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    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News


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    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News - Page 19 Empty very informative thanks

    Post  Gazputin Sun May 01, 2022 1:46 am

    yeak Zak hates Putin I'm aware of that

    rolling away from the launch complex makes a lot of sense too
    I was intrigued that they started the roll so soon after takeoff ...

    re fuel load
    I remember Rogozin talking about the new Angara pad at Vostochny
    he said it was built to withstand the equivalent of a tactical nuke missile strike .... most of it is underground
    he was talking about the fuel load of an A-5 going up on the pad ....

    (I also vividly remember that image of the fertiliser going up in Lebanon's Beirut harbour .... )

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    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News - Page 19 Empty Re: Next Generation Rocket Angara: News

    Post  Big_Gazza Sun May 01, 2022 2:58 am

    Zak is a spiteful little jew russophobe, and like so many ex-Russians with an ideological axe-to-grind, he willingly does his part of the US civilizational attack on all things Russian. I liken his to teh space industries version of Masha Gessen, though he is not (to the best of my knowledge at least) a degenerate homosexual freakozoid like the Gessen creature.

    I'm curious as to what good info sits behind his sites paywall, but as a matter of principle, I refuse to send a single kopek in his direction. I would encourage others to do the same.

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    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News - Page 19 Empty Re: Next Generation Rocket Angara: News

    Post  GarryB Sun May 01, 2022 9:35 am

    The simple fact of the matter is that for a rocket going into earth orbit vertical speed is not as important as eventual horizontal speed... they certainly have to climb to get to altitude but most of the climb is a horizontally accelerating rocket.

    Once in orbit to climb to a higher orbit they don't just point upwards and fire their rockets to climb to a higher orbit because they are actually moving sideways around the planet which is the direction they actually have to accelerate to climb to a higher orbit... firing rockets directly down towards the earth will push them up to a higher orbit but because they haven't increased their orbital speed they would drop back down below the orbit they were in and bob back and forth till they return to the orbit they were in before they fired their rockets.

    To climb or decend they have to fire the rockets backwards to increase their speed which will raise their orbit, or forwards to slow down to lower their orbital height.

    In the US space shuttle thrusters are used to turn the shuttle around so it is pointing backwards and then the main rocket engines are fired to slow the shuttle down to allow it to descend into the atmosphere... when they finish their burn the thrusters then turn the shuttle around so the heat shield and wings are presented to the atmosphere as it reenters to help slow the craft down further.

    Slow down too much and you come in almost vertically which means you are coming in too fast and will burn up, not enough and you will skip off the atmosphere and back into space and miss your landing window.

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    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News - Page 19 Empty Angara 1.2 - did an extra altitude test .. on the side

    Post  Gazputin Tue May 03, 2022 1:15 pm

    "The observations of what appear to be the deorbit burn of the Angara-1.2 AM stage over western Europe at 2303 UTC Apr 29 aren't quite consistent with the TLEs from Kosmos-2555, and suggest that the AM stage raised its orbit to around 500 km apogee after deploying the sat.."

    picking up on Garry's horizontal flight model ....
    .... its a pity they didn't use the extra flight time to put that AM stage on a horizontal trajectory
    through the bedroom window of that vacuous moron Liv Truss ....

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    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News - Page 19 Empty Angara tower at Vostochny - 11th floor in .... 6 to go

    Post  Gazputin Mon May 09, 2022 7:52 am

    Angara service tower in Vostochny: the 11th floor in place

    they are good at "big stuff" like this .... no question

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    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News - Page 19 Empty Rogozin is on a roll

    Post  Gazputin Mon May 09, 2022 8:03 am

    pardon the pun ....

    the onsite tram service at Vostochny cosmodrome from the new airport to the launch complexes and the town of Tsiolkovsky
    (and apparently to the nearby Amur Gas plant and its new town - this bit to be funded by Gazprom)

    will be made by UKVZ .... a tram making enterprise that is a wholly owned subsidiary of .... Roscosmos

    an unmanned tram .... driven by an alien instead ?

    "The Roscosmos enterprise will begin assembling an unmanned tram at the end of the year"

    "Earlier, on January 8, the head of the UKVZ announced plans to develop a high-speed tram that will be used to transport employees of the Vostochny cosmodrome. The tram will be divided into three sections, while five-section trams will be used in the Tsiolkovsky district and at the cosmodrome."

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    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News - Page 19 Empty Vostochny - Angara pad and new airport - ISS cosmonaut photos

    Post  Gazputin Thu May 12, 2022 8:51 am

    surprised the airport is progressing so fast ... but there it is

    4.4km long runway ..... pretty big ....
    allows for flyback Angara 1 stage(s) apparently

    map of the site for reference

    and Kosmos photos ...

    nowhere near the EU .... won't that piss them off ....
    "oooo burt we arrr soooo impor-tunt !"

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    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News - Page 19 Empty Angara 1.2 already pretty useful

    Post  Gazputin Thu May 12, 2022 2:06 pm

    I thought this was interesting
    Russia will start recycling ICBMs in 2024 via Rokot-M with Ukrainian parts replaced

    that means for the foreseeable future Russia has 2x light launchers
    the Angara 1.2
    and the Soyuz-2.1v with the left over engines from the N1 - the NK-33 - how many are left ? not sure

    it does seem then that the Angara 1.2 is already a pretty useful rocket ...

    Rogozin on the "Colossal arsenal"
    has he gone "green" ? recycling ..... old ICBMs

    About the Rokot-M launcher
    "Rokot-M is a conversion missile with a Russian control system. Previously, the Rokot was equipped with a Ukrainian control system for the manufacture of the Kharkov Hartron company. All work on import substitution has been carried out and the Khrunichev Center (part of Roscosmos) is ready to start creating this complex.
    This is a very important subject, because we are using the colossal arsenal of the Strategic Nuclear Forces in order to provide on its base not scrap metal, but functional missiles that can reconstitute the orbital group of Roscosmos and the Russian Ministry of Defense."

    re the Soyuz 2.1v - they were saying that when the NK-33s run out they will switch to a less powerful version of the RD-191
    used in the Angara 1.2

    the Russians have the most amazing parts bins to play with .... compared to .....

    meanwhile in the UK "space command"
    they are launching cubesats from under the wing of old 747s .....

    cubesats are about the same size as a toaster .... seems very apt to me

    "The launch is carried out in the interests of the British military. "
    "Space technology is critically important in the development of measures in the field of defense, and the launch of Prometheus-2 represents another step forward on the way to its own space program," said British Deputy Secretary of Defense Jeremy Queen.

    what a load of delusional drivel ....

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    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News - Page 19 Empty Re: Next Generation Rocket Angara: News

    Post  GarryB Fri May 13, 2022 1:26 am

    The advantage of using recycled ICBMs is in 5 years time when the extended new start treaty needs to be replaced and the US gets all pissy and demands Chinese missiles and Russian missiles get counted together but UK and French and Israeli missiles are missiles of soverign countries and therefore can't be counted with US missiles and of course thunderbird and Poseidon have to all be added to numbers too, then of course Russia will have to say no... so the natural result will be a missile race to make the other side want to get some limit...

    During the arms race madness when both sides are making as many ICBMs as they can the Russians can be happy that if any agreement is eventually signed they can use all these ICBMs and perhaps SLBMs as satellite launchers rather than just scrapping them.

    The SS-19 missiles had a good record for reliability so they were popular as ROKOT launchers.... they likely have a few left to make this Russification worth while.

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    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News - Page 19 Empty new Angara A-5 headed to Plesetsk

    Post  Gazputin Sat May 14, 2022 3:19 am

    only problem with having lots of recyclable ICBMs it makes your "domestic" small rocket developers payback on any project impossible
    so to me these lightweight launchers are mostly a waste of capital in Russia

    I do think though that flyback Krylo-SV rocket/UAV mutation is worth pursuing - if only to create interesting work for your people
    who is funding it ? .... you can bet it is the military

    meanwhile ...

    Rogozin has been out and about in Moscow lately it seems ... a few visits

    Khrunichev sending another Angara A-5 to Plesetsk (made in Omsk but quality checked at Khrunichev as I understand it)

    probably to be launched around October ?

    meanwhile .... slightly off topic

    whilist in Moskva ... Rogozin dropped into Mikron ..... is his new tailor the guy that does Kim Jong-Un's clothes ?
    or is the "North Korean" fashion look taking off in Moscow ?
    maybe he needs a new haircut ? and his hair dyed ?

    (who is that woman .... Rogozin has a new attack dog ?
    standing there nonchalantly with her hands in her pocket .....
    something tells me she doesn't suffer fools gladly .... )

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    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News - Page 19 Empty Re: Next Generation Rocket Angara: News

    Post  lancelot Sat May 14, 2022 4:22 am

    That is just some kind of overall suit so they can enter some sort of clean area in the chip fabrication facility.

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    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News - Page 19 Empty Re: Next Generation Rocket Angara: News

    Post  GarryB Sat May 14, 2022 12:12 pm

    only problem with having lots of recyclable ICBMs it makes your "domestic" small rocket developers payback on any project impossible
    so to me these lightweight launchers are mostly a waste of capital in Russia

    They will be ICBMs first and foremost so when they are made they wont be ready or used for satellite launches... the main user might be the Russian military to launch satellites.

    A custom designed lightweight launcher should be cheaper than these missiles which will likely be liquid propellent rockets using storable liquid propellent.

    They only become efficient because when they are surplus to requirements as ICBMs or even IRBMs that they are essentially free.

    In fact that could be the thing too... design them to be full power ICBMs with three stages, or with super heavy payloads as IRBMs for all those hostile new targets in Europe, or just make them with two stages and just normal IRBMs for medium range targets to trash... the thing is that with two stages you have one high energy stage to get airborne and the whole weapon moving and out of the atmosphere and then the second stage takes it 4-5 thousand kms to its target in Europe or Japan or Alaska... but it would be easy to fit two of those first stages to end up with three stages... two energetic fast burning "first" stages and then a third stage to get it around the world to the US of A.... such flexibility in design would be as useful for an IRBM/ICBM as it would for a satellite launcher.. the IRBM would get most payloads to orbit but heavier payloads can add an extra stage or for higher orbits the extra stage could be used.

    You can then vary your number of ICBMs and IRBMs based on the number of first stages you make... and when IRBMs retire making some extra first stages would allow IRBMs to launch high orbit payloads or heavy payloads too.

    They will have rockets for lighter payloads too, which will use more efficient cryogenic fuels.

    I do think though that flyback Krylo-SV rocket/UAV mutation is worth pursuing - if only to create interesting work for your people
    who is funding it ? .... you can bet it is the military

    Well if the first stage is reusable for space launches (would be redundant for ICBMs and IRBMs) then you could make a dozen or so and use them with hundreds or thousands of IRBMs to make them equivalent to ICBMs in terms of orbit heights and payload weights... if you could carry them around on the back of a truck it would offer the ability to rapidly replace lost satellites if needed, which would be a useful military capability.

    Some conflicts will start without warning so being able to drive a truck to a specific location and launch a temporary satellite that might only last a few months to a year would be a valuable capability... not to mention the ability to replace lost satellites in a conflict too.

    Conversely the ability to launch things into orbit like that would also be useful for shooting down or attacking enemy satellites too.

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    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News - Page 19 Empty Angara returnable version approved - and launch tower getting last floor

    Post  Gazputin Mon Jul 04, 2022 2:28 pm

    so this is where the 4x boosters don't actually detach and the 5x boosters return to a pad as a block
    with the central (2nd stage) engine providing the hovering thrust
    makes sense - the whole block has a nice wide base for a landing ..... simplest solutions are usually the best

    (this almost certainly means that the new ROSS spacestation will have a polar orbit .... as the stage can land nearby
    rather than somewhere in the Sea of Okhotsk if they went with an equatorial orbit
    seems the jigsaw puzzle is coming together )

    Rogozin is also visiting Vostochny next week
    that can only mean 1 thing .... the last (17th) floor of the Angara launch tower is going ....

    "The project has been defended." Angara will have returnable stages 🚀

    At the second stage of the conceptual design of the Amur space rocket complex, which includes #Ангара launch vehicles, a rocket-dynamic method of landing the first and second stages was considered, which, after testing, would be able to land on a special landing pad.

    This was reported by "Gazeta. Ru", General Director of the Khrunichev Center Alexey Varochko. He also spoke about the work on the Angara-A5 flight rocket for the Vostochny cosmodrome and its full-size copy.

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    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News - Page 19 Empty Re: Next Generation Rocket Angara: News

    Post  Big_Gazza Tue Jun 06, 2023 1:02 pm

    Angara-5NZH launch vehicle delivered to Vostochny

    A train with blocks of the design and technological electric refueling model of the Angara-A5 launch vehicle and special equipment sent from the Omsk branch of the GKNPTs named after A.I. M.V. Khrunichev.

    Specialists of the Vostochny Space Center (a branch of JSC TsENKI, part of Roskosmos) carried out the acceptance procedure for the cars, after which they will be transported to the Technical Complex of the Vostochny Cosmodrome. Further, according to the work schedule, the calculation of specialists from Roscosmos enterprises will begin comprehensive testing of the Vostochny technical and launch complexes using the Angara-NZh.

    Angara-NZh (ground-based liquid) is a full-size copy of the Angara-A5 rocket, designed to work out the preparation of the first flight rocket for launch and certification of the technical and launch complexes of the Amur space rocket complex at the Vostochny cosmodrome.


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    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News - Page 19 Empty Re: Next Generation Rocket Angara: News

    Post  Sprut-B Thu Jul 20, 2023 3:24 am

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    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News - Page 19 Empty The Angara-A5V heavy-lift launch vehicle

    Post  thegopnik Thu Aug 17, 2023 4:26 pm

    The Angara-A5V heavy-lift launch vehicle, which uses a hydrogen stage and is capable of launching 37 tons of cargo into low orbit, will be launched from the Vostochny cosmodrome in the Amur Region after 2025. Alexey Varochko, General Director of the Khrunichev State Scientific Research Center, said this on Monday, August 14.

    "We are going in stages. We have already put the Angara-A5 on the wing, and then there is an upgraded vehicle that will leave the Vostochny cosmodrome in 2024-2025. Further from "Angara-A5" we will pass to "Angara-A5M". "Angara-A5M" with the use of an additional stage will already be A5B, that is, with a hydrogen stage, 37 tons will be lifted from the Vostochny cosmodrome. I believe it will be after 2025, " he said in an interview with Zvezda TV channel at the Army-2023 forum.

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    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News - Page 19 Empty Re: Next Generation Rocket Angara: News

    Post  Big_Gazza Mon Dec 25, 2023 8:51 am

    [Note to Admins:  Tried to post this to the Angara thread but it is locked for some reason?]

    The first flight launch vehicle Angara-A5 was sent to the Vostochny Cosmodrome

    State Space Research and Production Center named after M.V. Khrunichev (part of the Roscosmos State Corporation) sent from its branch, the Omsk Production Association Polet, the Angara-A5 launch vehicle for the first launch from the Vostochny cosmodrome. This launch will open a new page in the history of the Russian rocket and space industry.

    Specialists from Polet, with the participation of structural divisions of the Khrunichev Center, completed tests of the Angara-A5 launch vehicle. Based on the results of tests, analysis and verification of all launch vehicle systems for compliance with the integrated engineering and technical solutions, the readiness of Angara-A5 to begin flight tests at the Vostochny cosmodrome was confirmed.

    At Vostochny, the creation and testing of the functionality of the infrastructure of the technical complex for the preparation of Angara launch vehicles has been completed. Roscosmos specialists completed and confirmed, including with the help of an electric refueling mock-up of the Angara-A5 launch vehicle - Angara-NZh, the readiness and operability of the launch complex systems. Thus, the space infrastructure for the Angara launch vehicles at Vostochny is ready to begin preparing the first flight rocket for launch.

    The Khrunichev Center is the lead developer and manufacturer of the Angara space rocket systems at the Plesetsk cosmodrome and the Amur complex at the Vostochny cosmodrome, which use the latest Russian Angara launch vehicles. The enterprise is entrusted with a national-scale task - the introduction into operation of new launch vehicles of various payloads.

    As part of the Amur space rocket complex of the first stage at the Vostochny cosmodrome, it is planned to use three-stage heavy-class launch vehicles Angara-A5 and Angara-A5M.


    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News - Page 19 33284410

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    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News - Page 19 Empty Re: Next Generation Rocket Angara: News

    Post  kvs Mon Dec 25, 2023 3:21 pm

    The Soyuz 5 needs facilities at Vostochny just like Angara. There is nothing specific about Baikonur that it is the only choice. Russia also has to
    plan the SHLV derivative to be launched from Russian territory. Enough with this pandering BS. No amount of pandering to resentful, spiteful
    inferiority complex monkeys will make them good allies. The US does not get conformance in this fashion whatsoever. It has local elites who
    suck up to it and crack the whip on their proles. Russia is just not the economic Mecca that the USA is perceived to be. So it cannot engage
    this control mode. But it does not need colonies and certainly not backstabbing "allies".

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    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News - Page 19 Empty The Angara-A5V heavy-lift launch vehicle

    Post  Big_Gazza Mon Dec 25, 2023 4:31 pm

    kvs wrote:The Soyuz 5 needs facilities at Vostochny just like Angara.   There is nothing specific about Baikonur that it is the only choice.    Russia also has to
    plan the SHLV derivative to be launched from Russian territory.    

    Yep, they need a Soyuz-5 pad at Vostochny, and to make it suitable for the SHLV stack version.   I'd like to see Sea Launch returned to service with Soyuz 5 as well.   Russias economy is on the march and securing access to space for national security puposes is a strategic necessity going forward.  NATOs war in Ukropistan is going to make this a reality IMHO. russia

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    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News - Page 19 Empty Re: Next Generation Rocket Angara: News

    Post  GarryB Tue Dec 26, 2023 3:44 am

    I wonder if after this conflict in the Ukraine is sorted out whether Sea Launch might be sent to operate from the Black Sea?

    Maybe even base it in Odessa depending on how things work out.

    Obviously assuming any neutral Ukr state is landlocked and Odessa becomes part of Russia again.

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    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News - Page 19 Empty Re: Next Generation Rocket Angara: News

    Post  Big_Gazza Tue Dec 26, 2023 4:12 am

    The Orion upper stage arrived at the Vostochny Cosmodrome

    The Orion upper stage in a technological flight design, intended for the second stage of complex and flight testing of the Amur space rocket complex, was delivered to the Vostochny cosmodrome on December 23.
    Specialists of the Vostochny Space Center of the Center for the Operation of Ground-Based Space Infrastructure Facilities together with the developers of the upper stage from the S.P. Rocket and Space Corporation Energia. Korolev (part of the Roscosmos State Corporation) unloaded and transported the container with Orion to the installation and testing building. Before this, the container was cleaned in the thermal vestibule of the block warehouse.

    In the near future, electrical and pneumatic vacuum tests of the upper stage will begin, work with which is being carried out for the first time at Vostochny.


    Orion is the name given to new variant of the DM-03 upper stage that will fly from Vostochny.  Apparently the Perseus variant (that failed to re-start on the 3rd A-5 flight test) is intended for flights from Plesetsk.

    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News - Page 19 Orion_10

    Clearly the A-5 vehicle recently delivered and this u/s will comprise the inaugural flight from Vostochny. Vehicle handling and pad refuelling systems have all been tested sucessfully, so they are clearly working towards 1st flight.

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    Post  kvs Tue Dec 26, 2023 5:13 am

    Sea Launch from the Black Sea makes sense compared to Baikonur. The latter is at about 45N while the former is at 43N (in the center). Staging
    Sea Launch from the far east and sailing it down to the tropics would involve a large time penalty. Probably not worth the payload gain from an
    equatorial launch.

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    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Tue Dec 26, 2023 10:08 am

    kvs wrote:Sea Launch from the Black Sea makes sense compared to Baikonur.   The latter is at about 45N while the former is at 43N (in the center).   Staging
    Sea Launch from the far east and sailing it down to the tropics would involve a large time penalty.   Probably not worth the payload gain from an
    equatorial launch.

    Could not they move it to Somalia or Kenya, near the equator? 
    If they have a moveable platform than it can be preferable to launch from near the equator.

    Italy in the late 1960s started doing space launches from a platform near Malindi (Kenya).

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    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News - Page 19 Empty Re: Next Generation Rocket Angara: News

    Post  lancelot Tue Dec 26, 2023 2:28 pm

    kvs wrote:Sea Launch from the Black Sea makes sense compared to Baikonur.   The latter is at about 45N while the former is at 43N (in the center).   Staging
    Sea Launch from the far east and sailing it down to the tropics would involve a large time penalty.   Probably not worth the payload gain from an
    equatorial launch.
    The Russian Black Sea coast around the Caucasus is oriented the wrong way for equatorial launch. They could launch from Crimea, but then it would overfly land areas with population in them.

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    Post  kvs Tue Dec 26, 2023 3:36 pm

    Launching from Africa would require stable governments.   This region is afflicted with instability thanks to American and NATzO meddling.

    If population centers are a problem, then use Vostochny.    Baikonur has the stages falling on the ground problem as well.    Anyway, the
    fixation on using the rotation of the planet to save some fuel is stupid.   Build bigger rockets if the extra payload is so important.  Supposedly
    the Soyuz could launch 3.2 tons to GTO from Guyana but only 2 tons from Baikonur.   All this from about a 6% fraction of orbital velocity due
    to rotation at the equator (link).
    Rockets are not consumer economy cars.  At least with modular designs such as the Angara, there can be some economies of scale since
    the volume of individual modules produced is greater than any of the aggregated vehicles.

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