PhSt Fri Nov 01, 2019 3:28 am
Youtube is working hard to SILENCE users who are not in line with America's narratives.
This is probably the technique Youtube admins are using that is why RT's subscriber base is lower than the West's propaganda mouthpiece channels.
I am going to repeat this again, and Russia's national security council needs to hear this. Create Alternatives to American soft power institutions like Youtube, Facebook, Google etc and make significant efforts to PROMOTE its use not just in Russia but across the world to pose a challenge to American cultural influence.
People here might say, but Russia already have Yandex (vs Google), VK (vs Facebook), but how much is its share in the global social media market? it is still dwarfed by both Google and Facebook, so what needs to happen? Russia needs to promote and expand these companies to rival its American counterparts with the aim of taking over America's global customer base.
I have a friend in Russia, I have been chatting with her for a couple of years now, She is a smart and patriotic citizen of Russia. But recently, when I last talked to her, she gave me her INSTAGRAM account. The key point here is INSTAGRAM, another American soft power tool that aims to influence (though subliminal means) its global audience to align their views and beliefs with American narratives. Again, Russia needs to challenge Instagram with its own domestic alternative and with a similar aim of propagating their own (Russia's) narratives. This step is the only way to erode American covert influence operations and increase positive public perception of Russia in around the world.
Meanwhile: BBC is busy making Propaganda BULLSHlT in an effort to create animosity between Russia and China.
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