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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 39 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Wed Oct 13, 2021 8:41 pm

    Tajuden Soroush
    Photo of the Taliban's suicide attackers unit at the #Hairatan Bridge  neighbour to Uzbekstan as a warning message to Afghanistan's neighbors.

    Panjshir Observer
    Video of Taliban convoy leaving Panjshir. After NRF advances we can assume Taliban have decided not to try to hold their positions in #Panjshir over winter.

    Panjshir Observer
    Large Convoy of Taliban seen withdrawing from Panjshir. This comes after enduring weeks of brutal guerilla warfare from the National Resistance Front.

    Panjshir Observer
    Resistance Front liberates Shinwari district of Parwan province. Heavy fighting ongoing across #Panjshir and Baghlan provinces.

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    Cowboy's daughter
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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 39 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Wed Oct 13, 2021 10:31 pm

    Farhad Hamidi فرهاد حمیدی
    #New: during the meeting with #Tajikistan President, Imam Ali Rahman, #French president Emanuel #Macron expressed similar concerns of the situation in #Afghanistan. The two agreed that #Taliban govt is not #inclusive.

    Farhad Hamidi فرهاد حمیدی
    French Presdient has also promised #Tajikistan President that he would help #Dushanbe deal with the consequences of the #Taliban's rise to #power. 2/2

    Herbert Elizabeth
    Oct 12

    The #NRF resistance forces rescue a disabled woman and children (possibly #Hazara #Tajik driven out by the #Taliban).

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    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 39 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Wed Oct 13, 2021 10:34 pm

    Herbert Elizabeth
    The #Taliban have deployed their suicide bomber squad on the border crossing bridge to #Tajikistan

    Every move is calculated as a provocation to #Dushanbe and #Russia.

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    Cowboy's daughter
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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 39 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Wed Oct 13, 2021 10:38 pm

    Why all eyes are on the Afghan-Tajikistan border
    The war of words between Dushanbe and the Taliban has deep historical roots
    OCTOBER 5, 2021

    Afghanistan and Tajikistan share a 1,400-kilometer border. Recently, a war of words erupted between Tajik President Emomali Rahmon and the Taliban government in Kabul. Rahmon censures the Taliban for the destabilization of Central Asia by the export of militant groups, while the Taliban leadership has accused Tajikistan’s government of interference.

    This summer, Rahmon mobilized 20,000 troops to the border, and held military exercises and discussions with Russia and other members of the Collective Security Treaty Organization. Meanwhile, the spokesman for the Afghan government, Zabihullah Mujahid, tweeted pictures of Afghan troops deployed to Takhar province on the border of the two countries.

    The escalation of harsh language continues. Prospects of war between these two countries should not be discounted, but given the role Russia plays in Tajikistan, it is unlikely.
    Cowboy's daughter
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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 39 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Wed Oct 13, 2021 10:44 pm

    AJ News Club
    Oct 7
    Flag of Russia#Moscow is concerned about the growing activity of militants of the terrorist group “#Islamic State” in Afghanistan, said Russian Foreign Ministry spokesman Maria Zakharova. “We are concerned about the growing activity of the #ISIS terrorist group in Afghanistan. 1/7

    AJ News Club
    Oct 7
    Lately, #ISIS members have been marked by a major #terrorist attack near a mosque in the center of #Kabul, as a result 20 civilians were killed and more than 30 were injured,” she said. Acc. to Maria, the group has intensified hostilities in the south of the country. 2/7

    AJ News Club
    Oct 7
    “We note w/ particular concern the activities of #ISIS in the area of the #Russian embassy in Kabul. Five militants of this terrorist group were eliminated there on October 4th. 3/7
    AJ News Club
    Oct 7
    We call on the Afghan authorities to take additional measures to ensure the security of the Russian diplomatic mission, as well as Russian citizens in #Afghanistan”,- added Maria. 4/7

    AJ News Club
    #Moscow, if necessary, is ready to take decisive measures to help #Tajikistan in case of aggravation on the Tajik-Afghan border, said Zakharova. “The situation in #Afghanistan & on the Tajik-Afghan border is in the focus of our closest attention. 5/7

    AJ News Club
    Oct 7
    Replying to
    Moscow and #Dushanbe maintain contacts through the defense departments, border services, diplomatic missions. We continue cooperation in strengthening the defense capability of #Tajikistan, its border service, taking into account all operational needs.”, said Zakharova. 6/7

    AJ News Club
    Oct 7
    She assured that the 201st #Russian military base is equipped w/ everything necessary to provide assistance to #Tajikistan in case of aggravation. “If necessary, the most decisive measures will be taken in accord w/ Russian-Tajik alliance & strategic partnership”. 7/7

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    Cowboy's daughter
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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 39 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Thu Oct 14, 2021 9:19 pm

    Herbert Elizabeth
    This is the Taliban’s SHOCKING response to Taliban war crimes against Tajiks in Panjshir.

    “#Panjshir was in peace for 20 yrs, whereas southerners suffered. Let the Panjshiris now feel the agony for at least 10 years”
    Cowboy's daughter
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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 39 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Thu Oct 14, 2021 9:24 pm

    Panjshir Observer
    Resistance Front have reportedly liberated Khost Wa Fring district of Baghlan province. This strategic area borders both Andarab district and Panjshir province. #Afghanistan #NRF

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    Cowboy's daughter
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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 39 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Thu Oct 14, 2021 9:33 pm

    #AFG “Unknown people at night have been kidnapping former members of ANDSF,our family members have been missing for weeks now.These armed people are coming at night and going door to door asking for former soldiers.”Several people in at least 2districts& Jalalabad city tells me.
    #AFG “ Nawab Khan from Shamal village in Dar-E Noar district in Ningarhar was kidnapped, kidnappers demanded 4.2 million Afghanis. Family was forced to pay but last night his dead body was found by villagers.” Residents in Dar-E Noar district in Ningarhar province tells me.
    Several of them that I have been able to speak to are being chased and are in  hiding. One of them told me, “we are being chased by regional intelligence agencies  who want to know more about western ways of collecting intelligence.”

    Quote Tweet

    Mark Urban
    · Oct 13
    You'd think that having mentored, trained, & helped pay for the Afghan mobile phone+ internet surveillance system, the UK would want to limit its use by the Taliban +save those it trained. But in a special report @BBCNewsnight members of that unit allege they've been abandoned 1/

    Mark Urban
    Oct 13
    But in the many weeks since the evacuation D011 staff have come under growing pressure to return to work - this time serving new masters. One says:"the Taliban have captured some of our friends … & said to them we need you all to come back and make active the system for us" 6/
    Mark Urban
    Oct 13
    Another D011 officer shared with us a letter delivered by Taliban intelligence authorities to his family, accusing him of collaborating with MI6, telling him to return to work, saying it was his last warning. Taliban have lists of those who worked in D011, and are hunting them7/
    Mark Urban
    Oct 13
    Once a vital tool in the counter-terrorist campaign, a system built by UK & US to give access to all of Afghanistan's internet + mobile phone traffic has been left to the Taliban to use against their foes. Despite this D011's veterans say UK govt is ignoring pleas for help 8/
    Mark Urban
    Oct 13
    One senior NDS officer in hiding told us, "we should have been evacuated and we are left in a dire and dangerous situation and in fear", another D011 officer vented anger that many "useless people" in NDS administrative jobs had been flown out instead 9/

    Mark Urban
    Oct 13
    Many feel failed by UK Secret Intelligence Service (SIS or MI6) which multiple D011 officers say trained + vetted them, used their product, oversaw their work, and added 'bonuses' to their NDS pay. More
    tonight 10/END

    Mark Urban
    WATCH: our exclusive report here:

    Afghanistan: British trained intelligence unit officers ‘abandoned’ - BBC Newsnight
    28,822 viewsOct 13, 2021

    Seven weeks on from the Kabul airlift and Afghan special intelligence unit officers - trained, mentored and partly funded by the UK - say they’ve been abandoned and are at risk of being killed by the Taliban.

    Last edited by Cowboy's daughter on Thu Oct 14, 2021 9:36 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Cowboy's daughter
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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 39 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Thu Oct 14, 2021 9:34 pm

    Interesting statement. This means Russian govt still calls Taliban a “movement” not govt. also uses old republic flag.
    Quote Tweet
    MFA Russia Flag of Russia

    Russia government organization
    · 11h
    Speech balloon #Zakharova: Next week, we are expecting a representative delegation of the Taliban movement to visit Moscow to take part in the third Moscow format consultations on Afghanistan.

    Cowboy's daughter
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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 39 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Thu Oct 14, 2021 9:49 pm

    Kambaiz Rafi
    "When I arrived in Anaba in the Panjshir,..., there was not a single undamaged house in the whole village. I did not see any people, not even a dog. Our military personnel said they had liberated the Panjshir and enabled the inhabitants to live their lives in peace 1/2
    ... when I saw the Panjshir, the reality was very different. They had 'liberated' the Panjshir from civilian inhabitants, but not from its fighters... Why Panjshir? Because it was at that time the 'hottest spot' in Afghanistan." 2/2
    Soviet Intel Officer Anatoli Tkachev

    4:24 PM · Oct 13, 2021·Twitter Web App

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 39 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  GarryB Fri Oct 15, 2021 6:04 am

    Speech balloon #Zakharova: Next week, we are expecting a representative delegation of the Taliban movement to visit Moscow to take part in the third Moscow format consultations on Afghanistan.

    The irony is that despite being former enemies the Taliban seem to have rather more respect and more interest in good relations with Russia than with the US or the west, which they realise are not compatible with their beliefs.

    Amusing that Russia could probably talk the Taliban into being more inclusive and also to help them fight ISIS which is in every ones interests, but I suspect the west will be supporting the resistance and therefore there is very little chance for dialog or cooperation with the Taliban... why communicate with groups openly supporting your opponents in combat?

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 39 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Sujoy Fri Oct 15, 2021 3:55 pm

    Another terrorist attack against a Shia mosque in Afghanistan today


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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 39 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  nomadski Fri Oct 15, 2021 5:58 pm

    Time to close down Mosques . Muslims can pray any place . If they want Friday prayers , then open air prayer gatherings only . With large security margin and single file entrance to area and each person searched . Same with the Bazaar area . Concrete barrier against vehicle entrance to areas , shopping or pedestrian . Afghan police should organise . Or local people .

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    Cowboy's daughter
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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 39 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Fri Oct 15, 2021 9:12 pm

    Tajuden Soroush
    Two months passed since Afghanistan fell to the Taliban. So far no country has recognized the Taliban and Afghanistan is isolated and left without a government. The economy is collapsing and a nation is in complete despair.
    Cowboy's daughter
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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 39 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Fri Oct 15, 2021 9:14 pm

    Panjshir Observer
    Intense fighting ongoing in #Andarab started last night and has been raging for several hours. At least 60 Taliban fighters and 3 Resistance Front fighters have reportedly been killed in the clashes so far

    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 39 FBuTIBwVkAcOGvY?format=png&name=small
    Cowboy's daughter
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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 39 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Fri Oct 15, 2021 11:07 pm

    This says China recognized the Taliban.

    Violence Undermines China’s Plans in Afghanistan, Risks Luring it Into Quagmire

    A recent attack in Afghanistan carried out by a Uighur Muslim
    has shaken China’s top national security decisionmakers, who now question the value of promises from the Taliban.

    China's top national security decisionmakers are stunned by a devastating suicide bombing attack in Afghanistan last week reportedly carried out by a Uighur Muslim, sources say, provoking Beijing to either disrupt its march toward greater investments in the Taliban government or to commit further to the quagmire that has stymied other superpowers for decades.
    The Islamic State group's affiliate in Afghanistan, known as ISIS-K, quickly claimed responsibility for the deadly attack at a Shiite Muslim mosque in Kunduz on Friday. But in an even more brazen and rare move, it also provided a crucial detail about the attacker, specifying that the bomber was of the ethnicity that largely originates from China's restive Xinjiang Province. Beijing's attempts to stamp out violent extremists among its Uighur population has emerged as perhaps its most sensitive problem at home and nearby, as shown through the lengths it's willing to go to quash the threat it perceives.

    The highly symbolic nature of the latest attack has raised new concerns in China that its partners on the ground in Kabul are not following through on promises they made, including to prevent organizations fighting for Uighur causes from finding safe haven in Afghanistan. And it has prompted worries in Beijing that elements of the new ruling government in fact may be trying to exploit its interests there to draw greater investment and involvement.

    "They seem to be in a real state of panic in terms of how to deal with Afghanistan," says a source briefed on the concerns by Chinese military officials and on their plans for the future, who like others spoke to U.S. News on the condition of anonymity.

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    Cowboy's daughter
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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 39 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Sat Oct 16, 2021 1:29 am

    Russia, its allies to continue joint drill as long as situation in Afghanistan requires
    "Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Russia conducted quite successful exercises from the point of view of the deterrent effect on possible radical forces in the border areas," director of the Russian foreign ministry’s third CIS countries department Alexander Sternik noted

    MOSCOW, October 15. /TASS/. Russia, Uzbekistan and Tajikistan will continue joint drills as long as the situation in Afghanistan requires, Alexander Sternik, director of the Russian foreign ministry’s third CIS countries department, said on Friday.

    "Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and Russia conducted quite successful exercises from the point of view of the deterrent effect on possible radical forces in the border areas. Such joint drills will be continued as long as the alarming situation in the neighboring country requires," he said at a special session on the topic "Afghanistan in the system of regional relations" at the MGIMO-University.

    "It is quite obvious that it is important for Russia and Afghanistan’s neighbors to prevent turmoil, anarchy that might entail an economic collapse and a humanitarian crisis," he said.

    The special session on Afghanistan is being held as part of the 13th Convent of the Russian International Studies Association on the 30th anniversary of new Russia’s foreign policy.

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 39 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  nomadski Sat Oct 16, 2021 9:43 am

    Russia and Iran and China should not abandon Afghanistan , because there are extremist groups and turmoil . Together they can help Afghans overcome these problems by security and political and economic aid . Pushing the little pebbles out of the silk Road . The Shia in Afghanistan are well organised , and to stop sectarian conflict then they should not enter the arena , under a religious flag . But a national flag . They can help protect communities from ethnic conflict . Closure of Mosque in the short term is necessary . New protected venue can be organised , safe from attacks . Friday gatherings could be held several times during the day , with smaller number of worshippers . Say at 9 am , then 12 am , 3 pm and 6 pm , in open venue .

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 39 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  GarryB Sat Oct 16, 2021 1:03 pm

    China's top national security decisionmakers are stunned by a devastating suicide bombing attack in Afghanistan last week reportedly carried out by a Uighur Muslim, sources say, provoking Beijing to either disrupt its march toward greater investments in the Taliban government or to commit further to the quagmire that has stymied other superpowers for decades.
    The Islamic State group's affiliate in Afghanistan, known as ISIS-K, quickly claimed responsibility for the deadly attack at a Shiite Muslim mosque in Kunduz on Friday. But in an even more brazen and rare move, it also provided a crucial detail about the attacker, specifying that the bomber was of the ethnicity that largely originates from China's restive Xinjiang Province. Beijing's attempts to stamp out violent extremists among its Uighur population has emerged as perhaps its most sensitive problem at home and nearby, as shown through the lengths it's willing to go to quash the threat it perceives.

    What is wrong with American journalists... are they really that stupid?

    The suggestion from this piece above is that China is suddenly shocked and horrified and might stop supporting the Taliban... it then goes on to say that ISIS K claimed they were responsible for the attack and that the person who carried it out was an Uighur... BUT ISIS and this Uighur attacked the Taliban... which means the Taliban are the good guys here because as far as China is concerned nutter bloody suicide bombers that are ethnically Uighur are terrorists in the eyes of the Chinese... it is the west complaining that the evil Chinese are victimising the poor innocent misunderstood Uighurs, not the Chinese.

    This story means the Chinese were bang on in their support for the Taliban government and that the new US surrogates fighting the Taliban are terrorists (ISIS-K and suicide Uighurs) and they need to up their support of the Taliban to help them fight these nutters supported by Saudi Arabia and the west.

    Why are American reporters so damn stupid... I remember people posting articles by American websites on regarding Al queda working together with Iraqi Kurdish forces... they were trying to demonise Saddam for fighting against Al Quada... because Al Quada fighting along side Kurds against Saddam meant Saddam had links to Al Quada.... no wonder some Americans can be led around like sheep... there is no critical thinking involved at all... just learning by wrote...

    It really is no different to the education the Afghans are now going to get... boys and girls educated to the level where they can count and add so they can spend money and pay tax and then not much more. Boys get a little longer education so they can read the Quran... and that is it... read but don't question...

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 39 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  RTN Sat Oct 16, 2021 4:30 pm

    nomadski wrote:Russia and Iran and China should not abandon Afghanistan , because there are extremist groups and turmoil . Together they can help Afghans overcome these problems by security and political and economic aid . Pushing the little pebbles out of the silk Road . The Shia in Afghanistan are well organised , and to stop sectarian conflict then they should not enter the arena , under a religious flag . But a national flag . They can help protect communities from ethnic conflict . Closure of Mosque in the short term is necessary . New protected venue can be organised , safe from attacks . Friday gatherings could be held several times during the day , with smaller number of worshippers . Say at 9 am , then 12 am , 3 pm and 6 pm , in open venue .
    None of these things that you have outlined are possible as long as Pakistan exists. They will keep Afghanistan on the boil, like forever.

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 39 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  nomadski Sun Oct 17, 2021 10:22 am

    Well it could work out , here the Taliban seem to work in positive direction . They could work with others in establishing security . One way to do this , is to allow local tribal forces to police own areas , while handling international or national security problems like IS-K , together by a joint force .


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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 39 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  George1 Mon Oct 18, 2021 8:38 am

    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 39 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Mon Oct 18, 2021 9:47 pm

    Panjshir Observer
    Resistance Front is advancing on the main road going through Bazarak, the provisional capital of #Panjshir province. Heavy fighting ongoing in #Bazarak with Taliban taking high causalities. Photos are destroyed Taliban vehicles. #NRF #Afghanistan

    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 39 FB8JxZ8UcAUcVZv?format=jpg&name=small

    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 39 FB8JyOOVIAQw16I?format=jpg&name=small

    Panjshir Observer Retweeted
    Natiq Malikzada
    In clashes between Andarab Resistance Forces & Taliban in Pol-e-Hesar area of Andarab, Taliban have suffered heavy casualties. Taliban have been trying to send reinforcements to the area for hrs, but every time they have tried, they have faced guerrilla attacks by RF & they fled.

    #AFG The residents in Nangarhar are passing through a barbaric era. Hundreds of people are missing.Dozens brutally killed bodies,including beheaded corpses thrown in different parts of its capital since the Taliban took over. No Nangarhari elder can dare 2raise voice against it.

    Natiq Malikzada
    VIDEO: The Taliban are torturing a person who is said to be a critic of the Taliban Islamic Emirate.

    I think this is the "Changed Taliban" that West used to say. And they are right. Taliban have changed. Earlier they were beheading their critics, now they torture.

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 39 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  GarryB Tue Oct 19, 2021 2:19 am

    I think this is the "Changed Taliban" that West used to say. And they are right. Taliban have changed. Earlier they were beheading their critics, now they torture.

    Wow they learn fast... pretty soon they will be sending their prisoners to Guantanimo and suddenly be respected and ethical with their torture like the US is.

    I notice there is a guy in Guantanimo that has been there for 17 years and one month... he was a taxi driver of some guy they wanted to capture but it turned out even the guy they captured wasn't the one they wanted... but they still have this taxi driver in Guantanimo Bay prison... having tortured him and kept him from his family and they admit he is not someone they wanted when they snatched him, but he is still in illegal prison...

    Sounds like the Taliban are total amateurs and have a lot to learn from their dark sith lords...
    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    Taliban takeover of Afghanistan - Page 39 Empty Re: Taliban takeover of Afghanistan

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Tue Oct 19, 2021 10:10 pm

    GarryB wrote:

    I think this is the "Changed Taliban" that West used to say. And they are right. Taliban have changed. Earlier they were beheading their critics, now they torture.

    Wow they learn fast... pretty soon they will be sending their prisoners to Guantanimo and suddenly be respected and ethical with their torture like the US is.

    I notice there is a guy in Guantanimo that has been there for 17 years and one month... he was a taxi driver of some guy they wanted to capture but it turned out even the guy they captured wasn't the one they wanted... but they still have this taxi driver in Guantanimo Bay prison... having tortured him and kept him from his family and they admit he is not someone they wanted when they snatched him, but he is still in illegal prison...

    Sounds like the Taliban are total amateurs and have a lot to learn from their dark sith lords...

    Yes, if there are two different governments, and both governments do evil things, Although one may do more than the other, they both are still doing evil things.

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