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par far
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    China’s hammer blow to private education


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    China’s hammer blow to private education  - Page 2 Empty Re: China’s hammer blow to private education

    Post  GarryB Fri Jul 30, 2021 12:12 pm

    You never considered that it might have been the fact that the parents were wealthy that their kids get better jobs rather than anything to do with the school they went to?

    There is certainly a bit of school tie bullshit that goes on... you get the job because you went to the correct school, but that sort of thing also applies if you know the right people... there is not often much you can do about that.

    Imagine being the poor kid at the rich school.... that would really suck... especially when in a public school you could be in a completely different group.

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    par far

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    China’s hammer blow to private education  - Page 2 Empty Re: China’s hammer blow to private education

    Post  par far Fri Jul 30, 2021 3:43 pm

    GarryB wrote:You never considered that it might have been the fact that the parents were wealthy that their kids get better jobs rather than anything to do with the school they went to?

    There is certainly a bit of school tie bullshit that goes on... you get the job because you went to the correct school, but that sort of thing also applies if you know the right people... there is not often much you can do about that.

    Imagine being the poor kid at the rich school.... that would really suck... especially when in a public school you could be in a completely different group.

    I have a relative, who sent his kid to a very expensive private school and he now works as carpenter, so you do have to work, even in a private school.

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    China’s hammer blow to private education  - Page 2 Empty Re: China’s hammer blow to private education

    Post  GarryB Sat Jul 31, 2021 3:24 am

    Yeah, I think he missed the point.... the education is not likely to be better... the real core of why they do it is to network... to meet and befriend the rich and powerful.

    If you are a quiet socially awkward nerd then going to an expensive school is not going to help much unless your bunk mate is Bill Gates and he likes you enough to give you a break if you ask for it of course.

    Maybe he wanted to be a carpenter...

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    China’s hammer blow to private education  - Page 2 Empty Re: China’s hammer blow to private education

    Post  kvs Sat Jul 31, 2021 3:34 am

    George W. Bush and Yale come to mind. W. was basically dicking around with Skull and Bones frat activity and guzzling alcohol.
    People who go to places like Yale are not there to get a real education, but as Garry noted to network and make connections.

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    China’s hammer blow to private education  - Page 2 Empty Re: China’s hammer blow to private education

    Post  ALAMO Sat Jul 31, 2021 10:12 am

    That is why I asked if we really face "an upper education" there.
    A friend of mine finished an American university, I don't recall the name or location, but it does not matter.
    He graduated along with big, 2m tall, 120 kilos football players, who functionally could not read.

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    China’s hammer blow to private education  - Page 2 Empty Re: China’s hammer blow to private education

    Post  GarryB Sat Jul 31, 2021 12:37 pm

    Personally I have no problem with that as long as they are not doing courses on brain surgery...

    Lots of high schools here will head hunt big pacific island boys for their rugby teams, or any boys that show any talent.

    Why the hell not... there are a lot of jobs and roles in society where reedn and ritn and ruth ma tick don't really mean that much, and it takes all sorts of people to make the world go around.

    There are a lot of departments in most universities that are pointless... womens studies... the history of cinema... so many things are just a waste of time.

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    China’s hammer blow to private education  - Page 2 Empty Re: China’s hammer blow to private education

    Post  Mir Sat Jul 31, 2021 12:46 pm

    You will need a life time to get a degree in woman studies - and that is not guaranteed! Laughing

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