Cowboy's daughter Thu Oct 14, 2021 9:33 pm
#AFG “Unknown people at night have been kidnapping former members of ANDSF,our family members have been missing for weeks now.These armed people are coming at night and going door to door asking for former soldiers.”Several people in at least 2districts& Jalalabad city tells me.
#AFG “ Nawab Khan from Shamal village in Dar-E Noar district in Ningarhar was kidnapped, kidnappers demanded 4.2 million Afghanis. Family was forced to pay but last night his dead body was found by villagers.” Residents in Dar-E Noar district in Ningarhar province tells me.
Several of them that I have been able to speak to are being chased and are in hiding. One of them told me, “we are being chased by regional intelligence agencies who want to know more about western ways of collecting intelligence.”
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Mark Urban
· Oct 13
You'd think that having mentored, trained, & helped pay for the Afghan mobile phone+ internet surveillance system, the UK would want to limit its use by the Taliban +save those it trained. But in a special report @BBCNewsnight members of that unit allege they've been abandoned 1/
Mark Urban
Oct 13
But in the many weeks since the evacuation D011 staff have come under growing pressure to return to work - this time serving new masters. One says:"the Taliban have captured some of our friends … & said to them we need you all to come back and make active the system for us" 6/
Mark Urban
Oct 13
Another D011 officer shared with us a letter delivered by Taliban intelligence authorities to his family, accusing him of collaborating with MI6, telling him to return to work, saying it was his last warning. Taliban have lists of those who worked in D011, and are hunting them7/
Mark Urban
Oct 13
Once a vital tool in the counter-terrorist campaign, a system built by UK & US to give access to all of Afghanistan's internet + mobile phone traffic has been left to the Taliban to use against their foes. Despite this D011's veterans say UK govt is ignoring pleas for help 8/
Mark Urban
Oct 13
One senior NDS officer in hiding told us, "we should have been evacuated and we are left in a dire and dangerous situation and in fear", another D011 officer vented anger that many "useless people" in NDS administrative jobs had been flown out instead 9/
Mark Urban
Oct 13
Many feel failed by UK Secret Intelligence Service (SIS or MI6) which multiple D011 officers say trained + vetted them, used their product, oversaw their work, and added 'bonuses' to their NDS pay. More
tonight 10/END
Mark Urban
WATCH: our exclusive report here:
Afghanistan: British trained intelligence unit officers ‘abandoned’ - BBC Newsnight
28,822 viewsOct 13, 2021
Seven weeks on from the Kabul airlift and Afghan special intelligence unit officers - trained, mentored and partly funded by the UK - say they’ve been abandoned and are at risk of being killed by the Taliban.
Last edited by Cowboy's daughter on Thu Oct 14, 2021 9:36 pm; edited 1 time in total