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    Western propaganda


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    Western propaganda - Page 31 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Tue Jul 09, 2019 2:40 am

    The 1980s called and they want their propaganda tropes back.

    This ludicrous article talks about Russia earning "hard currency" via grain exports. These monkeys are living in a delusional bubble:

    1) The ruble is a fully floating hard currency. It's hardness is evident since it is not asymptoting to infinity to the dollar.

    2) The USSR needed dollars to buy grain. Russia does not need to sell anything to get dollars. It can exchange rubles for dollars.

    3) Russia is one of the lowest importers on the planet since it has a very high degree of domestic production. Unlike the USSR it
    has removed dependence on strategic imports (e.g. food grain). It is in the process of transitioning into a top global food exporter.

    This article underscores the NATO ignorance about Russia's economy. These clowns really think it is no better than the USSR and needs
    to earn dollars to survive. What utter BS.

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    Western propaganda - Page 31 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Tue Jul 09, 2019 5:37 am

    So the anti-Russian HBO series Chernobyl is a cheap hit piece contracted by a sore loser competitor of Rosatom.

    HBO is owned by Time-Warner which owned by AT&T whose prime shareholder is Brookfield Infrastructure which
    is the 100% owner of Westinghouse Electric.

    Westinghouse actually tried to create floating nuclear power plants during the 1970s, but failed.

    On another propaganda topic. The new film "Kursk" is simply degenerate hate spew at Russia. It theorizes that the Kursk
    sailors died because they were drunks and started a fire. NATO so richly deserves what is coming to it...
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Western propaganda - Page 31 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Tue Jul 09, 2019 5:11 pm

    Chernobyl is very good actually. Portraying Soviet bureaucracy as being partially guilty of the disaster is fine because they were to a large degree at fault.

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    Western propaganda - Page 31 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Tue Jul 09, 2019 8:52 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Chernobyl is very good actually. Portraying Soviet bureaucracy as being partially guilty of the disaster is fine because they were to a large degree at fault.

    I disagree. The 100% fault lies with the clowns who staged the illegal and insane experiment on the reactor that led to the melt-down.
    Bureaucracy had nothing to do with it. Soviet hack and wing it mentality was at the core of this disaster. Only lunatics stage
    by the seat of your pants experiments on full scale reactors. If these retarded clowns wanted to do experiments, then they should
    have done them on small experimental reactor.

    As for the design of the RBMK. There was nothing wrong with it. It was an old design, but then so was the GE plant at Fukushima. There
    were plenty of other RBMK reactors in the USSR and none of them experienced catastrophes. The main fault nexus is the humans running
    any given set of equipment.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Western propaganda - Page 31 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Tue Jul 09, 2019 9:35 pm

    KVS, have you watched HBO's Chernobyl? If you haven't, do it. The criminal negligence of the plant's managers is portrayed very well in the show. According to some, even more so than in reality.

    With a tv series about a controversial topic, you cannot satisfy everyone.

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    Western propaganda - Page 31 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  GarryB Wed Jul 10, 2019 9:54 am

    Have you read Mein Kampf?

    I don't feel any need to read the literature of the enemy, or watch their propaganda TV dramatisations...

    What happened there is no worse than an air traffic controller left on his own with the phones down and radar and other systems not fully working in the middle of europe, and the very idea that computerised collision avoidance systems can be put on planes without clear rules regarding what pilots respond to... instructions from an air controller or the automated avoidance system in their own aircraft.

    As usual people have to die before action is taken.... but I guess that is all controlled by Soviet officials too.

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    Western propaganda - Page 31 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  andalusia Wed Jul 10, 2019 2:25 pm

    This is a good explanation of what the US empire is all about:
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Western propaganda - Page 31 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Wed Jul 10, 2019 8:58 pm

    I really suggest you watch the show before passing a verdict. Anti Soviet/Russian bias in Chernobyl is very subtle, more like K-19, nothing like some more known Hollywood movies about Russia.

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    Western propaganda - Page 31 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  flamming_python Thu Jul 11, 2019 1:15 am

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:I really suggest you watch the show before passing a verdict. Anti Soviet/Russian bias in Chernobyl is very subtle, more like K-19, nothing like some more known Hollywood movies about Russia.

    It's a good fictional work.

    And it does portray many of the ordinary Soviet workers, soldiers, officers as heroes. Even some officials sympathetically.

    But at it's core is the message 'the cost of lies'. And then it goes ahead and lies itself and makes a whole bunch of stuff up that never happened.


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    Western propaganda - Page 31 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Regular Fri Jul 12, 2019 6:44 pm

    flamming_python wrote:
    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:I really suggest you watch the show before passing a verdict. Anti Soviet/Russian bias in Chernobyl is very subtle, more like K-19, nothing like some more known Hollywood movies about Russia.

    It's a good fictional work.

    And it does portray many of the ordinary Soviet workers, soldiers, officers as heroes. Even some officials sympathetically.

    But at it's core is the message 'the cost of lies'. And then it goes ahead and lies itself and makes a whole bunch of stuff up that never happened.

    It did have artistic freedom. For me it was amazing show. It humanised soviets without using retarded accents. It showed Soviet military as competent force who gets the job done no matter how adverse it is. It portrayed Gorbachev and his close men as incompetent to deal with such scale disaster. This true as this man was useless! While it praised the simple men, it totally went overboard with apparatchiks and KGB. 86s Soviet union was a shitshow, but KGB wasn't as threatening and system was still functional, unlike in 89s when it was completelly falling apart..
    Anyways, Chernobyl is best western tv show ever made when it comes to quality, suspension and authenticity and not just about USSR.
    To think that it's anti-Soviet is to defend Gorbachev.

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    Western propaganda - Page 31 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Sat Jul 13, 2019 5:29 am

    Western "liberals" accuse Russia of not acknowledging global warming. Here is the in-your-face proof that this is BS.
    Putin in his speech is 100% on the ball with the reality of anthropogenic global warming. In fact, he states facts that
    western politicians avoid as being too alarmist.

    Russia is warming 2.5 times faster than the global average and this is already having negative impacts. The NATO
    hate propaganda about Russia denying global warming is pure blood libel. The same blood libel that the west has
    been spewing at Russia for centuries.


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    Western propaganda - Page 31 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Regular Sat Jul 13, 2019 8:04 am

    kvs wrote:

    Western "liberals" accuse Russia of not acknowledging global warming.    Here is the in-your-face proof that this is BS.
    Putin in his speech is 100% on the ball with the reality of anthropogenic global warming.   In fact, he states facts that
    western politicians avoid as being too alarmist.

    Russia is warming 2.5 times faster than the global average and this is already having negative impacts.   The NATO
    hate propaganda about Russia denying global warming is pure blood libel.    The same blood libel that the west has
    been spewing at Russia for centuries.

    Global warming is not man made and the one we are having now has little negative impact on Russia. It should help with the explotation of resources and farming. Doom and gloom about extinction is only heard in West and used only just to extort their taxpayers.

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    Western propaganda - Page 31 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Sun Jul 14, 2019 7:05 am

    Cobalt bomb

    This is an older article but I have seen some other recent talk on this subject.

    This is pure anti-Russian propaganda. Russia has no reason to build some fancy dirty bomb. It is a certainty that it is the lunatics in NATO
    who are building cobalt bombs to apply "Carthago delenda est" to Russia. It is modern Rome, aka NATO, that wants to poison Russian
    land with salt and root out Russia from existence.

    By the logic of MAD Russia would need to build its own. But it should not do so. If NATO does use cobalt bombs on Russia, Russia should
    seize NATO lands as compensation. This would be a better solution to the NATO lunatic problem than throwing cobalt bombs on NATO.


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    Western propaganda - Page 31 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  GarryB Sun Jul 14, 2019 12:37 pm

    Actually cobalt bombs suit Russian nuclear weapon doctrine rather well... they should make all their ICBM warheads enormously powerful Cobalt bombs, because their nuclear weapons are not for conquest or to settle an argument... their bombs are to destroy the enemy currently in the process of trying to destroy them with a nuclear attack, which by definition means the other guys need to all die as a consequence of this attack... nothing says you are all going to die like a 1 Gigaton Cobalt salted nuclear bomb...

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    Western propaganda - Page 31 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Jul 14, 2019 7:22 pm

    GarryB wrote:Actually cobalt bombs suit Russian nuclear weapon doctrine rather well... they should make all their ICBM warheads enormously powerful Cobalt bombs, because their nuclear weapons are not for conquest or to settle an argument... their bombs are to destroy the enemy currently in the process of trying to destroy them with a nuclear attack, which by definition means the other guys need to all die as a consequence of this attack... nothing says you are all going to die like a 1 Gigaton Cobalt salted nuclear bomb...

    Completely agreed, they should put a pack of Cobalt on every single warhead they have

    No point halfassing the nuclear war

    Besides, it's not like it matters once it happens, no point in rest of the planet existing if they were all sitting around doing nothing while White Europeans and their hired contractors were deciding their fate for them

    A lesson for the next life


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    Western propaganda - Page 31 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  kvs Sun Jul 14, 2019 8:07 pm

    GarryB wrote:Actually cobalt bombs suit Russian nuclear weapon doctrine rather well... they should make all their ICBM warheads enormously powerful Cobalt bombs, because their nuclear weapons are not for conquest or to settle an argument... their bombs are to destroy the enemy currently in the process of trying to destroy them with a nuclear attack, which by definition means the other guys need to all die as a consequence of this attack... nothing says you are all going to die like a 1 Gigaton Cobalt salted nuclear bomb...

    Cobalt does not increase the yield of nuclear devices. You are repeating an urban myth. Cobalt's sole "value" is in generating isotopes with the
    right half life to generate life-destroying radiation levels that last for decades. Conventional nuclear bombs based on plutonium (including
    hydrogen bombs) generate isotopes that are short lived (e.g iodine) and too long lived (strontium and cesium). So most of the radiation
    is in the first days of the fallout.


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    Western propaganda - Page 31 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Regular Sun Jul 14, 2019 10:20 pm

    Why would you use cobalt is you will need to repopulate wiped out lands? Russians should be able move in after decontamination. I'm almost sure Russia can win nuclear war and they would need new lands.

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    Western propaganda - Page 31 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Jul 14, 2019 10:39 pm

    Regular wrote:Why would you use cobalt is you will need to repopulate wiped out lands? Russians should be able move in after decontamination. I'm almost sure Russia can win nuclear war and they would need new lands.

    Repopulate what exactly?

    After nuclear war there will be barely enough Russians left to repopulate outskirts of Moscow region

    If they go pussyfooting around in nuclear war they will be "repopulated" themselves when third party survivors come looking for payback

    They need to make sure nothing is left alive after nuclear war that walks on less than six legs, it's the ultimate deterrence policy


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    Western propaganda - Page 31 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Cyberspec Mon Jul 15, 2019 6:07 am

    I think Russia (unlike the USSR) sees this latest cold war as mainly a clash for long term economic benefits/realignment....strictly military considerations are of secondary importance.

    As long as they have a viable Strategic deterrence a direct clash with Nato is unlikely

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    Western propaganda - Page 31 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  GarryB Mon Jul 15, 2019 12:22 pm

    Completely agreed, they should put a pack of Cobalt on every single warhead they have

    No point halfassing the nuclear war

    But a critical key to this is to make the west aware that they are doing this and why... there is no point in developing weapons of mass annihilation if the other side don't realise it till they go boom and their geiger counters go batshit crazy for the next 100 years or so...

    It would also probably lead to the new NATO members realising Russia is not interested in their territory except as the start of the desert reaching to the English Channel... might calm them down a bit too.

    Cobalt does not increase the yield of nuclear devices. You are repeating an urban myth. Cobalt's sole "value" is in generating isotopes with the
    right half life to generate life-destroying radiation levels that last for decades.

    Sorry I wasn't clear, but I thought the way I said it made it pretty clear that Cobalt makes nukes dirtier, and not more powerful.


    they should make all their ICBM warheads enormously powerful Cobalt bombs, because their nuclear weapons are not for conquest or to settle an argument...

    If I thought cobalt bombs were powerful bombs on their own I would not suggest developing enormous powerful ones... because that suggests there are cobalt bombs that are not enormously powerful and therefore that the bombs don't derive their power from the Cobalt.

    Why would you use cobalt is you will need to repopulate wiped out lands? Russians should be able move in after decontamination. I'm almost sure Russia can win nuclear war and they would need new lands.

    Yeah, but the best way of ensuring we don't need to find out is to make it all as unappealing as possible... the most dangerous situation we could possibly have is one side or the other thinking they could survive it, because when push comes to shove they might test that theory, and when they find they are wrong there is no undo button to press to put everything back the way it was.

    Some sort of combination of cobalt bombs and deadly virulent viruses that kills only humans is the goal... we know from the area around Chernobyl that radiation might seem like a bad thing but take an urban area and add radiation but take away humans and nature returns pretty damn quickly... the message here is that Human activity is actually more devastating to nature than high levels of radiation.... think about that for a bit...

    If they go pussyfooting around in nuclear war they will be "repopulated" themselves when third party survivors come looking for payback

    They need to make sure nothing is left alive after nuclear war that walks on less than six legs, it's the ultimate deterrence policy

    Exactly... the stark reality is that most of the nuclear strikes are going to be concentrated in the northern hemisphere, and even then major population centres in Russia, Europe, the US, China, and probably Israel and likely Iran and North Korea... even if Pakistan and India open up on each other because they might as well use it in case the other side uses it... there are 3 billion people in China and India and 4 billion people plus in the rest of the world... only a small fraction will be killed out right, and a few billion more dying later on... there is a bloody good chance that several billion people will survive... billions will starve because of the urban nature of humanity, and there will be conflicts and issues, but there are going to be a huge number of people wanting to loot formerly advanced countries stuff...

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    Western propaganda - Page 31 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  magnumcromagnon Tue Jul 16, 2019 2:10 pm

    kvs you'll love this one:

    Lying SOB's:

    Western propaganda - Page 31 D_iSDOsXYAE-na4
    Western propaganda - Page 31 D_iSD3YXsAID2Wx

    The Truth:

    Western propaganda - Page 31 D_iSEPhWkAAm-Gu

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    Western propaganda - Page 31 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  Aristide Tue Jul 16, 2019 4:28 pm

    I will be honest...

    what shocks and amazes me most is the amount of hate i often see here. Cobalt bombs? Really?

    Nobody in Europe wants destroy Russia. We are not interested in Russian lands.

    Dont you see where such nonsense leads too? A mistake can be enough to create irreversable damage to mankind and earth as a whole.

    I think this kind of thinking is called paranoia.


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    Western propaganda - Page 31 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  GarryB Tue Jul 16, 2019 7:12 pm

    But that is your problem... like most of your fellow euro morons you don't comprehend the obvious even when it is plainly spelled out for you.

    Cobalt bombs don't suit the west because they are interested in ruling the entire world... they want the resources of Russia, their problem is that they can't walk in and just take it like they have over the last few hundred years when the natives were stupid and signed shit when they should have spoken to lawyers.

    Cobalt bombs suit the Russians because they have not interest in capturing or occupying the west or invasion of any kind, their reasons for destroying the west are to literally just that... remove it as a threat. The west has made it clear it does not want to communicate or cooperate or build any useful relationship... it expects Russia to do as it is told which will largely result in Russia remaining a poor country and its wealth syphoned from it by the chosen few western 1% elite billionaires so they can achieve their goal of becoming trillionaires.

    Russia knows when it uses its nukes that it is already going to be destroyed... the American and British and French nukes are probably already on their way, so their nuclear response is not about making this right... the best thing their nuclear response can do is make the west realise their chances of surviving the attack are zero so they wont launch their attack in the first place.

    In other words the Russian response has to be dire because if it was trivial the west might think they could survive it... making a nuclear war much more likely.

    Russia developing doomsday devices is not about destroying the world... it is about making the west realise they wont win a nuclear war and that it is not worth starting in the first place.

    The goal is prevention. There is no expectation or intended purpose to "win"... it is only when it is clear everyone loses that no body tries.

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    Western propaganda - Page 31 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  GarryB Tue Jul 16, 2019 7:14 pm

    BTW your response is amusing in this context... what has changed... you are happy to see the natives of your various colonies around the world suffer in poverty so that you can have nice holidays on pristine beaches with cold drinks... will you give the Russian people better living conditions when they become the energy and mineral resource that fuels the growth of the EU in your living space in the east?

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    Western propaganda - Page 31 Empty Re: Western propaganda

    Post  GarryB Tue Jul 16, 2019 7:16 pm

    kvs you'll love this one:

    Bend every story to suit their narrative... a bit pathetic really... trying to claim the rebels are the nazis...

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