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Walther von Oldenburg
Russian Patriot
16 posters

    What do u think about Iran, its government and its people?


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    What do u think about Iran, its government and its people? - Page 2 Empty Re: What do u think about Iran, its government and its people?

    Post  GarryB Sun Dec 18, 2011 8:40 am

    Let's look at gas, as in the stuff that goes into your car so you can drive around (at high velocity, if you're like me...).

    Here in New Zealand gas is LPG, and we have lots of petrol driven cars and a few petrol driven cars converted to burn LPG (when petrol got expensive a few times).

    AFAIK the biggest users of oil in the US is for temperature control... ie oil fired boilers for central heating systems and use of oil to create electricity for air conditioners.

    Most houses in NZ either have fireplaces, or electricity, but a lot of our electricity generation is hydro electric, though there are plenty of coal fired plants up north.

    Look at the UNSCRs. Saddam was in breach of cease-fire the minute he didn't hand over every single SCUD launcher, for one.

    AFAIK there were no scuds fired in the invasion of Iraq (as opposed to the removal of Iraqis from Kuwaite in desert storm 10 years before).

    There were a few shorter range missiles and a few anti ship missiles that were used like doodlebugs.

    But to take that as an excuse to start killing American civillians who likely have nothing to do with their problems is where I draw the line.

    I agree with you, but your government is happy to murder anyone who doesn't comply with US interests... that is the job of the CIA. The CIA will deal drugs and weapons to fund its operations that include killing foreign nationals because they think it makes America safe... most of the time it makes the US the enemy and the threat that justifies retaliation.

    The US only cares about voters, so for non Americans the only way to send a message becomes obvious... of course CIA experiments giving vulnerable Americans LSD in mind control experiments shows they really don't care about anyone if they can keep it quiet.

    Quite honestly... short of the Nazis and Imperial Japan there are few other regimes that have committed so many crimes that have gone unrecognised by history... of course who is the editor of that history... Smile

    I bet a lot of my personal views and opinions would line up quite nicely with those of people in various other nations, but they'd never give me the time of day purely because of my passport.

    And if you corner them they will admit the problem is not the American people, or even the American military, it is elements like the CIA or the US government that does things in YOUR name that they would prefer wikileaks will not reveal to the world, because when you fight fire with fire it is hard to tell the good guys from the bad guys so why make the distinction...

    Sorry, I'm much too busy with Blackadder, 'Allo 'Allo and Fawlty Towers

    Well if you can find the time I strongly recommend you have a look.

    They are playing here on the Comedy Central channel and it still holds up 30 odd years after first being aired.

    As an example... an ad on recently had two men in the British government talking about defence policy.
    One mentions defence policy and asks they other what they think it is for. The other guy naievely states it is to defend Britain, for which he is chastised by the more senior man who says the purpose of defence policy is to make the people think Britain is defended. When the junior asks if those people are the Russians, the senior says something along the lines of "No of course not the Russians... they know Britain is not defended, the purpose of Defence policy in Britain is to make the British people believe they are defended!"

    The first series is called Yes Minister and follows the career of an MP called Jim Hacker, who enters government all idealistic and wanting to change government for the better.
    He meets up with Sir Humphrey Appleby, who is a civil servant who thwarts him at every turn while appearing to be on his side and by the end of each episode things go back to the way they have always been. It is a very well written and intelligent comedy that makes sense and explains British politics so well.
    The new series called "Yes, Primeminister" has Jim becoming prime minister and continuing to deal with the Civil service but from a slightly more dominant position. Sir Humphrey still wins most of the time (and is the senior man in the ad above) but as each series progresses Jim learns how things work and begins to manipulate things in his favour.

    Other good British comedies to look out for is "Steptoe and son", "The Rise and Fall of Reginald Perrin", "Open all Hours"... also you might like "Man about the house" which is the TV program "Threes Company" was based on, but the other shows I mention above are real classics.

    One scene in Steptoe and Son, which is about an old man and his son that are rag and bone men (they take rubbish and then try to sell it after fixing it or cleaning it up), the old man is in bed sick (normally because the son has said he is fed up with his life and wants to leave and make something of himself... the old man plays sick of finds a way to get him to stay).

    Anyway the old guy is in bed sick and the Doctor has come to see him and while they are talking about his condition the doctor starts eating peanuts from a bowl next to the old guys bed.
    After a few minutes he realises he has eaten all the peanuts and says something like "oops, I am sorry, I seem to have eaten all your peanuts". To which the son replies "that is ok, he doesn't like peanuts... he just sucks the chocolate off the outsides of them". To which the doctor spits out the peanuts in his mouth...

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    What do u think about Iran, its government and its people? - Page 2 Empty Re: What do u think about Iran, its government and its people?

    Post  Kysusha Sun Dec 18, 2011 9:25 am

    Should watch Z Cars - now that's a classic cop story!

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    What do u think about Iran, its government and its people? - Page 2 Empty Re: What do u think about Iran, its government and its people?

    Post  GarryB Mon Dec 19, 2011 3:18 am

    I did watch a little of Z cars, but I preferred the Professionals to be honest.

    Strangely the Professionals just seemed cooler to me, and the old clothes and cars seemed retro and sort of James Bond cool.

    Of course I am probably one of the few people in the world who actually liked Lazenby as Bond. I didn't really have a favourite Bond actor... I liked the different Bonds each character brought to each film. I really don't think Roger Moore could have pulled off "On Her Majestys' Service"... he was the tongue in cheek Bond, and Shaun Connery was too hard a Bond to carry off the falling in love stuff. Of course I don't think George Lazenby was hard enough to play Bond after the death of his wife. I think if you redid all the Bond movies with one actor playing Bond... it wouldn't work as well as it did.

    Very simply it wouldn't be possible to continue the franchise now unless you had a baby in nappies doing Dr No... it simply wouldn't be possible to have just one Bond unless you use the Avatar technology...

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    What do u think about Iran, its government and its people? - Page 2 Empty Re: What do u think about Iran, its government and its people?

    Post  Kysusha Mon Dec 19, 2011 3:35 am

    Ah sorry CJ, 7:42 from Redding was late!. [probably over the heads of most here].

    I liked the programme that MI6 had pulled – the one about the big bouncing ball and the inmates on an island off the coast of Britain – can’t remember the name of it now, ah, I remember:

    The Prisoner
    Rover, shortly after incapacitating Number Six on the beach outside The Village.
    The Prisoner is a fictional entity from the 1967 British television program The Prisoner, and was an integral part of the way 'prisoners' were kept within The Village. It was depicted as a floating white ball that could coerce, and, if necessary, disable inhabitants of The Village, primarily Number Six. In one incident, it even killed a person, but it is not clear whether the ability to kill was a normal feature of Rover or if this incident was a malfunction. Several aspects of the Rover device were not explained, presumably left to the imagination/speculation of the viewer.

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    What do u think about Iran, its government and its people? - Page 2 Empty Re: What do u think about Iran, its government and its people?

    Post  lulldapull Mon Dec 19, 2011 1:03 pm

    I wanted to post pictures of what is happening in Egypt right now as Ahmedfire posted pics of the Iran violence.

    Should I do it? Twisted Evil.........The one in Iran was over in a week.

    Here we have people being beaten to death by the military for the last six months now, yet its not a big deal for western news outlets? How come?

    But violence in Russia, China or Iran is a much bigger deal?

    Why is that? Very Happy

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    What do u think about Iran, its government and its people? - Page 2 Empty Re: What do u think about Iran, its government and its people?

    Post  lulldapull Mon Dec 19, 2011 1:12 pm

    Russian Patriot, its interesting that no one here mentions the 24 million Russians who died in WW-II, no one gives a fukk I guess?

    But when it comes to the Jewish holocaust of 6 million in eastern europe, then its a scared cow? and not even up to debate?

    I see how that works. And btw thanks for clearing that up for us. Wink

    Russian Patriot wrote:
    GarryB wrote:I am happy to admit I am anti zionist, but I am hardly anti semetic.

    There are jewish people around the world doing great things, not all jews support the existence of Israel.

    One of my favourite directors is Mel Brooks... especially when he manages to include himself as Adolf Hitler in the movies he does... I think it is delicious... a Jewish man prancing around saying "Heil Myself" dressed as Hitler...

    Blazing Saddles is one of the funniest movies I have ever seen.

    I have no problems with Jewish people and I hope I have made that pretty clear in all my rants to date on this forum.

    If a group of Christians got together and invaded a place in the Middle East mentioned in their bible and created a new state I would be just as anti them as well as I am anti zionist.

    If a group of very wealthy Jews got together and offered Vlad a million dollars to ban me, well I would say ban me and enjoy the cash Vlad... the thing is that I can't see that happening... rich people don't get rich by throwing their money around... if they did then there wouldn't be this big gap between rich and poor that is only going to get worse because it is always easier to make money with money.

    I also don't accept the Holocaust because it is racist.

    The holocaust, as taught in western society is all about the big mean nazis killing Jews.

    In actual fact those big mean nazis actually killed lots of different groups of people including the mentally and physically handicapped, the gypsies, the homosexuals, the communists, and the people in the countries they wanted to occupy like Russia and the Ukraine.

    Everyone knows the figure of 6 million jews killed, but we don't know how many in the other groups died because they didn't have a lobby group telling everyone who would listen.

    It is a bit like the 57,000 odd Americans killed in Vietnam... everyone knows that figure, but how many Canadians died in that conflict? How many New Zealanders? How many Australians? How many French? How many Vietnamese? ...I don't know, and the Americans telling the story don't even care. It was their war and they lost and there are 57,000 odd names on a wall somewhere.

    Vietnam is a war, not a country to them.

    For Vietnam of course the war continues to kill with all that UXO and of course the ever lasting effects of agent orange and all the other coloured agents tested by the Americans during that conflict.

    And of course the neighbouring countries like Laos that got bombed too.

    Garry, did I just see what I thought I saw ? Don't Admit Holocaust? What makes you different than Ahmedjad then?

    Seriously, it time you read accounts of the victims...

    Thats all I can say colleague! but literally keep that off this board, or in a pm!

    And Kysusha: Of course there was not the number of Jews in Germany because German Nazi's didn't document ,just killed them,( examples Birkneau, Auschwitz , Dacha, Soblenitz , so I go on?)while for the Allies it was a touchy subject so that's why no general mentioned it.

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    What do u think about Iran, its government and its people? - Page 2 Empty Re: What do u think about Iran, its government and its people?

    Post  GarryB Mon Dec 19, 2011 11:38 pm

    I would suggest that you make it a bit more clear in your posts that your obvious glee at the current situation is not about the human suffering or the violence, but is directed at the clear double standard of what western news agencies decide to show their audience and how to depict what they show.

    The violence in Egypt is very sad and I hope the Egyptian people can do more than just get rid of a figurehead (Mubarak) and actually remove the whole snake from office rather than just its fangs... this sort of snake has fangs that quickly grow back, so you have to kill the snake when you can.

    Violence against the people is acceptable for the right regimes... Georgia, Egypt, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Israel, Iraq (for now), and Afghanistan (also for now), but violence against the people is not acceptable in Russia, China, North Korea, Syria...

    The double standard shows that the west does not actually condemn violence against people and does not support democracy, it has its own agenda and interests.

    Russian Patriot, its interesting that no one here mentions the 24 million Russians who died in WW-II, no one gives a fukk I guess?

    Exactly. The jewish agenda is to remember their dead, but they ignore everything else. As if the jewish dead was the only bad thing that happened, or the only dead worth caring about.

    10 million Germans died in that war too... a large proportion of those killed by strategic bombing by the western allies were women and children and old men. Germany certainly killed people in Europe using indiscriminate bombing too, but should all the crimes be ignored because of that? Many in the west are keen to point out perceived Soviet war crimes... in fact in many books on WWII in the west the western authors lament the betrayal of the Poles in Warsaw, and the extensive rapes and looting that occurs during and after the hostilities ended... the Germans tended to fight to the very last and Soviet soldiers were dying well after the official end of hostilities... perhaps if they had surrendered and stopped killing the Soviets then the Soviet soldiers might have treated them better. Of course after their behaviour on Soviet territory there was little chance of any other sort of treatment and that explains exactly what happened. After murdering 20+ million eastern Slavs I would think their post war treatment was rather better than the treatment they would have received if the nazis had won... by an enormous margin.

    But when it comes to the Jewish holocaust of 6 million in eastern europe, then its a scared cow? and not even up to debate?

    That is another issue... no discussion or analysis is allowed... it is exactly like a religion... you either believe their version or you start your own sect... and that sect is "holocaust denier" and anti semetic... and you are compared with Hitler or the leader of Iran.

    I can't accept those terms and am mildly offended at the accusation.

    I would be properly offended if it was someone I didn't like making that accusation... Smile

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    What do u think about Iran, its government and its people? - Page 2 Empty Re: What do u think about Iran, its government and its people?

    Post  Kysusha Tue Dec 20, 2011 12:23 am

    lulldapull wrote:I wanted to post pictures of what is happening in Egypt right now as Ahmedfire posted pics of the Iran violence.

    Should I do it? Twisted Evil.........The one in Iran was over in a week.

    Here we have people being beaten to death by the military for the last six months now, yet its not a big deal for western news outlets? How come?

    But violence in Russia, China or Iran is a much bigger deal?

    Why is that? Very Happy


    The issue in Egypt is now of little concern to the West – that’s the cold facts. Egypt and Tunisia were important because HATO needed to destabilise those countries before they could attack Libya. Put some paid agents into those countries, stir up political unrest and in the power vacuum that is left, the country is powerless to make decisive military decisions – like support Libya. Once Egypt and Tunisia were reduced into chaos, the Zionist and HATO could illegally attack Libya.

    Now that they have used terrorists and released prisoners to over-turn Gaddafi and reduce Libya into ruins and chaos they are free to install their Central Bank, to privatise the oil industry, to take over the huge artesian aquifers [largest water supplies in Africa] and of course, the new Central Bank can print money to pay their foreign contractors to rebuild the infrastructure that they systematically demolished with bombing. The banks are on a win, win situations and they created it in the first place!

    Look now at what is happening in Syria, same scenario, undermine the political structure and leave the country leaderless and then they have isolated Iran’s support, leaving Iran vulnerable to attack.

    Similar process is currently underway in Russia – paid saboteurs rant and rave against Putin [a true Russian patriot] in an effort to stir political unrest and remove Putin because the West cannot manipulate him like they want too. The vilification process is well underway – referring to Putin as “the strongman” and similar derogatory terms – next he will be called a dictator

    Anyone with two eyes, who is prepared to open them will clearly see the pattern of these coloured revolutions – there simply are too many to count; and they are continuing. Why change something if it works??

    So back to your issue over Egypt – sadly war monger Clinton and the rest of the Amerkian terrorists [supported – or lead by their Joo minders] will have little to do with Egypt now that it has served it’s purpose. They are only interested in pulling down – not building up a country. Divide and conquer is the Zionist motto. Just look at every country the Yanks have bombed back to the Stone Age – Iran – a total shadow of what it was under Saddam! That’s the way the Joos want it; weaken or destroy other nations while maintaining the unity and bond between United States of Arsholes and their Zionist illegal settlers in Palestine.

    Tough, that’s the way life is until enough people actually wake up to what is happening and demand change.

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    What do u think about Iran, its government and its people? - Page 2 Empty The Real Holocaust - Eisnhower's

    Post  Kysusha Tue Dec 20, 2011 12:36 am

    Dwight D. Eisenhower’s Holocaust

    Here is something I came across while surfing the net - some of you may find it interesting, even worthy of discussion. I cannot take any credit for this – just copied and pasted!

    Eisenhower Is A derivative Of Eisenhauer A Jewish Name

    First, I want you to picture something in your mind. You are a German soldier who survived through the battles of World II. You were not really politically involved, and your parents were also indifferent to politics, but suddenly your education was interrupted and you were drafted into the German army and told where to fight. Now, in the Spring of 1945, you see that your country has been demolished by the Allies, your cities lie in ruins, and half of your family has been killed or is missing. Now, your unit is being surrounded, and it is finally time to surrender. The fact is, there is no other choice.

    It has been a long, cold winter. The German army rations have not been all that good, but you managed to survive. Spring came late that year, with weeks of cold rainy weather in demolished Europe. Your boots are tattered, your uniform is falling apart, and the stress of surrender and the confusion that lies ahead for you has your guts being torn out. Now, it is over, you must surrender or be shot. This is war and the real world.

    You are taken as a German Prisoner of War into American hands. The Americans had 200 such Prisoner of War camps scattered across Germany. You are marched to a compound surrounded with barbed wire fences as far as the eye can see. Thousands upon thousands of your fellow German soldiers are already in this make-shift corral. You see no evidence of a latrine and after three hours of marching through the mud of the spring rain, the comfort of a latrine is upper-most in your mind. You are driven through the heavily guarded gate and find yourself free to move about, and you begin the futile search for the latrine. Finally, you ask for directions, and are informed that no such luxury exists.

    No more time. You find a place and squat. First you were exhausted, then hungry, then fearful, and now; dirty. Hundreds more German prisoners are behind you, pushing you on, jamming you together and every one of them searching for the latrine as soon as they could do so. Now, late in the day, there is no space to even squat, much less sit down to rest your weary legs. None of the prisoners, you quickly learn, have had any food that day, in fact there was no food while in the American hands that any surviving prisoner can testify to. No one has eaten any food for weeks, and they are slowly starving and dying. But, they can't do this to us! There are the Geneva Convention rules for the treatment of Prisoners of War. There must be some mistake! Hope continues through the night, with no shelter from the cold, biting rain.

    Your uniform is sopping wet, and formerly brave soldiers are weeping all around you, as buddy after buddy dies from the lack of food, water, sleep and shelter from the weather. After weeks of this, your own hope bleeds off into despair, and finally you actually begin to envy those who, having surrendered first manhood and then dignity, now also surrender life itself. More hopeless weeks go by. Finally, the last thing you remember is falling, unable to get up, and lying face down in the mud mixed with the excrement of those who have gone before.

    Your body will be picked up long after it is cold, and taken to a special tent where your clothing is stripped off. So that you will be quickly forgotten, and never again identified, your dog-tag is snipped in half and your body along with those of your fellow soldiers are covered with chemicals for rapid decomposition and buried. You were not one of the exceptions, for more than one million seven hundred thousand German Prisoners of War died from a deliberate policy of extermination by starvation, exposure, and disease, under direct orders of the General Dwight David Eisenhower.

    One month before the end of World War 11, General Eisenhower issued special orders concerning the treatment of German Prisoners and specific in the language of those orders was this statement,

    "Prison enclosures are to provide no shelter or other comforts."

    Biographer Stephen Ambrose, who was given access to the Eisenhower personal letters, states that he proposed to exterminate the entire German General Staff, thousands of people, after the war.

    Eisenhower, in his personal letters, did not merely hate the Nazi Regime, and the few who imposed its will down from the top, but that HE HATED THE GERMAN PEOPLE AS A RACE. It was his personal intent to destroy as many of them as he could, and one way was to wipe out as many prisoners of war as possible.

    Of course, that was illegal under International law, so he issued an order on March 10, 1945 and verified by his initials on a cable of that date, that German Prisoners of War be predesignated as "Disarmed Enemy Forces" called in these reports as DEF. He ordered that these Germans did not fall under the Geneva Rules, and were not to be fed or given any water or medical attention. The Swiss Red Cross was not to inspect the camps, for under the DEF classification, they had no such authority or jurisdiction.

    Months after the war was officially over, Eisenhower's special German DEF camps were still in operation forcing the men into confinement, but denying that they were prisoners. As soon as the war was over, General George Patton simply turned his prisoners loose to fend for themselves and find their way home as best they could. Eisenhower was furious, and issued a specific order to Patton, to turn these men over to the DEF camps. Knowing Patton as we do from history, we know that these orders were largely ignored, and it may well be that Patton's untimely and curious death may have been a result of what he knew about these wretched Eisenhower DEF camps.

    The book, OTHER LOSSES, found its way into the hands of a Canadian news reporter, Peter Worthington, of the OTTAWA SUN. He did his own research through contacts he had in Canada, and reported in his column on September 12,1989 the following, in part:
    " is hard to escape the conclusion that Dwight Eisenhower was a war criminal of epic proportions. His (DEF) policy killed more Germans in peace than were killed in the European Theatre."

    For years we have blamed the 1.7 million missing German POW's on the Russians.

    It is known, that the Allies had sufficient stockpiles of food and medicine to care for these German soldiers. This was deliberately and intentionally denied them. Many men died of gangrene from frostbite due to deliberate exposure. Local German people who offered these men food, were denied. General Patton's Third Army was the only command in the European Theatre to release significant numbers of Germans.

    Others, such as Omar Bradley and General J.C.H. Lee, Commander of Com Z, tried, and ordered the release of prisoners within a week of the war's end. However, a SHAEF Order, signed by Eisenhower, countermanded them on May 15th.

    Does that make you angry? What will it take to get the average apathetic American involved in saving his country from such traitors at the top? Thirty years ago, amid the high popularity of Eisenhower, a book was written setting out the political and moral philosophy; of Dwight David Eisenhower called, THE POLITICIAN, by Robert Welch. This year is the 107th Anniversary of Eisenhower's birth in Denison, Texas on October 14, 1890, the son of Jacob David Eisenhower and his wife Ida. Everyone is all excited about the celebration of this landmark in the history of "this American patriot." Senator Robert Dole, in honour of the Commander of the American Death Camps, proposed that Washington's DullesAirport be renamed the EisenhowerAirport!

    Note: During Cadet Eisenhower's time at West PointAcademy, Eisenhower was summoned to the office of the headmaster and was asked some pointed questions. At the time, it was routine procedure to test a cadet's blood to insure White racial integrity.

    Apparently, there was a question of Eisenhower's racial lineage and this was brought to Eisenhower's attention by the headmaster. When asked if he was part Oriental, Eisenhower replied in the negative. After some discussion, Eisenhower admitted having Jewish background. The headmaster then reportedly said, "That's where you get your Oriental blood?" Although he was allowed to remain at the academy, word got around since this was a time in history when non-Whites were not allowed into the academy. Note - The issue of Eisenhower's little-known Jewish background in academically essential in understanding his psychopathic hatred of German men, women and children.

    Later, in Eisenhower's West PointMilitaryAcademy graduating class yearbook, published in 1915, Eisenhower is identified as a "terrible Swedish Jew."

    Wherever Eisenhower went during his military career, Eisenhower's Jewish background and secondary manifesting behaviour was a concern to his fellow officers. During World War II when Col. Eisenhower was working for Gen. Douglas MacArthur in the South Pacific, MacArthur protested to his superiors in Washington (DC) that Eisenhower was incompetent and that he did not want Eisenhower on his staff.

    In 1943, Washington not only transferred Col. Eisenhower to Europe but promoted him over more than 30 more experienced senior officers to five star general and placed him in charge of all the US forces in Europe.

    Thus it comes as no surprise that General George Patton, a real Aryan warrior, hated Eisenhower.

    [Patton was keen to fight the Soviets, and reportedly kept some German units ready to move against the Soviets...unsurprisingly he was killed; after the war, in a 'car crash,' just like Lawrence of Arabia was conveniently bumped off, in a similar manner, for his 'pro-fascist' views].

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    What do u think about Iran, its government and its people? - Page 2 Empty Re: What do u think about Iran, its government and its people?

    Post  SOC Tue Dec 20, 2011 1:55 am

    During World War II when Col. Eisenhower was working for Gen. Douglas MacArthur in the South Pacific, MacArthur protested to his superiors in Washington (DC) that Eisenhower was incompetent and that he did not want Eisenhower on his staff.

    That was back in the middle of the 1930s, well before WWII occurred. This was also because Eisenhower wanted to treat the Philippine Army, well, like an Army.

    In 1943, Washington not only transferred Col. Eisenhower to Europe but promoted him over more than 30 more experienced senior officers to five star general and placed him in charge of all the US forces in Europe.

    He was in Europe as early as 1942, working as commander, European Theater for US forces, as a three star. Became a 4-star in 1943 (a colonel...seriously now, he got his first star in 1941...making rank under the Army of the United States rules still counted) to become commander in the North African Theater. He was picked over Marshall to be SACEUR, and didn't make 5-star until Dec. 1944, after Normandy.

    Plus, it's always amusing when they bring up DEF without bringing up SEP. Which was the exact same thing, just the British doing it (SEP = Surrendered Enemy Personnel). And since Britain =/= America then it must of course be OK for them to do it.

    Then there's the fact that pretty much every allegation Bacque made in Other Losses (yes, he was the author, not Ambrose) was completely obliterated by a panel Stephen Ambrose himself led. They published their findings in 1992. As a book even.

    And if Eisenhower was such a big Swedish Jew, why did he get baptised as a Presbyterian? And Sweden? His German ancestors wame through Switzerland.

    Yes, bad stuff happened during and after the war. I'm not trying to dispute that point. But this article is just a mess, from a historical and factual standpoint.

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    What do u think about Iran, its government and its people? - Page 2 Empty Re: What do u think about Iran, its government and its people?

    Post  Kysusha Tue Dec 20, 2011 9:07 am

    It is hard, indeed most difficult to ignore the depths of hatred that Eisenhower had for the German people; it is not only Bacque who has tabulated this, but many other scholars/historians and internet sleuths. Given the volume of such information now coming available, it is impossible to discredit all accounts.

    Don’t get me wrong here either, it wasn’t just Eisenhower and the Merikans - the Poms were into it boots and all. Churchill most prominent in his hatred for the Hun; commenting that “we need to kill these bastards off, We can’t just keep fighting them”.

    Despite official records [German and Allies], eyewitness accounts, detailed searches of archives and the like, which all pointed to the veracity of the article – the anti kook shouters would not even consider that there was a case to answer; “sure, no American could do that”! One might well ask – “was he really an American”? But that is for a different topic.

    I want here, to move on from the deeds of just Eisenhower, and look at the whole situation post World War Two; to try and get past the GI Joe’s of this forum, who are still sitting on Omaha Beach sucking in the glories of a virtual defeat and forever grateful to their psychopathic leader(s).

    I use the word psychopath, not lightly here as it truly reflects the nature of the beast(s). A psychopath is one who does not empathise at a normal human level – is incapable of love and human emotion.

    “Psychopathy is a personality disorder characterized by an abnormal lack of empathy combined with strongly amoral conduct, masked by an ability to appear outwardly normal.”

    There is no other way to describe the character of the commander [SHAPE – later to become HATO] in Germany 1945 – 1949 who over-saw the death of 6 million Germans, men, women and children and the total rape of the country.

    Much of what has been written by Western press, regarding the post war era, centres [naturally] around Stalin and the Red Army. In such writings, Stalin is personally vilified and the Red Army denounced as a raping horde. Because the Red Army publicly announced the repatriation of Russians from occupied countries and the holding of a several hundred thousand German prisoners of war, it has been every easy for Western press to recount horrors associated with the repatriation and the hardship of the German prisoners for propaganda purposes, while at the same time remaining mute on the Allies atrocities.

    Such stories have been carefully nurtured, scripted and shrouded with the same sort of miasma that surrounds the stories of the holocaust. But belie the fact that this was solely an Uncle Joe initiative. At Potsdam Conference, mid 1945, the three leaders, Truman, Churchill [latter Atlee joined] and Stalin agreed to the dividing of Europe post war. This was really nothing short of a crass grab at securing land and the forced repatriation of millions of people across Europe – the majority of them ethnic Germans who were about to pay the price for Zionist revenge. All allied powers, participated in the “repatriation” and the brutal methods used were barbaric by any standards. The French, Poles, Czechs and Americans all participated in rail-roading, and refugee convoying of citizens in a manner that made Nazi concentration camp journeys look like Sunday outings. Large numbers were “lost” in transit, but that wasn’t a real problem, as there were laterally millions of them. SHAPE [later to become HATO] condoned this practice and actively encouraged it. We now have a term for this – it is called ethnic cleansing – a process for which HATO now seems to consider a war crime! Churchill, in his ever correct statesmanlike manner added that the process should take place “in the most humane manner possible”. Obviously with an eye to future war crimes tribunals – so as to “distance” himself and the coalition from any blame. However, they were all in it together and Churchill commented that it was conducive “to lasting peace”.

    At the earlier conference of Yalta, Churchill confessed that there were many people in Britain who were troubled by the thought of deportation but stated that he personally had no qualms about it. In his view, six or seven million Germans had already been killed, and at least 1 or 1.5 million more would probably be killed before the end of the war. These ideas for the future were by no means propaganda blather, but were the actual views of the British Prime Minister. At the 4th session of the Yalta Conference, on February 7, 1945, Churchill reinforced his anti-humanitarian conception by declaring "that he was not at all proposing to stop destroying the Germans." A week later the genocide of Dresden was committed by British and American bombers.

    They committed the ethnic Germans to what they knew would be the death of many, many souls. The process was so barbaric that it amounted to one of the world’s worst atrocities with over two and a half million [men, women and children] perishing in the exodus. That is the “Official” figure and is the lower end of the scale. Konrad Adenauer, himself very much a friend of the west, stated “that among those expelled, six million Germans are dead – gone”. Consider the overall scale of this – 16.5 million Germans were expelled, driven from homes and country. 9.3 million were expelled from Eastern Germany – the part made into Poland. The other 7.2 million were forced from their central German region, where they had lived for generations. These are actual official records! Over 15% [official figures – 36% unofficially] of them died in transit! And through all of this, western press points the bloody finger at Stalin as some sort of butcher. What hypocrisy! What utter lying and deceit – perpetrated over 60 years. This has been one of the Zionists greatest cover-ups and almost equals the story of the Joo Holohoax.

    Such accounts are confirmed by historian James Bacque who says that comparison of the census’s between October 1946, a full year and a half AFTER the war, and September 1950 – 5.7 million Germans were “missing”.

    However, the Allies weren’t finished with the Germans just yet. While the leaders may have had their say, now the great Zionist, Eisenhower, as Supreme Commander, took charge of things and set about what was his mission “to kill Germans”. To carry out this mission, Eisenhower needed to literally “change the law”. As under the terms of the Geneva convention on Prisoners of War, minimum welfare standards were laid down and if he was to order against that, he would be setting himself up as a war criminal – cleaver animal this Eisenhower. So he “invented” the terms “Surrendered Enemy Persons” [SEP’s} and “Disarmed Enemy Persons” [DEP’s] and as such he excluded them from the terms of the Geneva Convention [sound familiar to America now? – Does a leopard change it’s spots?]. This meant that 4.2 million soldiers, captured during the war were treated differently to the 3.4 million surrendered at wars end. Of these, 1.7 million would never see Germany again. Half of those taken into custody!

    Under American care, the SEP’s / DEP’s were starved to death – left in the cold and icy weather to freeze to death and generally just neglected so that disease and rats would finish them off. The Geneva convention laid down that POW’s were to receive a minimum of 2,000 calories per day. Red Cross, when they could inspect, reported that calorie levels were down around 1,300 per day and as low as 900 per day in one camp. Under Eisenhower’s express orders to starve off the SEP’s – American soldiers were under notice that they would be shot for feeding the prisoners. Bacque notes that from the archives, Capt Lee Berwick of the 424th Infantry Div, who commanded the guard towers at Camp Bretzenheim stated that “food was piled up all round the camp fence, Prisoners saw crates piles up as high as bungalows”. There most definitely was NO shortage of food – as often quoted as an excuse.

    Americans were not averse to mass shootings. In Washington in August 1944 General Eisenhower told the British ambassador that all the officers of the Main Command of the German Armed Forces, as well as all the leadership of the NSDAP including town officials, and all members of the secret police, should be liquidated. Just not to be misunderstood here: in this regard we are talking about some defenceless 100,000 human beings. And yet, people insist on blaming Stalin for the Katyn murder of 2,500 Polish Officers! [Officers, who had participated in the execution of Russians caught in the “Polish pocket” at eth end of the 1918/23 war in which Poland annexed a huge slice off Western Russia.].

    The condition of the German population was no better – generally labelled “Displaced Persons” and totally reliant on the Allies for their survival. Many did not survive. While they did not seemingly suffer to the extent as the people of Leningrad, during the siege, they were reduced to starvation point and were eating anything to survive – even boiling leather. In 1946 the calories provided in the American sector was 1,313 per person. The Germans refer to the 1947 year as Hungerjahr – (year of hunger). Victor Gollancz, a British (Jewish) author objected that “we are starving the Germans”. Sen. Capehart of Indiana on 5th Feb. 1946 stated in the Senate – “ For nine months mow this administration has been on a deliberate policy of mass starvation”.

    Contrast this situation with the grotesque political gesture of the Berlin Airlift. Like, are these Allied leaders – really people? How can they wilfully condemn men women and children to a slow agonising death and then in order to demonstrate the evil of communism, spend millions on an air lift to Germans living in East Berlin? What utter hypocrisy! Actually, I cannot express my total outrage at such a situation - !

    During the winter of 1945, the Red Cross, Quakers and many other charitable organisations all wanted to take in food but the Americans turned these away saying that they should be used in other war-torn parts of Europe! In the American sector of occupation, it was policy that nothing was to be given away – everything was to be THROWN away! This policy extended as far as; foreign relief workers were prevented from sending food into Germany, Red Cross trains were turned around at the boarders and returned to Switzerland, all foreign governments were denied permission to send food to Germany, fertilizer production was sharply reduced and farming was hampered and the fishing fleet was confined to port. Women who had work in American employment were well fed but unable to take home food for their families! Is this not genocide?! How incredibly barbaric and for 60 years we have been feed the rubbish of how chivalrous and humane the allies were towards the Germans. For 60 years we have been told the stories of how brutal the Soviets were towards the Germans - time to wake up!

    My question is; I do not believe that the general position of the Allied soldier(s) was one of organised genocide – I believe that the majority of the Allied soldiers were chivalrous and caring; so how could a small group so effectively control the moral character of and entire Army(s).? The excuse, I presume, is that they were conditioned and forced into obeying orders – isn’t that the very excuse postulated by the Nazi’s at the Nuremburg revenge show-trials and denied as an excuse by the Allies?

    Weather helped the Allies here too, as abnormally cold winters struck in succession – 1946/47 was possibly the coldest in living memory and 48/49 little better. Ensuring the very basics were denied the German people, thousands died of the cold. Fuel as well as food was denied and in Berlin alone over 60,000 died in the first 10 months post war; the following winter killed off a further 12,000. In the book “Gruesome Harvest” a noted German pastor is quoted as saying “thousands of bodies are hanging from the trees in the woods around Berlin and nobody bothers to cut them down. Thousands of corpses are carried into the sea by the Oder and Elbe rivers – one doesn’t notice it any longer. Thousands and thousands are starving in the highways children roam the highways alone”.

    The Rape

    For 60 years we have been told the story of how the Red Army raped and pillaged it’s way across Europe – the inference being that only they were capable of such atrocities and of course, the Allies would never stoop to such barbaric tactics!

    The truth is far from what we have been told. While accepting that rape occurred with the leading elements of the Red Army – a “tit-for-tat” revenge so to speak; the following echelons of the Red Army made concerted efforts to stop the practice and went as far as providing protection and care for women. There was a special unit of the Red Army, solely for this function, so that post occupation, women were given care and protection. Contrast that to the position in “Allied” occupied Germany – although there was a law against rape and some soldiers were executed for it, rape was widespread in the American zone – as in all the other “allied” zones. What measures that were taken against it were purely cosmetic [try telling that to the families of the execute “examples”] and was designed to show conformity to the Geneva Conventions so as to provide protection against war crimes laid against Eisenhower.

    It is estimated that 94,000 children were born in the American zone of occupation in the months after the end of the war – 45/46 year. What Americans found out, very quickly that they could mitigate the crime of rape simply by exploiting the starvation of the peoples – [sound all too familiar, doesn’t it?]. Simply by offering a bar of chocolate, some cigarettes or even chewing gum, sexual activity “became” voluntary. In an article from the Christian Century [what an apt title] for 5 December 1945, there is a quote “The American Provost Marshal said that rape represents no problem for the military police because a bit of food, a bar of chocolate, or a bar of soap seems to make rape unnecessary!!!!!!!!!!!” Many women and very young children resorted to prostitution in order to survive – even boys performed services for the Allied servicemen.

    In the book Gruesome Harvest, it records an alarming upswing in venereal disease, which reached epidemic proportions. Remember, that while American servicemen could get treatment for this – there was little or no treatment available for the unfortunate Germans. The book goes on to say that a large proportion of the contamination originated with the coloured American troops which were stationed in great numbers in Germany and among whom the rate of venereal disease was many times greater than among white troops” – [oops, I’ll be called a racist!]. The book notes that, in July 1946 the annual rate of infection for white soldiers was 19%, for black soldiers 77.1%. – it reiterated the point made between rape and the availability of food and basic necessities.

    If you’re American, don’t feel so persecuted by this epistle – the others were no better. French troops behaviour in Stuttgart, where 3,000 women and 8 men were raped, a further 500 women raped in Vahingen and three days of killing plunder, arson and rape took place in Freundenstadt.

    There were around two million DP’s returned from the Soviet Union who formed themselves into gangs and went around robbing and raping all over central Europe – under the policing and care of Allied Forces.

    The Poles and Tito’s partisans also committed gross acts of rape and plunder. In Danzig, the Poles who liberated the town of Teschen in the North, on 10th May – for five days raped looted torched and killed.

    The Criminality

    The allies simply invented terms or introduced new laws or both, in their attempts to degrade and kill off the German peoples; such was the degree Zionist hate revenge.

    Besides the introduction of SEP’s DEP’s and DP’s in order to circumvent the Geneva Convention – they also opened torture camps “on foreign sole”. Reuters reported in 2005, that Britain ran a secret camp in Germany for two years after WWII where inmates, including Nazi party members, were tortured and starved to death. Reported in “The Guardian”. Foreign Office files stated that men and women were held at Bad Nenndorf until 1947 – where these acts were carried out. Threats to execute the prisoners, or to arrest, torture and murder wives and children were considered “perfectly proper” on the grounds that these were not carried out. [doesn’t all this sound so familiar? American torture camps in Guantanamo; in Poland where CIA planes fly in and out and Polish Air Traffic controllers conveniently loose or delete their flight plans and records?].

    The Plunder

    “Art. 28 of the Hague Convention on Land Warfare, in which it is expressly stated, that is was forbidden to release cities or settlements to be plundered, even if they were taken in assault.”

    Remember here that the Allies – with the EXCEPTION of the Soviet Union, were signatories to this treaty!

    Calls for persecution of Germans were the order of the day and not only in the Soviet Union. Both in England and the USA many propaganda writings appeared calling for the persecution of Germans and Germany. In England Sir Robert Vansittart was one of the most influential inciters of Germanophobic acts. As First Diplomatic Councillor of the British Foreign Ministry he was known in diplomatic circles as the "German-hater." In his books Black Record (1941) and Lessons of my Life (1943) he put forth the idea that the German people were the eternal disturbers of world peace, the "killer bird" among the civilized nations. For this reason, it was necessary to destroy this barbaric, aggressive criminal people with a killer instinct. Vansittart's influence was enormous. He was a key figure in the British war clique that advocated draconic measures against Germany.

    Likewise in America a series of racist and anti-humane publications appeared, such as “What about Germany?” (1942) by L. P. Lochner, “How to treat the Germans”, (1943) by Emil Ludwig, and Germany: “To be or not to be?” (1943) by G. H. Seger and S. V. Marck. When the Americans began the occupation of Germany in 1944/45, a booklet with the presumptuous title “What to do with Germany?” by Louis Nizer, a New York attorney and chairman of an aid society for Jewish immigrants, was distributed among the American troops for free. In this book, Nizer recommended, among other things, that every German officer of the rank of Colonel and above should be brought before a court, that the German school system should be put in Allied hands and that heavy industry should be taken from Germany. This pamphlet did not represent an unimportant propaganda piece of an insignificant German hater: According to the blurb on its wrapper later US President Harry S. Truman was deeply affected by it recommended that "every American" should read it.

    President Roosevelt distributed the booklet to members of his Cabinet, while General Eisenhower sent out 100,000 copies and made the officers on his staff write comments on the book. Despite the fact that Nizer's book teemed with tirades against Germany and everything German, the deadly little hate-piece was taken as bare truth by many important figures in politics and science, in the military and in the media. The principal theme in this and in other propaganda pieces was that Germany had played a unique negative role in world history which was expressed in her philosophy, her politics and the character of her people. Nazism was just a contemporary expression of the inevitable German desire to plunder and enslave other peoples. All Germans, not just National Socialists, were branded as evil incarnate.

    The Allies were determined to completely destroy Germany and “the Master Race”. So determined to do so, that they embarked on the genocide, the rape and “cross-pollination” of the gene pool and then the total stripping of all means of support and livelihood left in Germany. This was a planned and systematic action – orchestrated at the highest levels and actively promoted by Zionist intent on revenge and the destruction of Germany. Hitler had dared to challenge the NWO and the control of by the Zionist banks – his proclamations against the Jews would not go unpunished, least anyone else try it.

    Prominent among the Jewish Zionists, was Mortgenthau.

    United States Joint Chiefs of Staff ("JCS") directive 1067 embodied the Morgenthau Plan's goals, but implementation proved impractical because it prevented the effective functioning of the occupation, not least because it proscribed personal contact between Germans and Americans. Former US President Herbert Hoover, in one of his reports from Germany, argued for a change in occupation policy, amongst other things stating: "There is the illusion that the New Germany left after the annexations can be reduced to a 'pastoral state'. It cannot be done unless we exterminate or move 25,000,000 people out of it."

    There was some argument among the Allies as to the implementation of the Plan – however, by design or de facto compliance; the Allies implemented most of the plan.

    Under the Americans, the dismantling of industrial sites continued until General Lucius Clay stopped it a year after war's end. Until Clay acted, Clause 6 of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Order 1067 embodied the Morgenthau Plan. Where "American official theft was carried out on a massive scale" was in "seizing scientists and scientific equipment."

    The British took much for themselves and passed other industrial property on to "client states" such as Greece and Yugoslavia. The British Royal Family received Goering's yacht, and the British zone of Germany was stripped of "plants that might later offer competition with British industries." The British had their own brand of organized theft in [something called] T-Force, which sought to glean any industrial wizardry.

    For their part, the French asserted "the right to plunder." "The French made no bones about pocketing a chlorine business in Rheinfelden, a viscose business in Rottweil, the Preussag mines or the chemicals groups Rhodia," and much more.

    The Justice

    Where is the justice? The war crimes tribunal sits in The Hague and rules over Serbs delivered to them by HATO and all along omits to bring to trial HATO members and government leaders of “the West” to face their atrocities. The Zionists scour the world for “Nazi war criminals” and 60 years after the event, force them to either stand trial – as some duplicate of Nuremburg show trials.

    The “West” hides behind the propaganda of the evil Red Army and Stalin while for 60 years, conceal the true war crimes of WWII and we let the Zionists tell us ad nauseum about the holocaust in order to secure undying guilt.

    The fact that, at the time of the events and for so many decades thereafter, enormities of the greatest importance have been scrubbed clean by propaganda, suggests implications far beyond the events themselves. Who is behind the propaganda – who stands to benefit from it?

    The British Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli observed that "all great events have been distorted; most of the important causes concealed," and went on to say that "If the history of England is ever written by one who has the knowledge and the courage, the world would be astonished."

    How is it that a certain version of reality can, on so many subjects, hold almost total sway, while the voices of millions and of a good many serious scholars are marginalized into nothingness?

    There can only be justice if sheepoeple are prepared to strip away the lies and illusions created by Zionists and Hollywood and the controlled MSM – and ASK QUESTIONS of our governments; actively seek truth and justice and accountability from our leaders – past and present.


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    Post  SOC Tue Dec 20, 2011 9:28 am

    Such accounts are confirmed by historian James Bacque

    That's the problem, this is the guy who had his theories obliterated by Ambrose and the other researchers.

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    Post  Kysusha Tue Dec 20, 2011 10:29 am

    Ambrose is hardly an “authority”. Look at the nuts who critique David Irving’s works and claim to be authorities! Usually, a person who has an opinion that is counter or contrary to the “Widely held mythology” is defamed by supposedly being discredited. Rather similar vein to shouting racist at someone who is saying something that you don’t want to accept. The Zionists and the Zionist controlled media are expert in shutting down investigative works into the holohoax and issues that they don’t want, or are uncomfortable about being exposed. Such as the USS Liberty attack

    Like I said, there are many more – not just Bacque, who have posted similar material – I find fault with Ambrose too. The answer is to read widely and judge all comments by what actually “fits together”.

    PS, BTW, what I posted above, didn't just come from Bacque! Actual transcrits etc are a matter of record. Like the fictional "Diary of Anna Frank". NY Supreme Court awarded $50,000 royalties to the NY Joo who actuallty wrote the story - it's a matter of record - from Anna Frank's Uncle who had pocketed money from the sale of the "story". .

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    Post  lulldapull Tue Dec 20, 2011 2:46 pm

    Guys, I have many Jewish and Israeli friends, and truth be told they are horrified at the direction Israel has taken.

    The Israeli's are headed right in the same direction as apartheid South Africa. Despised, accused, fingered, criticized......blah blah......its not good, and these friends of mine say it too. Thankfully a lot of them are intellectuals and well educated as well, unlike these Arabs we know, and are aware of where the country is headed.

    So as much as every one hates Ahmadinejad, and despises him for telling the truth, the old European saying holds true......'anyone who speaks the truth, people accuse him of being crazy'...... Very Happy

    And the funniest thing is that Ahmadinejad never said that he'd wipe Israel off the map........what a fukking lie the zionist controlled media made it out to be!

    What Ahmadinejad said was that 'the Zionist regime because of its actions and behaviour will one day vanish from the page of time'. And he cited an example of the former Soviet Union, as no body could have imagined that the Soviet Union would disappear one day.....but it did.

    So for the Zionists sitting in Tel Aviv to totally misquote him, and label him a Nazi or islamofacist is even more disgraceful.

    But to quote Kysusha up indication of a totalitarian society is that it thrives on deceit, lies, hatred, assassination, and fear..........all things unfortunately present in the Israel of today. Everybody knows Israel doesn't want peace, because the regime in Tel Aviv thrives on war.

    That will be Israel's undoing.....not what that big mouth fool Ahmadinejad says........

    My friends also admit that in case Israel disintegrates or the state collapses like Apartheid South Africa, then europe & Russia wont take these jews back because they are not european. A good 60% -70% of these Israeli's are middle eastern and look it too!.

    They know they will be discriminated against, so europe is no option for them.

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    Post  gloriousfatherland Sat Mar 24, 2012 12:52 am

    SinaAzad wrote:the topics name is clear ... i really want to know what u think about iran , plz tell me what u really think about iran !

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    Post  Kysusha Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:06 am

    Iran is in my opinion a much maligned country and political system.

    Like many other countries, it was initially set up by the CIA and supported by them, the Shar was their darling. However, like most people in positions of power, where it is given and not earned, corruption sets in. The “popular uprising” was one of the few that was “popular” and not another MOSSAD/CIA colour revolution [aka, Libya, Syria, Egypt].

    Joos inspired Washington to see this as a major threat to their control of their immediate sphere of influence and so began the long process of vilification of Iran – briefly brought to a temporary [at least not public] halt with the advent of the Iraq/Iranian war where the CIA managed to supply both ides of the war and considered Iran as “friendly” in much the same manner as the old Jooish saying “my enemies enemy is my friend”. I wonder who taught them that??

    Izrehell’s aim is to have continual trouble festering world-wide; part of their scheme of divide and conquer. The issue of Al Qaeda fits neatly into this plan. Al Qaeda is a MOSSAD/CIA invention; designed to provide the problem so that the Izrehell/US government can provide the solution. The solution being; to further demonise an ethnic group and to instigate draconian laws and remove civil liberties all on the basis of protecting us from a supposed terrorist threat: a treat that they have manufactured.

    At the same time, a vociferous propaganda campaign is launched to terrorise people into accepting – as there is no other solution - armed conflict to correct an event that may not happen, but we are to believe will happen. Such as Iran’s programme for nuclear bombs – remember Colin Powell – Iraqi weapons of mass destruction!!

    I am pleased to see BRICKS supporting both Iran and Syria, perhaps with BRICKS we will see a bit of moderation in the Joo lead UN Security council. FUKUSI [Franch, UK, US and Izrehell] have been using HATO as their own mercenary army and the UN as a rubber stamp for acts against humanity. Time this was stopped. If Russia, Iran. Syria, Pakistan, India, China and most of the Latin American counties get on board, this could be the best thing since sliced bread! We would have a political/military bloc arguably stronger than the old Warsaw Pac – and not dominated by the Joos and the Banksters.

    If this Bloc would trade inter country with their own currencies [or barter] it would pose a major obstacle to the Joo central banks and could spell the end of the Petro dollar [what Saddam was trying to achieve in the first place].

    Iran needs our support – not vilification. Don’t listen to the Joo fed Main Stream Media, they are all working for the NWO.

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    Post  Kysusha Sun Mar 25, 2012 10:14 am

    ahmedfire wrote:
    Viktor wrote:You can find pic like that for every democracy on the world.

    it's something different,,real democracy don't use bullets against protesters !

    Crap! Have you heard of Kent State??! Suppose Merika isn't a "real democarcy" anyway!!

    Democarcy is an utopic state that cannot be achieved - something akin to absolute zero. It is a figment of your imagination and a fairy story that you belive in.

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    Post  gloriousfatherland Sun Mar 25, 2012 2:23 pm

    Good post Mr. K

    Now on the issue of World War 2 and the Halocaust its fking nonsence how the hardline Jewish folks with political motive use it as an excuse.Listen, we the youths are of a new generation, we actually dont give a rat about who killed who in WW1 or WW2 becuase they were all a$$es in the first place to be killing each other....The hardliners make it look as though they were the only ones killed during WW2, when that is CLEARLY!!! not the case. As mentioned 10 million soviet troops died defending their country, china lost 4 million, germany lost 5 million, japan 2 million.So this notion that is pushed by the hardliners that they were the only one that sacrificed is UTTER nonsence...From this notion they pushed probably all of the world so go apologising for crimes comitted way back in the past like conquest of timur or the romans thirty years of war,napoleonaic wars the crusades....THIS IS THE PAST, get with it, they younger generation have no regard to that past. The sooner these hardliners die out the better, as we will have less of this annoying rhetoric to deal with.

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    Post  Kysusha Mon Mar 26, 2012 12:05 am


    I too was young, I too had visions and was bullet-proof. I too had the eyes of youth, those eyes that are short-sighted.

    Remember, unless you are willing to learn the mistakes of the past – you are bound to repeat them!

    You will see, age will change you; you are not different, you are not an alien. All humanity is the same and suffers the same rigors of growth.

    I urge you to take note of the past, least you repeat it. A smart man learns from other’s mistakes!

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    Post  gloriousfatherland Mon Mar 26, 2012 12:26 am

    Kysusha wrote:Glorousfatherland,

    I too was young, I too had visions and was bullet-proof. I too had the eyes of youth, those eyes that are short-sighted.

    Remember, unless you are willing to learn the mistakes of the past – you are bound to repeat them!

    You will see, age will change you; you are not different, you are not an alien. All humanity is the same and suffers the same rigors of growth.

    I urge you to take note of the past, least you repeat it. A smart man learns from other’s mistakes!

    Yes I see what your saying.History is only good though to look for trends and probability that youre opponent might make. Battle is dynamic and none will ever be the same. If you have a team of great thinkers that employ great strategy then no mistakes will be made.

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    Post  Kysusha Mon Mar 26, 2012 12:50 am

    You will make mistakes – that is human nature. The key is to have contingencies for possible mistakes – have a plan that is flexible enough to allow intervention at junior command level to take and seize the initiative.

    This is the same message as you journey through life. Prepare, yes; but always be able/willing to change.

    To think that you will have all the answers is conceit; the worst defeat is the defeat of conceit.

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    Post  GarryB Mon Mar 26, 2012 1:01 am

    There will always be hardliners... and doves because hardliners and doves have children... and some children grow up just like their parents and some rebel and do the opposite of their parents.

    Ignore the past and you are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past.

    Forgetting the past led to a hardliner in Germany coming to power and making things much worse.

    There was no one thing at fault that started WWI.

    We are taught that the assassination of Arch Duke Ferdinand started it, but the real problem was at the time Europe was full of old empires... huge power blocks that faced each other. The little countries thought their diplomatic agreements and alliances would keep them safe from the big bad neighbours but in the end the agreements to help in case of war only dragged everyone in to a war no one really knew what they were fighting for... except as a chance to setting old scores.

    All the European powers had colonies around the world which they maintained by force and at the time they used the Maxim gun, called the Vickers gun in Britain and the British Commonwealth to keep the natives in line. Most of the time they just shot down a few trees in front of the village elders and they didn't need to kill anyone to get their way... other times they murdered hundreds or thousands, but they got their way.

    The huge irony is that they had separated themselves from those damn natives and believed that they were civilised and above that sort of savagery. There was even a gun that had cube shaped bullets because the circle or ring shaped standard round bullets was considered to pure to waste on savages...

    Come WWII and the ridiculous combination of an over estimation of the power of artillery and an underestimation of the power of the machine gun led to enormous numbers of men being told to stand up and walk slowly towards enemy lines... it is ok... the artillery barrage has killed them all. The problem was that as soon as the artillery starts up they go to their underground bunkers and wait out the barrage and when it stops they come out and man their machine guns. More importantly they used flanking MG tactics where instead of siting the machine gun in the centre in front of the line of enemy troops they positioned the guns at each end of the trench and turned them across so they were shooting from the side. If you imagine shooting at people lined up against a wall you can only hit one at a time. If you move your gun so you are shooting down the wall each bullet could go through several and instead of targets left to right over a broad area you have a target a few people wide so you can concentrate your fire.

    By having guns at each end of the trench firing just in front of your trench line in a cone shape you could set your gun up and put sticks in the ground to limit the width of fire so you dont shoot into your own trenches and also don't fire too far out into no mans land. Once the sticks are in place you just kept topping up the water for the water cooling system and feeding in ammo belts and sweeping back and forth between the sticks... you could do it in the dark or in heavy smoke, but you knew that anything in the kill zone was dead...

    The enormous slaughter was pretty much blamed on Germany, which is ridiculous because they had as much to do with the start of the war than any of the western allies, and the punitive actions taken against Germany led to conditions where Hitler could seize power and we know what happened then.

    What has this to do with Iran?

    The politics of Europe had everything to do with Iran because of the colonial powers of Europe and their dabbling in the ME and further afield.

    To set up another trade route to the Soviet Union Britain and the Soviets invaded Iran during WWII is just one example.

    I urge you to take note of the past, least you repeat it. A smart man learns from other’s mistakes!

    I second that. Learning from your mistakes is good, but often painful. Learning from the mistakes of others is much more painless, though less obvious what the real lesson is.

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    What do u think about Iran, its government and its people? - Page 2 Empty Re: What do u think about Iran, its government and its people?

    Post  Kysusha Mon Mar 26, 2012 5:20 am

    I just noticed this quote by SOC:

    “And if Eisenhower was such a big Swedish Jew, why did he get baptized as a Presbyterian? And Sweden? His German ancestors came through Switzerland”.

    Oh dear, dear me! How on earth has that any relevance to the situation at all?? All it goes to show [if it happened] was that he was really a smart Joo.

    Karl Marx was a Joo - he openly came out with it but his parents “became Christians” so that they could mingle in society without being identified as Joos – yes, they even changed their name to a more “Germanic sounding” name. The wolf in sheep’s clothing so to speak.

    Taking a religion meant nothing to the Joos – they had their own and would always revert to it. Changing religion, so to speak, was but yet another deception that they practiced [still do].

    However, Zionism is not a religion – it is a cult; an association of psychopaths with a mission to destroy Christianity and Islam; to subvert the world so that they can master it by the rule of divide and conquer and in so doing, offer the world to their true master – Satan. Churchill, the Bush babies of the Bible Belt, Clinton gang, Rockerfellers, Lord Belfour et all are [were] Zionists – they do not have to be Jews. The teachings of the Talmud transcend cultures and religions – other than satanic.

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    What do u think about Iran, its government and its people? - Page 2 Empty Re: What do u think about Iran, its government and its people?

    Post  gloriousfatherland Mon Mar 26, 2012 7:03 am

    Kysusha wrote:I just noticed this quote by SOC:

    “And if Eisenhower was such a big Swedish Jew, why did he get baptized as a Presbyterian? And Sweden? His German ancestors came through Switzerland”.

    Oh dear, dear me! How on earth has that any relevance to the situation at all?? All it goes to show [if it happened] was that he was really a smart Joo.

    Karl Marx was a Joo - he openly came out with it but his parents “became Christians” so that they could mingle in society without being identified as Joos – yes, they even changed their name to a more “Germanic sounding” name. The wolf in sheep’s clothing so to speak.

    Taking a religion meant nothing to the Joos – they had their own and would always revert to it. Changing religion, so to speak, was but yet another deception that they practiced [still do].

    However, Zionism is not a religion – it is a cult; an association of psychopaths with a mission to destroy Christianity and Islam; to subvert the world so that they can master it by the rule of divide and conquer and in so doing, offer the world to their true master – Satan. Churchill, the Bush babies of the Bible Belt, Clinton gang, Rockerfellers, Lord Belfour et all are [were] Zionists – they do not have to be Jews. The teachings of the Talmud transcend cultures and religions – other than satanic.

    I think with regards to eastern european culture Judaism was regarded as a race in contrast to the west where judaism is regarded a a religion.
    Hmm, its amazing that those names you called come from The Strong Christian Societies of the Western World, and they hold very powerful offices if I must say...No wonder these societies target the last remaining christian stronghold of the Russian Federation. All other chrisitan societies been polluted with "wolfs in sheep clothing" including Vatican City .What a shame Sad

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    Post  Kysusha Mon Mar 26, 2012 9:17 am

    I make a distinction between Jew and Joo. Jew is a religious person – a Joo is a carpetbagger, with no affiliations other than through money and Satan.

    There is a war going on in Russia – a war that Putin MUST win. Since the Zionist puppet Gorby sold out to cowboy and the Iron Lady, the Zionists have been trying to re-assert their influence in Russia. Russia controls Europe with her huge reserves of energy and hold on supply routes into Europe. Put their Zionists in control of Russia and they will have the world!

    However, they didn’t plan on a guy called Putin coming to power; a leader who is not dancing to the Zionist tune. A man Russia and the world need to stand up to the Zionist manipulations for world control. Let us hope that through BRICKS, Putin and other previously “non –aligned’ nations can stop HATO being used as the Zionists mercenary Army and finish the “coloured revolutions’ that the Zionists have instigated around the world – the failed Georgia one included.

    President Putin – so much rests on your head.

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