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    Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games?


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    Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games? Empty Re: Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games?

    Post  higurashihougi Thu Aug 08, 2024 5:39 pm

    ‘Banker to the poor’ to lead interim government in Bangladesh
    Nobel laureate Muhammad Yunus has been appointed after mass student protests forced the nation’s prime minister to resign

    What we know about new Bangladesh PM.

    - Fulbright scholarship
    - Recipient of US Presidential Medal of Freedom and Congressional Gold Medal
    - His so-called "bank for the poor" is alleged to be a loan shark with 20 - 30% interest rate to enslave farmers.

    Bangladesh economy has never been bright but the future is going to be worse.

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    Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games? Empty Re: Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games?

    Post  sepheronx Thu Aug 08, 2024 6:33 pm

    Another Soros backed event. Now all the Hindus of Bangladesh are crying, even though they were part of this protests. Now Hindu women are being raped and families being driven out.

    People are so dumb.

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    Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games? Empty Re: Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games?

    Post  kvs Thu Aug 08, 2024 9:13 pm

    Expect Bangladesh to stop cooperation with Russia including the nuclear power plant projects. But who cares, a shithole is as a shithole does.

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    Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games? Empty Re: Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games?

    Post  higurashihougi Fri Aug 09, 2024 5:38 am

    Bangladesh today is the battle between USA, India and China. The emergence of China as a more reliable moneylenders (China many times reduced the loan interest and extended the grace period to Bangladesh) provoked India, who perceived Bangladesh as its interest. USA also wanted to use this conflict to team up with India to get a share in the pie.

    But an USA backed coup in a region plauged by hidden race conflicts like Bangladesh, and also adjacent to region plauged by race conflicts like India and Burma, will turn the whole country into a gunpowder barrel like what happened in Iraq and Afghanistan.

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    Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games? Empty Re: Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games?

    Post  GarryB Fri Aug 09, 2024 6:33 am

    Expect Bangladesh to stop cooperation with Russia including the nuclear power plant projects. But who cares, a shithole is as a shithole does.

    Will be interesting to see if this is the west destabilising a neighbour of India and how India will respond to such blatant and destructive interference... might wake them up to the reasons the west are being friendly with India to destabilise and damage both China, which is a threat... no... not a threat... a rival. They wanted to sit at the big table and wanted to eat cake and the US doesn't share with anyone.

    India needs to realise its dreams of sitting at the big table and eating what you want wont work at the western table which is only for the US.

    Last edited by GarryB on Mon Aug 12, 2024 1:12 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games? Empty Re: Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games?

    Post  JohninMK Sun Aug 11, 2024 4:49 pm

    Garry, should Bangladesh get its own thread in International politics?

    S.L. Kanthan
    Startling revelations by the ex-PM of Bangladesh:

    “I could have stayed in power if I let the US have a military base in Saint Martin island.”

    Even more crucial is that the Indian media is printing it.

    US-India relations deteriorating rapidly. Both sides refusing to back down.

    Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games? GUsCgCgXkAAnO6A?format=jpg&name=900x900
    Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games? GUsDN1SWwAAtCL4?format=jpg&name=small

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    Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games? Empty Re: Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games?

    Post  JohninMK Sun Aug 11, 2024 4:52 pm

    S.L. Kanthan
    The US will build military/naval bases in St. Martin, the island that belongs to Bangladesh.

    This will be used to not only disrupt Myanmar but also contain China and India.

    That’s right. The US has started targeting India as well.

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    Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games? Empty Re: Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games?

    Post  JohninMK Sun Aug 11, 2024 5:01 pm

    Stanislav Bonchev
    US has targeted India's energy strategy for quite some time. For many years now India is trying to build oil and gas pipelines to get access to Myanmar's deposits. It has to go through Bangladesh and every time the construction starts, some "rebels" appear to sabotage it.

    Natty F Zakzaky
    Bangladesh will be used as a battering ram against India and China.

    Cynthia McKinney PhD
    August 6: The Day After; Day One; In the beginning . . .  Now, it's time to protect Bangladesh from its domestic predators and the international ones, too! Savor and protect your newfound freedoms, young Bangladeshis, but beware the vultures and predators among you and don't allow them to bring in foreign predators to colonize you anew!

    Let's see then if the US manages to build a base there then we have confirmation that they were in the ousting of the ex pm. of Bangladesh and then that forces us to confirm that they would behind the ousting of Imran khan of Pakistan

    Ms.Brandy is finding common ground
    Didn't we just soft coup Bangladesh using student groups convinced they were doing the right thing? Similar to CIA tactics that caused violence in Venezuela before...

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    Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games? Empty Re: Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games?

    Post  JohninMK Sun Aug 11, 2024 5:02 pm

    S.L. Kanthan
    Why #Bangladesh became critical for US empire.

    🔹China faces a blockade in Malacca Strait - in case of an American war

    🔹Thus, to circumvent that, China wants to develop two escape routes in Pakistan & Myanmar.

    🔹US coups in Pakistan (2022) & Bangladesh (2024) are aimed at disrupting those two Chinese plans.

    Yes, Myanmar will be the next target for the US deep state.

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    Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games? Empty Re: Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games?

    Post  kvs Sun Aug 11, 2024 6:36 pm

    The notion of the US fleet blocking Chinese trade is quaint and delusional. China does not need to send a fleet to take the clowns out. It can send ballistic missiles.
    Hypersonic and maneuverable or whatever. The US must be banking on its usual WWIII blackmail con. If China dares attack the blockading fleet, then the US will send
    its nuclear ICBMs at China. China needs to build more nuclear ICBMs. Maybe the retards in Washington will grow a clue.

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    Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games? Empty Re: Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games?

    Post  lancelot Sun Aug 11, 2024 6:42 pm

    kvs wrote:The notion of the US fleet blocking Chinese trade is quaint and delusional.   China does not need to send a fleet to take the clowns out.   It can send ballistic missiles.
    Hypersonic and maneuverable or whatever.    The US must be banking on its usual WWIII blackmail con.   If China dares attack the blockading fleet, then the US will send
    its nuclear ICBMs at China.   China needs to build more nuclear ICBMs.   Maybe the retards in Washington will grow a clue.
    The US is currently banking on having more nuclear attack submarines to sink Chinese merchant vessels. Remains to be seen for how long that advantage will last however.

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    Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games? Empty Re: Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games?

    Post  kvs Sun Aug 11, 2024 8:27 pm

    lancelot wrote:
    kvs wrote:The notion of the US fleet blocking Chinese trade is quaint and delusional.   China does not need to send a fleet to take the clowns out.   It can send ballistic missiles.
    Hypersonic and maneuverable or whatever.    The US must be banking on its usual WWIII blackmail con.   If China dares attack the blockading fleet, then the US will send
    its nuclear ICBMs at China.   China needs to build more nuclear ICBMs.   Maybe the retards in Washington will grow a clue.
    The US is currently banking on having more nuclear attack submarines to sink Chinese merchant vessels. Remains to be seen for how long that advantage will last however.

    That strategy is retarded. China can deploy nuclear mines and sink a lot of those US subs. The ratio of Chinese merchant vessels to US submarines is very high. And the
    USA can't forget about Russia as that is the ultimate purpose of those submarines. But being retards, the clowns in Washington want to have their cake and eat it too.

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    Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games? Empty Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games?

    Post  GarryB Mon Aug 12, 2024 2:42 am

    Russia has Chinas back, if China and the US start a conflict or a conflict starts that the US supports the opponent of China... the same way they are doing in Europe with Ukraine fighting Russia, then Russia can allow overland and air transport of goods from China over its territory and via the north sea route too, but it is all very silly anyway.... how is the US supposed to stop Chinese shipping going anywhere? That would be an act of war and all those new ships they have will get a good test. Might be a bit of a shock for the US to find it isn't omnipotent as they think they are.

    Garry, should Bangladesh get its own thread in International politics?

    I agree it is becoming important to US schemes... I will split away some posts from here to create a separate thread.

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    Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games? Empty Re: Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games?

    Post  GarryB Mon Aug 12, 2024 1:17 pm

    Expect Bangladesh to stop cooperation with Russia including the nuclear power plant projects. But who cares, a shithole is as a shithole does.

    That is the point of BRICS though isn't it?

    With real fair trade and support and cooperation any country can raise itself above its problems and stop being shitholes.

    The colonial west does not want its slave states to get above their station, but BRICS is about everyone winning and everyone dragging themselves out of poverty and creating a safe comfortable future for themselves and their families.

    Every man for himself leads to the 1% being super rich and everyone else just existing to serve them. Working together and everyone can benefit and have a good quality of life.

    Some will abuse it, but they can be exposed and excluded till they realise if you don't work as a team you are on your own and there are much bigger fish than you out there... these are dangerous waters to be alone.

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    Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games? Empty Re: Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games?

    Post  kvs Mon Aug 12, 2024 3:07 pm

    BRICS should pave the way for real trade around the world. Not the NATzO west colonial parasitism.

    China has already demonstrated this amply with its fair investments in south-east Asia, Africa and other parts of the world. But the NATzO west will
    fight tooth and nail to prevent the planet from dislodging its blood sucking fangs. I see even the "dissidents" in America taking a shit on China for
    supposedly doing horrible things in Africa. Retarded cope that reflects the fact that the west is a write-off that needs to be defeated and does
    not have the capacity for rational dialogue and proper interaction.

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    Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games? Empty Re: Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games?

    Post  lyle6 Mon Aug 12, 2024 3:23 pm

    kvs wrote:The notion of the US fleet blocking Chinese trade is quaint and delusional.   China does not need to send a fleet to take the clowns out.   It can send ballistic missiles.
    Hypersonic and maneuverable or whatever.    The US must be banking on its usual WWIII blackmail con.   If China dares attack the blockading fleet, then the US will send
    its nuclear ICBMs at China.   China needs to build more nuclear ICBMs.   Maybe the retards in Washington will grow a clue.
    The Houthis managed to shut down the world's busiest waterway with just a few missiles and a dream. I think the USN can manage something similar armed with the world's largest fleet of warships and and fighting from behind very commanding choke points.

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    Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games? Empty Re: Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games?

    Post  kvs Mon Aug 12, 2024 4:57 pm

    The Houthis are operating out of home base and are applying pressure to one choke point. The yanquis will have to be applying pressure at multiple locations while being
    far from home.

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    Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games? Empty Re: Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games?

    Post  George1 Mon Aug 12, 2024 6:13 pm

    I think China had good relations with Bangladesh under both BNP and Awami League governments. The difference will be for India i guess

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    Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games? Empty Re: Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games?

    Post  GarryB Tue Aug 13, 2024 1:02 am

    BRICS should pave the way for real trade around the world. Not the NATzO west colonial parasitism.

    When the west was innovative and technology oriented there was growth and development, but money changes people... some poor person is all about charity and helping others... but give them 20 million dollars and they will hunker down and protect what they have thinking they could live comfortably off the interest and never have money worries again... the charity work stops and they often become miserly.

    Western companies have developed technologies... or sadly more often than not inherited technologies that they want to earn a living from by renting it out instead of selling it and using the profits to further develop and improve.

    Those chip making technologies that dutch company sells... they currently fear getting out innovated by China and Russia because of these chip sanctions and rightly so... but they have been earning fantastic incomes all these years and are clearly not investing as much money into new tech as the Chinese and Russians are and they fear being overtaken and there not being enough western government subsidies to help them keep up let alone get ahead again.

    Essentially the west has moved from being production and industry oriented to IP ownership technology renting. Of course controlling markets also helps and they have the money to change prices to put pressure on this country or that country, but their focus seems to be holding other countries down... they are on a ladder ahead of everyone and claiming to be the world leader in economics and technology and morality and politics... the greatest democracies in the world they are... they say... but they used to look up the ladder to see where to put their hands and feet to climb, because up until 30 years ago there were people on the other side of the ladder climbing too.... but they had a lot of baggage like debt and damage from WWII and other things slowing them down. But now the everyone is politically on the same side of the ladder despite them not all being democracies yet... that is on the wests bucket list. Now the west looks down and uses its spare arm and spare foot to stop others from passing it on the ladder... and it is losing its grip as China and may other countries start to push past it... it can't hold Russia and China down at the same time and it is going to fall. How far down is a good question... its military and soft power means it has a safety line but it is still going to fall several rungs down the ladder when it just tries too hard.

    I see even the "dissidents" in America taking a shit on China for
    supposedly doing horrible things in Africa.

    They would actually struggle to do worse than western countries have already done and are doing to this day...

    For those who don't understand:

    This article is about Africa, but they had similar meetings regarding the Middle East and Asia....

    Evil masterminds: Here’s how Europeans sealed Africa’s fate

    The Berlin Conference at the end of the 19th century finalized the colonial division of the continent that European countries had been engineering for four centuries

    The Houthis managed to shut down the world's busiest waterway with just a few missiles and a dream. I think the USN can manage something similar armed with the world's largest fleet of warships and and fighting from behind very commanding choke points.

    The USN trying to justify blocking Chinese shipping from an international waterway will be interesting to say the least... the US is just as dependant on international shipping trade.

    China now has plenty of brand new destroyer sized ships with modern missiles and equipment, but they have options to damage the US too.

    If they want to start boarding ships and stealing cargoes like they openly did with Iranian ships, the Chinese are in a much better situation to respond in kind... an economic blockade like the one they are planning is an act of war... perhaps the US wont understand till they lose a few ships.

    Play stupid games win stupid prizes.

    The Houthis are operating out of home base and are applying pressure to one choke point. The yanquis will have to be applying pressure at multiple locations while being
    far from home.

    Another factor of course is that much of the merchant fleet taking goods to and from China... mostly from China... are not all Chinese registered ships, so they will have to stop all ships and check what they are carrying and from where and to where... these are incredibly busy shipping lanes and time is money... and if the US Navy wants to play such games they will become very unpopular very quickly, and how could they possibly stop China from sending warships to the region to do exactly the same thing to shipping heading to the US or western aligned countries like Japan and South Korea.

    I think China had good relations with Bangladesh under both BNP and Awami League governments. The difference will be for India i guess

    The thing with the US is they are not very smart... they will often look into a situation and dynamic and decide it does not benefit them so they throw a spanner in the works and break things and then wait to see if they like that better... it is how they "managed" the Middle East and Europe and Asia, and it has turned out rather badly for them in each case and they are being kicked out of Africa now too.

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    Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games? Empty Re: Unrest in Bangladesh. US playing games?

    Post  higurashihougi Fri Aug 16, 2024 5:19 am

    GarryB wrote:
    I see even the "dissidents" in America taking a shit on China for
    supposedly doing horrible things in Africa.

    They would actually struggle to do worse than western countries have already done and are doing to this day...

    For those who don't understand:

    This article is about Africa, but they had similar meetings regarding the Middle East and Asia....

    Fact 1: Western investment and loans combined is bigger than China, but the Western media ignores that.

    Fact 2: China's terms are much more palatable than what the West demands, and also the Western media ignores that.

    In Bangladesh, China is perceived as a reliable moneylender for the government, for example they actually granted extended grace period and relieve the interest rate several times.

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