lyle6 wrote:I ain't see megadeaths in Africa adn the rest of the global south just yet, only in the US.
Megadeaths are not happening in the US either. Of the 7.5 billion people worldwide around 3 billion are from just two countries - India & China.
The West probably intends to target these two countries by bringing down their population by half. Already millions die every year in these two countries because of a host of tropical disease. Increasing the frequency and lethality of those viruses (through mutation) will easily wipe out 10X that population every year from those two countries. TBH these two countries with their massive population is a big threat to the Earth's dwindling resources. They should have controlled their population like Russia, EU 50 years ago but chose not to.
That being said Russia should be careful too.
Half a megadeath then. Still, they've done a number on us - I think our TFR just dropped to 2.0 from something like 2.4. In just one year. When practically everyone is indoors with not much to do.
lyle6 wrote:I ain't see megadeaths in Africa adn the rest of the global south just yet, only in the US.
Megadeaths are not happening in the US either. Of the 7.5 billion people worldwide around 3 billion are from just two countries - India & China.
The West probably intends to target these two countries by bringing down their population by half. Already millions die every year in these two countries because of a host of tropical disease. Increasing the frequency and lethality of those viruses (through mutation) will easily wipe out 10X that population every year from those two countries. TBH these two countries with their massive population is a big threat to the Earth's dwindling resources. They should have controlled their population like Russia, EU 50 years ago but chose not to.
That being said Russia should be careful too.
Half a megadeath then. Still, they've done a number on us - I think our TFR just dropped to 2.0 from something like 2.4. In just one year. When practically everyone is indoors with not much to do.
Who is 'our'?
I am also repeating myself now, but all measures and trends that are currently in place are mentioned in CIA documents from the 60s, and that Kissinger report linked above
From elevating sterile gay lifestyles to putting sterilisers into the water supply to supporting the break down of the nuclear family to supporting increased education for females etc. Etc.
Every single one of them.
Crusty low info boomers will say that this is a coincidence and somehow related to fake moonlandings
Interesting new statistics from Israel, the most vaxxed country on the planet. They are currently - like during their vaccination time frame - experiencing a death spike due to a sudden rise in heart failures.
The morons now try to chalk it up to stress and other external factors. Sure bro.
On a side note, it is also interesting to see (like elsewhere) the theory confirmed that Covid1984 causes a temporary spike in deaths - which is then followed by an spike into the other direction
And what happens in all countries and states that didn't impose drastic lockdowns and crippling restrictions leading to decreased accessibility of health care, a mental health crisis and an increase in traffic deaths?
No to hardly any excess deaths
Deep down I must admit that I consider this whole covid1984 a missed opportunity. Without coming off as a psycho, a boomer purge would have greatly helped any any graying nation (something that can be conveyed just by looking at some of the comments above).
Young people around the world are begging for a fresh start without all the dead weight that is pulling them down infinitely.
Imagine living in 2030 as a young person. Frigging half the population is a boomer living on unsustainable levels whilst passing down the bill to the younger generation. You yourself own nothing, live in a pod and pay astronomical taxes+premiums to sustain boomers (and migrants). Yet you try to make the most out of it
A flu variant from China arrives, which is to anyone not a complete moron is clearly a smokescreen to push through the most intrusive societal changes in 80 years. Yet this same moronic parasytical class of boomers now demand everybody stays indoors for the next two years and gets him/herself injected with experimental gene therapy - developed by outspoken eugenicists bytheway
A missed opportunity I am telling ya.
"By early March, Israel had vaccinated about 90% of its 65+ population and about 50% of its entire population. Covid deaths had been decreasing since the end of January, as expected, although not any faster than in some other countries with a very low vaccination rate, such as South Africa.
Concerningly, however, Israel has seen a renewed and continued increase in all-cause mortality since mid-February; in fact, by March 21, Israel reported the highest excess mortality of all countries participating in Euromomo (see figure above). In contrast, many other European countries currently report a post winter wave negative excess mortality.
The cause behind this renewed increase in Israeli all-cause mortality appears to be unclear. According to Israeli newspaper YNet, the director of an Israeli clinic explained that they are currently seeing “a murky wave of heart attacks”. The director believes that this might be due to the “persistent stressful situation” and the “neglect of preventive medical care”.
Although quite a few cases of post-vaccination heart muscle inflammation, heart failure and heart attacks have been reported in Israel since December (see e.g. 1, 2, 3), the hospital director argues that “a connection to heart damage from it has not yet been proven to be significant"
Last edited by elconquistador on Sun Apr 04, 2021 3:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
Incredibly based and brave Polish dude (in Canada).
Part 1
Part 2
This Polish pastor also got fined 1200USD a couple of months ago as he was feeding the homeless
Same stuff in England where the same Stasi tier intimidation and repression was going on
New Delingpole Podcast with Michael Yeadon (former Vice President and Head of Research of Pfizer) in which he explains why the mRNA vaccines worry him so much
Meanwhile cops here finally decided to start taking out the trash, good riddance (flat earthers and lunar landing deniers have massive overlap with these shitheads)
Meanwhile cops here finally decided to start taking out the trash, good riddance (flat earthers and lunar landing deniers have massive overlap with these shitheads)
Serbia cracks down on anti-vaccination activists .............
Good on Serbia
These sorts of clowns are harmless on a good day. But unfortunately in what the world is going through now, they've turned outright deadly.
They are not harmless on any day unfortunately
Several years ago 18 kids here died due to Measles infection because their idiot parents bought into that antivaxxer bullshit and didn't allow them to get vaccinated
Several years ago 18 kids here died due to Measles infection because their idiot parents bought into that antivaxxer bullshit and didn't allow them to get vaccinated
Part of the problem is that vaccinations have made some very serious diseases a thing of the past in most countries... it is a victim of its own success really.
It wont happen to me, or it is part of some big conspiracy are two major reasons for people not to vaccinate, but if this is really a big made up think to wipe out a significant percentage of the worlds population, then the virus itself would need to kill more than the under 3% it is currently achieving for that to make sense.
This is the new flu, so flu jabs every year is likely to be the norm, but then only the most vulnerable members of the population normally go for those and I don't see why that wont be the case in the future too so making everyone get vaccinated every year for the rest of our lives is another conspiracy scam too.
The real problem is that scaring people into thinking that the vaccine is worse than the virus just means the virus will stick around and likely mutate and never go away... but then there is always flu type diseases everywhere anyway.
Diseases like the Measles and Rubella and Polio can have serious consequences on young and older people... there is no reason not to get vaccinated... if not for yourself then for family and friends you might give it to.
A Colonel in the Russian Army discusses Coronavirus and it's true purpose. He says Pandemic was created to force people to take the vax.
Which vax? Which vax was created and ready to use in time for the virus spreading. I don't remember any to be honest.
Being a Colonel in the Russian Army is like being a Burger King franchise manager, or the owner manager of a KFC.
It does not make you an expert on anything except one particular brand of fast food... in the case of the colonel an expert in the Russian military depending on where he served and for how long.
Would not believe any of them regarding vaccination.
Number 1. Viral diseases have MOSTLY become less frequent and less endemic due to lifestyle changes, changes in food intake and sanitary improvements. Vaccines play a minor role in this. Health does not come from an injection needle - get it through your skulls.
The graph below is based on some of the earliest available data concerning vaccinations and their effect in terms of overall health and in terms of efficacy (late 19th century Britain)
This is obviously also the reason why all these diseases have not been eradicated yet in places like Africa and South East Asia. In fact, many of the Polio outbreaks in the Philippines are ALL directly tied to Polio vaccination campaigns, as some of the children are under-nourished or even mal-nourished (which gives the injected virus a chance to mutate) and the lack of sanitation and decent living condition/habits makes it very easy for the mutation to spread (ie. By drinking polluted shit water)
Number 2. Vaccines are garbage - just like any other non-holistic type of medication. And I am talking now about the traditional vaccines and not the new voodoo untested myserty nRNA juice. They can come with pretty serious side effects (mostly due to the heavy metals) and in some cases these side effects will cause chronic illness (or even death).
Below is a graph from this study that puts the data together concerning doctors visits/hospital visits from vaxxed and unvaxxed kids. (2020)
And when are we finally going to talk about the real 'epidemics' plaguing Western societies and the role vaccines play in these?
*The cancer epidemic *The autism epidemic (it is expected that by the year of 2050 25 percent of all US kids will be diagnosed with some form of autism) *The diabetes epidemic *The autoimmune diseases epidemics (auto-immune diseases increase by 7 percent each year in England)
Number 3. Vaccines are a business. Kids in the US now get a staggering 39 injections (often heavy cocktails) before the age of 18 - when I grew up 10-20 years ago, that number was only 13.
Number 4. Many older vaccines have been known to cause disease, especially when tissue from animals/animals viruses is used. Back in the 60s it was known already that viruses that are latent in animals could become pathogenic in humans when injected, yet they continue to use animal tissues.
Obviously this was swept under the rug and the practice continues to thus day. Why is this?
"Dr. G. Stuart made the same warning in 1953, when he spoke to the World Health Organization. He was talking about the yellow fever vaccine at that time. He stated:
Two main objections to this vaccine have been voiced, because of the possibility that (i) the mouse brain employed in its preparation may be contaminated with a virus pathogenic for man although latent in mice … Or may be the cause of a de-myelinating encephalomyelitis; (ii) the use, as an antigen, or a virus with enhanced neurotropic properties may be followed by serious reactions involving the central nervous system. [5] In 1996, Dr. John Coffin, a leading expert on recombination in viruses, warned against transplanting cells from animals into humans to improve the functioning of the immune system of HIV-AIDS patients. He stated:
The infection is a virtually inevitable consequence of xenotransplantation and this is a very serious worry because the animals that have been chosen for doing this — the baboon and the pig — are both known to carry endogenous viruses, replication competent, but very poorly studied, that are capable of infecting human cells"
Number 5. Vaccines have been used as a cover to inject part of the unwanted population with toxic stuff. In this a good example would be the Ethiopian Jews in Israel that were multiplying a little too fast - so they got the sterilisers instead.
Number 6: using silly terminology like anti-vaxxers. Falls in the same category as 'racists', 'anti-semites' and 'conspiracy theories', nothing more than state/big Pharma originated labels to create peer pressure and label a non-compliant part of the population as outsiders/enemies
In addition many 'anti-vaxxers' aren't actually anti-vaxx. Instead they are anti state intrusion, anti Big pharma and anti inject a whole load of unnecessary toxins in my kids body
Conclusion : vaccines are garbage yet in some cases could be considered necessary.
Like with the reproductive health crisis (tied to unnatural, toxic lifestyles) that is looming (I posted a thread about it a couple of weeks back), vaccine side effects will soon become major health crises be in the form of ever increasing autism amongst the general population or in the form of ever more prevalent auto-immune diseases
My only hope is that at some point people will come to terms with this reality and for once start balancing the PROS versus the CONS
The Detroit News reported that as many as 246 vaccinated Michigan residents later tested positive for the deadly bug, including three who have died. The cases were reported between Jan. 1 and March 31, and the 246 had a positive test 14 or more days after the last dose in the vaccine series, said Lynn Sutfin, a spokeswoman for the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services.
So the US vaccines are not effective at preventing deaths in some percentage of the population.
GarryB wrote: It wont happen to me, or it is part of some big conspiracy are two major reasons for people not to vaccinate, but if this is really a big made up think to wipe out a significant percentage of the worlds population, then the virus itself would need to kill more than the under 3% it is currently achieving for that to make sense.
This is the new flu, so flu jabs every year is likely to be the norm, but then only the most vulnerable members of the population normally go for those and I don't see why that wont be the case in the future too so making everyone get vaccinated every year for the rest of our lives is another conspiracy scam too.
The real problem is that scaring people into thinking that the vaccine is worse than the virus just means the virus will stick around and likely mutate and never go away... but then there is always flu type diseases everywhere anyway.
If a killer virus wants to be a success in its peer group it has to kill slowly and not kill its hosts before they can spread it.
Also, what if it isn't the virus in this case that is the kill mechanism but the vaccine, or a class of vaccines? There is a discussion out there that is very worried about m-RNA vaccines making their hosts very vulnerable 4+ months after vaccination. A time delay that would allow significant numbers to become vulnerable before any alarm was raised, which would be drowned by the 'a new more deadly mutation' argument.
Should get my second jab (AZ) next week, we are working with a 12 week gap here in the UK.
I noticed a report that a delivery of 700k shots of Pfizer hadn't turned up on schedule last Saturday in Tel Aviv. It appears that Israel is on credit stop having not paid for the previous 2.5M shots.
I hope we all agree it's a man made virus created in a lab..A biological weapon...and those vaccines will not help the people as they are not made for that but for profit. So people like bill gates can make billions from doctor in the world sadly..
If a killer virus wants to be a success in its peer group it has to kill slowly and not kill its hosts before they can spread it.
Very true, but it also does not need to be highly lethal to be useful for conspiracy theory megadeath plans to wipe out a significant number of the worlds population.
An incubation period of months or perhaps years, and then 100% rate of infertility in the carrier and the hosts.
Also, what if it isn't the virus in this case that is the kill mechanism but the vaccine, or a class of vaccines?
If the virus does not kill there would be no motivation to get the vaccine.
There is a discussion out there that is very worried about m-RNA vaccines making their hosts very vulnerable 4+ months after vaccination. A time delay that would allow significant numbers to become vulnerable before any alarm was raised, which would be drowned by the 'a new more deadly mutation' argument.
If the all powerful Illuminati or whatever the fuck these loony tunes want to call them have decided that 90% of us have to die then if they don't put it in vaccines they can put it in asprin or rice krispies or the water or make an airborne version and drive around in vans pumping it out their exhaust pipes in cities...
They could inject it into fresh fruit or hide it in processed food easily enough... there is not a lot we could do except stop eating and breathing and then they wouldn't need to do anything to get their wish.
Should get my second jab (AZ) next week, we are working with a 12 week gap here in the UK.
Here in New Zealand the only covid infected people arrive on planes and go into quarantine.
Don't know when I will be able to get a jab.
I hope we all agree it's a man made virus created in a lab..A biological weapon...and those vaccines will not help the people as they are not made for that but for profit. So people like bill gates can make billions from doctor in the world sadly..
I would think if it was a man made virus it would have been better deployed in multiple centres at once and in much larger concentrations to ensure it got out of control faster.
The Russian vaccines seem to be effective... we would be hearing it from western media if there were any deaths or problems and there is nothing.
I agree that a fundamental problem with western medicine is that cures are less economically attractive than ongoing treatment that allows more customers to be infected and ongoing treatment creates a real revenue stream.
Conclusion : vaccines are garbage yet in some cases could be considered necessary.
The fact that you can make such an illogical statement makes me dismiss what you are saying.
Vaccines are useless and stupid... but could save your life...
What you are saying is that a seat belt is restrictive and violates your human rights... but if you have a car accident could keep you alive where otherwise you might die.
There are no guarantees in life, you might have an allergic reaction to a vaccine, or the vaccine might not work... you might die after taking a vaccine... because getting vaccinated wont stop you getting hit by a bus and killed in the street.
When you give vaccines to everyone then a lot of people receiving the vaccines are going to die because people die for all sorts of reasons... spouting BS numbers does not help if they have not been looked at and carefully attributed properly to their actual cause.
Vaccinations are just part of the solution for disease.... often being able to identify it early and various potential treatments and things like isolation and travel restrictions can have an enormous impact.
You can show a chart showing instances of small pox going down and down, but what are these numbers... where did they come from... here in New Zealand if we vaccinated against small pox the numbers of cases might not deviate very much because the main source might arrive by ship or aircraft and they are only vaccinated over time so incidents only gradually go down.
Or for instance the disease might be rampant because we don't understand properly how it is transmitted, but as the population is educated about food handling and proper hygiene, and to identify the symptoms and isolate people with the disease early to reduce infection rates, then of course the chart showing cases will rapidly go down and vaccinations might not be so significant... especially when half the population refuses to be vaccinated because they are small minded ass holes who believe idiots on the internet who claim there is aluminium in the vaccines, or microchips to track you with satellites... or some special chemical that further down the line will be activated and make you need medicine the vaccine makers make and they can charge you the earth for because only they make it....
The science behind vaccination is sound, and if you think some company is trying to screw you take a good look at the list of potential side effects on asprin or panadol... many of them are... what makes them any different from politicians and priests and used car salesmen.
If you get a chance to be vaccinated then do it. The risks of the vaccine are way better than the risk of the virus.
If it is your time then it is your time. We all gotta go sometime... but obviously if you get a choice try to do some research... most of the information changes daily... which is a reason why vaccinations are so slow here in NZ... we have the luxury of using the rest of the worlds experience as guinea pigs so we can make better informed decisions.
I think it was Goldman Sachs that said something like "producing a cure for an illness is not a long term business strategy" and their advice has been followed.
GarryB wrote: Which vax? Which vax was created and ready to use in time for the virus spreading. I don't remember any to be honest.
Being a Colonel in the Russian Army is like being a Burger King franchise manager, or the owner manager of a KFC.
It does not make you an expert on anything except one particular brand of fast food... in the case of the colonel an expert in the Russian military depending on where he served and for how long.
Would not believe any of them regarding vaccination.
i rather believe in a former colonel who worked at military intelligence , and hundreds of doctors who work at hospitals ,or have their own clinics and work with covid patients every day ,that have also spoken , against anglozionist vaccines , as a depopulation agenda. better that ,than to believe in an unknown forum member with moderation in a forum , who have been proven wrong in most cases in almost every discussion of international politics . Like i said , all anti anglo pharma vaxxers in this forums , have backed their claims with evidence ,with verifiable reports and professional opinions of expert in the field of medicine. Even the head of gamaleya institute ,warned about this mRNA vaccines and told it in a diplomatic way ,of being not very safe ,untested and unproven techniques they using to vaxx people.
So is not just the military garryb.. is the health industry and top microbiologist saying the same thing .that put in to question , the safety of genetically manipulation vaccines.
and i find strage ,that you discredit that colonel so easily. when YOU even admitted , that you believe the west want to depopulate the world , you said that . but the only difference between what i say and you said.. is that you believe , that the depopulation project is only for enemies of the anglo system and while i believe is for every person or group , or even ethnic group ,that they don't consider necessary for their world dictatorship system. So blacks ,latin americans , asians , that are poors and or those that can be a potential opposition to their one world dictatorship tyranny , being the ones they seeking to get rid off. this will make sense for evil people way of thinking ,because those not part ,not in love with their system ,will become a problem in the future , and could incite protest , and overthrow them. . this is also to make it more easier and more cheap ,to control population ,when the anglozionist powers get for the first time ,the power to kill millions and get away with it , later ,by blaming it on a virus and will help of their bullshit media ,they will believe.
in other news,.
Canadian journalist ,expose the lies of the Canada government ,with their statistics ,to justify mandatory vaccinations in all population. just like it was happening in USA , being brothers in crime all anglo nations , CANADA is also lying to the population ,using fake statistics ,to justify forced vaccinations and lockdowns in their country..
Canada exposed (for just like US) , in artificially fabricating an pandemic crisis in their country to justify endless lockdowns and forced vaccinations on population
Alarmism and exaggerated ICU data Premier Doug Ford, in his address yesterday, spoke of case rates, hospitalizations, and ICU occupancy “increasing rapidly, threatening to overwhelm the healthcare system.”
But, as I've written before, the whole concept of “cases rising” is meaningless: “Cases are determined by Covid-19 tests, which have proved to be unreliable and inaccurate, giving false positives and creating a false picture of reality. This faulty testing is exacerbating the media hype over 'rising cases.'”
And according to a long-time employee at the Ottawa General hospital I corresponded with: “I work in a large hospital and I pass through the Covid-19 ICU unit every day. And it’s never been overflowing or too busy.”
Or, as a columnist for the Toronto Sun noted: “Toronto’s top doc said that data was showing younger people in ICUs. Asked about the data, she changed her tweet to say she was 'hearing' of younger Toronto ICU patients. Big difference between data showing and you hearing anecdotally.”
Or, as an Ontario MPP noted: “The @OntHospitalAssn keeps fear mongering about ICU capacity. But Critical Care Services Ontario ICU data for Apr 3 reveals: Toronto 375 of 496 beds taken (76%) Central: 398 of 513 (78%) Ontario: 1852 of 2418 (77%) The question to the OHA is why?”
If any government in the world ,constantly lie to you , constantly cheat on you , and pressure you to do something ,that anyone feels is not safe , why? because you catch them lying and lying and more lies , artificially inflating their numbers ,to pressure people to vaccinate and only with their vaccines.. then this is a clear signal ,that you should not trust in them , in any way shape or form.
like i said before ,if a car salesman , is selling you a car and tells you the car is new , and ask for full price of a brand new car , but you inspect carefully, and you notice the car was repaired and show signs of suffering an accident ,and the engine leaking oil , then what will normal people with common sense will do ? you will say no thanks... you know he is lying and trying to deceive you ,to get your money..
I don't know of anyone in the world , with the most basic form of common sense , that will trust in any business or people they know are lying ,and trying to deceive them , to scam with their hard earned money
my question is , isn't people lives and their family lives more valuable ,more important than all the money in the world ? then if your life and family lives is more important ,than all the money in the world , then why it need to be different the rules of trust , when it comes to people lives and people health ?
Why would anyone vaccinate ,if you catch your government shamefully lying to you with the reasons why you need to vaccinate ,and doctors openly speaking on media about the fraud with US covid19 statistics? saying how US federal gov is pressuring doctors of hospitals and clinics across the nation ,to write every death in the country as covid19 death whenever there is doubt?
If today pandemic is an anglo zionist world depopulation program.. (as i strongly suspect it is )
the only way it will work.. to ethnically kill billions of people and avoid an armed civil war against them that brings down the tyranny. is if they do things slowly ,little by little ,step by step , and more importantly that vast majority of population is vaccinated first and they earn the trust in their government first ,that they are not killing them and they are just "protecting them".
But once everyone is vaccinated ,is when the real killing will start , but again done by steps , little by little. They can just wait a couple of years or more ,until everyone gets used to yearly vaccinations with genetically manipulating vaccines, and the perception is that "nothing happens " , and this is when the massive ethnic cleansing will start , and they will blame it on a "new virus" but the cheat will be on their vaccines ,that are designed to create an over reaction ,of your immune system of defense ,that will end killing you ,your own body.
That said ,this anglozionist vaccines are the perfect murder tool , is pure brilliant , because thanks to millions of people like GarryB and the western mainstream propaganda media , in combination with corrupt politicians , They will get the power , at their hands , ready to use ,to whenever they want to depopulate the world and get rid of those they know will create problems ,and will rise against their tyrannical system. The west might even blame the hundreds of millions dying in their countries, to Russia and china ,venezuela or iran , biological weapons ,or that escaped virus from a lab , and the dumb people will believe it.. so this mandatory vaccinations is the perfect killing tool ,much more dangerous than nuclear weapons ,because can kill millions and millions and do it stealthily ,without people knowing they are being systematically killed by their own government.
Germany intends to negotiate on "Sputnik V" without the EU April 9, 2021
Germany plans to hold talks with Russia on the Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine. This information was confirmed to Izvestia by the German Ministry of Health, referring to the head of the department.
A number of states, including Bavaria and Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, expressed their desire to independently conclude a deal with the Russian Federation on the drug.
The Ministry of Health of the Federal Republic of Germany stressed that confidential negotiations on the Russian vaccine are being conducted in the working group for the production of drugs under the Ministry of Economy of the country, however, additional details were not reported to Izvestia.
Saxony Prime Minister Michael Kretschmar said that during his visit to Moscow, he will use the opportunity to discuss vaccine research and Russia's experience in combating the pandemic.
"Russia is a great country of science, and I have no doubt that it is capable of creating a powerful vaccine there. Now we have a problem with productivity, and we will be happy to vaccinate as many people as possible if enough vaccines are available, "the politician said in an interview with Izvestia.
The press service of the government of Thuringia also supported the conclusion of preliminary contracts for Sputnik V. The Saxony-Anhalt government told Izvestia that a local company is negotiating a possible production of a Russian vaccine at home.
The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that mandatory vaccinations are legal in a significant judgment that could have a big impact on the rollout of the COVID-19 jab.
The ruling was in response to a complaint from a group of Czech families who had been fined and had their children denied nursery care over their refusal to let their kids take mandatory vaccinations against against nine diseases including diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, hepatitis B and measles.
The parents argued that the law was in violation of of Article 8 on the right to respect for private life, but the court disagreed and said that the compulsory jabs were in the “best interests” of children to ensure “every child is protected against serious diseases, through vaccination or by virtue of herd immunity.”
Mandatory vaccinations “could be regarded as being ‘necessary in a democratic society’,” the court judgment read.
Recall that the EHCR is staffed with Soros maggots. This topic has been covered on this board before so it ain't no "conspiracy theory".
elconquistador wrote:Wow fortunately the timing is not suspicious at all
No judge is competent to make any such ruling. The ECHR clowns clearly are totally lost on the details. Covid-1984 is not polio or some other disease that leads to child death and crippling for life. In fact, Covid-1984 basically has no effect on children. Since this fcuk-ass kangaroo court never ruled that flu vaccines are mandatory to "save the children in a democratic society", they cannot pull this non-logic on Covid-1984. The ruling by this kangaroo court has nothing to do with medicine.
I think it was Goldman Sachs that said something like "producing a cure for an illness is not a long term business strategy" and their advice has been followed.
From an open letter from Goldman Sachs to the drug companies they had just started investing in at the time....
Gold Man Sacks... rich man steals... when you raid and sack a village it essentially means pillage... so "rich man pillages"... never noticed how obvious that was.
I don't know of anyone in the world , with the most basic form of common sense , that will trust in any business or people they know are lying ,and trying to deceive them , to scam with their hard earned money
Yeah, they became rich and powerful because no one believes them...
Did you overthrow your government? You know they lie to you too...
"Russia is a great country of science, and I have no doubt that it is capable of creating a powerful vaccine there. Now we have a problem with productivity, and we will be happy to vaccinate as many people as possible if enough vaccines are available, "the politician said in an interview with Izvestia.
Funny that not that long ago the labs in Germany that would be producing Sputnik V were busy identifying Novachok in underpants...
Of course let them produce it but the German produced vaccine must be called Novachok V...
elconquistador wrote:Wow fortunately the timing is not suspicious at all
No judge is competent to make any such ruling. The ECHR clowns clearly are totally lost on the details. Covid-1984 is not polio or some other disease that leads to child death and crippling for life. In fact, Covid-1984 basically has no effect on children. Since this fcuk-ass kangaroo court never ruled that flu vaccines are mandatory to "save the children in a democratic society", they cannot pull this non-logic on Covid-1984. The ruling by this kangaroo court has nothing to do with medicine.
It is another nail in the coffin of civil liberties
As for the Modus operandi, it will be Big Tech that leads the charge - they are at least one and possible several stairs higher on the pyramid of power anyways (than elected officials)
So Federal government, or national governments in Europe will play the Good cop by saying that they won't make it a legal pre-requisite as there is no legal standing.
'Pheww, bullet dodged' I hear half the population thinking
Unfortunately Big Bizz (Big Tech included) will lead the charge. Because it is the right of 'private companies' (your Tech/Wall Street overlords) to deny you access, employment or business on the grounds of 'health protocols'
So what this in essence means is that, for now, you will be able to have a right to leave your house (which in reality isn't yours either) for as long as you want - fully face diapered of course. However, you do not have a right to enter the McDonald's, MegaMall, office, sports club, or anywhere else without your Health Card.
Or maintain a bank account. Or use Amazon. Yes, this is really coming. 'I am sorry sir but on grounds of our new health policies we will have to terminate your bank account
You are now thinking:' Well than I'll just go to a mom and pop's store'. Yeah and those have been closed for months already, with half of them bankrupt. When you know the endgoal the process itself just makes so much more sense.
People that will call me a conspiracy theorist should remember that people like me were called a conspiracy theorist as well last year (when we said that they would use this to implement a santirary dictatorship)
Who turned out right, and who turned out wrong?
And about the kids, I can guarantee that they will go after the kids. Your are still applying logic, which is a mistake as there is no logic in their dealings. Only sheer list for power, propaganda and mind control
Leprechaun Fauci has already said it. Children too will have to be vaccinated if we really want to eradicate Con-vid
And don't we all really want to eradicate con-vid?
And even after this non-sensical drivel the masses will still not understand that there is a very sinister plan at play here
At this point one can only hope that it's the HealthCard/Vaccine Passport control grid-motive that is leading the charge, and not some sort of toxicbrew juice we all have to take
The European Court of Human Rights has ruled that mandatory vaccinations are legal in a significant judgment that could have a big impact on the rollout of the COVID-19 jab.
The ruling was in response to a complaint from a group of Czech families who had been fined and had their children denied nursery care over their refusal to let their kids take mandatory vaccinations against against nine diseases including diphtheria, tetanus, whooping cough, hepatitis B and measles.
The parents argued that the law was in violation of of Article 8 on the right to respect for private life, but the court disagreed and said that the compulsory jabs were in the “best interests” of children to ensure “every child is protected against serious diseases, through vaccination or by virtue of herd immunity.”
Mandatory vaccinations “could be regarded as being ‘necessary in a democratic society’,” the court judgment read.
Recall that the EHCR is staffed with Soros maggots. This topic has been covered on this board before so it ain't no "conspiracy theory".
I'm so glad I live in Switzerland already and this just helps.
Not entirely related to Covid-19, but the Chinese and Russians seem to be getting a little nervous over the existence of US biolabs right on their border
Not entirely related to Covid-19, but the Chinese and Russians seem to be getting a little nervous over the existence of US biolabs right on their border
yep , and this have been happening for decades . they do experiments , with the ethnic groups of enemy nations. This actions are criminal on its own , since there is no reason for them to do that ,unless they seeking to produce bioweapons that only affect that ethnic group. This is basically biopharma military industry in the west , developing effective viruses ,to destroy their enemies.
the fact that they can do this things so openly and does not make any headline world wide , in the west , as scandalous is eye opening.. you bet that if Iran was building dangerous biolabs facilities on mexico border with US , the pentagon will be screaming demanding their immediate removal or simply bomb the facilities without any warning , saying they will not allow weapons of mass destructions facilities to be build on their borders. Last time soviet union deployed nukes on cuba ,alarmed the americans , and nearly a war start. the reaction should be no different for NATO military biolabs facilities on russian or chinese borders.
in more bad news..
México registra primer caso grave de trombosis asociado con vacuna AstraZeneca (Mexico register the first grave case of thrombosis ,associated with astrazeneca vaccine.)
the english subs ,available using the autotranslate -english option from youtube.
Remember the vaccines that europe rejected from aztrazeneca for not being safe enough? guess what ? the good patriotic president of mexico , in his foolish decision ,accepted them for mexico and now is making headlines his country , because have been confirmed ,those british vaccine are dangerous as europe was observing.
one mexican of advanced age 94 , got thrombosis just few days after being vaccinated with aztrazeneca. This is an scandal now in mexico in development , because it was confirmed it was the vaccine who did it. spunik v ,have been using in people with 100+ years and have caused absolutely zero problems after hundreds of thousands of vaccinated.
Mexico own records , that the slides was posted weeks ago in this forum ,proof sputnik V and chinese vaccines are 100% safe ,from major adverse effects and that aztraseneca ,pfizer are not only causing major adverse dangerous effects ,but also killing people.
what is more alarming about the aztrazeneca incident with one patient in mexico ,is that it was the first shot ,and he still needs to take the second one.. it means that russia better stay away from this alliance they intended to do , of providing the second shot . Because anything that goes wrong will be blamed on their perfect record vaccine ,after a million of shots. Astrazeneca need to go back to the drawing board , and build a 100% safe vaccine ,100% of the times with zero percent probability of danger for anyone , if Russia can do it. and china too , i don't understand why the "freedom loving humanitarian west" can't do completely safe vaccines ,when dictator Russia and communist china can do it. science never fail , a lonely death here or there might not look like big deal ,but when millions are vaccinated and hundreds die , this is not safe enough , and not consolation for anyone who end being the victims and family members permanently ill or killed.
i have yet to know of anyone who have been confirmed to die from covid19 , this is a virus that is more deadly to elder people or those with problems of morbidity . The reality is ,people have far away more chance to survive from covid19 , than to survive from a vaccine shot from anglo pharma industry that goes wrong in your body . Those thousands of documented cases , that gets killed by the vaccine die in hours after the shot or few days . while covid19 people can fight it for months and survive from it ,with medicine and doctors help. But you can't save anyone from a pfizer,moderna,aztraseneca vaccine shot that is rejected by their body. Covid19 could only dream to do what anglo vaccines can do , to kill in just 2 hours.. covid19 can't do that.
Conclusion is far safer to fight the virus ,with medicine or treatment from hospitals help ,than to gamble and play poker with your life with proven risky and dangerous at times ,unstable unreliable vaccines like the western anglo pharma industry is producing. Russia even have a medicine that is 100% against covid19..and will be available for all nations in near future ,when trials ends. so what excuse the west will now have for forced vaccinations if effective medicine exist that in a matter of hours can counter covid19 ?
The irony is that all this anglo vaccines industry have been having tons of problems in the past with other vaccines too ,influenza for example ,and they always advertise their vaccines ,as "safe" but if people die , is just a "very rare case" and never any death is blamed on their vaccines. is people fault if they die after taking the shot .
i will like to be positive about the west , but simply can't do that , can't ignore their lies ,their corruption , of the entire western system ,how much they cheat on society ,steal elections ,start wars based on lies , simply can't ignore ,who influence and owns partially and have major influence in anglo western pharma industry , corrupt billionaires ,with highly unethical business.. as bill gates and soros . neither can't forget the endless "predictions " of western elites ,like rockefellers that a major pandemy will start in china more than a decade ago. This things don't happen by coincidence , for me there is a 95% probability ,the entire covid19 was planned and staged , and that their vaccines is how they plan to depopulate the world. What give me a strong very strong confidence that something really bad is happening in the west ,is when the west falsify their covid19 numbers ,something that doctors have openly spoken , how they under pressure to artificially inflate covid numbers.. this criminal offenses ,of hidden the truth of the real numbers of covid19 deaths , and artificially inflate them by a lot , can't be done for anything good ,and makes the west highly suspect of the authors of this virus ,that took everyone in the world by surprise but not the anglozionist west ,because they have been "predicting" this pandemic that will start in china for very long.
news not widely reported by any media .. china foreign ministry accused 300 US soldiers from passing covid19 to wuhan . and Russia is asking for an investigation of world health organization ,what united states secretly funneled money to wuhan lab ,to investigate corona viruses from bats.. that anthony faucci , who controls the emergency in US ,with covid19 , why he did that , to move viruses investigations from US fort detrick lab in maryland ,to wuhan labs.
they fact that american media does not mention any of this details , that US was funding the wuhan lab ,and was doing experiments there with american money with bats that could be illegal in US , this is highly suspicious ,and any investigation should not be limited to wuhan lab , as the world health organization already visisted.. but also to american forth detrick reported accident in 2019 ,just 2 months before china notices the virus..
chinese theory is that the virus started in forth detrick maryland ,from there went out through e-cigarettes to hawaii and from there to wuhan. But to fully understand where the virus really originated , US needs to allow investigations on their bio weapons labs in maryland and every scientist there interrogated and blood samples of all those who visited wuhan investigated and the blood samples of residents near the fort detrick base who died in late 2019 also investigates ,in science investigations are necessary to reach conclusions and understand the truth. if US don't allow investigations on their deaths and and those who died from covid19 , it will not be possible to find patient zero.. where the virus first start.. The european union ,already have said ,they had the virus before china . But US government have remained in total secrecy and not allowed any investigation on their bio weapons labs military bases and neither on covid19 victims ,to see if their virus is older than the chinese one or younger. if it is older ,then this will proof the virus began in US and not in china.
update. close to 40% of the US marines refused the so called "safe vaccines" from the west ,told no thanks. in some bases the numbers are up to 57% of soldiers (more than half ) refuse any vaccine shot. this show the level of distrust in their own government to give them something safe is quite high. this is not good for US armed forces , that so many distrust in their own military generals , and government in giving them a safe vaccine shot.
knowing how much bullshit and lies happen in the entire anglo west governments , will not be surprised the numbers are even higher , up to 70% or 80% of the soldiers and they minimizing the scandal. I bet that if russia offers the sputnik V vaccine they will trust more ,that the one their government give them.