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    New Technologies and Innovation Development in Russia #2


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    New Technologies and Innovation Development in Russia #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: New Technologies and Innovation Development in Russia #2

    Post  GarryB Thu Apr 06, 2023 2:57 pm

    Rostec’s New Product Presented at the IDEX-2023 Enables Tornado-S to Hit Multiple Targets in One Shot

    New feature for Tornado to allow different rockets in a single volley to hit different targets... seems to be that the aim will adjust for each rocket fired to hit separate targets in a single volley.

    Kalashnikov Showcased a New Protection for BMP-3 at the IDEX-2023

    New ERA modules.

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    Post  Kiko Mon Apr 10, 2023 8:01 pm

    Rosatom plans to build the world's most powerful research reactor in 2026, 04.10.2023.

    MOSCOW (Sputnik) — The Russian corporation Rosatom, a world leader in the nuclear energy sector, plans to complete the construction of the Fast Multipurpose Research Reactor (MBIR, for its acronym in Russian) in 2026, one year earlier than planned, the company's press service announced.

    This reactor, with a thermal power of 150 megawatts, is erected in the Russian city of Dimitrovgrad, in the Ulyanovsk province, in the area of the Volga River.

    "In January 2023, the installation of the reactor vessel in its design position was completed. More than 1,300 workers and engineers are currently working at the construction site. The works are expected to be completed in 2026, one year earlier than planned," the statement reveals.

    The reactor is scheduled to enter service in the second half of the 2020s. The MBIR is expected to provide the nuclear industry with a modern and technologically advanced research infrastructure for half a century.

    The unique technical characteristics of this reactor will make it possible to solve a wide range of research tasks to inform the creation of new competitive and safe nuclear power plants, including fast neutron reactors to close the nuclear fuel cycle. The research time in the new reactor will be reduced several times.

    Yandex Translate from Spanish

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    Post  lancelot Wed Apr 12, 2023 12:39 pm

    ICT sector remained in the black
    The volume of products sold by large and medium-sized enterprises in the industry amounted to 5.4 trillion rubles, an increase of 8.4% compared to 2021. However, this sales dynamics was three times lower than in 2021 (plus 25.4%) and lower than the inflation rate in 2022 (12%).
    In 2022, the average number of employees in the ICT sector exceeded 1.33 million people (plus 4.2%). Most of them worked in the IT industry and in the "other IT services" sector - 781 thousand people (plus 11.6%). “Contrary to expectations, the number of personnel in the IT industry, after a slight decline in the summer, by the end of 2022, exceeded the pre-sanction level - employees of subsidiaries of foreign vendors moved to Russian companies, plus the market was replenished with graduates of universities and IT courses,” says Tamara Zinina.

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    Post  PhSt Thu Apr 13, 2023 3:21 am

    Russian company unveils ChatGPT competitor

    Moscow-based company Sistemma has created its own competitor to OpenAI’s ChatGPT, which runs entirely on domestic servers and in the Russian language. The project was unveiled on Sunday on the IT company’s official site.

    The AI is called SistemmaGPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) and is based on the company’s own developments, along with Stanford University research. The chatbot is intended for Russian businesses and government agencies.

    Sistemma claims that its AI can write high quality texts and possesses “encyclopedic knowledge.” The company also claims that the chatbot can “create tutorials, write essays, programming code, resumes or just support a conversation while pretending to be a celebrity.” It can find and analyze data in real time and create development strategies and business projects, while adapting to their clients and local context.

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    Post  Kiko Fri Apr 14, 2023 2:59 pm

    Russia hastily completes the construction of a huge collider. Why Europe doesn't like it, by Vladislav Strekopytov for RIANOVOSTI. 04.14.2023.

    The construction of the NICA accelerator complex is nearing completion at the site of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR). It is called the "little brother" of the Large Hadron Collider. About the largest Russian installation of the mega-science level and what tasks it will have to solve - in the material of RIA Novosti.

    Continuing the tradition

    In the mid-1950s, almost simultaneously, two major scientific centers for studying the fundamental properties of matter appeared in the world: CERN in Switzerland and JINR in the USSR. The founders of the latter were 13 states, mainly representatives of the socialist camp.

    Today JINR unites 19 member countries. It is the only international intergovernmental scientific organization in Russia registered by the UN. The institute accounts for about half of the achievements in the field of nuclear physics made in the territory of the former USSR over the past 70 years.

    Ten new elements of the periodic table were discovered here, including moscovium (atomic number 115), dubnium (105), oganesson (118) and flerovium (114). They were named after the Moscow region and the city of Dubna, Russian scientists Yuri Oganesyan, scientific director of the Laboratory of Nuclear Reactions at JINR, and Georgy Flerov, one of the founders of the institute.

    In 1957, the most powerful particle accelerator in the world at that time, the synchrophasotron, was launched in Dubna, capable of accelerating protons to a record energy of 10 GeV (ten billion electron volts).

    The superconducting proton and heavy ion collider NICA (Nuclotron-based Ion Collider fAcility) is the direct successor of this unique facility. The synchrophasotron was shut down in 2002, and its huge magnetic guide, or, as scientists say, the yoke of a magnet, was used to build one of the stages of the NICA complex.

    Better than BAK

    According to modern theoretical concepts, our Universe was born about 14 billion years ago during the Big Bang. In the first microsecond after this event, elementary particles - quarks - arose. As the medium decompressed, they united into hadrons - protons and neutrons, from which the nuclei of atoms were then formed.

    Inside hadrons, quarks are held together by special particles of strong interaction - gluons (from the English glue - glue). Physicists believe that before the advent of hadrons, the medium was so dense that quarks and gluons did not form any structures, and matter existed in the form of quark-gluon plasma. Its temperature was trillions of degrees. The temperature and density gradually dropped, and bound states of matter began to appear.

    Under what conditions the phase transition from the quark-gluon to the nuclear form of the existence of matter occurred, scientists do not know. This is one of the main questions of modern physics. It is assumed that if two high-energy ion beams are directed at each other, a "mixed phase" will appear at the place of their collision - a transition state between the quark-gluon plasma and hadronic matter. It is this experiment that they want to conduct at the NICA collider. Recreating the original state of matter should shed light on how all material objects in the universe were formed.

    At CERN, the Large Hadron Collider is also studying quark-gluon plasma. This is what the ALICE detector does. He analyzes the results of the collision of heavy ions, but cannot fix the moment of the phase transition - the huge accelerating power of the LHC interferes. The particles collide with such energy that the products of the collision scatter to the sides very quickly. The enormous density of matter necessary for the study of quark-gluon plasma cannot be maintained for any appreciable time. Similar experiments are being carried out at the Brookhaven National Laboratory in the United States - also without an obvious result so far.

    Compared to its "big brothers", the NICA collider is less powerful. If in the ALICE experiment ions are accelerated to an energy of 2.76 TeV, then here, according to the plan, heavy nuclei will be accelerated to 4.5 GeV, protons to 12.6 GeV. But it is capable of holding the maximum plasma density - about 20 billion tons per cubic centimeter. This is comparable to the density of neutron stars. Therefore, in order to reconstruct under laboratory conditions the special state of matter in which the Universe was in the first moments after the Big Bang, the accelerator in Dubna is even better suited than the LHC.

    “Theorists have predicted many phase transitions inside this primary substance,” says Anatoly Sidorin, Deputy Head of the Accelerator Department of the Laboratory of High Energy Physics at JINR. “They will be studied at our collider. sizes of colliding nuclei.

    How NICA works
    The NICA complex is a cascade consisting of two linear accelerators that act as sources of particles (heavy and light ions), two cyclic accelerators - a booster and a Nuclotron, which gradually accelerate almost to the speed of light, and, in fact, a collider with two detectors that detect collisions.

    “First, the particles are brought in a linear accelerator to a small energy - about 20 percent of the speed of light,” explains Sidorin. “After that, the beam is accelerated in a booster by a high-frequency electric field. In about three seconds, it gains energy corresponding to 60 percent of the speed of light. The remaining 40 percent gets it in the Nuclotron".

    The linear heavy ion accelerator and two cyclic stages are ready. Engineering work is being completed in the collider building. By the end of the year, the assembly of all magnets will be completed, and commissioning will be carried out. The first collisions should receive at the beginning of 2024. The main analytical unit of the complex, the multi-purpose detector MPD (Multi-Purpose Detector), is also in a high degree of readiness.

    “It will measure all the main parameters necessary to understand the ongoing processes,” says Sergey Merts, a leading researcher at the Laboratory of High Energy Physics at JINR. “The second, the SPD detector, or the spin physics detector, will be launched later, approximately by 2030. Its task — to study collisions of polarized protons, deuterons, neutrons, their spin structure".

    See with my own eyes

    In addition to fundamental projects, many practical experiments are already being implemented at the NICA complex. Now, for example, microcircuits intended for operation in space are being tested there. Cosmic rays contain heavy ions, and you need to understand how the electronics of the devices will react to them. They also study the effect of radiation on the human body and biological objects.

    In between cycles of collisions, the accelerator plans to conduct research in the field of life sciences, materials science, and nuclear energy.

    "Over the past eight years, a huge amount of technologies and developments that were needed for NICA have entered the industry, commercial enterprises and are already improving the quality of our lives," JINR Director, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Grigory Trubnikov said at a meeting with journalists. security and transportation. Facial recognition cameras came from particle physics, from our detectors."

    The NICA complex also has an educational function. As a rule, it is very difficult for an ordinary person to get to such closed objects. But now there is such an opportunity. One of the directions of the Decade of Science and Technology in Russia (from 2022 to 2031) was the Popular Science Tourism initiative.

    In February 2023, the first tour to Dubna took place. Schoolchildren of the eighth-tenth grades from Moscow, accompanied by their teachers, came to the science city to get acquainted with JINR and its scientific facilities and research. And also - learn more about nuclear physics. Such excursions are planned to be held regularly.

    The construction of the NICA collider is being implemented as part of the national project "Science and Universities".

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    New Technologies and Innovation Development in Russia #2 - Page 3 Empty Re: New Technologies and Innovation Development in Russia #2

    Post  xeno Fri Apr 14, 2023 4:52 pm

    New Technologies and Innovation Development in Russia #2 - Page 3 Eaauoa10
    New Technologies and Innovation Development in Russia #2 - Page 3 Eaauoa11

    You don't stop your steps forward for all mankind, even Nato bandits try to wipe off Russian nation and people from the surface of this planet...

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    Post  Kiko Fri Apr 21, 2023 10:25 pm

    The first smartphones on the Russian operating system will be created in 2023, 04.21.2023.

    Equipment based on OS ROSA will be produced in Zelenograd.

    The first smartphones based on the domestic ROSA operating system will be created in Zelenograd in 2023.

    The assembly of smartphones, tablets and laptops on the domestic operating system ROSA should begin in 2023. This will be done by the contract manufacturer of computer equipment "Rutek" at its own facilities in Zelenograd.

    According to Kommersant, we are talking about the production of devices "with a high level of cybersecurity" at the enterprises of the structure of the former Minister of Communications of Russia Leonid Reiman. It is planned that government and corporate clients will be the first buyers of electronics based on the Russian operating system. At the same time, it is not excluded that after some time such equipment will be available in the consumer segment. According to the source, the operating system already has a marketplace where you can find about ten applications.

    By the way, F + tech also has similar plans, which is going to release gadgets on the Rostelecom operating system called Aurora.

    Earlier it became known that the Russian company Sistemma created a domestic analogue of ChatGPT - the artificial intelligence model SistemmaGPT. She knows how to create high-quality texts, answer questions, offer recipes, create training programs, write an essay, code or resume, or just keep up a conversation on behalf of famous people.

    SistemmaGPT can work in both English and Russian languages. Now it is focused primarily on the commercial and administrative sector, but even in this version it will be useful to ordinary users, the company is sure. As Yulia Zubareva, PR director of Sistemma, explained, the model will help speed up getting a response when communicating with any type of organization.

    SistemmaGPT can find and analyze real-time data for all companies, as well as find customers who need certain services.

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    Post  Kiko Thu Apr 27, 2023 9:35 am

    Rutube showed the price of the update, by Yuri Litvinenko, Timofey Kornev for Kommersant, 04.27.2023.

    Video service estimated infrastructure costs at 30 billion rubles.

    Rutube, a video hosting service owned by Gazprom Media Holding (GPMH), expects to catch up with YouTube in Russia in key technical indicators and, according to Kommersant, intends to spend about 30 billion rubles on this. The infrastructure upgrade program also includes expanding the network of geographically distributed servers. Experts note that we are talking about either a multi-year funding plan, or a complete upgrade of the service. The implementation of the plan, however, may be hampered by the recent layoffs of key members of the Rutube team.

    Rutube expects to invest in a large-scale infrastructure upgrade, two sources familiar with the company's plans told Kommersant. According to them, video hosting estimates the cost of this in the region of 30 billion rubles. One of the sources said that funding within GPMC has already been allocated: “Initially, Rutube asked for 50-55 billion rubles.”

    According to the source, Rutube expects to increase server capacity in such a way that the maximum number of simultaneous users of the service is comparable to the level of YouTube.

    The infrastructure program, according to him, also includes the expansion of the content delivery network (CDN).

    CDN allows you to distribute the content of the site across servers geographically located in different locations. In April, Rutube CTO Rostislav Chernakov told ComNews that in addition to the 15 CDN servers already hosted in Russia and Abkhazia, by the end of the year it is planned to add servers in seven more cities of Russia, as well as in Belarus, Kazakhstan, Armenia and Uzbekistan. The intentions of MTS and VK to expand their CDNs in 2023 were reported by RBC and Forbes, respectively.

    According to Maxim Koposov, director of the Promobit company (manufacturer of Bitblaze servers and storage systems), some Gazprom structures applied to the company for the purchase of servers, but the declared purchase volume was less. According to him, the average price of one server is about 2-3 million rubles.

    “Thus, one can understand that Rutube needs about 15,000 servers. Such a volume is usually acquired by large companies like Sberbank, Yandex or VK,” he says.

    According to Mr. Koposov, purchases may concern both domestic equipment and foreign equipment supplied through parallel imports.

    The amount of 30 billion rubles. just expanding the CDN “seems redundant, unless this plan is for five years,” says Pavel Kulakov, CEO of cloud provider Oxygen. He, however, notes that the announced investments “are quite enough to send part of the funds to the CDN, and part to improve the interface, functionality, reliability and convenience of the platform as a whole.”

    From the outside, it is difficult to assess the capacity of different CDN networks and the costs of their expansion, since "each company uses different technologies and approaches to building networks," said Yaroslav Gorodetsky, CEO of CDNvideo.

    He roughly estimated that for 30 billion rubles. at current market prices, it is possible to build a CDN with a bandwidth of several tens of Tbps: “YouTube traffic in Russia, according to large telecom operators, is about 11–13 Tbps.”

    Creating your own CDN network, without involving third-party providers of such services, allows you to provide greater control over the technical component, says iKS-Consulting Leading Consultant Stanislav Mirin: “On the other hand, this requires significant capital investments, in particular, in the purchase of servers, which is now difficult". At the same time, he notes that to host servers - CDN nodes "do not require many racks, especially if we are talking about a small region."

    It is worth noting that in February, the then CEO of Rutube, Alexander Moiseev, left his post and began to lead the racing simulator project at ANO SMP Racing, Boris Rotenberg ( see “Kommersant” dated April 4 ). Then GPMK announced that the operations of Rutube would be led by the new deputy general director of the holding, Sergey Kosinsky. Subsequently, other key members of the team also left, and after their dismissal, a number of Rutube projects were put on hold for the duration of the audit, one of Kommersant’s sources says: “I doubt that they will have time to fulfill the budget and roadmap for platform development for this year”.

    After the issue went to press, Mr. Chernakov told Kommersant that Rutube intended to double the bandwidth of its CDNs in 2023. Speaking about the amount of funding, he said that Rutube “cannot accurately answer how objective this estimate is,” because “the indicators are growing every day.”

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    Post  flamming_python Fri Apr 28, 2023 1:44 pm

    Finally. RuTube has been a PoS for over 10 years now. About time it receives some proper investment and programmer-time.

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    Post  Kiko Fri May 05, 2023 1:10 am

    Why smartphone manufacturers began to pre-install the RuStore app store by Dmitry Bevza for Rossiyskaia Gazeta. 05.04.2023.

    The first Android smartphones with the RuStore app store appeared in Russian retail. How exactly its preset is implemented, how convenient it is for users, and whether smartphone manufacturers themselves bear the risks.

    The appearance of information that manufacturers from China will pre-install the RuStore application store on their smartphones raised many questions regarding the technical implementation of this solution and its integration into the mobile operating system.

    And since RuStore contains applications of Russian companies and organizations removed by Google from Google Play that fell under the sanctions of the US authorities, even the possibility of a potential conflict between Chinese vendors and the developer of the Android mobile operating system, Google, was considered.

    VK, which is developing RuStore, told RG that a number of smartphone manufacturers are already officially supplying devices with RuStore to Russia and some models are available in retail.

    We tested one of the smartphones with a pre-installed Russian app store to find out exactly how it works, how convenient it is to use, and to understand the degree of its integration into Android.

    After unpacking the device and turning it on for the first time, we were offered a standard cycle of settings, as well as the possibility of transferring data from existing smartphones. No trace of RuStore was found at this stage.

    RuStore appeared on the main screen only after completing all the mandatory procedures for activating the new device, as an icon on the first screen next to the Google Play icon, Yandex and VK applications.

    After the first click on the RuStore icon, the application needed to be updated.

    Then RuStore asked to give it the rights to install applications from external sources, that is, not from the Google Play store. And only after RuStore was updated and got the right to install applications, it was ready to go.

    Unlike Google Play, RuStore pre-installed by the manufacturer can be removed like any other non-system application. This means that there is no integration of RuStore into the Android OS today and vendors pre-install it as their own app stores or partner programs. This practice has existed for many years and does not cause any complaints from Google.

    According to Larisa Naumenko, director of the Moscow office of CPO Group (CPO Group), if the download and installation of the application occurs at the stage of device production, then this is agreed with or allowed by Google.

    "RuStore is not endowed with system functions, such as Google Play, as this is directly prohibited by the GMS (Google mobile services) license. If you look at the Samsung Galaxy Store app store or branded stores of other vendors, then there is exactly the same story. Therefore, the current installation option RuStore bears no risk of conflict between vendors and Google," said Eldar Murtazin, a leading analyst at Mobile Research Group.

    You can use RuStore both by registering, for example, through VK, Sber, Yandex and Tinkoff accounts, and without registration. Registered users get the opportunity to rate the application and write a review. They can also automatically check all installed applications on the device through the Kaspersky anti-virus scanner. Unauthorized users can only start the scan manually.

    The difference between the pre-installed RuStore and its self-installation seems insignificant at first glance, but it is not. The pre-installed RuStore simplifies access to Russian applications of banks, government services and other services blocked on Google Play.

    If RuStore is already pre-installed, then the user no longer needs to search the Internet for a site from where the RuStore application can be installed. The potential risk of falling on phishing sites disappears. Manipulations with a smartphone to unlock the option to install third-party (not from Google Play) applications in this case come down to one click on a button, and RuStore itself stops annoyingly offering to update itself every time it is turned on again.

    Today, a smartphone with pre-installed RuStore is the most affordable and convenient way to get applications removed from Google Play on an Android smartphone. Those companies that have started to pre-install it on their devices have gained a slight competitive advantage, especially among users who cannot or do not want to understand the nuances of working and configuring the Android OS, but want to have access to all Russian applications.

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    Post  Werewolf Fri May 05, 2023 8:39 am

    I would really like to see a factory ready de-googlized phone.
    The new phones are an abomination from application point of view.
    Got a new phone and to my surprise all the standard system apps for calling, receiving SMS and contacts are google apps and no system apps are available.
    Meaning Joogle knows your contacts, the phone calls you make and most definitely records your calls and send/received messages. They are after all part of PRISM program.

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    Post  kvs Sun May 14, 2023 2:47 am

    I do not own one but tried to use one recently and the shit was over the top. If you do a search for a contractor, then you are latched onto that search result in a pathetic attempt to force you to use them. There is no clear go-back button like on a regular browser on a PC. This shit is layered with dozens of "app" icons that serve absolutely zero purpose and are yet more advertising traps. Clearly consumers are not driving the design of cell phones, the OS and the applications.

    Russian companies should return to the non-convoluted PC framework for cell phones.

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    Post  Kiko Wed May 31, 2023 5:08 pm

    Russian group Yadro introduced its first tablet, 05.31.2023.

    The Russian group of companies Yadro introduced its first tablet Kvadra_T.

    MOSCOW, May 31 - RIA Novosti. The Russian group of companies Yadro introduced its first tablet Kvadra_T, its price is 40 thousand rubles, the device will work on the Kvadra OS system, an extended version of the product running the Aurora mobile OS will be released for customers from the corporate and public sectors, Yadro said.

    "Yadro introduces the flagship Kvadra_T tablet, the first device in the Kvadra family of tablets. The new product is designed for personal and professional use. The devices will be produced at the innovative Yadro fab Dubna full-cycle manufacturing facility. Kvadra_T is available on pre-order at a price of 39,990 rubles," says in the message.

    The company added that Kvadra_T runs on its own operating system, Kvadra OS, which is compatible with a wide range of programs and devices. During the development of Kvadra OS, all components of the Android Open Source Project (AOSP) were deeply redesigned and the Russian RuStore marketplace was integrated.

    "For clients from the corporate and public sectors, an extended version of the product will be released under the control of the Aurora mobile trusted operating system. It will be available for order by the end of this summer. The tablet will satisfy the needs of customers whose IT circuit needs to provide an increased level of security and confidentiality of sensitive data," the company added.

    It is noted that Kvadra_T will be the first product of the updated Kvadra line. In 2023, the range will be supplemented with laptops and personal computers. The product line already includes the Kvadra A20 monoblock and the Kvadra D20 mini-computer.

    Yadro is a group of Russian technology companies (part of ICS Holding) that combines the areas of development and production of computing platforms, data processing and storage systems, telecommunications and network equipment, personal and smart devices and microprocessor cores. R&D centers are located in Moscow , St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg , Nizhny Novgorod and Minsk.

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    Post  Werewolf Wed May 31, 2023 7:09 pm

    It's good that they make progress. I tried to find at least the OS to test it at home, but apparently it's not free to use.

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    Post  rigoletto Wed May 31, 2023 7:20 pm

    Werewolf wrote:It's good that they make progress. I tried to find at least the OS to test it at home, but apparently it's not free to use.

    This is a customized "AOSP" (Android Open Source Project)...

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    Post  GarryB Thu Jun 01, 2023 3:49 am

    Now that they have a tablet for sale perhaps they might open up with the OS or develop a free limited feature version for potential buyers to try.

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    Post  kvs Thu Jun 01, 2023 5:04 am

    They are still playing western style corporate games. There is no need for any closed source OS on any computer (which includes tablets
    and cell phones). So, they integrated some store app into their OS. Big freaking whoop.

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    Post  rigoletto Thu Jun 01, 2023 2:57 pm

    kvs wrote:They are still playing western style corporate games.   There is no need for any closed source OS on any computer (which includes tablets
    and cell phones).   So, they integrated some store app into their OS.   Big freaking whoop.  

    While I generally agree, I also disagree in some circumstances.

    1. open-source software tends to bring maintenance issues for third party software. The extreme example is Linux, which is a hell to maintain software that run on it given the complete lack development predictability, or lack professionalism in its development. They make changes that break things all the time (often due to political reasons), hence one often have to maintain its software with N useless if/else to have it working in zillions of versions and variants (that are all the same thing).

    Then you have the fork hell. This is not a issue per si but when some of these forks get traction you get one more variant to maintain, because someone decided to change some low level code to adapt it in order to get some minor fancy UI effect.

    This is fine to hobbyist developers but not that fun of professional/business developers. Software maintenance cost money.

    2. open-source software development often leads to low quality code. The more popular the software is the lowest is the quality (fork hell). GPL one is the worse, the way the license is written tends of force the developer to pile code over the old one, instead of re-designing the original code to match the new requirements.

    Linux somehow work, but the quality of the code is near garbage, with tons of random people (and companies) making they personal input. BSDs are far better but since they try to keep their code up to some quality standards they are not that popular with the open-source community, and the development is slow. It needs to be a mess in order to be popular.

    3. if the system is properly hardened (and/or developed) you may want to keep things out of the sight of everyone.

    IMO, quality open-source software just work properly when it is done like Apple/IBM does. They often release code that are important but the average developer can't do shit with it. Just actual specialized professionals can.

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    Post  kvs Thu Jun 01, 2023 11:05 pm

    My experience is that Linux has issues but not like the garbage from Micro$haft. It is a robust and stable OS compared to WinCrap.
    So the issues you raise exist in worse form in the private software environment.

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    Post  rigoletto Fri Jun 02, 2023 3:12 am

    kvs wrote:My experience is that Linux has issues but not like the garbage from Micro$haft.   It is a robust and stable OS compared to WinCrap.
    So the issues you raise exist in worse form in the private software environment.  

    Microsoft products aren't serious. An example of serious proprietary OS is AIX.

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    Post  kvs Fri Jun 02, 2023 12:12 pm

    rigoletto wrote:
    kvs wrote:My experience is that Linux has issues but not like the garbage from Micro$haft.   It is a robust and stable OS compared to WinCrap.
    So the issues you raise exist in worse form in the private software environment.  

    Microsoft products aren't serious. An example of serious proprietary OS is AIX.

    Indeed. That is why I treat Linux with more respect. It has supplanted AIX, HPUX, etc. in the HPC space. Suse and Red Hat Enterprise Linux are examples
    of HPC grade OS. The various Linux distros that people use (Mint, Ubuntu, etc) are mostly distinguished by GUI and other fluff.

    Microsoft spends vastly more money to develop its Mickey Mouse OS than any Linux or Unix.

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    Post  rigoletto Fri Jun 02, 2023 3:05 pm

    kvs wrote:
    rigoletto wrote:
    kvs wrote:My experience is that Linux has issues but not like the garbage from Micro$haft.   It is a robust and stable OS compared to WinCrap.
    So the issues you raise exist in worse form in the private software environment.  

    Microsoft products aren't serious. An example of serious proprietary OS is AIX.

    Indeed.  That is why I treat Linux with more respect.   It has supplanted AIX, HPUX, etc. in the HPC space.   Suse and Red Hat Enterprise Linux are examples
    of HPC grade OS.   The various Linux distros that people use (Mint, Ubuntu, etc) are mostly distinguished by GUI and other fluff.    

    Microsoft spends vastly more money to develop its Mickey Mouse OS than any Linux or Unix.


    Suse and specially Red Hat are not examples of quality in any way. The amount of junk coming from RHEL is enormous.

    These days most people working on IT don't care about quality, they just need something that is cheap (SUSE/RHEL licenses are cheap compared with AIX and others), somehow work and coming from some vendor they can blame when things went wrong.

    You will not see Linux running in anything serious: true mission critical servers,[1] safe critical systems.[2] These (safety critical) often run things like VxWorks.

    Would you trust an artificial heart running some Linux distro? The vastly majority of people developing Linux doesn't ever know what safety critical software, leave alone to have brains develop it.

    Btw, an interesting open-source OS is MirageOS. But the people behind it have actual brains.

    [1] these often don't ever consider anything but AIX.
    [2] except crap from the USA military.

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    Post  Werewolf Fri Jun 02, 2023 3:49 pm

    You will not see Linux running in anything serious: true mission critical servers,[1] safe critical systems.[2] These (safety critical) often run things like VxWorks.

    Hard to believe, especially since Eduard Snowden showed that it is very much a security concern to have any ties or reliance on anything not but your own.

    For instance, the 13 root DNS server farms that are geographically located across the globe in different states, would be to easy to be used by the US to cause havoc against whoever they like. I am quite certain that after 2008's demonstration of the US abusing Global Positioning System and programs like PRISM, that they are running their own Linux/Unix with own repositories. At least that is the wisest they could do.
    I am also quite unsure why you would say that Linux in general is not save for security reasons as most companies use exclusively Linux. They run Linux for every purpose and for security reasons, as it is open source and you can completely rely on own repositories and build your own packages. And nobody, governmental institutions would ever be considered smart to trust any closed source OS that not only can have backdoors for whoever, but also can use safely hidden code in western controlled and designed CPUs.

    Since you seem to know about weaknesses in Linux code that it can not be trusted for critical infrastructure, then please share your knowledge as to how is an open source code higher of risk for such infrastructure compared to what you have listed?

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    Post  sepheronx Fri Jun 02, 2023 7:06 pm

    Werewolf wrote:
    You will not see Linux running in anything serious: true mission critical servers,[1] safe critical systems.[2] These (safety critical) often run things like VxWorks.

    Hard to believe, especially since Eduard Snowden showed that it is very much a security concern to have any ties or reliance on anything not but your own.

    For instance, the 13 root DNS server farms that are geographically located across the globe in different states, would be to easy to be used by the US to cause havoc against whoever they like. I am quite certain that after 2008's demonstration of the US abusing Global Positioning System and programs like PRISM, that they are running their own Linux/Unix with own repositories. At least that is the wisest they could do.
    I am also quite unsure why you would say that Linux in general is not save for security reasons as most companies use exclusively Linux. They run Linux for every purpose and for security reasons, as it is open source and you can completely rely on own repositories and build your own packages. And nobody, governmental institutions would ever be considered smart to trust any closed source OS that not only can have backdoors for whoever, but also can use safely hidden code in western controlled and designed CPUs.

    Since you seem to know about weaknesses in Linux code that it can not be trusted for critical infrastructure, then please share your knowledge as to how is an open source code higher of risk for such infrastructure compared to what you have listed?

    Two companies I worked for, major multi billion dollar, including oil and gas companies sub contracted - all used Linux. CentOS was mostly used. Worked for their needs.

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    Post  rigoletto Fri Jun 02, 2023 8:01 pm

    sepheronx wrote:Two companies I worked for, major multi billion dollar, including oil and gas companies sub contracted - all used Linux.  CentOS was mostly used.  Worked for their needs.

    Netflix use FreeBSD in their CDN and off-the-shelve servers. They are looking for the cheap and don't hide it. The fact the company have tons of money doesn't imply quality otherwise MacOS would be the best OS on earth. Anyway, CentOS is nothing but the free (no licenses to be paid) RHEL, and Oil and Gas are not safety critical (except what comes in some embedded systems).

    Typical safety critical software are in medical devices (chemo devices, artificial hearts etc.), weapon systems, avionics, nuclear plants etc.

    Also, this idea that open-source brings security isn't a farce but is also far from the reality in practice.

    Three examples:

    1. one of the guys (I don't remember which one but I think is was Thompson) who invented C wrote a C compiler that give him backdoor access to any software compiled with it (for fun). The code is/was available and (as far I'm aware) nobody discovered how it was implemented in the compiler code (and tons of professionals already tried to find out);

    2. the infamous OpenSSL heartbleeding. It took ages to discover this serious vulnerability that was in there since ages.

    3. recently some Chinese researchers managed to put some backdoors in the Linux kernel, supposedly as a research project. Some were caught before being committed, others not. They basically explored trust. First they delivered some quality patches, and then started delivering the compromised ones.

    The only secure code (assuming a proper design) is the one the security is proved by mathematics.[1]

    In the open-source world there are just two kernels that fit this requirement:

    1. seL4
    2. Muen (written in Ada/SPARK)

    Not at the same level but good enough: MirageOS, specially with you run on top of Muen.

    Well just writing the code in Ada is already good enough to avoid almost all major security issues (guaranteed by mathematics), but programmers don't like to be restrained (most think they are genius), and:

    1. Ada isn't the fancy trending programming language of the month.

    2. Software companies hate it because software written in Ada tends to run forever with near to no maintenance, and maintenance is where a considerable part of their profit come from.
    Can you imagine RHEL making tons of money in a world where support is barely needed? They make money of support contracts, of course they will deliver junk in order to make their services necessary. SystemD comes to mind...

    3. you can't write unmaintainable software in Ada unless you are a really top notch programmer and try very hard. It often doesn't ever need comments to be readable.[2]
    Software companies would not be able to lock their clients with them due to the junk code they deliver, that no one can read other than them (who have all that junk documented).


    This gives you a good idea:

    [1] and even then there is no guaranties the proofing assistant doesn't have bugs.
    [2] but C++ hell is super popular...

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