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    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders


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    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 5 Empty Re: NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders

    Post  George1 Tue Jun 23, 2015 11:11 pm

    Russia May Strengthen Military Force in Kaliningrad

    According to Russian lawmaker, Russia may reinforce its military presence in its westernmost Baltic exclave of Kaliningrad in response to the United States deployment of weapons in western Europe.

    MOSCOW (Sputnik) – Russia may reinforce its military presence in its westernmost Baltic exclave of Kaliningrad in response to the United States deployment of weapons in western Europe, a Russian lawmaker said Tuesday.

    Earlier in the day, US Defense Secretary Ashton Carter confirmed his country's intention to place 250 US tanks in seven Eastern European and Baltic nations.

    "This will be primarily reflected in the principle of the territorial quartering of our troops on the territory of our country, including, I think, the Kaliningrad region," First Deputy Chairman of the Defense Committee of Russian parliament's lower house Sergey Zhigarev told the Russian radio station Govorit Moskva.

    NATO increased its military presence along Russia's borders following accusations of Moscow’s interference in the Ukrainian crisis.

    Russia has repeatedly dismissed the allegations and stressed that military expansion toward Russian borders undermines regional security and escalates tensions.

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    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 5 Empty Re: NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders

    Post  GarryB Wed Jun 24, 2015 3:20 am

    If the US wants to act like dicks then Russia can play that game.... just look at the right buttons that the US responds to.

    Make, as a response to the movement of F-22s to Europe, the deployment of tactical nuclear weapons to Kaliningrad a very public issue, and hint that the next escalation will be the withdrawl from the INF treaty and mass production of cheaper more mobile IRBMs.


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    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 5 Empty Re: NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders

    Post  Book. Wed Jun 24, 2015 8:51 am

    I hope f22 in eastern bloc

    easy target cruise missle Twisted Evil

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    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 5 Empty Re: NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders

    Post  Werewolf Wed Jun 24, 2015 8:30 pm

    Book. wrote:I hope f22 in eastern bloc

    easy target cruise missle S-300/400 Twisted Evil

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    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 5 Empty Re: NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders

    Post  George1 Wed Jul 15, 2015 10:20 pm

    Europe’s Eighth NATO Radar Operational in Hungary

    The construction of a new 3D radio-radar at Medina in Southern Hungary began in October 2012. The facility is aimed at protecting the aerial space over all NATO countries.

    A new NATO 3D radar became operational Wednesday morning at Medina in southern Hungary, the country’s Defense Minister Csaba Hende announced.

    According to the minister, the new radar station will help protect the air space not only over Hungary but over all NATO countries.

    He added that the alliance has placed great hopes on the radar. This is why NATO funded 94 percent of the building costs and will continue funding for the next 18 years.

    The construction of the over 1 billion forints ($3.5 million) facility began in October 2012. The radar replaced the Soviet-made radio-radar equipment in operation since 1987.

    NATO representative Koen Gijsbers, in his turn, noted that the alliance has stationed eight radars of this type, including in Poland, the Czech Republic and Hungary.

    The new radar at Medina is the third 3D radar facility to control the aerial space of the country, after Bankut in the north and Bekescsaba in the south-east.

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    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 5 Empty Re: NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders

    Post  George1 Fri Jul 31, 2015 2:47 pm

    US to Deploy Heavy Weaponry in Latvia in Fall 2015 – Latvian Army Chief

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    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 5 Empty Re: NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders

    Post  JohninMK Thu Aug 06, 2015 6:38 pm

    NATO halving Baltics interception patrols. I'd say that the have run out of suitable aircraft/manpower/money/political support for what is a pointless operation. We might have to wait a while for the headline in the Western MSM "Russia reduces threat, safe to cut aircraft patrols"

    Very good photo showing a NATO F-16/F-104 Starfighter/F-4 Phantom/Mig-29 formation.

    The NATO military alliance will reduce in September the number of planes patrolling Baltic skies on the lookout for Russian bombers by 50 percent amid a moderate decrease in Russian bomber and fighter jet incursions along alliance airspace in the region, a NATO representative told The Moscow Times on Wednesday.

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    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 5 Empty Re: NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders

    Post  GarryB Sat Aug 08, 2015 7:08 am

    Hahahaha... the funny thing is that most of the incursions into NATO airspace is actually in international airspace... what Russia should do is when they have reduced their patrol aircraft numbers... which they are clearly only doing to save money is to greatly increase their number of flights in those areas when NATO bleats about incursions.

    They will spend money to reduce patrols and then have to spend more money restoring them... Twisted Evil

    the more money the Russians can make the EU/NATO waste the better for Russia.

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    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 5 Empty Re: NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders

    Post  George1 Wed Aug 19, 2015 12:45 am

    US Marines, backed by tanks would be deployed in Bulgaria

    the game is going more and more serious..

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    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 5 Empty Re: NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders

    Post  George1 Thu Aug 20, 2015 4:48 pm

    US Plan to Move Military Vehicles to Hungary Anti-Russia Provocation

    Situation in Europe is starting to remind me Reagan's first years

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    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 5 Empty F-22 Raptors Will Be Deploying To Europe To Send A Strong Message To Russia

    Post  nemrod Tue Aug 25, 2015 11:20 am

    F-22 Raptors Will Be Deploying To Europe To Send A Strong Message To Russia

    After teasing the possibility of Raptors deploying to Europe months ago, Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James has confirmed to reporters that Raptor is indeed going to be sent to Europe as part of an ongoing initiative to reassure NATO allies of America’s commitment to their defense.

    Secretary James made it clear that the move to send the F-22 to Russia’s front doorstep is part of Defense Secretary Ashton Carter’s “strong and balanced” approach to reminding Russia of the consequences of extra-border ambitions:

    “Rotational forces and training exercises help us maintain our strong and balanced approach, and we will certainly be continuing those in the future… For the Air Force, an F-22 deployment is certainly on the strong side of the coin.”

    Exactly what F-22 unit will be sent to Europe and where they would be based remains unclear, although General. Mark Welsh, the U.S. Air Force’s Chief of Staff noted:

    “We’ll get the F-22 into facilities that we would potentially use in a conflict in Europe… This is a natural evolution of our bringing our best air-to-air capability in to train with partners… We have an aircraft with pretty advanced capabilities, and we need, and they would like, for us to be able to interoperate in multiple type scenarios… And being able to train side by side with them and do that kind of training is really, really important for us. And that’s what this is for.”

    F-22 Raptors Will Be Deploying To Europe To Send A Strong Message To Russia

    The Raptor’s inaugural long-term deployment to Europe (it has had a near constant presence in the Middle East) will most likely follow along the lines of what the Florida and Oregon Air National Guard have executed in their F-15C/Ds since Spring. As part of the ongoing Operation Atlantic Resolve, the Eagles hopped East from one key NATO base to another, training with local units along the way, before ending up at a temporary Eastern European air defense post.

    Sending a detachment of Raptors to Europe also points to the possibility that things are not necessarily improving when it comes to Russian-NATO relations. If anything else, they are getting worse as forward deploying the world’s only truly operational 5th generation fighter to Eastern Europe is a card best held until needed.

    Then again, the size of America’s air superiority fighter fleet has shrunk so much over the last 25 years that the Eagle community, made up of about 192 aircraft in total (about 25 percent of which are being used for training and development), may not be able to sustain these types of deployments alone while also meeting their homeland defense, regional deterrent and their many training goals. Additionally, both aircraft, the super complex F-22 and the aging F-15C, require large amounts of maintenance to keep them airworthy at any given time. As such, calling the F-22 to deploy to Europe may be an acknowledgement of an inevitable logistical reality as much as a strategic play.


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    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 5 Empty Re: NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders

    Post  BTRfan Tue Aug 25, 2015 4:09 pm

    nemrod wrote:

    F-22 Raptors Will Be Deploying To Europe To Send A Strong Message To Russia

    After teasing the possibility of Raptors deploying to Europe months ago, Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James has confirmed to reporters that Raptor is indeed going to be sent to Europe as part of an ongoing initiative to reassure NATO allies of America’s commitment to their defense.

    Secretary James made it clear that the move to send the F-22 to Russia’s front doorstep is part of Defense Secretary Ashton Carter’s “strong and balanced” approach to reminding Russia of the consequences of extra-border ambitions:

       “Rotational forces and training exercises help us maintain our strong and balanced approach, and we will certainly be continuing those in the future… For the Air Force, an F-22 deployment is certainly on the strong side of the coin.”

    Exactly what F-22 unit will be sent to Europe and where they would be based remains unclear, although General. Mark Welsh, the U.S. Air Force’s Chief of Staff noted:

       “We’ll get the F-22 into facilities that we would potentially use in a conflict in Europe… This is a natural evolution of our bringing our best air-to-air capability in to train with partners… We have an aircraft with pretty advanced capabilities, and we need, and they would like, for us to be able to interoperate in multiple type scenarios… And being able to train side by side with them and do that kind of training is really, really important for us. And that’s what this is for.”

    F-22 Raptors Will Be Deploying To Europe To Send A Strong Message To Russia

    The Raptor’s inaugural long-term deployment to Europe (it has had a near constant presence in the Middle East) will most likely follow along the lines of what the Florida and Oregon Air National Guard have executed in their F-15C/Ds since Spring. As part of the ongoing Operation Atlantic Resolve, the Eagles hopped East from one key NATO base to another, training with local units along the way, before ending up at a temporary Eastern European air defense post.

    Sending a detachment of Raptors to Europe also points to the possibility that things are not necessarily improving when it comes to Russian-NATO relations. If anything else, they are getting worse as forward deploying the world’s only truly operational 5th generation fighter to Eastern Europe is a card best held until needed.

    Then again, the size of America’s air superiority fighter fleet has shrunk so much over the last 25 years that the Eagle community, made up of about 192 aircraft in total (about 25 percent of which are being used for training and development), may not be able to sustain these types of deployments alone while also meeting their homeland defense, regional deterrent and their many training goals. Additionally, both aircraft, the super complex F-22 and the aging F-15C, require large amounts of maintenance to keep them airworthy at any given time. As such, calling the F-22 to deploy to Europe may be an acknowledgement of an inevitable logistical reality as much as a strategic play.

    The message is, "The F35 sucks, that is why we're sending F22s..."

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    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 5 Empty Re: NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders

    Post  BlackArrow Tue Aug 25, 2015 7:40 pm

    BTRfan wrote:
    nemrod wrote:

    F-22 Raptors Will Be Deploying To Europe To Send A Strong Message To Russia

    After teasing the possibility of Raptors deploying to Europe months ago, Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James has confirmed to reporters that Raptor is indeed going to be sent to Europe as part of an ongoing initiative to reassure NATO allies of America’s commitment to their defense.

    Secretary James made it clear that the move to send the F-22 to Russia’s front doorstep is part of Defense Secretary Ashton Carter’s “strong and balanced” approach to reminding Russia of the consequences of extra-border ambitions:

       “Rotational forces and training exercises help us maintain our strong and balanced approach, and we will certainly be continuing those in the future… For the Air Force, an F-22 deployment is certainly on the strong side of the coin.”

    Exactly what F-22 unit will be sent to Europe and where they would be based remains unclear, although General. Mark Welsh, the U.S. Air Force’s Chief of Staff noted:

       “We’ll get the F-22 into facilities that we would potentially use in a conflict in Europe… This is a natural evolution of our bringing our best air-to-air capability in to train with partners… We have an aircraft with pretty advanced capabilities, and we need, and they would like, for us to be able to interoperate in multiple type scenarios… And being able to train side by side with them and do that kind of training is really, really important for us. And that’s what this is for.”

    F-22 Raptors Will Be Deploying To Europe To Send A Strong Message To Russia

    The Raptor’s inaugural long-term deployment to Europe (it has had a near constant presence in the Middle East) will most likely follow along the lines of what the Florida and Oregon Air National Guard have executed in their F-15C/Ds since Spring. As part of the ongoing Operation Atlantic Resolve, the Eagles hopped East from one key NATO base to another, training with local units along the way, before ending up at a temporary Eastern European air defense post.

    Sending a detachment of Raptors to Europe also points to the possibility that things are not necessarily improving when it comes to Russian-NATO relations. If anything else, they are getting worse as forward deploying the world’s only truly operational 5th generation fighter to Eastern Europe is a card best held until needed.

    Then again, the size of America’s air superiority fighter fleet has shrunk so much over the last 25 years that the Eagle community, made up of about 192 aircraft in total (about 25 percent of which are being used for training and development), may not be able to sustain these types of deployments alone while also meeting their homeland defense, regional deterrent and their many training goals. Additionally, both aircraft, the super complex F-22 and the aging F-15C, require large amounts of maintenance to keep them airworthy at any given time. As such, calling the F-22 to deploy to Europe may be an acknowledgement of an inevitable logistical reality as much as a strategic play.

    The message is, "The F35 sucks, that is why we're sending F22s..."

    Nope - the message is the F-35 is not in service yet - so how can it be sent to Europe?

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    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 5 Empty Re: NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders

    Post  BTRfan Thu Aug 27, 2015 3:46 am

    BlackArrow wrote:
    BTRfan wrote:
    nemrod wrote:

    F-22 Raptors Will Be Deploying To Europe To Send A Strong Message To Russia

    After teasing the possibility of Raptors deploying to Europe months ago, Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James has confirmed to reporters that Raptor is indeed going to be sent to Europe as part of an ongoing initiative to reassure NATO allies of America’s commitment to their defense.

    Secretary James made it clear that the move to send the F-22 to Russia’s front doorstep is part of Defense Secretary Ashton Carter’s “strong and balanced” approach to reminding Russia of the consequences of extra-border ambitions:

       “Rotational forces and training exercises help us maintain our strong and balanced approach, and we will certainly be continuing those in the future… For the Air Force, an F-22 deployment is certainly on the strong side of the coin.”

    Exactly what F-22 unit will be sent to Europe and where they would be based remains unclear, although General. Mark Welsh, the U.S. Air Force’s Chief of Staff noted:

       “We’ll get the F-22 into facilities that we would potentially use in a conflict in Europe… This is a natural evolution of our bringing our best air-to-air capability in to train with partners… We have an aircraft with pretty advanced capabilities, and we need, and they would like, for us to be able to interoperate in multiple type scenarios… And being able to train side by side with them and do that kind of training is really, really important for us. And that’s what this is for.”

    F-22 Raptors Will Be Deploying To Europe To Send A Strong Message To Russia

    The Raptor’s inaugural long-term deployment to Europe (it has had a near constant presence in the Middle East) will most likely follow along the lines of what the Florida and Oregon Air National Guard have executed in their F-15C/Ds since Spring. As part of the ongoing Operation Atlantic Resolve, the Eagles hopped East from one key NATO base to another, training with local units along the way, before ending up at a temporary Eastern European air defense post.

    Sending a detachment of Raptors to Europe also points to the possibility that things are not necessarily improving when it comes to Russian-NATO relations. If anything else, they are getting worse as forward deploying the world’s only truly operational 5th generation fighter to Eastern Europe is a card best held until needed.

    Then again, the size of America’s air superiority fighter fleet has shrunk so much over the last 25 years that the Eagle community, made up of about 192 aircraft in total (about 25 percent of which are being used for training and development), may not be able to sustain these types of deployments alone while also meeting their homeland defense, regional deterrent and their many training goals. Additionally, both aircraft, the super complex F-22 and the aging F-15C, require large amounts of maintenance to keep them airworthy at any given time. As such, calling the F-22 to deploy to Europe may be an acknowledgement of an inevitable logistical reality as much as a strategic play.

    The message is, "The F35 sucks, that is why we're sending F22s..."

    Nope - the message is the F-35 is not in service yet - so how can it be sent to Europe?

    They have built over one hundred of them and have them in use for training in a few NATO nations already.

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    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 5 Empty Re: NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders

    Post  GarryB Thu Aug 27, 2015 10:11 am

    I am sure the Russians will welcome the opportunity to get to point all their radars at the F-22 and see if it is really as good as its makers claim it is.

    Nothing like getting to test against the real thing...


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    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 5 Empty F-22 Raptors Will Be Deploying To Europe To Send A Strong Message To Russia

    Post  Godric Thu Aug 27, 2015 12:46 pm

    BTRfan wrote:
    BlackArrow wrote:
    BTRfan wrote:
    nemrod wrote:

    F-22 Raptors Will Be Deploying To Europe To Send A Strong Message To Russia

    After teasing the possibility of Raptors deploying to Europe months ago, Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James has confirmed to reporters that Raptor is indeed going to be sent to Europe as part of an ongoing initiative to reassure NATO allies of America’s commitment to their defense.

    Secretary James made it clear that the move to send the F-22 to Russia’s front doorstep is part of Defense Secretary Ashton Carter’s “strong and balanced” approach to reminding Russia of the consequences of extra-border ambitions:

       “Rotational forces and training exercises help us maintain our strong and balanced approach, and we will certainly be continuing those in the future… For the Air Force, an F-22 deployment is certainly on the strong side of the coin.”

    Exactly what F-22 unit will be sent to Europe and where they would be based remains unclear, although General. Mark Welsh, the U.S. Air Force’s Chief of Staff noted:

       “We’ll get the F-22 into facilities that we would potentially use in a conflict in Europe… This is a natural evolution of our bringing our best air-to-air capability in to train with partners… We have an aircraft with pretty advanced capabilities, and we need, and they would like, for us to be able to interoperate in multiple type scenarios… And being able to train side by side with them and do that kind of training is really, really important for us. And that’s what this is for.”

    F-22 Raptors Will Be Deploying To Europe To Send A Strong Message To Russia

    The Raptor’s inaugural long-term deployment to Europe (it has had a near constant presence in the Middle East) will most likely follow along the lines of what the Florida and Oregon Air National Guard have executed in their F-15C/Ds since Spring. As part of the ongoing Operation Atlantic Resolve, the Eagles hopped East from one key NATO base to another, training with local units along the way, before ending up at a temporary Eastern European air defense post.

    Sending a detachment of Raptors to Europe also points to the possibility that things are not necessarily improving when it comes to Russian-NATO relations. If anything else, they are getting worse as forward deploying the world’s only truly operational 5th generation fighter to Eastern Europe is a card best held until needed.

    Then again, the size of America’s air superiority fighter fleet has shrunk so much over the last 25 years that the Eagle community, made up of about 192 aircraft in total (about 25 percent of which are being used for training and development), may not be able to sustain these types of deployments alone while also meeting their homeland defense, regional deterrent and their many training goals. Additionally, both aircraft, the super complex F-22 and the aging F-15C, require large amounts of maintenance to keep them airworthy at any given time. As such, calling the F-22 to deploy to Europe may be an acknowledgement of an inevitable logistical reality as much as a strategic play.

    The message is, "The F35 sucks, that is why we're sending F22s..."

    Nope - the message is the F-35 is not in service yet - so how can it be sent to Europe?

    They have built over one hundred of them and have them in use for training in a few NATO nations already.

    and the pilots from Nato countries are training in the USA with the F-35s and not their home countries

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    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 5 Empty Re: NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders

    Post  George1 Mon Aug 31, 2015 10:36 pm

    US F-22 Fifth Generation Fighter Jets Seen in Skies Over Poland

    US Deploys Two Predator Drones to Latvian Air Base

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    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 5 Empty Kaliningrad - the next point of conflict

    Post  franco Fri Sep 04, 2015 4:34 pm

    An interesting look at the Kaliningrad and the West's outlook;
    max steel
    max steel

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    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 5 Empty Re: NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders

    Post  max steel Tue Sep 29, 2015 12:17 am

    Halt Plans for New Europe Bases

    Interesting read!

    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 5 Empty Re: NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders

    Post  Guest Sat Oct 17, 2015 3:28 pm

    [i]"Command of a US Army Brigade, is going to be located in Ciechanów, along with 200 units of equipment - as it was announced by Tomasz Siemoniak, Minister of Defence, who visited the city. This is one of the five locations for the US equipment storages, defined by an intergovernmental agreement between Poland and the United States of America. The remaining places, to which the US military hardware is going to be deployed, include Łask, Drawsko Pomorskie, Skwierzyna and Choszczno. Declaration regarding the location of the US Base and command of the brigade, was made during the Siemoniak’s visit to Ciechanow. The infrastructure is going to be created within the area which had been previously used by the disbanded 1st Artillery Regiment of the Polish Army. Around 50 buildings and area of 60 acres – these numbers describe the new US Army base in Poland. Ciechanów, besides the Łask Air Base infrastructure, the Land Forces Training Centre in Drawsko Pomorskie and the Military Infrastructure in Skwierzyna and Choszczno, is going to be a place where the US weapons storages are going to be placed, as it was defined by a memorandum between the governments of the Republic of Poland and the United States of America.

    Ciechanów is one of the locations where the heavy equipment of the US Army is going to be deployed. This constitutes a result of a long negotiation and consultation process. We want to provide the United States with the best proposals, and we want to carry out the adaptation works as quickly as possible, so that the base is active even before the NATO summit in Poland. Tomasz Siemoniak, Minister of Defence. Thanks to the memorandum, Poland is going to be one of the nations gaining benefits from the European Reassurance Initiative, announced by President Obama in Warsaw, last year. The US investment related to the military infrastructure in Poland is being realized with the relevant funds, allocated to the above-mentioned programme. Talks with some local companies have already begun. These businesses are going to realize the works, the aim of which is to customize the existing infrastructure, so that it is suitable to be used for the newly defined purposes."

    This is i belive the ex Polish Army facility they will use as a start:

    Source and the rest of the article:,us-brigade-command-unit-in-poland-will-be-established-in-ciechanow

    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 5 Empty Re: NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders

    Post  Guest Sat Oct 17, 2015 3:28 pm

    [i]"Command of a US Army Brigade, is going to be located in Ciechanów, along with 200 units of equipment - as it was announced by Tomasz Siemoniak, Minister of Defence, who visited the city. This is one of the five locations for the US equipment storages, defined by an intergovernmental agreement between Poland and the United States of America. The remaining places, to which the US military hardware is going to be deployed, include Łask, Drawsko Pomorskie, Skwierzyna and Choszczno. Declaration regarding the location of the US Base and command of the brigade, was made during the Siemoniak’s visit to Ciechanow. The infrastructure is going to be created within the area which had been previously used by the disbanded 1st Artillery Regiment of the Polish Army. Around 50 buildings and area of 60 acres – these numbers describe the new US Army base in Poland. Ciechanów, besides the Łask Air Base infrastructure, the Land Forces Training Centre in Drawsko Pomorskie and the Military Infrastructure in Skwierzyna and Choszczno, is going to be a place where the US weapons storages are going to be placed, as it was defined by a memorandum between the governments of the Republic of Poland and the United States of America.

    Ciechanów is one of the locations where the heavy equipment of the US Army is going to be deployed. This constitutes a result of a long negotiation and consultation process. We want to provide the United States with the best proposals, and we want to carry out the adaptation works as quickly as possible, so that the base is active even before the NATO summit in Poland. Tomasz Siemoniak, Minister of Defence. Thanks to the memorandum, Poland is going to be one of the nations gaining benefits from the European Reassurance Initiative, announced by President Obama in Warsaw, last year. The US investment related to the military infrastructure in Poland is being realized with the relevant funds, allocated to the above-mentioned programme. Talks with some local companies have already begun. These businesses are going to realize the works, the aim of which is to customize the existing infrastructure, so that it is suitable to be used for the newly defined purposes."

    This is i belive the ex Polish Army facility they will use as a start:

    Source and the rest of the article:,us-brigade-command-unit-in-poland-will-be-established-in-ciechanow

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    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 5 Empty Re: NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders

    Post  Bolt Sat Oct 24, 2015 9:18 pm

    A little story from today that I've seen:

    There were some joint exercises in Lithuania, some elements of US Airborne participated, today was their final day here, so it was decided to make a little hearts and minds show in the center of Vilnius, right near the Cathedral.

    There's a small parking lot nearby, it wasn't closed and there were no warnings about the coming show.
    So, picture this: you, a guy and his wife, drive from Belorussia to Lithuania on a touristic trip, go to the center of the capital, park your car. And right away 8 Humvees with NATO and American flags surround you, with ATGMs and heavy MGs, and some guy in camo goes right to your car and puts a little NATO flag over your plate numbers (and over your country's flag). If I'd been this guy, it would be a big WTF moment for me. Very Happy

    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 5 Grll6N3

    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 5 Q3nctbU

    (then didn't want this BMW to "spoil" their little PR show, it could be "uncool" to see a picture of a #strongeurope Humvee right next to some red commie car Smile. They did take that little flag after the owner of the car asked what are they doing though. They also did put a Lithuania's historical flag on the plates on the back).

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    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 5 Empty Re: NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders

    Post  Airbornewolf Sun Oct 25, 2015 12:58 am

    Bolt wrote:A little story from today that I've seen:

    There were some joint exercises in Lithuania, some elements of US Airborne participated, today was their final day here, so it was decided to make a little hearts and minds show in the center of Vilnius, right near the Cathedral.

    There's a small parking lot nearby, it wasn't closed and there were no warnings about the coming show.
    So, picture this: you, a guy and his wife, drive from Belorussia to Lithuania on a touristic trip, go to the center of the capital, park your car. And right away 8 Humvees with NATO and American flags surround you, with ATGMs and heavy MGs, and some guy in camo goes right to your car and puts a little NATO flag over your plate numbers (and over your country's flag). If I'd been this guy, it would be a big WTF moment for me. Very Happy

    (then didn't want this BMW to "spoil" their little PR show, it could be "uncool" to see a picture of a #strongeurope Humvee right next to some red commie car Smile. They did take that little flag after the owner of the car asked what are they doing though. They also did put a Lithuania's historical flag on the plates on the back).

    Yes, "Apeshit" would have came to my mind too. First off, i would have asked the imbecile why he touched my car. and Second, Propably tried to get into an arguement why he still liked to help American war criminals with their little show.

    I mean, i cant help it if i can name places, dates and names where Yanks bombed Afghan people while i was there. And then name the U.S officers that came into town and paid for every killed kid 60 dollars and got angry when certain afghan mothers said their kids could not be replaced with money. or how "Allies" are easily sacrificed and send out to drive in an ambush when the Americans knew it was there. or how the U.S likes to sacrifice their own SF troops under heavy fire just to avoid an political scandal in Afghanistan. Or how that Canadian C-130 was loaded with VX Nerve Gas where my guys where sitting in the back with Gas masks on flying from Kabul to KAF on 3rd of November 2008 that departed at 4 in the morning?. Im sure it was an "misplaced logistical order". ...outside of that, talk about seeing guys foaming with rage having to fly with an transport aircraft filled with nerve gas with pretty much zero protection...

    anyway, it does create the necessary "awkward" factor when i just so happen to know things like that. even the usual counter-arguements where they "check" if i was there. i can answer them all because i was actually there!.
    example, Yes i know Horton's, i stood 40 minutes in line too at Tim Horton's for that Iced Capuccino at KAF. Yes, the RSOI tents where an freaking oven by day and never ever eat the cheese spread out of the MRE's. they clog you up so bad you wont shit for a week. Everybody can recite the meals you get on the menu on the Dutch TK meals per day. The fact after 6 months you worship things like cold soda in the form of Mountain Dew. And that its always fun to see people run in utter panic to the bunker when an IDF alert goes off after the missile already landed and you just laugh outside the bunker and go back inside and go back playing games on your laptop while the new guys still think some precision strike might be imminent. and etc etc. thats just a handfull.

    the end result tough is that they feel even more Awkward i know all that.

    so, nah, not an big NATO fan either apparently. and i definitely would have tried to screw up their Demo.

    the yanks overstayed their welcome since 1945, its high time they where sent home and we Europeans got some politicians in power that start to decide what is in Europe's best interests. starting off torching that monstrosity Brussels to the ground that acts as an Proxy U.S government and get some of our Sovereignty back.

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    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 5 Empty Re: NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders

    Post  Bolt Sun Oct 25, 2015 8:35 am

    Airbornewolf wrote:

    Yes, "Apeshit" would have came to my mind too. First off, i would have asked the imbecile why he touched my car. and Second, Propably tried to get into an arguement why he still liked to help American war criminals with their little show.

    I mean, i cant help it if i can name places, dates and names where Yanks bombed Afghan people while i was there. And then name the U.S officers that came into town and paid for every killed kid 60 dollars and got angry when certain afghan mothers said their kids could not be replaced with money. or how "Allies" are easily sacrificed and send out to drive in an ambush when the Americans knew it was there. or how the U.S likes to sacrifice their own SF troops under heavy fire just to avoid an political scandal in Afghanistan. Or how that Canadian C-130 was loaded with VX Nerve Gas where my guys where sitting in the back with Gas masks on flying from Kabul to KAF on 3rd of November 2008 that departed at 4 in the morning?. Im sure it was an "misplaced logistical order". ...outside of that, talk about seeing guys foaming with rage having to fly with an transport aircraft filled with nerve gas with pretty much zero protection...

    That's pretty fucked up.. Sad

    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 5 Empty Re: NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders

    Post  Guest Sun Oct 25, 2015 12:02 pm

    Bolt wrote:A little story from today that I've seen:

    There were some joint exercises in Lithuania, some elements of US Airborne participated, today was their final day here, so it was decided to make a little hearts and minds show in the center of Vilnius, right near the Cathedral.

    There's a small parking lot nearby, it wasn't closed and there were no warnings about the coming show.
    So, picture this: you, a guy and his wife, drive from Belorussia to Lithuania on a touristic trip, go to the center of the capital, park your car. And right away 8 Humvees with NATO and American flags surround you, with ATGMs and heavy MGs, and some guy in camo goes right to your car and puts a little NATO flag over your plate numbers (and over your country's flag). If I'd been this guy, it would be a big WTF moment for me. Very Happy

    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 5 Grll6N3

    NATO/US Military Build up in Eastern Europe-Russian borders - Page 5 Q3nctbU

    (then didn't want this BMW to "spoil" their little PR show, it could be "uncool" to see a picture of a #strongeurope Humvee right next to some red commie car Smile. They did take that little flag after the owner of the car asked what are they doing though. They also did put a Lithuania's historical flag on the plates on the back).

    You know, these guys in Serbia would have very short life expectancy if they acted like this.

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