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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5


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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5 - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5

    Post  Werewolf Fri Sep 02, 2022 12:12 pm

    Also killing the old or preventing them from living through the retirement age is good for the government as they don't need to pay any pensions nor invest to much in health care and infrastructure for that field. Most affected are the old, the sick and the fat, which all are big burden financially wise for health care and taxes. How often have the exact same philanthropist multi-billionaires talked about vaccines, invested in them or even being main force in research and development. I don't want to repeat the names as there is certainly an algorithm watching out for such stuff, but we all have heard and seen testimonies by such evil people what their plan is. They admit it with euphemisms, but they admit it. We can see how throughout much control the entire Western hemisphere is under by Washington and their elites.

    All these mechanisms are developed to reduce the human population. One technology or method alone will not convince all or a significant amount of people to prevent them from having babies or to volunteer to step into the grave. However, combine all these methods and different fields and you will a constantly reducing population. Then, just wait for 3 generations and you have half the population.

    There is a good reason why in western countries feminism and all the byproducts have been flourishing. Everything that is against family traditions, development or healthy in social terms is being attacked by the media. Feminism is openly spreading hate and false accusations against mean, which affects how men are more cautious with women, having less relationships, having sex much later in life then their ancestors. Consumerism of pornography is also playing a big role as the urge to find a woman for relationship, sex, family and marriage is dumped down by the instant relief of sexual tensions by consuming pron and wanking to it. The Japanese have the the most dramatic situation for young males since sex and pornography in soft and hardcore is everywhere even on basic TV. The feminization of young men is also not desirable for women. Who wants a sissy male who looks like idols created in K-Pop bands?
    Laws created to frame the most dumb shit as rape where no normal person would agree on. In some countries you need to ask permission for every movement you do towards a women or through out intercourse to assure she is still on the "Yes" terms of your sexual intercourse. At the end she always can say he raped her and many times there are no proofs needed. In such environments many young men just go out either hating women (incels) or refuse relationships.

    Some decades ago, the productivity and payment were on the good side despite no globalization and cheap labour abuse by western powers of asians. One family father could take care of family of 5, buy a house, car and have enough money for vacation. Today most women have to work just to break even by the end of the month, not even talking about the ones that are falling to poverty.

    By Media lynch mobs attack on all traditions, all what is considered healthy and beneficial for the human race being shit on and prosecuted for. Do you really believe in a sane society psychos and sick people would be praised like all the LGBTQ trannies, feminazis, race baiters, feminine men, masculine women and whatever sickos are running around.

    Even if every of these groups has an decreasing affect on the human population or prevention of having offspring than it is already a positive thing for the globalists.

    Just deduct from the total people who would be ready to have a family and raise children. (2.1 kids ratio to have a non reducing population)

    LGBTQ              -0.05%
    Hostile Dating    - 0.5%                                    
    Feminism          - 1.5%
    feminine men               -2%
    Lower income               -5%
    Prosecution white men  -3%
    Vaccines (Covid)           -X%
    Busulfan in meat (fertility rate drop)  -2%
    Fast food & chemicals in food -3%
    Dangerous society by immigrants -5%
    Women in working place (higher testosterone) -2%      Women with higher testosterone have been proven to reach menopause earlier or getting issues with ovulating.

    I could keep on making examples. But the fact is all that shit is contra family, reproduction and healthy relationships. All these mechanism have only small affect but when you have to sustain the population by having statistically 2 kids per family and already some will not have kids at all, that means you have depopulation of a society. That are the reasons why western societies are getting depopulated.
    If a government really wanted the good for its people than it would have better laws and financial support for families like in Russia. Money/Voucher of 10.000 USD for the first child and 5600 USD for the second and 2700 USD for the third child. Having better interest conditions for young families to buy an apartment or build a house. Having not so lousy laws to make it as easy and financially attrative as possible for women to leave the family. In western countries women literally get all the benefits if a relationship is not working out and have a financial benefit of leaving the current relationship without any care in the world.
    Where are the laws to protect families and children from the psychos? You want your kids to develop healthy? **** you, here some LGBTQ dick to your kids face in Kindergarden. You judge a 7 foot man who likes dresses and 2kg make up? How about we take your kids away!?

    Read the CIA report "prophecy" on asylum seekers in europe reducing the indogene population. They "predicted" the asylum seekers flooding the European Union. If we didn't know about the campaigns by NGO's and governments handing out flyers in those poor countries where to go, what they would get and who would help them, then there wouldn't be a flood of Asylum seekers to Germany, Italy, UK and other countries with socialistic systems to support economic asylum seekers.

    PS: Sorry for this shit long post, but I don't think that you can ignore all that and pretend the globalists have no global plan for what they believe is the best for all of us. The percentage numbers are just an example, nobody knows exact numbers but we have statistics that are showing how our society is degrading in fertility or openness to relationships and raising a family.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5 - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5

    Post  kvs Fri Sep 02, 2022 12:53 pm

    Migrants are exactly a tool to keep the population distracted and not likely to attack the criminal elites. LGBTXYZ is part of the same mass distraction.
    Breaking up the family and values established by thousands of years of life experience is an obvious effort do degrade the masses and make them
    easier to manage. The elites are perpetually insecure.

    The covid vaccines have succeeded in dropping fertility. The birth rate has dropped in countries with high vax rates.

    We are under attack and most are still not clued into this fact.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5 - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5

    Post  kvs Fri Sep 02, 2022 6:28 pm

    The f*ckers are not even trying to hide it anymore. No human testing and the now totally unjustified "emergency use authorization" red tape.

    The pet politicians of these slime will of course be pumping out new mandates soon. Remember the winter of death and misery promised by
    Biden last year, he will just repeat the same BS this year.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5 - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5

    Post  kvs Sat Sep 10, 2022 4:42 am

    Note how the various vax-rape regimes never ask if an individual has gotten sick with any strain of covid-19. All that matters to
    the mandate faggots is that individuals get injected twice with several trillion allergen proteins that disperse through their vascular and lymphatic

    This is proof that the vaccination is malicious abuse and not any sort of medicine. Nobody who has gotten sick with covid-19 needs
    any vaccine. The immune system will not learn how to make antibodies from this vaccine since it has already learned how to make them
    from exposure to the live virus. This utterly defeats the point of vaccination. The only thing that is left is the negative side effects from
    the vaccine such as from the adjuvant (polyethylene glycol for the Pfizer and Moderna concoctions) and from the allergenic spike protein.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5 - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5

    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Sat Sep 10, 2022 11:45 am

    I know that for many people it has been different and last year we lost also a relative (an aunt of my wife) because of COVID. Unfortunately she ignored the first symptoms and continued to strain herself with job for a couple of days before traveling for many hours in a car. When she arrived at her destination she was already sick. After a few days she was admitted in the hospital but the situation got worse. She fought for several weeks but I fear the situation was almost intentionally let get worse from the hospital personnel. Furthermore lack of contact with her family because of COVID rules made her lose strenght to fight.

    I am sure that the hospital had a huge responsibility in her death.

    Now the situation is easier, also because the current COVID strain is milder.  

    I got COVID myself 3 weeks ago (probably because of my kids in kindergarten) and i felt not good (tired and with classical flue symptoms like light headache and some muscle pain) for about a day.

    My family doctor was only interested in asking me if I was vaccinated and when I told him no, he tried to convince me to book one of the new variant vaccines coming in September. Now doctors are worst then the drug dealers you find in Kottbusser Tor metro station.

    I ignored him and under guidance of a trusty doctor from Italy I started the protocol from the institute Mario Negri

    Here some info in Italian

    This protocol has been used also with the worst strains of COVID last year and has been proven effective, as long as you start soon.
    (And mostly it is based on vitamin supplements and classical flu medicaments that doctors used to prescrive Patients in the pre- COVID era.

    Unfortunately it was not widely used in Italy either, otherwise many more people could have been saved, instead of pushing everyone to get vaxxed and telling people that got infected to only take paracetamol and wait.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5 - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5

    Post  kvs Sat Sep 10, 2022 4:05 pm

    Many people could have been saved with large vitamin D doses and "sugar starvation" (no sugar and very low carb food intake).
    This has been demonstrated to boost the immune system since people in developed countries are vitamin D deficient from very little
    direct skin exposure to sun light. The sugar overload diet that is considered normal also drives low grade inflammation that skews
    the function of the immune system and downgrades the adaptive component.

    Most elderly have metabolic syndrome (heart disease, diabetes, cognitive decline and likely also cancer) which disrupts the function
    of the immune system. Their experience with covid-19 has no relevance for healthy people who are younger. That has not stopped
    the clown regimes around the world from pushing vaccines like crack. Vaccines are not cures. The immune system does all the work
    and clearly no vaccine can save people with essentially broken immune systems.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5 - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5

    Post  kvs Sun Sep 11, 2022 11:43 pm

    Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccines were associated with an excess risk of serious adverse events of special interest of 10.1 and 15.1 per 10,000 vaccinated over placebo baselines of 17.6 and 42.2 (95 % CI −0.4 to 20.6 and −3.6 to 33.Cool, respectively. Combined, the mRNA vaccines were associated with an excess risk of serious adverse events of special interest of 12.5 per 10,000 vaccinated (95 % CI 2.1 to 22.9); risk ratio 1.43 (95 % CI 1.07 to 1.92). The Pfizer trial exhibited a 36 % higher risk of serious adverse events in the vaccine group; risk difference 18.0 per 10,000 vaccinated (95 % CI 1.2 to 34.9); risk ratio 1.36 (95 % CI 1.02 to 1.83). The Moderna trial exhibited a 6 % higher risk of serious adverse events in the vaccine group: risk difference 7.1 per 10,000 (95 % CI –23.2 to 37.4); risk ratio 1.06 (95 % CI 0.84 to 1.33). Combined, there was a 16 % higher risk of serious adverse events in mRNA vaccine recipients: risk difference 13.2 (95 % CI −3.2 to 29.6); risk ratio 1.16 (95 % CI 0.97 to 1.39).

    A few in a million, right?

    That famous western freedom where you should get a second opinion from another doctor. More like obey Big Brother or
    be turned into a pauper or go to jail for thought crime.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5 - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5

    Post  kvs Mon Sep 12, 2022 8:29 am

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5 - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5

    Post  kvs Tue Sep 13, 2022 11:33 am

    Not to rag on the narrator of the video, but why would anyone expect that boosted individuals would not be going to hospitals?
    All the boosters are Alpha strain and not Omicron. The vaxxing has been shown to suppress the immune system since it is
    applied too quickly in succession. There should be six months between the first and second dose and not three weeks.

    The whole take your booster push is not based on any "science". It is a government, corrupted by Big Pharma whores, edict.
    No vaccine and no matter how much you inject it can fix your immune system if it is broken by other problems. As I have to
    keep repeating, vaccines are not cures. The immune system is the cure.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5 - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5

    Post  kvs Thu Sep 15, 2022 11:59 am

    Get your booster and go to hospital.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5 - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5

    Post  Mir Thu Sep 15, 2022 7:05 pm

    Once again no big surprises here unless you were spoon fed and gobbled it all up without even chewing.  Laughing

    US impeded independent research into Covid origins – Lancet

    The US has prevented independent research into the origins of the virus that has provoked the global Covid-19 pandemic, a report by the Lancet Commission has said. The American authorities barred the researchers from accessing relevant laboratories and refused to disclose full information on the US studies of the virus and potentially its gene manipulation, the document published in the British medical journal on Wednesday said.

    “Independent researchers have not yet investigated the US laboratories engaged in the laboratory manipulation of SARS-CoV-like viruses,” the report said while discussing the potential origins of the Covid-19 infection. Nor had they gained access to the research conducted at the Wuhan laboratory, which has been considered a possible place where the disease might have originated, the document added.

    The US National Institutes of Health (NIH) also “resisted disclosing the details” of the research conducted in America on SARS-CoV-related viruses, which the US government agency has been supporting, according to the report. Eventually, only an “extensively redacted” version of the relevant data was provided, the document said, adding that it contains only as much information that was required by the Freedom of Information act lawsuits.

    The lack of the needed data on the virus origins still prevents the researchers from determining the origin of the virus, the paper admits, adding that virtually any hypothesis in this field remains plausible. In particular, it said that “two main possible pathways” of its emergence should still be considered: a natural spillover event, in which a person contracted it from an animal, and a “research-related” incident.

    The second pathway particularly suggests that a researcher could have become “infected in the field or in the laboratory with a natural virus, or … in the laboratory with a genetically manipulated virus,” the document said.

    “The search for the origins of the virus requires unbiased, independent, transparent, and rigorous work … supported by all governments,” the report noted. Washington has so far not commented on the Lancet Commission findings.

    The exact origins of the Covid-19 virus have yet to be conclusively proven. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) stated in February 2021 that it was most likely transmitted from an animal, possibly a bat, to humans.

    Earlier in September, an Israeli study concluded that bats are likely not to blame for the Covid-19 pandemic since there is no compelling evidence proving a link between bats and the disease outbreak.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5 - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5

    Post  ALAMO Thu Sep 15, 2022 7:10 pm

    Here you have it in full version.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5 - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5

    Post  Mir Thu Sep 15, 2022 7:17 pm

    Point 9 >> (9) the failure to combat systematic disinformation;

    Which they've spread themselves on a daily basis 24/7 Laughing

    Btw the second guy mentioned is a Dr Salim - a South African funded by Gates and Soros - spewing disinformation over here.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5 - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5

    Post  ALAMO Thu Sep 15, 2022 9:08 pm

    Mir wrote:Point 9 >> (9) the failure to combat systematic disinformation;
    Which they've spread themselves on a daily basis 24/7 Laughing
    Btw the second guy mentioned is a Dr Salim - a South African funded by Gates and Soros - spewing disinformation over here.

    Well bro, I won't join your narrative, at least in a part.
    My whole family had that shit.
    The first time was before it was even announced. My wife carried that, she was sick like never for a few days.
    Lost the smell for a year+
    Half a year later, when the whale world was already running crazy, we had that again. Light symptoms.
    And in 2021, we had it again - my wife for a third time already.
    It was not much serious as the flu, but that was our case only.
    My best mate family almost lost two members. They were already seeing the rainbow bridge.
    My sister, her husband, and my niece - all went through it.
    Lost the taste, smell, and you know the most interesting post symptom?
    We are misspelling.
    While writing.
    Maybe you can check my own posts back, I have tried to correct those if possible, but you will still see tons of them with letters coming out of nowhere.
    You are writing "YES" but it is "YBS" at the end.
    I have it, my wife has, my sister has. All the same.
    Sure we can discuss the scale of the reaction, the roots of this disease, and the measures taken ... but just don't deny the existence.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5 - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5

    Post  Mir Thu Sep 15, 2022 9:47 pm

    Not denying Covid at all! Just attacking the mainstream narrative about the jabs - to me this is the scam, the hoax, the snake oil, THE BIG LIE.
    Covid itself was a small lie in that they used it as a tool to spread fear among the population so they can run for the jab and to a large extend it worked.

    Not in Africa though  Smile
    In South Africa we have the highest jab rate in Africa at 30%  Laughing
    The average in Africa is 9%. Today it was announced that South Africa must dispose of 9 million Pfizer dozes and in a week or two another 9 million J&J dozes. Lovely!

    Oh and the 30% rate in South Africa is for ONE jab only... What a Face

    My whole family also took the jabs and I can already see the effect it had on their immune system. My brother lives in England and is working in the medical field. At some stage he had to do the PCR test every single day. He got all the jabs there is and he is struggling with his health. My sister in law - same story.

    Me and my better halve - We also had covid in a light format (Omicron). We trusted our natural immune system. I am glad we did and I am very happy with my decision.

    Don't you think the jab could have caused your sudden dyslexia?

    Last edited by Mir on Thu Sep 15, 2022 9:55 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5 - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5

    Post  ALAMO Thu Sep 15, 2022 9:49 pm

    Yeah, I get that point - the whole continent should be dead by now Laughing

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5 - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5

    Post  Mir Thu Sep 15, 2022 9:54 pm

    Exactly! Rolling Eyes

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5 - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5

    Post  ALAMO Thu Sep 15, 2022 10:01 pm

    I confirm Laughing
    As a "survivor" ...
    It is a hoax.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5 - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5

    Post  JohninMK Thu Sep 15, 2022 10:09 pm

    ALAMO wrote:Yeah, I get that point - the whole continent should be dead by now Laughing

    Give it time, by next summer Europe and Europeans will be in such a bad state that a large influx of Russians tourists, not military, will be able to capture the continent. Laughing Laughing

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5 - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5

    Post  ALAMO Thu Sep 15, 2022 10:21 pm

    You are saying that as a lucky islander? Laughing

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5 - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5

    Post  GarryB Fri Sep 16, 2022 5:12 am

    Yeah, I get that point - the whole continent should be dead by now

    Except the suggestion that this is a western developed disease whose solution is a western made vaccine where the western vaccine is actually the weapon they wanted to inject into all of us seems to be the real conspiracy which is debunked by the stats of low vaccination rates in Africa.

    Surely if they want to wipe out a significant percentage of the worlds population using the combination of a manufactured virus that kills a portion of the population followed by a vaccine that allows them to weaken or even kill the rest of the unwanted they would be pumping out that vaccine and giving it away free to the third world.

    If only the western world gets the western vaccines that are poison then only the western world is wiped out... I rather doubt that would sit well to the 1% which are mostly of western origin.

    Give it time, by next summer Europe and Europeans will be in such a bad state that a large influx of Russians tourists, not military, will be able to capture the continent

    If they wait long enough they wont need to capture anything... the locals will surrender and declare it a liberation from the censored they have in charge that voting does not seem to get rid of.

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5 - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5

    Post  ALAMO Fri Sep 16, 2022 8:35 am

    Mir wrote:
    Don't you think the jab could have caused your sudden dyslexia?

    Well, IDK dunno
    We all had two jabs of Pfizer, adults only.
    And it is not dyslexia per see. Just ... letters jump in, randomly Laughing
    I know how to write something, yet it still happens.

    The strongest hint about the whole thing being a hoax was the dancing over the other-than-civilized vaccines.
    Holly shit, if we face a global pandemic, a threat for whole humankind that massacres nations on the entire planet, one does not complain for a vaccine being not politically correct, right?
    Just takes it, as many as possible, and jabs everybody around.
    What we had instead?
    A mass blocking of Russian, Chinese, and to some degree Indian ones, and an aggressive push for using the only good and approved jabs of freedom & democracy. While knowing in the process, that they are not as effective as claimed, while the Russkie one proved to be much more effective.
    It is insane. Confirms that the whole case was a business only.
    As I am not a tin foil hat conspiracy theorist, it still brings suspicion to me how the things were played.
    The disease hit the older population strongly, killing them in mass.
    Poland has different family standards to the progressive part of Europe. That means old people usually live with the young ones. There is no accumulation of them in care units. That is why we haven't faced this problem en masse, but still I can name a multiple cases where my friends lost old members of a family, one by one.
    But in Italy, especially north of Italy, where the most of nursing homes were located, it was a catastrophe.
    People were dying in thousands. I don't know any of my Italian buddies who haven't lost a family members.
    This situation was an extreme benefit for European social insurance system. Tens of thousands of pensioners just died.
    Mass printing of money that was made in a whole 2020-2021, all over the world, brought inevitable inflation. everybody knew that.
    But not the regimes?
    There was no economic collapse, just something we might call a correction - still they have announced a stimulation packages totalling 15% of the EU GDP?!? Seriously!?! Having no money, all covered with debt emission and mass money printing, even more than they just did?!?
    Holly shit!
    And who benefits the inflation, may I ask?
    Ohhh ... debt issuers?!
    Who might figure that out, oh my oh my, what an accidental coincident ...

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    Post  kvs Fri Sep 16, 2022 11:33 am

    The elderly were most likely a deliberate target. The gain of function research in Wuhan and elsewhere could easily use
    mice with induced metabolic syndrome to select for engineered strains or even species of virus with modifications. The
    spike protein was clearly selected for engineering. It is has been turned into an allergen and there is at least one patented
    protein unit that is now part of it. It is cosmically improbable for this to be random chance.

    The tag "conspiracy theory" is for morons. Every day of your human life in human society you engage in conspiracy. The
    scumbags who throw around this tag want people to think that every process in society is stochastic and that any organization
    of humans is purely by chance and that includes what they do. Fauci and pals cannot have any nefarious motives. This is
    intellectually insulting nonsense.

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    Post  GarryB Sat Sep 17, 2022 4:25 am

    A mass blocking of Russian, Chinese, and to some degree Indian ones, and an aggressive push for using the only good and approved jabs of freedom & democracy. While knowing in the process, that they are not as effective as claimed, while the Russkie one proved to be much more effective.

    Maybe it was a test to see what sort of support the west would get from the rest of the world in case of a conflict with Russia or China or both... like we are seeing now.

    Problem for the west is they believe their own bullshit and when they mistake the west for the whole world it seems Russia and China can be isolated.

    Nobody is objecting to Russian athletes from being banned from world sport, first from claims of drug cheating, despite evidence of western cheating that is ongoing, and then banning because of the current conflict in Ukraine... no other country has been banned from international sport before because of an invasion have they?

    They claim politics have no place in sport, but we see rainbow symbols and all sorts of shit at western sports... interesting it is OK to ban Russians and people from Belarus, but not men from womens sports...

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    Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5 - Page 4 Empty Re: Coronavirus pandemic 2019-20 #5

    Post  LMFS Sat Sep 17, 2022 10:42 am

    ALAMO wrote:
    Well bro, I won't join your narrative, at least in a part.
    My whole family had that shit.
    The first time was before it was even announced. My wife carried that, she was sick like never for a few days.
    Lost the smell for a year+
    Half a year later, when the whale world was already running crazy, we had that again. Light symptoms.
    And in 2021, we had it again - my wife for a third time already.
    It was not much serious as the flu, but that was our case only.
    My best mate family almost lost two members. They were already seeing the rainbow bridge.
    My sister, her husband, and my niece - all went through it.
    Lost the taste, smell, and you know the most interesting post symptom?
    We are misspelling.
    While writing.
    Maybe you can check my own posts back, I have tried to correct those if possible, but you will still see tons of them with letters coming out of nowhere.
    You are writing "YES" but it is "YBS" at the end.
    I have it, my wife has, my sister has. All the same.
    Sure we can discuss the scale of the reaction, the roots of this disease, and the measures taken ... but just don't deny the existence.

    Sorry for you and your family. As said the spike protein is a toxin with a wide spectrum of effects in the human body and neurological disorders are just some of them. No point denying the existence and effects of the virus itself, which at the end of the day is basically the same toxic material used for the much more effective (in terms of reaching the population) vaccines.

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