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    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News


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    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News Empty Next Generation Rocket Angara: News

    Post  Admin Mon Aug 03, 2009 12:30 pm

    In the Moscow region were successfully test firing the first stage of the launch vehicle's new-generation Angara

    MOSCOW, July 31. (ITAR-TASS). In Sergiev Posad near Moscow were successfully test firing the first stage launch vehicle (LV) of the new-generation Angara.

    "Yesterday evening in the" Research and Experimental Center of the rocket and space industry were firing rocket universal test bench module (URM-1) PH "Angara", - reported in the State Space Scientific Production Center (GKNPTS) im.Hrunicheva, which is the parent enterprise to create a universal space-rocket complex "Angara".

    Fire tests are part of a mandatory cycle of ground created by refining the experimental rocketry, recalled in GKNPTS. The purpose of the tests carried out in the suburbs - a comprehensive check of URM-1, a confirmation of the first stage of operation of launch vehicle "Angara" and its design characteristics, as well as verification of the algorithm and cyclegramm prelaunch training staff launchers.

    "URM-1 -" the foundation of the "family PH" Angara ", - explained the ITAR-Tass expert. - The principle of creation - as a child in the game" Lego "- depending on the payload to URM added fuel tanks, and it can be easy, medium or heavy grade. "

    As previously stated GKNPTS director Vladimir Nesterov, "in early 2011, the plans must be running the" Angara "light at the end of that year - a heavy launch vehicle class, Angara-5. The main advantage of these new-generation carrier rockets, according to Nesterova, is that "creates a versatile space rocket complex" - "above all, it allows to place in orbit three classes of missiles - the lungs, with a payload into low orbit to 3.5 tonnes, the middle class - up to 14.6 tonnes and heavy grade - up to 24,5 t. With this launch vehicles and medium-heavy class of spacecraft can deliver and in geostationary orbit. "

    Creating a space-rocket complex "Angara" - the task of special public importance, noted in GKNPTS. Inherent in the project specifications, RN are at a level that allows the launch vehicle family Angara successfully compete with the best world samples of rocket and space technology.

    Last edited by Vladimir79 on Thu Apr 14, 2011 8:52 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News Empty Re: Next Generation Rocket Angara: News

    Post  Admin Mon Jul 19, 2010 3:47 am

    First flight Angara Postponed two years

    Flight tests of a promising Angara will begin no earlier than 2013

    MOSCOW, July 15. (ITAR-TASS ) . Flight tests of a promising launch vehicle (LV) , Angara will begin no earlier than 2013 g , the general director of the State Space Scientific Production Center ( Khrunichev ) im.Hrunicheva Vladimir Nesterov.

    "I think that the flight tests we will go to the beginning of 2013 "- he said .

    Earlier, head of Russian Space Agency Anatoly Perminov said that these tests are scheduled for 2012

    Nesterov said that over the past five years, the Centre Khrunichev went to 95-97 percent. development work on the carrier "Angara ". These include the first-stage main engine RD -191 is ready at 99 percent. , the assembly is expected to finish in the first quarter of 2011 Regarding the second stage main engine , the RD -124 , he , according to Nesterov, three times already " flew by " Soyuz-2 .

    The head of the center said that the only issue that remains for the successful implementation of the program - is " the development and installation of ground equipment. " He explained that the holding can not order a part of the necessary equipment due to lack of funding , while the wear of equipment and machinery enterprises of the Centre can not create new launch vehicle .


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    Post  solo.13mmfmj Wed Jul 28, 2010 11:59 pm

    This is good.Sending things into space will get cheaper and cheaper.

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    Post  Admin Thu Apr 14, 2011 8:53 pm

    "Proton-PM prepared to manufacture engines for the rocket Angara

    RIA Novosti, April 12. OJSC "Proton-Perm Motors (Proton-PM") began preparations for starting production of RD-191 rocket-carriers "Angara", the proportion of Perm enterprises in the project is about 50%, according to Tuesday's press-service of administration of the Perm edge.

    Russian government strategy for socio-economic development of the Volga Federal District in 2020 marked the location in the Perm region of production of liquid rocket engine for a new family of rockets, "Angara" as one of the priority projects.

    "Our problem - by 2015 to get at least 60% of the total production of this engine. This is a rather ambitious plans. Together with the Government of Perm Region is working together to ensure increased production of the engine. We are preparing to become a serial is now for serial production of this engine," - leads the press service quoted the chief engineer of the company, "Proton-PM" Dmitry Schenyatskogo.

    The enterprise began phase of modernization, is associated with the preparation of the production of a new engine is a development of the production of turbopump units, booster pumps oxidizer and fuel, gas generators.

    It is assumed that first deliveries will begin production in 2012. By 2017, the territory of the test site of the Proton-PM "in the village of New Lyady planned to create a modern industrial base on which to locate production in the future of the RD-191.

    How to add press office of the territorial authorities, 19 August 2009 in the region, the Federal Space Agency and the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "State Research and Production Space Centre to them. Khrunichev signed an agreement on cooperation in the project to build engines for rockets Angara . His goal is to create a test site for the Proton - Perm Motors' production base of main units of rocket engines RD-191 for advanced environmentally friendly launch vehicle family Angara.

    Angara - promising space rocket complex family of carrier rockets light, medium and heavy classes. The maximum starting weight - 773 tons. Payload into orbit cargo - up to 24,5 tons at an altitude of 200 km orbit.

    Complexes of "Angara" - a new generation of carriers, is being developed in the Center Khrunichev based on universal rocket module with oxygen-kerosene engine. Angara can provide lower compared to other launch vehicles cost payload in a wide range of orbits.

    New carrier rocket, used as fuel cleaner parts - kerosene and oxygen - will be used for launching space vehicles of military and socio-economic and scientific purposes within the framework of the Federal Space Program and cooperative international space programs.

    The main activities of JSC "Proton-PM" are the industrial production of liquid rocket engines, production of parts and assemblies of aircraft engines, as well as assembly and testing of gas turbine power plants. Along with the mass production of propulsion systems for launch vehicle Proton, the enterprise mastered production of parts and components of rocket engine RD-191 for a new family of rockets Angara.

    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News Empty Reason to peace is common reason and do together.. Agree?

    Post  Guest Sat Feb 25, 2012 1:00 pm

    How much costs put one kg to the sky… It is “continuance madness” plan, that such system like ISS are willed to become destroyed in time, but lets now on plan to drive it to become on high orbit area such collecting centre, which can begin build to become working base in future to robotic workers and docking systems central (what docks to it, needs not necessarily keep IT as them home, but just as base and raw material station, which can build to become bigger etc. or which materials can change to other forms) instead that madness is continuing. It will be wise collect it, that what have expensively put there up so, that it can use as raw material trough using what can melt inside induction oven and use in such big nuclear “space material collector” (works long time and needs really little propellant) in its ion motor and get its besides the rest material change its shape by melting and then just collecting that to special points to the space and/or changing its shape driving it trough mold (like doing serpentine, which can easily do as standard and become formulated for example to different kind of pipes on space conditions) so, that at one that mighty, which begins this space cleaning can get also morally benefits from them job instead that just put those parts down. So when You can be useful to the world and even get money from that service from those common interest partners, who like use space, can that power, who do this effort, get ALSO those materials to themselves use and more over, can become expert with his know-how’s on that work area with many synergy advances and build much more economical those new structures to skies there on space plant. This is next step UPWARDS, which should do, but not any more such madness, which past leaders and layers, whose can do only such things like space junk etc. is, only can do thinking only one thing after one other and that all trough living trough catastrophes. How long time to do this machine, and essential part to that really function job, takes from You? Not long time! Very Happy

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    Post  GarryB Sun Feb 26, 2012 12:52 am

    The Russians have said they have started development of a nuclear powered space tug.

    It will be used for two primary purposes... what you mentioned, as an Earth orbit cleaner that flys around and collects up space debris in orbit. Most of which will be flakes of paint and bits of metal. As it builds up onboard stores of captured rubbish it could launch the material downwards in small lumps to burn up in the atmosphere. With larger structures like entire defunct satellites it could be designed to have arms, with the ability to attach booster rockets or explosive charges... or both to both break up and slow down large objects.
    As you suggest it could fly to the ISS and pick up special equipment for more difficult jobs.
    A very large 10 ton satellite may not burn up on reentry, so small carefully placed cutting charges to break it up in space and with a large rocket to slow the satellite down would make the best solution.
    First you would fire the rocket to slow the satellite down, which will change its flight path to a much lower orbit height... once you have slowed it down any explosive charge created debris will not stay in orbit but will fall with the satellite so you are not making things worse. The cutting charges will either break up the satellite or weaken it so reentry will tear it apart more rapidly to reduce the danger on the ground/sea.

    For manned reentry vehicles that need to survive reentry the angle is critical because too steep an angle will come in too fast and the ship might be destroyed. To shallow and the craft might skip off the atmosphere and back up into space like a stone on a pond.

    For rubbish you can aim them in steep and let them burn up.

    The other use for the space tug is to carry cargo or manned spacecraft long distances like Mars and beyond. It keeps the propulsion separate from the manned modules which is safer, and means more cargo can be carried, but it also makes the entire ship lighter and the trip faster.

    If they can develop a tug that can generate even just quarter of 1g acceleration then the problems of weightlessness on the human body for trips to mars will be much easier to deal with.

    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News Empty Its funny spoil world, but why it isint on build it?

    Post  Guest Sun Feb 26, 2012 8:34 am

    Okay, you will repeat things by linear phrases thinking from some reasons, but IMAGINE what it is, when You doesn’t waste but use (and please read what I write). Extremely small need to propellants (ion motor makes with it slowly needed speed to accelerated piece, which can become catched by other “truck” on space billiard etc. and to which needed energy is something what you propose to use to just waste that material), which can pick from the space, induction oven and ionisation are not “either or”, but “both” and how much more “both´s” we could have in SUCH system all together. Whistle people bend that “idea wire” so, that all things in all are one in it. Think, what is permanent SYSTEM, which is up there handling all satellites whole circulation disposal and taking them material to upper circulation use by EXTREEMLY EFFECTIVELY use (why people on space industry doesn’t have economical perspective skills, but they can waste folks money how ever and folk pays.. HOW MANY MONEY IS 1 KG to SPACE?). If Russians now fail this idea and doesn’t take advance in it, so others do and by EARNING CAPACITY get advance and know how, which makes markets to them and others doesn’t have never resources do it. SUCH SYSTEM COMES ORGANIC part INSTITUTION of space industry and take that NOW is your change on field, where maybe newer will happen anything intelligent, but only stupid things. Take or loose. Your choice to your childes future building by you and NOW. And this is just ONE TINY example about madness in world.. Do you have ideas solve them? Very Happy

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    Post  GarryB Sun Feb 26, 2012 10:52 pm

    You type english words, but your sentence construction is very difficult to follow and understand.

    I currently don't understand the propulsion principle they intend to use for this nuclear powered rocket, it could be Ion powered, which for those trying to follow this discussion uses very very small amounts of material that is ionised and then accelerated to enormous speeds and directed out the back of the engine. You could put your hand in front of it and not get injured, but the engine can run at full power for months or years slowly accelerating the spaceship faster and faster. The top speed of a rocket is directly related to the speed of the exhaust gasses so over time the spaceship with an ion engine running can reach enormous speeds using very small amounts of fuel.

    The obvious problem with that is that it takes time to accelerate and for manouvering... well there is isn't much point in using ion based manouvering rockets... it would be like a car using high beam on its headlights to slow down...

    Another option could be if you are collecting rubbish in orbit that you melt down that rubbish and reduce it to fine particles with a positive or negative electric charge and then place it into a circular particle accelerator to accelerate it up to very high speed and then release it in the opposite direction you want to travel... the amount of material you release and how fast it is travelling will determine the acceleration force you get.

    The material released would need to be atoms or very very small particles... otherwise you are just making the rubbish problem worse.

    Of course empty space isn't totally empty and if you could generate a magnetic field in front of the rocket to pull in space dust and the odd hydrogen and helium atom then this could be accelerated and projected backwards as propulsion too.

    And I agree there is a lot of waste in the space industry, and in fact the space industries of all countries that have them... largely because their efforts are not driven by ecology and love for nature, but mostly by the military, with the goal to military or economic advantage.

    The ideal method of getting to space is not via a rocket, but by a Scramjet.

    If you pass a copper wire through a magnetic field it creates an electric current... a spaceship with a very long wire hanging off it will not need a solar panel or nuclear power plant for energy.

    The problems arise when you get into orbit in your scramjet powered space craft as scramjets are not particularly efficient in space near a planet as any dust of hydrogen or helium atoms fall back to earth and don't tend to hang around.

    Once you leave the atmosphere closing off the air intakes and feeding slush oxygen to the scramjet engines would make them rockets for a short period into space and then ion engines could take over.

    Rocket engines or gas thrusters will be needed for fine manouvering, but scramjets and ion drives are currently the most efficient methods of propulsion even if they both need a lot of work to perfect.

    The Russian step of suggesting a nuclear powered tug to clear away space debris is a good first step... no one else is planning on doing anything about the problem, and of course the US and Chinese shooting down satellites are only making the debris problem worse.

    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News Empty Who is The 6...

    Post  Guest Mon Feb 27, 2012 8:09 am

    Yes! It is somehow like the game of really war basis on (principle mentioned on my lecture made1984) funnel system layering (trough REALLY “hidden Masonry” -side wars get this realised world to them to live trough them “chess piece” breedings), where other party of that big game territory came with to such other ones doings (sometimes just small country in the middle of GAME), whose big ones have let do wrongs and so getting it (like projected Algaida to be something others, even they selves are it and all terrorism) like wholly Hollywood as spy systems extension are saying, that “they know” (hehe, my favourite words 20 years ago) and because they know, it means that can press. So in this war of horror balance in relation to MORALLY, there may be some doings, which are known and in it some people try get common trust between superior criminals with small steps so, that in highest crime, they have get them opponent to such situation, that they can say, that THOSE DID IT. This is so funny, because all know, that power on both sides are the same and on both sides, that guilty people to them doings will be the same. This also means, that rest 6500 million people know, that they are dead, because they are not IN. So you may understand, that they must convince also them, that they are needed and in, and what a fun thing such may be, because they cannot be newer in on this kind of world… But option in the middle of really stupid people are the “way” and when them hope goes, will the end be clear. No other way. So maybe this done by the looser side is the key of really win. And permanent loose of now on weaker side being the wholly world so, that the rest with them loose also them armpit. May our country Masonry people have such skill and responsibility to understand this kind of triviality? May I introduce my selves. I am the eye and you are MATERIALIST triangle round this third eye. y.o.u.

    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News Empty Dont be like "miss"..understanding

    Post  Guest Mon Feb 27, 2012 7:22 pm

    This "word game" on Earth is essential part of that basis "war game" being the law of parasites exploiting workers and people, whose do efforts like learn and exercises etc.. Just like happy parasites will be on that them own entertainment level enjoying them life to which “all the rest” blessings are just "something more" to get. This "more" is problem in wrong hands, like you see in this planet.
    Must still say, that "they know" on past writing means knowing the wrongs what other side have done (exploitations and manipulations play etc. etc.), and "knowing" is "be with" so, that can press them, whose have get them change inside superior powers made "opportunity do wrong" -frames (people doesn’t have anything else way get life or win others on "desert world", but do wrong is also the way to success to the rest really poor and not talent at all people to become stars and after it they doesn’t have anyone to tell it, because they selves did it, and so they shut up and die nicely), do more wrong or just be under them control, depending etc. situations on bad consciousness /conscience hidden party mechanisms. So really war happens on these basis areas and there just must be over those walls of nasty “Structural Violence” -effects, things and games to be IN on this game, but on MORALLY OPEN SIDE, and to can operate in it successfully. Have you see anywhere in world anyone else to be against criminal Structural Violence powers... Welcome to the deck of really Enterprise. Very Happy

    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News Empty I think, Russians have still that touch "understand materia", when USA is going with mecanically engineering...

    Post  Guest Sat Mar 10, 2012 6:19 pm

    Could Russians do such tank to rockets top, which should be that thing to get up to space and which could have inside it propellant to first stage trough rocket to there down to motors and which tank diameter should be about 5 meter and length about 15 meter and then that tank it selves from about 1-2 cm thick Wolfram? Heavy and expensive okay, but can you?

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    Post  GarryB Sat Mar 10, 2012 9:58 pm

    Depending on total weight... if they revive the Energyia they could probably do it, or if they develop a new equivalent.

    With all the talk of going to the Moon and Mars they will need to make a fairly big rocket to lift big payloads.

    Once they get into space the nuclear rocket they are working on can do the rest but to get stuff out of the atmosphere they will need something big and powerful.

    The Energyia was the rocket used to life the Russian Buran, which is about 120 tons and about 40 metres long with a wingspan of about 22 metres...

    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News Empty So we can!

    Post  Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 7:24 am

    So if can get this about 100 t part and more so really well up, you can already also do quickly GOOD space plant to do new wechiles from all, what have put there up. Smelt used motors etc. This is GREAT step also to go to metal astroids etc... Can you go there inside 15 years? I have from my side component ideas to take part with that main effort. Very Happy

    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News Empty Next step UP! And notice, that enemyes make klähmää in relation to me, but you can know and say something about it..

    Post  Guest Sun Mar 11, 2012 8:25 am

    We could talk (and should do it openly) about “defence must build up from basis facts on natural law mathematics”, which should become common announcement basis to such world, where we must on UN level on have the rest 6000 million peoples need in them worry, does they have such protective basis somewhere, which is against the Winner nation. So there inside this needed system will be some grey area on “take advances”, initials (which some are also secret inside defending systems, but must take there inside them own system aware to such calculations), but it doesn’t matter in ruling frame, which must be on right higher basis. Such principle, like “attack is not so effective like defence”, which is on distance axis in relation to functioning subjects and targets and becomes to ruling stage in war on countries resources in it and will be that threshold of all trying between reasonable level balance including press effects (which is different WAR PROCESS, going to absolutely different direction, that protect build worth of defend paradise, but is such common civil war brothers war to get, stole, society to them selves to become them inclined surface layering, which such substance can get trough terror like initiatives). It is matter of average mass effects, which include that uncertainty on initiative advance area. So I have try do such commonly to become true about 26 years and ask from You, may this kind of thing be possible? I.e. That we can talk about BALANCE between attacking systems INCLUDING in them operative pieces being defence systems and THAT SYSTEM RELATION with defending systems attacking function in its “repel an attack” -function, Your ships have been visible to have such philosophy in them constructions always, but are this before mentioned operation analysis system between forces functioning now possible take to the table on its MORALLY context so, that you win on this “POSSIPLE new world”, where truth about right and wrongs must become to be ruling position?
    Defence is not so expensive like attack and so you win being aware about that balance and keeping the rest world in it on your side with morally and awareness. So lets do to them paradise to protect!

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    Post  George1 Fri Aug 03, 2012 8:54 pm

    "Angara" rocket to be launched soon

    The first flying model of the “Angara” booster rocket will be made before the end of this year, a spokesman for the Khrunichev Centre that is the leading Russian producer of spacecraft said.

    The family of the universal new generation “Angara” rockets includes light, medium and heavy boosters. The launch of the light “Angara” booster from the Plesetsk Cosmodrome in the Arkhangelsk Region is planned to take place in the second quarter of next year. The Khrunichev Centera is currently considering the possibility of creating a super-heavy rocket for inter-planetary missions. If flights to Mars and other planets are still a remote perspective, an expedition to the Moon and setting up a permanent base there is quite a real thing that may occur soon, experts say. And of importance here is the weight of the booster rocket that would be able to carry cargoes to the Moon, Editor-In-Chief of the “News of Cosmonautics” journal Igor Marinin says.

    "The U.S. lunar programme provided for 120 tons, which included a rocket stage, the spaceship itself and a landing module. Our idea is to fly to the Moon on a spaceship consisting of modules. The Khrunichiv Centre is now producing standard 22-ton modules for the Proton rocket. They will be good for the “Angara” rocket too, should it be built on the Baikonur Cosmodrome or on the Svobodny Space Port. A more powerful rocket needs different modules."

    As distinct from the “Proton” rocket, the “Angara” rocket uses ecologically friendly fuel, including oxygen and paraffin oil. As is known, problems arise between Russia and Kazakhstan from time to time. These problems are caused by the fact that during failed “Proton” launches some amount of poisonous fuel leaks into the Kazakh territory, which does damage to Kazakhstan’s ecology, Yuri Karash from the Russian Academy of Cosmonautics says.

    "Should a booster rocket use ecological fuel, its penetration into the Kazakh territory will do no damage to the soil. Therefore, the launch of the “Angara” rocket at the earliest date will make problems regarding the Baikonur Cosmodrome non-existent. As compared with the “Proton-M” rocket, the “Proton” rocket has been improved because all the fuel in it gets used up, and when tanks fall to the ground, they are empty. And even if a rocket crashes and falls to the ground, its fuel after coming into contact with water will turn into a fertilizer in several hours, which will be good for the flora."


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    Post  Viktor Mon Sep 03, 2012 9:56 pm

    Excellent, just great.


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    Post  Viktor Wed May 22, 2013 2:45 pm

    Finally, new Angara rocket is ready and taken to the launch site. Date of launch is still not set.
    Heavy A5 Angara capable to lift 40t in LEO will be presented to the public shortly. Its date of launch is scheduled for 2014.

    In Russia built the first rocket "Angara"

    Khrunichev Center manufactured the first boosters "Angara" light and heavy classes. As reported by RIA Novosti reports citing the press service of the city center, in May 2013 the first light "Angara" sent to the cosmodrome "Plesetsk".

    "Currently approved schedule in preparation for the first launches of both light and heavy rocket" Angara ". Work on the project to take personal control of Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin, "- quoted by the representative of the Khrunichev center.

    According to the agency, start-light flares ("Angara-1.2 PP") is scheduled for May 2014 (originally going to launch a missile with "Plesetsk" back in 2013). Heavy version of the rocket ("Angara-A5") sent to the cosmodrome "Plesetsk" in November 2013. Start, as previously reported , to be held before the end of 2014.

    Rockets family "Angara" different classes developed in 1995 based on a single base station (universal rocket module). In the future, the rocket "Angara" will be able to replace aging boosters "Proton" and will deliver various cargo to low-Earth orbit. "Proton", in turn, plan to cancel after 2020.


    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News 14kw2o8

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    Post  Viktor Tue Nov 26, 2013 5:47 pm

    Fingers crossed russia thumbsup 

    Plesetsk space center are testing RN "Angara"

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    Post  Viktor Wed Dec 11, 2013 3:19 pm

    Very Happy 

    Russia Speeds Up Work on Angara Rocket Base

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    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News Empty Re: Next Generation Rocket Angara: News

    Post  coolieno99 Fri Jan 03, 2014 2:55 am

    History of Angara space launch vehicle development

    Manufacturer's specifications

    KVTK  cryogenic upper stage

    Last edited by coolieno99 on Fri Jan 03, 2014 3:24 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : add 3rd link)

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    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News Empty Re: Next Generation Rocket Angara: News

    Post  coolieno99 Fri Jan 03, 2014 7:30 am

    Various photos of Angara Common Core Booster in various stages of assembly and test:

    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News 1223520945

    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News 1223520954

    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News 1223520992

    Vibration test
    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News 1223520963

    Firing test preparation
    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News 1246945858

    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News 1246945916

    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News 1246945926

    Source: Khrunichev State Research and Production Space Center

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    Post  George1 Tue Feb 18, 2014 10:33 pm

    New Russian Rocket Mock-Up Rolls Out to Launch Pad

    MOSCOW, February 18 (RIA Novosti) – A full-scale mock-up of Russia’s first large post-Soviet rocket has been rolled out to a launch pad at the Plesetsk space center.

    The mock-up of the Angara, built by the Khrunichev aerospace research and production center, will be used to test ground support systems ahead of the maiden launch of the vehicle scheduled for later this year.

    The Angara is expected to launch both government and commercial satellites either as a single rocket or in several configurations of booster stages clustered together for heavier payloads.

    The modular launcher will be able to cover a wide range of payload classes now served by rockets built by a number of Russian manufacturers, including the Proton, the country’s largest booster.

    The engine developed for the Angara will burn kerosene and liquid oxygen, which is deemed by an order of magnitude more environmentally friendly than the toxic hydrazine used in the Proton.

    The environmental impact of that rocket has soured relations between Russia and Kazakhstan, which leases the Baikonur space center to Russia for $115 million per year.

    Russia is building a launch complex for the Angara at the country’s new Vostochny space center in the Far East to reduce dependence on Kazakhstan for space launches.

    The Angara will complement the country’s venerable Soyuz manned rocket, currently the only vehicle in the world capable of launching astronauts to the International Space Station.

    Last month, Oleg Ostapenko, the head of Russia’s space agency Roscosmos, said that a decision would be made in the near future about building a new super-heavy rocket that would be, in its expanded form, the largest in world history.

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    Post  Viktor Thu Mar 20, 2014 4:16 pm

    We have a date  thumbsup 

    Defense Ministry: The first launch of a new space rocket "Angara" is scheduled for July

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    Post  George1 Fri Apr 18, 2014 3:45 pm

    Russia to Test Launch New Angara Rocket June 25

    MOSCOW, April 18 (RIA Novosti) – The date of the maiden launch of Russia’s new Angara rocket has been set for June 25, an official with the Russian Space Agency told RIA Novosti Friday.

    “The launch is set for June 25, with the 26th as a backup date,” the official said.

    He added the rocket would be fired without an orbital payload from the Plesetsk space center, located about 800 kilometers north of Moscow.

    The Angara family of rockets, in development since 1995, is planned to be built in light, semi-heavy and heavy versions to lift a variety of payloads between 2 and 40 metric tons into low earth orbit.

    The rocket has a liquid-oxygen and kerosene powered first stage and hydrogen-oxygen fueled second stage, so-called “green” fuels that will make the rocket both more ecologically friendly and safer for support personnel than the country’s current largest rocket, the Proton.

    Angara is designed to complement the country’s venerable Soyuz rocket, currently the only vehicle in the world capable of launching astronauts to the International Space Station.

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    Next Generation Rocket Angara: News Empty Re: Next Generation Rocket Angara: News

    Post  Viktor Wed Jun 04, 2014 9:22 am

    21 more days until new generation starts they primat in rocket industry  thumbsup 

    The first launch of the latest rocket "Angara" is scheduled for June 25

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