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    Russia's enemy countries


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    Post  PhSt Thu Jul 06, 2023 11:44 pm

    Russia issues diplomatic response to Nordic country

    So back in June, Finland expelled Russian diplomats after accusing them (as per NATO lapdog practice, Without evidence) of being spies.

    As per usual, Russia will expel the same number of Finnish diplomats (9), and will withdraw consent for Finland's operation in its St Pete consulate.

    Now the Finnish President is yapping in social media and calling Russia's retaliation as "hars and asymmetric" Rolling Eyes

    The Finnish president says his country is preparing a similar measure in response, I hope Russia will not hesitate to SLAP  Finland again in case the new NATO lapdog exhibit another rabid behavior. Both the Baltics and Finland need to suffer relentlessly until these territories are liberated and incorporated back to Russia russia

    EDIT: Also, as a result of NATO's continued encroachment closer to Russia's heartland, it is imperative that ALL of Ukraine is absorbed into the Russian Federation. The people in Ukraine can choose between two options, Identify themselves as Russians or move to their beloved Globohomo West. Those NAZIs who will resist will need to be turned to fertilizer. Also, the recent graves that have been erected for Ukrainian soldiers who died during the SMO needs to be exhumed and erased from history. These graves could be used by NATO sympathizers as monuments, so this opportunity needs to be denied.

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    Post  GarryB Fri Jul 07, 2023 3:57 am

    Finland is having a few problems because they used to buy a lot of cheap wood from Russia and they had quite a few businesses using that wood, like quite a few paper product plants etc.

    Now that Russia is cutting trade these companies in Finland are closing and they are starting to feel the results of their sanctions and actions with Russia.

    It is amazing how nice the Russians used to be to European countries, but fortunately the rejection from these European countries is allowing Russia to stop being so nice and giving things away.

    Energy is also a problem for Finland too, but I am sure they can burn their own forests to stay warm.

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    Post  ALAMO Fri Jul 07, 2023 6:53 am

    Two words.
    Saimaa Canal.

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    Post  kvs Fri Jul 28, 2023 11:47 pm

    Estonia's Nazi-loving regime has banned ethnic Russians from celebrating liberation from WWII Nazis. This includes jail time and not
    just some slap on the wrist. Estonia has also enacted a "law" forcing everyone who is not ethnic Estonian to pass a language test
    or be deported (even if they were born there decades ago). This law is forced on to elderly and sick people. Examples include a
    deaf-mute geriatric with cancer and a elderly woman who had to be carried on a stretcher.

    These are the "values" that the EU and NATzO bleat so much about. The next step is concentration camps. After all, just like
    for Jews, "everyone knows" that Russians are bad.

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    Post  flamming_python Sat Jul 29, 2023 12:21 pm

    By now really it's the Russians' own fault that they stay in ultra-Russophobic hellholes such as Estonia or Latvia and even in some cases, rationalize some loyalty to these regimes in the same manner as some Russians (and even Jews) born in the Ukraine made excuses for their own Bandera government which spat on their own language, identity and history.

    It's not fair to say that there are no Russians native to Latvia or Estonia whose family histories there don't go back for over a century or more. Because in fact there are more than enough people like that too. And I sympathize with them, as in all real respects these are their ancestral homelands and if they don't want to just leave and emigrate then I can respect that. Nevertheless, most Russians in the Baltics can't trace their histories in these republics further back than their grandparents or parents; who have moved there between the 1950s and 1980s, mainly to work in new industries that the indigenous labour-force didn't have the specialists for - such as nuclear energy, railroads, ports and certain industrial sectors. And it's precisely these economic sectors that have either died over the past 30 years or are dying now.
    And so even if these people in their 40s, 50s, 60s have kept jobs in some of these sectors up to now with European pensions and so on, and that's far from all of them, then regardless their kids don't and won't have access to any such jobs staying there. This is precisely why the younger generations of the Russian population of the Baltic states went to work in Western Europe in such high numbers when these republics joined the EU. Naturally this in turn raises the question of why if they're working half the time somewhere in Europe anyway, or doing some McJob in Riga or Tallinn - about just what is keeping them and their parents in these places anyway? Stay for the ex-Soviet nostalgia and of course not forgetting to apologize for being Russian at every corner and deal with the occasional angry fellow who considers themselves better than the 'occupiers'? Gee sounds fun.

    I think there are some Russian government programs for relocation. Maybe it's not enough, but there is something. There are Russian government lists of in-demand professions too and special subsidies for those with experience in them. And more importantly there is a future for them in Russia, even if you have to sacrifice your European pension for it or it becomes harder to receive it. So at this stage I just don't see the excuse.

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    Post  kvs Sat Jul 29, 2023 3:53 pm

    There must be enough "comfort" in their current places for living that they stay. Moving is not all that easy especially when you are old and
    do not have lots of money. I think nostalgia is not quite the right word to describe the ties that bind people to their home places. I think
    it is a human psychological trait to have "roots". People don't migrate around much even in the same countries.

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    Post  flamming_python Sun Jul 30, 2023 12:14 am

    Yeah I can understand that. But in the 90s we had entire Jewish families with all hands young and old emigrating from across the ex-USSR to either Israel or the US.
    So it can definitely happen, especially if the new host country offers programs for moving and finding employment. These programs aren't as developed in Russia as they are in Israel or in Europe but they're improving.

    Right now there is the phenomenon of Russian Germans moving to Russia. Plenty of their number plates in Kaliningrad at the moment especially. And tons of new channels on YouTube showing them settling into all sorts of places in Russia. They mostly prefer rural living from what I can see.
    There's even one guy who I used to watch a few years ago, who was poking fun then at a Russian German family who tried to emigrate to Novosibirsk only to be given a rotting wooden house which looked like a barracks from WW2 as social housing, and during the winter no less.. and then predictably moving back to Germany after a few short months. Well anyway, last video I watched from this guy, he was talking about going to Russia this summer to build a house there Razz

    And many of these Russian Germans are motivated by the rise of Russophobia in Europe as well as the alien gender values being hoisted onto their kids. In most cases, their entire families don't migrate, just the parents and kids. The older generation tend to stay behind, alongside one or the other sibling. But then Germany is a considerably richer country still than both the Baltic states and Russia, and they don't face any discrimination there after having lived there for a decade or two.
    Germany is trying to put roadblocks ahead of them to stop them leaving. Up to and including problems with receiving pensions. Boy is that liberal and democratic  Rolling Eyes And totally not like those former Eastern bloc governments that they always love to condemn and make folly of. Yet people are still leaving anyway.

    So given all that, there should really be more attention focused on Russians from the Baltic States. Because I'm sure many are having thoughts about moving too. And what's more, some of them have experience in the sort of specialists Russia needs at the moment. People who can work in the energy sector, in logistics, in the merchant fleet and so on.

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    Post  flamming_python Sun Jul 30, 2023 12:46 am

    Saw this on the Nazi resource I browsed today

    The video is claimed to be how Russians are greeted in Georgia. Coming from a cruise ship supposedly.

    Now that certainly sounds like a wonderful vacation. Come for the food, stay for the insults I love you

    Really, Russians, I know that Georgia is not a hostile country per say, but it's no secret to anybody that it has plenty of anti-Russian retards and has contributed one of the largest merc contingents of any country to the cause of the Ukrainian nationalists.
    Nearby Abkhazia is lovely this time of year. And is Russia itself really that bad? Is there such a shortage of other places to go in the Caucasus region, where you won't have to potentially face people who don't want you there? Stay in Russia, contribute to the domestic economy. Is that so hard? Are you really so driven to feed your inferiority complex to the West by having to ceaselessly visit any place associated with your 'Europe'?
    Some people never learn Neutral

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    Post  Broski Sun Jul 30, 2023 4:22 am

    flamming_python wrote:Really, Russians, I know that Georgia is not a hostile country per say, but it's no secret to anybody that it has plenty of anti-Russian retards and has contributed one of the largest merc contingents of any country to the cause of the Ukrainian nationalists.
    Nearby Abkhazia is lovely this time of year. And is Russia itself really that bad? Is there such a shortage of other places to go in the Caucasus region, where you won't have to potentially face people who don't want you there? Stay in Russia, contribute to the domestic economy. Is that so hard? Are you really so driven to feed your inferiority complex to the West by having to ceaselessly visit any place associated with your 'Europe'?
    Some people never learn Neutral
    I'd hate to be a Russian eating at a Georgian, Polish, Finnish or other Baltic Lapdog restaurant. God knows what 'extra ingredients' would be added last minute.

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    Post  flamming_python Sun Jul 30, 2023 4:46 am

    Broski wrote:I'd hate to be a Russian eating at a Georgian, Polish, Finnish or other Baltic Lapdog restaurant. God knows what 'extra ingredients' would be added last minute.

    Fortunately they'll probably just refuse you service outright, like they used to do to the Irish pirat

    Happened with someone I know who was traveling through one such place last year - got refused from a hotel.

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    Post  kvs Sun Jul 30, 2023 5:29 am

    These Russian tourists seem like they are liberasts. They have a fetish for the NATzO west and its pals. I don't know why they don't
    just move there. The Russian government is not stopping them.

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    Post  GarryB Sun Jul 30, 2023 7:29 am

    There was an article about that on RT with the Georgian opposition being outraged that a Russian cruise liner with Russian passengers had visited their port on the way from Sochi to Turkey, but it turned out the ship was not Russian and none of the Russians on board were sanctioned by the EU so they said there was nothing they could do... so that was probably sour grapes at their inability to do anything concrete towards them, but I certainly agree that they should not have gone to such a hostile place.

    Let them enjoy their hatred and stew in their own juices...

    I'd hate to be a Russian eating at a Georgian, Polish, Finnish or other Baltic Lapdog restaurant. God knows what 'extra ingredients' would be added last minute.

    I would love it... wait till the food arrives and then bag it all up and say you are a safety food inspector that is going to send their food to a lab to be analysed so their business can be evaluated on the quality of its food and its condiments... hahaha...

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    Post  Sprut-B Sun Jul 30, 2023 11:11 am

    Russian liberals ares the special kind of retards. Why do they always want go to countries that don't like them. It's retarded to spend your hard earned money on a place where you're not treated well. I can understand travelling to a tropical paradise, but traveling to your neighbouring countries that dislikes you is pretty stupid.

    Russia has almost all types of landscapes in abundance that these hateful neighbouring tiny countries have. Siberia itself is like a mini continent on its own; so many places yet to be explored.

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    Post  Tolstoy Sun Jul 30, 2023 11:20 am

    flamming_python wrote:Yeah I can understand that. But in the 90s we had entire Jewish families with all hands young and old emigrating from across the ex-USSR to either Israel or the US.
    Several Russian Jews came back too after Israel started to import african and asian jews who turned out to be extremely violent. Several attacks on White jews were carried out by these african, asian jews.

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    Post  flamming_python Sun Jul 30, 2023 2:01 pm

    Tolstoy wrote:Several Russian Jews came back too after Israel started to import african and asian jews who turned out to be extremely violent. Several attacks on White jews were carried out by these african, asian jews.

    Oh a lot of Russian Jews emigrated in turn from Israel after first having emigrated there. Israel with its regional isolation, militarization, hot climate, ideological propaganda, intifadas and so on is quite a specific environment that doesn't lend itself to everyone's lifestyle and values.

    Only they didn't go back to Russia but onwards to the US, Germany and other countries.

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    Post  Tolstoy Sun Jul 30, 2023 5:33 pm

    flamming_python wrote:Only they didn't go back to Russia but onwards to the US, Germany and other countries.
    If you visit the Moscow Oblast area you'll find a number of Russian Jews who have returned from Israel. Some even from France. Previously they had properties in and around central Moscow but when they returned they found that property prices have increased ten fold. Consequently they settled in the Oblast area.

    Most Jews from Ukraine migrated to Germany and US.

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    Post  Kiko Mon Jul 31, 2023 1:51 am

    Pietro Parolin is a clown at Poland's service!

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    Post  Broski Mon Jul 31, 2023 2:18 am

    Sprut-B wrote:Russian liberals ares the special kind of retards. Why do they always want go to countries that don't like them. It's retarded to spend your hard earned money on a place where you're not treated well.
    Imagine yourself a Russian liberal with liberal friends and you're choosing your next vacation destination.
    Which would impress them more? The Swiss Alps, the French Riviera, the Spanish Steps or the Steppes of Siberia?

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    Post  kvs Mon Jul 31, 2023 2:22 am

    Alps are nature and Russia has plenty of spectacular nature. Sure, a Siberian village does not compare to Paris and other cities in
    Europe. But the option for tourism in Russia is not limited to a Siberian village.

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    Post  flamming_python Mon Jul 31, 2023 2:37 am

    Broski wrote:
    Sprut-B wrote:Russian liberals ares the special kind of retards. Why do they always want go to countries that don't like them. It's retarded to spend your hard earned money on a place where you're not treated well.
    Imagine yourself a Russian liberal with liberal friends and you're choosing your next vacation destination.
    Which would impress them more? The Swiss Alps, the French Riviera, the Spanish Steps or the Steppes of Siberia?

    But they're always attracted to exclusively the classic European locations all too popular among the well-off Europeans they aspire to be like moths to a flame.

    And yeah sure, Europe is diverse, interesting, and next to Russia, I get it. By all means explore Italy, Spain, the Greek islands, London, whatever. But FFS, have some originality. There is plenty to see outside Europe and North America. Like I dunno, the Mayan ruins in Peru, a Safari in Zambia, a tropical vacation in Zanzibar, or maybe check out the culinary scene in Kuala-Lampur.
    There is plenty to see in and around Russia too. But the habits of some people take on comical dimensions when they insist on visiting Finland all the time just to stay in some camping accommodation and take a trip to the sauna. We literally have all the same nature and resort places in Russia now. What's the novelty of paying x2-3 for the same thing, other than the fact that you boast about having gone 'abroad to Europe'. Unfortunately this behaviour is not limited to just the liberal EU-wanabees either

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    Post  ALAMO Mon Jul 31, 2023 9:23 am

    What is the most bizarre, those Georgians must be a really rare breed of idiots.
    Georgian export to Russia is skyrocketing as we speak. Second to China only.
    In terms of turism, Russkie ranks 1st position, second to Turkey.
    Russia secures the well-being of Georgia.
    One must be crazy to behave this way. But who would expect a common sense from a liberda.

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    Post  flamming_python Mon Jul 31, 2023 9:47 am

    ALAMO wrote:What is the most bizarre, those Georgians must be a really rare breed of idiots.
    Georgian export to Russia is skyrocketing as we speak. Second to China only.
    In terms of turism, Russkie ranks 1st position, second to Turkey.
    Russia secures the well-being of Georgia.
    One must be crazy to behave this way. But who would expect a common sense from a liberda.

    Well if they're the 'opposition' so then they take their orders from the US
    And that's the answer to your inquiries

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    Post  ALAMO Mon Jul 31, 2023 9:54 am

    ... That reminded me that there was no Saaka TV show for a while now ... scratch Laughing

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    Post  Hole Mon Jul 31, 2023 11:16 am

    That video shows maybe 100 morons. You can find that number easily in any country if you´re willing to pay enough.

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    Post  ALAMO Mon Jul 31, 2023 1:16 pm


    Frankly speaking, this new prime minister of theirs seems to be rather reasonable. I like the way he repeatedly says Ukrs to GTFO Laughing

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