting on the fence will decide. All those who have already recognised it jumped the gun.

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    Political status of Kosovo Empty Re: Political status of Kosovo

    Post  Jelena Sat Aug 15, 2009 5:11 pm

    Vladimir79 wrote:I think that ICJ opinion will determine what those nations sitting on the fence will decide. All those who have already recognised it jumped the gun.

    Depends how you look at the situation...For example, Indonesia is predominantly muslim country and it is good to see them not to rush into problems. However, Saudis who have a great power and influence are very supportive to Kosovo separatists.

    Saudis form Kosovo ties, invite to Haj

    Saudi Arabia formally established diplomatic ties with Kosovo following the signing of the protocol accord for diplomatic relations by Khalid A. Al-Nafisee, permanent representative of Saudi Arabia to the United Nations, and Avni Spahiu, Kosovo ambassador to the United States, at the UN office on Friday. A close ally, the Kingdom has also been one of the top donors to Kosovo, which broke away from Serbia and declared its independence in February 2008.

    “A significant number of countries from the Middle East will be following Saudi Arabia’s lead in recognizing Kosovo and in boosting links with that state on all levels,” Al-Nafisee said in a statement to Arab News on Saturday. “Riyadh, which seeks to strengthen ties in all sectors, is a close ally of Kosovo.”

    He said that the Kingdom became the 58th state to recognize Kosovo in April this year despite reservations expressed by many other countries on this issue.

    Commenting on the protocol signed by Riyadh and Pristina, Alb Gazmend, Kosovo’s ambassador to Albania who has been lobbying for Arab support for Kosovo, said: “The diplomatic relations between Saudi Arabia and Kosovo had been established with a mission to strengthen friendship and cooperation on the principles of mutual acknowledgment, respect of independence and territorial integrity.”

    On behalf of the Kosovo government, Gazmend said: “I offered my genuine appreciations and thanks to the people and the government of the Kingdom for inking the diplomatic instrument at the UN.”

    Asked about Saudi support, Admirim Banaj, Albanian ambassador to Saudi Arabia, said: “The Kingdom’s aid and assistance in various forms have been reliable and consistent through the years.”

    He pointed out that several international donors together with Riyadh pledged $1.9 billion last year to help build Kosovo’s battered economy, surpassing their target.

    “Kosovo believes that the recognition and influence of Saudi Arabia, as one of the most important Muslim countries, will encourage other countries to recognize Kosovo and establish diplomatic ties,” said Banaj.

    “But, Kosovo’s plan to set up an embassy in Saudi Arabia is a priority now,” said a report published by the English-language Kosovo Times. “One of the priorities for Kosovo’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs is to open a diplomatic mission in Saudi Arabia despite its limited budget, which does not allow them to have embassies in all the countries that have recognized Kosovo.”

    To this end, the report noted that more than 2,000 pilgrims from Kosovo would travel to the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah for Haj and Umrah this year.

    August 09, 2009
    Arab News, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

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    Political status of Kosovo Empty Jeremic: We will prevent new recognition of independence of Kosovo

    Post  Jelena Tue Sep 01, 2009 5:51 am

    Jeremic: We will prevent new recognition of independence of Kosovo

    Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremić said in New York his visit to the UN has two goals – the preparation of the Serbian delegation at the next General Assembly session and talks with the UN Secretariat General. The delegation, to be led by Serbian President Boris Tadic, is to have a very difficult task at the session – to prevent Pristina and its allies from launching an offensive aimed at drastically increasing the number of countries recognizing the unilaterally proclaimed independence of Kosovo on the eve of the beginning of the debate before the International Court of Justice, on December 1. The Serbian delegation is to have talks with many heads of states and foreign ministers. The debate at the ICJ is to have a historic character, as for the first time all the five permanent UN Security Council member-states will be taking part in the debate. Jeremic said it would be very difficult to exert pressure on countries to recognize the Province once the debate begins. In NY, Jeremic met with the ambassadors of Russia, Azerbaijan, South Africa, Indonesia, Nigeria and Vietnam and also had talks with the UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon’s assistants on the situation in Kosmet and progress in the fulfillment of the six-item plan. The progress has been made, but we insist the vital plan be realized thoroughly, as the entire SC is behind it, he said, adding it has been agreed that the session of the SC be held in mid-October. He informed UN representatives of the problems faced by Serbs and other non-Albanians in Kosmet and expressed concern over Pristina’s persistent refusal to comply with the binding decisions of the SC. He also insisted the SC session on Kosmet be public.

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    Political status of Kosovo Empty Ambassador Churkin says political process had been possible

    Post  Jelena Thu Sep 03, 2009 4:17 am

    Ambassador Churkin says political process had been possible

    VIENNA, Sept 2 (Tanjug) - Russian Ambassador to the United Nations (UN) Vitaly Churkin has said that Moscow refused to recognize the uniletarally proclaimed independence of Kosovo because there had been a possibility for a political process through which ethnic Albanian rights could have been realized without a violation of the historic territory of Serbia.

    The ambassador gave an interview to the Austrian daily Tiroler Tageszeitung. Asked why Abkhazia and South Ossetia should be independent but not Kosovo, Churkin said the most important argument is that no-one had been threatening the security of Kosovo at the time when it had proclaimed independence.

    Belgrade provided guarantees that it would not exert any military or economic pressure. That is why Russia believed a political process was possible for satisfying the rights of ethnic Albanians without a violation of the historic territory of Serbia, Churkin told the daily. In the case of South Ossetia, he said, there was a direct attack and it was a matter of life or death for those peoples.

    Regarding the war in the Caucasus a year ago, Ambassador Churkin underscored that, in this case, it was a matter of aggression by Georgia on South Ossetia.

    Most people recognize that Russia did what it had to do. At the time, NATO reacted in that situation as if it were a caricature of itself from the times of the Cold War, backing Georgia's policy of aggression, the Russian diplomat said.

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    Political status of Kosovo Empty ‘Unilateral independence declaration’-ICJ

    Post  Jelena Mon Sep 07, 2009 6:10 am

    Just to go briefly through the history.

    General Assembly refers Kosovo situation to ICJ

    08 Oct 2008
    The United Nations General Assembly has voted in favour of Serbia's draft resolution to refer the legality of Kosovo's declaration of independence to the ICJ.

    In its vote on Wednesday 8 October, the Member States of the United Nations General Assembly voted in favour of referring the legality of Kosovo’s declaration of independence on 17 February 2008 to the International Court of Justice (ICJ).

    A total of 77 Member States voted in favour of the resolution while 74 countries abstained. Only six countries voted against the Republic of Serbia’s draft resolution, including the United States.

    Of the EU Member States, the vast majority abstained from the vote although Romania, Slovakia, Spain, Greece and Cyprus voted in favour.

    ‘Unilateral independence declaration’

    Serbia asked the UN Member States to vote for the ICJ to give an Advisory Opinion on the following question:

    “Is the unilateral declaration of independence by the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government of Kosovo in accordance with international law?”

    A simple majority was required in order for the Court to be requested to deliver an Advisory Opinion on the issue.

    Serbia sought to have the question placed on the General Assembly’s agenda this year as only organs of the UN (and some of its Special Agencies) may ask the Court to deliver advisory opinions.

    The General Assembly will now make the request to the ICJ.

    ICJ advisory proceedings

    As the principal judicial organ of the UN, the International Court of Justice has two functions: to settle disputes between States by binding judgments (contentious cases) and to give advisory opinions on legal questions submitted to it by the United Nations (advisory proceedings). The proceedings leading to an Advisory Opinion may take up to two years.

    Advisory opinions are issued by the Court and do not have the effect of resolving a specific legal case but rather advise on the interpretation of the law.

    Advisory opinions are essentially not binding. Nevertheless, advisory opinions benefit from the authority and prestige of the Court. Serbian Foreign Minister Jeremić said his country would respect the Court’s decision.

    Advisory opinions which the General Assembly requests the ICJ to deliver can be of a highly political nature.

    The last advisory opinion given by the ICJ, on 9 July 2004, related to the legal consequences of Israel’s construction of a wall in the occupied Palestinian territory.

    Serbia: Declaration “illegal and illegitimate”

    Kosovo unilaterally declared its independence from Serbia on 17 February 2008, but Belgrade has refused to recognise its sovereignty. Serbia claims that the declaration by the ethnic Albanian authorities of what the Serbian Government calls “our southern provinces of Kosovo and Metohija” was “unilateral, illegal and illegitimate” and in violation of UN Security Council Resolution 1244 (1999) as well as other key documents.

    Resolution 1244, which was passed in June 1999 in the wake of NATO’s bombing campaign, reaffirmed the “commitment of all Member States to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia”.

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    Political status of Kosovo Empty Re: Political status of Kosovo

    Post  Jelena Mon Sep 07, 2009 6:14 am

    Accordance with International Law of the Unilateral Declaration of Independence by the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government of Kosovo

    On 8 October 2008 the Member States of the United Nations General Assembly voted in favour of referring the legality of Kosovo’s declaration of independence on 17 February 2008 to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague. In its vote, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted a resolution in which, referring to Article 65 of the Statute of the Court, it requested the International Court of Justice to render an advisory opinion on the following question:

    “Is the unilateral declaration of independence by the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government of Kosovo in accordance with international law?”

    The resolution recalls the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government of Kosovo’s declaration of independence from Serbia that took place on 17 February 2008 and underlines the fact that this act has been received with varied reactions by the Members of the United Nations as to its compatibility with the existing international legal order,

    On receiving a request for an advisory opinion, the Court itself draws up a list of those States and organizations that may be able to furnish relevant information. According to the Court’s Order fixing time limits on 17 October 2008, states are requested to give written statements on the question by 17 April 2009. Both Serbia and Kosovo will deliver their written arguments on the issue.

    Advisory procedures

    The advisory procedure is open to five United Nations organs and 16 agencies of the United Nations system. It enables them to request opinions from the Court on legal questions. Unlike judgments handed down in contentious proceedings between States, the Court’s advisory opinions have no binding effect as such. However, the authority of the Court as the principal judicial organ of the United Nations attaches to them.

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    Political status of Kosovo Empty Re: Political status of Kosovo

    Post  Jelena Mon Sep 07, 2009 6:16 am

    Brazil informs Serbia on participation in ICJ debate

    BELGRADE, Sep 4 (Tanjug) - Brazilian Ambassador to Serbia Dante Coelho de Lima said Friday that Brazil will take part in the verbal debate at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) on the Kosovo case.

    "I've just informed the Serbian government that Brazil will take part in the next stage of the proceedings, in the verbal debate at the ICJ," he told Tanjug.

    The ICJ debate on the unilateral declaration of Kosovo's independence is scheduled to start on December 1, and interested countries have until September 15 to take a decision on participation, he said.

    Brazil, which has not recognized Kosovo, submitted earlier to ICJ a written statement expressing its principled stand that Kosovo status can be resolved solely within the framework of instruments provided by the UN and in compliance with international law, he said.

    Brazil respects Serbia's territorial integrity, Coelho de Lima said.

    Brazil has supported the UN Security Council Resolution 1244, according to which Kosovo is an integral part of Serbia, he said.

    Brazil also believes that the principle of self-determination should not be contrary to compliance with international law, he noted.

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    Political status of Kosovo Empty Re: Political status of Kosovo

    Post  Jelena Mon Sep 07, 2009 6:20 am

    This is the official page of ICJ where the one interested can follow development, "Accordance with International Law of the Unilateral Declaration of Independence by the Provisional Institutions of Self-Government of Kosovo (Request for Advisory Opinion)" :

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    Political status of Kosovo Empty Re: Political status of Kosovo

    Post  Jelena Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:14 pm

    Tuesday deadline to register for ICJ public hearing

    BELGRADE, Sept 14 (Tanjug) - Tuesday, September 15, is the deadline for registering to participate in a public hearing before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague on the legality of the unilaterally proclaimed independence of Kosovo and Metohija and the Court will announce, after that, the number of states that have registered and the timetable of the oral proceedings.

    The public hearing will begin on December 1, and all member-states of the United Nations (UN) have the right to make statements, announcements or commentaries, regardless of whether they had previously submitted any written memorial, reply or rejoinder.

    Although not a member of the UN, the Pristina interim authorities also have the right to oral presentation of memorial, reply and rejoinder to the arguments of the opponents of this secession.

    Thirty-five countries, including Serbia, have presented written statements and arguments for or against the secession of the ethnic Albanian minority in Serbia during the first stage of this process, which was launched by the UN General Assembly last year at the initiative of Serbia.

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    Political status of Kosovo Empty Re: Political status of Kosovo

    Post  Jelena Mon Sep 14, 2009 9:21 pm

    Russia to participate in public hearing before ICJ

    MOSCOW, Sept 14 (Tanjug) - Russia has informed the International Court of Justice that it intends to participate in the public hearing on the accordance with international law of the unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo-Metohija, Russian Foreign Ministry stated Monday.

    The unilateral acts of Kosovo authorities are contrary to the international law and the Resolution 1244 of the Security Council, the crucial document on which the parameters for resolving Kosovo issue are based, the statement reads.

    The public hearings before the ICJ will open on December 1, and the time-limit for submitting participation applications is Tuesday, September 15.

    During these hearings, statements and comments may be presented orally by the UN and its member states, whether or not they have filed written statements and comments.

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    Political status of Kosovo Empty Re: Political status of Kosovo

    Post  Jelena Thu Sep 17, 2009 5:30 am

    Jeremic:All permanent members of UNSC to take part in debate

    BELGRADE, Sept 16 (Tanjug) - Serbian Foreign Minister Vuk Jeremic stated Wednesday that all five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) will participate in the debate before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague, which will decide on the legality of Kosovo's unilaterally proclaimed independence.

    Jeremic told Tanjug that for the first time in history, all permanent members of the UNSC will take an active part before the ICJ, which might be interpreted as Serbia's success.

    “This is success for Serbia since the action that Serbia launched before the ICJ engages the most influential countries of the world which are to confront their arguments before the ICJ,” Jeremic pointed out.

    The deadline for the application of requests for participation in the oral sessions before the ICJ expired on Tuesday, and Belgrade and Pristina confirmed their participation in the debate scheduled for December 1.

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    Political status of Kosovo Empty Re: Political status of Kosovo

    Post  Admin Thu Sep 24, 2009 5:38 am

    Well we know where Russia stands. China has been making overatures to Serbia lately so they probably will not support independence. They can't be too happy over the embassy bombing or the threat to their own provinces seeking independence. We know US, UK, and France are going to kiss their butts.

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    Political status of Kosovo Empty Jeremic: We do not expect another recognition wave

    Post  Jelena Mon Oct 05, 2009 7:15 pm

    Jeremic: We do not expect another recognition wave

    NOVI SAD, Oct 5 (Tanjug) - Minister of Foreign Affairs Vuk Jeremic stated on Sunday that the attendance of the Serbian delegation at the recent UN General Assembly session was rather successful in preventing a new wave of recognition of the Kosovo and Metohija independence.

    The delegation of Serbia headed by President Boris Tadic really did everything it possibly could at the moment, and it had talks with everyone in New York and tried to present our arguments, Jeremic said in an interview with Radio TV Vojvodina.. “I believe we proved successful, but let us wait a week or so, and if there are new recognitions of Kosovo and Metohija, it will mean that at the end we were not able to stop” the recognition wave, the Serbian foreign minister noted.

    He pointed out that despite the unfair struggle with some of the most powerful and most influential states in the international community, Serbia has reason for optimism, and he expressed hope that “in a few days, we will be able to say that we have surprised the international community and that we were successful” after all.

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    Political status of Kosovo Empty Re: Political status of Kosovo

    Post  Jelena Sun Oct 11, 2009 4:23 am

    Agenda for debate on Kosovo independence set

    THE HAGUE, Oct 9 (Tanjug) - The International Court of Justice (ICJ) has set the agenda for the public debate on the legality of the unilaterally proclaimed Kosovo's independence scheduled for December 1.

    The debate will last ten days and legal teams from Belgrade and Pristina will have three hours each to present opposing argument, Tanjug learned Thursday from diplomatic sources.

    Serbia's legal team will be the first to preset its stand that the unilateral proclamation of indepedence of Serbia's southern province is illegal and violates international law.

    After that, representatives of Albanian authorities in Pristina will present arguments so as to defend their right to independence and trying to prove that Kosovo is sui generis.

    Out of 36 states, 29 applied for the oral debate and will be given 45 minutes each to justify their attitudes.

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    Political status of Kosovo Empty Re: Political status of Kosovo

    Post  Jelena Tue Dec 01, 2009 1:46 pm

    Process on Kosovo independence begins-International court on Serbia’s border

    Author: N. K. | Foto: AFP | 30.11.2009 - 08:34

    Political status of Kosovo Sud-v

    Until middle of the next year, fifteen judges of the International Court of Justice are to give final, advisory opinion whether proclamation of Kosovo independence is contrary to the international law. The debate considered by many as the process of the century, begins in The Hague tomorrow. In the following ten days representatives of 29 countries plus the authorities in Pristina shall present their opinion on the subject.

    The process shall begin by argumentation to be given by representatives of Serbia and Kosovo authorities. They shall have three hours each to present their stance on the very first day of the process. In the name of Serbia there shall speak Dusan Batakovic, Chief of Serbian legal team, Sasa Obradovic, Deputy chief and finally experts on international law Malcolm Shaw of the Great Britain, Marcel Cohen of Switzerland and Andreas Zimmermann of Germany.
    Pristina delegation shall be led by the Foreign Minister Skender Hiseni while legal arguments in favor of Kosovo independence shall be presented by British lawyer Michael Wood. After that representatives of 28 countries shall present their argumentation until November 11. The ICJ shall give an advisory opinion that shall not be binding on the countries.
    ‘Nevertheless, opinion of the ICJ shall have not only undisputable legal and moral gravity but huge influence on future political moves as well. The opinion of the ICJ has great force since both countries that have recognized Kosovo and those that have not, refer to the international law’, Tibor Varadi, Professor of the international law said.

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    Political status of Kosovo Empty Re: Political status of Kosovo

    Post  Jelena Wed Dec 02, 2009 8:16 pm

    Public hearing continues in Kosovo case

    2 December 2009

    The Kosovo debate before the International Court of Justice in The Hague continued this Wednesday.

    On the first day of the proceedings yesterday, Serbia and Kosovo Albanian representatives had a chance to present their arguments.

    The case was sent to the highest UN court by the UN General Assembly last year at Serbia's request, with the goal of establishing the legality of the February 2008 unilateral declaration of independence of Kosovo.

    Until December 11, 27 more countries, both supporters and opponents of the proclamation, will give their arguments, including China, the United States and Russia. But the judges are expected to deliberate the case for several months before giving their opinion.

    Albania, Germany and Saudi Arabia, the countries that recognized the declaration, were the first to present their legal arguments in favor. Each country has 45 minutes for their presentation.

    As others who have recognized Kosovo's secession, they were expected to claim that the province's ethnic Albanians have a right to self-determination due to violations of their rights, that UNSCR 1244 did not contain provisions to prevent it, and that some 60 countries have accepted this by recognizing Kosovo.

    Belgrade, on the other hand, argued yesterday that the proclamation was an ethnically motivated act of secession that is undermining the foundations of international law, and was in violation of Resolution 1244.

    One of the countries in Serbia's corner is Argentina, and its representatives also addressed the court today.

    Argentina sent one of the longest written statements to the court during the previous stage of the proceedings, disputing the legality of the unilateral proclamation.

    Argentine expert Marcelo Kohen is also in the official Serbian delegation, which is led by Serbia's Ambassador to France Dušan Bataković, and also included FM Vuk Jeremić.

    As he spoke on Tuesday, Kohen reminded that the UN General Assembly, Security Council or any other international institution have never before accepted the secession of the territory of a country in the way that those who support Kosovo's independence are advocating.

    Find the the transcripts from the first day of the hearing here

    On December 7, the ICJ will hear the arguments of Cyprus, which not only says that the unilateral declaration was contrary to international law, but also provides a list of all the regions in the world that could be destabilized with separatist demands, in case the court supports the secession of Kosovo.

    A day later, both Washington and Moscow will have their representatives address the court.

    Argentina: Severe violation of international law

    The delegation of Argentina supported today Serbia's stand that the secession of Kosovo represents the most severe violation of international law and threatens the established international order, adding that "a bright future of a country cannot be built in that manner".

    The head of the delegation, Susana Ruiz Cerutti, said that the advisory opinion of the ICJ will have far-reaching consequences and not only deal with the Kosovo issue.

    She pointed out that the unilateral declaration was not in keeping with international law, that it endangered Serbia's territorial integrity and violated UN Security Council Resolution 1244, which proscribes the international administrative and security presence, "and did not, and could not, abolish Serbia's sovereignty over Kosovo".

    The very resolution has excluded the right to self-rule which is underscored by the defenders of independence, Cerrutti said, adding that the Kosovo status will be determined through talks and compromise which have to be in line with Resolution 1244.

    She stated that the unilateral declaration of independence was the result of a coordinated action of provisional Kosovo institutions and states that supported it.

    Albania, Germany, Saudi Arabia: No contradiction

    Earlier in the day, Albania, Germany and Saudi Arabia supported the unilateral proclamation by claiming that it was not in contradiction with international law, but that it was "in line with the right of people to self-determination".

    The secession of Kosovo "had nothing to do with international law, as the law did not define the issue of secession, therefore, secession is not forbidden", news agencies reported their arguments.

    Legal Adviser of the German Federal Foreign Office Susanne Wasum-Rainer suggested that the judges should examine the case of Kosovo by relying on facts, that is, "the situation on the ground".

    According to her, one of the principles of international law, the principle of efficiency, is "the only principle that can be applied in the case of Kosovo, since Kosovo fulfills the elements of statehood and its people, territory and government have nation-building qualities".

    "Kosovo has become an independent state because it has been recognized by 63 members of the United Nations, as well as by 109 members of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB)," Wasum-Rainer concluded.

    Speaking on the behalf of the Albanian delegation, Professor Jochen Frowein argued that "secession is not regulated by international law".

    "There is nothing international law can say about the declaration of Kosovo's independence," he said, and noted that "a majority of the UN member countries had not expressed a wish to take part in the debate" at the ICJ.

    Priština rejects negotiations, warns of "chaos"

    A delegation from Kosovo, led by Skender Hiseni, defended the Kosovo Albanian declaration before the ICJ in The Hague on Tuesday by saying that it was "the will of the people" and rejecting any possibility of opening new Kosovo status negotiations.

    The head of the delegation, which was referred to by the ICJ not as Kosovo but as "the authors of the independence declaration," said that it had been the realization of the will of "Kosovo's people", reflecting their "desire to decide their political status for themselves".

    Hiseni said that "regardless of the past problems and sufferings undergone by Kosovo's people, Kosovo still had a desire to build good relations with Serbia and negotiate practical issues of life in that ethnically mixed community".

    He stressed that Kosovo could not enter negotiations that questioned its status as a "sovereign and independent state".

    Hiseni remarked that those who wanted to renew the status negotiations were "either unaware of the current situation or were trying to cause chaos in the region", adding that Kosovo had been recognized by all the "neighboring countries", except Serbia.

    The delegation also included British international law expert Michael Wood, who gave an unusual summary of the region's history, claiming that Kosovo – which was part of the Serbian medieval empire before it was invaded by Ottoman Turks in the late 14th century – was "forcibly occupied" by Serbs and taken from the Ottomans, to be annexed to Serbia in the 20th century. That is, he said, when violations of the rights of the Albanian population started.

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    Political status of Kosovo Empty ICJ says Kosovo independence " not illegal"

    Post  Admin Thu Jul 22, 2010 7:19 pm

    Kosovo independence not illegal, says UN court

    Kosovans wave flags during "independence day" celebrations in Pristina in 2009 Kosovo's government says its independence is irreversible

    Kosovo's declaration of independence from Serbia in 2008 did not break international law, top UN judges have ruled in a non-binding decision.

    The International Court of Justice rejected Serbian claims that the move had violated its territorial integrity.

    Kosovo officials said all doubt about its status had now been removed, but Serbia's president insisted Belgrade would never recognise the secession.

    The US and many EU countries support independence; Russia is opposed.

    Addressing the court in The Hague, ICJ president Hisashi Owada said international law contained "no applicable prohibition" of Kosovo's declaration of independence.

    "Accordingly, [the court] concludes that the declaration of independence on 17 February 2008 did not violate general international law," he said.

    Ten of the ICJ's judges supported the opinion; four opposed it.

    The US welcomed the ruling and urged European nations to unite behind it

    This opinion will not change any facts on the ground. Kosovo will still be independent. Serbia will still want what it sees as its territory back.

    But the decision will nonetheless have significant ramifications. There is nothing more sensitive in international affairs than sovereignty and borders.

    If Kosovo's independence is in accordance with international law, Moscow may ask, why shouldn't Abkhazia and South Ossetia's independence from Georgia be viewed in the same way?

    Indeed, why shouldn't other disputed border questions be revisited? Bosnia's borders may be a case in point.

    The implications go much wider and will make any country with separatist movements within its frontiers worry about the future.

    Kosovo President Fatmir Sejdiu called for wider international recognition for his state.

    "The decision finally removes all doubts that countries which still do not recognise the republic of Kosovo could have," he said.

    He also urged Serbian President Boris Tadic to change his attitude towards Kosovo.

    But Mr Tadic told reporters: "Serbia will never recognise the unilaterally proclaimed independence of Kosovo."

    The BBC's Mark Lowen in Belgrade says it is unlikely that Serbia will soften its approach, but there will be increasing pressure from the international community for Serbia to drop its aim of fresh talks on Kosovo's status.

    Earlier, Nato commanders said the 10,000-strong peacekeeping force in Kosovo was ready to deal with any violence sparked by the ruling.

    Serbian troops were driven out of Kosovo in 1999 after a Nato bombing campaign aimed at halting the violent repression of the province's ethnic Albanians, who constituted 90% of its two million population.

    Kosovo was then administered by the UN until February 2008, when its parliament voted to declare independence.
    Damaging dispute

    So far, 69 of the UN's 192 member countries have recognised Kosovo as independent - they include the US, UK, neighbouring Albania and Croatia.

    Those opposed include Russia, China and Bosnia. EU nations with separatist movements of their own - including Spain and Greece - have also not recognised Kosovo.

    At the start of the deliberations last December, Serbia's representatives argued that declaration of independence both challenged its sovereignty and undermined international law.

    Kosovo's representatives warned that any attempt to reverse its independence might spark further conflict.

    Although non-binding, the court's ruling is likely to provide a framework for diplomats to try to establish a working relationship between Serbia and Kosovo.

    The dispute remains an obstacle to Serbia's hopes of joining the EU, and has hindered Kosovo's ability to attract foreign investment. Parts of northern Kosovo also remain tensely divided between ethnic Albanians and Serbs, and clashes occasionally erupt.

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    Political status of Kosovo Empty Re: Political status of Kosovo

    Post  Admin Thu Jul 22, 2010 7:20 pm

    A travesty for Serbia, but no one can say anything about S. Ossetia now.

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    Political status of Kosovo Empty Re: Political status of Kosovo

    Post  NationalRus Thu Jul 22, 2010 9:52 pm

    Vladimir79 wrote:A travesty for Serbia, but no one can say anything about S. Ossetia now.

    and abchasia, we must be realistic, our serbian brothers losst serbia for ever, they can only whne they have the will under ther pro-western regime under boris tadic hold north-kosovo, and now is the time liek never befor to go for independence or a lot more autonomie for republic of serbska

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    Political status of Kosovo Empty Re: Political status of Kosovo

    Post  solo.13mmfmj Thu Jul 22, 2010 10:29 pm

    This decision will create problems in Romania(My country ),Greece,Spain,Holland, and through entire Europe.There are voices in my country asking for the independence of Secuiesc land.
    My country has so many problems at this time floods killed 25 peoples billions of dolars damege.Economic crisis from we seem not to be able to recover.
    The army is bad shape and NATO has done everything so our army can be more interoperable with NATO structure(Basically has diminist our military capabilities and has dismantled our military infrastructure).
    The future may not be to good.

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    Political status of Kosovo Empty Re: Political status of Kosovo

    Post  solo.13mmfmj Fri Jul 23, 2010 4:15 pm

    Has anyone read this?

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    Post  Admin Fri Jul 23, 2010 5:37 pm

    Must be a misprint.

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    Political status of Kosovo Empty Re: Political status of Kosovo

    Post  GarryB Sat Jul 24, 2010 2:14 am

    There is an old saying... if you can't beat them, join them.

    Perhaps the oppressed minority Serbs in Kosovo should band together and try to get their own independant state too. If Kosovo Albanians are allowed independance then surely Kosovo Serbs should have equal rights. And of course in Bosnia all three groups should be allowed their own state respectively.

    It seems a UN resolution is not enough to protect sovereignty in former Yugoslavia, but in Georgia the rules are different.

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    Political status of Kosovo Empty Re: Political status of Kosovo

    Post  BTRfan Thu Sep 30, 2010 8:17 pm

    Can Republika Srpska demand to be properly annexed into Serbia now?

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