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    Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN): Discussion & News


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    Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN): Discussion & News - Page 14 Empty Re: Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN): Discussion & News

    Post  dino00 Thu Dec 05, 2019 11:22 pm

    Very interesting, for me red buttons is to explode things. Let's hope the recent one stays closed.

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    Post  Hole Sat Dec 28, 2019 9:37 pm

    After confirming that Avangard went into service, deputy defence minister Kriworutschko told "Krasnaja Swezda" that a new 3 year contract will be signed for the construction of 3 new regiments of Yars mobile missile systems. Also he talked about a new mobile missile system called Sirena-M.

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    Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN): Discussion & News - Page 14 Empty Re: Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN): Discussion & News

    Post  GarryB Sun Dec 29, 2019 3:36 am

    Very interesting, for me red buttons is to explode things. Let's hope the recent one stays closed.

    I agree, but it is ambiguous... when you are in a car and you see a red tail light you know the vehicle in front of you has stopped so you should at least slow down... equally a stop sign is red and a red traffic light indicates you should stop.

    Yet red on a sports car says GOOOOO....

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    Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN): Discussion & News - Page 14 Empty Super fuse

    Post  jhelb Fri Feb 14, 2020 11:40 am

    Russia is working on renewing the nuclear stockpile, moving towards common physics packages, improving yield selectability and introducing "super-fuse" like capabilities.

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    Post  GarryB Fri Feb 14, 2020 10:58 pm

    Super fuse bullshit is propaganda... the nuclear weapons of Russia are a revenge response to a potentially lethal attack on Russia... when Russian nukes are used US and British and French nuclear silos will be empty and their SLBMs will be on the way too... there is no value in sinking SSBNs with no SLBMs onboard, nor vapourising empty silos...

    Russian nukes are going to be directed at population centres around the US and EU and the UK as well, plus probably Japan.

    They might have a dozen weapons set aside for China but I suspect they will direct those at the west as well...

    BTW this superfuse shit is a total waste of time and money... if they are trying to destroy silos then they need direct contact hits with the Silo lids or very near misses into the ground next to the silos... even a TOR like system could hit the incoming warheads and prevent them from destroying the silos... a bit like ARENA and DROZD.... they have plenty of systems that are designed to stop ICBM and SLBM warheads above the ground out of contact with the silos and ground that would prevent those warheads from destroying those silos.

    Obviously the early warning system will mean those silos will be empty by the time enemy munitions get there anyway so the whole premise is null... the chances of a first strike that achieves total surprise and allows them to hit missiles still in silos is ridiculous fairy tales... a Tom Clancy novel wouldn't expect its readership to swallow that...

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    Post  kvs Fri Feb 14, 2020 11:54 pm

    This is what gets me. Why are the yanqui exceptionalists planning for a first strike with no Russian detection response counter strike?
    It does not make any sense unless the yanquis are all idiots, or they have some way of sabotaging the Russian counter strike. The
    latter is dubious to me no matter how many sleeper agents they have infiltrated into the Russian military during the 1990s. Over
    times such assets waste way due to old age and to active counter-intelligence operations. For sure the USA has no technology
    that would give it any first strike primacy.

    An ABM system does not achieve the above even if one supposes it works. Russian ICBMs will still be launched before any US
    warheads start hitting the silos (forget about hitting the mobile Russian ICBMs). So if 5% of them get through, that is still a lot
    of painful glassing.


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    Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN): Discussion & News - Page 14 Empty Re: Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN): Discussion & News

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sun Feb 16, 2020 12:23 am

    jhelb wrote:Russia is working on renewing the nuclear stockpile, moving towards common physics packages, improving yield selectability and introducing "super-fuse" like capabilities.
    This twitter user routinely cites Pavels Dogvig and Anatoly Zak as 'excellent' sources. censored

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    Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN): Discussion & News - Page 14 Empty Re: Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN): Discussion & News

    Post  Big_Gazza Sun Feb 16, 2020 1:46 am

    kvs wrote:This is what gets me.   Why are the yanqui exceptionalists planning for a first strike with no Russian detection response counter strike?
    It does not make any sense unless the yanquis are all idiots, or they have some way of sabotaging the Russian counter strike.

    US plans only make sense when you shift the frame of reference away from Russian hardened targets like silos to consider facilities like command bunkers and shelters for elite national leadership.  Also for 3rd nations where the US might want to attack with low-yield nuclear bunker busters, eg Iranian nuclear enrichment facilities, or Iranian & NK underground missiles bases, artillery and tunnel systems, targets where conventional weapons simply don't have the efficacy required to allow a sneak attack and destroy the target and prevent retaliation and the unacceptable damage that such will bring.

    The accursed reptiles in the US are clearly planning to lower the threshold at which nukes can be used so they can start to advertise them as simply "high-yield" "conventional" weapons.  Not city killers whose use will start a cycle of escalation leading to a global extinction-level event, but "shock and awe" on steroids and growth hormones that will allow the US to achieve its nefarious aims.

    As usual with Americunts, you need to read between the lines and look outside the box to reveal their true intentions.  These guys are as slippery with the truth as the Jews are, and for the obvious reasons.

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    Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN): Discussion & News - Page 14 Empty Re: Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN): Discussion & News

    Post  miketheterrible Sun Feb 16, 2020 3:14 am

    But it's pointless as there are no rules to nukes. If US decides to drop a low yield nuke on Russia, response from Russia will be a nuke but it would be of higher yield

    So US is trying to create some kind of rules where there is none and no one will care to follow

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    Post  kvs Sun Feb 16, 2020 4:22 am

    How is Russia supposed to know if incoming US ICBMs have "low-yield" warheads? Because the White House will call a couple of
    minutes after launching a first strike attempt? No freaking way. The counter-strike is going to be in progress upon detection
    of incoming yanqui warheads regardless of their yield.

    If we now start to consider low-yield, then how is sending a few ICBMs at Russia supposed to be a first strike? Do yanqui
    retards think that they can decapitate the Russian leadership and command and control with a limited strike. Again, no freaking
    way. As has been the norm since the 1960, the response to any ICBMs incoming is a full bore launch. Because there
    is no point negotiating any nuclear exchange. MAD has value for a reason, it prevents any smarmy attempts to trick
    the opposing side.

    I smell the usual western brain rot that we saw in Napoleon, Hitler and now the yanquis. They assumed Russia was a pushover
    without substance. They were all terminally wrong. Russia has gamed every human accessible mode of ICBM launches. No
    "tech" such as dial-able warhead yield can render these war games useless.

    The only way for a yanqui first strike to succeed if they have already decapitated Russian command and control and
    have even disable its counter-strike capability. That is a very tall order and can only work in Hollywood fiction. Suppose
    the yanquis have 5th column assets in the Russian military and government. How are those assets supposed to stage
    the perfect coup? If they could, then they would have staged one in peacetime to spare their masters the risk of
    having a single warhead breach any delusional NATzO defense. Since they can't obviously stage a perfect coup, there
    will be units that will fulfill their duties and even if only 1/3 of them succeed, NATzO is f*cked. But there will not be
    any 2/3 success for any sleeper agents. Russian special services are very keenly aware of such a ploy and there
    will be active counter-measures during critical moments. So attempts by 5th column maggots to sabotage a
    Russian counter-strike will fail badly. Either the NATzO achieves regime change in Russia or it doesn't. There
    is no magic tool in their box of tricks to stage regime change at a critical moment in a 30 minute window.


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    Post  kvs Sun Feb 16, 2020 4:27 am

    miketheterrible wrote:But it's pointless as there are no rules to nukes. If US decides to drop a low yield nuke on Russia, response from Russia will be a nuke but it would be of higher yield

    So US is trying to create some kind of rules where there is none and no one will care to follow

    Indeed, during a nuclear exchange global propaganda optics are utterly irrelevant.   There won't be any NATzO MSM left to
    spread their BS narratives.

    The notion of a limited nuclear war is insane.   And the self-annointed exceptional yanquis are just insane enough to
    believe that they can play Russian self-preservation instincts against Russia.    That's some potent koolaid since
    even the Germans were not prepared for Russian sacrifices on the eastern front.   It is America itself that will be
    played with self-preservation since it is clear that bullies are soft-pussied nothings when somebody fights back.

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    Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN): Discussion & News - Page 14 Empty Re: Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN): Discussion & News

    Post  GarryB Sun Feb 16, 2020 6:02 am

    These are the same people who were suggesting very low yield nukes for bunker busters because their conventional alternatives were not working out as well as expected.

    Normal human beings should be repulsed by lowering the nuclear threshold to be used in an otherwise conventional conflict... they could claim anyone has bunkers that require these nukes to be used and being weapons that detonate in the ground and their low yield means they will be rather dirty nukes generating a lot of irradiated material with every use (test or actual use).

    If US decides to drop a low yield nuke on Russia, response from Russia will be a nuke but it would be of higher yield

    The entire western beliefs about nuclear war were absurd with gradual escalation.... I remember reading a translated book written by a Soviet general who compared it with an American cowboy movie where they start trading insults and then one takes a swing at the other guy with his fist and then the other guy draws a knife and the first guy breaks a bottle and threatens him with the jagged glass remains, and then the first guy throws a chair and the other guy throws a table and then finally they go for their guns...

    The Soviet General said that is unrealistic hollywood bullshit... you aren't going to pick up a chair to throw if the other guy can then draw his pistol and shoot you dead... you want your hands free so you can draw your pistol too... and you don't fire your first shot into his foot... at close range you aim for the head... at medium range you aim for the centre of his chest and at long range you take cover and try to get closer or you use a rifle.

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    Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN): Discussion & News - Page 14 Empty Re: Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN): Discussion & News

    Post  miketheterrible Sun Feb 16, 2020 2:20 pm

    That's the thing. As you said garryB regarding what the Soviet general said - they will not allow the other to decide the escalation process.

    The US is doing two things and it becomes obvious.

    Apparently since April last year, US has abandoned the concept of telling how many nuclear warheads they have as per start treaty. And also that there is no nuclear plants to process the Uranium into weapons grade plutonium. Only Russia and China I believe currently has the facilities to do that now.

    So essentially US is modifying the warheads by somehow reducing the plutonium inside and possibly moving it to other warheads - so reduced plutonium in one to spread across other warheads. Makes them low yield but gives them more warheads.

    It just means US will have to use more nukes to get same results.

    In turn, Russia should start reprocessing plutonium to build more larger warheads and show the US that their game will be their undoing.

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    Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN): Discussion & News - Page 14 Empty Re: Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN): Discussion & News

    Post  kvs Sun Feb 16, 2020 5:14 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:That's the thing.  As you said garryB regarding what the Soviet general said - they will not allow the other to decide the escalation process.

    The US is doing two things and it becomes obvious.

    Apparently since April last year, US has abandoned the concept of telling how many nuclear warheads they have as per start treaty.  And also that there is no nuclear plants to process the Uranium into weapons grade plutonium.  Only Russia and China I believe currently has the facilities to do that now.

    So essentially US is modifying the warheads by somehow reducing the plutonium inside and possibly moving it to other warheads - so reduced plutonium in one to spread across other warheads. Makes them low yield but gives them more warheads.

    It just means US will have to use more nukes to get same results.

    In turn, Russia should start reprocessing plutonium to build more larger warheads and show the US that their game will be their undoing.

    Russia cannot allow the yanquis to undermine MAD.   They need to be disabused of their delusions about stage managing a limited nuclear war.
    Russia has to merely assert via its military doctrine that it will treat all ICBM and IRBM launches as nuclear even they are supposedly armed with
    conventional warheads.   The western propaganda factory can huff and puff all it wants, but it will achieve nothing.

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    Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN): Discussion & News - Page 14 Empty Re: Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN): Discussion & News

    Post  miketheterrible Sun Feb 16, 2020 11:11 pm

    kvs wrote:
    miketheterrible wrote:That's the thing.  As you said garryB regarding what the Soviet general said - they will not allow the other to decide the escalation process.

    The US is doing two things and it becomes obvious.

    Apparently since April last year, US has abandoned the concept of telling how many nuclear warheads they have as per start treaty.  And also that there is no nuclear plants to process the Uranium into weapons grade plutonium.  Only Russia and China I believe currently has the facilities to do that now.

    So essentially US is modifying the warheads by somehow reducing the plutonium inside and possibly moving it to other warheads - so reduced plutonium in one to spread across other warheads. Makes them low yield but gives them more warheads.

    It just means US will have to use more nukes to get same results.

    In turn, Russia should start reprocessing plutonium to build more larger warheads and show the US that their game will be their undoing.

    Russia cannot allow the yanquis to undermine MAD.   They need to be disabused of their delusions about stage managing a limited nuclear war.
    Russia has to merely assert via its military doctrine that it will treat all ICBM and IRBM launches as nuclear even they are supposedly armed with
    conventional warheads.   The western propaganda factory can huff and puff all it wants, but it will achieve nothing.

    I'm certain that's already the doctrine.

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    Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN): Discussion & News - Page 14 Empty Re: Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN): Discussion & News

    Post  GarryB Mon Feb 17, 2020 3:06 am

    The US is going to have to spend a lot of money to get back some skills in nuclear technology it has lost... and their problem is that while the Russians have been destroying their old warheads and using the nuclear material to sell to US civilian reactor operators to provide electricity for the US... it is rather likely they are going to stop doing that, and the US who stored their warheads rather than destroying them or using them up as fuel is going to have problems making more new warheads.

    The Russians on the other hand will have breeder reactors that can create new fuel rods for electricity generation but also create weapons grade material for new warheads too... they also have a lot of spent fuel rods they can restore to fuel rod level to sell to countries to promote nuclear power... which should dramatically reduce the cost and the amount of radiation pollution and waste created generating electricity.

    Rapidly building tactical nuke warheads is going to be quick and easy and relatively cheap... and likely hypersonic... Twisted Evil russia

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    Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN): Discussion & News - Page 14 Empty Re: Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN): Discussion & News

    Post  kvs Mon Feb 17, 2020 5:58 am

    GarryB wrote:The US is going to have to spend a lot of money to get back some skills in nuclear technology it has lost... and their problem is that while the Russians have been destroying their old warheads and using the nuclear material to sell to US civilian reactor operators to provide electricity for the US... it is rather likely they are going to stop doing that, and the US who stored their warheads rather than destroying them or using them up as fuel is going to have problems making more new warheads.

    The Russians on the other hand will have breeder reactors that can create new fuel rods for electricity generation but also create weapons grade material for new warheads too... they also have a lot of spent fuel rods they can restore to fuel rod level to sell to countries to promote nuclear power... which should dramatically reduce the cost and the amount of radiation pollution and waste created generating electricity.

    Rapidly building tactical nuke warheads is going to be quick and easy and relatively cheap... and likely hypersonic...  Twisted Evil   russia

    The nuclear production aspect is indeed important. Westinghouse couldn't make copies of Russian fuel rods for Ukrainian reactors,
    but Rosatom successfully manufactures fuel rod assemblies for western reactors. To the average media consumer sheep this may
    not sound like much, but it reveals a lot. Russian nuclear engineering is on a plane above that of the USA. This is in spite of
    having one of the worst depressions in world history during the 1990s and an epic mid-stream socio-economic system replacement.
    All those who write Russia off are ignorant, self-deluded clowns.


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    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri Nov 06, 2020 2:03 pm

    1 - Temp-S
    2 - Temp-2S ICBM (SS-16)
    3 - Pioneer (SS-20)
    4 - Pioneer-UTTkH
    5 - Courier
    6 - command msl Gorn
    7 - Skorost
    8 - Pioneer-3
    9 - Topol ICBM (SS-25)
    10 - command msl Sirena
    11 - Topol-M ICBM
    12 - Yars ICBM

    Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN): Discussion & News - Page 14 El8bSZhXUAAWPbG?format=jpg&name=large

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    Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN): Discussion & News - Page 14 Empty Re: Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN): Discussion & News

    Post  PapaDragon Fri Nov 06, 2020 9:35 pm

    I assume ''command missile'' is part of Perimeter system?


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    Post  kvs Fri Nov 06, 2020 9:43 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    I assume ''command missile'' is part of Perimeter system?

    Russians only know how to fuckup according to you, so what do you care.


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    Post  Hole Sun Dec 13, 2020 8:33 pm

    Underground command post 15V52U

    Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN): Discussion & News - Page 14 Ukp_1510
    Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN): Discussion & News - Page 14 Ukp_1511
    Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN): Discussion & News - Page 14 Ukp_1512

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    Post  Hole Sun Dec 13, 2020 8:34 pm

    The whole thing put together
    Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN): Discussion & News - Page 14 15v52u10
    Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN): Discussion & News - Page 14 15v52u11
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    Post  Hole Sun Dec 13, 2020 8:35 pm

    Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN): Discussion & News - Page 14 15v52u13
    Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN): Discussion & News - Page 14 Ukp_1513
    Strategic Rocket Forces (RVSN): Discussion & News - Page 14 Ukp_1514
    part of the interior

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    Post  Hole Sun Dec 13, 2020 8:35 pm


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    Post  GarryB Mon Dec 14, 2020 12:11 am

    I assume ''command missile'' is part of Perimeter system?

    Yes, if communications is cut somehow then this command missile is launched and delivers launch commands to all Russian forces to ensure that by the time enemy missiles arrive they hit empty silos/airfields/ports.

    Following the cowboy analogy... you don't pick up a knife or a chair or a bottle... you keep your hands free so if he goes for his gun you have empty hands and can go for your gun too.

    If you are holding a chair over your head to throw at him and he draws his gun, you are screwed.

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