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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF)


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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 32 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  Gomig-21 Mon Jun 12, 2023 2:30 am

    sepheronx wrote:
    Isos wrote:Israeli took the advantage in Yom Kipur before SU and USA obliged a cease fire, only because of poor egyptian tactics.

    There is no anti-Egyptian rethoric. Egyptian are under the dominance of the USA. They can't do anything without their aproval  

    Russian are winning in Ukraine. They are fighting against whole nato supply system against nato fanatics that pop up like ants. What did Egyptians do to help Russia who saved them from Israel plenty of times ? Nothing. They can see how friendly Egypt is. They shouldn't spend even 1 euro for those US puppets anymore.

    Thanks god they didn't send the SU-35. Probably would end up in US hands. Iran is a much better friend and will take care of its su-35. They aren't afraid of the US.

    Apparently Egypt sent munitions/weapons to Ukraine.

    So there is that....

    Nah, you're completely delusion worse than than that other Isiso dude.  No weapons to Ukraine it's in your fantasy.
    Egypt is and always has been neutral.

    Many more pics like this since we purchase MANY Russian equipment.

    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 32 RTX6FGPU

    SU-are for Egypt and not Ukraine hahaha what a joke.  They already asked the MiG-29M/M2 to go to Ukraine and guess what they got?  The big fat Egyptian finger and you this we will lend then our hard earned Su-35?  You're about as delusional as an asparagus.


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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 32 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  Gomig-21 Mon Jun 12, 2023 2:46 am

    sepheronx wrote:
    Isos wrote:Israeli took the advantage in Yom Kipur before SU and USA obliged a cease fire, only because of poor egyptian tactics.

    There is no anti-Egyptian rethoric. Egyptian are under the dominance of the USA. They can't do anything without their aproval  

    Russian are winning in Ukraine. They are fighting against whole nato supply system against nato fanatics that pop up like ants. What did Egyptians do to help Russia who saved them from Israel plenty of times ? Nothing. They can see how friendly Egypt is. They shouldn't spend even 1 euro for those US puppets anymore.

    Thanks god they didn't send the SU-35. Probably would end up in US hands. Iran is a much better friend and will take care of its su-35. They aren't afraid of the US.

    Apparently Egypt sent munitions/weapons to Ukraine.

    Lies are coming out of that shithole like flies and bees. What a bunch of BULLSHIT to post. Russia is MICH MUCH MUCH more valuable than UKRANUS and Egypt would NEVER cross Russia, just like they told the US to take a fat dump at their request to send our MiG-29M/s. What a bunch of idiots they think we are.

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 32 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  Gomig-21 Mon Jun 12, 2023 2:59 am

    Isos wrote:
    Whatever you say, too long to rear and I just got up. I'll read it later. But according to a viable source, there are 17 Su-35S in hangers in Cairo West airport ATM. take it for what it is worth

    I would love to see that.

    Anyway if Egypt is as strong as you pretend thry wouldn't hide such thing.

    Who are they afraid of ?

    You head the Russian boasting that it was the EGY pilots who didn't know how to fight the ISraeli in air and showed them how its done only to lose all 5 MiG-21s HAHAHAHAHA what a joke!

    Same with chief of staff the great Shazly told the Russian some minor improvement of the sagger units to make them better only to get scolded "we indented those things and we know bets who are you to tell us? Who am I, Shazli said, we operated them and found their shortcoming so shut the **** up!

    You say that but we don't really have any actual evidence to support or refute that claim.

    Yeah some pilots were over confident.

    Yom Kipur was in 1973. Sagger missiles destroyed 800 israeli tanks and vehicles. In 1970 they already had the 9K111 Fagot and the Konkurs was in design phase since 1970. Egytian had nothing to learn to the soviets. They were lucky soviets gave them, sometime for free, so many weapons.

    Today Egypt wouldn't exist. First they saved you from French and Brits during the war for the Suez canal. Then against Israeli.

    Just say thank you to them and buy whatever they present you instead of kissing US ass.

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 32 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  Gomig-21 Mon Jun 12, 2023 3:18 am

    Isos wrote:

    Yeah some pilots were over confident.

    Yom Kipur was in 1973. Sagger missiles destroyed 800 israeli tanks and vehicles. In 1970 they already had the 9K111 Fagot and the Konkurs was in design phase since 1970. Egytian had nothing to learn to the soviets. They were lucky soviets gave them, sometime for free, so many weapons.

    Today Egypt wouldn't exist. First they saved you from French and Brits during the war for the Suez canal. Then against Israeli.

    Just say thank you to them and buy whatever they present you instead of kissing US ass.


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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 32 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  Gomig-21 Mon Jun 12, 2023 3:34 am

    Gomig-21 wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:
    Isos wrote:Israeli took the advantage in Yom Kipur before SU and USA obliged a cease fire, only because of poor egyptian tactics.

    There is no anti-Egyptian rethoric. Egyptian are under the dominance of the USA. They can't do anything without their aproval  

    Russian are winning in Ukraine. They are fighting against whole nato supply system against nato fanatics that pop up like ants. What did Egyptians do to help Russia who saved them from Israel plenty of times ? Nothing. They can see how friendly Egypt is. They shouldn't spend even 1 euro for those US puppets anymore.

    Thanks god they didn't send the SU-35. Probably would end up in US hands. Iran is a much better friend and will take care of its su-35. They aren't afraid of the US.

    Apparently Egypt sent munitions/weapons to Ukraine.

    Lies are coming out of that shithole like flies and bees.  What a bunch of BULLSHIT to post.  Russia is MICH MUCH MUCH more valuable than UKRANUS and Egypt would NEVER cross Russia, just like they told the US to take a fat dump at their request to send our MiG-29M/s.  What a bunch of idiots they think we are.

    Russia is currently building one of the world
    d largest 4 stack nuclear powerplant in Dabba, Egypt.  You reall think you gonna pull that out of your ass and compromise that multi billion $ investment?  Gosh at the low IQ around here.  We know you hate us Arabs, but too bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    show me one instance where Egypt sent Ukraine as much a s a single RPG.  You folks are wacked in the head!!!  Russia is MUCH MUCH MUCH more important to Egypt and would never double cross them.  Nice try.  Egypt is neutral in this war but asking Russia to back off, they've done enough damage.

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 32 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  sepheronx Mon Jun 12, 2023 4:04 am

    Your meltdown isn't helping you.

    Even Alexander Mercorous also mentioned this.

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 32 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  GarryB Mon Jun 12, 2023 6:47 am

    ok, Gary.  note sure what is happening with the quotes.  ill try again sine I'm not finished with that isis dude.

    The quote html code works like brackets as you know so you have to check there are not extra brackets around the place causing mischief or your text will get all messed up.

    Just copy one paragraph or line of text at a time and reply to that before copying the next comment and replying to that rather than copying everything and then putting your text inside the quotes.

    Anyway if Egypt is as strong as you pretend thry wouldn't hide such thing.

    Who are they afraid of ?

    The US normally threatens to cut trade or prosecute some Egyptian businesses.... the sort of shit they pulled to get France to stop the Mistral deal which would have been very profitable for them.

    Yeah some pilots were over confident.

    Most fighter pilots are arrogant pricks... it is really part of their job description... you don't join a duelling club if you think you are second best because second best ends up dead.

    Just say thank you to them and buy whatever they present you instead of kissing US ass.

    I doubt they want Egypt to grovel at their feet, but mutual respect is a necessary thing between countries before anything else.

    Their is no big powerful country that can do as it pleases and all others who have to do as they are told.

    Egypt is a country with an awesome history, and deserves respect no matter who is talking to it, whether it be Russia or the US or New Zealand, but that respect must be neutral mutual... no one got a free ride.


    When you cut and paste things around in your reply I think the quote html is getting mixed up so things that are not quotes become quotes and things that are appear to be by other people.

    Can I suggest instead of quoting an entire post and then putting comments into it that you just quote lines or paragraphs at a time.

    There is no anti-Egyptian rethoric. Egyptian are under the dominance of the USA. They can't do anything without their aproval

    But France and all of Europe is free to do as it pleases....    Twisted Evil

    What did Egyptians do to help Russia who saved them from Israel plenty of times ? Nothing. They can see how friendly Egypt is.

    Russia does not need Egypt to send weapons or money or verbally support them... Russia does not like war either and given the choice there would not be a war in the Ukraine... but there was no choice... the purpose of both Minsk agreements was peaceful settlement of the problems without any fighting but Kiev kept fighting anyway and building up its forces so it could invade. They lied to Russia and the west helped them. Russia prefers talks and negotiations but Kiev cannot be trusted, they have proven untrustworthy... as has Germany and France who pretended to want peace and really wanted Kiev to be stronger so it could take what they wanted.

    None of this is Egypts problem... they are not part of the western sanctions, which is the wests punishment for Russia doing what had to be done.

    Russia is not demanding its so called allies help them and send weapons and money to help them fight Kiev, they are not rallying BRICS or demanding sanctions against Europe despite all their bullshit creating this conflict.

    If Russia had not invaded then Kiev would have attacked on March 8th 2022 and who knows what damage they might have done and what things they might have destroyed in the hours they attacked before Russian forces could respond.

    Apparently Egypt sent munitions/weapons to Ukraine.

    So there is that....

    Until there is actual evidence of that happening then I call bullshit propaganda on that... remember the US has claimed everyone from Iran and China and North Korea has been supplying them weapons and ammo and it has all proven to be untrue.

    (Those Iranian designed drones are licence produced in Russia... they have been testing them in Syria and set up production for them in Russia before this conflict started... they will also have upgraded their navigation systems and communications systems to be compatible with Russian equipment which could not happen over night.)

    It is all the same Russia is running out of weapons BS propaganda which has been proven wrong time and time again.

    Your meltdown isn't helping you.

    El Jizz is a western propaganda site and it quotes the Washington Post for fucks sake... it couldn't be any more western propaganda bullshit if it came from Kiev.

    Even Alexander Mercorous also mentioned this.

    Quotes the Washington Post again as the source... I got a virus just visiting that news site...


    I don't know whether these guys are winding you up on purpose or they just don't get it, perhaps you might want to take a break from the forum for a couple of days... just for your health.

    I am not banning you, but making the recommendation that you ignore the idiots for a couple of days.

    Pretty sure plenty of idiots think countries are losers for folding to the US and think everyone elses country does the same... makes them feel better about their own country taking it up the arse... I mean France and Canada can hardly throw stones at Egypt, except in this case they are using rather poor information sources and running with that like it was true...

    Take it easy.

    Last edited by GarryB on Tue Jun 13, 2023 12:59 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 32 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  ahmedfire Mon Jun 12, 2023 9:49 am

    So the whole thing is about ignorance about history and quoting western think tanks cooked news

    @isos You are confirming rumors as you are in Kremlin , even Macron can't sit comfortable on Kremlin on that long table Very Happy

    I can understand that being a french for long time surrounded by western media and propaganda build up your facts about history but did you ever tried to read an Egyptian book & news which is a main part of the war or the deals with Russia ? or even reliable western sources ?  i would say definitely no .

    Even Israelis didn't say what you are saying

    Adan brigade commander :

    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 32 1captu10

    M.E Professor Gawrych :

    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 32 00capt10

    Egyptians are always grateful to the USSR & Russia for their support but ignoring the Egyptian army using this support and made all the ways to liberate it's land is something far a way from common sense , with that grateful let's dig in history .

    Sadat had already tensions with Soviets even before the war ,he wasn’t satisfy about the arms supplies by Soviets or by their interfere on the Egyptian decisions .

    USSR and U.S at 1972 agreed to calm down the ME and rejecting any wars between Arabs and Israel , and Soviets used sometimes the arms supply to achieve that purpose , Sadat visited Mosocow 4 times trying to convince them to provide more arms . Two days before the war , Brezhnev sent a clear message to Sadat not to start a war with Israel .Algerian president that time after his visit to USSR , said that Soviets need Sadat to be defeated , may be he exaggerated but for sure he didn't find that full support. Sadat asked all soviets experts before the war to leave Egypt , so  the guy already had many tensions with USSR and there was no any condition from US to enforce Egypt to cut relations with USSR .

    During the war itself , Israel has received plenty and tons of new weapons from aircrafts ,ATGMs ( 90% of US army TOW stock ) ,Tanks , Jamming devices , smart bombs , ECMs , drones ..etc

    On the other side Egypt received nothing during the war , only at the end we received Arab's and USSR tanks which wasn't involved on the war , technically this is considered as a double failure for IDF where they can't force the Egyptians to go back to 5-Oct lines . USSR threats were mainly a respond on kissinger who was trying to deceive it's deal with USSR to respect the UN ceasefire decision , supplying intensively Israel with all type of weapons to return 5th-Oct lines but this was countered by US DEFCON 3 .

    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 32 202cap10

    There is no anti-Egyptian rethoric. Egyptian are under the dominance of the USA. They can't do anything without their aproval

    At least Egypt is trying to cut that influence and still buying plenty of Russian hardware and making plenty of economy deals , but let's see what France will do regarding the US putting it's fingers on France As*.

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 32 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  Isos Mon Jun 12, 2023 2:25 pm

    After the Camp David, Egypt became a US dogs (don't take it perso. but like we say in french I call a cat a cat.). They never helped vack Russia for all its support. And like it or not without USSR help you would be a colony of Israel right now.

    Sisi is trying to cut those ties but he mostly switching for european hardware than russian and still buy the most from the US. Mig-29 are good but not enough.

    Russia should never help Egypt again. You want su-35 or mig-35 ? Ok give money and here they are. You want support against Israel because soon Israel will need more strategical depth and will have to take the Sinai to counter Iran + proxies meanwhile some revolution start in the same time in Egypt ? No way. You didn't help against nazi ukraine they should never help you against Israel. Maybe you will get a vote in favor of stoping the war at the UN at best.

    Same for any of those countries that have the same atitude as Egypt concerning this war like China or any other. A big "**** off" for any issue and just business if you want to pay in time.

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 32 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  Arkanghelsk Mon Jun 12, 2023 3:01 pm

    @Isos, I agree with you it's not ideal situation-

    But Libya was a failure for Russia, and it cannot happen again -

    Egypt must be supported, precisely because of the Suez situation, and the need to maintain access to red sea / Indian Ocean, as well Port Sudan is a focus of Russian Navy

    Will Russia have good enough ties with Israel to maintain unrestricted access - IF Israel conquers the Sinai?

    That was the whole point of Syrian aid, and although Russia was late to Libya, Wagner is trying to correct the mistakes there -

    In any case, no matter what Egypt does, other partners also trade with US or buy other equipment, like Indians and Pakistani- and Russia maintains economic ties with both states

    Egypt is the only strong partner in this region, which helps to check Turks at Cyprus, and which has a final word on Libya and Suez

    Russia has to maintain stability in the region, or risk being ousted completely from the Mediterranean

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 32 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  Gomig-21 Mon Jun 12, 2023 3:34 pm

    "A lap dog"?  For peace and restoring and get vital Suez canal functioning to earn money and getingt the country back in order you are a warmonger with no clue as far as waging war all the time without the livelihood of people's lives.  You're a wanna be tough guy but more like a buffoon who hates the Su-35S acquisition which we don't really know what's up with that yet.  

    I'd like you see you make such decisions hahaha what a joke-you are a Egypt hater despite all the Russian weapons we have.  The irony,

    Oh, were are the pilots training for the F-15s and when are they coming?  NEVER! take that to the bank.

    Even your Wagnwer clowns took 20,000 casualties fighting fore Bakhmut couldn't take Sinai you delusional fly by night.  Remember Afghanistan?  Never forget that shameful withdrawal.

    PS nothing is directed at all the Russian and others on this post, just this delusional guy.

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 32 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  sepheronx Mon Jun 12, 2023 4:14 pm

    Gomig-21 wrote:"A lap dog"?  For peace and restoring and get vital Suez canal functioning to earn money and getingt the country back in order you are a warmonger with no clue as far as waging war all the time without the livelihood of people's lives.  You're a wanna be tough guy but more like a buffoon who hates the Su-35S acquisition which we don't really know what's up with that yet.  

    I'd like you see you make such decisions hahaha  what a joke-you are a Egypt hater despite all the Russian weapons we have.  The irony,

    Oh, were are the pilots training for the F-15s and when are they coming?  NEVER! take that to the bank.

    Even your Wagnwer clowns took 20,000 casualties fighting fore Bakhmut couldn't take Sinai you delusional fly by night.  Remember Afghanistan?  Never forget that shameful withdrawal.

    PS nothing is directed at all the Russian and others on this post, just this delusional guy.

    20K former convicts against NATO trained and equipped enemy in far greater numbers (and casaulties).

    What's Egypt excuse since they were trained military men and not convicts?

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 32 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  Isos Mon Jun 12, 2023 5:51 pm

    I'm not a egypt hater.

    I'm just bring honest. Egypt was saved plenty of times by Russia and now they are such pussies thry can't accept 20 fighters because of the US, let alone supporting Russia against nazi.

    Concerning the Suez they have total monopoly over it and no one can take it back, at least as long as Russia support you.

    Without Russia you will have a colorful revolution with a gay puppet as a president and Israel would take the Sinai.

    Most of your weapons are from Western origins specially munitions. If they create an embargo you will be left with no hardware. That's the reality.

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 32 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  ahmedfire Mon Jun 12, 2023 9:22 pm

    Isos wrote:After the Camp David, Egypt became a US dogs (don't take it perso. but like we say in french I call a cat a cat.). They never helped vack Russia for all its support. And like it or not without USSR help you would be a colony of Israel right now.

    Sisi is trying to cut those ties but he mostly switching for european hardware than russian and still buy the most from the US. Mig-29 are good but not enough.

    Russia should never help Egypt again. You want su-35 or mig-35 ? Ok give money and here they are. You want support against Israel because soon Israel will need more strategical depth and will have to take the Sinai to counter Iran + proxies meanwhile some revolution start in the same time in Egypt ? No way. You didn't help against nazi ukraine they should never help you against Israel. Maybe you will get a vote in favor of stoping the war at the UN at best.

    Same for any of those countries that have the same atitude as Egypt concerning this war like China or any other. A big "**** off" for any issue and just business if you want to pay in time.

    Well nothing Personal because expressing feelings or opinions doesn’t make it facts .

    You want to apply the western views , if you are not with me then you are against me .

    Russia doesn’t need Egypt’s help , those rumors came from western media that trying to show Russia as a weak power searching for support here and there and will collapse soon , just forget about western media for a moment .

    What I’m seeing here is a zero politics from you , see the world doesn’t work like that narrow views. USSR or Russia are superpowers , they have all necessary tools to take global decisions , they can come to Syria to save it and they can send weapons to Egypt or go to Ukraine without direct threat of west intervention .

    You need Egypt to act like USSR or Russia , that’s fine but you have to give the necessary tools first , otherwise you are putting that country in a serious risk which is not necessary for that moment and could be avoided .

    Do you think Algeria should send weapons and army to Russia now ? Algerian weapons are almost Russian , so I guess this will be more reliable right ?  NOO it would be a mistake as the west will put full support to Morroco ,sanctions on Algeria , they could even send back the Algerian people from EU ( Politicians in EU now have a Nazi mind ) .

    So let’s say Egypt and Algeria did it and sent weapons and men to Russia , then they were targeted economically and maybe military ( small propability ) , so now Russia would have the responsibility to stand with both countries economically and military !

    Do you think Russia needs that ? lets say 3 more African countries did the same , now Russia should help 5 countries !
    Fortunately the Russian diplomats know these views which are A B in politics , they have a wider view for the world .

    Egypt shouldn’t send weapons to show it’s grateful to Russia , what Russia needs from Egypt is to not follow the western sanctions or western propaganda .

    And like it or not without USSR help you would be a colony of Israel right now.

    Israel has no capacity to hold a big country like Egypt , they even couldn’t save their ports from Egyptian Frogmen attacks , Eilat port alone received three attacks in a short period , Egyptian navy completely closed the red sea which stopped the oil cargos from Iran to Israel that time , 80% of Israeli trade was threaten in the Mediterranean ., they were completely maneuvered on the intelligence field , do you know anything about agranat commission ?

    Israel didn’t know the actual security until Camp David.

    Last edited by ahmedfire on Sat Aug 12, 2023 11:25 am; edited 3 times in total

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 32 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  Gomig-21 Tue Jun 13, 2023 4:31 am

    How many Russian equipment is in Egypt? Countless and what does that tell you. Sadat'52-21s expelling was a ply to fake the Jews, simple as that. Russia and Egypt are friends not with Ka52a. MiGs, all sort anti-aircraft rocket and much, much more. Tell me that isn't by gone be by gons?

    And yes, you are a hater who will take it to the grave!

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 32 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  Isos Tue Jun 13, 2023 8:44 am

    Since the caatsa threats Egypt buys nothing from Russia. And it doesn't even support it at the UN. So much for a friend...

    Worst  they keep buying nato weapons that are useless in any war. Why ? Because Egypt is very likely going to face nato weapons handed by nato or friends in any war. It's not china or russia that could attack you. Those european or US weapobs will be useless against them.

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 32 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  GarryB Tue Jun 13, 2023 1:18 pm

    International trade ties are complex and the US leads the western world so problems with the US will effect most countries and most countries cannot just ignore the west.

    Egypt has bought Russian military products, we know that.

    They seem to have bought Su-35s but may or may not have accepted delivery of them for what ever reasons they might have.

    Russia appears to have made aircraft for Egypt and whether they get delivered or not is really between Egypt and Russia.

    Unsubstantiated claims that Egypt is supplying weapons to the US or Kiev are just that... unsubstantiated.

    So far Egypt has done nothing wrong, they may have bought Russian fighters, maybe not.

    Delivery or not is nothing to get excited about.

    The world order is changing and Egypt has not joined western sanctions against Russia... AFAIK Russia is currently in talks to build lots of different things in Egypt, and relations between Russia and Egypt seem to me to be rather good.

    Those demanding countries kiss another countries feet for "saving them" is absolutely hilarious... whether anyone agrees or not regarding the USSR and Egypt and Israels history... lets talk to the Russian officials invited to WWII commemorations in France, or in any EU country.... what... they weren't invited?

    So who is telling whom about being grateful for past sacrifices?

    I would think 30 million dead should be worth an invite or even a mention in the credits... but apparently not...

    Egypt has its whole future ahead of it and disentangling its economy from the US and the west shouldn't be done abruptly and violently... the US is focussed on Russia and Iran and China... no need to show red underpants to the colour blind raging bull in the fine china shop.

    Don't be a hero, keep your head down and do things for Egyptians and Egypt... I am confident that BRICS and Russia and China and even Iran and Iraq and Syria offer a more stable prosperous future for Egypt than the US and Europe have ever promised before let alone been able to deliver.

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 32 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  Arkanghelsk Tue Jun 13, 2023 9:17 pm

    @isos, Pakistan sends weapons to Ukraine, and Russia sells them oil

    Russia cannot act like the US, it must carefully balance its relations, because of the circumstances

    If Russia completely breaks with Egypt, then Egypt will be subjugated even more and it would hurt Russia to lose access to Suez, if US gains complete control over Cairo

    Russia for sure does not rely on the support of any state, but must be careful to not make overt enemies out of anyone

    That's why Russian diplomacy is so important, it cannot simply tell other states to go screw themselves

    When France canceled Mistrals and gave them to Egypt, Russia still wanted relations with France and still deals with France in whatever reduced capacity exists

    But it is not Russias choice, but France which decided to sanction Russia and weaponize the Ukrainians

    But Russia does know how to respond at the time and place of its choosing, and early ending of Barkhane was definitely a part of that response


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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 32 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  Isos Tue Jun 13, 2023 11:25 pm

    Pakistan isn't a friendly country anyway. They just make business.

    They should have the same relation with Egypt. This for that.

    And once west start a colorful revolution there, let them deal with it alone or with the chinese. They brag so much that China is a superpower so let them counter nato themselves. Nato tells everyone China is an enemy and should be countered by any mean. Control of the Suez canal by western or their puppet will hurt more China.

    Concerning closing it to the Russians, Russia can easily support Israel to annexe the Sinai and control the canal. It's not like the US would move a finger to stop that.

    Israel is more friendly to Russia than Egypt. We just saw that in Ukraine crisis. Even the israeli told the ukro to **** off when asking for weapons.

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    Post  GarryB Wed Jun 14, 2023 3:02 am

    Israel is a friend of no one and will sink US ships if they think they are finding out things Israel does not want them to know.

    Israel can't even cooperate properly in Syria with Russia, Russia has no reason to seize the canal... Suez or Panama.

    The Russian Northern Sea route is actually direct competition to the Suez canal between Europe and Asia... blocking any canal will just make alternative routes more viable and more attractive.

    Just the same as currency manipulation by the US is just weakening the US dollar and making alternatives for it more important for everyone.

    Israel wants to control and fight everyone... perhaps low self esteem, or maybe the people in power are just colonial bastards like those in power in the US/West.

    What they are doing to the Palestinians is not about survival of the Jewish state... and the way they ignore borders and soverignty... well how can they expect others to respect their rights and interests if they ignore everyone elses... and the same goes for the US and the west.

    During Covid which effected the world the US and the west bought up all the medical supplies and vaccines and hoarded them for themselves... a large percentage going to waste for various reasons.

    Currently there is something going in the Ukraine, which really doesn't effect anyone outside of Europe directly, but western sanctions on Russia has been effecting energy and food prices and availability but the west demands this to be the most important thing for everyone around the world and you must pick the right side and support Kiev and not Russia or you are going to get western sanctions too.

    No wonder the rest of the world is sick of the US and the west in general...

    Russia doesn't want or need to be enemies with anyone... they will trade with Saudi Arabia and Afghanistan and Iran and Pakistan... countries that have traditionally not be friends with Russia or the Soviet Union... Ironic really because during WWII and even WWI the Soviets and Russia respectively were on the same side as the US and UK and France... I was going to say the same side as the west but the west includes Japan and Germany now so that would not be accurate.

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    Post  sepheronx Wed Jun 14, 2023 4:18 am

    Gomig-21 wrote:How many Russian equipment is in Egypt?  Countless and what does that tell you.  Sadat'52-21s expelling was a ply to fake the Jews, simple as that.  Russia and Egypt are friends not with Ka52a. MiGs, all sort anti-aircraft rocket and much, much more.  Tell me that isn't by gone be by gons?

    And yes, you are a hater who will take it to the grave!

    That was all before the Ukrainian crisis. As soon as this happened, Egypt folded much like others. I know, Egypt needs to follow through with what US demands, but it also proves it isn't sovereign. Most weapon purchases are from the west. Egypt doesn't have Su-35's. They refused by being strong armed by US. Instead those are going to Iran instead.

    Maybe after conflict Egypt will try to get new deals with Russia but even if Ukraine ordeal ends in Russias favor, the west will upkeep sanctions on Russia and strong arm Egypt and others. It's entirely up to Egypt to say no and continue deals with Russia. But currently that isn't the case. Maybe in near future Egypt could tell its people they can't upkeep the relations with the west as it isn't profitable or viable. I believe the Egyptian people will go for dumping western "support" much like Saudi Arabia is doing

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    Post  ahmedfire Thu Jun 15, 2023 10:57 am

    Isos wrote:Pakistan isn't a friendly country anyway. They just make business.

    They should have the same relation with Egypt. This for that.

    And once west start a colorful revolution there, let them deal with it alone or with the chinese. They brag so much that China is a superpower so let them counter nato themselves. Nato tells everyone China is an enemy and should be countered by any mean. Control of the Suez canal by western or their puppet will hurt more China.

    Concerning closing it to the Russians, Russia can easily support Israel to annexe the Sinai and control the canal. It's not like the US would move a finger to stop that.

    Israel is more friendly to Russia than Egypt. We just saw that in Ukraine crisis. Even the israeli told the ukro to **** off when asking for weapons.

    So your scenario here is that Egypt didn't receive the SU-35 after US pressure , then tensions will come between Russia and Egypt , then Russia could support Israel to annex Sinai so that Egypt can't block it against Russian ships ?

    Sorry but are you high or something ? because no one on the whole world could introduce such scenario , do you think the canal will be opened if it annexed by Israel ? i mean the shelling and war of attrition will close it , right ? and where is the global situation from your scenario , i mean where are Arabs , US or China and the most important where is Egypt ?!! , war is not that easy even if you have a superior power .

    In first, Israel said to authorize sale of defensive military equipment to Ukraine

    Actually you are denying the official declared news from Israel , on the other side you are confirming the rumors regarding the Su-35 , totally nonsense .

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    Post  Gomig-21 Sat Jul 15, 2023 6:44 am

    GarryB wrote:


    I don't know whether these guys are winding you up on purpose or they just don't get it, perhaps you might want to take a break from the forum for a couple of days... just for your health.

    I am not banning you, but making the recommendation that you ignore the idiots for a couple of days.

    Pretty sure plenty of idiots think countries are losers for folding to the US and think everyone elses country does the same... makes them feel better about their own country taking it up the arse... I mean France and Canada can hardly throw stones at Egypt, except in this case they are using rather poor information sources and running with that like it was true...

    Take it easy.

    I will, my friend.  Sorry if I got a little punchy there with Isos for a little bit.  His posts were basically what was in his saliva that just drooled onto his rants and supposed posts.  It's very clear he doesn't have a grasp on the volatile situation that is the Arab/Israeli conflicts especially Egypt vs Israel and just sees the outside picture when there is SO MUCH more involved especially the political aspects to the sensitive situations triggered by all sides.

    I could've easily countered every point he brought up, but his response would've been the same" Egypt pussied out, Egypt is a lap dog blah blah blah" almost like arguing with a youngling.

    At any rate, if you browse through this great thread and see how many posts and pics Amehfire and myself posted of eventual Su-35SEs that were so excited and ready for delivery and how thrilling it were they were coming until that US GADDAM US PIGGLY general donkey said some stupid thing about F-15s coming to Egypt and the whole world flipped inside out and upside down.  

    YES, ask any, and I mean ANY Egyptian which one of those he'd prefer, and I think you know the answer.  We're tired of the US dictating these things, but the alternative is NOT PUSSYING out in such an ignoramus manner!  But to be VERY careful when working both sides, and that is what Sisi and Egypt are doing ATM.  Diplomacy is half the battle, not wussification!!!

    On the other hand, the US/Egyptian relationship is equally important if not more, the sad reality and if the US threatens sanctions on a country like Egypt that surely does depend on a lot of US goods, cooler heads MUST prevail over forum weekend warriors, or it will not be pretty at the homeland.  Something he obviously doesn't understand whatsoever.

    But who's to say those beauties are in Iran anyway?  Got any proof of anything of the sort, Isos?  Or are you just talking out of your behind just to aggravate people?  If it's the latter, so what!?!?!  Big friggin deal!  Does that mean there will never be another try at more Russian aircraft and maybe even BETTER than the Su35S like the Su-57 or Checkmate once Sisi and co. complete talks with the US and agree that since we don't want the outdated F-15, we will go for Russian state of the art stealth aircraft and NO ONE is more diplomatic at dealing with such affairs than President Sisi.

    I mentioned this a few pages back that the Egyptian Air Force Chief met with his US counterpart to discuss the F-15 they would supply and get this you'll laugh your ass off -  the stipulations from the Americans were they had to be based strictly in Cairo West Airport (probably so Israel can bomb them easily hahaha what a clownish moron) and laid out special flight patterns the Egyptian pilots were only allowed to fly in and several other ridiculous stipulations on the engine powers etc. to the point where the EAF commander got up from his seat and that last thing he said before walking out is that our MiG-29M/M2s are FAR BETTER than these lousy F-15s you're thinking of selling to us and out the door he went!!!!!  How's that for loyalty to the great nation of Russia, ISOS!

    And Isos, you still think "lap dog" after that have you seen any watered-down F-15 bitches arrived yet in 2 years? not any EAF pilots training at Red Flag?  mmm........interesting, isn't it? This wasn't a ruf ruf, but a ROAR ROAR cussomak!  @Ahmedfire would understand that geared at the Americans thinking they can buy us cheap!

    Do yourself a favor and go to Wiki just for a small sample of the PLETHORA of Soviet and Russian Federation equipment that exist in the Egyptian military arsenal.  S-300V4, TOR & BUK deadly medium range Anti-aircraft missiles, SPG-9, RPG-9 by the trillions, Konkurs, licensed saggers, Iglas, strella, flame-throwers BTR50, a huge stock of SCUDs as well as a huge fleet 50 LETHAL and I mean LETHAL KA-52 with hopefully another order of 46 Ka-52 Katrans for the Mistrals. Then there is a couple of squadrons of AN-72 CARGO AC and of course, the veritable Mi-17 that nearly killed the only-eye bandit POS Mosh Dayan as he was crying in fear the arrogant coward. They missed a hand -thrown shell on top of hi s bald head by meters the guy went into shock lmaooooo! Love it. Of course, we have zillions of Mi-17 helicopters and more to come and Antonov the only 2 stretch versions in the world are in Egypt we bought from Gordan of course........ we still have 50 MiG-29M/Mw with an eventual a buildup of 100 fighters that are destined to number at least 100 eventually and I can go on forever.  So please do me the respect of cutting out the pussy talk.  

    And one more thing, if you think we could've opened the Suez Canal during the war from 1967-73, then you are even more ignorant about that war than even I thought.  No insult intended but do you think a taker would travel the narrow canal with two fighting partiedon each shore!?!?! Think a bit before you comment, please. And read a bit more about that war to give you a better perspective so you can learn the truth.  

    I'm still waiting for an IRANIAN Su-35S that was built for Egypt......cheers and you are entitled to your opinion despise its ludicrousness about Egypt for what you think was treachery with the MiG-23 and moving to the western block after 1973, but the backdoor communication channels were ALWAYS open between the Soviet Union and Egypt.  Sadat might not have been the military genius that Saad El Din Al Shazly was, but he was one of the greatest politicians of his time.

    Last edited by Gomig-21 on Sat Jul 15, 2023 1:45 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Egyptian Air Force (EAF) - Page 32 Empty Re: Egyptian Air Force (EAF)

    Post  TMA1 Sat Jul 15, 2023 10:37 am

    Yeah Gomig-21 you always make great posts. Dont let the jerks get you down.

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    Post  Gomig-21 Sat Jul 15, 2023 1:50 pm

    TMA1 wrote:Yeah Gomig-21 you always make great posts. Dont let the jerks get you down.

    Thanks TMA1 and Gary.  Just for you, I really which they would bring a stealthy version of my ultimately favorite fighter on the face of this planet and what a hit it would splash and sell and reverberate around the world!

    Look at this phenomenal BEAUTY!!!

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