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    Russia's enemy countries


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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 6 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  Asf Sat Jun 21, 2014 4:23 pm

    When asking western people about why Russians are so bad  they usually spout on about Stalin and death camps and communism being bad etc...

    Is this because of this kind of "educational" cartoons for children? I've almost belived in Stalin building the Wall (which was build after his death). Sometimes I think that propaganda of ignorance is a fundamental to any non-violence oppression. People will be happy if they won't know they are slaves

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 6 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  Werewolf Sat Jun 21, 2014 4:59 pm

    Asf wrote:
    When asking western people about why Russians are so bad  they usually spout on about Stalin and death camps and communism being bad etc...

    Is this because of this kind of "educational" cartoons for children? I've almost belived in Stalin building the Wall (which was build after his death). Sometimes I think that propaganda of ignorance is a fundamental to any non-violence oppression. People will be happy if they won't know they are slaves

    Because we here in the so called "western civilisation" are brainwashed from school on.

    What do we get educated in history subject about West and East?

    West has freed europe from Nazism, while East has struggled and only cold winter could help them to survive along with Landlease.
    No mention of the substitude from US government to Nazi Germany through the war, but the Land lease has to be mentioned whenever it is convenient to glorify the West.

    What did we got brainwashed here in germany in history, is that 85-90% of history subject was only about WW2, 4 pages in 2 weeks through 6 years "highschool" mentioning anything before 20th century and the rest is about 1st and 2nd WW. We got told that Soviet Union was a monster that tried to starve GDR to death and the mighty,friendly and selfless west saved all those people because of their good heart, while only mentioning genocide of japanese people with nuclear weapons of civilian targets only as a necessary strike to "safe lives".

    Creating such perception that the NATO was a repsonse to Warsaw Pact and the evil Soviet Union while it was vice versa, and Warsaw Pact was created after NATO.

    Germany is a vassal of USA and their policy and their "history" is forced upon us like every NATO country which are all without exception vassals of USA, even UK but to a smaller degree.

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 6 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  GarryB Sun Jun 22, 2014 11:54 am

    It is a bit of a crutch too... if you think your life sucks at least you don't live in Russia... which generally conjures up visions of some salt mine in siberia or some gulag...

    Ignorance is the key to make it work unfortunately...

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 6 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  George1 Tue Jul 29, 2014 1:40 pm

    Russia to Introduce Term ‘Aggressor State’ to Legislation

    MOSCOW, July 29 (RIA Novosti) - Lawmakers in Russia’s State Duma are considering adding the notion of “aggressor country” to the country’s laws, Izvestia newspaper reported Tuesday.

    According to Izvestia’s sources, an “aggressor country” will be defined as “a state introducing sanctions against the Russian Federation, Russian citizens and Russian legal entities.”

    The amendments proposed by United Russia Evgeny Fedorov and Anton Romanov, both of United Russia, and the members of parliamentary union Deputy Sovereignty will be added into several federal laws including contract law and audit regulations.

    “In order to protect the fundamentals of constitutional order, ensure the country’s defense and security and to protect the domestic market as well as the national economic development, the government of Russia will be given a right to approve a list of aggressor countries,” an explanatory note to the bill states.

    According to the document, foreign legal entities and individuals registered in the "aggressor country" will be prohibited from providing audit and consultancy services in Russia.

    Evgeniy Fedorov cited by Izvestia adds that: “All six major US audit and consulting companies working in Russia – and these are Deloitte, KPMG, Ernst & Young, PricewaterhouseCoopers, Boston Consulting Group and McKinsey – will be included in the list.”

    The bill is expected to be sent for government review on Wednesday.
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 6 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  Hannibal Barca Tue Jul 29, 2014 1:53 pm

    1) Retards from inside
    2) USA
    3) Israel/Jews
    4) UK

    The thread can be locked now. This is the definitive answer

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 6 Empty Katyn massacre

    Post  GarryB Wed Jul 30, 2014 10:37 am

    Very clever legislation by Russia because it allows them to root out groups that will tend to try to undermine Russia without all this banning NGOs stuff.

    We know ratings agencies clearly ignore reality and are basically pro US and therefore biased... why would you let such groups do your auditing when they are from a clearly hostile country with intelligence services who don't feel bound by international or national laws.... or even morality.

    Our government nowadays could be called pro Russian. And yet we are called enemies. Sorry, but it really boils my pot.

    And that raises an important issue... attitudes change.

    During the 1990s i think it would be fair to put the baltic states in the enemy basket, and even Georgia would have been there right up until Sakashvili left power, but things change and I suspect over time in the Baltics pragmatism and some common sense has returned and really perhaps a realisation that neither side is going anywhere has led to a different attitude and relationship has developed. Each side staging little provocations to raise tensions was going nowhere.

    Even Georgia is looking to settle differences and sort things out with dialog and closer relations.

    Sadly the huge irony is that for a short period... most notably when Russia was going from one economic crisis to another in the 1990s even the US attitude to Russia was rather less hostile.

    I had hoped that when Russia regained her feet that this might lead to a partnership with the west, but really now that Russia is regaining strength the wet clearly sees it as a threat to their position and is fighting it tooth and nail.

    Regarding your list there Hannibal... I would remove number 3 and replace it with Zionist Jews everywhere. Not all Jews believe Israel should exist, but not all the Jews that do believe in Zion live in Israel. Have you noticed the most radical Israeli settlers have American accents?

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 6 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  Werewolf Wed Jul 30, 2014 10:45 am

    I think he is right with nr. 3 Israel, since Israel is a zionist state and zionists where never friendly with russia, they see their home in US foreign policy towards russia, being hostile and hostile towards arabic/muslim countries and zionists fully aline with that policy.

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 6 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  Vann7 Fri Aug 29, 2014 6:25 pm

    There is a difference between Governments and People..
    The american people vast majority do not see Russia as their enemies, i actually have seen
    many americans that wish Putin was their President and not the Alqaeda President. Only The Neocons
    who are the Political Elite are Enemies of Russia.. But they are more Competition..  i notice even some kind of respect between Obama and Putin..  With Republicans they are usually more hostile against Russia.

    In my opinion the Biggest Enemy of Russia that is (people + government)
    From top to down.

    3)baltic States
    4)Saudi Arabia
    5)Perhaps Canada?

    And Government only..
    4)Baltic States

    Ukraine is now very hostile to Russia but only because Nazis minority got in power in a coup.. but more than half of Ukrainians are either neutral to Russia or Very Friendly. and about 30% very hostile. In Poland in the other hand
    the majority of its people dislike Putin..and any Russian President.

    About USA.. i think their problem is more a competition thing than a hate thing. As rare at this sound their Presidents never show hate to Russian government.. This is very different to Poland and baltic States.. they fall short of insulting putin and always pushing for isolation of Russia.

    The biggest threat however will always be USA.. the US  Banking Elite cannot operate if Russia
    counter their World leadership.

    about CHina.. not a chance.. China is today one of the closest ally to Russia. and they are not competition..
    but a complement . Russia provide materials and energy and China the funding ,labor and military backup.

    China,India , Belarus ,Kasakistan , closest Allies of Russia.
    Mike E
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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 6 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  Mike E Fri Aug 29, 2014 11:00 pm

    Vann7, you are correct. However, many Americans are blinded by the amount of propaganda found here...

     - Almost nobody here wants Putin as president, but anyone is better than O-bomb-a.

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 6 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  AlfaT8 Sat Aug 30, 2014 9:35 pm

    Oh for the love of, ok, i am seriously asking this time, why would Russia invade Europe, what is there of worth in Europe, there are no noteworthy resources, territorial expansion is worthless considering Russia's size (except for Crimea of course), the Baltic States and other E.European states are just dead weight and attacking them (EU) would just hurt Russia's own economy (losing markets and wasting Russia's finances), if there is one thing i know about Russia is that they are very frugal with there money (side effect of the 90s), so there must be a damn good reason too invade Europe, but for the life of me i can't think of a single one?? Suspect Shocked
    Mike E
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    Post  Mike E Sat Aug 30, 2014 10:06 pm

    Funny. - That you are right... There really isn't "much there" in Europe. No mineral resources, not much oil and gas, just a bunch of corrupt leaders! Like you also said, it would end of hurting Russia more than anything... The only land "worth invading" is in S.A. and the Middle East due to oil/gas, and minerals as well.

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 6 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  magnumcromagnon Thu Jan 15, 2015 9:38 am

    Looks like Russia has a new hostile country in Europe, this time it's in the Balkans. It's sad to say this because the members from this country are some of the better forum members. This country is...

    Russia's enemy countries - Page 6 Croatia_map

    ...with the election of Grabar-Kitarovic as president, no doubt US ABM's are coming to Croatia:

    Russia's enemy countries - Page 6 20120716_kolinda-grabar-kitarovic_rdax_375x250

    Russia's enemy countries - Page 6 Kolinda-Grabar-Kitarovi%C4%87

    Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy

    ...Were talking about one of the most die-hard, pro-NATO Manchurian candidates ever elected in to European political office. She's such a proxy for US thermonuclear strategy that she essentially had her upbringing at damn near Los Alamos Labratory!!!
    par far

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 6 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  par far Thu Jan 15, 2015 1:46 pm

    magnumcromagnon wrote:Looks like Russia has a new hostile country in Europe, this time it's in the Balkans. It's sad to say this because the members from this country are some of the better forum members. This country is...

    Russia's enemy countries - Page 6 Croatia_map

    ...with the election of Grabar-Kitarovic as president, no doubt US ABM's are coming to Croatia:

    Russia's enemy countries - Page 6 20120716_kolinda-grabar-kitarovic_rdax_375x250

    Russia's enemy countries - Page 6 Kolinda-Grabar-Kitarovi%C4%87

    Kolinda Grabar-Kitarovic, Assistant Secretary General for Public Diplomacy

    ...Were talking about one of the most die-hard, pro-NATO Manchurian candidates ever elected in to European political office. She's such a proxy for US thermonuclear strategy that she essentially had her upbringing at damn near Los Alamos Labratory!!!

    I would not worry too much about Croatia, they are bankrupt and this bitch will have to turn to IMF and they will rape her.

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 6 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  partizan Thu Jan 15, 2015 2:12 pm

    You should worry my dear friends... As half of the Croatia does. We will be same as Ukraine. On the edge of bankrupcy but we will never cross that line as long as we are on the "right path". We still have our teritory verry suitable for america's ABM's. She is allready started, giving a proposition to reestablish obligatory service in the army for couple of months and guess what? She is proposing that our army needs to be well trained in "antiterrosist operations". And that is comming from future president who is still, at the moment, employee of NATO. Enoguh said...


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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 6 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  flamming_python Thu Jan 15, 2015 2:36 pm

    At least she's hot (for her age)

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 6 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  Manov Thu Jan 15, 2015 3:12 pm

    flamming_python wrote:At least she's hot (for her age)

    Lol, always looking the good side

    In sincerily hope they will keep rational...

    it is a shame that lots of people find confortable to hate Russia
    par far

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 6 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  par far Thu Jan 15, 2015 3:28 pm

    partizan wrote:You should worry my dear friends... As half of the Croatia does. We will be same as Ukraine. On the edge of bankrupcy but we will never cross that line as long as we are on the "right path". We still have our teritory verry suitable for america's ABM's. She is allready started, giving a proposition to reestablish obligatory service in the army for couple of months and guess what? She is proposing that our army needs to be well trained in "antiterrosist operations". And that is comming from future president who is still, at the moment, employee of NATO. Enoguh said...

    I think you may be right partizan about the military part, Croatia will 100% be part of NATO but will Croatia join the EU. Anyway I think it is safe to say that Croatia is screwed.

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 6 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  partizan Thu Jan 15, 2015 4:12 pm

    par far wrote:
    partizan wrote:You should worry my dear friends... As half of the Croatia does. We will be same as Ukraine. On the edge of bankrupcy but we will never cross that line as long as we are on the "right path". We still have our teritory verry suitable for america's ABM's. She is allready started, giving a proposition to reestablish obligatory service in the army for couple of months and guess what? She is proposing that our army needs to be well trained in "antiterrosist operations". And that is comming from future president who is still, at the moment, employee of NATO. Enoguh said...

    I think you may be right partizan about the military part, Croatia will 100% be part of NATO but will Croatia join the EU. Anyway I think it is safe to say that Croatia is screwed.  

    Croatia is memeber of NATO and EU.. We are all ready screwed.. censored

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 6 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  partizan Thu Jan 15, 2015 4:14 pm

    flamming_python wrote:At least she's hot (for her age)

    She is, untill she starts talking...

    End OT!

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 6 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  flamming_python Thu Jan 15, 2015 4:30 pm

    She can invite me to NATO any day lol!
    par far

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 6 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  par far Thu Jan 15, 2015 4:39 pm

    partizan wrote:
    par far wrote:
    partizan wrote:You should worry my dear friends... As half of the Croatia does. We will be same as Ukraine. On the edge of bankrupcy but we will never cross that line as long as we are on the "right path". We still have our teritory verry suitable for america's ABM's. She is allready started, giving a proposition to reestablish obligatory service in the army for couple of months and guess what? She is proposing that our army needs to be well trained in "antiterrosist operations". And that is comming from future president who is still, at the moment, employee of NATO. Enoguh said...

    I think you may be right partizan about the military part, Croatia will 100% be part of NATO but will Croatia join the EU. Anyway I think it is safe to say that Croatia is screwed.  

    Croatia is memeber of NATO and EU..  We are all ready screwed.. censored

    Sorry I was totally out to lunch there.
    par far

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 6 Empty Croatia enemy

    Post  par far Thu Jan 15, 2015 4:42 pm

    flamming_python wrote:At least she's hot (for her age)

    I think 70 percent is just the make-up, without make-up, she would be old and wrinkles.

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    Russia's enemy countries - Page 6 Empty Re: Russia's enemy countries

    Post  type055 Sat May 23, 2015 8:21 am

    Vladimir79 wrote:The only enemy of Russia now is Georgia.  Countries we distrust...

    1) USA
    2) UK
    3) China
    4) Japan
    5) Turkey
    6) North Kor
    7) Ukraine
    8 ) Norway
    9) Azerbaijan
    10) Poland

    Czech Republic?  Why would they be an enemy? No one cares about Canada and Australia.

    China rank No.3,  lots of Forumer think China is a threat to Russia, May I ask why ? I konw Chinese side' viewpoint, I want to know Russia's~ thanks ~

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    Post  GarryB Sat May 23, 2015 12:57 pm

    Think more potential enemy...

    Personally I think over time China will become more of an ally than the west ever could be... both Russia and China are a bit like the soviet union and germany in the 1920s... largely rejected by Europe and left to fend for themselves... they had rather more in common at that time than ever before or ever since.

    Of course the rise to power of Adolf ended that friendship in 1933.

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    Post  collegeboy16 Sat May 23, 2015 1:09 pm

    type055 wrote:
    China rank No.3,  lots of Forumer think China is a threat to Russia, May I ask why ? I konw Chinese side' viewpoint, I want to know Russia's~ thanks ~
    they fear Russia being the kouhai to the China's senpai in the coming decades if not now, so basically pride. Personally that is only OK, given that China is much larger and Russia certainly needs some help with the aggro.

    Also, both sides cant really threaten each other militarily because NUKES!!!

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