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    Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc.


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    Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc. - Page 3 Empty Russia imposes restrictions on missionary activity and evangelism.

    Post  auslander Sat Sep 03, 2016 6:51 am

    kvs wrote:
    auslander wrote:
    andalusia wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:It's anti-cult law.

    Update your pastor on MSM nonsense that get aired.

    I assume he just read the article and bought it hook, line and sinker.

    Explain what is the anti-cult law? Why have such a law? Can a person share the Gospel of Christ on the street without a permit like here in America?

    This is primarily against NGO's who constantly try to undermine VVP and the Orthodox Church. Religious toleration here is vast and normal, Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, whatever, all get along well and live side by side. The evangelicals seem to have a penchant for trying to undermine The State and after years of warnings and evangelicals actively supporting Ukraine events publicly it was decided enough was enough. If you have an official Church, no problem, let those who may be interested come to your Church. If you want to worship in your home with friends and acquaintances, no one cares and no one will kick in your door. Just don't stand at the gates of the local Orthodox Church or Mosque and try to dragoon worshipers to come to your Church. That is considered to be bad form.

    As an aside, the Baptist Church in this berg is still operating and no one has mentioned shutting it down.

    Thanks for the report.  We need this sort of information offset the hate propaganda generated by the NATO mass media.  

    You are most welcome. I'm just telling the truth.

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    Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc. - Page 3 Empty How do you say ''Full Retard'' in Russian?

    Post  PapaDragon Wed Sep 14, 2016 9:32 pm

    How do you say ''Full Retard'' in Russian? No

    'RIP Pornhub': Largest Adult Website in the World Gets Banned in Russia

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    Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc. - Page 3 Empty Re: Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc.

    Post  Project Canada Wed Sep 14, 2016 9:59 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    How do you say ''Full Retard'' in Russian?  No

    'RIP Pornhub': Largest Adult Website in the World Gets Banned in Russia

    Read more:

    If this move is response to anti-Russia sanctions, perhaps an import-substitution is underway? Laughing Laughing Laughing

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    Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc. - Page 3 Empty Re: Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc.

    Post  kvs Thu Nov 05, 2020 5:34 pm

    Russia has more freedom for freedom of speech than any country in the NATzO west and even most of the world.
    There are only the following restrictions on slander and libel in the criminal law:

    Statute 148: against religions and their believers in the context of religion

    Statute 297: against courts and the judicial system

    Statute 319: against members of the executive and legislative branches of government (not any bureaucrat)

    Statute 336: against members of the armed services

    There are no provisions for libel and slander against private citizens. That is because it was removed as a provision
    from criminal law in 2011. A 1000 ruble fine (total joke) exists under the civil law and eople in Russia do not have money
    to engage in civil law trials to get financial compensation from the lying filth that is trying to bring Russia down.
    By contrast the 5th column liberasts sit on foreign money which makes 1000 ruble fines applied even dozens of times
    totally irrelevant. So moving libel and slander to civil law was moronic. Civil law is a kind of BS anyway. Either something
    is a crime or it isn't.

    Time to restore sanity. If someone makes an actual argument they will not prosecuted. If they engage in vapid ad
    hominem smear then they should takes their chances.

    BTW, any argument that this would be a repressive move does not fly. In the UK there was an independent publication
    called Living Marxism back in 1999. It was sued into oblivion under the UK's "civil" libel laws for daring to expose the
    fraud created by one of the UK's TV networks when they purported to film Bosnian Muslims behind barbed wire in
    a "concentration camp". This hoax did not give the context that the barbed wire enclosed a small compound and
    the Bosnian Muslims were outside it.

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    Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc. - Page 3 Empty There are only the following restrictions on slander and libel in the criminal law:

    Post  miketheterrible Thu Nov 05, 2020 6:04 pm

    Yeah, wtf. How come Libel isn't a crime in Russia? That is bullshit. Law needs to be changed.

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    Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc. - Page 3 Empty Re: Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc.

    Post  PapaDragon Thu Jan 21, 2021 8:48 pm

    And here we have another fine example of goldbricking by Russian courts and child psychologists     angry

    Russia Starts Banning Death Note And Other Anime

    This Wednesday, a St. Petersburg court has banned the Death Note, Tokyo Ghoul, and Inuyashiki anime after concerns that teenagers would mimic on-screen violence.

    During the trial, the prosecution screened episodes to underscore its argument. According to The Moscow Times, the district court stated, “Every episode contains cruelty, murder, violence.”

    In mid-December, five lawsuits were filed against 49 Russian sites distributing anime. State prosecutors also called for the court to ban other shows including Elfen Lied and Naruto in yet-to-be-decided suits.

    According to the website Meduza, Oleg Erlikh, an expert from St. Petersburg Academy of Postgraduate Pedagogical Education, said Death Note was “potentially dangerous for a modern child.” NOTE FROM ME: THIS MORON GETS HIS PAYCHECK FROM THE STATE BUDGET!!!

    The ruling bans two websites from distributing the Death Note and Inuyashiki anime and one website from showing Tokyo Ghoul. As the Moscow Times points out, the state-run RIA Novosti news agency says the ban only impacts these specific sites. However, Meduza explains that Russia’s censorship agency, Roskomnadzor, could interpret the ban as more encompassing for these anime.

    So long story short we have a ban on bog standard average entertainment product because someone got outraged over animated violence (trying hard to imitate American liberals I see)

    This sets the precedent to ban 80% all animated products from anywhere (plus fuckton of live action stuff because Death Note is bush league when it comes to violence)

    Over time it will result in unenforceable rule that will be ignored from the get go as in good old Soviet days making a mockery of legal system in the process

    Of course as always kids will immediately drop everything they are doing and make it their business to watch this, these retards just made sure it will be watched by every single kid over next decade at least

    Death Note just went from being overrated old anime to being coolest shit ever made that evil government doesn't want you to watch

    You can bet your sweet ass that come next opposition protest liberals will be wearing t-shirts with Death Note characters and of course every single kid will want to imitate them

    Morons every last one of them fucking up as always and over what? Fucking Death Note?

    Biggest tragedy is that kids will now skip watching something actually good because they will be too busy watching Death Note...

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    Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc. - Page 3 Empty Re: Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc.

    Post  miketheterrible Thu Jan 21, 2021 8:53 pm

    I imagine there will be enough outcry that they will unban it.

    I don't see why it can't be contested and it will probably be so.

    Edit: just occured to me that it was a st.petersburg court who ruled this. In other words, doesn't really have much authority and can be over ruled very easy since it wasn't a Duma ban.

    Last edited by miketheterrible on Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:16 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc. - Page 3 Empty Re: Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc.

    Post  kvs Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:15 pm

    This is pure sabotage. Courts are always spread thin in terms of dealing with cases and the legislature is not exactly a fast
    turn around for new legislation. But we have important legal response to NATzO regime change operations delayed while
    benign anime series are banned. This is Saudi Arabia level of stupid.

    Any children that act out stories in real life are mentally deficient to start with. Like the specimen who thought he could
    fly like superman and died after jumping of a multi-story building. You cannot save every nutcase from itself. It really
    is natural selection. And banning all content will not stop these specimens from being instigated by other children or
    acting out on their own initiative triggered by dreams or fantasies.

    Really, anything to do with mental health is a disaster zone of nonsense "medicine" and ridiculous safety laws. Somehow
    humanity advanced without such protections for most of history. But with all the bleeding heart save the children BS
    we have the SJW retard generation engaged in social media lynch mobbing.

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    Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc. - Page 3 Empty Re: Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc.

    Post  miketheterrible Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:18 pm

    This is a st.pete court. So I'm assuming if there is any counter action against the court, it can be easily over ruled .  It is a much simpler but more stupid case than anything.  Regional and specific and the court made the decision cause I bet there was no defendant.

    This ruling won't last.  And doesn't seem to apply to anywhere else in Russia or at least other online distributers.

    If I was the judge I would just state that:
    " Death note sucks. Any kid watching it is a virgin loser. Instead the kids should watch something awesome like Macross to be total Chad's".

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    Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc. - Page 3 Empty Re: Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc.

    Post  PhSt Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:22 pm

    You can bet your sweet ass that come next opposition protest liberals will be wearing t-shirts with Death Note characters and of course every single kid will want to imitate them

    Will they be writing Putin's name on the Death note too and hope that a Shinigami kills him? Laughing Laughing Laughing

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    Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc. - Page 3 Empty Re: Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc.

    Post  kvs Thu Jan 21, 2021 9:48 pm

    Death Note started out OK and then got annoyingly stupid.   They just had to get some magical counter to the main character.
    No such rules control reality.  I know that it is fantasy fiction, but at least put a modicum of realism into it.   No "hero"
    sweeps in to save the day and it is simply boring to be exposed to such plots.

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    Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc. - Page 3 Empty Re: Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc.

    Post  GarryB Fri Jan 22, 2021 4:17 am

    If they want to ban stuff that is up to them.

    Personally I don't think any children should be allowed to watch South Park, it is clearly a cartoon for adults to watch, so why is it played on the comedy channel all day and every day.

    I am not easily offended but if an adult showed a child a book with that sort of filth in it there are all sorts of charges that could be brought against that adult in most countries around the world.

    But ratings never seem to matter... I have been in shops where kids have grabbed the most violent and graphic movies and their parents buy them... and they wonder why they have problems with their kids.

    If Russia wants to ban this (foreign) stuff then why not... let them try.

    It is their society and therefore their decision and nothing else matters.

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    Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc. - Page 3 Empty Russian Govt Prohibits 'Only Illegal' NGO Activities

    Post  Eagle1984 Tue Feb 09, 2021 8:55 am

    Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc. - Page 3 Project_putin

    President Vladimir Putin maintains that Russia does not prohibit the activities of civil society and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) as long as these abide by the country's laws, refrain from meddling in internal politics and inciting extremism and civil disobedience in the country.

    He told Russia's state-owned TASS News Agency in an interview for the project titled "20 Questions with Vladimir Putin" that any non-governmental organizations operating on Russian territory, including religious ones, must necessarily respect and comply with the Russian law.

    The purpose of the law on non-governmental organizations including media and religious groups is simply to protect Russia from external meddling in its politics. Significantly, such organizations were often not very eager to declare that they were involved in domestic affairs and were doing so using money from foreign sources.

    "While some countries prohibit the activity of such organizations, we don't ban it. They are free to keep working. By the way, this practice is a well-established one. They continue to work, but they are required to report if they receive funding from abroad and are engaged in internal political activity. Nobody's rights are infringed on here whatsoever. There is nothing that runs counter to international practice," Putin stressed in the interview.

    "We need to have a very clear idea of what internal political activity is. We need to ensure that there are no misconceptions. And we need to ensure that no other activity – involving humanitarian matters, for instance, public health or environmental protection – is used as a disguise to engage in domestic political affairs," he added.

    Putin recalled that legislation on foreign agents was first created in the United States back in the late 1930s and has been actively used ever since. It stipulates different penalties, even incarceration. In the meantime, in Russia only administrative penalties for this type of violation are in effect.

    The law stipulates that the status of foreign mass media outlets acting as foreign agents can be assigned to individuals if they spread [disseminate] content [including that in the internet] meant for an unlimited range of persons and receive financing from outside the country. This concerns cash transfers and other assets obtained from foreign countries, their official agencies, international and foreign organizations and foreign individuals or Russian legal entities that receive cash from the aforesaid sources.

    Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, NGOs in Russia and in Eastern European bloc began to function actively with the enormous grants they received from the United States and other European countries. Funding came from organizations such as Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie, Ford and many others. However, foreign funded NGOs and their activism created much resentment in Putin's administration.

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    Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc. - Page 3 Empty Re: Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc.

    Post  George1 Tue Feb 09, 2021 1:28 pm

    Eagle1984 wrote:Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc. - Page 3 Project_putin

    President Vladimir Putin maintains that Russia does not prohibit the activities of civil society and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) as long as these abide by the country's laws, refrain from meddling in internal politics and inciting extremism and civil disobedience in the country.

    He told Russia's state-owned TASS News Agency in an interview for the project titled "20 Questions with Vladimir Putin" that any non-governmental organizations operating on Russian territory, including religious ones, must necessarily respect and comply with the Russian law.

    The purpose of the law on non-governmental organizations including media and religious groups is simply to protect Russia from external meddling in its politics. Significantly, such organizations were often not very eager to declare that they were involved in domestic affairs and were doing so using money from foreign sources.

    "While some countries prohibit the activity of such organizations, we don't ban it. They are free to keep working. By the way, this practice is a well-established one. They continue to work, but they are required to report if they receive funding from abroad and are engaged in internal political activity. Nobody's rights are infringed on here whatsoever. There is nothing that runs counter to international practice," Putin stressed in the interview.

    "We need to have a very clear idea of what internal political activity is. We need to ensure that there are no misconceptions. And we need to ensure that no other activity – involving humanitarian matters, for instance, public health or environmental protection – is used as a disguise to engage in domestic political affairs," he added.

    Putin recalled that legislation on foreign agents was first created in the United States back in the late 1930s and has been actively used ever since. It stipulates different penalties, even incarceration. In the meantime, in Russia only administrative penalties for this type of violation are in effect.

    The law stipulates that the status of foreign mass media outlets acting as foreign agents can be assigned to individuals if they spread [disseminate] content [including that in the internet] meant for an unlimited range of persons and receive financing from outside the country. This concerns cash transfers and other assets obtained from foreign countries, their official agencies, international and foreign organizations and foreign individuals or Russian legal entities that receive cash from the aforesaid sources.

    Since the collapse of the Soviet Union, NGOs in Russia and in Eastern European bloc began to function actively with the enormous grants they received from the United States and other European countries. Funding came from organizations such as Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie, Ford and many others. However, foreign funded NGOs and their activism created much resentment in Putin's administration.

    Intriduce yourself pls here

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    Post  GarryB Wed Feb 10, 2021 8:44 am

    However, foreign funded NGOs and their activism created much resentment in Putin's administration.

    But you have to admit no western funded NGO agent has ever received the treatment Maria Butina did in the US for being a suspected foreign agent...

    18 months or more in solitary confinement with threats of rape from the guards... yeah, they really know how to treat a girl in the states...

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    Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc. - Page 3 Empty Re: Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc.

    Post  magnumcromagnon Wed Mar 17, 2021 2:54 pm

    Federation Council approves fines for selling gadgets without Russian SOFTWARE

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    Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc. - Page 3 Empty The Ministry of Internal Affairs demanded that illegal migrants leave Russia before June 15

    Post  lyle6 Sat Apr 17, 2021 4:09 pm

    MOSCOW, April 16 - RIA Novosti. The Ministry of Internal Affairs demands from the CIS states that their citizens who are illegally in Russia leave the country before June 15.
    This was announced at a meeting of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth by the deputy head of the department, Alexander Gorovoy .
    According to the statistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which the Deputy Minister showed on the slide, today there are more than 332 thousand illegal migrants from Uzbekistan in Russia, 247 thousand from Tajikistan, 152 thousand from Ukraine, 120 thousand from Azerbaijan, 115 thousand from Kyrgyzstan, 61 thousand from Armenia, 56 thousand - from Moldova, 49 thousand - from Kazakhstan.
    Fucking Based. Heil Putler!

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    Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc. - Page 3 Empty Re: Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc.

    Post  franco Sat Apr 17, 2021 4:26 pm

    lyle6 wrote:MOSCOW, April 16 - RIA Novosti. The Ministry of Internal Affairs demands from the CIS states that their citizens who are illegally in Russia leave the country before June 15.
    This was announced at a meeting of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth by the deputy head of the department, Alexander Gorovoy .
    According to the statistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which the Deputy Minister showed on the slide, today there are more than 332 thousand illegal migrants from Uzbekistan in Russia, 247 thousand from Tajikistan, 152 thousand from Ukraine, 120 thousand from Azerbaijan, 115 thousand from Kyrgyzstan, 61 thousand from Armenia, 56 thousand - from Moldova, 49 thousand - from Kazakhstan.
    Fucking Based. Heil Putler!

    So from previous articles on this site, there are 8-9,000,000 legal migrants and now just over 1,000,000 illegal ones.

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    Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc. - Page 3 Empty Re: Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc.

    Post  kvs Sat Apr 17, 2021 4:30 pm

    lyle6 wrote:MOSCOW, April 16 - RIA Novosti. The Ministry of Internal Affairs demands from the CIS states that their citizens who are illegally in Russia leave the country before June 15.
    This was announced at a meeting of the Interparliamentary Assembly of the Commonwealth by the deputy head of the department, Alexander Gorovoy .
    According to the statistics of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, which the Deputy Minister showed on the slide, today there are more than 332 thousand illegal migrants from Uzbekistan in Russia, 247 thousand from Tajikistan, 152 thousand from Ukraine, 120 thousand from Azerbaijan, 115 thousand from Kyrgyzstan, 61 thousand from Armenia, 56 thousand - from Moldova, 49 thousand - from Kazakhstan.
    Fucking Based. Heil Putler!

    Don't compare Hitler and Putin. It is offensive to Putin considering the history of his family during WWII.

    This move is likely based on US meddling plans in Russian elections. We already had the case of some of these migrants joining Nahalny's demonstration theater.
    There are likely thousands of such losers paid off to riot to pimp the narrative that "the Russian people" are all up in arms against "Putin's repression".

    This smells of the situation with illegals in the USA. They are used by the Democraps as tools to grab power.

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    Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc. - Page 3 Empty Re: Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc.

    Post  miketheterrible Sat Apr 17, 2021 4:43 pm

    I'm all for it. **** the illegal migrants.

    But out of curiosity, what about the 4M refugees from Ukraine? Judging from official numbers of Russia's population, these people aren't citizens. So what of them?

    I assume they will still be classified as Refugees. But wondering on their status and if they too may face the boot?

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    Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc. - Page 3 Empty Re: Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc.

    Post  lyle6 Sat Apr 17, 2021 4:55 pm

    kvs wrote:\
    Don't compare Hitler and Putin.  It is offensive to Putin considering the history of his family during WWII.

    This move is likely based on US meddling plans in Russian elections.   We already had the case of some of these migrants joining Nahalny's demonstration theater.
    There are likely thousands of such losers paid off to riot to pimp the narrative that "the Russian people" are all up in arms against "Putin's repression".

    This smells of the situation with illegals in the USA.   They are used by the Democraps as tools to grab power.

    Relax, that was in jest. The sort of people who would disagree with this move are the ones who see Putin as Hitler, and one just can't resist running with the theme to poke fun at such retards.

    But yeah, this move is an obvious one and a long time in coming. The central asian shitholes have grown too bold lately and its high time they are punished for it. Their citizens too - if they want to act like apes, they are free to do so in their countries. Or go to France that works too.

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    Post  PapaDragon Sat Apr 17, 2021 5:06 pm

    lyle6 wrote:...The central asian shitholes have grown too bold lately and its high time they are punished for it. Their citizens too - if they want to act like apes, they are free to do so in their countries. Or go to France that works too.

    I think this is the main thing here

    Those clowns have grown too big for their britches and have forgotten where the money comes from

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    Post  GarryB Sat Apr 17, 2021 5:32 pm

    This is just enforcing existing laws really... if you are an illegal migrant then apply to become legal... not rocket science... do a bit of homework and find out what sort of workers they need and sign up to be one of those and apply for a work permit and then citizenship.

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    Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc. - Page 3 Empty Re: Laws in Russia vs NGO, anti-russian/extremist groups etc.

    Post  franco Sat Apr 17, 2021 7:39 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:I'm all for it. **** the illegal migrants.

    But out of curiosity, what about the 4M refugees from Ukraine?  Judging from official numbers of Russia's population, these people aren't citizens.  So what of them?

    I assume they will still be classified as Refugees. But wondering on their status and if they too may face the boot?

    Less then a million are refugee's and they live and work generally with family connections. Around another million have been granted citizenship while 2,000,000 are there as legal migrant workers minus the 150,000 the Russian government says are not legal. This is my understanding from various sources over the last 5 years or so. And of course some would have returned to their homes.

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    Post  Hole Sat Apr 17, 2021 9:33 pm

    They can be turned into legal citizens quite easily. Their homelands could make a referendum and ask Russia if they can be part of it again. Twisted Evil

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