GarryB Sun Aug 21, 2022 1:29 pm
Now I know you've had some serious trouble in the past identifying Soviet aircraft but does this preliminary drawing of the Mig-29 look anything like the Mig-29 we know today?
But I guess they probably look the same to you
If you look at the rules of this forum, one of them is not to disrespect the mods or admin... now I can accept some banter, and I don't like to enforce such rules... but you keep with the personal jabs and one time I might be in a mood to act.
Don't comment on it... because you don't know what mood I am in now... just blink twice and I will know you understand.
That drawing means nothing... they probably did 20 different drawings in different configurations... the facts of the matter are that they all take their designs and models to the same wind tunnel facilities and can watch each other testing there and the org that runs the wind tunnels doesn't care which model is which but they do want everyone to be as good as they can possibly be.
The story I heard was that an engineer went from MiG to Sukhoi... head hunted you might say and after he arrived the T-10 became the T-10M... and which looks more like the Su-27 we see today... the T-10 or the T-10M?
More importantly which early MiG-29 prototype does not look like a current MiG-29?
Only one of them had a radical shape change when they were building actual aircraft and that was the Sukhoi.
That concept was also implemented on the Mig-29 but only after they saw the Su-27 design. It has absolutely nothing to do with engine pods but hey knows better than the Soviet designers themselves!
So what you are saying is that they managed to competely redesign the MiG and still get it into the air the same year the Su-27 first flew, and their flying model looked more like the T-10M than the T-10 did... freaken amazing... but if a genius and expert like you says so...
Moving to TB thread.