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    Talking bollocks thread #4


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    Talking bollocks thread #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #4

    Post  ALAMO Sat May 06, 2023 9:09 am

    kvs wrote:But Russian subs are vastly inferior to US wonders.   The "whole world knows it".  

    Mao was right, the west is a paper tiger.   It is generally true that empires are built on perception of power and not actual realization of such power.
    The clowns in Washington and the oligarchs who own them may think they can fight China and Russia at once, but that does not mean that they
    have the ability.  

    "whole world knows" is just a bunch of propaganda delivered to the western audience.
    Some of you are old enough to remember a Harpoon series of strategy games.
    Every single parameter put into the program considering the Sovit weapon systems were inferior to the western ones.
    Yet the program code still retained additional lines to deprive the statistic unfavorably for the Soviet side.
    This is how "western supremacy" is being created for decades, if not ages.
    What is a core of the problem, is the fact that most of the audience is illiterate considering the mentioned matters.
    In my whole career, I have never met a military man that would disgrace the Russians, their equipment, or their skills.
    Not a bloody single officer ever did, in private conversations.
    Some of them were really impressed of how the Russkie deal with things in cost-effective manner.
    The things the politicians are blah blahing have nothing in common with the opinions of professionals.
    There was only one sort of people who denied this general rule, and the mercenaries we are talking about.
    Yes, they showed openly a full disrespect and asked what are they doing here an answer "arrived to kill the Russkie bastards" was common.
    But let's be fair, those are very specified types of human minds, and none of us would like to marry his daughter with any of them.

    Mir wrote:Exactly. The US design philosophy with the Los Angeles was to design a boat that could reach 30-35 knots to keep up with the Soviet subs. Despite all their gazillions of R&D money the best they could come up with was to reduce the thickness of the hull's steel and by doing so the submarine was unable to dive very deep. This decision instantly rendered them pretty useless in terms of countering any Soviet submarine threat.

    This is another example of how propaganda worked for the last 40 years Laughing
    688 series was made as an inexpensive and mass sub project to catch up the overwhelming Soviet number.
    It was full of compromises, and at the end it run slower, dived shallower, and carried less ordnance than equivalent Soviet subs.
    But on the bright side, it was three times more expensive, too! Laughing Laughing Laughing
    Virginia is no better, as it is nothing more than 688I(M) how we would call it in Russia.
    So how to cover the simple fact that the US submarine fleet was like Chevrolet compared with Cadillac?
    Vid games for kids and youths, movies for adults, talking heads in TV repeating same shit, propaganda all over.

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    Talking bollocks thread #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #4

    Post  Mir Sat May 06, 2023 9:30 am

    Dodgy welding and inferior quality steel made matters even worse! Laughing Laughing Laughing

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    Talking bollocks thread #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #4

    Post  ALAMO Sat May 06, 2023 9:34 am

    It was the best steel the Murican smelters can deliver, you silly!

    Considering the size of bribes assisting, I would call it a miracle that it consisted any rare metals at all Laughing
    Mild steel would work just fine!
    Worked for Titanic!

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    Talking bollocks thread #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #4

    Post  Arrow Sat May 06, 2023 9:36 am

    The only advantage of the Virginia class is that they can build a lot of it.  About 60 submarines.  According to the principle, quantity is also quality. Smile

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    Talking bollocks thread #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #4

    Post  GarryB Sun May 07, 2023 3:46 am

    Quantity was an alternative if the performance difference wasn't huge and could be made up for with clever tactics, but the idea of quantity is that it had to be cheap to achieve quantity.

    If you bankrupt your society trying to make lots of expensive things... well as we see some people make a lot of money and nothing else really matters.

    The strange thing is that it is ideology that is keeping the scandals at bay, because if investigative reporters were really just that then this would all be exposed and corrected.

    Instead all the news media have become extensions of hollywood and real reporters interested in the truth are ignored like Seymour Hersh and even Julian Assange.

    Assange didn't get rich with those stories... so why was he revealing these awkward truths... it seems truth and justice are no longer the American way... he didn't get that memo... but the censorship of the west that hides the capabilities of enemies when people ask why is their stuff better than ours despite how little they spend on defence and over such a short period they developed and got these things into service, or it exaggerates threats that Russia and China represent to boost military budgets or to explain why they spend so much on defence against countries that don't seem to be engaging in attacking the west.

    If anything the west goaded Russia into Syria and Ukraine and is trying to goad China into a conflict now too.

    The key is that when the west talks about the international community or the world... what they mean is the decision makers in Washington... the EU and other western allies might disagree but they conform... the only real exceptions are Turkey, Israel, Hungary and sometimes New Zealand.

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    Talking bollocks thread #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #4

    Post  andalusia Sun May 07, 2023 6:58 am

    I want to know how is higher education financed in Russia? Do you guys know that the US student loan crisis is over 1 trillion dollars.

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    Talking bollocks thread #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #4

    Post  Airbornewolf Thu Jun 01, 2023 3:29 am

    Hey guys, You all remember me getting a puppy a while back?.

    Little fighter that came from far eastern europe?.
    A mix of a sheperd and dachshund?
    I am not farming for symphathy, i just wanted to vent here.

    He's came a long way at my place after spending his childhood days in a kennel.
    His first 5 months he spend in a open kennel as a puppy.
    My little hero became house trained in a few weeks, learned to walk stairs, etcetera.

    And he had the social skills to go with it, like letting me sleep while he was already awake, not pulling his leash on walks, looking back constantly where i wanted to go, etcetera.
    Sadly, my little guy would have some tough hurdle's in life....

    He began to limp with his legs, i took him to the Vet recently, as the limping was something beyond playing..
    It turned out he had a genetic defect in his front legs, one set of bones grew faster than his others.
    Causing him great pain now and mobility problems.

    it took me more than five years to commit to a dog again after losing the last one to old age health complications.
    I am unwilling to accept to lose another one prematurely.

    I discussed this with the veterinarian, he said his condition is operable under expert conditions.
    So i chose to start the procedure.
    he had X-rays to his legs, confirming his conditions.

    Now he requires an specialized bone removal in his front legs, So his legs can be forced in the right positions so he can walk right.

    For me personally, i love him as my Son.
    his love for me is already unconditional.

    Financial costs for his recovery are drastic.
    it runs in the thousands of euro's to fix his legs.
    He has to go trough an specialized hospital to fix them.

    I am not rich, but i chose to be a parent of a dog, unconditionally.
    The Vet says we can fix him,...with enough resources.
    I have shifted all priority's to that.

    He came from the streets, if anyone knew his condition. they would just leave him to fend for himself.
    Nobody would put down thousands of euro's to fix a dog's legs for a dog they do not know.
    Nobody is going to take him away from me, He's part of my family now.

    Last edited by Airbornewolf on Thu Jun 01, 2023 7:12 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  GunshipDemocracy Thu Jun 01, 2023 3:55 am

    Respect mate! and all the best for both of you Smile

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    Talking bollocks thread #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #4

    Post  higurashihougi Sun Jun 18, 2023 7:06 pm

    Another example of typical Western double standard.

    I do wonder, if Abramovich gives up and abide by the West's demand, how much of the money do you think will really go to the hands of the Ukrainian people affected by the war ?  Very Happy  Very Happy  Very Happy  Very Happy

    The £2.3billion proceeds from the sale of Chelsea more than a year ago may not reach victims of Russia's war on Ukraine this year, or perhaps at all.

    It seems the sticking point is that Roman Abramovich wants a substantial chunk of the money to go to Russia, or rather Russians affected by the conflict. And neither the British government nor the European Commission will agree to such a move while sanctions are in place against Russia because of Vladimir Putin's aggression against Ukraine.

    Astonishingly, it seems that Abramovich, himself a sanctioned individual for his closeness to the Putin regime, must 'sign off' on the release of the funds, which he has so far declined to do because he wants the money shared across Russia as well as Ukraine.

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    Talking bollocks thread #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #4

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Sun Jun 18, 2023 7:17 pm

    Scorpius wrote:
    SeigSoloyvov wrote:if putin thinks Russia's Ukraine problem can be solved by diplomacy, then he is an utter fool
    Any war eventually ends with negotiations and a diplomatic solution. Otherwise, it becomes genocide.

    No not at all, Genocide is when you purposefully attack and kill a specific ethnic group for merely being part of that group. Etc Nazi rounding up, mass executing Jewish people for simply being Jewish.

    And russians, it wasn't Genocide when they where killing soviet soldiers because those are soldiers, but one you go after the civilian populace like that in such mass as to seek extermination then it turns into Genocide

    Killing your enemies in a war isn't Genocide assuming of course you are only killing enemy combatants or those who pose a dangerous threat.

    Last edited by SeigSoloyvov on Sun Jun 18, 2023 7:24 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Talking bollocks thread #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #4

    Post  Podlodka77 Sun Jun 18, 2023 7:30 pm

    To Sieg Heil...

    Guten tag !
    Genocide is the murder of 6 million Jews, and the whole world recognizes that and does not question it.
    Genocide is the extermination of Indians.
    Genocide is what the US did to Hiroshima, Nagasaki.
    Genocide is what the USA did to Iraq and Vietnam..
    And since there is no justice in this world, the USA was not convicted for the crime committed against the Indians, nor for the Japanese cities, nor for Iraq and Vietnam.

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    Talking bollocks thread #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #4

    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Sun Jun 18, 2023 7:42 pm

    Podlodka77 wrote:To Sieg Heil...

    Guten tag !
    Genocide is the murder of 6 million Jews, and the whole world recognizes that and does not question it.
    Genocide is the extermination of Indians.
    Genocide is what the US did to Hiroshima, Nagasaki.
    Genocide is what the USA did to Iraq and Vietnam..
    And since there is no justice in this world, the USA was not convicted for the crime committed against the Indians, nor for the Japanese cities, nor for Iraq and Vietnam.

    Actually even the senseless bombing and destruction of Dresden from the Americans is probably closer to genocide than to normal war bombing (since it was mainly against civilians).

    Not to speak about the countless other American war crimes.

    In WW2 US bombed a school in Milan killing almost 200 children.

    Their "real" objective should have been an industry located in a different part of the city more than 5 km apart. I do not believe it was a mistake.

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    Talking bollocks thread #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #4

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Sun Jun 18, 2023 7:45 pm

    Podlodka77 wrote:To Sieg Heil...

    Guten tag !
    Genocide is the murder of 6 million Jews, and the whole world recognizes that and does not question it.
    Genocide is the extermination of Indians.
    Genocide is what the US did to Hiroshima, Nagasaki.
    Genocide is what the USA did to Iraq and Vietnam..
    And since there is no justice in this world, the USA was not convicted for the crime committed against the Indians, nor for the Japanese cities, nor for Iraq and Vietnam.

    Well not really, in the case of the Indians it was the Portuguese (meant spanish) who started that, tho it is true during the Wars we had with them in the early days, Americans would attack civilians, the goal was never to eliminate them completely. The world was a far different place back then and civilians being targetted was common place in wars if you ACTUALLY bother to read

    Hiroshima and Nagasaki while civilian targets aren't examples of genocide as the goal was to force the Japanese to surrender not kill all Japanese civis. I do not agree with the dropping of the bombs and I do consider it a great mistake but its not genocide. The soviets also killed civilians in mass during the war

    Again the same situation with Iraq and Vietnam, our goal there wasn't to exterminate the race, civilians did die due to military actions yes, but we just didn't see groups of civis and go "Heyo bois unarmed people, lets take them down"

    I am sure you can find unique examples of some serviceman doing something shady but that goes for every war with every side.

    Long short learn fucking history, I am not excusing what happened btw, I am merely stating it wasn't genocide

    Last edited by SeigSoloyvov on Sun Jun 18, 2023 9:08 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Talking bollocks thread #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #4

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Sun Jun 18, 2023 8:10 pm

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:

    Hiroshima and Nagasaki while civilian targets aren't examples of genocide as the goal was to force the Japanese to surrender not kill all Japanese civis. I do not agree with the dropping of the bombs and I do consider it a great mistake but its not genocide. The soviets also killed civilians in mass during the war

    do you have any example Russians burning the whole city without any military meaning ? Japanese would surrender anyway so this is just US bs  it was clear signal to Russians you're next.  Fortunately USA didn't have nuke carriers then  could safely travel to USSR industrial centers.  And when Soviets had own nukes they have to stop planning.

    Again the same situation with Iraq and Vietnam, our goal there wasn't to exterminate the race, civilians did die due to military actions yes, but we just didn't see groups of civis and go "Heyo bois unarmed people, lets take them down"

    My Lai was exactly such situation. Killing burning unarmed civilians. It is exactly what US rule based world  and democracy si about.

    I am merely stating it wasn't genocide
    millions people killed by US regime was NOT genocide so what was it to you actually?

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    Talking bollocks thread #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #4

    Post  0nillie0 Sun Jun 18, 2023 8:13 pm

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:
    Podlodka77 wrote:To Sieg Heil...

    Guten tag !
    Genocide is the murder of 6 million Jews, and the whole world recognizes that and does not question it.
    Genocide is the extermination of Indians.
    Genocide is what the US did to Hiroshima, Nagasaki.
    Genocide is what the USA did to Iraq and Vietnam..
    And since there is no justice in this world, the USA was not convicted for the crime committed against the Indians, nor for the Japanese cities, nor for Iraq and Vietnam.

    Well not really, in the case of the Indians it was the Portuguese who started that, tho it is true during the Wars we had with them in the early days, Americans would attack civilians, the goal was never to eliminate them completely. The world was a far different place back then and civilians being targetted was common place in wars if you ACTUALLY bother to read

    Hiroshima and Nagasaki while civilian targets aren't examples of genocide as the goal was to force the Japanese to surrender not kill all Japanese civis. I do not agree with the dropping of the bombs and I do consider it a great mistake but its not genocide. The soviets also killed civilians in mass during the war

    Again the same situation with Iraq and Vietnam, our goal there wasn't to exterminate the race, civilians did die due to military actions yes, but we just didn't see groups of civis and go "Heyo bois unarmed people, lets take them down"

    I am sure you can find unique examples of some serviceman doing something shady but that goes for every war with every side.

    Long short learn fucking history, I am not excusing what happened btw, I am merely stating it wasn't genocide

    Can't compare indiscriminate mass murder with genocide.... apples and oranges people! But you are not wrong technically i guess.

    I dont agree as far as native Americans are concerned however, i would call settler colonialism inherently genocidal tbh. But that is off topic. Any country ever involved in colonialism is pretty much guilty of that.

    Last edited by 0nillie0 on Sun Jun 18, 2023 8:17 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Talking bollocks thread #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #4

    Post  Podlodka77 Sun Jun 18, 2023 8:15 pm

    To Sieg...

    It is true that crimes against Native Americans began before the United States was formed, but that does not diminish the crime committed by the ancestors of those who live in that country today.
    Whatever was the goal of the US in Iraq, Vietnam, Syria, Serbia and Libya, civilians, children, women and the elderly population died needlessly.
    In peacetime, you will pay a speeding ticket or a ticket for not wearing a seat belt.
    After the war, many escaped punishment for the crimes they committed.

    On the day when you yourself will say the following; **** NAZI Pact, **** rules based order - then you're saved..
    War is bullshit, there is no justice. New link from BB...

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    Talking bollocks thread #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #4

    Post  Firebird Sun Jun 18, 2023 8:52 pm

    higurashihougi wrote:Another example of typical Western double standard.

    I do wonder, if Abramovich gives up and abide by the West's demand, how much of the money do you think will really go to the hands of the Ukrainian people affected by the war ?  Very Happy  Very Happy  Very Happy  Very Happy

    The £2.3billion proceeds from the sale of Chelsea more than a year ago may not reach victims of Russia's war on Ukraine this year, or perhaps at all.

    It seems the sticking point is that Roman Abramovich wants a substantial chunk of the money to go to Russia, or rather Russians affected by the conflict. And neither the British government nor the European Commission will agree to such a move while sanctions are in place against Russia because of Vladimir Putin's aggression against Ukraine.

    Astonishingly, it seems that Abramovich, himself a sanctioned individual for his closeness to the Putin regime, must 'sign off' on the release of the funds, which he has so far declined to do because he wants the money shared across Russia as well as Ukraine.

    There is a saying.
    "Even hell hath its own commandments".

    I suspect they are pressuring RA to sign the documents because the confiscation is completely illegal according to international law. If RA signs, he has "consented" to the theft and therefore no longer a victim of theft.... at least in the eyes of the rotten British or possibly Western systems.

    Basically they are trying to force RA to do a deal with the Devil.
    Even if RA was no saint himself.

    He should tell the British govt to go **** themselves.

    And as for calling the Ru govt a "regime" but defending Nazis and US/NATO puppets, it really shows what a gutter publication the British Daily Fail is.

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    Talking bollocks thread #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #4

    Post  Werewolf Sun Jun 18, 2023 9:18 pm

    This must be some sort of absurdity I am reading here!?

    SiegHeil, with his American exceptionalism denies a nuclear genocide despite it was multiple times proven to be fake american nonsense to wash their hands in innocence. The genocide of native american people were done by the same people who have formed the colony to a country. The same people who since early 18th century have been telling thsemselves about their uniqueness to this day it has not changed. He openly supports it and even is proud of genocide "We fucked them up"... The name is very fitting indeed. Please tell that to japanese people in the face. Such shit you can only write on the internet because any eastern european would take actions for such behavior, but there is a good reason cunts like you say that only on the internet.

    There are irrefutable genocides committed by the US of A
    Genocide of

    Native Americans 40-50 Mln
    Vietnamese 2 Mln
    Korean 2.5 Mln
    Iraq 1,5 Mln
    Afghanistan (100.000+) nobody really knows as everyone above the age of 13 was considered a terrorist

    And here we have open Nazis waving their genocides as some sort of pride flag. No wonder your western civilization has and had never anything good to bring to humanity.

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    Talking bollocks thread #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #4

    Post  Isos Sun Jun 18, 2023 9:34 pm

    Japan was as bad as Nazi Germany during WW2.

    Hitting their cities and civilians with nuks was not good but they did so much nazi things in Asia that I don't really care about them. They kinda got what they asked for.

    People today see them as some wonderful people but they are racist as much as the nazi. **** them.

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    Talking bollocks thread #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #4

    Post  Podlodka77 Sun Jun 18, 2023 9:37 pm

    I see that there on this forum is at least one American who is realistic and who probably assumes that everything that is happening is not good for the USA. I think the crux of the problem in the US started in the 1970s when the super rich took over most of the capital from the middle class.
    It also coincides with the period in which the war in Vietnam ended.
    Even before that, the USA, that is, before the 70s, were not flowers, but after that they become a complete monster.

    I don't know how you from Western Europe react when you watch a link from FOX or some other American media, but those presenters don't look like people. Everything is so artificial and offensive that I admire that there is anyone moral and normal in the USA at all.
    Just look at this bitch....
    Is this SHE or HIM, what is this dear Jesus..

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    Talking bollocks thread #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #4

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Sun Jun 18, 2023 9:55 pm

    Podlodka77 wrote:To Sieg...

    It is true that crimes against Native Americans began before the United States was formed, but that does not diminish the crime committed by the ancestors of those who live in that country today.
    Whatever was the goal of the US in Iraq, Vietnam, Syria, Serbia and Libya, civilians, children, women and the elderly population died needlessly.
    In peacetime, you will pay a speeding ticket or a ticket for not wearing a seat belt.
    After the war, many escaped punishment for the crimes they committed.

    On the day when you yourself will say the following; **** NAZI Pact, **** rules based order - then you're saved..
    War is bullshit, there is no justice. New link from BB...

    Let us be clear, then Russians in the past have done such things, in Syria they did accidentally kill people with bombings.

    All instances you describe are not genocide as Genocide is the elimination of a race solely for being that race.

    Also no one is responsible for the actions of another, While I sympathize for native Americans, no one alive today bhad any thing to do with it. That is asanine logic. To suggest someone born hundreds of years later bares any fault for it

    We indescrimatly bombed sure, so have the Russians, knowing full well people where. However that is another matter not genocide.

    Learn what words mean before you use the

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    Talking bollocks thread #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #4

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Sun Jun 18, 2023 10:04 pm

    Werewolf wrote:This must be some sort of absurdity I am reading here!?

    SiegHeil, with his American exceptionalism denies a nuclear genocide despite it was multiple times proven to be fake american nonsense to wash their hands in innocence. The genocide of native american people were done by the same people who have formed the colony to a country. The same people who since early 18th century have been telling thsemselves about their uniqueness to this day it has not changed. He openly supports it and even is proud of genocide "We fucked them up"... The name is very fitting indeed. Please tell that to japanese people in the face. Such shit you can only write on the internet because any eastern european would take actions for such behavior, but there is a good reason cunts like you say that only on the internet.

    There are irrefutable genocides committed by the US of A
    Genocide of

    Native Americans 40-50 Mln
    Vietnamese 2 Mln
    Korean 2.5 Mln
    Iraq 1,5 Mln
    Afghanistan (100.000+) nobody really knows as everyone above the age of 13 was considered a terrorist

    And here we have open Nazis waving their genocides as some sort of pride flag. No wonder your western civilization has and had never anything good to bring to humanity.

    Cute, I see members hear cheering for uie Genocide and nuclear death....

    I never cheerleader anything, I did say oh yeah we bombed the **** outta them, which we did.

    That was me agreeing with you we bombed like ****

    Now you are throwing a tantrum because I said things you don't like, which is classic for people like you here.

    NOTHING I said was factually wrong l, how you feel about Frankly don't give a shit.

    btw you numbers are subjective, and there is no real evidence of them. How much people died isn't really known, But have seen people throw around all kinds of numbers with no real basis to support them.

    But the fact you said we hav started every war for the past 228 years shows me. You don't know wtf you are talking about but are just blowing shit out your ass.

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    Talking bollocks thread #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #4

    Post  Podlodka77 Sun Jun 18, 2023 10:10 pm

    To Sieg Heil....

    **** off...
    Your attempt to equate the USA and Russia in terms of crime against other nations defies common sense.
    Do you know where and when the Russians committed the greatest crime ?
    In the Civil War when they killed each other because of an inferior degenerate who brought the red disease from the West.
    But I'm not going to write about the red vermin and rats again.

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    Talking bollocks thread #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #4

    Post  Hole Sun Jun 18, 2023 10:27 pm

    Actually even the senseless bombing and destruction of Dresden from the Americans
    Most of the "Allied" bombing campaign was aimed at civilians. The people didn´t turn against the leadership,
    they rallied behind the "Führer".

    GarryB, Werewolf, Big_Gazza, kvs, GunshipDemocracy, Mir, Broski and like this post


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    Talking bollocks thread #4 - Page 32 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread #4

    Post  Werewolf Mon Jun 19, 2023 1:37 am

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:

    Now you are throwing a tantrum because I said things you don't like, which is classic for people like you here.

    NOTHING I said was factually wrong l, how you feel about Frankly don't give a shit.

    btw you numbers are subjective, and there is no real evidence of them. How much people died isn't really known, But have seen people throw around all kinds of numbers with no real basis to support them.

    But the fact you said we hav started every war for the past 228 years shows me. You don't know wtf you are talking about but are just blowing shit out your ass.
    Spoken like a true internet warrior.

    What I said is 100% true, the US has started all 230 years of war it was involved in one or the other way around. Non of the wars have been on your soil but still somehow is the US involved in all them.
    Tell me which war you have been involved that was not your fault?
    You won't be able to name a single one, because no one ever attacked the US.

    People like you are the same as everywhere online. The further away and safer the fat ass is the easier it is to talk about "bombing the shit out of someone".

    Pathetic being as you have lost all credit you may ever had. You can't make a single argument. You have been destroyed in Smerch vs Himars like you have been destroyed in every single claim you made.

    Airbornewolf, Big_Gazza, kvs, zardof, Hole, owais.usmani, Mir and like this post

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