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    Russia, Turkey fighter export prospects


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    Russia, Turkey fighter export prospects - Page 2 Empty Re: Russia, Turkey fighter export prospects

    Post  GarryB Thu Mar 09, 2023 1:46 am

    The article mentions fighters sold by China to Pakistan, but I would think Turkey would be interested in some of the more sophisticated Chinese planes... the plane Pakistan bought was a new generation MiG-21 and would need to be operated in large numbers to be useful...

    I would say that single engined Chinese fighter that looks a bit like a Lavi would be rather more interesting and their purchasing Chinese aircraft alone would really upset US congressmen who are just stirring the pot.

    Perhaps Turkey could announce that they are looking at Chinese and Russian fighters and that as a good will gesture and because it is so hard getting spare parts and support from the US that they are considering gifting China and Russia a dozen of their F-16s each to be used as aggressor squadrons for testing and analysis... unless the US does what Turkey wants them to do... and pulling this blackmail shit over Finland and Sweden means neither will get the approval of Turkey.

    Of course if I had my way I would say they should replace those F-16s with MiG-35s with local production and in 5 years or so seriously look at the Checkmate to put into service to compliment them.

    The MiG-35s are good aircraft and are cheap to operate so you could have 100-150 of them no problem, which would make local production viable.

    Turkey could look to cooperate with other potential MiG users in the region which could include Egypt and Iraq and Iran and Syria... they have more to gain by cooperation than with the conflict the US likes to encourage everywhere...

    When your economy is going well and your neighbours are trading with you and making good money too... who needs war?

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