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    Computer Games Discussion


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    Computer Games Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: Computer Games Discussion

    Post  flamming_python Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:15 pm

    TR1 wrote:Don't really care. I would like to see some games outside the typical "American good guys" theme; some role reversal would be nice.

    Most shooters I only play the MP portion of anyways and could care less about SP, so as long as both sides are balanced, I'm good.

    In Battlefield I do like the Russian voice acting, it is quite good and adds to immersion (bad guys talking broken English is lame).

    It's good, just very hollywoodish =) Nothing like the radio chatter you'd actually expect to hear with callsigns and so on.

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    Computer Games Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: Computer Games Discussion

    Post  flamming_python Wed Feb 27, 2013 1:18 pm

    GarryB wrote:I did like the Red Hammer portion of the game, but pretty bored with the cliche story line... it seems that to be right you have to have an American accent... it couldn't possibly be that the people you are following orders from could be wrong and to be a hero and play the Russian you have to end up going rogue.

    I think that's pretty much the storyline of BF3 actually; although I haven't progressed further than the 2nd level.
    You play as both an American and Russian at different periods I think, and towards the end playing as the American, you betray orders from your superiors and trust the Russian, in order to save the world from WW3. Or something like that. Oh I don't know.

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    Computer Games Discussion - Page 2 Empty Computer Games Discussion

    Post  Werewolf Wed Feb 27, 2013 7:11 pm

    To pick up the conversation about russian games and simulations there is one that is called Digital Combat Simulator: Combined Arms. You can play it as a strategic game and also have access to control single units it is from Eagle Dynamics like Black Shark, A-10 Warthog and LOMAC. Eagly Dynamics had provided a plattform called DCS World, where two or more people who have only let's say one has LockOn the other has Ka-50 Black Shark and another A-10 Warthog can play together without needing to buy each game. I think it is a very good solution because even to manage operating one of this machines in the best simulator that was ever created is a full time job and you just couldn't do that with couple of simulators just to play with friends missions all on one and same machine so this DCS world is perfect they can even play A-10 and Black Shark in same team.
    i wouldn't be suprised if in future russian developers would make simulators like Arma.

    Here a little trailer to DCS combined arms

    And the other discussion about games like BF3 i also get for that what GarryB said that they should make them diffrent that the game become a more shape of teamwork because of inbalance in same areas,because the game become from a great multiplayer game where people really had played with their team members to just an arcade like shooter.
    Just to remind you, they made the Mi-28 to a slow unmaneuverable helicopter but all other stats were completley identical with the AH-1Z so it wasn't played often and it was hated, it hadn't better armor,it wasn't more powerfull even it has S-8 unguided missiles which are superior in damage and so on.However i don't like this unrealistic scenario that T-90 has "canister ammunition" and Abrams has the ATGM, also the ERA tiles are completley useless they only made them on side and slat armor on backside. Or the most ridiculous thing that Javelin a HEAT weapon is one kill against Helicopters and Jets and that it can be used against them even if they maneuver like squirels on crack.
    Also russians have in the game German 5 Flecktarn camoflauge, they use 1:1 american M18A1 Claymore instead of MON-90,grenades the same instead of F1 or RGO, Javelin instead of putting even the ukrainian skif to the russian units that it would make it less wierd.
    And they won't leave their path from "good americans" and bad "russians,chinese,iranians, or whatever" They use not only Hollywood to make and generate opinions in peoples head they use also video games for that. And i don't know a single video game (egoshooter) where americans don't fight against bad communists,fascists,terrorists or fascistic,communistic and terroristic SS-Zombies.And especially in todays time where they push more and more propaganda towards Iran and their "nuclear weapons" they won't allow any optional opinion to that theme.

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    Computer Games Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: Computer Games Discussion

    Post  GarryB Wed Feb 27, 2013 11:43 pm

    That DCS world sounds awesome... I remember Apache Havoc and Commanche Hokum being able to be linked together so if you had both games installed you could play in all the helos and all the campaigns.

    Combining fixed wing aircraft and helicopters simulators means better scenery and flight control/models, while a ground based sim like a tank sim or an air defence vehicle sim or a first person shootemup sim added would just be awesome too.

    I remember a really old game called Frontier Elite II that came on one floppy disk where you could fly around in a customisable space ship that you could upgrade and arm and you could decide how to earn money. Space combat and flying around an unlimited galaxy was cool but you could only visit space ports and space stations to trade. You could physically land on planets but you couldn't leave your spaceship.

    I think the idea of linking games together should be encouraged to the point where you can choose to fly or walk or drive or sail or swim, and explore and fight if you want, but also mine or farm or build.

    BTW you can still download Frontier elite II and use a DOSbox emulator to play it on a modern PC.

    Note I have moved this discussion out of the Russian ground forces news and pictures section.

    Also russians have in the game German 5 Flecktarn camoflauge, they use 1:1 american M18A1 Claymore instead of MON-90,grenades the same instead of F1 or RGO, Javelin instead of putting even the ukrainian skif to the russian units that it would make it less wierd.

    They should have MON-50, RGO, and METIS-M missiles.

    And i don't know a single video game (egoshooter) where americans don't fight against bad communists,fascists,terrorists or fascistic,communistic and terroristic SS-Zombies.And especially in todays time where they push more and more propaganda towards Iran and their "nuclear weapons" they won't allow any optional opinion to that theme.

    With their technology focus and new simulators the Russian Army was talking about making a Russian equivalent of Americas Army. That would be awesome as it should include accurate weapons and equipment, but it will likely only be made in a Russian language version. Sad

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    Computer Games Discussion - Page 2 Empty Warhammer!

    Post  TR1 Tue May 07, 2013 8:58 pm

    Warhammer 40k, Fantasy, whatever....

    anyone else play, played, or have any interest in the hobby of tabletop gaming?


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    Computer Games Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: Computer Games Discussion

    Post  BTRfan Wed May 08, 2013 4:10 am

    TR1 wrote:Warhammer 40k, Fantasy, whatever....

    anyone else play, played, or have any interest in the hobby of tabletop gaming?

    I had probably $5,000+ dollars invested in Warhammer 40k and Warhammer Fantasy but I sold 95% of my stuff back in 2007 when I realized I was way too busy with college and that I hadn't played in a number of years anyway.

    I was pretty intense with Warhammer back in 2000-2003, I went to several international Games Day events in Ontario.

    Right now I have enough miniatures and rule books to get some medieval Teutonic Knights wargaming going and in the near future I hope to get some Warsaw Pact/NATO Cold War wargaming going, but I am also taking up Cold War re-enacting [as a Warsaw Pact soldier], and I am somewhat busy with my other hobbies and life in general.

    Someday I'll get back into Warhammer 40K, almost certainly as Imperial Guard and/or Space Marines.

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    Computer Games Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: Computer Games Discussion

    Post  TR1 Wed May 08, 2013 5:25 am

    I've been on-off-again with Warhamer for many years now, just purchased the new 6th edition rulebook and codex, going to slowly paint and build up my army. The 6th ed rules are are pretty good IMO.
    Not too big on playing with strangers, so my comittment to the game really depends on family/close friends being nearby, which they are currently not.

    I collect Chaos Space Marines btw.

    Oh and the prices are freaking astronomical.

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    Computer Games Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: Computer Games Discussion

    Post  BTRfan Wed May 08, 2013 5:34 am

    TR1 wrote:I've been on-off-again with Warhamer for many years now, just purchased the new 6th edition rulebook and codex, going to slowly paint and build up my army. The 6th ed rules are are pretty good IMO.
    Not too big on playing with strangers, so my comittment to the game really depends on family/close friends being nearby, which they are currently not.

    I collect Chaos Space Marines btw.

    Oh and the prices are freaking astronomical.

    Most everybody I played with either moved away or drifted away, so I fell out of the game around 2004. I don't believe I've played a single game in the last 8-9 years.

    At this point I'd mostly just want to do small skirmish battles in Warhammer Fantasy and maybe some City Fight battles in Warhammer 40k.

    I'd really like to find some decent minatures for Cold War battles and a decent rule book, for small commando raids, "stay behind" operations, and massive motorized/mechanized/tank battles. They'd have to be reasonably small miniatures so I could afford to have 50-100 BTRs and BMPs along with 100+ T-72s or T-64s.

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    Computer Games Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: Computer Games Discussion

    Post  BTRfan Fri May 10, 2013 5:36 am

    I've been doing a fair amount of wargaming on the computer with the chosen platform being Steel Panthers Main Battle Tank [the entire game + all of the updates/patches can be obtained free online, I will link anybody who wants the link]. The graphics are minimal but the detail is amazing, they have excellent systems for armor values, front turret, front hull, side turret, side hull, top armor, rear armor, etc. The attention to minute detail is superb.

    The infantry are also armed as they should be for any given period you select [the periods run 1946 to 2020]

    Anyway, I set a battle in July 1980 just to do a test run and see how things would turn out. I played as the FRG defending against an assault by the DDR.

    My force was comprised of 30 Leopard 2 tanks [basic version]and 30 MILAN teams. The DDR forces had 180 T-72 tanks [basic version] and 80 T-55 tanks, in addition to three platoons of infantry mounted in BMP-1s.

    My forces were deployed in defensive positions on reasonably high ground [overlooking the flat terrain from which the DDR forces were approaching].

    The end result was 241 tanks lost on the DDR side, no tanks lost on the FRG side.

    I tried another battle with the DDR vs FRG, playing as FRG. This time I had 4 Leopard 1 tanks [A4 variant], 12 M48 tanks [highly upgraded version], 8 155mm artillery pieces, 3 infantry platoons, 8 medium machine guns deployed independently, and 12 MILAN teams deployed independently. The DDR had 2 infantry companies in BMPS, 80+ T-55s, 12 T-72s, and two batteries of BM-21s.

    The end result was I lost 2 of my 4 Leopards, 8 of the M48s, about half of my infantry, but I managed to destroy all of the DDR T-72s, most of their T-55s, most of their BMPs, and I blunted their infantry offensive.

    I then started a campaign that was built by the game designers. I take on the role of an American company commander with open war having begun with NATO vs Warsaw Pact. I have about 50 military police armed with M16 rifles, 50 infantrymen armed with M16s and M60s [standard infantry squads], a few jeeps, several Dragon ATGM teams, 6 M60A3 tanks, enough M113s to carry all of the infantry and the Dragon teams, and almost enough M113s to carry the MPs as well [about half of the MPs had to ride in a thin skinned truck]... Anyway, my task is to advance about 5-6 miles and secure the battalion's ammunition storage depot, with the warning that Soviet commandos might be operating in the area and might establish ambushes at key intersections on the way to the battalion's ammunition storage depot.

    I'd say my advance was reasonable, I kept the tanks and APCs advancing in pace with each other, although I left two squads of MPs behind at the first major intersection where secondary roads came to meet the main paved road, just to cover the area. Once the first units reached the ammunition storage warehouses, the ambushes were sprung.

    The company ultimately managed to kill about 28-30 of the Soviet commandos but the losses to the company amounted to one tank immobilized [human error, I was moving the mouse improperly and clicked it to move over a building instead of around the building, and the structure collapsed around it], one truck lost, one jeep lost, a company NCO lost, and about 15-20 personnel lost. Things would have been a lot worse if I hadn't brought up my tanks and used them in conjunction with the infantry that I tasked with assaulting the commandos.

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    Computer Games Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: Computer Games Discussion

    Post  TR1 Fri May 10, 2013 6:44 am

    Anyway, I set a battle in July 1980 just to do a test run and see how things would turn out. I played as the FRG defending against an assault by the DDR.

    My force was comprised of 30 Leopard 2 tanks [basic version]and 30 MILAN teams. The DDR forces had 180 T-72 tanks [basic version] and 80 T-55 tanks, in addition to three platoons of infantry mounted in BMP-1s.

    My forces were deployed in defensive positions on reasonably high ground [overlooking the flat terrain from which the DDR forces were approaching].

    The end result was 241 tanks lost on the DDR side, no tanks lost on the FRG side."

    I hope you understand how unrealistic such a scenario is Very Happy

    Ever play Blitzkrieg?
    Much simpler, but entertaining nonetheless.

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    Computer Games Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: Computer Games Discussion

    Post  BTRfan Fri May 10, 2013 7:37 am

    TR1 wrote:"
    Anyway, I set a battle in July 1980 just to do a test run and see how things would turn out. I played as the FRG defending against an assault by the DDR.

    My force was comprised of 30 Leopard 2 tanks [basic version]and 30 MILAN teams. The DDR forces had 180 T-72 tanks [basic version] and 80 T-55 tanks, in addition to three platoons of infantry mounted in BMP-1s.

    My forces were deployed in defensive positions on reasonably high ground [overlooking the flat terrain from which the DDR forces were approaching].

    The end result was 241 tanks lost on the DDR side, no tanks lost on the FRG side."

    I hope you understand how unrealistic such a scenario is Very Happy

    Ever play Blitzkrieg?
    Much simpler, but entertaining nonetheless.

    Well the Leopard 2 has tremendous advantage over the T-55 and it has substantial advantage over the T-72.

    The Leopard 2 is 30 years more advanced than the T-55 and about 10-15 years more advanced than the T-72. You could probably send 500 T-55s against 50 Leopard 2s and as long as the terrain was favorable the Leopards ought to be able to eliminate every tank that comes into their sights.

    Right now I'm playing as Americans, basically a mixed battalion of about 2 companies of infantry, 18 M60A3 Patton tanks, 8 M1 Abrams, 9 155mm howitzers for support, some TOW launchers, and some Dragon launchers, with 4 20mm M113 Vulcans for AAA.

    The attacking forces are USSR and DDR. The DDR have 1 company of T-72s, 2 companies of T-55s, and two companies of infantry [1 in BTRs, the other in BMPs] while the Soviets have 2 companies of T-64Rs, 1 platoon of T-80s, and 2 companies of T-62s, backed up by about six batteries of various artillery with AAA provided by 8 ZSU-23-4, and supported by 1 Su-25 in the beginning [it was shot down by one of the Vulcans early on].

    Right now the T-55s are basically freebies, the T-62s are not much trouble, but the T-64s are causing some problems, the T-72s are a mixed bag, and the T-80s have just started to appear on the north of the battlefield and are putting enough pressure there that I'm shifting forces from the center.

    Correction- the T-62s are a problem for the M60A3s, but the Abrams and the TOW launchers can make short work of the T-62s, but I'm trying to focus the Abrams solely on the T-64s, the T-72s, and now the newly emerging T-80s.

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    Computer Games Discussion - Page 2 Empty Take a look at this game

    Post  Viktor Sat Sep 14, 2013 4:07 pm

    My torrent just started to heat up Very Happy  - got to try it out

    800 realistic models of weaponry (logistics, SAMs, tanks, IFV, APC, command vehicles, fighters, CAS etc etc)

    WarGame: AirLand Battle

    Seems to best strategy game regarding with cold war thematics

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    Computer Games Discussion - Page 2 Empty PC real-time wargames anyone?

    Post  Asf Wed May 28, 2014 10:23 am

    Wargame series is a masterpiece of PC videogames. Tactical real-time wargame about Cold war going hot with near-realistic game mechanics. Realistic scaling and damage, no base building, and about 1000 units from many nations divided into the Red ("communist" states) and Blue (Nato and allies) forces.

    Personally I enjoy playing soviets in Wargame: Red Dragon now. It's currently the most advanced version of the game.

    Official website

    Search for it on a Steam.

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    Computer Games Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: Computer Games Discussion

    Post  TR1 Wed May 28, 2014 10:30 am

    I keep hearing good things, and want to pick it up.
    So backlogged with games at the moment though, playing Shogun 2 right now.

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    Computer Games Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: Computer Games Discussion

    Post  TheGeorgian Mon Jun 23, 2014 8:32 am

    I look forward to. I've played European Escalation. Yeah it's definitly an improvement over games like World in Conflict ( eventough it had much better atmosphere if you ask me ). What I love is the nice tactical display that makes you feel like a battlefield commander, with all the military terms etc. They make it challenging with all those limited supplies/fuel. Kinda is like a 3D version of Steel Panthers, but less challenging. Red Dragon looks good yet I wouldn't call them masterpieces. They need lots of improvements still and I really only can something a masterpiece if it makes me keep playing. Like the Total War series for instance ( or also Skyrim on that matter Very Happy ). It is just so addictive if you love strategy games. Everything's right. The atmosphere, level of detail, the battles worth more than every Hollywood war movie put togheter. But I will definitly buy Red Dragon because of the additional armies + navies.
    As Sa'iqa

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    Computer Games Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: Computer Games Discussion

    Post  As Sa'iqa Mon Jun 23, 2014 6:27 pm

    I've watched some gameplays from first two games.

    Is it like a fancy, scaled up version of Combat Mission series? If yes, I would look forward to it.

    AS for now, I'm playing EU4 and Napoleon: Total War. For all people I recommend the Darthmod modification... it changes gameplay greatly, enhancing realism. It has versions for Empire, Napoleon and Shogun 2.
    As Sa'iqa

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    Post  As Sa'iqa Mon Jun 23, 2014 7:32 pm

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    Computer Games Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: Computer Games Discussion

    Post  TheGeorgian Tue Jun 24, 2014 12:46 am

    As Sa'iqa

    thanks ! I was waiting for the release. But this actualy reminded me to download the "North & South" mod for Napoleon lol

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    Computer Games Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: Computer Games Discussion

    Post  George1 Wed Mar 18, 2015 8:10 am

    Does anyone know where i can find Age of Empires II: The Forgotten? ( second expansion pack to the 1999 Age of Empires II)

    when i download it from pirate bay it doesn't play

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    Computer Games Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: Computer Games Discussion

    Post  victor1985 Wed Mar 18, 2015 10:17 am

    USA is doing brain wash of childrens whit those game. All games learn the childs to be rich (like the americas oligarchs), selfish, all nations are kind of satellites of US, all bad guys are some kind of insurgwnts that disturb the "peace" in US, all comunists are bad (but when they want a change of regime in some part of the world they call that revolution), all oil must be in their influence(they rather show guns instead of share resources whit tbe world because "capitalism mean self interest"), all people in the world can be bribed, USA has always the most advances weapons(since ww2 they didnt fight any serious enemy)

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    Computer Games Discussion - Page 2 Empty Re: Computer Games Discussion

    Post  GarryB Thu Mar 19, 2015 8:44 am

    Actually it is funny because generally with previous american games you played americans or one particular side... you hardly ever got to play different sides.

    From memory one of the first to deviate was Operation Flashpoint where you could play the other side or even the resistance depending on which version/upgrade you played.

    While Falcon let you fly an F-16 only... Flanker let you play a range of planes from both sides....and it is the same for Il-2 shturmovich where the number of aircraft you can fly is amazing number of aircraft.

    Older American games were not very flexible and almost never gave you the chance to play on different sides... probably the biggest exception was the mod of half life called counterstrike where you could actually choose to be a terrorist...

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