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    US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province


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    US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province Empty US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province

    Post  JohninMK Sat May 15, 2021 8:13 am

    Couldn't find a thread for this. Hopefully it will fill with more info as it is a subject that is very alive.

    曹 毅 CAO Yi أبو وسيم
    I have two colleagues from Xinjiang in our embassy. One is Uyghur Muslim, the other isn't. They both hold diplomatic passports. We often play football together to celebrate their successful prison break from an "open-air prison".

    The Hill
    · 12 May
    US says Xinjiang is essentially an "open-air prison"

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    US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province Empty Re: US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province

    Post  GarryB Sat May 15, 2021 9:00 am

    Open air prison like Guantanimo?

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    US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province Empty Re: US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province

    Post  JohninMK Sat May 15, 2021 11:10 am

    GarryB wrote:Open air prison like Guantanimo?

    Think that's what the US want us to believe as part of their strategy against China.

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    US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province Empty Re: US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province

    Post  GarryB Sun May 16, 2021 1:48 am

    So they are accusing China of keeping a section of their population in prison... like Indians on a conservation, without any proof, at a time when they are keeping people handcuffed and blindfolded 24/7 in Guantanimo Bay Military base without charge and without any release date...

    Damn Chinese... why can't they follow international law like the US does.... Rolling Eyes

    If only they had freedom loving whistleblowers to tell the world of their plight... like Snowden and Assange and Manning and many others who don't make the news... then there would be real justice... Twisted Evil

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    US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province Empty Re: US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province

    Post  kvs Sun May 16, 2021 11:11 am

    Yanqui propaganda loves to engage in revisionist sophistry. So they call prison labour "slavery". Yeah, because US plantation slaves were actually
    prisoners. And the US prisoners being worked hard cleaning highways are all happy-happy volunteers.

    It is clear that the Uyghur Muslim problem is being stoked by the yanquis and more than likely their minions as well. It is Wahabbi radicalization and
    infiltration. They did the same thing in Chechnya. The west oi swimming in a sea of bloody hypocrisy. It asserts the innate territorial integrity of
    the artificial state called Ukraine, but is busy spreading militant secession in countries that don't bend the knee enough.

    China and Russia never engaged in US and Canadian style ethnic cleansing of indigenous ethnic people into reservation ghettos. In Russia, indigenous
    people even have republics (hence Russian federation) that reflect their historical homelands. These republics can be agitated to secede and would
    serve as lucrative resource grabs by western marionette pullers. No aboriginal group in the US or Canada can even dream of seceding on any
    land that is viable. What they have are microscopic crumbs of their original territories. China is may have distinct internal administrative systems
    and borders, but it also never drove ethnic groups like the Uyghurs into tiny, destitute reservations.

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    US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province Empty Re: US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province

    Post  higurashihougi Mon May 17, 2021 3:09 pm

    US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province 184114231_10215899468239370_1649781105466475813_n.jpg?_nc_cat=110&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=b9115d&_nc_ohc=U_qa8sFm4GsAX8UFGch&_nc_ht=scontent.fsgn5-5
    US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province 185393774_10215899469479401_1313645172832504721_n.jpg?_nc_cat=108&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=b9115d&_nc_ohc=uRYi2uWTnQsAX829pYr&_nc_ht=scontent.fsgn5-5

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    US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province Empty Re: US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province

    Post  kvs Mon May 17, 2021 3:56 pm

    Gotta love that magical thinking in the participation trophy generation bringing down the west. The demonstrations are all staged,
    but nobody has any actual evidence of genocide. You know, disappearance of villages, mass graves, etc. We love tin foil hat
    conspiracies as long as they are what we want to hear and accuse others of being a "conspiracy theorist" if they say something
    that we do not want to hear.

    Interesting how the comparison to Nazis of, well, de facto Nazis gets some ludicrous "Godwin's Law" but the inane smear "conspiracy
    theorist" is perfectly fine. The so-called Godwin's Law clearly applies to the use of "conspiracy theorist" to fob off uncomfortable
    facts, it means automatic loss of the argument.

    BTW, repression of Wahabbist infiltrators and organizers is not "genocide". It is law enforcement that saves lives and real freedoms.

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    US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province Empty Re: US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province

    Post  GarryB Tue May 18, 2021 2:12 am

    The really amusing thing is that the US and the west talk about democratic values and human rights yet do more to undermine it all with their corruption and propaganda.

    They claim a key to democracy is a free and fair and open media, which they don't actually have themselves, and any country they have decided is an enemy they will undermine and abuse any free or fair media in that country... and even when exposed... they don't admit to doing anything wrong.... it seems it is OK for the west to break the rules if the goals are peace and democracy, yet ironically they never are.... it is coercion and propaganda so some big western company can make a lot of money or steal valuable resources.

    They blame RT and Sputnik and all sorts of things, but ultimately the problem is them.

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    US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province Empty Re: US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province

    Post  kvs Tue May 18, 2021 11:32 am

    RT and Sputnik do not toe the line on maintaining the western propaganda plantation. Therefore they must be defamed to keep
    the sheeple on the plantation. There are millions who are no longer on the plantation, but there are more millions who still are.
    These are the soft heads that respond to "state run media" tags. They cannot evaluate the information themselves and need
    it "approved" by some higher power. Really, why have a brain at all.

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    US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province Empty Re: US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province

    Post  lancelot Tue May 18, 2021 2:39 pm

    kvs wrote:RT and Sputnik do not toe the line on maintaining the western propaganda plantation.    Therefore they must be defamed to keep
    the sheeple on the plantation.    There are millions who are no longer on the plantation, but there are more millions who still are.
    These are the soft heads that respond to "state run media" tags.   They cannot evaluate the information themselves and need
    it "approved" by some higher power.   Really, why have a brain at all.

    It is more than just tagging. For example Twitter actively downgrades the feeds of such tagged entities.
    It also puts US propaganda agencies on top. For example try searching for "Kremlin" on Twitter.

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    US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province Empty Re: US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province

    Post  franco Tue May 18, 2021 3:33 pm

    lancelot wrote:
    kvs wrote:RT and Sputnik do not toe the line on maintaining the western propaganda plantation.    Therefore they must be defamed to keep
    the sheeple on the plantation.    There are millions who are no longer on the plantation, but there are more millions who still are.
    These are the soft heads that respond to "state run media" tags.   They cannot evaluate the information themselves and need
    it "approved" by some higher power.   Really, why have a brain at all.

    It is more than just tagging. For example Twitter actively downgrades the feeds of such tagged entities.
    It also puts US propaganda agencies on top. For example try searching for "Kremlin" on Twitter.

    Articles from this Forum used to show up all the time on Google searches... not anymore No

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    US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province Empty Re: US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province

    Post  kvs Tue May 18, 2021 5:49 pm

    I use Yandex to do searches. If you search in English it drags up all the western sites. It is like Google used to be before Brin
    exposed his totalitarian horns.

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    US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province Empty Re: US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province

    Post  franco Tue May 18, 2021 7:00 pm

    kvs wrote:I use Yandex to do searches.   If you search in English it drags up all the western sites.   It is like Google used to be before Brin
    exposed his totalitarian horns.

    I have the Yandex Search Engine but was getting too much commercial crap like Bing. Will have to check it out again.

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    US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province Empty Re: US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province

    Post  kvs Tue May 18, 2021 9:28 pm

    franco wrote:
    kvs wrote:I use Yandex to do searches.   If you search in English it drags up all the western sites.   It is like Google used to be before Brin
    exposed his totalitarian horns.

    I have the Yandex Search Engine but was getting too much commercial crap like Bing. Will have to check it out again.

    I use Adblock Plus which also suppresses malicious javascript attacks via 3rd party advertisements. And I go the main web page of search
    engines instead of installing any apps. But you are right Yandex is not ideal and tries to emulate Google in many ways.


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    US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province Empty Re: US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province

    Post  flamming_python Tue May 18, 2021 10:17 pm

    My friend was actually sent to that province on a business trip some years back

    Yep those camps are real, were still being built back then

    But I don't know who's sent there or what percentage of people or what in circumstances or whatever.

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    US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province Empty Re: US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province

    Post  lancelot Tue May 18, 2021 10:29 pm

    Less incarcerated than in the US.

    The Chinese had to take care of the Wahhabists somehow.
    They were "educated" in Saudi and Turkish funded islamic schools and they are now being "reeducated" in Chinese remedial schools.

    The US, of course, supports rebel movements in Xinjiang because it would cut the Chinese pipelines from Central Asia and the land based Silk Route via Kazakhstan.

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    US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province Empty Re: US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province

    Post  elconquistador Tue May 18, 2021 11:46 pm

    flamming_python wrote:My friend was actually sent to that province on a business trip some years back

    Yep those camps are real, were still being built back then

    But I don't know who's sent there or what percentage of people or what in circumstances or whatever.

    It's unclear what the purpose of these facilities are. I lean towards the CCPs explanation of 'education camps'

    What I can say from personal experience is (as I have visited the northern part of Xinjiang province
    - Dzhungharia, not the Uyghur dominant southern Tarim Basin) is that the place is a nasty dystopian Orwellian place. The Uyghurs are probably not loaded up in concentration camps, but they are definitely considered a security risk by the CCP

    Their culture, religion and language are under threat as the CCP will try to mold them into the '1 country 55 nationalities' framework. It's classic communist social engineering.

    As a foreigner in XinJiang (which, contrary to Tibet, is still accessible without additional permits) you too will be considered a similar security threat. In the time span of 8 days I was 'approached' 7 times by local police. Ranging from police officers walking up to me at the train station demanding my phone before plugging it in to some machine with wires hanging out, to bus checks (where out of the 50 or so passengers only my passport was photographed) to police officers asking me on the streets whether 'I was liking the city'

    For comparison, in the 4.5 years I lived in China proper I was never out of the blue approached by the local police. In fact, the police in China is one of the most laid back, relaxed and friendly I have ever seen. Extremely helpful too.

    My buddy, who did a tour in the Tibetan part of Sichuan (Amdo) had a similar experience. From police officers walking into his hotel room (he barely checked in, meaning that they were probably following him even before that) to police officers ordering him to the bureau for 'a chat' and 'to check his papers'

    Anyway, XinJiang itself (this was in 2017) had a very heavy police presence, endless security checks (malls, offices etc) and every corner of the city was covered with smart CCTV. Some of the muzzies looked defeated/ disconnected. The whole place had a rather eery vibe

    Obviously this 'smart grid urban dystopia' will soon come to a place near you. 'Re-education camps' included. The Chinese are just a couple of years ahead of us.

    But no, large scale internment of the local population is in my view not happening. But it isn't a paradise either

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    US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province Empty Re: US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province

    Post  kvs Wed May 19, 2021 12:14 am

    The choice is between a long lasting theocratic toilet and a shorter term "dystopian" living environment. Unfortunately the policing is
    driving resentment. But that is a global phenomenon. Much like airport security.

    The main point is that the western narrative that assumes there would be democracy and freedom if only those baddies didn't oppress
    is total, unmitigated rubbish. The alternative is worse and we see this in places like Libya. No, democracy is not messy. Regime change
    and foreign sponsored secessionist strife brings about more misery and not unicorns and flowers.

    Chechnya was resolved for the most part because there were enough locals who were not bent on being Wahabbists. Kadyrov's
    father was the main rebel leader in 1996, but was later assassinated by the Wahabbis. China will defeat its own goals if it does not
    introduce enough slack for the people in the region to find another way. Re-education camps are a waste of time and only drive
    more militancy.


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    US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province Empty Re: US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province

    Post  GarryB Wed May 19, 2021 4:18 am

    And that is just it the difference between education and propaganda is point of view, but considering one side from Saudi Arabia and Turkey and their Wahabbist BS leads to stuff like the conflicts in Chechnya as well as in Libya and Syria and Iraq etc and Afghanistan, I would think re-education is not only a good idea, but actually necessary.

    Ironically the inventors of the concentration camp.... the British called them re education camps and used them to try to convert the local population to their way of thinking... of course the heavy handedness and brutality against men women and children and the fact that these people were not British subjects so abuse was normal and accepted meant it was about as successful as German attempts at re-education during WWII in places like the Soviet Union.

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    US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province Empty Epic Fail , How to ruin US narrative on china in 3 minutes.

    Post  Vann7 Thu Jul 01, 2021 9:25 pm

    This is a nice one , don't miss this video , embarrassing video inside for the west.
    not done by super power intel report ,that ask millions dollars per year , but by a lonely parent
    on his son youtube account with a camera .   lol1

    likely this video will be deleted by google for copyrights infringements in.. 3 , 2 , 1 ....
    Amazing how obsolete are becoming today , world best intel agencies with the internet.
     Laughing    Laughing    Laughing    Laughing

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    US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province Empty Re: US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province

    Post  GarryB Fri Jul 02, 2021 12:31 pm

    Well worth watching...

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    US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province Empty Re: US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province

    Post  Mir Mon Jul 12, 2021 4:44 pm

    Late in 2019 China announced the discovery of vast oil deposits in the North West of the country in the Xinjiang province.

    So apart from all that in the video - which is all true - the real reason for the sudden "concern" since 2020 for those poor Uyghurs in Xinjiang, is mostly about the black stuff.

    US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province China-10

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    US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province Empty Re: US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province

    Post  Hole Tue Jul 13, 2021 7:27 am

    US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province Sklave10

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    US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province Empty Re: US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province

    Post  GarryB Tue Jul 13, 2021 11:10 pm

    The real irony is that private prisons are common in the US and one way for them to make money is to go for contracts to produce things where their low labour costs give them an enormous advantage because they are allowed to pay their prisoners anything they please which means a dollar an hour would be luxury.

    In that sense prison labour is slave labour when the choice is do the work or sit in your cell 23 hours a day.

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    US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province Empty Re: US and others claims of Uyghur Muslim abuse in Xinjiang province

    Post  TMA1 Wed Jul 14, 2021 1:21 am

    Come on. I am aware of how dark the corruption of the western nations gets and the ridiculous hypocrisy​. That said anyone who thinks Xi's China isn't as unscrupulous and wicked is delusional.

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