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    Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3

    Karl Haushofer

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    Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3 - Page 30 Empty Re: Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3

    Post  Karl Haushofer Mon Nov 22, 2021 6:43 pm

    Russian leaders truly are pushovers:

    First Gazprom demanded market price for gas from Moldova.

    Then Moldova declined and demanded discount

    Then Gazprom declined but Russian president Vladimir Putin intervened and forced Gazprom to sell gas to Moldova for a big discount.
    Direct quote from RT: “According to Kupriyanov, Gazprom sought to set the “market gas price” for Moldova but eventually had to take account of a “difficult economic and financial situation” in the country as well as Russian President Vladimir Putin’s position. The company agreed to most of Chisinau’s terms, including the discounted price, he said.”.
    See how RT clearly says that Gazprom had to agree to most of Chisinau’s terms after Putin intervened.

    Then, after getting all the concessions that it wanted from Moscow, Chisinau still fails and refuses to pay for the gas that it has received from Russia.

    Now Gazprom has again halted deliveries to Moldova because of Moldova’s nonpayment, but soon we can expect another intervention from Putin and Gazprom is again forced to continue deliver to gas to pro-Western Moldova. The debts owed to Gazprom will be written off (why bother anyway, Moscow is not going get any money from Moldova but Putin still insists that Russia must provide Moldova with gas in any circumstances).

    Neither is Russia ever going to get any payments from Ukraine either (even if Ukraine again starts to “buy” gas directly from Russia as Putin wants).

    At this point we all know how the circle goes.
    1. Russia delivers gas to a hostile customer.
    2. Customer refuses to pay
    3. Gazprom halts deliveries
    4. Customer cries and whines to the West, and claims that Russia is using gas an an economic aggression.
    5. Putin intervenes
    6. Go to part 1 again.

    Gazprom board members and stock holders must be getting increasingly tired of Putin. His energy policies make absolutely no sense.

    Why should Russian fossil energy resources which are not infinite be used to feed hostile neighbor countries that refuse to pay for their gas, instead of being used for the benefit of Russia and its future generations?

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    Post  Hole Mon Nov 22, 2021 7:57 pm

    As answer I quote Dimitry Orlovs latest piece:

    "One of Russia’s major strengths is a culturally ingrained ability to understand people from other cultures and to maintain cordial relations even across great cultural divides and enemy lines. Russia has a unique ability to offer stability and security, both through careful diplomacy and by offering advanced defensive weapons systems. The Chinese have been aggressively buying into economies around the world, investing in major infrastructure projects to further their trade, but are sometimes found lacking in diplomatic finesse and in their understanding of local sensibilities, alienating their partners by directly demanding a controlling share in their investments. The Russians, on the other hand, understand that you have to at least kiss a girl before offering to pay her college tuition.

    Such finesse tends to be interpreted as weakness by certain Westerners who, over the course of many centuries of fratricidal warfare and genocidal colonialism, have been conditioned to only respect brute force and to understand relationships only in terms of dominance or submission. With the sudden departure of the US from the world stage, many smaller European nations are now actively looking for a new master to lord over them. Both the Chinese and the Russians are likely to leave them disappointed; while Chinese commerce and Russian security (including energy security) will be on offer, they will be on their own and forced to earn their own keep and their oaths of fealty will fall on deaf ears. The Eastern Europeans especially might find it impossible to ingratiate themselves back into the Russian world; the Russians have had their fill of them and their duplicitousness. Their other option will be to go to work for the Chinese."

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    Karl Haushofer

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    Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3 - Page 30 Empty Re: Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3

    Post  Karl Haushofer Mon Nov 22, 2021 8:05 pm

    And what did Russia gain from its "ability to understand people from other cultures and to maintain cordial relations even across great cultural divides and enemy lines" during the last 100 years?

    For me giving away gas practically for free to countries that are governed by hostile governments is idiotic.

    And gas is not infinite resource. Why waste it like this?

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    Karl Haushofer

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    Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3 - Page 30 Empty Re: Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3

    Post  Karl Haushofer Mon Nov 22, 2021 8:34 pm

    To sum up this Russia vs. Moldova gas situation.

    1. Earlier this year the previous contract between Moldova and Russia expired.

    2. Gazprom wanted a new contract with a market price. Gazprom also wanted that Moldova pays its remaining debt from previous contract to Gazprom before new contract is signed.

    3. Moldova refused Gazprom's request and accused Russia of blackmail. Russia was also accused by the West for abusing its dominant position as a gas supplier.

    4. Due to this Moldova was facing an acute energy crisis.

    5. So Vladimir Putin decided to intervene and he instructed Gazprom to sign a new contract with Moldova with a big discount. Moldova was not forced to pay back its remaining debt from the previous contract either before it signed a new contract with a discount.

    5. And so Moldova got a nice gift from Russia in a situation where Russia had all the leverage and Moldova had nothing. You'd think that Moldovans would be grateful to Vladimir Putin, but no.

    6. And now, after receiving this very generous gift from Russia, Moldova is still refusing to pay both the remaining debt of the previous contract and the gas received under the new contract with a big price discount.

    The only rational party here is Moldova. They are abusing Russian president's childish and naive views about the former Soviet Union. They are going to keep their integration with the West while happily receiving free gas from Russia.

    Of course Moldova will never be accepted as part of the Western core, but they could be something like Romania (an EU and NATO member) in the future. Moldova's political and economic elite have no desire to ally itself with Russia. The older generation with Soviet nostalgia is dying out so that ship has sailed.

    But of course Moldova will continue to happily benefit from Russia's generosity as long as it lasts (as long as Putin is in power).

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    Post  lancelot Mon Nov 22, 2021 11:10 pm

    Moldova's freebies will last as long as gas continues to flow from Ukraine. Which might end in 2024.
    There is no gas pipeline currently flowing gas from Bulgaria to Romania let alone Moldova. And all TurkStream gas is already accounted for and sold.

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    Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3 - Page 30 Empty Re: Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3

    Post  Kiko Tue Nov 23, 2021 1:00 am

    Putin confirmed the readiness of the Russian Federation to supply gas to Europe in a long-term and uninterrupted manner, 22/11/2021.

    The President of Russia and the Prime Minister of Italy in a telephone conversation gave a positive assessment of Russian-Italian relations.

    MOSCOW, November 22. / TASS /. Russian President Vladimir Putin, in a telephone conversation with Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi, confirmed Russia's readiness on a long-term basis to uninterruptedly supply natural gas to Europe, including with the help of Nord Stream 2. This was reported on Monday by the Kremlin press service.

    "At the initiative of Mario Draghi, the topic of cooperation in the energy sector was raised. Vladimir Putin confirmed Russia's readiness on a long-term basis to ensure uninterrupted supplies of natural gas to Europe, including using the capabilities of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline," the statement said.

    It is noted that the leaders gave a positive assessment of Russian-Italian relations, which are distinguished by a constructive and mutually beneficial nature.

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    Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3 - Page 30 Empty Re: Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News 3

    Post  Autodestruct Tue Nov 23, 2021 2:56 am

    UEC develops gas compressor based on PS-90 incorporating the dry low emission combustor technology from the PD-14. Now Europe can get greener gas.

    Aviadvigatel has a gas compressor based on the PD-14 under development too, but I guess they figured they could get the PS-90GP2M in service first.

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    Post  Big_Gazza Tue Nov 23, 2021 6:39 am

    Hole wrote:The Eastern Europeans especially might find it impossible to ingratiate themselves back into the Russian world; the Russians have had their fill of them and their duplicitousness

    This. x1000

    censored the Eurotrash.

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    Post  GarryB Tue Nov 23, 2021 9:09 am

    Making gas more expensive is not in Russian interests.

    Keeping gas cheap means less european interest in cleaner forms of energy and keeps them buying Russian gas... if Russian gas got more expensive then US gas becomes a better option.

    This way Russia keeps selling gas to the west... what else are they going to do with it?

    Money from the west is better than nothing... it is not like it costs Russia anything to make the gas in the first place.

    The extraction costs are tiny... in many ways it is printing money but without the problems of inflation.

    The west is working towards moving away from fossil fuels so the time span of selling gas is limited anyway... the sooner they develop other energy technologies the better but in the mean time sell the gas to those that will buy it at affordable prices so they don't try anything else.

    The EU and Moldova can pretend anything they like but that money they pay for gas goes to Russia.

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    Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3 - Page 30 Empty Re: Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3

    Post  owais.usmani Tue Nov 23, 2021 12:38 pm

    Karl Haushofer wrote:I fully expect Russia to make a new transit deal with Ukraine for another 20 years.

    Rasisuki Nebia
    Rasisuki Nebia

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    Post  Rasisuki Nebia Tue Nov 23, 2021 1:01 pm

    Kiyv wants another 15 years ? oh is that right, but here i thought a Russian invasion was imminent?
    When NS2 comes online which is only a matter of time, Kiyv can buy go and beg the Europeans for that sweet but this time expensive Russian gas .

    I feel for Ukrainian and Russian-Ukrainians people living under that regime that elected that clown thinking he'll mend relations with Russia, then again it's the entire Ukrainian system that's compromised ...

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    Post  JohninMK Tue Nov 23, 2021 3:34 pm

    Karl Haushofer wrote:

    Neither is Russia ever going to get any payments from Ukraine either (even if Ukraine again starts to “buy” gas directly from Russia as Putin wants).
    As I understand it the gas transit contract involves Russia paying Ukraine transit fees.

    There is a phrase used in accounting 'to contra' which means before you pay someone you deduct what they owe you. That is how Russia probably gets paid for anything Ukraine buys like electricity or coal (when it gets the chance) and perhaps gas.

    As to an extension to the transit, Russia will agree if it is in its interests, which could be vary varied, to do so. Simple.
    Karl Haushofer

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    Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3 - Page 30 Empty Re: Russian Oil and Gas Industry: News #3

    Post  Karl Haushofer Tue Nov 23, 2021 3:48 pm

    Rasisuki Nebia wrote:Kiyv wants another 15 years ? oh is that right, but here i thought a Russian invasion was imminent?
    When NS2 comes online which is only a matter of time, Kiyv can buy go and beg the Europeans for that sweet but this time expensive Russian gas .

    I feel for Ukrainian and Russian-Ukrainians people living under that regime that elected that clown thinking he'll mend relations with Russia, then again it's the entire Ukrainian system that's compromised ...

    Ukraine will likely get another transit contract for at least 10 years now that Nord Stream II is dead and buried.

    And why should you feel for Ukrainian people? They are the enablers of this regime.

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    Post  owais.usmani Tue Nov 23, 2021 3:56 pm

    Karl Haushofer wrote: now that Nord Stream II is dead and buried.

    Say what? From where did you get that?

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    Post  higurashihougi Tue Nov 23, 2021 4:01 pm

    High rates of inflation hitting consumers’ pockets across the EU can actually be blamed on Russia, Poland’s prime minister claims, pointing the finger at the country’s state-backed gas exports and the Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

    In Poland, this guy [the Poland's PM] was commonly nicknamed Pinocchio because of his constant lying

    Jimmy Craven
    Let's blame all of our shortcomings on the Russians! Lots of people will always believe anything they read!!!!!

    Mark Carr
    Is there anything in this world that Russia isn't responsible for?

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    Post  kvs Tue Nov 23, 2021 4:10 pm

    The Polish jokes are clearly based on real characteristics of Poles. This retard is blaming NS2 for high energy prices when it
    would have dropped the spot price like a rock. The mere restocking of Gazprom's storage tanks in Austria dropped the spot
    price by over 15%. NS2 is a 2000 km shorter route for Russian gas to Europe compared to the leaky, decrepit network going
    through Ukraine. Russia never had any reason to build connection pipelines from the new Arctic gas fields which are replacing
    the depleted fields sourcing the gas going through the old network running through Ukraine.

    The Polish retard is also insinuating that Gazprom's contract prices are high. But Germany is paying $220 per thousand cubic
    meters of gas from Gazprom while spot price highs hit $1600 per tcm. If this Polish bitch retard wants cheap spot prices, then
    he should inquire about US and Qatari LNG which is going to east Asia instead of the EU.

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    Post  kvs Tue Nov 23, 2021 4:11 pm

    Autodestruct wrote:UEC develops gas compressor based on PS-90 incorporating the dry low emission combustor technology from the PD-14.  Now Europe can get greener gas.

    Aviadvigatel has a gas compressor based on the PD-14 under development too, but I guess they figured they could get the PS-90GP2M in service first.

    According to EU Green parties, all gas from Russia is filthy and dirty. Only US LNG is clean.


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    Post  JohninMK Tue Nov 23, 2021 5:34 pm

    Update on Moldova

    European natural gas prices could surge as new reports indicate Gazprom will halt all natural gas flows to Moldova, an Eastern European country, in 48 hours over non-payment for its gas consumption. The news follows Germany's energy regulator, which suspended the approval process for the Nord Stream 2 pipeline last week. Russian President Vladimir Putin continues to exert pressure on Europe with declining gas flows amid the onset of the Northern Hemisphere winter.

    The crux of the issue is that Moldova has yet to pay its energy bill to Gazprom. "Today is the scheduled date of payment. Yet, there is no payment," Sergey Kupriyanov, Gazprom board chairman's spokesman, said in a statement, according to RT News. He said the company is "extremely disappointed" in Moldova's failure to fulfill its obligations on its recently extended energy contract.

    Gazprom was expecting payment for Moldova's gas usage on Monday (Nov. 22). This comes after Chisinau, the capital of Moldova, struck a 5-year deal with the gas producer on Nov. 1.

    Kupriyanov said Gazprom attempted to set "market gas price" for Moldova but had to then take into account the "difficult economic and financial situation" in the country and Putin's position. In the deal, he said most of Chisinau's terms were reached, including a special discounted price.

    Moldova was only to pay for its current consumption, the spokesman said, adding that Chisinau is in breach of contract, forcing Gazprom to suspend gas flows. The contract extension comes as Chisinau has mounting unpaid gas bills with Gazprom.

    According to RT, before the Nov. 1 deal was signed, "Chisinau was close to introducing a state of emergency in case of failed talks. The tense situation also sparked some allegations that Moscow sought to exert pressure on Chisinau to break up its deal with the EU. Gazprom repeatedly denied such claims, arguing that it simply can't afford to make a loss on the deal."

    Moldova not paying its bills comes as Germany's energy regulator unexpectedly suspended a crucial step in the approval process for the Nord Stream 2 pipeline last week. Dutch month-ahead gas, the European benchmark, soared last week on the news as that Nord Stream 2 pipeline might not get approved by the expected January timeframe but more likely after the cold season.

    The scarcity of gas in Europe continues to place a bid under prices as it deals with some of the lowest gas storage levels since 2013, ahead of what could be a nasty winter. As much as European officials oppose Russian gas, the continent desperately needs Gazprom to survive this winter. As for Moldova, if gas is shut off in the next 48 hours, the country might declare a state of emergency.

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    Post  JohninMK Tue Nov 23, 2021 5:38 pm

    More NS2 related sanctions

    On Tuesday, European natural gas futures jumped after the U.S. imposed new sanctions on the highly contested Nord Stream 2 pipeline.

    U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken issued a statement on Monday describing the new round of sanctions targeting a vessel and a "Russian-linked entity" called Transadria Ltd. associated with the pipeline's construction that allows natural gas flows from Russia directly to Germany.

    Blinken said a report had been sent to Congress and the sanctions support Protecting Europe's Energy Security Act of 2019. There's been a lot of concern over Moscow's ability to leverage natural gas supplies over Europe.

    "Today's report is in line with the United States' continuing opposition to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline and the U.S. Government's continued compliance with PEESA," Blinken said in his statement. "With today's action, the Administration has now sanctioned 8 persons and identified 17 of their vessels as blocked property pursuant to PEESA in connection with Nord Stream 2." "Even as the Administration continues to oppose the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, including via our sanctions, we continue to work with Germany and other allies and partners to reduce the risks posed by the pipeline to Ukraine and frontline NATO and E.U. countries and to push back against harmful Russian activities, including in the energy sphere," Blinken said.

    Any action against the Nord Stream 2 has stoked higher natural gas prices in Europe. After the U.S. announced sanctions, the Dutch month-ahead gas, the European benchmark, increased as much as 8.7% to 91.34 euros a megawatt-hour.

    Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov said the move by the U.S. to sanction a ship involved in the pipeline construction is "illegal and wrong." He said, "We view this extremely negatively."

    Nord Stream 2 is one of several undersea pipelines that Russia has laid in the Black Sea and Baltic Sea to replace old pipelines that run through eastern Europe. The move to reshuffle supplies could allow Moscow to target eastern Europe and western Europe energy flows.

    Natural gas flows on the controversial pipeline have yet to begin and suffered a significant setback last week after the German energy regulator suspended the certification process. Even though the lines are filled with natural gas, the latest hurdles could suggest gas will not be flowing during the Northern Hemisphere winter amid Europe's lowest gas storage levels since 2013.

    Europe is hungry for more gas. If E.U. politicians want to remain in power by not upsetting their constituents over soaring energy inflation, they might have to rely on Moscow, a move that would infuriate Washington.

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    Post  kvs Tue Nov 23, 2021 6:52 pm

    So now Moldova not paying its bill is "Russia exerting pressure on Europe". GTFO.

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    Post  kvs Tue Nov 23, 2021 6:56 pm

    Russian officials are idiots. Instead of whimpering like bitches about how "wrong" US economic terrorism is, they should be
    loudly trumpeting that they do not need to sell gas to Europe. This has nothing to do with alternate consumers, this
    reflects basic economics. The $30 billion dollars Gazprom gets from Europe gas sales can be put on ice for years with
    token impact on Russia's tax base. The loss of any taxes can be compensated for by additional export tariffs on products
    such as Russian wheat, minerals, and import tariffs on NATzO manufactured goods.


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    Post  lancelot Wed Nov 24, 2021 8:14 am

    kvs wrote:Russian officials are idiots.   Instead of whimpering like bitches about how "wrong" US economic terrorism is, they should be
    loudly trumpeting that they do not need to sell gas to Europe.   This has nothing to do with alternate consumers, this
    reflects basic economics.   The $30 billion dollars Gazprom gets from Europe gas sales can be put on ice for years with
    token impact on Russia's tax base.   The loss of any taxes can be compensated for by additional export tariffs on products
    such as Russian wheat, minerals, and import tariffs on NATzO manufactured goods.

    Why help the US? The whole point of the US is to both cut Russian state income and knife European industry in one step.
    The Euros Russia is getting from this trade are recycled into renovating Russian industry with modern European tooling and equipment.
    Russia is already diversifying with the LNG terminals they are building and soon Power of Siberia 2. It would go from Yamal to Northern China via Mongolia.
    Power of Siberia, the original one, has already over tripled the gas being sold to China, to 12 bcm this year and counting. Should increase further as more gas extraction takes place in Eastern Siberian fields.

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    Post  flamming_python Wed Nov 24, 2021 10:57 am

    Karl Haushofer wrote:To sum up this Russia vs. Moldova gas situation.

    1. Earlier this year the previous contract between Moldova and Russia expired.

    2. Gazprom wanted a new contract with a market price. Gazprom also wanted that Moldova pays its remaining debt from previous contract to Gazprom before new contract is signed.

    3. Moldova refused Gazprom's request and accused Russia of blackmail. Russia was also accused by the West for abusing its dominant position as a gas supplier.

    4. Due to this Moldova was facing an acute energy crisis.

    5. So Vladimir Putin decided to intervene and he instructed Gazprom to sign a new contract with Moldova with a big discount. Moldova was not forced to pay back its remaining debt from the previous contract either before it signed a new contract with a discount.

    5. And so Moldova got a nice gift from Russia in a situation where Russia had all the leverage and Moldova had nothing. You'd think that Moldovans would be grateful to Vladimir Putin, but no.

    6. And now, after receiving this very generous gift from Russia, Moldova is still refusing to pay both the remaining debt of the previous contract and the gas received under the new contract with a big price discount.

    The only rational party here is Moldova. They are abusing Russian president's childish and naive views about the former Soviet Union. They are going to keep their integration with the West while happily receiving free gas from Russia.

    Of course Moldova will never be accepted as part of the Western core, but they could be something like Romania (an EU and NATO member) in the future. Moldova's political and economic elite have no desire to ally itself with Russia. The older generation with Soviet nostalgia is dying out so that ship has sailed.

    But of course Moldova will continue to happily benefit from Russia's generosity as long as it lasts (as long as Putin is in power).

    You are simplifying the situation

    Yes the pro-Western leader won the election, but that's just the same cycle Moldova has gone through since 1991. A pro-Western leader followed by a pro-Russian one, and so on.

    Neither have the support of the wider elite or population to decisively dominate over each other. Electoral sympathies sway from one to the other as each brings its own unique share of f*ck-ups each time they're elected.

    What's more they're essentially in collusion, and counterbalance each other. This is inevitable. The pro-Russian lobby, which as I mentioned has the sympathy of half the population give or take, keeps the pro-Western one in check and not entering the EU, NATO or trying to blockade Pridnestrovie with the Ukraine. The pro-Western lobby in turn has enough power to prevent pro-Russian leaders from getting closer to Russia, and signing a re-integration deal with Pridnestrovie.

    Moldova is the poorest country in Europe (well maybe now the Ukraine have edged them out), it cannot afford to pay for gas at its current market price. The price they ultimately agreed upon was $400 something per cubic meter, which amounts to a huge discount over the market price, but comparing to just two years ago, it would have been considered as an exceptionally expensive price for gas on a long-term contract. In other words Gazprom still stands to make a tidy profit.
    Of course the Moldovans are the ones who insisted on moving to spot prices with European backing in the first place just a year and a half ago, but the point is that at that spot price Moldova wouldn't be able to pay for any gas, it will simply freeze, and Gazprom wouldn't get any money in that case either. Moreover, the industrial interests of the pro-Russian forces in the republic would take a massive beating and Russia wouldn't win any popularity points for sure.

    The optimal strategy at the moment is to postpone the debt for now, and offer a discount. This way Gazprom gets to sell some gas, while the interests of the still popular pro-Russian lobby are guaranteed, as is their continued place in Moldovan politics. Thus the Western vs Eastern political deadlock there will continue, but this is also the optimal outcome for Russia at the moment. Russia has nothing to offer Moldova in terms of economic integration while the Ukraine is still hostile. The Maidanists have to be thrown out of Kiev first, before any movement on the Moldovan front can take place. Until then, it's enough to just keep Moldova from drifting into the Western camp.

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    Post  higurashihougi Wed Nov 24, 2021 12:25 pm

    German Greens slam new US sanctions on Nord Stream 2

    A foreign policy spokesman for Germany’s Green Party has condemned new American sanctions levied against the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline, slamming them as “unacceptable” even for opponents of the project, including his faction.

    The Greens are likely to be part of the country’s next governing coalition, set to be announced imminently, almost two months after the federal election in September. The party is known to have a hawkish stance on relations with Moscow, and opposed the pipeline’s construction from day one.

    “The new US sanctions are unacceptable even for the opponents of Nord Stream 2,” Omid Nouripour told Reuters on Tuesday.

    “What kind of friendship are they striving for if they impose sanctions against friends when they do business with a third party?” Nouripour said. “The Nord Stream 2 pipeline was and remains a mistaken German decision, not an American decision.”

    The party itself has not made a statement.

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    Post  George1 Wed Nov 24, 2021 4:33 pm

    Moldova declares that there is no funds to pay off the debt for the supplied gas

    Gazprom agrees not to halt supplies to Moldova

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