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    World Gold Market


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    World Gold Market Empty World Gold Market

    Post  calripson Sat Jul 09, 2022 11:20 pm

    99.99% of the world's population have no idea how the world really operates - buying into false paradigms and attributing political power to the functionaries and not the real holders of power. Misunderstandings of economics is a case in point. Logically, pundits have been touting gold as an investment for years. A seeming no brainer in a world of ever increasing fiat currency. Russia even went as far as shifting significant reserve assets to gold (although clearly not enough in retrospect). Yet gold never seems to increase in price to the extent expected. A real head scratcher in a world of "free markets". The following link explains it all and is a good primer on the subject.

    Gold is only one example of a rigged game.

    kvs, Sprut-B, LMFS and Backman like this post


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    World Gold Market Empty Re: World Gold Market

    Post  kvs Sun Jul 10, 2022 12:34 am

    World history is the history of the use of money. No king or warlord ever ruled without paying "functionaries".

    Mafias are all about money flow. Banks reflect a global mafia. The "west" and its colonial racket rest on financial
    activity. The elites in western colonies have sold their souls for filthy lucre.

    Clean politicians are rare. There is a massive disincentive to be clean and for clean politicians and even bureaucrats
    to advance in their careers. Corruption and blackmail are the dominant mode of elite and decider organization.
    The proles live in delusional bubbles maintained by narratives. When your income does not depend on knowing the
    truth, then there is no pressure to get a clue. So comfy illusions dominate. The mass media keeps the proles on the
    plantation and the mass media is a rotten entity operated by the rotten elites.

    If the majority of proles had a clue and were not such feeble minded and feeble willed saps, then the world would be
    dramatically different. Nobody would ever obey and respect some king claiming divine right. No aristocracy could claim
    superiority and privilege. Power is coercive, but submission to it is what digs the hole deeper.

    Werewolf and LMFS like this post


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    World Gold Market Empty Re: World Gold Market

    Post  Backman Sun Jul 10, 2022 2:21 am

    calripson wrote:99.99% of the world's population have no idea how the world really operates - buying into false paradigms and attributing political power to the functionaries and not the real holders of power. Misunderstandings of economics is a case in point. Logically, pundits have been touting gold as an investment for years. A seeming no brainer in a world of ever increasing fiat currency. Russia even went as far as shifting significant reserve assets to gold (although clearly not enough in retrospect). Yet gold never seems to increase in price to the extent expected. A real head scratcher in a world of "free markets". The following link explains it all and is a good primer on the subject.

    Gold is only one example of a rigged game.

    So the topic is gold. You should change the header

    I am a substantial owner of physical gold myself. I've been sitting on a lot of it for 10+ years. I agree with your sentiment. Its insane how gold just drifts to nowhere all of these years while they commit the greatest monetary sins in human history.

    The gold "market" is the biggest scam ever. But even that doesn't fully explain it. I think this has been a fluke. Just a one in a million freak event. Part of it is Boomers. They don't invest in gold. They have been making gobs of money in bonds, stocks and real estate their whole lives. And they won't touch gold. They don't get it. So all of this money just stays sloshing around in the "anything but gold" assets.

    I used to live and breath macro economics and investing. But being into macro and investing now is like being an investor in the USSR. That's not a knock on the USSR. I just mean that literally every price of everything is there because of government and bureaucracy. It is all artificial. Applying Austrian economic theory in the USSR was a non starter. Applying it now is just as pointless.

    What to do now, I don't know. I guess I'll just keep my gold. There isn't much else to invest in.

    kvs likes this post


    Posts : 2678
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    World Gold Market Empty Re: World Gold Market

    Post  Backman Sun Jul 10, 2022 3:03 am

    As for the article itself. Ah yeah that's a nice chart.  But I've seen charts like that for 10+ years. The empire controls gold and. It's useless. We have asset price inflation like the world has never seen and commodity inflation. Gold is both. But it still can't rally. Hasn't for 10 years , probably won't for another 10.

    Buy bitcoin. Buy anything but gold

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